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Hi Andrew,
Don't forget to add the trigger section into your violation definition
with the proper Detect::[SNORT_SID] statement. Otherwise, PacketFence
will not take any actions.
I took the opportunity to update the Administration Guide to reflect
that. See the page 88 of the attached pdf.
Have a good one!
On 10-10-15 10:05 AM, Andrew Niemantsverdriet wrote:
> I have enabled snort and looking at the pf.log file I can see
> violations that are happening how ever packetfence takes no action
> (like moving the offender into the isolation vlan). Why is this, and
> how can I fix it?
If I understand you correctly, then port 24 will be your 'uplink' port
in 'switches.conf', although 'uplink = dynamic' may work as well.
And for webpages, this is simple, you don't need PF to do this, you
only need good Squid/web proxy acls rules to ban FB access etc. I use
it, with a special perl extension/script to deny all SSL connections by
default, and whitelist only those https URLs which are really needed.
This rules out tunneling through SSL techniques.
named/named-isolation.ca, named/named-registration.ca, networks.conf,
pf.conf & switches.conf so we can have a look at them.

Change PF's configuration etc tem que alterar todos os campos?
custom.pm se usar o seu vai funcionar no meu aqui? o que posso mudar nele ?
test com errors
If test is successful, the switch is returning configuration
information, like this:
root@niach:/usr/local/pf# ./test/connect_and_read.pl
- sysUptime: 48 days, 15:29:40.61
- nb Vlans : 13
- Uplinks: 24, 25, 26, 27
Switch-A#sh run | incl snmp
snmp-server community readwritepw RW
snmp-server community readonlypw RO
snmp-server enable traps port-security
snmp-server enable traps port-security trap-rate 1
snmp-server host version 2c trappw
Line 1: set SNMP access password for read and write, so PF can read and
write data.
Line 2: set SNMP access password for read only, so PF can read data.
Line 3: send SNMP traps on port security violation only.
Line 4: send only one violation per something [minute?]. Can't
remember, but it works.
Line 5: Set host to take traps using version "2c" SNMP
protocol, authorising the access by trappw password.
b) PF manages switch using telnet and SNMP. This access is defined in
PF's switches.conf file:
This defines switch at as Cisco 2960 with fiber and aux
ports excluded [uplinks -- in your case there should be also 10024
there, since you use Fa0/24 as an uplink].
SNMP* lines define the SNMP access, using version "2c" protocol and
"trappw" as a SNMP trap password [should be the same as in "Line 5"].
cli* defines a physical access to switch. This should be set to your
telnet login, password and "enable" password.
Setting "mode" to production actually enables the switch in PF
configuration [you can use "testing" to monitor what PF will do without
actually doing it].
When you configure cli* and check if "telnet <your switch IP>" works
from PF server, you'd be able to run "connect_and_read.pl" without any
> In your configuration file you have like 10vlans where is your vlans
> from PF like normal / registration /violation /isolation ??
I don't use reg/viol/iso VLANs. These functionalities are not implented
since I don't need it. But I have 8 VLANs and I did have to define them
in switches.conf, in [default] part:
Then, using my "custom.pm" switch, I just assign a node to a category
named "VLAN7 - frontend" and this binds particular MAC to VLAN 7 because
whenever "custom.pm" is run, it gets the correct VLAN from category

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