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Physiology and Pharmacology of Local Anesthetic Agentst

By Benjamin G. Covino, Ph.D., M.D.tt

Local anesthetic drugs may be defined as phar- part to the selectively permeable characteristics of
macological agents which are capable of producing the membrane. The resting membrane is fully perme-
a loss of sensation in a circumscribed area of the able to potassium ions but only slightly permeable
body. This localized form of anesthesia is due to an to sodium ions, which accounts for the low intra-
inhibition of excitation at nerve endings or to a cellular concentration of sodium. The high intra-
blockade of the conduction process in peripheral cellular concentration of potassium is maintained by
nervous tissue. Regional anesthesia originated in the attractive forces of the negative charges, mainly
1884 when Koller described the topical anesthetic on proteins, within the cell, which counterbalances
properties of cocaine, an alkaloid that had been iso- the tendency of potassium ions to diffuse out of the
lated from the leaves of the Erythroxylin coca bush. cell by passive movement along a concentration gra-
Procaine, which was synthesized by Einhorn in 1905, dient and across a freely permeable membrane.
was the first injectable agent of clinical value for the During the period of nerve inactivity, a negative
production of local anesthesia. Following the intro- electrical potential (resting potential) of approxi-
duction of procaine, numerous compounds of sim- mately -90 mv exists across the cell membrane.
ilar chemical structure were developed. Tetracaine Thus, at rest, the nerve cell behaves as a potassium
and chloroprocaine are the procaine-like agents electrode which would react to intra or extracellular
which have persisted to this day as clinically useful changes in potassium but not sodium concentra-
local anesthetic drugs. tions. Excitation of a nerve results in an increase in
In 1943, Lofgren synthesized lidocaine, which rep- the permeability of the cell membrane to sodium
resented a new chemical class of local anesthetic ions. The initial flux of sodium ions from the extra-
compounds. Whereas the procaine-like drugs are cellular space to the interior of the nerve cell results
ester derivatives of para-aminobenzoic acid, lido- in a depolorization of the cell membrane from the
caine, is an amide derivative of diethylamino acetic resting potential level to the threshold or firing level
acid. Since the advent of lidocaine, many other of approximately - 50 to - 60 mv. At this point, a
amide substances, such as mepivacaine, prilocaine, maximum increase in the permeability of the cell
bupivacaine, and etidocaine, have been introduced membrane to sodium ions occurs and an explosively
into clinical practice as local anesthetic agents each rapid influx of sodium ions into the axoplasm fol-
with its own pharmacological profile. lows. At the end of depolarization or at the peak of
Mechanism of Local Anesthesia the action potential, the nerve membrane is essen-
Local anesthetic agents exert their primary phar- tially transformed from a potassium electrode to a
macological action by interfering with the excitation- sodium electrode with a positive membrane poten-
conduction process of peripheral nerve fibers and tial of + 40 mv.
nerve endings. The electrophysiological properties At the conclusion of the depolarization phase, the
of the nerve membrane are dependent on: (a) the permeability of the cell membrane to sodium ions
concentration of electrolytes in nerve cytoplasm and again decreases and high potassium permeability is
extracellular fluid; and (b) the permeability of the cell restored. Potassium moves out of the cell, resulting
membrane to various ions - particularly, sodium in repolarization of the membrane until such time
and potassium. The ionic composition of the cy- as the original electrochemical equilibrium and rest-
toplasm and extracellular fluid differ markedly. The ing potential is re-achieved. The flux of sodium ions
intracellular concentration of potassium is approx- into the cell during depolarization and potassium
imately 110 to 170 meq/liter. In extracellular fluid the ions out of the cell during repolarization is a passive
situation is reversed. The concentration of sodium phenomenon, since each ion is moving down its
is approximately 140 meq/liter, chloride is 110 meq/ concentration gradient. Under normal conditions
liter, and potassium is 5 meq/liter. This ionic asym- this entire process of depolarization and repolari-
metry on either side of the cell membrane is due in zation occurs within 1 msec. The depolarization
phase occupies approximately 30 percent of the en-
tire action potential, whereas repolarization ac-
tThe Niels B. Jorgensen Memorial lecture presented at the An- counts for the remaining 70 percent.
