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Common Mistakes Made In Cancer Therapy

The oncology profession is unaware that they are operating without any scientific
knowledge in several important areas. When one is ignorant, one has no concern that he
might be making serious mistakes which cause damage to cancer patients.
Accepting the eed for Chemotherapy and Radiation
The first and most dangerous mistake made in cancer therapy is the decision made by the
patient to proceed with chemotherapy and radiation. This decision is usually made in a
setting of fear. “This is a highly malignant tumor. If you do not get chemotherapy started
right now you will be dead in a few months”. The average patient has been brainwashed
about cancer therapy to such an extent that their thinking could probably be summarized.
When you have cancer you need to get chemotherapy and radiation. Both these therapies
are very damaging to the health of a patient who already has a damaged immune system
proven by the presence of cancer. Both radiation and chemotherapy make the body more
acidic and lower the oxygen levels in body tissues making it more difficult to fight off

The results obtained with chemotherapy are no better now than they were 25 years ago.
However, the new drugs are much more expensive.

The logic for making someone sick with very toxic drugs so they might possibly get well
later escapes me. Common sense should dictate that everything possible should be done
to heal the immune system so the body can do a better job of defeating the cancer.
Combining this approach with safe therapies known to be effective in malignancies
makes a good combination.
Failing To Heal the Immune System
When the immune system is not healed in cancer patients, the chance of permanent
recovery is diminished. In addition, patients fortunate enough to recover using a cancer
therapy alone are at great risk of relapse when the therapy ceases, as the underlying
causes of the immune problem that permitted the malignancy to develop have not been
dealt with. Thus patients are quite vulnerable to relapse after what appeared to be
successful cancer therapy if they have any of the following: dental amalgams releasing
mercury, root canal abscesses, packaged food diets lacking omega 3 essential fatty acids,
minerals and antioxidant foods, overwhelming stress, inactivity, alcohol and drug usage,
excessive consumption of sugar, toxic metals, chemicals, pesticides and herbicide
exposure, lack of healthy intestinal bacteria, and undiagnosed infections. The immune
system must be healed for lasting remission in cancer.
Blood Sugar Levels Must Be Controlled
All cancers need glucose to thrive and grow. The cancer cell converts this glucose to
lactic acid, which is recycled back to the liver. This lactic acid is converted into new
sugar molecules in a very inefficient manner that wastes large amounts of energy.

As the amount of cancer tissue enlarges more and more high energy phosphate bonds are
required .to complete the conversion of lactic acid to glucose for the expanding mass of
cancer tissue. In patients not eating phosphate bond containing flesh foods (fish, chicken,
meat) these phosphate bonds will be obtained from the muscle tissue of the cancer
patient. This same process also occurs in non-vegetarians but they have a little more time
to prevent the cachexia problem because of their consumption of flesh tissue containing
phosphate bonds. Terminal cancer patients will experience progressive loss of weight and
muscle mass, anorexia, nausea and vomiting (cachexia syndrome). Haelan 951, and
Avemar are capable of reversing the cachexia syndrome and should be started as soon as
the cachexia diagnosis is considered. The cachexia syndrome is the ultimate cause of
death in most cancer patients.

Sugar is the prime food needed for cancer cells to grow. If patients avoid sugar-
containing foods and are eating a low glycemic diet (carbohydrates that slowly release
sugar into the blood stream so no spikes of insulin production by the pancreas occur), the
cancer cells will have far less glucose substrate to live on and will have trouble spreading
and surviving. Cancer cells have poor ability to use protein and complex carbohydrates to
create their critical nutrient glucose. This important observation seems to be poorly
understood in oncology circles where there is usually no effort to restrict glucose from
intravenous fluids or patient diets. Recovery from cancer can often hinge on whether
effective control of blood sugar can be established or not. With less sugar to create new
cells the growth and spread of cancer cells can be curtailed. As cancer progresses the
blood sugar rises.
Avoid All Opiate arcotics
Many cancer cell types have receptor sites for opiates. Whenever narcotics are given to
cancer patients to control pain these receptor sites allow the cancer to grow at an
accelerated rate. Opiates suppress immune function particularly the function of natural
killer cell cytotoxicity.NKCC. The NKCC cells are important in surveying tumors and
metastasis. Large dosage fentanyl (an opiate) anesthesia prolongs the suppression of
NKCC in patients undergoing abdominal surgery. In an experimental model using rats all
dosages of fentanyl closer than 6 hours to the infusion of tumor cells produced from 2.3
to a 74-fold increase in the number of tumor deposits found. Fentanyl suppresses the
action of NKCC cells and increases the risk of tumor metastasis.

