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Object : Employee

Field Name Datatype Options Required

Employee Id AutoNumber (EMPID) - Yes
Last Name Text - Yes
First Name Text (80) -
Qualification Picklist BTech ,MTech
Year Picklist 2001,2020
Technology Picklist Java ,Sfdc ,Pega
DOB Date
Pan No Text (10)
Aadhar No Text (10)
Phone Phone
Email Email
Current CTC Currency
Expected CTC Currency
Experience Number (3,2)
Company Lookup (Account)
Type Picklist Full /Contact
Contract Number
Notice Period Number
Status PickList Active /In-Active


1. If Type is contract, then email or phone is a must

2. If Current CTC is more than two lakhs, then Pan no is a must
3. Aadhar No should be in the form of 12-3456-78-90
a. 12,78 should be alphabets
b. 3456,90 should be digits


1. Calculate the PF: 12% of Current CTC

2. Calculate the DA: 10% of Current CTC
3. Calculate the variable Pay: 20% of CTC


1. When ever new Full Time is employee is created assign a task

To owner to schedule appointment for medical test
2. Whenever a contact employee is created then send him a
Welcome email
3. Whenever Type is modified from Contract to Full Time then send a email
To Vendor owner and employee

Approval Process:

1. Create Full Time Manager and Contract manager Hierarchical on User object
2. Whenever Contact Employee is Created, he should be approved by Contract Manager
a. Approved: Status: Active
b. Rejected: Status: Rejected
3. When ever full time Employee is Created then submit the record to
a. Full Time manager should approve,
b. If expected CTC is more than 50k then submit to Sales Manager for Approval

Profile Read Create Edit Delete View All Modify All

Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Service Manager Yes Yes Yes - Yes -
Executive Yes Yes - - - -

OWD and Sharing Rules:

1. Sales Executives should see only those Employee’s whose are created by them
2. Service Executives should see all the contact Employees
3. Service manager should see all the active employee
4. Sales Manager should see every employee

Page Layout :

1. Contract Employee Layout :

2. Full Time Employee Layout

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