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Can u explain the structure of bug life cycle?

 Can you explain V model in manual testing?

 Can you explain me the levels in V model manual?
 Can you explain water fall model in manual testing?
 Difference between bug,error,and defect?
 Explain about MicroSoft Six Rules Standardfor User Interface testing?
 Explain about use case document ?
 Explain me the phases of STLC and explain each one briefly?
 Give exact and appropriate definition of testing.
 How many modes of recording are there ?
 How to add objects to the Object Rpository?
 How to arrive Testcase? and how to write Testcase in Email id? when we go for winrunner
and why we go for
 How to carry out manual testing for a background process which does't have any user
interface ?
 How to do regression testing, and can give one or two examples on that in the same
 How to test the Microsoft Word 2003. What all the major areas to be tested, please explain.
 How to write a testcase and bugreport?plz expln with an example.
 How will you review the test case and how many types are there ?
 Share a particular project where you have been able to learn enough skills to help with
testing? (more for the
 The role of both QA & QC?
 What are GET TO , SETTO,and GET RO properties in QTP.
 What are the difference between per text mode and shared mode in qtp ?
 What are the objectives of Lowlevel recording? What is Elapsed Time? When we use Update
mode? Is Quick Test
 What are the objectives of Utility objects?
 What are the objectives of debugging?
 What are the processes followed in your company for automation?
 What do you mean by Pilot Testing?
 What is AUT?
 What is BUG Life cycle?
 What is Black Box Testing?
 What is FSO can you explain?
 What is Review?
 What is SRS and BRS document?Can you explain them briefly.
 What is SRS and BRS in manual testing.
 What is STLC how many phases are there can you explain them .
 What is Sanity Test,Adhoc Testing & Smoke Testing? When will use the Above Tests?
 What is V model can u explain ?
 What is V model in manual testing ?
 What is a frame work at what situations we will use?
 What is a test plan who will prepare that one?
 What is alpha tesging and beta testing ?
 What is application entry and exit criteria?
 What is compatibility testing?
 What is debugging?
 What is determination?
 What is exact difference between Debugging & Testing?
 What is fish model can you explain?
 What is frame work in qtp.
 What is functional testing,system testing,datadriven testing?
 What is integration testing?
 What is mean by gui testing ? What is mean by client/Server? What is meat by web based
application ?
 What is objective of actions in qtp ?
 What is performance testing?
 What is port testing?
 What is prototype model in manual testing?
 What is regualr expression and when we will use regularexpression in qtp?
 What is reusable action in qtp?
 What is stand alone mode running in load runner?
 What is stress testing?
 What is stub and driver in manual testing?
 What is system testing?
 What is test bed?
 What is test development?
 What is test metrics ?
 What is test strategy who will prepare that one. And what will be there in test strategy.
 What is the Testcase Life Cycle.
 What is the definition for test life cycle?
 What is the difference between constant and parameter in qtp?
 What is the difference between properties and methods in qtp?
 What is the difference between smoke testing and sanitary testing ?
 What is the difference between test scenarios and test strategy?
 What is the difference between usability testing and GUI?
 What is the model of spiral binding in manual testing? Can you explain spiral binding?
 What is unit testing in manual?
 What is unit testing?
 What is virtual memory?
 What is virtual object and at what we will use virtual object in qtp?
 What is virtual object and when will we use?
 What is visual source safe?
 What part of the testing phase is the most important part for testing in the cycle?
 What type of testing questions will be asked for 2+ yrs exp people in interview?
 When we do update mode in qtp?
 Where do check points store in qtp ?
 Who are prepared use case?
 Why do need synchronization in qtp?
 Why do u use object spy in qtp?
 can u explain spiral binding model in manual testing developers looking to do= testing)
 how i can do gui testing,what is its important contant,plz tell me all property of Gui testing
 how to wrtie test case with a minimum of 13 columns.......
 supports Java Script? What is extention for test script in Quick Test?
 what is the Testcase Life Cycle ?
 what is the differene between scenario and testcase ?
 whta is open beta testing? ans it done at which end? what is the difference b/w open beta
testing and beta testing?
 why do u save .vbs in library files in qtp winrunner

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