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Why PUA Doesn’t Work

For Introverts
And What Works

Attracting An Amazing Girlfriend Starts

With Finding Your Own Vibe.

by Sarah Jones
Founder of Introverted Alpha


Before we begin, a short preface.

This is a guide on finding your own authentic vibe, becoming 100% awesome, and attracting
quality women based on that.

I created this guide because I love men. Especially smart, introverted men. These men are
genuinely good guys in great shape with impressive careers. And yet, there’s something

A hot, fun, fulfilling love life.

Since I love these men, I’ve devoted my career to helping them complete the puzzle of their
lives with that missing piece.

These guys often come from the harsh and unforgiving land of pick-up, where extroversion is
touted and introversion is poo-pooed.

This is sad because the truth is that many women — including myself — LOVE introverted guys.
We think y’all are deep, mysterious, and chill.

That is why I wrote this guide. To show y’all what is so attractive about you as a whole and more
importantly, as individuals. Your own vibe will come naturally to you once you identify and
integrate it.

At the same time, I get that this is no small task. So at the end of this guide, I will give you an
opportunity to work with me personally more in-depth on this.

Important Note before we go further:

If you are accessing this as a Google Doc, save a copy for yourself:
Go to ​File​ → ​Download As​ → P​ DF Document (.pdf)​.

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Table of Contents

{p. 5}

{p. 6}
Part One:
Attraction Foundations

{p. 8}
Part Two:
How To Turn Her On For Real

Know Who You Are: {p. 9}

Know Who You Want To Attract: {p. 10}
Know What She Wants: {p. 11}
Find The Intersection Between Her Desires & You: {p. 17}
Present Yourself Accordingly (Vibe): {p. 20}

{p. 23}

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Consider this:

Have you ever tried using tweezers as a makeshift screwdriver? Yeah… doesn’t work so well.

Using the wrong tool for the job is frustrating, if not painful, in any context.

If you’re an introverted guy and you’ve tried using PUA to meet women, you know what I mean.
You can’t be blamed for it.

After all, if that’s the only tool around, then it’s the only tool around. But when a screwdriver
equivalent comes along, the clouds part and sweet singing voices fill the air with, “ahhhh!”

That’s a high-quality moment right there, and it’s my aim to give you that kind of moment in this

You see, for genuine introverted men, surface tricks just don’t work. Either you learn how to
attract women naturally, or you don’t attract them often at all.

In the pages below, I’m going to show you exactly what I mean by attracting women naturally,
and then I’m going to walk you through effective exercises to start attracting them today.

Before we dive in, I’ll give you a lay of the land.

This eBook is organized into two parts: Part One: Attraction Foundations, and Part Two: How To
Turn Her On For Real.

In Part One, I apply the concept of attraction dynamics across contexts in order to help you
understand it better as a whole.

Using the context of entrepreneurship, I show you what the equivalent of PUA is in the
entrepreneurial world compared to authentic, effective attraction in that same world.

Then we apply that knowledge to the dating world, so you can see clearly what’s going on with
PUA and why it doesn’t work for you.

At the end of the day, what you need is your own authentic way of attracting women. So in Part
Two, that’s exactly what I show you how to find.

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Part One: Attraction Foundations

Dating and entrepreneurship.

What exactly do they have in common?


The success of each is based on one’s ability to attract not only quantity, but quality. Whether
you’re dating or growing a business, you need a certain quantity of the right people to be
attracted to you and what you offer.

This is no small task, or else more startup’s would succeed, and more singles would enjoy their
dating lives.

Because it’s such a sophisticated process, it stumps most people, and they often resort to
copying surface tactics. It doesn’t help that many teachers actually encourage this!

In business and in dating, ‘experts’ say, “Just do this one simple tactic, and customers/women
will flock to you like crazy!”

But it doesn’t work. Why?

Because every business and every guy is unique, and trying on someone else’s surface tactics
just doesn’t translate. It feels inauthentic to the audience/woman, and it results in nothing but
chirping crickets. Disappointedly chirping crickets.

To show you the faultiness of surface-tactic strategy first hand, I’ll tell you a story:

I’m in a business course right now with Ramit Sethi of “I Will Teach You To Be Rich,” and he
was telling us about a guy who he took into his studio to interview.

