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The hardest part of reading a book is to be one with what it says or

narrates or describes. One needs to closely read it and put into life – the imagery

it would like to share. There’s a room for the connection between the book and

reader. Critic of books needs to grasp the vague form of a book, to hold it fast, to

turn it over and to survey it for leisure to be able to note its beauty and recognize

its charm. The readers will give meaning, life, and strength on it.

Literature avoids the differences of the real and the imaginary, of what is

and what is not. Through literature, the genuineness and dignity of literary forms

transformed man’s relationship to the world. When a person reads a piece of art,

he learns to transport artistically into world not his own. His involvement in that

world denotes values that will enrich his experiences. He enjoys the comedies

and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays that create. He may even grow

and evolve through the literary journey with books.

As far as fiction is concerned, fantasy has the capability to appeal to a

wide audience for the reason that it is interconnected with literary genres such as

myths, fairy tales, heroic romances, science fiction, gothic horror, and magic

realism. It is a phenomenon in the world of literature, appealing to readers of all

ages and nationalities. It requires the element of magic and power as endowed

among fictional character or objects. Such magic often serves as a plot device,

the source of magical artifacts and their quests.

Fantasy as a form of fiction, is another way of portraying reality. The

features that one can find on it may be unreal but the morals that the readers will

acquire from it are real. It has nothing to do with inventing non-human world.

People are usually shy about their fantasies, even ashamed. Fantasy is not

useless. It is a cheap accessible pleasure and an emotional safety regulator.

Fantasy is also present in novels. In expressing and communicating

human experience, the fantasy novel is part of man’s lives. It opens a new world

of imagination and it is pleasant to discover that sometimes, in a few novels, it is

a world which creates an illusion. It is so pleasant that the readers are contented

to be lost in. Since the serious novel in some sense portrays real life, great effort

goes into giving it likeness to truth.

People love novels mostly because the readiness to comfort and entertain

themselves with fantasy and the other reason is the curiosity and desire for

insight about reality. Though these seem like opposites, it is not always easy to

separate them completely. Jenny Han is one of the most beloved authors in the

field of young-adult fictions. She puts glimpse of her habits and piece of her life in

every book she wrote. Han is inspired by the things that she faced in the reality to

put color in every chapter of her works.

Jenny Han was known as the New York Times bestselling author by her

works.  Since To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before focused on the conflicts between

the personal, social, and love life of the teenager in modern way, the researchers

decided to further elaborate on the problems of adolescence reflect in the novel.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine, analyze, and discuss Han’s “To all the

boys I’ve loved before.”

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the problems regarding adolescence that is depicted in

the novel?

2. How did the author treat the following elements of the novel?

2.1. characters

2.2. setting

2.3. plot

3. What are the solutions recommended by the novel for the


Scope, Delimitation and Limitations of the Study

This study concentrated on the problems of adolescence depicted in the

novel. The researchers analyzed the essential elements of this young – adult

fiction novel such as its character, setting and plot focusing on the problems of

the adolescence. The proponent also dealt with the moral of the story to exercise

of human will and the importance of the faced problems of the characters in the


This will only focus on the first sequel of the book which is To All the Boys

I’ve Loved Before and not the second sequel which is entitled P.S. I Still Love


Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of adolescence

depicted in the novel To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. This study has valuable

implications for students, family, nation that may concerned on the influence of

the novel.

To Students. The students especially those readers who love an art of

fiction will find this beneficial because they will be enlighten with the problems of

adolescence that were faced by the characters in the novel.

To Readers. This study is important to them because it can help them

assessing the content that can be seen or read in the novel.


To the Future Researchers. This study will be significant to them

because they can get ideas connected in the novel. It can also be their basis with

some ideas relevant to the study.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are hereby presented and define conceptually and

operationally the way they were used in the present study.

Fantasy. It is the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things

that are impossible or improbable.


In this study, this refers to a story about things that happen in an

imaginary world.

Fiction. It is literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and

novels, that describes imaginary events and people.



In this study, this refers to the genre of the novel.

Novel. It is a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically

representing character and action with some degree of realism.



