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hexadecimal number rpokurpoku IPA IPA transliteration

transliteration name
name kanzi meaning meaning synonyms synonyms
0 0 yx əx uh or a velar h no 无 dark, warmth, balance. none, nothing, null, zero,

zero-mother before any mother.

none gave birth to all.

00 0 xu calm 安 safe none, safe
1 1 og ʌk unrounded o or k not 不 negation, negate, aware, no
turns a 0 into a 1,
and a 1 into a 0
11 17 go kʌ ko thing 事 rocks are living, not, negate, physical, material, matter
negating photons.
proving they are there.

awareness in terms of what your physical body

2 2 eb ɛp e or p and 和 logical connective, desire, want, need, satisfy, couple
meaning both have to be,
in order for equation to be true.

a and b to c equivalence
22 34 be pe pe desire 要 want, will, shall, need, important, essential; want, need,

in example plants reach towards sunlight

3 3 cd ɪt i in dip or t or 可 you can or may, so are able to, choice, wish, maybe, may, alternative, op

when having a choice,

can have one or the other,
also can have both.

a or b to c equivalence
32 35 if 倘 and-or option, condition
33 51 dc tɪ tii choice 或 option
333 819 wish 愿 choice, option
4 4 qk ɑɹ ah or r to 到 towards heart, goal, pump, stable, definite,
44 68 kq ɹɑ rah goal 定 heart, pump
4f 79 Vq vɑ vah abundance vast abundance abundance, vast, plethora
4fb 1275 pIq poik jyɑ jʌiɹ yoir wealth wealth is synonym of abundance, abundance, plethora, more,
achieved by reproducing what you consume,
in example planting more food than
typically wealth is in an economic or negotiation

5 5 us ɯs uu or s out 出 put, speak, express, say, write

51 81 gu kɯ ku truth awareness-expressed
self-experience expressed
52 82 bu pɯ puu knowledge and express,
past-experience expressed
55 85 su sɯ suu say 讲
6 6 aj aʃ a or sh get 得 get, reach, achieve, have feel, sense, hear, listen, read, see
651 1617 gua kua kua letter a text particle. alphabet
usually of phonemic or symbolic significance.

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hexadecimal number rpokurpoku IPA IPA transliteration
transliteration name
name kanzi meaning meaning synonyms synonyms

example be
66 102 ja ʃa sha intuit 觉 psychic, hear
7 7 iv if i or f move 去 navigate, motion, translate, transmute, tr
77 119 fi fi fi travel 走 move, nomad
8 8 Y oy m X ɵ ʌə m ɣ Uh or oy or m or voiced velar h mid 中 middle locus, local, location, locate, place
88 136 mY Xoy mɵ ɣʌə moy home 家 local, place
888 2182 local 里 neighborhood home, place, middle
8C9 2249 wCY wocm wCm wʏɵ wʌim wʏm woiim womb 胞 party place. party, place, ghetto
9 9 0wG ɔʋg rounded o or w or g be 是 being planet, biology, population, processes, be
91 145 gO kɔ koo me 我 aware point us, we, you
96 150 jO ʃɔ shoo you get point yo
listening being
99 153 GO wO gɔ ʋɔ woo person 人 people planet, being, soul, spirit, ghost
999 2457 soul 魂 spirit, being, person
9c 201 wC Goc ʋY goc woii party being congregation meet,

a 10 E oe n B œ ʌe n b rounded e or n or b for 为 for child, tool, instrument, production, reproduction

solar-system, technology, math, logic, spa
aa 170 BE noe bœ nʌɛ noe define 仪 instrument, ritual, definition, method of using solar-system, technology, space-flight, dic
something to attain something else.
b 11 C oc y D ʏ ʌɪ j d Oo or y as in you or d talk 谈 galaxy, star-being, alien, negotiate, econo
barter, converse, sort, chat
bb 187 DC yoc dY jʌɪ yoii negotiate supporting freedom, galaxy, star beings, parliament
sorting through alternatives,
coming to a consensus
c 12 Q oq l ɒ ʌɑ l rounded ah or oah or l meet 会 meeting, intersection, exchange, intersect, common, connect, join, fight, se
parliament, elder
the first number of the elder,
as elders get together in parliament,
or the chiefs tent or regularly attend meetings to
fulfill this stage.
c1 193 gC goc kY koc koii real ghost-agreed fact, agreement

cc 204 lQ lɒ law love 会 love is the meeting of beings. universe, intersection, meeting, common

love area is the common area.

act of love is about increasing the amount that is in

ccc 3276 universe 宇
d 13 U ou R Z u ʌɯ R z rounded u or ou or uvular R or z path 道 rules for consistency and order. respect, rule, law, system, justice

here the elder finds rules that allow for one to

better navigate possibility.
dd 221 RU Zou Ru zʌɯ velar r Rou or zou law 法 public protocol, law multiverse, rules, law, honor, respect
e 14 A oa ? J ɶ ʌa ŋ ʒ rounded a or oa or ng or jj mix 拌 mixed, and different. mixture, diverse, dream, combination, ran
the elder chews over all they have experienced, to
create a synthesis for what is to come.

alternatively it is the process of dissolution, as the

cell releases digestive enzymes it's own body, it
mixes becoming chaotic.

still it later becomes the fertile ground of new

ee 238 ?A Joa ŋɶ ʒʌa ngoa diversity random mix, random
f 15 I oi r V y ʌi r v rounded i or oi or trill r or v all 都 ever, infinite, full, end, liberation, moksha
total, spirit-world,

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hexadecimal number rpokurpoku IPA IPA transliteration
transliteration name
name kanzi meaning meaning synonyms synonyms
f65 3941 saI saoi saY saoi language speak listen, speak, converse
read write,
get put.
ff 255 rI Voi ry Vʌi alveolar r roi or voi ever 终 whole, full, death infinite, create

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