This guy had been taking one of Ramit’s courses and got his all of his sales copy expertly
re-written on the spot during the interview.

He was amazed and grateful and went off to send a letter to his email list. Except in that letter,
he copied-and-pasted verbatim — not what Ramit gave him as new sales copy — but what
Ramit had recently written to his own list that this dude was a member of!

This guy changed like two words and bam. Plagiarism supposedly to the rescue.

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It was a disaster.

His list wrote him back angrily unsubscribing because the newsletter felt so “off” to them, even
though they didn’t know he’d copied-and-pasted from somewhere else.

And then Ramit found out, and was like, “Why did you do it?”

He said, “Because I could never be as good as you. It would take years and years — decades
— to be able to do what you do. Everything I tried to write wasn’t as good as yours, even after
your help. I just figured this was the only way.”

Of course, Ramit promptly banned him from all his courses and community forever, and then
told us something like, “Hey, do you know what was really going on there?

“Instead of looking underneath at the FOUNDATIONS I’d set, he just looked at the surface
tactics and thought that was the golden ticket.

“There’s a reason behind everything I say to my people, how I say it, and why I say it. He didn’t
get that, and so it flopped.”

Lots of folks copy surface tactics without getting the underlying foundations of being
real with their ideal people.

These are the five foundations of business attraction:

1. Know who you are

2. Know who you’re selling to
3. Know what they want
4. Find the intersection between what they want & what you can give
5. Sell and communicate based on that

In dating, there are similar attraction foundations.

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Part Two: How To Attract Her For Real

It’s time to get one thing straight:

At the end of the day, you have your own charms that the right woman will be so attracted to
you that she can’t get enough of you.

In order to make it all come together, you must know who you are and who you’re out to attract.

Let’s revisit those Attraction Foundations for business and now turn them into Attraction
Foundations for dating:

1. Know who you are

2. Know the kind of woman you want to attract
3. Know what she wants
4. Find the intersection between what she wants and what you can give
5. Present yourself and communicate with her based on that

Almost identical to the business foundations, except for a couple of minor changes.

Why is that?

It’s because authentic attraction in any context always follows along these lines. When you
understand these in more detail, you can start creating an actual roadmap for yourself — a
shining, blessed alternative to PUA.

So that’s what we’re going to do now. I’m about to lead you through a series of exercises and
application strategies, expanding on each of the above ​Attraction Foundations.

This way, you can clearly get to know your own natural attractiveness, which is critical if you
want to become irresistible to the right women.

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Attraction Foundation #1: Know who you are.

This one we’ve lightly touched on when we talked about the differences between extroverts and
introverts, but that was only scratching the surface.

There’s so much about you that is wonderfully attractive, most of which you likely don’t know.

There is a wonderful exercise on this in our 3-Step Charm Finder.

These are the same exercises that our clients work through when they start our program —
they're key to building a foundation of unshakable confidence. A client recently emailed us that
he wished he'd known about them earlier as you do now:

"Now that I'm in your program, I really, really wish I would have done the values and factors a
long time ago. I had no idea how important they were.

It is so foundational to all the modules that I've gone through since then that I wish I had a solid
grip on them already."

Go to the ​Charm Finder​, complete the exercises, and then return for your second foundation

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Attraction Foundation #2:
Know the kind of woman you want to attract.

If you’re reading this, you don’t want to attract just any woman. You want to attract the right
woman for you.

In order to do that, you want to know that her Attractive Values and Attraction Factors are
complementary to yours.

Exercise: Determine the right kind of woman for you.

Step One:
What are the Attractive Values that you would really like to see in a woman? What Attraction
Factors would you like to see? List them out.

Step Two:
Consider what I’ve written below and see if that resonates with you:

A woman who is light and playful. She’s fun and has a great sense of humor… she laughs at
your every joke, making you wonder if you missed your calling in improv.

She’s sweet and nurturing by nature and loves doing little things for you. Without even thinking
about it, she’ll refill your water glass or pick up a few things around the house. She does these
things naturally, out of her love for you. With her, you are well-cared-for.

As a lifestyle, she takes great care of herself and her body. She’s beautiful and fit. She's mindful
of the food she eats and keeps up with you on an afternoon jog through the park.

