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• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

On the spot events:
1: Motorized Air Propeller Car

Material required: (We will provide you all the materials)

• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• Lightweight car body (we recommend a can, but you can also use a block of
foam or any light chassis).
• 4 wheels or 4 bottle lids (as wheels).
• Straws, Skewers, Sticks (for mounting wheels).
• A 4 blade (or 2 blade) propeller (You can select any diameter propeller which
suits your motor shaft, but diameter should not be greater than 3in).
• A 12V battery and a switch.
• Small DC motor (having less rpm).
• Hot glue gun ore simple UHU (we recommend the UHU).
• You can use any other necessary materials, but you must show us everything
before the event.


• You can bring all the material along with yourself.

• You can use any other necessary materials, but you must show us everything
before the event.


Watch this video and get idea how to make a motorized air propeller car.

Judgment Criteria:
• Your car should go straight. (Hint: Fit the propeller in proper direction).
• Your car design should be stable (Aerodynamically).
• Your car should cover the path in minimum time.
• The winner will be decided by the judges based on overall performance.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

2: Hydraulic Lifter

Material required: (We will provide you all the material)

• You must have to design a hydraulic lifter by using cardboard only.
• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• You can use any syringes but not more than 3 syringes.
• Syringes size must not be greater than 60ml.
• You can use drip pipes because they fit properly on syringes.
• You can use any Glue Gum. (UHU, Glue, Hot Gun Glue).


• You can bring all the material along with you.

• You can use any other necessary materials, but you must show us everything
before the event.


Watch this video to get idea of how to make Hydraulic lifter.

Judgment Criteria:
• Based on design. (A unique design will get more marks)
• Your hydraulic lifter must lift an empty can.
• The team which will use minimum number of components will get more marks. (Avoid
using extra material).
• The winner will be decided by the judges based on overall performance.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

3: Robotic Arm

Material required: (We will provide you all the material)

• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• You must have to design a Robotic Arm by using cardboard only.
• You can use any thread.
• You can use straws.
• You can use any Glue Gum. (UHU, Glue, Hot Gun Glue).
• You can use any other necessary materials, but you must show us everything
before the event.


• You can bring all the material along with you.

• You can use any other necessary materials, but you must show us everything
before the event.


Watch this video and get idea how to make a Robotic Arm.

Judgment Criteria:
• Based on design. (A unique design will get more marks)
• Your Robotic Arm must lift the can and other stuff.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

• The team which will used minimum number of components will get more marks. (Avoid
using the extra components).
• The winner will be decided by the judges based on overall performance.

4: Speed Programming
• Maximum 2 members in a team.
• You will be assigned one or more programs which you have to complete in the
shortest time.
• Languages are C, C++, JAVA, C#.

Judgment Criteria:
Time and accuracy will be considered while checking the program.

5: Speed Wiring
• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• You will be assigned one or more circuits which you have to complete in the
shortest time.

Judgment Criteria:
Time and accuracy will be considered while checking the program.

Note: (Except for Robo War)

Once turned on, the robot must be self-controlled without any human intervention.
Contestants are NOT allowed to touch their robots or enter the Contest Arena after startup.
After the blow of whistle, the robot will have max 5 minutes to complete the task. During a
retry the layout of the arena shall remain SAME however the point scoring will restart from
zero. Displacing any item inside the arena will result in a retry. If the participating team sees
that their robot has lost track of its location and is facing trouble localizing itself, the team can
ask for a retry. During its motion, the robot may touch the walls of the arena without damaging

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

them. In case of a tie, the contestant may be required to run a rematch on the discretion of the
judges. For a match, both teams will face the same layout of the arena, i.e. the same type,
location and orientation of its starting point. Winner will be decided by our judges based on
overall performance.

• Any team that damages the arena will be disqualified.

• The robot must not use any harmful substances such as oil, petrol etc. in its operation
that can damage the arena.
• The robot must not use any destructive or dangerous methods to displace any obstacle
or box.

