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Australian Climate Scientists Enlist Elephant Seals for Research Help

Scientists have long thought that the vast areas of sea ice in Antarctica could help them
unlock some of the secrets of climate change.

The ice reflects   back into space. With global temperatures rising, there are
concerns that polar ice is shrinking, and, as it does, additional energy is absorbed by the

earth, causing more  .

For the first time, researchers have been able to gather crucial information from the

heart of this icy   thanks to help from an unlikely source -   

elephant seals.

The seals were fitted with special satellite sensors that sent back data from Antarctica.
The devices are the size of a mobile phone and eventually fall off when the

animals   their fur in summer.

Between 2004 and 2005, the seals each swam up to   kilometers a day, supplying

scientists with thousands of pieces of information about the sea ice that ocean 
 and ships have been unable to provide.

Steve Rintoul, from the Australian government's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organization (CSIRO) says the seals have been invaluable.

"The polar regions are barometers of change for the climate of the earth as a whole. The

19 million square kilometers of sea ice that form each winter had been a   
so far and the seals help us fill in that part of the story."

The elephant seals, which can dive to   of 15-hundred meters, have provided
a 30-fold increase in data from parts of the Southern Ocean. The research also involved
teams from the United States, Great Britain and France.

The antennas placed on the animals' heads detail shifts in sea currents and record

changes in water temperature as well as  . The data helps chart the effects of
climate change under the Antarctic ice.

Changes in salinity are used to calculate how much sea ice is formed during the winter

Mark Hindell, a seal biologist at the University of Tasmania, says this unusual research

method does not   the seals.

"Animals that carry   are just as good at foraging, just as good at catching
food as animals without them.. Longer term, they have just the same sort of

survival   as animals that don't carry them. So, there's no effect on the seals
and the few seals that are out there collecting this data are doing an enormous service,

if you like, to   science and also to their own species."

Scientists have not been able to draw firm conclusions about changes from the data the
seals collected, because there is nothing to compare it with. But the information will

provide a   for future studies.

Researchers now plan to use other seal species in different parts of the Arctic and

Antarctic in the   for a greater understanding of a changing climate.

The polar regions play an important role in the Earth's climate system. Scientists have
said they are changing more rapidly than any other part of the planet.

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