She’s intelligent and empathetic. She understands you as no one else does, and having her in
your life makes you feel excited and peaceful at the same time.

Step Three:
With the Attractive Values and Attraction Factors listed, along with what I just described in Step
Two, as well as anything else that’s coming to you, write down a little paragraph about what the
right kind of woman for you is like...

● What is it like to be around her?

● How does she treat you?
● What do you love about her most?

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Attraction Foundation #3: Know what she wants.

While the right kind of woman for you will naturally be attracted to you for your unique Attractive
Values and Attraction Factors, there are certain things she’s already looking for.

Everything she wants fits within what I call the five Attraction Amplifiers, which I’ll share with you
in a minute.

When you tie your Values and Factors into each of these Amplifiers, you become way more
sexually and romantically attractive to the right kind of woman.

Because your combination of Values and Factors is yours and yours alone, your Amplifiers will
be expressed differently than anyone else’s.

Each Attraction Amplifier builds on the last, so when you have one handled, you’ll already have
a head start on the next one:

These are the five Attraction Amplifiers:

1. Kindness
2. Integrity
3. Playfulness
4. Confidence / Ambition
5. Sexual Chemistry

Let’s look at each in more depth:

Kindness Amplifier:

Kindness is the most base-level foundation for trust. If you’re a true gentleman - a ​gentle man​ -
then she can trust you and surrender herself to you.

Again, it’s best if you’ve just always been a kind and caring person. But if not, then certainly
start now. This is a whole longer discussion, but I can’t tell you how important it is.

I have a client who I’ve been only working on compassion with for the last couple of months. He
went from feeling defensive and focusing on the negative in people, to being open-hearted,
joyful, playful, and connected.

It really has been a miracle to watch, and I respect him so much for being this open to change.

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I got to tell him in our session today, “Hey, so you’ve been doing all this compassion work over
here, applying it to work, etc. We’ve not even talked about dating in who knows how long
because we had to get this handled first...

“Do you have any idea how much more attractive you are now that you’re a compassionate
person? How much more attracted women will be to you? How much easier and more fun it will
be for you to date?

“I love when that happens. It’s like you’ve been working over here and figured - oh I’ll solve the
dating problem later - but it turns out you’ve already 70% solved it just by changing from being
aloof and judgmental to kind and open.”

So excited for him! I can’t wait to have him experience the night and day of dating now that he’s
made that change. It’ll be so much easier now that this essential foundation is in place.

Chances are, as a smart introverted guy who’s attracted to my work, you are already
well-versed in being kind. I’m just telling you that story to highlight its crucial importance.

Integrity Amplifier:

For you to have strong integrity is the ONLY way a sane woman can trust you.

You must be honest, forthright, and unwavering in your integrity.

Integrity is not any one thing you say or don’t say. It’s the vibe you’re giving off that you’re a
man to be trusted.

Obviously, if she’s considering being with you for a longer term or getting into a relationship with
you, you must be honest from Day One for her to trust you.

Any little thing will be a thorn in your side for the duration of the entire relationship. No matter
what, it will come back to bother her and therefore you too.

So just don’t do it.

No white lies, no nothing.

It’s best if you’ve been honest consistently in your life since you were born ;) and if not from
then, then at least for as long a period of time as possible.

I can’t emphasize this enough. In any relationship, where there is a little white lie early on, it’s

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very hard to get past it completely, no matter how one tries.

And when there’s an honest vibe, where there’s nothing but honesty since Day One, it sets the
stage for the deepest, most profound trust in a relationship.

It really shows the stark contrast between mostly honest and 100% honest. Incomparable.

This level of trust with a woman encourages her to open up to you so much on all levels, and
one can only imagine the innumerable tiny squabbles or bigger fights that you’re avoiding
altogether simply by being such an honest man.

Turns out, as serious as integrity sounds, it makes things way more fun! That’s because with the
base levels of kindness and integrity set, you can start to have fun and PLAY.

Playfulness Amplifier:

Genuine playfulness is only possible when you generate your own happiness.

Otherwise, you’d run out of playing fodder in about two seconds. When playfulness is your
modus operandi, it means you don’t have to be serious all the time.

The reason why people are so serious is that it doesn’t occur to them to be spontaneous and
playful because all their energy is going towards getting the basics handled.