Neuroimmunomodulation 2004;11(4):255-260
Shavit Y. et al Clin Immunol Immunopath 1992 Aug;64(2):174-6
The Sprague-Dawley rat develops subpleural deposits of tumor tissue in the lung when
given Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cells intravenously. The number of metastases
increases if morphine is given after the tumor cell administration. Pretreatment with the
opiate blocking agent Naloxone prevents the increased metastases from occurring.

This disconcerting information about opiates and tumor spread means that it is unsafe to
use opiates in patients with cancer and that all effort should be made to find the cause for
pain and resolve it without use of opiates if possible. Too often the cause of obscure pain
is attributed to cancer without careful study and narcotics are prescribed which obviously
can have deleterious effects.

The presence of pain suggests inflammation. High doses of enzymes can block
inflammatory reactions so high dosage of Vitalzym P, nattokinase, lumbrokinase and
Wobenzym N might be of benefit in patients whose pain remains obscure after careful
scrutiny. Dr. William Kelley was able to cure his own pancreatic cancer with massive
doses of enzymes. This would certainly be safer than starting narcotics. Synthetic non-
opiate narcotics appear to be even more deleterious than narcotics4.
Failure to Detect Immune System Problems
Detecting the cause for immune system failure and correcting this problem can prevent
cancer from appearing in persons who start having symptoms of early immune system
failure (frequent colds, recurring infections, unexplained fatigue, malaise, depression,
loss of sexual capability, chronic cough, weight loss, new herpes simplex infections, and
anorexia). Early detection and correction of immune problems may prevent the
appearance of a malignancy at a later date. Tests to evaluate lymphocyte subsets and
immunoglobulins can prove the immune system is not functioning normally.

Lifeone is a substance with proven immune healing capability(2 U.S. patents). The cell
wall lactobacillus rhamnose substance Del Immune V can also quickly start to heal
immune system injury.A dose of 2 capsules twice daily is sufficient.

Recognize and Treat Endocrine System Abnormalities

Elevation of estradiol, low testosterone and low progesterone are widespread in our
society where exposure to potent estrogens is routine (automobile exhaust, cattle
injections of estrogen, plastics, propylene glycol, herbicides, pesticides, oral
contraceptives, synthetic hormone replacement therapy with estrogen and progesterone,
etc.). These abnormalities are common in all persons and often are believed to play a
large role in hormonal related cancers (breast, prostate, uterus, and ovary). Hormone tests

Simon, RH et al Brain Res Bull. 1986 Mar;18(3):363-7
Dr.X personal communication
for these abnormalities must be performed on free hormones using saliva or by
radioimmunoassay.methods to obtain meaningful results.

The widespread use of Lupron for prostate cancer has not resulted in the cure5 of a single
patient. A large population study of patients treated with Lupron disclosed that all these
patients were hypogonadal with low testosterone to estrone ratios. Obviously further
lowering of their abnormal low testosterone levels with Lupron compounded their
problem by making too low testosterone even lower. This makes recovery impossible.

Adrenal insufficiency may be found in these patients and usually responds well to low
doses of cortisol(hydrocortisone, Cortef). Most patients can tolerate hypothyroidism with
no therapy or only small doses of Armour or Thyrotrophin PMG until their cancer is
cured. High levels of thyroid replacement can speed up the growth of cancer cells.

Type 2 diabetes with recurring hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia leads to high blood
sugar values which interferes with pituitary, hormonal and immune function. The yoyo
up and downs of blood sugar causes an undesirable inflammatory response which is
thought to make the appearance of malignancies more likely.