nual Scientific meeting of the American Dental Society of
Anesthesiology, April 1981, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Covino's Following return of the membrane to the resting
presentation was also sponsored by the Niels B. Jorgensen potential level, a very slight excess of sodium ions
Memorial Library, Loma Linda University. is present within the cell and a very slight excess of
ttProfessor, Department of Anaesthesia potassium ions exists outside of the nerve cell. Res-
Harvard Medical School
Chairman, Department of Anesthesia toration of the normal ionic gradient across the
Brigham and Women's Hospital nerve membrane requires the expenditure of energy
Boston, Massachusetts 02115 for the active transport of sodium ions from the
inside to the outside of the nerve cell against a con- agents such as benzocaine and benzyl alcohol act by
centration gradient. This active transport of sodium penetrating the nerve membrane, causing membrane
ions is made possible by the function of the so-called expansion and a resultant decrease in the diameter
"sodium pump." The energy required to drive the of the sodium channel.3
sodium pump is derived from the oxidative metab- In summary, the mechanism of action of local an-
olism of adenosine triphosphate. This metabolic esthetic agents is related to the following sequence
pump, which actively extrudes intracellular sodium of events: (a) binding of local anesthetic molecules
ions, also is believed responsible, in part, for the to receptor sites in the nerve membrane; (b) reduc-
transport of potassium ions from the extracellular tion in sodium permeability; (c) decrease in the rate
space to the interior of the nerve cell, since potas- of depolarization; (d) failure to achieve threshold
sium ions also must move against a concentration potential level; (e) lack of development of a prop-
gradient in order to restore the normal K/K, ratio agated action potential; and () conduction blockade.
across the cell membrane. Potassium will return to Active Form of Local Anesthetic Agents
the interior of the cell until the electrostatic attrac- Most of the clinically useful local anesthetic prep-
tion of the intracellular negative charges balances the arations are available in the form of solutions of a
chemical concentration gradient. salt, e.g., lidocaine is usually prepared as an 0.5 -
Electrophysiological studies have failed to show 2.0 percent solution of lidocaine hydrochloride. In
any alteration in the membrane resting potential of solution, the salts of these local anesthetic coin-
isolated nerves following exposure to varying con- pounds exist as uncharged molecules (B) and as pos-
centrations of different local anesthetic agents such itively charged cations (BH+). The relative propor-
as procaine or lidocaine.' In addition, little or no tion between the uncharged base (B) and charged
change in the threshold potential occurs following cation (BH +) depends on the pK;, of the specific
application of local anesthetic agents to an isolated chemical compound and the pH of the solution, i.e.,
nerve. The predominant change occurs during the pH = pKa- log (BH+/B). Since pK, is constant for
depolarization phase of the action potential. A de- any specific compound, the relative proportion of
crease in the maximum rate of rise of the action free base and charged cation will be dependent es-
potential of the isolated lumbar spinal ganglion of sentially on the pH of the local anesthetic solution
the frog from a control value of 190 v/sec to 120 v/ (BH + B + H +). As the pH of the solution is decreased
sec has been observed after 15 minutes exposure to and the H + concentration increased, the e(quilibrium
a solution of 0.005 percent (0.2 mmolar) lidocaine.' will shift towards the charged cationic form and rel-
This decrease in the rate of depolarization is not atively more cation will be present than free base.
accompanied by any significant change in the rate of Conversely, as the pH is increased and the H+ con-
repolarization. When depolarization is not sufficient centration decreased, the equilibrium will shift to-
to reduce the membrane potential of an individual wards the free base form and relatively more of the
fiber to the threshold potential level, a propagated local anesthetic agent will exist in the free base form.