Their lives look like a fireman operation, a series of putting out one fire after the other. Very
serious business. OR just tick, tick, tick, listlessly watching time go by. Also very serious

When you can be serious when you want to be and playful when you want to be, you’re
demonstrating that you’ve got your act together.

Having the career, financial, and health aspects of your life taken care of, you can now focus on
social and dating aspects of your life.

You can actually be playful in those more relational things because your basics are taken care

Think of Birds of Paradise. Why are they so damn beautiful, doing over-the-top dances and just
being ridiculous and colorful all around?

It’s because they have their essential needs taken care of; they don’t have to deal with the
day-to-day struggle that other birds do.

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Having been free of scary predators in their neck of the woods for eons gives them the freedom
to frolic and play.

They’re safe and food is plentiful, so they’re good to go. Sure, mating becomes a struggle
sometimes, but how luxurious is it that their basic needs are met?

This means there’s energy left to play: to do elaborate mating dances, fluff their feathers, and
sweep their forest floor patch.

Same with you. (Sweeping optional.)

Like Birds of Paradise, you have your basics handled, so you get to be playful! Your playfulness
communicates to women on a primal level that you just might be a great catch.

Confidence Amplifier:

Confidence is important because it gives her a sense of spaciousness and freedom around you.

It makes her feel good being around you because you don’t NEED anything from her. You’re
cool on your own.

This is not the same thing as being aloof. It’s simply trusting yourself to take care of yourself, to
generate your own happiness.

As we discussed in the Playfulness section, the ability to make yourself happy is definitely
attractive. Not just because it makes you more playful and fun, but because it boosts your
confidence as well.

Once you are super playful, you’ll notice that you’re pretty badass, and you will become more
confident as a result of realizing that. A playful man (who’s happy and relaxed because he has
his act together) is a powerful man. So again, confidence follows naturally.

Confidence and ambition go hand-in-hand. This is because when you’re confident that you can
generate your own happiness and achieve what you want, then you are naturally more

When there’s something you’re really going for in your life - aside from dating - then that also
shows you have extra energy to burn. Again, you have your act together. And that’s hot.

Indeed, there’s nothing like a man who knows what he wants and goes and gets it. This can be
a hobby you’re passionate about, your career, your personal growth path, a philanthropic or

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charitable cause.

Regardless of what it is, when you’re ON IT, she’ll be impressed. And so will you, which then
feeds back into your confidence.

Sexual Chemistry Amplifier:

So many guys who are honest and caring hesitate to give women the fun adventures they

Why? Because they haven’t gone through the sequence of developing each of the above
Amplifiers beforehand.

How can you expect a man to generate chemistry when he’s not even confident in his
attractiveness? It’s going to be a flop every time.

That’s why confidence - and all the Amplifiers - are CRUCIAL for you to develop.

As a man, when you are confident in these three things: (1) in who you are / the value you bring,
(2) in reading women’s desire for you, and (3) in your ability to deliver, chemistry comes

When you can give a woman that spark, that intensity, of intimate connection - even with just a
brush of your arm against hers or just a LOOK - she’ll melt in your arms.

There is no way around this one when turning a woman on. In order for her to find you
attractive, you have to be able to build on the chemistry that already exists between the two of

This is probably the hardest one of all the Attraction Amplifiers. Know that yes it takes work to
learn, but it can be done. Same with all these, save for maybe kindness and integrity, which
tend to take less work and come more naturally to the kinds of guys I work with.

Now, to our next step: matching your unique Values and Factors within the above Amplifiers.

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Attraction Foundation #4: Find the intersection
between what she wants & what you can give

When you understand the overlap between her desires and your Values and Factors, you are
setting the stage for yourself to naturally attract the kind of woman you truly want.

You can see how in this genuinely powerful context, tricks are unnecessary. Silly, really.

You already have the tools you need to do this:

You’ve got your Attractive Values that are all your own. These give shape to the man you are.

You’ve got your Attraction Factors. These are the things that represent another’s experience of
you. She’ll notice your strong arms, your charming quirkiness, your kind nature.

You have considered the Values and Factors you’d like in her, and the overall disposition that
would be wonderful complements to your own.

You understand the five Attraction Amplifiers she’s looking for in you, which basically serve as
go-aheads for her to be fully attracted to you.