Undiagnosed Fungal And Yeast Infections

Very few conventional physicians have read Dr. William C. Crook’s book, The Yeast
Connection. Consequently, systemic yeast and fungal problems are often not diagnosed
nor effectively treated. These infections are very common and often life threatening.
They produce tumor masses often mistaken for malignancies. Obtaining a history of yeast
infection in the vagina, nails, and gastrointestinal symptoms may provide a clue that yeast
or fungi could be a problem. Complete diagnostic stool examination for number and
quantity of gastrointestinal organisms can be of great diagnostic worth. Vigorous therapy
to eliminate this problem will allow the body to focus on recovering from cancer. A
course of Fluconazole can be valuable in decreasing fungal organisms but has serious risk
of fatal liver injury. Coumanda and Banderol are also good anti-fungal agents. The use of
antibiotics and cortisone will predictably make a fungal or yeast problem worse.
Antibiotics also injure the immune system. If antibiotics are used the dose must be the
correct drug for the shortest possible period of time. Living bacteria from sauerkraut,
unpasteurized goat yogurt, raw milk, kombucha, kefir, and probiotics(Culturelle) may
help the body overcome the adverse effects of antibiotics. My preference is always to use
natural bacteriocidal and anti-fungal agents if they have a reasonable chance of being
curative. Natural substances do not affect microbial genetic material so there is no

Dr. X personal communication
development of bacterial resistance. In addition, the natural therapies do not kill healthy
intestinal bacteria. Among substances to be considered are cucurmin, Argentyn 23
(nano-sized particles of silver), essential oil of oregano, Coumanda, Banderol, and
organic garlic, which works well in yeast infections.

Three potential problems in treating fungal infections are often overlooked. First the
course of therapy often needs to last several months.

Liver damage can develop on the anti-fungal drug Fluconazole. This can be fatal and
does not always reverse when the drug is stopped. Therefore, regular tests of liver
function are a necessity. Finally, if cultures are not repeated after therapy is completed
failure to eradicate a fungal infection is not detected.

Chronic Low Grade Bacterial Infections The patient with an insignificant bacterial
infection is at serious risk for failure to respond to cancer therapy. The reason for this is
that the immune system regards a bacterial infection as more important than a viral
infection or cancer. Because of this, a malignancy will be ignored while the immune
system focuses on curing a bacterial infection.

A perfect example of this is provided by bladder cancer. All patients10 with bladder
cancer have urinary tract infection. If this bladder infection is overlooked, there will be
no response to the cancer therapy. A safe way to handle this infection is with parsley tea.
This is made by adding one ounce of first morning urine to a handful of fresh parsley in a
quart of water. This tea is simmered for an hour and then drunk hot or cold on the same
day. This is a 100% effective therapy for all urinary tract infections. The tea is continued
for 4 or 5 days until a urine specimen shows no white blood cells. Other infections should
preferably be treated with natural antibacterial therapies that do not kill the intestinal
flora (essential oil of oregano, Argentyn 23, cucurmin, garlic, etc.) because antibiotics
damage the immune system by causing the healthy intestinal flora to become depleted.

An Aid to Recovery from Malignancies

That is Often Overlooked
Physical exertion including walking and progressive weight lifting when tolerated helps
cancer patients get well. Resistance training activates the participating bones, which
appears to stimulate bone marrow production of immune cells. The mechanism may be
improved circulation of oxygen and removal of waste products brought about by the
increased physical activity. Certainly, movement of oxygen into areas not reached by
sedentary blood flow could present new obstacles to survival for cancer cells. Walking

appears to be more beneficial than bike riding possibly because the skeletal system is
forced to bear weight and is stimulated to produce more immune cells.
Misleading Cancer Information Based on
Lack of Cancer Knowledge
Dr. X has observed from carefully performed autopsy studies that cancer victims rarely
died of cancer. The actual causes of death were organ failure (liver, kidneys, heart etc.)
related to chemotherapy and radiation injury, starvation, inability to remain alive because
of overwhelming injury to the immune system. In simple terms, these patients are
actually dying from the devastating effects of chemotherapy, radiation, lack of attention
to measures that could heal the immune system and failure to address correctable health
issues (diet, discovering treatable infections, use of narcotics, poor blood sugar control,

Patients want to become completely well. Telling them your cancer is getting smaller
from chemo or radiation means nothing. Dr. X has learned from meticulous autopsy
studies that tumor size, unless the size stops the functioning of an organ or nerve tissue, is
unrelated to longevity or quality of life. Radiation-induced decrease in tumor size has
nothing to do with patient survival or quality of life. Careful study of this radiated tissue
has revealed that the badly needed lymphocytes had been obliterated by the
chemotherapy and radiation and the tissue was full of cancer cells even though its size
was smaller. Through its deleterious actions on the immune system, radiation actually
decreases both longevity and quality of life. FDA approval of chemotherapy drugs is
based on tumor size reduction, which does not accomplish patient recovery or improve
the quality of life. Many early cancer studies revealed that patients receiving no
chemotherapy actually lived significantly longer than those treated with chemotherapy

