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每一幕結束,音樂都轉更大(不要震耳欲聾),播個 3 秒後漸收 “歌曲名”

10519 擔任場務,飾演 Oliver

10521 擔任音控燈光、旁白,飾演 Fagin + Mr Sowerberry
10525 擔任場務,飾演 Dodger
10527 擔任編劇、導演,飾演 Mr Brownlow
10520 協助燈控、音控

N: Narrator/O: Oliver/F: Fagin/MS: Mr Sowerberry/MB: Mr Brownlow/D: Dodger

漸入 “第六首”

準備桌子、鍋子、大湯匙 by 董宣玖 楊宇浩

N: In the workhouse (范定凱)

漸入音樂 by 范定凱

O: Please, sir, can I have some more porridge? I am so hungry.(手拿盤)

MS: More? No, you can not!

O: But…………….I am still hungry.

MS: Shut up!

燈關前半 by 范定凱

O:(An emotional scene on stage.)

關燈 音樂轉大再漸收 by 范定凱

準備椅子 by 范定凱

N: Oliver escapes from the workhouse because he is hungry. (范定凱)

Oliver 坐好

開燈 by 范定凱

( rainy ) 播雨聲 by 范定凱

N: Oliver is thinking something on a chair. (O 淋雨) (范定凱)

D: Hello. What are you doing here(一邊遞雨傘), sitting on a chair?

O: Hello.

O: I’m thinking. I don’t know where to go and I’m very hungry and thirsty.

D: Stop thinking and come with me! (D 左手拉 O 左手,面對觀眾的右邊下台)

播雨聲 by 范定凱

關燈撤椅子 by 范定凱
搬桌椅 MB 坐定 看書翹腳喝咖啡 口袋放好手帕 by 董宣玖 林彧劭

N: In front of a bookstore. (范定凱)

開燈 by 范定凱

(D 帶 O 走進來) 漸入 播音樂 1

D: Look at that man. He has got a beautiful yellow handkerchief.

D: Let’s steal it. 關音樂 1 後馬上 漸入 播音樂 2 by 范定凱

N: Dodger quickly and quietly takes his handkerchief from his pocket and he disappears at once.(一邊講一邊偷) (范定凱)

(O is shocked by D, running away from MB) (D 偷完,MB 發現手帕不見,轉頭發現 D,接著追出去)

MB: Stop, thief! (MB 追著跑 對著小偷講)

(所有人離開) 漸收音樂 2 by 范定凱

關燈撤桌椅 by 范定凱 林彧劭

開燈 by 范定凱

N: Oliver is caught by Mr Brownlow. (范定凱)

(MB 拉著 O 走進警察局)

MB: Here he is! He is a thief! ! (M 拉著 O,對著觀眾講)

O: I am innocent!

MB: That’s true. (點點頭) Because you don’t have the face of a thief. I am very sorry.

O: I am homeless, too. Can you help me?

MB: How about living together with me?

O: You are so kind.

(MB 帶 O 離開警察局)

關燈放桌椅,O 趴睡之後開燈 by 楊宇浩 范定凱

N: In a quiet midnight. Oliver is sleeping in Mr Brownlow’s house. (范定凱)

漸入 播音樂 by 范定凱

(Dodger 不忍心下手,但最後搖了搖頭,下定決心執行) 設定:D 是被 F 利用的好人

N: Oliver was kidnapped by Dodger, sent to Fagin’s house. (手帕摺好 左手摀 O 嘴 把人拉起來 抓著手帶走) (范定凱)

漸收 音樂 by 范定凱

關燈撤桌椅之後開燈 by 范定凱
N: On the street. (范定凱)

漸入 播音樂 by 范定凱 D 口袋放手帕 MB 舞台左側預備

(MB 正為了尋找 O 四處張望著)

(F 和 D 走在前面,O 在後面低頭慢慢地走著,D 便回頭關心 O,此時 F 大聲罵 O 走快點!)

(MB 找著找著發現 O)

MB: Oh! It’s you. My dear Oliver.

O: Save me, please!

F: Who are you? He is my slave. Don’t touch him.(Hold a knife in his hand.)

MB: Oh! That is my handkerchief. (看 D 的口袋)

MB: (右手指 面露厭惡)You such a sourness, taking advantage of young people to steal others’ belongings.

MB: I will call the police now.

F&D: Take that! (stab on MB’s shoulders.)

MB: What are you doing?

(MB 閃躲 F 的攻擊,雙手抓住 F 抓刀子的手並僵持不下,D 想趁機帶 O 離開,但 O 這時鼓起勇氣去幫忙,和 MB 一起把 F


漸收 音樂 by 林靖亞

MB: Be ready to go to prison to serve your sentence!

F: Sorry. Please don’t!

F: The factory I operated was closed because of the era of industrialization. Because I wasn't the breadwinner anymore,

I take advantage of those children to steal things. Sorry, I won't do it again.

MB: Okay, now I see you are very regretful for your bad behaviors, I will arrange a job for you

F: Thank you! Thank you a lot!

MB: You are homeless, too. Right? Why not just live with us? (對 D 說)

D: Really? Can I? That’s great!

關燈 by 林靖亞

(意象空間)燈控 by 林靖亞

一:漸入 播音樂 1 漸收 by 林靖亞

二:漸入 播音樂 2 漸收 by 林靖亞

關燈一下後 漸入 播音樂 搬桌子 2 2 配 側面對觀眾 椅子兩兩相對 桌上放裝有蘇打餅乾的盤子跟四個人的水壺

燈音控 by 林靖亞、桌椅 餅乾 水壺擺設 by 林彧劭 范定凱 楊宇浩 董宣玖

N: In the dining room of Mr Brownlow’s big house. (林靖亞)

(MB 帶頭介紹餅乾,其他人表現出想吃、搶著拿的感覺) (林靖亞) (Dinner for two 音樂漸入)

MB&O&D&F: Cheers! (用水壺乾杯)

MB: I am so happy to meet you again.

MB: Welcome back to the big house. (林靖亞) (Dinner for two 音樂漸出)

N: Oliver has a better life with Mr Brownlow. The big house is bustling with noise again. (Dinner for two 音樂漸收) (林靖亞)

漸收音樂 by 林靖亞 關燈 by 林靖亞 演員並排 開燈 by 林靖亞 謝幕

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