Now it’s time to find the intersection between what she wants & what you can give.

Exercise: Understand how the value you bring fits inside her desires.

Below, I’ll give you a few examples of different men and how their Values and Factors match up
to their Amplifiers:

First, we’ll look at Mark:

These are Mark’s top five values and factors:
I AM calm.
I AM gentleness.
I AM groundedness.
I AM focus.
I AM lightness.

I have great eyes.

I am persistent.
I am intelligent.

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I am quirky.
I am a great listener.

Step One:
Let’s match these with the Attraction Amplifiers, laying each Value and Factor underneath every
Attraction Amplifier it fits.

First, we’ll do it for Mark, and then for you.

In Mark’s case:
1. Kindness
I AM gentleness.
I am a great listener.

2. Integrity
I AM groundedness.
I am persistent.
I am intelligent.
I AM focus.

3. Playfulness
I AM lightness.
I am quirky.

4. Confidence / Ambition.
I AM calm.
I AM focus.
I AM groundedness.

5. Chemistry
I have great eyes.
I AM groundedness. (This is extremely attractive)
I AM gentleness. (Tenderness is attractive)
I am a great listener. (He can “listen” to chemistry cues and vibes)

Notice that some of the values and factors occur more than once. That’s perfect.

Step Two:
Now start matching up your own information, and wherever you think a Value or Factor belongs,
put it there.

The reason we’re doing this is that when you consider which of the Amplifiers you need to amp
up, you’ve got your strengths RIGHT THERE in front of you!

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This means you don’t have to use some other dude’s tricks for how to be more playful, for
example. If lightness and quirkiness are very natural for you, they would flavor your brand of

Same with Sexual Chemistry. If you have great eyes, be proud of that. Let it work for you! If
groundedness and gentleness made it into your top five values, they definitely belong under
Sexual Chemistry. Even if you’re not perfect at your Values and Factors, you still exude them.

They are still deeply important to you, so while you can always make purer and purer
expressions of your values, know that each is already part of you now.

Finding your own groove with Sexual Chemistry is all about recognizing and amplifying what’s
already there between you and your woman.

Calm and passion (or whatever of your applicable values and factors you’ve got) are your best
friends for that. See? You don’t have to be some other dude.

Now, let’s say that James Bond himself had a losing streak with the ladies lately. (They don’t
show that in the movies, but no one wins them all.)

He was smoking a cigar on his balcony one day and remembered the woman at last night’s
party who told him he was too uptight and should be more playful.

He got to thinking, “You know? I am kind of serious all the time. Maybe I should loosen up. But I
don’t know how!”

He started Googling around for “how to get more girls by being playful.” This search led him to a
PUA guy singing the praises of furry purple hats and / or zebra jumpsuits.

Bond is like, “Wow, this guy makes all the ladies laugh. A furry hat is definitely playful. Maybe if I
start wearing one of those, I’ll get my groove back.”

So there he is on the streets, wearing his new furry hat, trying to be all loud and goofy. Valiant
effort, but it’s coming off all wrong. Why?

Because it’s not HIM! And he should have known better. Bond, for heaven’s sakes, was already
charming as is. He didn’t need to change.

In this case, the Amplifier was Playfulness. But instead of Bond coming up with his own Values
and Factors that could enhance his own version of Playfulness, he just borrowed some PUA
guy’s, which looked phony on him.

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It’s likely that a couple of Bond’s contributing Values and Factors to Playfulness are adventure,
flow, and chillness. Those makes a really fun combination for his own brand of Playfulness.

It’s also likely that a couple of the PUA guy’s Values and Factors are excitement, originality, and
sense of humor. Well now that matches the furry hat, now doesn’t it?

You see? Playfulness can be expressed 7 billion ways. So can Sexual Chemistry and all the
other amplifiers. So get excited about you finding your very own.

Before we continue, make sure you’ve written down your Values and Factors underneath each
Amplifier. If you’d like to go deeper on each of the Attraction Amplifiers, I’ve laid out an
additional exercise, as well as three examples, ​in this Attraction Amplifiers doc here​.

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Attraction Foundation #5: Vibe
Present yourself and communicate with her based on the
intersection between what she wants and what you bring.

Yay, my favorite part!

Finally we get to YOUR AUTHENTIC VIBE.