Careful study of numerous malignant tumors including glioblastoma multiforme, kidney,

liver, breast, and prostate has shown Dr. X that the tumor mass often remains the same
size after effective natural therapy. Careful dissection and microscopic evaluation has
shown that there was no evidence of living cancer cells in the tissue. When the immune
system is healthy, the tumors wall off the malignant tissue in a way that this tissue has no
access to the blood stream, thus preventing metastases. At the same time, the immune
cells are identifying and destroying all living cancer cells. This leaves big pieces of scar
tissue containing no living cancer cells. If the residual sterile scar tissue is interpreted as
showing residual tumor a tragic mistake to continue toxic therapy may be made .If the
clinician does not understand that big masses of tissue may still remain after successful
therapy serious mistakes can be made
Specific Measures to Assist Recovery from Cancer

Environmental hazards such as living near a nuclear facility, dioxin releasing incinerator,
leaching landfill or superfund site, polluting paper mill, gas station, chemical factory,
mining operation, high power lines, electrical substation, agriculture, golf course, or use
of pesticides in the home or workplace should be avoided if possible.

• Eat only organic produce. Initially subsist on raw organic fruit and vegetables until it
is clear you are improving. These can be juiced or raw but should not be cooked
because cooking destroys the food enzymes. Have three glasses of carrot juice daily.
Cold salads with flax oil and Bragg’s raw apple cider vinegar are delicious. When
you add cooked food (fish, grazed beef without hormones, chicken free of hormones),
be sure to cook with virgin olive oil, unrefined coconut oil and butter. Eliminate white
flour, white rice, pasta, bananas and white sugar from your diet. Consider avoiding
wheat if you live in the USA and Canada as it is 95% genetically modified which
makes it quite dangerous. Allergy to wheat is also common. Sugar impairs the
phagocytosis (killing action) of lymphocytes on cancer cells. Avoid all processed food
from supermarkets by eating only organic produce that will spoil.

• Be sure you are no longer eating synthetic dangerous transfats from margarine,
shortening solids (Crisco etc.), and synthetic vegetable oils (soybean, corn, safflower,
etc.). Replace these fats with flaxseed or flax oil, fish oil, or perilla oil so you are
getting the health benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are lacking in 90% of US
diets Drink Prill Bead Water so you do not have the problems of petrochemical
residue, pesticides, herbicides, chlorine, fluoride, and heavy metals in drinking water
hindering your effort to recover.

• An inactive sedentary lifestyle impedes the proper circulation of lymph, blood, and
oxygen. Exercise regularly as this improves oxygenation of the body. Walking is fine
(one and one-half miles daily) at least six days weekly.

• Eliminate stress from your life. Many authorities think that stress plays a major role
in initiating cancer. When we are stressed, our adrenal glands secrete large amounts
of cortisone. This damages normal immune function and over time actually kills
nerve cells. Vietnam veterans have been found to have 8 to 15% atrophy of their
hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in memory, which appears to relate to
much prolonged daily stress.

• Be sure you are taking a good multivitamin, mineral, and nutrient supplement. You
need 200 mcg of selenium and at least two grams of vitamin C with bioflavinoids,
zinc, copper, B complex including B6 pyridoxine 100 mg which helps overcome
sugar injury, etc. Vitamin D is an important anti-oxidant. Take 5000 to 10,000 I.U.

• You must also terminate alcohol, cigarettes, and recreational drugs as all three of
these damage the immune system.

• Consider raising your saliva pH close to 7.4 with alkalinizing substance as this makes
it difficult for cancer cells to survive. The initial fruit and vegetable diet is
alkalinizing the body.

• Get sunlight daily for up to thirty minutes if possible. Dr John Ott treated a group of
15 cancer patients with instructions to spend as much time as possible in natural
sunlight without sunglasses or sunscreens and to avoid artificial light sources as much
as possible including television. Fourteen of the 15 showed either no growth of the
tumor or improvement in the status of their malignancy. The one patient who
deteriorated had misunderstood his instructions and had worn sunglasses.

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