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Name: Parantap Roy

PRN: 19020241091
IB - B
Assignment 7: Operations Research

Chapter 13
Solution: 9

Activity Earliest start (ES) Earliest Finish (EF) Latest Start (LF) Latest Finish (LF)
A 0 9 0 9
B 0 6 9 15
C 9 15 9 15
D 9 12 12 15
E 15 15 15 15
F 6 9 16 19
G 9 11 19 21
H 15 21 15 21
I 21 24 21 24

b) Critical Path  ACEHI

c) The opening date of six months after the start of the project appears to be feasible as the above
calculations show that the longest time taken for the completion of the project is 24 weeks, i.e. 6

Solution 13
Activity Expected Time Variance
A 5 0.11
B 3 0.027
C 7 0.11
D 6 0.44
E 7 0.44
F 3 0.11
G 10 0.44
H 8 1.78

Critical Path ADFH

E(T)Estimated total time for completion5+6+3+8 = 22

Variance = 0.11 + 0.44 + 0.11 + 1.78 = 2.44

Assuming that the distribution of the project completion time T follows a normal distribution, we
complete the following probabilities.

T=21 weeks

Z = (21-22)/√2.44 = -0.64

From the z table, we can find the probability as 0.2611

T = 22 weeks

Z = (22-22)/√2.44 = 0

Hence required probability = 0.5

T = 25 weeks

Z = (25-22)/√2.44 = 1.92

Hence required probability = 0.9726

Solution 21
Activity Earliest Start Earliest Finish Latest Start Latest Finish Slack
(ES) (EF) (LF) (LF)
A 0 3 0 3 0
B 0 2 1 3 1
C 3 8 3 8 0
D 2 7 3 8 1
E 8 14 8 14 0
F 8 10 10 12 2
G 10 12 12 14 2

Critical path  ACE

Expected project completion time = 14 days

Total project cost using normal times = 800 + 1200 + 2000 + 1500 + 1800 + 600 + 500 = $8400
Case Study: RC Coleman

Activity Optimistic Most probable Pessimist

A 4 6 8
B 6 8 6
C 2 4 6
D 8 10 24
E 7 10 3
F 4 6 8
G 4 6 20
H 4 6 8
I 4 6 4
J 3 4 5
K 2 4 6

Expected time = (a+4m+b)/6

Variance = [(b-a)/6]2

Let's derive expected time and variance for each activity as follows:

Expected time of activity A = (4+4*6 + 8)/6 = 36/6 = 6

Variance of activity A = [(8-4)/6]2 = (4/6)2 = 0.44

Activity expected time (weeks) = (a + 4m+ b)/6 variance = [(b-a)/6]2

A 6 0.44

B 9 2.78

C 4 0.44

D 12 7.11

E 10 1

F 6 0.44

G 8 7.11

H 6 0.44

I 7 2.78
J 4 0.11

K 4 0.44

Activity ES LS EF LF Slack
A 0 3 6 9 3
B 0 0 9 9 0
C 9 9 13 13 0
D 13 17 25 29 4
E 13 13 23 23 0
F 23 23 29 29 0
G 13 21 21 29 8
H 29 29 35 35 0
I 29 32 36 39 3
J 35 35 39 39 0
K 39 39 43 43 0

Critical path = B + C+ E+ F+ H+J+K = 43 WEEKS

Variance of above critical path = 5.65

z-score = 40 - 43 / (5.65)1/2 = -1.26

Z score of -1.26 = 0.1038

We can conclude that RC Coleman has 10.4% of chance of completion in 40 weeks

2) When probability is 80%, Z= 0.84

0.84 = 40 - X / 5.651/2

X = 38 weeks

If we want 80% of the project completion by 40 weeks, then the expected project time should be
reduced to 38 weeks.


MIN 450Ya+400Yb+600Yc+300Yd+1000Ye+650Yf+750Yg+700Yh+800Yi+400Yj+500Yk

1) 1Ya+1Xa>6
2) 1Yb+1Xb>9
3) 1Yc-1Xa+1Xc>4
4) 1Yc-1Xb+1Xc>4
5) 1Yd-1Xc+1Xd>12
6) 1Ye-1Xc+1Xe>10
7) 1Yf-1Xe+1Xf>6
8) 1Yg-1Xc+1Xg>8
9) 1Yh-1Xd+1Xh>6
10) 1Yh-1Xf+1Xh>6
11) 1Yh-1Xg+1Xh>6
12) 1Yi-1Xd+1Xi>7
13) 1Yi-1Xf+1Xi>7
14) 1Yj-1Xh+1Xj>4
15) 1Yk-1Xi+1Xk>4
16) 1Yk-1Xj+1Xk>4
17) 1Xk<38
18) 1Ya<2
19) 1Yb<2
20) 1Yc<2
21) 1Yd<4
22) 1Ye<3
23) 1Yf<2
24) 1Yg<3
25) 1Yh<2
26) 1Yi<3
27) 1Yj<1
28) 1Yk<1


