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Characterization of an optical multilayer hydrophone with

constant frequency response in the range from 1 to 75 MHz

Volker Wilkensa)
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Fachlabor Ultraschall, Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig,

共Received 29 July 2002; revised 13 December 2002; accepted 17 December 2002兲

The performance of an optical multilayer hydrophone for ultrasound measurements is investigated
both in theoretical terms and experimentally. The optical measurement system comprises a thin
high-finesse dielectric interference filter structure that is deposited onto a plane glass plate. An
incident acoustic pressure wave deforms the layer system, and the induced variation of the optical
reflectance is determined. Applying the concept of an optical off-axis detection scheme offers good
sensitivity and a simple and low-cost setup. A primary interferometric calibration technique is
applied to experimentally determine the pressure–voltage transfer function in the range from 1 to 75
MHz. Within the measurement uncertainty a constant transfer factor is obtained for the whole
frequency range. Measurements of broadband ultrasound pulses are influenced neither by acoustic
resonances of the very thin sensing element nor by diffraction phenomena that are known to cause
waveform distortions in small probe hydrophone measurements. High temporal and spatial
resolution is combined with high durability of the probe, which is why the optical multilayer
hydrophone is well suited for use as a reference for secondary hydrophone calibration. © 2003
Acoustical Society of America. 关DOI: 10.1121/1.1553457兴
PACS numbers: 43.38.Zp, 43.35.Yb, 43.30.Yj 关YHB兴

I. INTRODUCTION reference detector for secondary calibrations of hydrophones

and fiber-optic ultrasound sensors, especially for the high-
Optical measurement systems have proved to be useful frequency range.
tools for the detection of ultrasound, in particular, in the In this paper, the concept of an optical off-axis detection
high-frequency range. The use of thin optical dielectric lay- scheme for the multilayer hydrophone is investigated theo-
ers as a sensor element in both a fiber-optic hydrophone and retically and by experiments. It offers both, good sensitivity
an optical detection array configuration has been reported on and a simple and low-cost setup, and adjustment to the op-
previously.1,2 Acoustic measurement here is based on the erating point of the optical multilayer resonator can be
elastic deformation of the multilayer system by an incident achieved by variation of the illumination angle.4,5 A similar
ultrasound wave. The thin layer system is designed to yield a adjustment technique has been demonstrated to be useful for
large change in optical reflectance at the operational light high-finesse etalon-type ultrasound sensors6 and more re-
wavelength produced by this mechanical deformation. The cently for low-finesse polymer film Fabry–Perot-type ultra-
change in reflectance is detected using a simple optical setup, sound sensors.7 The acoustic performance of the multilayer
and high temporal and spatial resolution of the ultrasound hydrophone is experimentally analyzed. The characterization
measurement can be achieved. The frequency response of the given comprises an estimation of the lateral resolution, the
fiber-optic version of the multilayer hydrophone is strongly frequency response determined by a primary interferometric
influenced by the acoustic properties of the fiber end onto calibration in the range from 1 to 75 MHz, the sensitivity, i.e.
which the layer system is deposited. It can be understood as the minimum detectable sound pressure level of the present
the result of the superposition of longitudinal, edge diffrac- system, the directional response, and the stability.
tion, and lateral waves with a resonant vibration mode of the
fiber body representing an elastic rod.3 The pressure wave-
forms of broadband ultrasound pulses measured with such a II. SENSOR DESIGN, PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION,
fiber-optic multilayer hydrophone are strongly distorted as a AND THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION
result of the nonuniform frequency response. If a probe is The sensor element of the optical multilayer hydrophone
used that comprises a similar layer system deposited onto a consists of a dielectric layer system acting as a microinter-
plane glass plate with a diameter larger than the lateral sound ferometer deposited on a plane glass plate 共Fig. 1, insert兲.
field dimension, such distortions do not occur since edge and The high-finesse dielectric interference filter structure is of a
resonance effects are avoided.2 In addition to the uniform design well suited for use as a pressure sensing element at
frequency response, this sensor concept basically offers high ultrasound frequencies.1,5 Two high-reflection subsystems,
temporal and spatial resolution and high durability of the both consisting of several ␭ D/4 layers, are connected by a
probe, which is why the system is well suited for use as a central ␭ D/2 spacer layer, where ␭ D denotes the optical de-
sign wavelength at which the interference filter offers maxi-
Electronic mail: Volker.Wilkens@ptb.de mum transmission. This structure combines a high optical

