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Human skin is a remarkable organ, the body's largest, but it is often taken for granted.

Most people are content to let skin be until dryness, oiliness, a rash or a wrinkle rouses
attention. But once they understand how skin functions, many reconsider the importance
of the skin and the quality and content of the skin care products they use. Using natural
skin care can make more of a difference than most folks realize.

Consider these facts:

1 . An adult's skin comprises between 15 and 20 percent of the total body weight.
2. Each square centimeter has 6 million cells, 5,000 sensory points, 100 sweat glands and
15 sebaceous glands.

Skin is constantly being regenerated. A cell is born in the lower layer of the skin called
the dermis, which is supplied with blood vessels and nerve ending. The cell migrates
upward for about two weeks until it reaches the bottom portion of the epidermis, which is
the outermost skin layer. The epidermis doesn't have blood vessels but does have nerve
endings. The cell spends another two weeks in the epidermis, gradually flattening out and
continuing to move toward the surface. Then it dies and is shed.

Two billion to 3 billion skin cells are shed daily. The body expends this effort to replace
skin every month because the skin constitutes the first line of defense against
dehydration, infection, injuries and temperature extremes. Skin cells can detoxify harmful
substances with many of the same enzymatic processes the liver uses. The unbroken
surface also prevents infectious organisms from penetrating into systemic circulation. As
gatekeeper, the skin absorbs and uses nutrients applied topically. Because it cannot
completely discriminate, the skin may absorb the synthetic chemicals often present in
soaps and lotions and other skin care products, which at best it has no use for and at worst
can be toxic or irritating.

Most of our site visitors are committed to natural foods and remedies, but many aren't as
selective when it comes to personal skin care products. These otherwise savvy shoppers
might purchase any sale shampoo, skin care cleanser or lotion. But because new skin is
constantly being generated and because it plays such an important protective role, it
makes sense to choose nourishing natural skin care products.

The Epidermis
The epidermis is the topmost layer of the skin. It is the first barrier between you and the
outside world. The epidermis consists of three types of cells keratinocytes, melanocytes
and langerhans cells. Keratinocytes, the cells that make the protein keratin, are the
predominant type of cells in the epidermis. The total thickness of the epidermis is usually
about 0.5 - 1 mm. At the lowermost portion of the epidermis are immature, rapidly
dividing keratinocytes. As they mature, keratinocytes lose water, flatten out and move
upward. Eventually, at the end of their life cycle, they reach the uppermost layer of the
epidermis called stratum corneum. Stratum corneum consists mainly of dead
keratinocytes, hardened proteins (keratins) and lipids, forming a protective crust. Dead
cells from stratum corneum continuously slough off and are replaced by new ones
coming from below. The skin completely renews itself every 3 - 5 weeks. Most mild
peels work by partly removing the stratum corneum and thus speeding up skin renewal.

Another significant group of cell in the epidermis are melanocytes, the cells producing
melanin, the pigment responsible for skin tone and color. Finally, Langerhans cells are
essentially the front door of the immune system in the epidermis. They prevent unwanted
foreign substances from penetrating the skin.
The condition of epidermis determines how "fresh" your skin looks and also how well
your skin absorbs and holds moisture. Wrinkles, however, are formed in lower layers.

The epidermis consists of many layers:

The stratum corneum, or outer layer: This layer is made of flattened epithelial cells in
multiple layers. These layers are called keratinized layers because of the buildup of the
protein keratin in those cells. Keratin is a strong protein that is specific to the skin, hair
and nails. This layer of skin is, for the most part, dead. It is composed of cells that are
almost pure protein.

The translucent or transitional layer: This is a translucent, thin layer of cells. This layer is
sometimes visible in thick skin; however, nuclei and other organelles are not visible. The
cytoplasm (the amorphous area between the nucleus and the outer membrane of the cell)
is mostly made of keratin filaments.

The suprabasal layers. This is three to five layers of flattened polygonal cells that have
granules in the cytoplasm. Below them is a layer of cube-shaped cells that also contain
bundles of keratin filaments.

The basal or cell-division layer: This layer is just above the basement membrane and the
dermis. It is a single layer of cells that undergo cell division to renew the upper layers of
the epidermis.

Since the human epidermis is renewed every 15-60 days, proper surface nutrition feeds
the cells of the basal layer. Exfoliation will remove dry or damaged skin of the outer
layer to allow newer cells to be visible.

The Dermis
The dermis is the middle layer of the skin located between the epidermis and
subcutaneous tissue. It is the thickest of the skin layers and comprises a tight, sturdy
mesh of collagen and elastin fibers. Both collagen and elastin are critically important skin
proteins: collagen is responsible for the structural support and elastin for the resilience of
the skin. The key type of cells in the dermis is fibroblasts, which synthesize collagen,
elastin and other structural molecules. The proper function of fibroblasts is highly
important for overall skin health.