Test Run

Contestants will be given time for trial run half hour before the contest to calibrate their
robot/sensors on the actual arenas

Robotics Event
6) Line Tracking Robot
• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• You must have to use a microcontroller.
• You can use any IR sensors.
• You can use any base.
• The dimension of your robot chases should not be more than 12” × 12”.
• You can use any motor shield.
• You can use any RPM motors.
• You must use a 12V battery. (Not more than 12V).

Winning Criteria:
Your robot must follow the white line and the one whose robot will follow desired line in
minimum time will get more marks. Each junction and line carry different marks.

The size of arena is 6’×4’.

Winner will be decided by our judges based on overall performance.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

7) Obstacle Avoiding Robot
• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• You must have to use a microcontroller.
• You can use any Ultrasonic sensors.
• You can use any base.
• The dimension of your robot chase should not be more than 12” × 12”.
• You can use any motor shield.
• You can use any RPM motors.
• You must use a 12V battery. (Not more than 12V).

Winning Criteria:
Your robot will have to beat the all obstacle in minimum time. Winner will be decided by our
judges based on overall performance.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

8) Fire Fighting Robot
• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• You must have to use a microcontroller.
• You can use any sensors (Smoke detector, heat detector)
• You can use a fan or any extinguishing device, but it should turn ON while detecting the
flame and not during the entire time.
• Your robot must follow the white line.
• You can use any base (any material).
• The dimension of your robot chase should not be more than 12” × 12”.
• You can use any motor shield.
• You can use any RPM motors.
• You can use any battery. (Not more than 12V).

Winning Criteria:
Your robot will have to follow the white line and will have to extinguish the entire candles place
in the way in minimum time. Winner will be decided by our judges based on overall
performance. Each candle will carry different marks. Line following will also carry marks.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

9) Pot the Ball
• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• Two robots will be entered at the same time in the arena.
• Your robot can be self-controlled, remote control or any wireless control. Robot.
• Your robot should pot a single ball at a time and then must reach at the initial spot by
following the path show on the map.
• The robot which will reach first at the HALF LINE will get bonus marks.
• You can use any RPM motors.
• You can use any base (any material).
• The dimension of your robot chase should not be more than 12” × 12”.
• You can use any motor shield.
• You can use any battery. (Not more than 12V).

Winning Criteria:
The robot which will pot maximum ball and have more marks will be announced as winner.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

10) Sumo Wrestle
• Maximum 3-4 members in a team.
• Two robots will enter at the same time in the arena.
• Your robot will be self-controlled robot. Remote control of any sort (Wireless).
• Your robot will be able to move in any direction.
• You can use any RPM motors.
• You can use any base.
• The dimension of your robot chase should not be more than 12” × 12”.
• You can use any motor shield.
• Your robot should not damage the other robot.
• You must have to use microcontroller (without the use of microcontroller you will be
• The weight of your robot should not be more than 8kg (external weight would result in

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

• You can use any battery. (Not more than 24V).

Winning Criteria:
We will have different rounds (depend upon the number of teams). The robot which will win
the final round will be announced as winner.

11) Exhibition
You can present any project or an idea to the judges.

Winning Criteria:
The project/idea which is considered as best by the judges will be announced as winner.

12) Robo War

• Maximum 3-5 members in a team.
• Multiple robots will enter at the same time in the arena.
• Your robot will be self-controlled robot. Remote control of any sort (Wireless).
• Your robot will be able to move in any direction.
• The dimension of your robot chase should not be more than 36” × 36”.
• The weight of your robot should not be more than 45kg (external weight would result in
• You can’t use any engine.
• Jammers are not allowed.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

• You can use any RPM motors.
• You can use any base.
• You can use any battery. (Not more than 24V).
• You can use maximum 4 batteries.
• You can use any motor shield.
• The robot must not use substances such as oil, petrol etc. in its operation.
• You must have to use microcontroller (without the use of microcontroller you will be

Winning Criteria:
Robot that will stand till the end will be crowned as winner.

• The society reserves to make any changes at the event.

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