action potential fails to develop. Both the uncharged base form (B) and the charged
Since the depolarization phase is related to an in- cationic form (BH+) of local anesthetic agents are
flux of sodium ions across the cell membrane, the involved in the process of conduction block.45 The
action of local anesthetic agents on sodium perme- base diffuses more easily through the nerve sheath
ability has been investigated. Direct measurements and so is required for optimal penetration which is
of sodium and potassium conductance by voltage reflected clinically in onset of anesthesia. Following
clamp techniques have shown that local anesthetic diffusion through the epineurium, equilibriumn reoc-
agents block neural sodium currents.2 Lidocaine curs between B and BH + and the charged cation
causes a complete inhibition of sodium conduct- actually binds to the receptor site in the nerve mem-
ance, but only a 5 percent decrease in potassium brane. Therefore, the cationic form is ultimately re-
conductance. In addition, tetrodotoxin, the puffer sponsible for the suppression of electrophvsiolog-
fish poison which possesses potent local anesthetic ical events in peripheral nerve which is reflecte(d
activity, completely inhibits sodium conductance clinically in the profoundness of anesthesia.
and conduction in nerves at a concentration of Pharmacological Basis of Local Anesthesia
30 nM with no discernible effect on potassium Chemical compounds that demonstrate local an1-
conductance. esthetic activity usuallv possess the following chem-
Local anesthetic agents are believed to act at the ical arrangement:
sodium channel of the nerve membrane. However, Aromatic portion Intermnediate chainl
the specific receptor location varies according to the Amine portion
type of local anesthetic agent. The coniventionial The agents of clinical importance can be catego-
agents, such as lidocaine and procaine, are believed rized into two distinct chemical groups. Local ani-
to bind at receptor sites located on the inner surifce esthetics with an ester link between the aromiiatic por-
of the nerve membrane. Biotoxins, such as tetro- tion and the intermediate chain are referred to as
dotoxin and saxitoxin, act at receptor sites located amino-esters and include procaine, chloroprocainie,
on the external surface of the membrane. Finallv, and tetracaine (Table 1). Local anestlhetics witlh ani
JULY-AU(;UST 1981 99
Chemical Structure and Primary Anesthetic Use of Relationship of Physical Chemical Properties
Ester and Amide-type of Local Anesthetics to Local Anesthetic Activity
In Vivo mate mate
A.roma c
Agent Potency Lipid Duration Protein
A. Esters Solubility (Min) Binding
PROCAINE H2N e CGOCH2CH1 ~wCzHs Infiltration
C:l Procaine 1 < 1 60-90 5
: 'C2H5
-3 0CH3
Spinal Mepivacaine 2 1 120-240 75
B. Amades Prilocaine 2 1.5 100-240 55
CHC Lidocaine 2 4 90-200 65
NEPIVACAINE Peripheral nerve block
NHC- Swgical epidural
Bupivacaine 8 30 180-600 95
Peripheral nerve blocks
Tetracaine 8 80 180-600 85
0 I NHCO Surgical and
Obstetrical epidural Etidocaine 6 140 180-600 94

nerve. On the other hand, the partition coefficient
Qi3 NHCOCH2 -N Peripheral nerve blocks
Surgical epidural
of bupivacaine, tetracaine and etidocaine vary from
-C Obstotrical spinal
approximately 30 to 140, indicating an extremely high
degree of lipid solubility for these agents. These
Infiltration drugs produce conduction blockade in an isolated
PRILOCAINE :NHCOCH -N-C3H7 Peripheral nerve blocks
Surgical apidural nerve at very low concentrations such that their in-
trinsic anesthetic potency is approximately 20 times
greater than that of procaine.fi The relationship of
ETIDOCAINE INHOCHQ -N Peripheral nerve blocks
Surgical opidumal
lipid solubility to intrinsic anesthetic potency is con-
3 sistent with the biochemical composition of the
nerve membrane. Chemical analysis of the axolemma
amide link between the aromatic end and interme- of the first stellar nerve of the giant squid has revealed
diate chain are referred to as amino-amides and in- that approximately 90 percent of the axolemma con-
clude lidocaine, mepivacaine, prilocaine, bupiva- sisted of lipids.7 Therefore, local anesthetic agents
caine and etidocaine (Table 1). The basic difference which are highly lipid soluble penetrate the nerve
between the ester and amide compounds resides in membrane more easily, which is reflected biologi-
(a) the manner in which they are metabolized and cally in increased potency.
