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A Tragic Destiny

© 2001 Andrea Malvagna

In this article I will expose the astrological interpretation of the natal chart of a ten year-old child
that has had a tragic destiny, she has been abducted, violated and killed the same day, the fact
happened in Kansas City in October 1999.

I will use the symbolic meanings of the zodiacal degrees drawing them from those my experience
they are the best books on the matter and the zodiacal aphesis according Vettius Valens translated in
English by Robert Schmidt, using the software made by Curtis Manwaring.

The date of birth has arrived to me in the electronic mail from a mailing list; here is the text of the
message that has arrived to me:

Hello everyone. I have the chart information of a recent kidnapping and murder victim. This
happened in our community last week with the tragic ending near my own home. I have run many
charts including natal, death, kidnapping, lunar return and progressed, I think the results are
interesting. But I wonder if anyone of us who was given this chart information before the fact would
have seen what was to take place. Give it a look and let us know what you think.

P.B. (natal data) march 13, 1989 6.12 am CST Kansas City KS USA
Kidnapping time October 12, 1999 5.25 pm CDT Kansas City KS USA
Death time (approx) Oct 12, 1999 6.45 pm CDT

It has not been necessary to rectify the time of birth, I start exposing the symbolic meanings of the
most important zodiacal degrees:

Ascendant 13th Pisces: At the left side of the image a warrior with his back towards us has
ridiculously over-equipped himself with all sort of weapons, including a rifle, a sword and an axe.
He is aiming at an invisible target with a bow and arrow. He stands on the bank of the river, where
we see a rowing boat in wich a woman is sitting with her arms around her knees. There are no oars,
so that the boat is floating with the current, away from the man.

According the French astrologer Janduz the degree give rise to brag, remissive spirit, absence of
reactions, the complete description in the third volume on the zodiacal degrees of the Dutch
astrologer Koppejan published in English by Element Books.

Now we consider the degree of the Sun that in this natal chart is Hyleg and is in the 3rd decanate of
Pisces ruled by Mars and in a term ruled by Mars.

23th Pisces: In a rich interior, a young man seated at a table is staring at two beautiful daggers laid
there in crossed position, and pointing towards him.

This is a degree of homicide, according Janduz predispose to violent actions, betrayal, in the year of
homicide the Sun is advanced for precession in the following degree:

24th Pisces: Two men come to grips with each other, exposed by a sudden flash of lightning from a
dark cloud in a night sky. The night is lit by a crescent moon, serenely appearing from behind the
This is a worrying degree and predispose to the brawls, to violence and brutality, a complete
description in the quoted texts.

Now the symbolic meaning of MC degree:

21th Sagittarius: A magician in priestly head-dress points his wands towards two interlaced
triangles surmonted by a third, in a gesture of conjuration. Degree of psychic power.

Another important degree is the following where we found the conjunction of Mars - Lot of Spirit:

2th Gemini: At the left a man is climbing a stone wall by a rope ladder. He has a dagger between his
teeth and rifle at his left side. Behind him at the right, a soldier is approaching dragging two
prisoners in irons.

For Janduz this is a degree of prowess.

Another degree that must be considered is 24th of Sagittarius where we found the lot of fortune:

24th Sagittarius: A tree rent by lightning is on the point of falling on to a man who is nonchalantly
leaning on the parapet of a bridge, watching the torrent roaring down.

Janduz calls this degree of being swallowed up

Observing this natal chart I realized that in the year of homicide, the ascendant reached for solar arc
direction the Sun and the conjunction Mars - Lot of Spirit reached the Moon and forming a square
to natal ascendant and a quincunx to natal Saturn, almuten of enemies in this chart. The degree of
the moon is also the conception chart ascendant. For Janduz, this is a degree of despoiling and for a
woman is dangerous.

12th Gemini: Two women are crying. One is standing her right hand over her eyes. The other is
sitting on a stone step supporting her head with her left hand on her left knee. They look at a young
laurel-tree broken by the wind. At its roots a young and strong shoot is rising up

The zodiacal aphesis starting from the Lot of spirit are: Gemini major, Capricorn L3 and Scorpio L4
in the same day of the homicide, Mercury, Saturn and Mars. I think that is not necessary any

The most important and dangerous primary mundane direction in 1999 have been Mars semisquare
to Sun and Moon in opposition to Medium Coeli.

The annual profection according the Greek method is in 11th house over the conjunction Saturn
Neptune and in the from 10 to 13 october 1999 was in 4th house over the Moon directed in
opposition to Medium Coeli.

May we speak of predestination? In this case I would give a positive answer.

Helene and Willem Koppejan The Zodiac Image Handbook; The mutable signs Gemini Virgo
Sagittarius Pisces Element Books 1991.

Niek Scheps The Trutine of Hermes a guide to calculating & interpreting the true ascendant
Element Books 1990.

Alessandro Guzzi Trutina Hermetis l'oroscopo del concepimento. Nuovi orizzonti 1994.

Janduz Les 360 Degrés du zodiaque symbolisés par l'image et par la kabbale. Edition Bussiere 1977
2° edition.

Adriano Carelli The 360 degrees of zodiac A.F.A.

Reinhold Ebertin Direction co-determinants of Fate. A.F.A. 1986

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