Objective Function Value = 2300.000

Variable Value Reduced Costs

-------------- --------------- ------------------
Ya 0.000 450.000
Yb 2.000 0.000
Yc 1.000 0.000
Yd 0.000 300.000
Ye 0.000 400.000
Yf 0.000 50.000
Yg 0.000 750.000
Yh 0.000 100.000
Yi 0.000 800.000
Yj 1.000 0.000
Yk 1.000 0.000
Xa 7.000 0.000
Xb 7.000 0.000
Xc 10.000 0.000
Xd 26.000 0.000
Xe 20.000 0.000
Xf 26.000 0.000
Xg 26.000 0.000
Xh 32.000 0.000
Xi 35.000 0.000
Xj 35.000 0.000
Xk 38.000 0.000
Constraint Slack/Surplus Dual Prices
-------------- --------------- ------------------
1 1.000 0.000
2 0.000 -600.000
3 0.000 0.000
4 0.000 -600.000
5 4.000 0.000
6 0.000 -600.000
7 0.000 -600.000
8 8.000 0.000
9 0.000 0.000
10 0.000 -600.000
11 0.000 0.000
12 2.000 0.000
13 2.000 0.000
14 0.000 -600.000
15 0.000 0.000
16 0.000 -600.000
17 0.000 600.000
18 2.000 0.000
19 0.000 200.000
20 1.000 0.000
21 4.000 0.000
22 3.000 0.000
23 2.000 0.000
24 3.000 0.000
25 2.000 0.000
26 3.000 0.000
27 0.000 200.000
28 0.000 100.000


Variable Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit

------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
Ya 0.000 450.000 No Upper Limit
Yb No Lower Limit 400.000 600.000
Yc 500.000 600.000 650.000
Yd 0.000 300.000 No Upper Limit
Ye 600.000 1000.000 No Upper Limit
Yf 600.000 650.000 No Upper Limit
Yg 0.000 750.000 No Upper Limit
Yh 600.000 700.000 No Upper Limit
Yi 0.000 800.000 No Upper Limit
Yj No Lower Limit 400.000 600.000
Yk No Lower Limit 500.000 600.000
Xa -200.000 0.000 0.000
Xb -200.000 0.000 No Upper Limit
Xc -50.000 0.000 100.000
Xd -100.000 0.000 0.000
Xe -50.000 0.000 100.000
Xf -100.000 0.000 100.000
Xg -100.000 0.000 0.000
Xh No Lower Limit 0.000 100.000
Xi No Lower Limit 0.000 0.000
Xj No Lower Limit 0.000 100.000
Xk No Lower Limit 0.000 600.000


Constraint Lower Limit Current Value Upper Limit

------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------
1 No Lower Limit 6.000 7.000
2 8.000 9.000 10.000
3 No Lower Limit 4.000 5.000
4 3.000 4.000 5.000
5 No Lower Limit 12.000 16.000
6 9.000 10.000 11.000
7 5.000 6.000 7.000
8 No Lower Limit 8.000 16.000
9 4.000 6.000 10.000
10 5.000 6.000 7.000
11 No Lower Limit 6.000 14.000
12 No Lower Limit 7.000 9.000
13 No Lower Limit 7.000 9.000
14 3.000 4.000 5.000
15 No Lower Limit 4.000 6.000
16 3.000 4.000 5.000
17 37.000 38.000 39.000
18 0.000 2.000 No Upper Limit
19 1.000 2.000 3.000
20 1.000 2.000 No Upper Limit
21 0.000 4.000 No Upper Limit
22 0.000 3.000 No Upper Limit
23 0.000 2.000 No Upper Limit
24 0.000 3.000 No Upper Limit
25 0.000 2.000 No Upper Limit
26 0.000 3.000 No Upper Limit
27 0.000 1.000 2.000
28 0.000 1.000 2.000

Activity B is crashed 2 weeks

Activity C is crashed 1 week
Activity J is crashed 1 week
Activity K is crashed 1 week

Revised Activity Schedule

Activity Weeks
B 7
C 3
E 10
F 6
H 6
J 3
K 3

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