(b) their allergic potential. The ester agents are hy- The protein-binding characteristics of local anes-
drolyzed in plasma by pseudocholinesterase, whereas thetic agents primarily influence the duration of ac-
the amide compounds undergo enzymatic degrada- tion (Table 2). Agents such as procaine are poorlv
tion in the liver. Para-aminobenzoic acid is one of bound to proteins and basically possess a relatively
the metabolites formed from the hydrolysis of ester- short duration of action. Conversely, tetracaine,
type compounds. This substance is capable of in- bupivacaine and etidocaine are highly bound to pro-
ducing allergic-type reactions in a small percentage teins and display the longest duration of anesthesia.6
of the general population. The amide, lidocaine-like, The relationship between protein-binding of local
drugs are not metabolized to para-aminobenzoic anesthetic agents and their duration of action is again
acid and reports of allergic phenomena with these consistent with the basic structure of the nerve mem-
agents are extremely rare. brane.7 Proteins account for approximately 10 per-
The anesthetic profile of a chemical compound is cent of the nerve membrane. Therefore, agents
dependent on its (a) lipid solubilitv, (b) protein-bind- which penetrate the axolemma and attach more
ing, (c) pK;,, (d) non-nervous tissue diffusibilitv, anid firmly to the membrane proteins will tend to possess
(e) intrinsic vasodilator activitv. Lipid solubilitv ap- a prolonged duration of anesthetic activitv.
pears to be a primary determinant of intrinsic an- The pK., of a chemical compound mav be defined
esthetic potency (Table 2). The lipid solubilitv of as the pH at which its ionized (BH+) and nonionized
procaine, as determined by partition coefficient mea- (B) forms are in complete equilibrium. As previouslv
surements, is less than one and this drug is least indicated, the uncharged base form (B) of a local
potent in suppressing conduction in an isolated anesthetic agent is primarilv responsible for diffusion
across the nerve sheath. The onset of anesthesia is the vascular system. The degree of vascular absorp-
directly related to the rate of epineural diffusion tion is related to the blood flow through the area
which, in turn, is correlated with the amount of drug in which the drug is deposited. All local anesthetic
in the base form. The percentage of a specific local drugs, except cocaine, are vasodilator in nature.
anesthetic drug which is present in the base form However, the degree of vasodilation produced bv
when injected into tissue whose pH is 7.4 is inversely the various agents does differ. In vitro studies have
proportional to the pK, of that agent. For example, shown that the intrinsic anesthetic potency of lido-
lidocaine, which has a pK,1 of 7.74, is 65 percent caine is significantly greater than that of mepivacaine,
ionized and 35 percent nonionized at a tissue pH of while their durations of action are similar. However,
7.4. On the other hand, tetracaine, with a pK1 of 8.6, in vivo, mepivacaine is similar in potency and pro-
is 95 percent ionized and only 5 percent nonionized duces a longer duration of anesthesia than lidocaine.
at a tissue pH of 7.4. Both in vitro and in vivo studies These differences between in vitro and in vivo results
have confirmed that local anesthetic drugs such as are attributable to the greater vasodilator activity of
lidocaine, whose pK, is closer to tissue pH, have a lidocaine which results in greater vascular absorption
more rapid onset time than agents with a high pKa,, such that less lidocaine is available for nerve block-
such as tetracaine (Table 3).s ade.