In this study, this refers to a long story usually about imaginary characters

and events.

Jenny Han.She is one of the New York Time bestselling author for her

works. (http://www.dearjennyhan.com/bio.html)

In this study, she is the author of the novel that this research will focus on.



This chapter exhibits the review of related literature and studies which

assist the researchers to gather sufficient data and establish a frame of reference

that is relevant and significant to present study.

Related Literature

Fiction.The word “fiction” comes from the Latin word fictio, meaning “the

act of making or shaping”. Unlike nonfiction (the recording of real events and the

lives of real couple through historical texts, journalism, biographies or diaries),

fiction is shaped word by word, sentence by sentence and event by event by the

imagination of an author. Writers of fiction create the people, places and events

in their stories. Occasionally, fiction ells about real places or events or people,

but the author imagine certain elements in the story and chooses the way it is

told. (The New Book of Knowledge, 2006)

Fiction is a term used to classify any story created by the imagination,

rather than based strictly on history or fact. Fiction can be expressed in a variety

of formats, including writings, live performances, films, television programs, video

games, and role-playing games, though the term originally and most commonly

refers to the major narrative forms of literature (see literary fiction), includ ing the

novel, novella, short story, and play. Fiction constitutes an act of creative

invention, so that faithfulness to reality is not typically assumed; in other words,

fiction is not expected to present only characters who are actual people or

descriptions that are factually true. The context of fiction is generally open to

interpretation, due to fiction's freedom from any necessary embedding in reality;

however, some fictional works are claimed to be, or marketed as, historically or

factually accurate, complicating the traditional distinction between fiction and

non-fiction. Fiction is a classification or category, rather than a specific mode or

genre, unless used in a narrower sense as a synonym for a particular literary

fiction form. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiction)

Adolescence. It is a transitional stage of

physical and psychological human development that generally occurs during the

period from puberty to legal adulthood. The period of adolescence is most closely

associated with the teenage years, though its physical, psychological and cultural

expressions may begin earlier and end later. For example, although puberty has

been historically associated with the onset of adolescent development, it now

typically begins prior to the teenage years and there has been a normative shift

of it occurring in preadolescence, particularly in females. Physical growth, as

distinct from puberty and cognitive development generally seen in adolescence,

can also extend into the early twenties. Thus chronological age provides only a

rough marker of adolescence, and scholars have found it difficult to agree upon a

precise definition of adolescence. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolescence)


A time for developing independence. Typically, adolescents exercise their

independence by questioning their parents’ rules, which at times leads to rule

breaking. It is common for once loyal children to begin to grumble when asked to

carry out some chores at home and to respond in harsh words when been

rebuked by their parents. This is often a challenging time for most parents.

Some parents and their adolescents clash over almost everything. In these

situations, the core issue is really control—adolescents want to feel in control of

their lives and parents want adolescents to know they still make the rules.

The time between and adulthood is known as adolescence. It is a period

of physical growth. But it also a time that mind and behaviour mature. The length

of time for his period of development varies. Adolescence can start at 9 and end

at 18. It can start at 14 and end at 25. Young people may grow quickly in some

ways and slowly in others. This is why children who may be only 9, 10, or 11

years old may be adolescents in some ways already, while teenagers of 13 or 14

may just be reaching adolescence.

During adolescence, young people begin to find out about themselves and

what they want to do, and what kind of people they want to be. It can be a time of

self-expression, curiosity and exploration, a time of discovery and adventure.

Slowly but surely, boys and girls accept more and more responsibility for their

own behaviour.

These body changes affect feelings as well as appearance. The glands

and hormones that are bringing about external physical changes are also

working toward a new internal balance. Adolescents still feel unsure of

themselves, so they are annoyed at anything that makes them feel exceptional or

different, whether it is wearing glasses or braces or having many freckles. As

young people and mature and gain self- confidence, they begin to accept

themselves as they are. (The Book of Knowledge, 2006)

Friendship. It is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more

people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association.

Friendship has been studied in academic fields such as sociology, social

psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. Various academic theories of

friendship have been proposed, including social exchange theory, equity

theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. A World Happiness Database

study found that people with close friendships are happier.