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113 (3), March 2003 0001-4966/2003/113(3)/1431/8/$19.00 © 2003 Acoustical Society of America 1431
FIG. 1. Optical multilayer hydrophone
setup; insert: multilayer system depos-
ited onto a plane glass substrate; i
⫽0: substrate, i⫽1,...,N: dielectric
layers, i⫽N⫹1: surrounding water,
N: total layer number, H, L: high-
index and low-index optical ␭ D/4
layer, respectively, p in : incident pres-
sure wave, I in : incident, and I ref : re-
flected optical intensity, n i , ␪ i : re-
fractive index and light propagation
angle, respectively, in the ith medium.

finesse of the Fabry–Perot interferometer with a very small and its characteristic matrix:

冋 册
overall thickness, and good acoustic sensitivity together with
冑⫺1 sin ␾ i
a large detection bandwidth is obtained. cos ␾ i
The principle of ultrasound measurement is based on the Mi ⫽ ␥i , i⫽1,...,N. 共2兲
elastic deformation of the layer system by an incident pres- 冑⫺1 ␥ i sin ␾ i cos ␾ i
sure wave p in and the measurement of the induced change in
optical reflectance ⌬R by an optical detection scheme 共Fig. Here, ␥ i denotes the optical admittance of the layer that de-
1兲. The optical arrangement for a single element detector can pends on the state of polarization of the incident light:
be considerably simplified if the oblique incidence of light is
utilized instead of perpendicular illumination in the setup ␥ i⫽ 冑␮⑀ ␪ 0

n i cos i, for perpendicular 共 s 兲 polarization;
previously described.2 Only very few optical components

冑␮⑀ 冒
comprising the laser source, two lenses, the sensor probe, 0
and a photodetector are necessary. Focusing of the laser ␥ i⫽ ni cos ␪ i , for parallel 共 p 兲 polarization,
beam yields high spatial resolution of the ultrasound mea-
surement. Since backreflection into the laser source does not with the absolute dielectric constant and permeability of the
occur due to the off-axis detection scheme, optical isolation free space ⑀ 0 and ␮ 0 , respectively. The whole layer system
is not necessary. Backreflections from the rear of the sub- is described by the product of the N individual characteristic
strate are laterally separated from the light reflected at the matrices taken in the correct order:
layer system and can easily be masked to avoid parasitic
冋 册
m 11 m 12
interference. Furthermore, a beamsplitter needs not to be in- M⫽ 兿 Mi ⫽
i⫽1 m 21 m 22
. 共4兲
serted for the detection of the light reflected at the layer
system, which offers highly efficient use of light, and a laser The complex amplitude coefficient of reflection is then given
source with comparatively low output power is sufficient to by the four components m 11 ,...,m 22 of M and the optical
achieve good sensitivity of the optical hydrophone. For the admittance of the fiber substrate ␥ 0 and of the surrounding
monochromatic light source here a HeNe laser is preferred to water ␥ N⫹1 (n 0 ⫽1.48, n N⫹1 ⫽1.329):
a laser diode because mode competition noise typical of laser
diodes would give reason to increased intensity noise in the ␥ 0 m 11⫹ ␥ 0 ␥ N⫹1 m 12⫺m 21⫺ ␥ N⫹1 m 22
r⫽ . 共5兲
reflected part of light.5 ␥ 0 m 11⫹ ␥ 0 ␥ N⫹1 m 12⫹m 21⫹ ␥ N⫹1 m 22
For a theoretical description the system of N dielectric The intensity reflectance is R⫽r•r * , the asterisk denoting a
layers is assumed to be optically nonabsorbing, homoge- complex conjugate.
neous, and isotropic. The optical reflectance R of the system In Fig. 2 the calculated reflectance R is depicted in de-
for oblique incidence of light with wavelength ␭ can then be pendence on the normalized design wavelength ␭ D /␭ for a
calculated using the matrix formalism for optical multilayer 19-layer system with n⫽2.30 for the high index (Nb2 O5 )
systems,8 where the single ith layer with the physical thick- and n⫽1.48 for the low index material (SiO2 ), for three
ness d i , refractive index n i , and angle of light propagation different angles of light incidence in air ␪ in⫽0°, 25°, and
␪ i is described by its angle-dependent phase thickness: 35°. For normal incidence of light, the high-finesse interfer-
ence filter design produces a narrow transmission peak at ␭
2␲ ⫽␭ D⫽2n 10d 10⫽4n i d i (i⫽1,...,9,11,...,19). An incident
␾ i⫽ n d cos ␪ i , i⫽1,...,N, 共1兲
␭ i i pressure wave causes modulation of the optical thicknesses