In summary, chemical alterations within an ho-
TABLE 3 mologous group produce quantitative changes in
Relationship of pKa to Percent Base Form and physico-chemical properties, such as lipid solubility
Time for 50 Percent Conduction Block in and protein-binding, which can alter the anesthetic
Isolated Nerve properties of the compounds. Within the ester se-
ries, the addition of a butyl group to the aromatic
Agent Chemical Class pK, A Base Onset end of the procaine molecule increases lipid solu-
at pH 7.4 (Min)
bility and protein-binding and results in a com-
Prilocaine Amino-amide 7.7 35 2-4 pound, tetracaine, which has a greater intrinsic an-
esthetic potency and longer duration of anesthetic
Lidocaine Amino-amide 7.7 35 2-4 activity. In the amide series, the addition of a butyl
Etidocaine Amino-amide 7.7 35 2-4 group to the amine end of mepivacaine transforms
Bupivacaine Amino-amide 8.1 20 5-8 this agent into a compound, bupivacaine, which is
Tetracaine Amino-ester 8.6 5 10-15 more lipid soluble, more highly protein-bound,
and, biologically, possesses a greater intrinsic po-
Procaine Amino-ester 8.9 2 14-18 tency and longer duration of action. In the case of
lidocaine, substitution of a propyl for an ethyl group
In an isolated nerve, onset time is a function of at the amine end, and the addition of an ethyl group
the rate of diffusion of a compound through the to the alpha carbon in the intermediate chain yields
epineurium which, in turn, is related to percentage etidocaine, which is more lipid soluble, more highlv
of drug in the base form. However, in vivo, a local protein-bound, and, biologically, a local anesthetic
anesthetic must diffuse initiallv through non-nerve agent of greater potency and longer duration.
connective tissue barriers. Differences do exist be- On the basis of differences in anesthetic potency
tween the rate of non-nervous tissue diffusion for and duration of action, it is possible to classifv the
various agents. For example, procaine and chloro- clinically useful injectable local anesthetic com-
procaine have similar pK,'s of 9.1 and similar onset pounds into three categories:
times for conduction blockade in an isolated nerve. Group I - Agents of low anesthetic potency and
However, in vivo, the onset of anesthesia for chlo- short duration of action: e.g., procaine and chlo-
roprocaine is significantly shorter than that of pro- roprocaine.
caine, which is indicative of a more rapid rate of Group II - Agents of intermediate anesthetic po-
non-nervous tissue diffusibility. Similarly, in the tency and duration of action: e.g., lidocaine, me-
amide series, lidocaine and prilocaine possess the pivacaine, and prilocaine.
same pK,1 and onset of action in isolated nerves, Group III - Agents of high anesthetic potency
whereas lidocaine has a slightly faster onset of anes- and long duration of action: e.g., tetracaine, bupi-
thesia in vivo. The factors that determine diffusibilitv vacaine, and etidocaine.
through non-nervous tissue are unclear. Physiological Disposition of Local Anesthetic Agents
Finally, intrinsic vasodilator activity of different The vascular absorption, tissue distribution, me-
local anesthetic agents will influence their apparent tabolism and excretion of local anesthetic agents are
potency and duration of action in vivo. The degree of particular importance in terms of their potential
and duration of nerve block is related to the amount toxicity. Absorption varies as a function of site of
of local anesthetic drug which diffuses to the recep- injection, dosage, addition of a vasoconstrictor
tor site at the nerve membrane. Following injection agent, and the specific agent emploved.9 In general,
of a local anesthetic agent, some of the drug will be the greater the vascular supply of the tissue (e.g.,
taken up by the nerve and some will be aI)sorbed by muscle mucous membranes), the greater the absorp-
JULY-AUGUST 1981 101
tion without a vasoconstrictor. For intra-oral in- The metabolism of local anesthetic agents varies
jections, the infiltration of two cartridges (1.8 ml) of according to their chemical classification. The ester
lidocaine 20 mg/ml or 76 mg will produce a peak or procaine-like agents undergo hydrolysis in plasma
blood level of 0.5-2 ,ug/ml within 20-30 minutes. An by plasma cholinesterases. Chloroprocaine shows
equal dose applied topically in the uncharged base the most rapid rate of hydrolysis (4.7 ,umole/ml/hr)
form can reach higher levels within 5 minutes ap- compared to procaine (1.1 ,umole/ml/hr) and tetra-
proaching intravenous administration. An inferior caine (0.3pmole/ml/hr).16Less than 2 percent of un-
alveolar block, with reduced vascularity at the site changed procaine is excreted, while approximately
of injection, will have the lowest blood level and be 90 percent of para-aminobenzoic acid, which is the
least influenced by a vasoconstrictor. The blood primary metabolite of procaine, appears in urine.
