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5 (2) (2019) 183-188

Journal of Nonformal Education

Terakreditasi SINTA 3


Development of Compact Disc Motion and Song Learning

to Improve the Physical of Early Children
Arti Yusanti, Rakimahwati

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/jne.v5i2.20202

Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

History Article Abstract

Submitted 26 June 2019 Early childhood is an individual who is developing a process of growth and devel-
Revised 24 July 2019 opment that increases when facing development due to an early age. This study
Accepted 4 August 2019 aims to develop a compact disk of learning motion and song to improve the physi-
cal motor skills of early childhood. The method used is Research and Development
(R&D) with a 4-D model. This research was conducted at TKIT Adzkia III Kuranji
Keywords in Padang. In this study, the stages of validation, practicality, and implementation
Compact Disc; Motion were carried out. The validity test results obtained an average of 86.22% through the
And Song Learning; Mo- practicality test the teacher’s response reached 92.18% and 94.43 for the observation
tor Physical; 4-D models of children’s learning, the effectiveness of the learning activities reached 95.41%
and the learning outcomes of the children’s learning 87.35%. Based on these results,
the developed compact motion learning and song disc media can be used and practi-
cally applied in kindergartens.

Correspondence Author: p-ISSN 2442-532X
E-mail: artiyusanti.cani@gmail.com e-ISSN 2528-4541
Arti Yusanti et al. / Journal of Nonformal Education 5 (2) (2019) 183-188

INTRODUCTION are unique in their potential and their services

also need to be serious so that each potential can
Early childhood is a very important period become a foundation in treading the next stage of
for the subsequent development of life because at development.
an early age is a sensitive period or the golden age Early childhood is in the age range of
following the opinion (Hurlock, 1980) childhood birth to eight years. Early childhood education
determines adulthood, as the morning predicted basically includes all efforts and actions taken
the new day of the first years is a critical time for by educators and parents in the process of care,
children’s development. Pact of parents and the care, and education for children by creating an
environment influences early childhood deve- aura and environment where children can exp-
lopment. (anik tri kustiani, 2019) meanwhile in lore experiences that provide opportunities for
mufida’s opinion in (Sari, 2018), early Childhood children to know and understand learning expe-
is an individual who is undergoing a process of riences that are obtained from the environment
rapid growth and development even said to be a through observing, imitating and experimenting
developmental leap because early age is said to be which takes place repeatedly and involves the full
golden age (golden age). potential and intelligence of children.
Early childhood education is one form Following the uniqueness and growth of
of application of education that emphasizes the early childhood, the organization of education
basic foundations towards growth, development for early childhood is adjusted to the stages of de-
of physical coordination of soft and hard motor velopment experienced by early childhood. early
skills, and intelligence (mind, creativity, emotio- childhood education efforts are not only in terms
nal intelligence, and spiritual intelligence (Raki- of education, but the implementation of early
mahwati, 2014). while development at an early childhood education is carried out in an integra-
age covers physical and motor development, cog- ted and comprehensive manner. Therefore early
nitive, social emotional and language according childhood is a unique person and passes through
to ebbeck (Suryana, 2018) is the most intense various stages of the child’s personality develop-
and busiest growth period, while aspects of de- ment.
velopment that exist in children include: cogni- Based on the opinion above, the conclu-
tive, physical motor, and (social) aspects emotio- sion is that early childhood has an age range from
nal) (Yaswinda, Yulsyofrien, 2018) every aspect birth to eight years. Early childhood needs su-
must be well developed and in accordance with pervision and directed education according to its
the development stage development aspects and uniqueness because children tend to imitate adult
abilities of early childhood consist of the deve- activities. Age education
lopment of physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, Physical development is the growth and
religious, moral and artistic abilities. change that occurs in a person’s body. The most
This time the process of growth and deve- obvious changes are changes in the shape and
lopment in various aspects is undergoing a rapid size of a person’s body. Motor development (mo-
period in the span of development of human life. tor development) is a change that occurs progres-
One aspect that needs to be stimulated in kinder- sively in control and the ability to make move-
garten is the physical aspects of motorists. Early ments obtained through the interaction between
age is an age that is quite decisive in the growth maturation factors (maturation) and training or
and development of children. according to law experiences (experiences) during life that can be
no. 20 of 2003 in the law of teachers and lectu- seen through changes/ movements made. (Fitria-
rers is: “a coaching effort aimed at children from ni, 2018)
birth to the age of six years conducted through Motor development is divided into two,
the provision of educational stimuli to help phy- namely: gross motor and fine motor. Gross motor
sical and spiritual growth and development so is a movement/ activity that uses large muscles
that children have the readiness to enter further or even entire limbs. Fine motor skills are abili-
education”. ties related to physical skills that involve small
Early childhood is a unique individual, muscles, (Rakimahwati, 2014). Along with the
which is different from one another, both from physical development of children who are ma-
the physical, abilities, needs and so forth that ma- ture, the child’s motor development can be well
kes early childhood a unique individual, in line coordinated. Every movement is aligned with the
with opinions (Suryana, 2013); (Widiastuti, 2012) needs, therefore the age of 5 to 6 years is an ideal
states that the human era has a uniqueness that time to learn skills related to motor skills.
needs to be considered by adults, early children The characteristics of motor physical