1432 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 113, No. 3, March 2003 Volker Wilkens: Optical multilayer hydrophone
For realistic layer numbers N, the thickness of the whole
layer system is also small compared with ⌳ in the system,
and the axial stress can be assumed constant within the
whole layer system and is given by the negative value of the
pressure p in the water in front of the sensor. Because of the
acoustic impedance mismatch at the surface of the sensor, a
reflected acoustic wave occurs and the pressure p in front of
the sensor is about 1.8 times the free-field pressure of the
incident wave p in .
The deformation leads to a change ⌬d i in the physical
thickness of the ith layer:

FIG. 2. Optical reflectance of the 19-layer system in dependence on the

normalized optical thickness ␭ D /␭ for three different angles of light inci-
dence ␪ in for parallel 共p兲 and perpendicular 共s兲 polarization. Operational
⌬d i ⫽ 冉 冊
⳵z i
d i ⫽⫺
d ,
␳ i v 2i i

points with maximum ⌬R/p in at the edge of the transmission peaks 共䊉兲. where ␳ i and v i denote the density and longitudinal wave
velocity, respectively, of the ith layer. Since no exact material
parameters for the sputtered layers were available, the bulk
of the layers and, thus, a modulation of optical reflectance of parameters are used for approximate calculation instead
the whole layer system. The operating point of maximum (SiO2 : ␳⫽2250 kg m⫺3, v ⫽5800 m s⫺1; Nb2 O5 : ␳⫽4500
reflectance slope ⌬R/p in is located at the edge of the trans- kg m⫺3, v ⫽6220 m s⫺1兲.5 However, a modulation of the re-
mission peak, where the reflectance is about R 0 ⬇0.25.1,5 An fraction coefficient n i of each layer and the substrate (i
alteration of ␪ in gives rise to a change of the light propaga- ⫽0,...,N) results from the strain according to the elasto-optic
tion angles ␪ i in the substrate, the layers, and the water 共cf. effect:9