level of local anesthetic agents is related to the total On the other hand, only 33 percent of diethylami-
dose of drug administered rather than the specific noethanol, the other major metabolite of procaine,
volume or concentration of solution employed.9 A is excreted unchanged.
linear relationship tends to exist between the injected The amide, or lidocaine-like, agents undergo en-
amount of drug and the peak anesthetic blood level. zymatic degradation primarily in the liver. Prilocaine
Addition of a vasoconstrictor agent to local an- undergoes the most rapid rate of hepatic metabo-
esthetic solutions decreases the rate of absorption lism. Lidocaine, mepivacaine, and etidocaine are in-
of certain agents. 5 ,ug/ml of epinephrine (1:200,000) ternrediate in terms or rate of degradation, while
reduces the peak blood levels of lidocaine and me- bupivacaine is metabolized most slowly. Some deg-
pivacaine by approximately 30 percent, irrespective radation of the amide-type compounds may occur
of the site of administration.6 Epinephrine will de- in non-hepatic tissue as indicated by the formation
crease the peak blood levels of prilocaine, bupiva- of certain metabolites following the incubation of
caine, and etidocaine achieved after peripheral nerve prilocaine with kidney slices. The metabolism of the
blocks, but has little influence on the absorption of amide-type agents is more complex than that of the
these drugs following lumbar epidural administra- ester drugs. The complete metabolism for all the
tion.9'10 Phenylephrine, and norepinephrine can also amide compounds has not been elucidated. Lido-
reduce local anesthetic absorption, but not as effec- caine, which has been studied most extensively,
tively as epinephrine. " undergoes primarily oxidative deethylation to mon-
The rate and degree of vascular absorption varies oethylglycinexylidide, followed by a subsequent hy-
between various agents. Lidocaine is absorbed more drolysis to hydroxyxylidine.17 Less than 5 percent of
rapidly than prilocaine, while bupivacaine is ab- unchanged amide-type drugs is excreted into the ur-
sorbed more rapidly than etidocaine.12 The lower ine. The major portion of an injected dose appears
blood levels of prilocaine probably reflects its tend- in the form of various metabolites. For example, 73
ency to produce less vasodilation than lidocaine or percent of lidocaine can be accounted for in human
mepivacaine. The lower peak blood levels of eti- urine by hydroxyxylidine. The renal clearance of the
docaine compared to bupivacaine may be related to amide agents is inversely related to their protein-
the greater lipid solubility and uptake by peripheral binding capacity. Prilocaine, which has a lower
fat of etiodcaine. protein-binding capacity than lido-caine, has a sub-
Following absorption from the injection site, lo- stantially higher clearance value than lidocaine. Renal
cal anesthetic agents distribute throughout total clearance also is inversely proportional to the pH
body water. An initial rapid disappearance from of urine, suggesting urinary excretion by nonionic
blood (alpha phase) occurs which is related to uptake diffusion. 18
by rapidly equilibrating tissues, i.e., tissues with a Systemic Toxicity of Local Anesthetic Agents
high vascular perfusion. A secondary, slower dis- The toxicity of local anesthetic agents mainly in-
appearance rate (beta phase) reflects distribution to volves the central nervous system and cardiovascular
slowly perfused tissues and metabolism and excre- system.
tion of the compound. The disappearance rate of a) CNS effects: Local anesthetic agents readily
prilocaine is significantly more rapid than that of cross the blood-brain barrier and toxic levels can
lidocaine or mepivacaine.13The rate of tissue redis- produce signs of CNS excitation and depression. The
tribution for these latter two agents is similar. Sim- initial symptoms of local anesthetic toxicity in man
ilarly, the alpha and beta half-lives of etidocaine are consist of a generalized feeling of lightheadedness
significantly shorter than those of bupivacaine, which and dizziness, followed by auditory and visual dis-
indicates a more rapid rate of tissue redistribution turbances, such as difficulty in focusing and tinnitus.
