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Editing a MENU in a Already Authored DVD


This guide is ideal for menus that were stilled with VobBlanker or Menushrink.
It can also work on motion menus but you will need knowledge on editing m2v files. Some steps will be
irrelevant but the concept is the same.

• MuxMan
• PgcEdit
• PgcDemux
• VobBlanker
• Any photo editor

Objective: We want to edit the main menu so that the Special Features button is gone and add text that
says "MAIN MENU".

To make the flow of this guide easier created a folders called "demux" and the menu we want to edit is in

Open the DVD with PgcEdit 0.5.2 or newer and select where your
menus is in the PGC selector window. The menu is in
VTS_05_0.VOB so we would select VSTM 5, LU 1 (en) 3 (1:19)
8b. which is the main menu. You can use the preview button to
double check that you have selected the right program.

VSTM 5 is the menu for VTS_05 and VSTM 3 would be the menu for

LU 1 (en) is your language unit for that menu which is English (en)

3 is the program chain number (PGC) for that menu followed by the time for that program. (1:19)

8b. is how many buttons are in that program. 8b means 8 there are buttons.12b = 12 buttons

Now that you have selected the correct menu you want to edit, press the preview button (the eye). A pop up
window will come up with a preview for that program.
NOTE:In this example we have 2 cells. We would have to edit both. The first cell is the intro and the second
is our menu. Some menus will only have one cell or mutliple(ie.10),adjust the guide accordantly to your

We need screen shots of these cells. Preview cell #1 and press the BMP button. Save the file as cell
1.bmp in the “demux” folder. Now press the Cell+ button to preview cell #2. Do the same thing and save it
as cell 2.bmp. Close preview.
With the same menu selected press the Menu button in the tool bar (its green). By default the first cell
with buttons will be shown, select the Special Features button and click the edit button (right click on the
The Menu Editor window will now pop up. Our Special Features button is button #3, make sure the Edit
button slider is set to 3 (or to the button you want to edit) and then have the group ALL checked off. By
having ALL checked off this will edited all the groups at once when a change is made.
NOTE: If the ALL radiobutton is highlighted in red this means the groups are different, either the button
position parameters or the button commands. To be on the safe side edit the groups individually when this is

hightlighted red.

Now go to the Hide Button menu and select Jump to non-deleted button. You can also use Delete
Button feature(Button menu> Delete) instead of hiding. Deleting buttons can be dangerous but hiding them
is normally safe to do. Here is a better explanation in r0lZ post.

Go to the File menu and

export whole menu
and save that in the
“demux” folder. (this will
create a file named
mnu) Go to File again
and export color
scheme to the “demux”
folder as well. (this will
create a file named
sm) Press OK.

Back at the Menu

Buttons window press
the top button to switch
to cell #2.
Important: you will
need to write down what
the IDs for each cell are.
In this example

Cell #1 IDs are VOB ID 1, Cell ID 1 (or 01,01)

Cell #2 IDs are (02,01)

Now do the same thing to cell #2 that you did to cell #1. Hide/Deleting the buttons and exporting. When
exporting cell #2 the files will be named vts05_menu1_03_c2.mnu and vts05_menu1_03_c2.csm.
Close the Menu buttons window. If you deleted the button the PGC
selector window you will show 6 (6b.)

Go to File and Save DVD. Press OK to the save DVD message. YES to “you have modified some menu
buttons or BOVs. Do you want to save them?” And YES to the next message to backup the original file.
Close PgcEdit.

Open PgcDemux v1.2.02 or newer. Input your menus IFO. In our example we would open VTS_05_0.IFO
and set the output folder to the “demux” folder.
In the Mode area have Single Cell checked and under the Options area have only Demux all audio
streams and Demux all subpic streams checked off.
In the Cell Selection area have Menus checked. Now select the IDs of the cell (The ones you wrote down
In our example cell #1 IDs are (01,01). Select this and press the Process! Button. Then OK.