冉 冊
Fig. 1兲 to be calculated by an appropriate application of
Snell’s law. Due to the changes in the phase thicknesses ␾ i 1 ⳵w 1 p
⌬n i ⫽⫺ n 3i p 12i ⫽ n 3i p 12i 2 , 共7兲
of the layers 关Eq. 共1兲兴, a shift of both the transmission peak 2 ⳵z i 2 ␳ iv i
and the operating point toward higher values of ␭ D /␭ is
induced. This behavior offers an important advantage over a where p 12i denotes the relevant strain-optic coefficient of the
setup in which the light incidence is restricted to the perpen- ith medium. Here the value for optical quartz fibers p 12
dicular direction: By choice of the appropriate angle ␪ in that ⫽0.27 taken from Ref. 9 is used for both materials.3 The
depends on the laser wavelength ␭ and the design wave- effects of strain-induced birefringence are neglected. In ad-
length ␭ D of the specific interference filter sample used, the dition to the effects of layer deformation, the modulation of
microinterferometer can be precisely adjusted to the operat- the refractive index n N⫹1 in the water by the pressure p in
ing point for ultrasound detection without tuning of the laser front of the sensor contributes to a variation of the optical
wavelength. In general, an adjustment is necessary because reflectance ⌬R of the multilayer system:10
thickness deviations of the central spacer layer that in the ⌬n N⫹1 ⫽ p⫻1.5⫻10⫺4 MPa⫺1 . 共8兲
manufacturing process are not completely avoidable cause a
shift of the design wavelength from the desired value.1 In However, in the case of the 19-layer system, the latter con-
addition to the spectral shift, a variation of the width of the tribution is very small compared with the interference effect
transmission peak of the interference filter in dependence on in the layer system.
␪ in can be seen in Fig. 2, which is caused by the angle- and In Fig. 3共a兲 the maximum reflectance slope D⫽⌬R/p in
polarization-dependent optical admittances 关Eq. 共3兲兴. For p of the 19-layer system at the operational wavelength is de-
polarization the finesse decreases with increasing ␪ in due to picted in dependence on the angle of light incidence ␪ in cal-
decreasing absolute values of the complex Fresnel reflectiv- culated with Eqs. 共1兲–共8兲, where plane optical waves were
ity coefficients for each layer boundary, whereas for s polar- assumed within the layer system. With increasing angle the
ization, the finesse increases due to increasing absolute val- maximum reflectance slope increases for s polarization and
ues of the coefficients. decreases for p polarization, depending on the variations of
For a quantitative description of the reflectance slope the optical finesse of the multilayer system described above.
⌬R/ p in it is assumed that a perpendicularly incident plane Thus, s polarization should preferably be used to achieve
ultrasonic wave produces a pure longitudinal wave within high sensitivity. Figure 3共b兲 shows the shift in the operational
the sensor with a displacement w(z) in the layer system and optical wavelength ␭ of maximum reflectance slope in de-
the substrate in the axial direction only. Negligible radial pendence on the angle of light incidence. For a given design
displacement can be assumed on the axis of the acoustic field wavelength ␭ D the operational wavelength ␭ decreases with
where the small laser spot is located. Because of the radial increasing angle ␪ in .
symmetry with respect to the z axis, no torsional component Since the thickness modulations are small compared
occurs. Since the layer thicknesses d i (i⫽1,...,N) in all with the optical layer thicknesses of the undeformed system,
practical cases are small with respect to the acoustic wave- a linear relationship between pressure amplitude and change
lengths ⌳ in the layer materials, the axial strain ⳵ w(z)/ ⳵ z in optical reflectance is realized. The calculated change in
can be assumed constant along the z axis within each layer. reflectance ⌬R in dependence on the positive peak pressure

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 113, No. 3, March 2003 Volker Wilkens: Optical multilayer hydrophone 1433
eral resolution in the acoustic measurement, the laser needs
to be focused. In this case the reflectance slope function ob-
tained for a certain range of angles in the vicinity of ␪ in and
constant operational wavelength has to be weighted with the
angle-dependent profile of the light intensity and integrated
over this range of angles. The effect of this integration is an
increase in R and a decrease in D with increasing divergence,
which becomes significant at large ␪ in and high optical fi-
nesse, in particular. In the practical realization the maximum
reflectance slope achievable using large layer numbers N is,
therefore, restricted by the oblique and focused illumination
cone used.