Arti Yusanti et al. / Journal of Nonformal Education 5 (2) (2019) 183-188

development of children aged 5 to 6 years are movements and songs will produce a breathing
as follows: physical body looks tall, able to walk exercise that will strengthen the lungs and be-
backwards, jump, run, like to move and eye and come a series of exercises such as movement to
hand coordination is greatly improved (K. Eileen wear clothes, plant seeds, and others.
Allen, 2010). According to (Samsudin, 2008), Therefore it is necessary to have an activity
there are three categories of movements in gross that can train early childhood educators in provi-
motor that can be done by children, namely lo- ding stimulation to children through movements
comotor, non-locomotor and manipulative loco- and songs, namely non-daily movements, among
motor ability is used to move the body from one other things, with the spontaneity of their waddle
place to another or to lift the body like jumping along with the regularity of the songs we sing.
and jumping. Other movement abilities are wal- or if a child gets an item that is his dream and
king, running, skipping, jumping, gliding, pran- dreams all day long, so along with the achieve-
cing and running like a running horse. ment of that item’s dream, the child will surely
While non-locomotor the ability to move dance.
parts or limbs such as the head, shoulder, arms, For this reason, the importance of learning
waist, legs without moving. this activity can be motion and song for early childhood in practicing
in the form of movements to push, pull, swing, the sharpness of the child’s hearing and concent-
bend, twist, stretch, lift, bend, lift one leg etc. Ma- ration power, especially in the aspects of emotio-
nipulative this ability is the ability of children to nal intelligence, musical intelligence, and kinest-
use objects, tools or media in moving. this tool hetic intelligence. gross motor and fine motor, to
or media can be treated by throwing, swinging, improve/ develop the ability to process, control
lifting, pulling, rolling, and others. normal motor body movements, improve skills and healthy
physical development will be able to achieve from ways of life to support healthy, strong and skilled
the characteristics of motor physical development physical growth learning is a process that pro-
following the stage of the child’s age. vides opportunities for children to develop their
Motion and song learning is an activity potential which is increasingly increasing with
that is very easy to implement and can develop as- the preparation of media and learning resources
pects of learning as well as developing the physi- (Rusman, 2017) learning the process of interacti-
cal abilities of motor children in early childhood, on between teacher and child using learning me-
the significance of motion and song learning will dia (Rusman, 2013).
have a positive impact, namely developing intel- Learning is to create appropriate teach-
ligence in children (Resa, 2018). The reality is in ing materials following needs. In relation to the
the field not all motion and song learning is in development of multimedia learning products
accordance with the learning theme set by the is to facilitate and improve teacher performance
school, usually all the motion learning activities in the learning process (Putra, 2015) meanwhile,
and songs are taken by the teacher from existing according to (rocmah, 2012) learning for young
songs even though they are not in accordance children is the laying of the foundation towards
with the learning theme, for example, my balloon the growth and development of physical, lan-
song while the theme is my family’s learning, the guage, intellectual, social-emotional as well as
second problem for motion and song activities is all intelligence. Organized early childhood must
still using adult songs not in accordance with age be able to accommodate all aspects of child de-
and learning themes for early childhood. Motion velopment in a pleasant atmosphere and cause
and songs that are in line with the learning theme children’s interest.
will be able to develop physical motor skills of Learning is a process carried out by the te-
early childhood, Compact disc learning of mo- acher in interacting and providing opportunities
tion and song is a set of learning that is syste- for children to develop all aspects of mining by
matically arranged to help the implementation of using media that supports children’s growth and
early childhood learning processes. development. learning is a process of interaction
Motion and song learning is an activi- between teacher and child by using learning me-
ty in playing while learning and learning while dia to provide meaningful learning to children.
playing, activities carried out through movements Compact disc of motion learning and
and songs are expected to please the child whi- songs for the physical development of motoric
le touching language development, sensitivity early childhood specifically the Compact Disc
to musical rhythm, motor development, self- developed can be described as follows: provide a
confidence (Whidiawati, 2011). Meanwhile, ac- description of the movements and songs in accor-
cording to the opinion (montessori, 2015) doing dance with the learning theme, produce motion