Now select cell #2 IDs (02/01) and set the output folder to a different location that cell #1 was demux so
the files are not overwritten. (you can create a new folder in the “demux" folder). Once that is changed
press Process! Button. Close PgcDemux.

With your favorite photo editing tool edit the bmp files (cell 1.bmp and cell 2.bmp) removing the Special
Features text and add "MAIN MENU" text to the top of the menu. When you are done rename them as
“EDIT cell 1.bmp” and “EDIT cell 2.bmp”
In our demux folder there should be the following files:
Cell 1.bmp and cell 2.bmp the snap shots from PgcEdit
vts05_menu1_03_c1.mnu PgcEdit export menu for cell #1
vts05_menu1_03_c2.mnu PgcEdit export menu for cell #2
vts05_menu1_03_c1.csm PgcEdit export color scheme for cell #1
vts05_menu1_03_c1.csm PgcEdit export color scheme for cell #2
AudioFile_80.ac3 demuxed audio stream for cell #1. Can be different format than .ac3
Subpitures_20.sup demuxed sub stream. You can have one or more of them 21,22...
New Folder with the demuxed audio and sub streams for cell #2
EDIT cell 1.bmp and EDIT cell 2.bmp the edited snap shots

Open MuxMan and select the BMP file (EDIT cell 1.bmp) for the video source and the AC3 file
(AudioFile_80.ac3) in the "demux" folder for cell #1, by clicking on the … button. Set the Language for
the audio stream.
At this point you can even change the audio by putting in your own audio stream. (you can follow part A or
part B of this guide on how to make your own audio.) Now select your subpictures (Subpitures_20.sup) by
once again clicking on the … button. In our example we have two subpictures so we check 2 and then select
our other file (Subpitures_21.sup) and so on. The track will change from unused to 20, 21, 22...every
time a sub is selected.

Create your destination folder ("cell 1 muxed") and click Start. Repeat these steps for cell #2 with EDIT cell
2.bmp for the video and the audio and subpictures for that cell (the ones in the "New Folder"). Save that in
a different folder ("cell 2 muxed").

Open the DVD in VobBlanker. Check Use Input Folder, and Process Menus and uncheck the rest.

In PgcEdit we selected VSTM 5, LU 1 (en) 3 (1:19) 8b. So in VobBlanker we would select VTS_05_0.VOB
in the titleSet window (the VSTM5 part) and then click the Menu button to the right.
Now we would select our Language Unit #1 English (LU 1 (en) part). Once the Language Unit is selected all
the prgram chains(PGCs) for that unit will be shown in the lower window.
Select the PGC that we edited PGC#3 (3 part) you will also notice that VobBlanker shows the #of cells(2), #
of buttons(8) and the duration (1:19). You can also use the preview button to double check that you have
selected the right PGC.
Press the cells button and the cell list window will pop up. select cell #1 (#1, VID 1,CID 1) and click the
Replace button. Navigate to the "cell 1 muxed" folder Muxman created and select VTS_01_1.VOB file.
repeat this for any other cells. In our example we would select #2 VID2, CID 1 for cell #2 and replace it with
the files in "cell 2 muxed" folder.
Press Apply, OK and Process!!

Open the DVD again with PgcEdit and select the menu [VSTM 5, LU 1
(en) 3 (1:19)]. You will notice that there is no buttons associated with
the menu after doing a replace with VobBlanker.
With the menu selected, press the menu button in the tool bar and
then the Edit button in the bottom left.

In the Menu Editor go to File> Import Whole menu and select the menu we exported for cell #1, in our
example we would import vts05_menu1_03_c1.mnu file. Go to File> Import color Shceme and import
the vts05_menu1_03_c1.csm file.
Then press OK.
Repeat this on other cells. Switch to cell #2 and import the vts05_menu1_03_c2.mnu file and use the
vts05_menu1_03_c2.csm file for the color shceme. Press OK, then close.
Now save the DVD. File> Save DVD. Click OK, then YES to the messages.

Done. Test before burning the DVD.

Go back to the guides.

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