Experiments were carried out to investigate the acoustic
performance of the optical hydrophone. The multilayer sys-
tem manufactured was made of N⫽19 layers with alternat-
ing refractive indices of n⫽2.3 (Nb2 O5 ) and n
⫽1.48 (SiO2 ). The sputtering technique was employed to
obtain a robust coating that can be used in water without
swelling of the layers. The sensor element has an overall
FIG. 3. Maximum reflectance slope D⫽⌬R/p in 共a兲 of the 19-layer system at thickness of d total⬇1.9 ␮ m. The design wavelength as mea-
the appropriate operational wavelength 共b兲 in dependence on the angle of sured by a grating spectrometer was ⬃675 nm, and a HeNe
light incidence ␪ in for parallel 共p兲 and perpendicular 共s兲 polarization.
laser of 633 nm wavelength and ⬃2 mW output power was
used in the optical detection setup. So, the angle of light
of the incident wave p in for ␪ in⫽35° and s polarization using incidence was adjusted to ␪ in⬇35° 关cf. Fig. 3共b兲兴. Perpen-
the same assumptions as before is shown in Fig. 4. Excellent dicular polarization of light was used and the focal length of
linearity is found up to 20 MPa. A 5% decrease in D occurs the lens was f 1 ⫽50 mm 共cf. Fig. 1兲. The measurement time
at 37 MPa, and a 10% decrease at 53 MPa. Using different is restricted to pulse or tone burst lengths up to ⬃2.2 ␮s,
total layer numbers N, the linear range of the system can, in because after this transit time acoustic reflections from the
principle, be adjusted to the measurement task. It should be rear side of the sensor substrate 共thickness: 6.5 mm兲 may
noted that the absolute values of D depend on the assump- cause distortions. For longer measurement times a thicker
tions made for the material parameters that are expected to substrate, a substrate with stronger acoustic absorption, or an
depend on the manufacturing process of the layers. additional, appropriately mounted absorber can be used.
As mentioned above, all calculations were carried out A. Lateral resolution
for plane optical waves within the layer system, i.e., for
single angles of light incidence. The results therefore are The lateral resolution capability of the sensor system is
directly applicable to the use of a collimated laser beam in mainly determined by the optical spot size of the focused
the optical detection scheme. However, to achieve high lat- light beam within the multilayer system. For an estimation of
the spot dimension, a knife edge was fixed to the layer sys-
tem, which was then moved in the horizontal direction per-
pendicular to the edge. A successive evaluation of the part of
light transmitted in dependence on the edge position in the x
and y directions showed a Gaussian intensity profile with full
widths at 1/e of the maximum of ⬃60 ␮m in the x direction
and ⬃45 ␮m in the y direction. The increased width in the x
direction is first due to the oblique incidence of light, result-
ing in an elliptical cross section of the illuminating spot. A
further enlargement of the width in the x direction is then
brought about by the multi-interference process in the layer
It should be noted that the lateral distribution of the
acousto-optic transduction efficiency within the focused op-
tical spot depends not only on the Gaussian light intensity
distribution but also on the optical angular spectrum, as de-
scribed in Sec. II, and can be quite inhomogeneous in the x
FIG. 4. The calculated change in reflectance ⌬R of the 19-layer system
direction, in particular. Furthermore, in applications of ultra-
in dependence on the acoustic positive peak pressure p in ; the range of sound imaging using the sensor as a two-dimensional detec-
linearity. tion array, the lateral resolution may also be restricted by