for etidocaine.'4 Although all tissues will take up lo- Drowsiness, disorientation, and a temporary lack of
cal anesthetics, the highest concentrations are found consciousness may also occur. Slurred speech, shiv-
in the more highly perfused organs, such as lung and ering, muscle twitching, and tremors of the face and
kidney. 15 The greatest percentage of an injected dose extremities appear to be the immediate precursors
of a local anesthetic agent distributes to skeletal of a generalized convulsive state. A further increase
muscle due to the large mass of this tissue in the in the dose of local anesthetic agents during the ex-
body. citation period, results in cessation of convulsive
activity, respiratory arrest, and a flattening of the and QRS duration), an increase in diastolic threshold
brain wave pattern consistent with generalized cen- and decreased automaticity, as reflected by sinus bra-
tral nervous system depression. dycardia. Lethal concentrations of lidocaine pro-
The signs and symptoms of CNS excitation fol- duce asystole. Hemodynamically, lidocaine doses
lowed by depression are related to an inhibition of and blood levels considered non-toxic (2-5 jig/ml)
cerebral cortical neurons. An initial selective block- cause no alterations in myocardial contractility, di-
ade of inhibitory cortical neurons or synapses allows astolic volume, intraventricular pressure, and cardiac
facihtory fibers to function unopposed leading to output.2l Blood levels of 5-10 ,ug/ml result in de-
excitation and convulsions. Further increases in dos- creased myocardial contractility, increased diastolic
age depress both inhibitory and facilitory pathways volume, decreased intraventricular pressure, and de-
causing a generalized state of central nervous system creased cardiac output.2' At these blood levels, li-
depression. '9 docaine also produces a decrease in peripheral vas-
Local anesthetic toxicity is due usually to an in- cular resistance, due to a direct relaxant effect on the
advertent rapid intravenous injection or extravas- smooth muscle of peripheral arterioles. This nega-
cular administration of an excessive dose. CNS tox- tive inotropic and peripheral vasodilator action can
icity following rapid intravenous administration is cause profound hypotension and circulatory col-
related to the intrinsic anesthetic potency of the lapse. All local anesthetic agents show a similar pat-
agent.20 Procaine is least potent anesthetically and tern of cardiovascular toxicity. The doses of local
least toxic following a rapid intravenous injection. anesthetic agents employed for most regional an-
Bupivacaine, tetracaine, and etidocaine are the most esthetic procedures result in peak blood levels
potent compounds in terms of intrinsic anesthetic which, generally, are not associated with a cardi-
and CNS convulsive activity. Lidocaine, mepiva- odepressant effect. However, inadvertent, rapid, in-
caine, and prilocaine are intermediate in anesthetic travenous injection, or administration of an exces-
potency and convulsive activity. For example, blood sive dose may cause significant cardiovascular
levels in excess of 20 ,ug/ml of procaine are associated alterations.
with CNS symptoms in man. Lidocaine, mepiva- c) Allergy: True allergic reactions to local an-
caine, and prilocaine demonstrate CNS effects at lev- esthetic agents are rare. Ester derivatives of paraa-
els of 5-10 ,ug/ml, while bupivacaine, and etidocaine minobenzoic acid, such as aprocaine and tetracaine,
show CNS effects at venous blood levels of 1.5 to are responsible for most of the suspected allergic
4 ,ug/ml. phenomena associated with the use of local anes-
The potential toxicity of local anesthetic agents thetic agents. Reports of allergic reactions to amide-
administered extravascularly will be influenced by fac- type compounds (i.e., lidocaine and mepivacaine)
tors such as rate of absorption, tissue redistribution, have been extremely rare. Multiple dose vials of
and metabolism. Prilocaine and lidocaine are similar some amide agents contain a preservative, methyl-
in terms of intrinsic anesthetic potency and rapid paraben, which may cause cutaneous signs of allergic-
intravenous toxicity, whereas prilocaine is approxi- type reactions.22
mately 60 percent less toxic than lidocaine following Summary
subcutaneous administration due to its slower ab- Local anesthesia provides a safe and efficacious
sorption and more rapid clearance. Similarly, eti- method of preventing or relieving pain in circum-
docaine and bupivacaine are equitoxic following scribed areas of the body and so is particularly useful
rapid intravenous injection, but etidocaine is only in dentistry. These agents inhibit excitation in nerve
half as toxic as bupivacaine after subcutaneous injec- endings and fibers by a decrease in sodium perme-
tion. Intravenous chloroprocaine is intrinsically ability which, in turn, depresses the rate and degree
more toxic than procaine, but is four times less toxic of membrane depolarization. The clinically useful
than procaine following subcutaneous adminsitra- local anesthetic agents can be divided chemically into
tion due to its rapid hydrolysis in plasma. the amino-esters, e. g., procaine, chloroprocaine
Other factors, such as acid-base status of the pa- and tetracaine, and amino-amides, e.g., lidocaine,
tient, will influence local anesthetic toxicity. An in- mepivacaine, prilocaine, bupivacaine and etidocaine.
