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EVE Science Activities

June 1- 5, 2020
This week is a period of review. Let us get creative
with this process.
Choose ONE of the topics we have studied this year.

Heat Transfer Living Organisms (Multicellular & Unicellular)

Water Cycle Human Body Systems

Changes in Matter Ecosystems

Pretend to be a fifth grade Science teacher. Create a slide presentation to teach your class the
topic you have chosen. Be guided by the rubric below, however be as creative as possible.
Slide one: Your Name, Grade, Homeroom teacher, School , Topic you will be teaching

Slide two: Do now activity ( with exemplar response)

Slide three: Important vocabulary relating to the topic (Word, meaning and Picture)

Slides four and Five: Important information on the topic that you want your scholars to know.
(Include pictures)

Slide six: Video on the topic of study

Slide seven: Exit Ticket (with Exemplar responses). Exit ticket is no more than 5 questions

Slide eight: References

This project is due on Friday June 5, 2020

Submit it to: ewan_lilly@dpsnc.net

Give it your best effort !!!!!!!!!

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