Arti Yusanti et al. / Journal of Nonformal Education 5 (2) (2019) 183-188

learning and songs in the form of compact discs, general the results of the validation of teaching
produce motion learning and songs that can de- materials for the aspect of content eligibility can
veloping motor physical kindergarten children b. be an average for each statement between 96.66%
compact disc learning is a form of multimedia are in the valid category, meaning the suitability
in which there is content learning material pre- of teaching materials with competence Core (KI)
sented in the form of audio, video, text, anima- and Basic Competency (KD), learning compact
tion, into a synergistic and symbiotic unity that disc Motion and song themes include themes,
results in better benefits for users (santosa, 2014). Core Competencies (KI), Basic Competencies
Learning is to create appropriate teaching (KD), indicators, and lesson objectives.
materials following needs. Concerning the deve- The results of the validation of the lin-
lopment of multimedia, learning products is to guistic aspects have an average overall validity of
facilitate and improve the teacher performance 84% with a valid category. Thus it can be said that
in the learning process (Putra, 2015). Based on the motion and song learning compact disc con-
some of the above opinions, learning disc com- tains the clarity of information contained in the
pact is all forms of multimedia elements in which motion and song learning compact disc following
there are learning materials in the form of videos, the correct and correct Indonesian conventions.
animations, and songs that can provide more be- The next aspect assessed in the validation stage
nefits for learning for children. of the motion and song learning compact disc
is the presentation aspect. Validation results for
METHODS each statement on the presentation aspect have
an overall average of 78% with a valid category.
Research and development or in english is The design of the compact disc learning display
called research and development research met- of motion and song is interesting and not mo-
hods used to produce certain products and test notonous. The conclusions from the results of
the effectiveness of these products. Development the analysis of the compact disc of motion lear-
research has a purpose in its application as sta- ning and song as a whole to the compact disc of
ted by (Setyosari, 2015) explains that the purpose motion learning and song to improve the physical
of conducting development research is to assess motor skills of young children in kindergarten are
changes that occur in a period through certain valid and ready to be tested.
methods and observe a group of subjects for After the motion and song learning com-
some time. Meanwhile, in the opinion (Sugiono, pact disc is declared valid, the next step is to con-
2015) development research aims to produce a duct a trial to find out the practicality and effecti-
product that is considered important and shows veness of the motion and song learning compact
the interests that are worthy of being produced disc developed. The practicality of the developed
and carried out. The research design used in this motion and song learning compact disc can be
study is a 4-d (four d models) model develop- seen from the observation sheet of the learning
ment research design according to thiagarajan in implementation and the results of the teacher res-
(Trianto, 2010). this includes 4 stages, namely the ponse questionnaire analysis.
stage of defining (defining), design (design), and The results of observations of the imple-
development (develop). mentation of learning include the initial, core and
final activities following the steps of the compact
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION disc learning motion and song with an average
of 94.43% included in the category of very prac-
The results of the validation of the motion tical. Teacher responses are given to find out the
and song learning compact disc by the validator, opinions of teachers towards the learning tools
validity analysis using a Likert Scale based on that have been developed. The retrieval of this
a modified validity sheet from (Riduwan, 2009) response is done by using the teacher’s question-
some opinions from the validator about the pro- naire response instrument.
ducts that are validated: 1. Product lighting needs The results of the data obtained from each
to be improved, choreographed costumes do not teacher’s questionnaire responses to the practica-
match, song music is recommended to use music lity of compact disc learning of motion and song
recorded directly from the recording studio, so are in the very practical category with a percen-
that the music on the recording is not interrupted, tage of practicality 92.18%. This means that the
while for linguists there are several song lyrics are compact disc of motion and song learning deve-
removed, for the motion is in accordance with loped has practicality. motion learning and song
the song, the product needs to be revised again In compact discs make it easier for teachers to attract