verse relationship exists between pCO2 level and Pharmacologically, these agents can be categoried
convulsive threshold of local anesthetic agents. The as agents of low potency and short duration of ac-
convulsive threshold of procaine in cats decreases tion, e. g., procaine and chloroprocaine; agents of
from approximately 35 mg/kg to 15 mg/kg when the intermediate potency and duration of action, e. g.,
PCO2 is elevated from 25-40 torr to 65-81 torr.2' lidocaine, mepivacaine and prilocaine; and agents of
b) Cardiovascular effects: Local anesthetic agents high potency and long duration, e. g., tetracaine,
can produce profound cardiovascular changes by a bupivacaine and etidocaine.
direct cardiac and peripheral vascular action and, in- Local anesthetic agents can produce toxic reac-
directly, by conduction blockade of autonomnic tions which usually involve the central nervous svs-
nerve fibers. Lidocaine concentrations of 5-10pug/ml tem of cardiovascular system. Toxic blood levels,
may cause a prolongation of conduction through which are due most often to an inadvertent rapid
various portions of the heart (increased P-R interval intravenous injection or the extravascular adminis-
JULY-AUG;UST 1981 10)3
tration of an excessive dose, may result in overt
convulsions followed by CNS depression and car-
diovascular collapse due to a direct negative ino-
tropic action on the heart and peripheral vasodilator
effect. Intravenous toxicity of local anesthetic agents
is directly related to their anesthetic potency, whereas
toxicity subsequent to extravascular overdose is re-
lated to the disposition characteristics of the various
drugs. The judicious use of local anesthesia requires
knowledge of the pharmacological properties of the

whEr Q.rny
various agents, technical skill in the performance of
regional anesthetic procedures, and an evaluation of
the patient's clinical status.
1. Aceves J Machne X The action of calcium and local aniestlhetics
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2. Hille B Common mode of action of three agents that decrease
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Not an Illusion
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6. Covino BG Vassallo HG Local Anesthetics: Mechanismls of Astra Dental Products are sold
Action and Clinical Use. New York, Grune and Stratton, 1976.
Camejo G Villegas GM Barnola FV Villegas R Characteriza- exclusively under Astra brand
tion of two different membrane fractions isolated from the
first stellar nerves of squid Dosidieus gigas. Biochiml Biophvs
names. Only dental products
Acta 193:247, 1969. bearing the Astra name assure
8. Truant AP, Takman B Differential phvsical-cheimical and nleu-
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9. Scott DB Jebson PJR Braid DP Ortengen B Frisch P Factors
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12. Wildsmith JAW Tucker GT Cooper S Scott DB Covino BG commitment to standards of
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Astra manufactures ONLY
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16. Foldes FF Davidson GM D)uncalf 1) Kuwabara S The initra-
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20. Eniglessoni S The influieniee of acid-base chlianges oni central
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21. Collinsworthi KA Kalmain SM Harrison D)C The cliniical phar- A ZFIflep
*A £ *UULA
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22. Aldrete JA Johnson D)A Evaluation of initracuitcaineouis testinig
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