Making friends and learning how to be a friend take on special importance

during adolescence. It is the time that the centre of their social world changes

from their home environment to their peer group environment. At first the most

important thing is popularity. Later on, young people become more selective

about their friends. They begin to choose those who have the same ideas and

interests or those who are interesting because they have different backgrounds.

As boys and girls develop their own standards, popularity

becomes less important to them than the genuine affection of individuals they

admire. (The New Book of Knowledge, 2006)

Family. Your family may be the most important group to which you will

ever belong. Its purpose is to provide its members with a safe, secure and

nurturing environment. The family is usually considered the most basic unit of

society. In general, it can be defined as a group of two or more people related to

one another by birth, adoption or marriage.

All adolescents have mixed feelings about their families. There are times

when boys and girls feel that they could manage very well if only their parents

would leave them alone. At other times young people feel uncertain and

confused. They wish their parents would take over and tell them what to do. (The

New Book of Knowledge, 2006)

A family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by

consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage), or co-residence (as

implied by the etymology of the English word "family") and/or shared

consumption (see nurture kinship). Members of the immediate family includes

spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, sons and/or daughters. Members of the

extended family may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews,

nieces, and/or siblings-in-law. Sometimes these are also considered members of


the immediate family, depending on an individual's specific relationship.


Family is the basic unit of social organization in all human societies. Since

prehistoric times, families have served as the primary institution responsible for

raising children and for providing people with food and shelter. It is also refers to

a group of people related to one another by birth, marriage or adoption. In

contemporary society, people often apply the word family to any group that feels

a sense of kinship (family connection). (The World Book Encyclopedia, 2015)

Problems of Adolescence.The problem of adolescence is by no means

an easy topic to discuss not withstanding that it is so to speak an everyday thing.

It is often said that the teenage years are the “best years of one’s life”, In fact Art

Link letter a Canadian born US broadcaster in his book A Childs garden of

Misinformation highlighted the beauty of the adolescent years in this famous

quote; The four stages of man are infancy, childhood, adolescence, and

obsolescence, in his opinion, life became useless after adolescence. As true as

these assertions may be, it is ironic to note that this is only part of the picture.

Life for many adolescents is a painful tug of war filled with mixed messages and

conflicting demands from parents, teachers, friends, family and oneself. Growing

up—negotiating a path between independence and reliance on others—is a

tough business and that summarizes what we would be discussing here today.

Adolescence (gotten from the Latin word adolescere which means; to

grow) as defined by the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, is a transitional stage of

physical and mental human development that occurs between childhood and

adulthood. This transition involves biological (i.e. pubertal), social, and

psychological changes, though the biological or physiological ones are the

easiest to measure objectively.

The onset of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood vary from

country to country but we can generally place adolescents to be persons within

the ages of eight and eighteen. NB, Those in the period of adolescence is

referred to as adolescents or teenagers or simply as teens.

The period of Adolescence is filled with intellectual and emotional changes

in addition to other major biological and physical changes. It is a time of

discovery of self and one’s relationship to the world around him or her.

Before we delve into the problems of adolescence, let us take some time

to note the causes. It is important to the success of our discourse that we first

understand what is happening to the teen physically, cognitively, and socially;

before looking at how these affects teens.(Sylva, 2008)

Teenage.The teenage years can be an emotional assault course for all

concerned. A gulf can grow between parents and their children during

adolescence. One of the reasons many of us find it so hard is because it is a time

of rapid physical development and deep emotional changes. These are exciting,

but can also be confusing and uncomfortable for child and parent alike.

(http://patient.info/health/surviving-adolescence, 2012)

A teenager, or teen, is a young person whose age falls within the range

from 13–19. They are called teenagers because their age number ends with


Usage by ordinary people varies, and also varies in different societies.

