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• Severe reduction of amniotic fluid volume (typically less The mother is placed on an operating table.

If she is going to have an

than 500 ml at term); highly concentrated urine. epidural or spinal anesthesia for the cesarean, it is usually performed
• Possibility of prolonged, dysfunctional labor (usually at this time. If she will be receiving general anesthesia (being put to
beginning before term). sleep), the anesthesia is usually not administered until just before the
surgeon is ready to begin the surgery; this is done to minimize the
• Fetal risk: renal anomalies, pulmonary hyperplasia,
time the drugs circulate in the mother's bloodstream with the
hypoxia, increased skeletal deformities, and wrinkled, potential to reach the baby. Although these drugs are not harmful to
leathery skin. the baby, they can make the baby somewhat slow to adapt to life and
can increase the risk for respiratory distress requiring resuscitation.
The mother's arms are typically placed on boards extending directly
• Exact cause is unknown. out from her body. This allows easy access to the mother's veins, to
• Any condition that prevents the fetus from making urine or administer medicine. It also prevents the mother from unconsciously
that blocks urine from going into the amniotic sac. reaching down to her belly during the surgery and contaminating the
operative field, thus increasing the risk for infection.
• Contributing factors: uteroplacental insufficiency,
premature rupture of membranes prior to labor onset,
maternal hypertension, maternal diabetes, intrauterine The first step in performing a cesarean section is what doctors call
growth restriction, postterm pregnancy, fetal renal genesis, "prepping" the abdomen. The abdomen is carefully washed and
polycystic kidneys, and urinary tract obstructions. disinfected to reduce the amount of bacteria on the skin and the
chances of infection following delivery. Next, sterile pieces of cloth
are draped over the patient leaving only the abdomen exposed. This
further reduces the risk of contamination of the incision site. A cloth
is hung from two poles at the mother's shoulders. Although this
• Asymptomatic prevents the mother from seeing the operation directly, it allows the
• Lagging fundal height growth. anesthesiologist to pay close attention to the mother's nose and mouth
and to administer medications without the chance of accidentally
dropping something into the operative field.
Test result

