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JUnit: general Java testing


A bit thanks to Jennifer Kohnke, the designer of the by now famous logo.

JUnit is a regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. It is
used by the developer who implements unit tests in Java. JUnit is Open Source Software,
released under the IBM Public License and hosted on SourceForge. The latest version is
3.6 (5/7/2001). This is essentially based on "JUnit Test Infected: Programmers Love
Writing Tests" by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma.

Testing is not closely integrated with development. This prevents you from measuring the
progress of development- you can't tell when something starts working or when
something stops working. Using JUnit you can cheaply and incrementally build a test
suite that will help you measure your progress, spot unintended side effects, and focus
your development efforts.

JUnit was the start to a series of specialised Testing Frameworks like HTTPUnit or
Cactus that extend JUnit.

The Problem
Every programmer knows they should write tests for their code. Few do. The universal
response to "Why not?" is "I'm in too much of a hurry." This quickly becomes a vicious
cycle- the more pressure you feel, the fewer tests you write. The fewer tests you write, the
less productive you are and the less stable you code becomes. The less productive and
accurate you are, the more pressure you feel.

Programmers burn out from just such cycles. Breaking out requires an outside influence.
We found the outside influence we needed in a simple testing framework that lets us do a
little testing that makes a big difference.

The best way to convince you of the value of writing your own tests would be to sit down
with you and do a bit of development. Along the way, we would encounter new bugs,
catch them with tests, fix them, have them come back, fix them again, and so on. You
would see the value of the immediate feedback you get from writing and saving and
rerunning your own unit tests.
We'll write a simple program and its tests, and show you the results of running the tests.
This way you can get a feel for the process we use and advocate without having to pay
for our presence.

Download JUnit and put the junit.jar in your classpath. That's it.

What I show here is less than the tip of the ice-berg. I highly recommend reading "Test
Infected" http://junit.sourceforge.net/doc/testinfected/testing.htm and if you have more
time Martin Fowler's excellent book "Refactoring" (Addison Wesley).

Basically JUnit allows the "easy" testing of any class and it's methods. to test the
Fibonacci class, we create a class called TestFibonacci which extends TestCase. Then in
the methods setUP() and tearDown() we can deal with variables needed for the tests..
TestCase adds all methods that start with the name "test" to a test suite. Towards the end
of each test one compares the expected result with the "actual" result using assert. The
TestFibonacci Suite can be executed at once. Either in textmode, where a "." and "F"
indicate successful and failed tests, or using a GUI. At the end the test suite whill show
which tests passed and which ones failed and where.

> java TestFibonacci

armin@linux:> java TestFibonacci
Time: 0.08

Test Results:
Run: 2 Failures: 1 Errors: 0
There was 1 failure:
1) test2(TestFibonacci)
at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:143)
at junit.framework.Assert.assert(Assert.java:19)
at junit.framework.Assert.assert(Assert.java:26)
at TestFibonacci.test2(TestFibonacci.java:23)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:155)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:129)
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:100)
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:117)
at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:103)
at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:120)
at junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:144)
at junit.textui.TestRunner.doRun(TestRunner.java:61)
at junit.textui.TestRunner.run(TestRunner.java:181)
at TestFibonacci.main(TestFibonacci.java:27)
We look at a small Java snipplet to calculate Fibonacci numbers recursively. Fibonacci
Numbers are defined as: f(0)=1; f(1)=1 und f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2). So f(2)=2; f(3)=3 und

Our first implementation is buggy. The tests should show it.

class Fibonacci {
int compute (int n) {
if (n<2) return n;//bug; should be "1"
else return compute(n-1)+compute(n-2);

The corresponding testing code.

import junit.framework.*;

public class TestFibonacci extends TestCase {

Fibonacci f;

public TestFibonacci(String name) {


public void setUp(){

f=new Fibonacci();

public static Test suite() {

return new TestSuite(TestFibonacci.class);

public void test1() {


public void test2() {

//starte text interface und lass die tests laufen.
public static void main(String args[]) {

JUnit still shows mistakes.

A bit of thinking shows that the mistake is in the first return statement. The new version:

if (n<2) return 1;
All tests are OK.

Different Test Suites can be put together in one big Test Suite, which calls the individual
tests of the entire project.

public class AllTests {

public static Test suite ( ) {

There is a huge difference between tests that are all running correctly and tests that aren't.
Part of being test infected is not being able to go home if your tests aren't 100%. If you
run your suite ten or a hundred times an hour, though, you won't be able to create enough
havoc to make you late for supper.

You will be able to refactor much more aggressively once you have the tests. You won't
understand at first just how much you can do, though. Try to catch yourself saying, "Oh, I
see, I should have designed this thus and so. I can't change it now. I don't want to break
anything." When you say this, save a copy of your current code and give yourself a
couple of hours to clean up. (This part works best you can get a buddy to look over your
shoulder while you work.) Make your changes, all the while running your tests. You will
be surprised at how much ground you can cover in a couple of hours if you aren't
worrying every second about what you might be breaking.

If you get addicted to unit tests, you might want to look into "extreme programming"

We tend to write the tests first, and the code afterwards. There's the story about Kent
Beck that he deletes his code if it doesn't pass the test first time and starts again from

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