Most societies traditionally had a formal ceremony to mark the change from

childhood to adulthood. During puberty, rapid mental and physical development

occurs. Adolescence is the name for this transition period from childhood to

adulthood. (https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenager)

Teens are undergoing dramatic changes. In addition to the biological

changes of puberty, they experience cognitive changes that allow them to think

more abstractly. They become increasingly focused on friends. And as they seek

greater independence they often come into conflict with parents. Most get

through adolescence with few problems, establishing identities and preparing for

adulthood. Some, however, experience problems that lead to dropping out of

school, drug use or crime. (Encyclopedia of Psychology)

Related Studies

According to Myers (2010) that romantic relationships gives more negative

effects on the academic performance of adolescents. Teens nowadays consider


romantic relationship as the number one source of stress. It results from the

break-ups or conflicts with partner.

Based toLevy (2015) that adolescence is a time for developing

independence. Typically, adolescents exercise their independence by

questioning and sometimes breaking rules. Parents and doctors must distinguish

occasional errors of judgment from a degree of misbehaviour that requires

professional intervention. The severity and frequency of infractions are guides.

For example, regular drinking, frequent episodes of fighting, truancy, and theft

are much more significant than isolated episodes of the same activities. Other

warning signs include deterioration of performance at school and running away

from home. Of particular concern are adolescents who cause serious injury or

use a weapon in a fight.

Young people do not automatically know what constitutes right and wrong

behaviour in dating relationships. Without a clear understanding of what a makes

a healthy relationship, youth are likely to tolerate relationships that put them at

risk. For example, it may be easy for a teen to interpret jealousy or constant text

messaging as a sign of love rather than seeing the behaviour as a warning sign

of abuse. Youth must be taught the characteristics of healthy relationships, how

to differentiate a healthy relationship from an unhealthy one, and how to seek

help if they find themselves in unhealthy relationships.


According to Baleros (2013) that Young people do not automatically know

what constitutes right and wrong behaviour in dating relationships. Without a

clear understanding of what a makes a healthy relationship, youth are likely to

tolerate relationships that put them at risk. For example, it may be easy for a teen

to interpret jealousy or constant text messaging as a sign of love rather than

seeing the behaviour as a warning sign of abuse. Youth must be taught the

characteristics of healthy relationships, how to differentiate a healthy relationship

from an unhealthy one, and how to seek help if they find themselves in unhealthy


According to Sylva (2008) states that young people become stressed for

many reasons. The most common of these are: Break up with boy/girlfriend,

increased arguments with parents, Trouble with brother or sister, increased

arguments between parents, Change in parents’ financial status, serious illness

or injury of family member, and Trouble with classmates. In addition, Children

from single parents or broken homes are subjected to a near harrowing

experience which brings about Stress and Depression.These stress inducing

events are centred in the two most important domains of a teenager’s life: home

and school. They relate to issues of conflict and loss. Loss can reflect the real or

perceived loss of something concrete such as a friend or money, and it can mean

the loss of such intrinsic things as self-worth, respect, friendship or love.


Sharon (2015) stated that school constitutes a large part f an adolescent’s

existence. Difficulties in almost any area of life often manifest as school

problems. Particular school problems include fear of going to school,

absenteeism without permission (truancy), and dropping out, academic

underachievement. Between 1% and 5% of adolescents develop fear of going to

school. This fear may be generalized or related to particular person (a teacher or

another student- see Bullying) or event at school (such as physical education

class). The adolescent may develop physical symptoms, such as abdominal

pain, or may simply refuse, if any, for the fear and encourage the adolescent to

attend school. Adolescents who are repeatedly truant or drop out of school have

made a conscious decision to miss school. These adolescents satisfaction from

school-related activities. They often have engaged in high-risk behaviours, such

as having unprotected sex, taking drugs and engaging in violence. Adolescents

at risk of dropping out should be made aware of other educational options, such

as vocational training, graduate equivalent degrees, and alternative programs.

Based to Chelsea (2014) parents and children often disagree on what kind

of romantic partner the child should have. This scenario is seen in movies. Two

young people fall in love, despite their families’ disapproval and defeat the odds

to live happily ever after. Love conquers all, and the audience sympathizes with

the young couple due to their overbearing parents, whose disapproval only

brings the couple together in the end. However, is this seen in real-life

relationships? Or does disapproval end up tearing the couple apart? This leads

to two psychological theories addressing these opposite ideas Romeo and Juliet

effect and social network effect.