In this section, we’re going to talk about what a vibe is and the key to building your own.

This way, you can attract the right women just by being yourself. Not just yourself like
lah-dee-dah, showing up in your PJ pants.

Nope. Yourself by becoming 100% awesome in your own unique way, so you can just be that.

This is the art of ‘vibe’.

So, what is a vibe?

Whenever I’m getting back to the basics, I always return to the good ole trusty dictionary /

The dictionary describes ‘vibe’ as “a person’s emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as
communicated to and felt by others”.

The thesaurus says that it’s like a “feeling, vibration, atmosphere, sensation, energy.”

Okay, before you’re like, “Umm, this is too abstract for me,” remember what I said. Doing it the
right way — the effective way — IS HARDER. It just is.

It’s one reason why in the past PUA tricks were so alluring: “Yay! Just say this one thing and
save the world. Woohoo!”

As illogical as you knew it was, at least it felt tangible and more accessible. So then you bought
the info product, started watching it, maybe even went out to practice, and then… damn.

As simple as that one-liner seemed from the guy who was a 100% match to the flavor he was
teaching… it’s impossible when you say it because there’s only a 0-15% match between you
and him.

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Now you’re out some cash, out some pride, and back to square one, but lower.

Here’s your chance to open your mind for a minute and consider that yes - what we’re talking
about is so subtle, so huge, so complex, that the only way we can really refer to it is with a word
like ‘vibe’ or ‘energy’.

Sorry, folks. That’s just how it has to be.

That said, I’m going to make it as straightforward and accessible to you as possible. (Sidenote: I
really enjoy doing this sort of “translation work.”)

Let’s take a moment to look with an open mind at the definition of ‘vibe’ again:

a person’s emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others;
feeling, vibration, atmosphere, sensation, energy.

From the above definitions, I have distilled the meaning of ‘vibe’ into one sentence:

Your vibe is how you feel to yourself and to others.

This means there are two layers to your vibe:

- Layer One: Your general modus operandi
- Layer Two: Your vibe in a particular situation

Layer One:
This is your general modus operandi, which is basically how you feel most of the time. Most of
this is under the radar. It is tucked out of your sight, until you actually look at it, as we’re doing

It’s comprised of your values, your perspective, your usual emotional state, and your

Layer Two:
Your vibe in a particular situation is how you feel to yourself and to others in a given context, like
at work, at a family dinner, with friends, on a date, at a party.

For example, many guys feel way more comfortable at work than on a date, so their vibe is
really different accordingly.

Your vibe can vary dramatically because it’s heavily influenced by these factors:

- how comfortable you are in your own skin

- how aware you are of your surroundings

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- how confident you are moving around in those surroundings.

The more comfortable you are in your own skin and the more practice you have being aware
and confident in different situations, the easier it will be to have the vibe you intend to have in
any given context.

You’ll come across as more fluid and adaptable, and you will feel like YOU across situations.
Everywhere you go will feel like home.

Feeling at home in new places really makes things so much easier and puts people at ease
around you.

I remember going to a party the first week of college, and I was talking with someone who asked
me if I was a Senior. “No!” I said, “I just got here six days ago.”

“Oh, so you’ve transferred from another school?”

“No, I’m a Freshman,” I laughed, “I just graduated high school a couple months ago.”
“No way, are you kidding? You seem so comfortable here and at ease with yourself. I can’t
believe you just graduated high school. Nuts!”

And so it has been for years. I go into a new place, immerse myself, and feel at home. It’s
almost like a game for me to become more and more at ease in my own skin over time.

The responses from people along the way show me that my comfort palpably increases their

When you are super comfortable with yourself, it comes across as inviting to others. People
often comment that they feel welcomed and invited where they are, just by being around me.

This is a mixture of the art of ease in one’s own skin + my particular values and vibe, so it may
not look the same for you.

Regardless of how it looks, as you become more at ease with yourself and your own
vibe, the more you’ll enjoy yourself and the more others will enjoy you.

Introverted Alpha | team@introvertedalpha.com

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You have now walked through all five Attraction Foundations.

As you integrate your new understanding, you can start attracting the right kind of woman with
your own authentic vibe, not some other dude’s mismatched surface tactics.


Introverted Alpha | team@introvertedalpha.com

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