Arti Yusanti et al. / Journal of Nonformal Education 5 (2) (2019) 183-188

children’s interest in learning, motion learning, have valid criteria This is consistent with the re-
and song compact discs make it easier for teach- sults of validation from expert validators and
ers to help children understand learning material. validators from education practitioners. These
Product Effectiveness. The developed learning results illustrate that the compact disc of motion
and motion compact discs are seen based on the learning and song to improve the physical motor
results of the questionnaire analysis of learning skills of the early childhood that has been develo-
activities and results in children’s learning, moti- ped has been valid and can be used in the learning
on learning, and song compact discs can be said process.
to be effective if they have good effects or effects Practical results show that the compact
on the achievement of learning goals. disc of motion and song learning is very practi-
The effectiveness test is carried out after the cal. The effectiveness of students shows that the
product is declared valid and practical. The effec- development of motion and song learning com-
tiveness of the compact disc of learning motion pact discs to improve physical motor skills of ear-
and song in this study, can be seen from the as- ly childhood for children aged 5-6 years has been
sessment of the results of the questionnaire ana- declared effective for improving physical motors
lysis of learning activities and learning outcomes of early childhood. Based on these results, it can
of children during the learning process, namely be concluded that the motion and song learning
in the form of assessment of children’s learning compact disc is declared valid, practical, and ef-
activities and outcomes after using the learning fective. Because of this, it is hoped that this mo-
and motion compact compact disc produced. For tion learning and song compact disc can be used
the learning outcomes of children’s learning ac- or used as a reference in motor physical develop-
tivities on average 95.41 ℅ whereas for learning ment for children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten
outcomes of children with compact discs motion This research is a research on the deve-
learning and songs an average of 87.35℅. It can lopment of compact disc learning motion and
be concluded that the activities and learning out- song to improve the physical motor skills of early
comes of children show a very effective category childhood in TKIT Adzkia III Kuranji Padang on
using compact discs of motion and song learning. the theme of the need for sub-themes Clothing
The results of this study can be seen from and food. Based on the development, testing,
the following table: and dissemination conducted, the researcher can
conclude several things, as follows: (1) the mo-
Per- tion and song learning compact disc produced
Aspect Category in this development research is valid and in es-
sence, the learning disc of the motion and song
Content 96,66℅ Very Valid
teaching material meets the requirements both in
validity Language 84℅ Very Valid terms of content, language, and design. (2) The
Affiliation 78℅ Valid motion learning and song compact disc produ-
Implemen- ced in this development research can be stated to
Very practi- be very practical from the results of the teacher
tation of 94,43℅
Practi- cal response analysis, meaning that the learning and
cality movement song compact disc can already be ea-
Teacher Very practi- sily understood by the teacher who will use it.
response cal (3) The compact disc of motion and song lear-
Learning ning produced in this research development has
95,41℅ Very active
Effec- activity been declared effective by observing the activities
tiveness Learning of children with very active criteria. This is evi-
87,35℅ Very active denced by the results of the increased activity of
children in learning activities with the criteria of
achieving completeness greater than 75%.

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