According to Joyce (2005) most teenagers respond to stressful events in

their lives by doing something relaxing, trying positive and self- reliant problem,

solving or seeking friendship and support from others.

Stated by Jurgita (2009) persisitant analytical behaviour that lasts from

late childhood to early adulthood is to a large extent influenced by familial factors

in both males and females.

According to Dalisay et.al (2012) that parents should also make it a point

to have time for conversation and be open with communication with the other

members of the family. With this the negative aspects like turning of their children

to their friends, social networking sites and peer groups could be minimize thus

family connection, involvement and trust could be promoted in the family that

may result positive effects in the benefit of the whole family.

Dela Roca et.al (2014) comducted a research that shows when it comes

on their relationship with other family members, normally, petty quarrels arises

most specially among their siblings but what is important is that they are always

together in spite of all the difficulties that they encounter due to the absence of

their mother.



The chapter presents the brief description of the research design,

materials, the procedures and the data gathering instrument used by the

researcher in conducting the study.

Research Design

The main purpose of the research study is to analyze and reflect on

Jenny Han's To All the Boys I've Loved Before. It aims to reflect on the work of

Jenny Han with the topic of Teenage problems.In analyzing the story, the

researcher will need to consider elements such as the context, setting,

characters, plot, theme and literary devices.

The researchers used the descriptive method of research with emphasis

on content analysis; thus making the study analytical in nature and demanded a

careful attention, critical examination or scrutiny of the novel. The formalistic

approach in literary criticism was also employed. A formalist approach to

literature seeks out meaning form a work by giving attention to the structure of a

work and literary devices operating in it. In this study, researchers analyzed the

novel by its content and each element. Each element of the novel was examined

separately and the relationship among each was considered to know how they

contributed to the totality of the novel itself. The information gathered served as

the basis of the study. In addition to a make sufficient and precise interpretation

of data with the support of interpretation of data will be formulated based on all

information obtained.

Materials Used in the Study

The researchers used To the Boys I’ve Loved Before written by Jenny

Han in the study. To All the Boys I've Loved Before is a 2014 novel by Jenny

Han. Han was inspired to write the book based on her own habit of writing long

letters to boys she had crushes on as a teenager. The novel was followed by a

sequel, P.S. I Still Love You, released in May 2015.

Research Procedure

The researchers used the story of Jenny Han’s To the Boys I’ve Loved

Before. After reading the book, the researchers discussed some situation which

is related to the topic. After collecting enough information about To the Boys I’ve

Loved Before, the researchers analyzed the dilemmas.


Data Gathering Instrument Used

The researchers used the novel To the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny

Han in gathering information to the relation of teenage problems to this novel.

The researchers analyzed and discussed the content of the novel relating it to

the teenage problems in Jenny Han’s novel. After gathering all the data needed

in the study, the researchers identify the lines that showing teenage problems in

the novel.



This chapter presents the details and data to analyze and reflect on Jenny

Han’s To the Boys I’ve loves before with the topic of Teenage problems.



B.General References

(2015), The World Book Encyclopedia, Chicago, United States of America: World

Book Inc.

Pei, M. (2006), The New Nook of Knowledge-Volume 6, United States of

America: Scholastic Library Publishing, Inc.

Pei, M. (2006), The New Book of Knowledge-Volume 1, United States of

America: Scholastic Library Publishing, Inc.

C. Thesis and Dissertation

Narusyte, J. (2009), Adolescent Adjustment Problems: The Role of Heritability

and Family Enviroment, Stockholm, Sweden, Karonlinska Institute

Walker, J. (2005) Extension Center for Youth Development, University of


D. Online References

Adolescence, Retrieved on February 20, 2015 from


Friendship, Retrieved on February 20, 2015 from


Family, Retrieved on February 20, 2015 from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family

Behavioral Problems in Adolescents (2015)Retrieved on February 20, 2015



Teen Relationship (2013)Retrieved on February 20, 2015 from



Fiction, Retrieved on February 22, 2015 fromhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiction

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