The dermis also contains capillaries (tiny blood vessels) and lymph nodes (depots of
immune cells). The former are important for oxygenating and nourishing the skin, and the
latter -- for protecting it from invading microorganisms.
Finally, the dermis contains sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair follicles as well as a
relatively small number of nerve and muscle cells. Sebaceous glands, located around hair
follicles, are of particular importance for skin health as they produce sebum, an oily
protective substance that lubricates and waterproofs the skin and hair. When sebaceous
gland produce too little sebum, as is common in older people, the skin becomes
excessively dry and more prone to wrinkling. Conversely, overproduction or improper
composition of sebum, as is common in adolescents, often leads to acne.

The dermis is the layer responsible for the skin's structural integrity, elasticity and
resilience. Wrinkles arise and develop in the dermis. Therefore, an anti-wrinkle treatment
has a chance to succeed only if it can reach as deep as the dermis. Typical collagen and
elastin creams, for example, never reach the dermis because collagen and elastin
molecules are too large to penetrate the epidermis. Hence, contrary to what some
manufacturers of such creams might imply, these creams have little effect on skin

Subcutaneous tissue
Subcutaneous tissue is the innermost layer of the skin located under the dermis and
consisting mainly of fat. The predominant type of cells in the subcutaneous tissue is fat
cells. Subcutaneous fat acts as a shock absorber and heat insulator, protecting underlying
tissues from cold and mechanical trauma. Interestingly, most mammals lack
subcutaneous tissue because their fur serves as a shock absorber and heat insulator. Sweat
glands and minute muscles attached to hair follicles originate in subcutaneous tissue.

The loss of subcutaneous tissue, often occurs with age, leads to facial sag and accentuates
wrinkles. A common procedure performed by dermatologists to counteract this process is
to inject fat (collected elsewhere in the body) under the wrinkles on the face.
Body organs aren't all internal like the brain or the heart. There's one we wear on the
outside. Skin is our largest organ—adults carry some 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms) and 22
square feet (2 square meters) of it. This fleshy covering does a lot more than make us
look presentable. In fact, without it, we'd literally evaporate.

Skin acts as a waterproof, insulating shield, guarding the body against extremes of
temperature, damaging sunlight, and harmful chemicals. It also exudes antibacterial
substances that prevent infection and manufactures vitamin D for converting calcium into
healthy bones. Skin additionally is a huge sensor packed with nerves for keeping the
brain in touch with the outside world. At the same time, skin allows us free movement,
proving itself an amazingly versatile organ.

Skin is made up of three layers. The outermost is the epidermis. This consists mainly of
cells called keratinocytes, made from the tough protein keratin (also the material in hair
and nails). Keratinocytes form several layers that constantly grow outwards as the
exterior cells die and flake off. It takes roughly five weeks for newly created cells to
work their way to the surface. This covering of dead skin is known as the stratum
corneum, or horny layer, and its thickness varies considerably, being more than ten times
thicker on the soles of the feet than around the eyes. The epidermis harbors defensive
Langerhans cells, which alert the body's immune system to viruses and other infectious

The epidermis is bonded to a deeper skin layer below known as the dermis, which gives
the organ its strength and elasticity thanks to fibers of collagen and elastin. Blood vessels
here help regulate body temperature by increasing blood flow to the skin to allow heat to
escape, or by restricting the flow when it's cold. A network of nerve fibers and receptors
pick up feelings such as touch, temperature, and pain, relaying them to the brain.

The dermis houses hair follicles and glands with ducts that pass up through the skin.
Sweat glands bring down internal temperature through perspiration while ridding the
body of the waste fluids urea and lactate. Apocrine glands, which develop during puberty,
produce a scented sweat linked to sexual attraction that can also cause body odor,
especially around the armpits. Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum for lubricating the
hair and skin.

The skin's base layer is the subcutis, which includes a seam of fat laid down as a fuel
reserve in case of food shortage. It also works as insulation and cushions us from knocks
and falls.

Skin Color

Skin color is due to melanin, a pigment produced in the epidermis to protect us from the
sun's potentially cancer-causing ultraviolet (UV) rays. Dark-skinned people produce
more numerous and deeper-colored melanin particles. People with the darkest
complexions are native to tropical regions, particularly those with few densely forested

Fair skin is an adaptation found in people from northern latitudes where solar rays are
relatively weak. Here the benefits of dark skin are outweighed by the need for bone-
strengthening vitamin D, produced through exposure to UV rays. But hotter, sunnier
environments bring the risk of serious skin damage. Australia, where the majority of the
population is of northern European descent, has the world's highest rates of skin cancer,
accounting for more than 80 percent of all cancers diagnosed there each year.

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