Operating rooms are purposely kept cold. This is because doctors

• Ultrasonography reveals no pockets of amniotic fluid larger must wear surgical gowns and masks and stand under two or more
than 1 cm. high-powered lamps while performing surgery. The room is kept cold
to keep the doctors from sweating and specifically to reduce the
Treatment chances of sweat dripping onto the operative field. This must be
balanced with the need to keep the mother warm. Sometimes these
competing factors can result in heated discussion between the
• Close medical supervision of the mother and fetus. obstetrician and the anesthesiologist. The baby, when delivered, is
• Fetal monitoring placed under a warmer that monitors the baby's temperature and
• Amnioinfusion (infusion of warmed sterile normal saline or automatically adjusts to keep the baby's body temperature within the
lactated Ringer’s solution) to treat or prevent variable normal range.
decelerations during labor.
The surgeon and an assistant prepare for the operation by scrubbing
Nursing Interventions their hands, nails, and arms with a brush soaked in a special
disinfecting solution. A nurse or surgery technician assists them in
putting on sterile gowns and gloves. Surgical gloves are often made
1. Monitor maternal and fetal status closely, including vital of latex; therefore, people with latex allergies should notify their
signs and fetal heart rate patterns. physician so that a different type of glove can be used.
2. Monitor maternal weight gain pattern, notifying the health
care provider if weight loss occurs.
The doctor performing the cesarean stands on one side of the mother
3. Provide emotional support before, during, and after
and the assistant stands on the other side of the operating table.
4. Inform the patient about coping measures if fetal anomalies
are suspected. The operation begins with an incision in the skin of the abdomen (the
5. Instruct her about signs and symptoms of labor, including outer layers of skin only). In most cases, the doctors perform a low
those she’ll need to report immediately. transverse incision, or a bikini incision. This incision is made just
6. Reinforce the need for close supervision and follow up. above the pubic hairline and is approximately six inches long.
7. Assist with amnioinfusion as indicated. Occasionally the doctor makes an incision called a midline incision
8. Encourage the patient to lie on her left side. (or an up-and-down incision). This sort of incision is performed
9. Ensure that amnioinfusion solution is warmed to body when the doctor suspects potential complications during the delivery
temperature. and the possible need for additional surgery. The midline incision
10. Continuously monitor maternal vital signs and fetal heart allows the surgeon more room to operate and can allow for quicker
rate during the amnioinfusion procedure. delivery; however, it produces a less cosmetically appealing scar. The
11. Note the development of any uterine contractions, notify majority of cesarean sections performed in the today utilize a bikini
the health care provider, and continue to monitor closely. incision.
12. Maintain strict sterile technique during amnioinfusion.
After incising the skin, the doctor cuts through the layers of fat
tissues (which are present in all women, although in varying
amounts) and then through a thick fibrous layer called the fascia. The
doctor then makes an incision through a thin, filmy layer called the
peritoneum (the sac lining the abdominal cavity and containing the Of course, the bladder has remained attached to the kidneys and
organs). The uterus and bladder, among other organs, are now visible. urethra, leaving bladder function intact. In a similar manner, the
The bladder usually sits on top of the uterus and must be carefully peritoneum (the thin lining of the abdominal cavity) also heals
moved before the doctor can make the incision on the uterus and spontaneously.
deliver the baby. After the uterus is opened, the delivery can proceed.
The next step in closing the wound is repair of the fascia (the thick
As with the initial skin incision into the abdomen, there are two types fibrous layer of tissue that envelops the body beneath the skin). The
of incisions that can be made into the uterus. The most common type, fascia is usually closed with absorbable suture; however, a suture that
the low transverse incision, is like the bikini cut. The second type, retains its strength longer than that used to close the uterus is usually
the vertical or classical incision, is similar to the midline incision used because the fascia heals a bit slower. In cases where healing is
discussed earlier. While the uterine incisions are similar to the skin likely to be slow, the surgeon may use a permanent suture to close the
incisions in appearance, the doctor's reasons for choosing between the fascia. This suture is made of nylon or a similar substance that does
uterine incisions are completely different. In most cases, the low not dissolve; it will remain in place for the rest of the patient's life.
transverse incision is preferred. This incision has less blood loss and Fortunately, permanent sutures generally cause no problems and most
generally heals better than the classical incision; it also allows a patients are completely unaware of whether a permanent or
woman to consider vaginal birth in subsequent pregnancies. On the absorbable suture has been used.
other hand, the classical incision provides more room for delivering
the baby. It is generally chosen when the baby is in an unusual After the layer of fascia has been closed, the doctor makes sure there
position and especially when the baby is very small. In such cases, a is no bleeding in the layers beneath the skin or in the fat. In most
classical incision may allow a more gentle delivery. The cases, it is not necessary to close the fat layer. Occasionally, when the
disadvantages of the classical incision include the tendency for the layer of fat is very thick, the surgeon may sew it together with
mother to lose more blood and an increased risk for uterine rupture absorbable suture.
during subsequent labors. For this reason, women who have had a
classical uterine incision must deliver all subsequent pregnancies by
cesarean section. Of note, the type of incision made on the skin does There are two options for closing the skin. Today, most surgeons use
not necessarily reflect the type of incision that is made on the uterus. staples; the staples are made of titanium that close the wound without
much effort and generally yield a thin scar. The staples need to be
removed three to five days after the operation. Both the staples and
After the uterus has been opened, the amniotic sac is ruptured. It is the special staple remover are designed for painless removal. The
then time for the doctor to reach into the uterus and pull the baby out. other option is for the surgeon to sew the skin shut with absorbable
This is not as easy as it sounds. The doctor must take great care to subcuticular suture. This very thin suture is sewn just beneath the
deliver the baby gently without twisting the head, neck, body, or surface of the skin and dissolves automatically after a few weeks
limbs in the process. As soon as possible the doctor suctions the when the skin is healed. While the scar left by a skin suture is no
amniotic fluid from the baby's mouth. This should be done before the better than that left by staples, the suture does not have to be removed
baby's first breath; otherwise, the baby could breathe fluid into the later. Nevertheless, most doctors have found no advantage to suture
lungs, which can result in breathing problems that can last for a day and prefer to use skin staples. Suturing also prolongs the operation
or two (called transient tachypnea of the newborn). and can require the entire incision to be opened if an infection
Even though the baby has been removed from the uterus, the baby is
still attached to the mother through the umbilical cord. The doctor Under rare circumstances, other methods of closing the skin are used.
puts two clamps on the umbilical cord and cuts the cord between the In cases of wound infection, the skin may be left open for a few days
two clamps. This prevents bleeding from either side of the cut and closed later. The incision usually heals well by itself given proper
umbilical cord. The obstetrician then passes the baby off the care and leaves a scar that is not much different from those seen after
operating table into a sterile towel that is waiting. In this manner, the an uncomplicated skin closure.
sterile operative field is not interrupted. A nurse or pediatrician then
wipes off and wraps up the baby. If mom is able, she can then hold
her newborn baby. After a light bandage is applied to the incision, the mother is
transferred from the operating table to a bed and taken to the recovery
room, usually with the baby in her arms.
The obstetrician still has important work to do. The mother will be
bleeding from the cut in the uterus. It is critical to repair the incision
as soon as possible. First, however, the placenta must be removed. In
most cases, the doctor reaches into the uterus and peels the placenta
off of the uterine wall. On the other hand, if the bleeding is not too
heavy, some doctors prefer to gently pull on the umbilical cord. In
most cases as the uterus begins to contract, the placenta will fall away
by itself. After the placenta is removed, the doctor wipes the inside of
the uterus with a cloth (called a lap sponge) to remove any remaining
pieces of placenta or membrane. It is then time to close the uterus.

The doctor sews the uterus shut with suture (surgical thread) that is
absorbable and therefore does not need to be removed. Absorbable
suture is very strong when it is first used and it retains its strength
long enough to allow the tissues to heal. The body will gradually
break down the suture so that it is completely dissolved within two to
four weeks after the operation.

The bladder, which may have been lifted off of the uterus, does not
need to be reattached-this will happen naturally within a few weeks.

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