1434 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 113, No. 3, March 2003 Volker Wilkens: Optical multilayer hydrophone
above.11 Within the uncertainty of the calibration, a constant
transfer function of M ( f )⫽9.0 mV/MPa is obtained for the
whole frequency range investigated. Due to the small thick-
ness of the sensing element (d total⬇1.9 ␮ m), no thickness
resonances occur 共subresonant mode兲 that are known to
bring about a strong variation of the transfer function, for
instance, in the case of membrane hydrophones with a typi-
cal foil thickness of 25 ␮m in the frequency range of about
40 MHz.11 Thickness mode resonance distortions are also
known from other optical ultrasound detectors like low-
finesse polymer film Fabry–Perot-type12,13 and high-finesse
etalon-type sensors.6 Although the acoustic frequency re-
FIG. 5. The frequency response of the optical multilayer hydrophone sponse has not been investigated as a function of the etalon
as determined by the primary interferometric calibration; measurement thickness in Ref. 6, resonances can be expected according to
repeated after one year; linear regression; uncertainty bars: standard un- the acoustic sensitivity of both the front and the rear face of
the sensor element, which can be observed in the impulse
measurements performed. Since the diameter of the optical
surface acoustic waves 共cf. Sec. III D兲, a mechanical cross- multilayer hydrophone sensor probe is much larger than that
talk phenomenon, which is known, for instance, from capaci- of the sound field, edge diffraction, lateral waves, and radial
tive micromachined ultrasonic transducer arrays. resonances within the sensor element do not arise, whereas
these effects are known to cause distortions of the frequency
B. Frequency response response of small probe hydrophones like, for instance,
A technique for primary calibration of hydrophones needle-type hydrophones14,15 and, in particular, fiber-optic
based on a Michelson interferometer was applied to experi- multilayer hydrophones.3
mentally determine the frequency response of the optical It is appropriate to compare the experimentally obtained
multilayer hydrophone. As a detailed description of the cali- transfer factor with the theoretical result according to the
bration setup and the evaluation procedure is given in Ref. analysis in Sec. II. The maximum reflectance slope at ␪ in
11, a brief description will be sufficient here. A stabilized ⫽35° for s polarization was determined to be D⫽3.87
interferometer detected the displacement of a pellicle 共thick- ⫻10⫺3 /MPa 关cf. Fig. 3共a兲兴. The diameter of the Gaussian
ness: 2 ␮m兲 mounted on the surface of the water contained in profile laser beam incident on the focusing lens ( f
a tank, while ultrasound bursts from a focusing PVDF source ⫽50 mm), measured by a procedure similar to that described
transducer 共diameter: 5 mm, focal length: 12.5 mm, center in Sec. III A, was d⫽550 ␮ m 共full width at 1/e of maxi-
frequency: 50 MHz兲 were incident from the bottom. The mum兲. Numerical integration of the reflectance function and
pressure amplitudes p in were calculated from the displace- the reflectance slope function, respectively, weighted with
ment amplitudes measured in the focal plane for discrete this geometrical illumination cone incident at ␪ in⫽35° yields
frequencies in the range from 1 to 75 MHz. In a second R cone⫽1.06⫻R 0 and D cone⫽0.72⫻D. Using D cone
course, the known acoustic field at each frequency was mea- ⫽⌬R cone /p in together with ⌬R cone /R cone⫽2.8⫻U/U 0 ,
sured using the optical multilayer hydrophone and the same where U 0 ⫽2.35 V is the direct current 共dc兲 voltage of the
excitation conditions of the source transducer as in the inter- photodetector corresponding to the reflectance R cone at the
ferometric measurements. The transfer function M ( f ) operating point and 2.8 the ratio of electrical amplification of
⫽U/p in was then calculated by a comparison of the signal the dc output to the alternating current 共ac兲 output of the
voltage amplitudes U with the reference measurement re- photodetector, the theoretical pressure–voltage transfer fac-
sults. A data correction was carried out to compensate the tor is given by
acoustic transmission characteristic of the foil and the fre- U UD cone D coneU 0
quency response of the photodetector in the interferometric M th⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽8.8 mV/MPa, 共9兲
p in ⌬R cone 2.8R cone
reference setup. In addition, a correction was performed to
compensate the frequency response of the photodetector 共in- which is in good agreement with the experimental value.
cluding amplifier兲 of the multilayer hydrophone determined Note that the absolute values given in Fig. 5 on the
in a separate optical mixing measurement.11 Since the optical ordinate depend on the amplification chosen for the photo-
spot size of the two detection systems was approximately the current and in this sense are arbitrary and cannot be com-
same, corrections for the influence of spatial averaging of the pared with values known from PVDF hydrophones to esti-
focused sound field could be omitted. mate the sensitivity. This comparison is dealt with in the
The pressure–voltage transfer function obtained is following paragraph.
shown in Fig. 5. The measurement uncertainties 共66% con-
fidence level兲 depicted for several frequencies are derived
C. Sensitivity
from the uncertainties of the voltage measurements 共includ-
ing the signal-to-noise ratio兲 and sensor positioning, from an The sensitivity of the optical multilayer hydrophone sys-
estimation of sound field inhomogeneities, and from the un- tem was determined by measurement of the noise voltage
certainties of the different correction procedures referred to U noise of the photodetector output. From the noise voltage, as

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 113, No. 3, March 2003 Volker Wilkens: Optical multilayer hydrophone 1435
TABLE I. Sensitivity in terms of the noise-equivalent peak pressure values
measured for the present optical multilayer hydrophone system, a PVDF
membrane hydrophone/amplifier combination, and a small diameter needle-
type PVDF hydrophone.

Noise-equivalent peak pressure p min

共25 MHz detection bandwidth;
Measurement system without averaging兲

Optical multilayer hydrophone 30 kPa

0.5 mm diameter PVDF 0.6 kPa
membrane hydrophone
0.075 mm diameter PVDF 55 kPa
needle-type hydrophone 共Ref. 13兲

measured by an oscilloscope, the noise-equivalent pressure

was obtained using the transfer factor from the experimental
calibration: p min⫽Unoise /M . The noise-equivalent acoustic
pressure of the multilayer hydrophone for an analog detec-
tion bandwidth of the oscilloscope of ⬃25 MHz 共sampling FIG. 6. Directional response of the optical multilayer hydrophone measured
rate 250 MS/s兲 without signal averaging is given in Table I, perpendicular (yz plane, ␣兲, 共a兲 and parallel (xz plane, ␤兲, 共b兲 to the plane
in comparison with the corresponding value of a typical 0.5 of light incidence 共cf. Fig. 1兲 for different ultrasound frequencies; U: voltage
mm diameter PVDF membrane hydrophone/amplifier sys- amplitude, U 0 : voltage amplitude at normal incidence.
tem. In addition, the value taken from Ref. 13 for a 75 ␮m
diameter PVDF needle-type hydrophone obtained in a simi- frequencies 共10, 15, 25 MHz兲 tone bursts were measured in
lar way is listed. It should be noted that the noise sources of angular steps of 2° and the voltage amplitudes were related
the different measurement systems are of a different kind. to the amplitude at normal sound incidence. Measurements
While the noise during the PVDF hydrophones measurement were successively made for turning in the xz plane and in the
is dominated by that from the amplifier used 共separately or yz plane 共cf. Fig. 1兲. The results obtained are shown in Fig.
within the oscilloscope兲, the noise during the optical mea- 6. Obviously, the directional response does not significantly
surement is mainly made up of light intensity noise from the depend on the ultrasound frequency in the frequency and
laser source and shot noise from the optical detection pro- angular ranges investigated. This is in contrast to the direc-
cess. The results show that on the one hand the sensitivity of tional response known, for instance, from membrane hydro-
the present optical multilayer hydrophone is significantly phones, which is, with the exception of the impact of Lamb
lower 共1.5 orders of magnitude兲 than that of the membrane waves at large angles 共⬃55°兲 and low frequencies, well de-
hydrophone that is 0.5 mm in diameter. On the other hand, scribed by the diffraction theory of a plane rigid circular disk
the PVDF needle-type hydrophone with a sensor diameter receiver.16 The directional response of the optical multilayer
comparable to that of the optical hydrophone shows a sensi- hydrophone is not dominated by diffraction but likely by the
tivity smaller by approximately a factor of 2. In general, the impact of Rayleigh waves excited on the sensor surface. In
sensitivity of smaller diameter PVDF hydrophones is lower the range from 20° to 30°, the excitation is most effective
due to the lower capacitance. In principle, this trade-off be- because here the propagation constant components parallel to
tween sensitivity and lateral resolution can be circumvented the sensor surface of the incident wave and of the surface
when using the optical multilayer hydrophone. Here the sen- wave are matched, which results in a strong increase of the
sitivity depends on the reflectance slope of the layer system response in this range. The asymmetric profile found for the
and on the power and noise characteristics of the light source xz plane is a result of the asymmetric variation of the reflec-
but not on the size of the sensing element. This applies simi- tance slope in dependence on the angle of illumination for
larly to sensitivity versus frequency response: To achieve a the optical cone at oblique incidence 共cf. Sec. II兲. In contrast,
large frequency range with a flat transfer function, it is nec- the variation of the reflectance slope within the cone of illu-
essary to use small foil thicknesses for the PVDF hydro- mination in the perpendicular direction is very small and
phones 共subresonant mode兲, which, in turn, produce low sen- symmetric to the z axis, leading to a symmetric directional
sitivity. This second trade-off can also be circumvented when response in the yz plane.
using the optical hydrophone that inherently uses a very
small overall thickness, even for large layer numbers.
E. Stability
The short-term stability was investigated by repeated
D. Directional response
measurements of ultrasound pulses from a focusing source
To determine the directional response of the multilayer transducer 共center frequency: 8 MHz, diameter 6 mm, focal
hydrophone a focusing source transducer 共diameter: 6 mm; length: 15 mm兲 driven by a pulse generator 共peak voltage:
focal length: 20 mm兲 was turned about the measurement 350 V兲. After 60 min of warming up for the laser source, the
point at the water surface, since the present detection system sensor, which was at the same temperature as the water, was
does not allow the detector to be turned. For three different positioned at the water surface and the peak voltage of a

1436 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 113, No. 3, March 2003 Volker Wilkens: Optical multilayer hydrophone
20-times-averaged waveform was immediately acquired. The tion. This technique has already been successfully applied to
measurement was randomly repeated over several hours. The the calibration of fiber-optic multilayer hydrophones using a
maximum relative deviation of the peak voltage was 2% and focused source transducer with a center frequency of 8 MHz,
a systematic tendency with time could not be identified. The and evaluation up to the fifth harmonic provided the fre-
deviation of the laser power simultaneously measured was in quency response up to 40 MHz.5,17 The technique may be
the range of 1%. With respect to other statistical deviations extended also to the calibration of PVDF hydrophones using
caused, for instance, by the source transducer and the pulse broadband pulses.18 –21 Furthermore, a direct comparison
generator used, better stability could not be expected. Sig- with the constant frequency response of the optical
nificant swelling of the layers that would have changed the multilayer hydrophone would eliminate the need for ex-
optical reflectance was not observed. tended sound field calculations, including idealized assump-
The long-term stability of the optical multilayer hydro- tions for the source transducer, in broadband calibration tech-
phone was confirmed when the interferometric calibration niques without a reference receiver using nonlinear sound
was repeated after one year, and so far no significant devia- propagation.22 The optical multilayer hydrophone may also
tion due to degradation of the sensor could be observed be regarded as a possible independent method to confirm the
共Fig. 5兲. existing interferometric calibration techniques, in particular,
as regards their extension to the high-frequency range re-
IV. CONCLUSIONS cently developed.11,23 From the metrological perspective, the
An optical multilayer hydrophone for broadband ultra- comparison of piezoelectric hydrophones with the acoustic
sound detection was theoretically described and experimen- pressure detecting optical hydrophone is more advantageous
tally characterized. The acoustic measurement is based on than a comparison with interferometers detecting particle
the elastic deformation of the very thin optical layer system displacement, since for a given acoustic pressure, the particle
deposited onto a glass substrate by an incident pressure wave displacement for a plane wave is reciprocally related to the
and the detection of the induced change in optical reflec- frequency, which imposes more severe requirements for an
tance. Using an oblique incidence of light to detect the re- acceptable signal-to-noise ratio at high frequencies.23
Another application field for the detection system pre-
flectance variation yields good sensitivity and a very simple
sented may lie in high-frequency ultrasound imaging, where
and low-cost setup. For the theoretical description some sim-
detection arrays with a small element size are called for.2,24,25
plifying assumptions and material parameter estimations
were made to study the sensor performance and the opportu- A promising concept in this field of nondestructive testing is
nity to adjust the operational optical wavelength of a given the application of broadband optical ultrasound detection
layer system by variation of the angle of light incidence. systems in combination with laser-induced photoacoustic
From this several design criteria for the detection arrange- pulse generation.7,26,27
ment could be derived.
A concrete optical multilayer hydrophone arrangement ACKNOWLEDGMENT
was experimentally characterized. The lateral resolution, the The author wishes to thank Walter Molkenstruck for
frequency response, the sensitivity, the directional response, support with regard to the interferometric calibration.
and the stability were determined. Because of the very small
sensor element thickness and the absence of edge and radial 1
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