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2.1 Research Method

In finishing this thesis, the writer uses a library research in collecting the

several data and information related to the analysis such as literatures and

psychology books. There are two ways to analyze literary works; they are through

intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. An analysis through intrinsic elements

is to analyze the literary works from its structure, such as; theme, characters,

setting, plot, symbols, point of view and language. While through extrinsic

elements is to analyze the literary works by applying the different disciplines of

knowledge or beliefs such as psychology, biography, philosophy, etc. In this

analysis, the writer uses both of the two ways in analyzing the novel, intrinsic and

extrinsic elements. The writer uses psychological approach which applies

psychology knowledge to analyze the main character in the novel.

There is a relation between literatures and psychology as it stated by

Wellek and Warren that there are some possibilities of psychological approach in

literary works namely author’s mind, writing process, characters’ mind, and

audiences’ mind.

Istilah psikologi sastra mempunyai empat

kemungkinan pengertian. Yang pertama adalah studi
psikologi pengarang sebagai tipe atau sebagai pribadi.
Yang kedua adalah studi proses kreatif. Yang ketiga
studi tipe dan hukum-hukum psikologi yang diterapkan
pada karya sastra. Dan yang keempat mempelajari
dampak sastra pembaca. (Wellek & Warren, 1995: 90)

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2.1.1 Character

Character is as one of the intrinsic elements of a novel which has an

important role to build up a story and also in which the story will live, to be

understood and enjoyed by the readers. Without a character, the event of story of a

novel will be impossibly occurred. The story is mainly developed through the

character with his speech or action. Through the character, the author shares his

experience or his idea. The description of character helps us to understand the

author’s intent. According to Roberts and Jacobs (1995: 131), “In fiction, a

character may be defined as a verbal representation of a human being. Through

action, speech, description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are

worth caring about, rooting for and even loving, although there are also characters

you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.”

Characters of course have its good and bad traits of human being. In

studying a literary character, it is important to begin by determining the

character’s outstanding traits because each character may have different traits. A

trait is a quality of mind or habitual mode of behavior. Sometimes, of course, the

traits we encounter are minor and therefore negligible. But often a trait may be a

person’s primary characteristic (not only in fiction but also in life). Thus,

character may be ambitious or lazy, serene or anxious, aggressive or fearful,

thoughtful or inconsiderate, open or secretive, confident or self-doubting, kind or

cruel, quite or noisy, visionary or practical, careful or careless, impartial or biased,

straightforward or underhanded, “winners” or “loser”, and so on.

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According to Nurgiyantoro (1998: 176-191), in fiction, characters can be

categorized based different of point of view and observation as follows:

a. Main Character and Peripheral Character

In a novel, there are several characters presented. Nevertheless, each of the

character has a different role. Based on the role of characters in developing the

plot, characters are distinguished into main character and peripheral character.

Main character is a character which is very important and usually

dominating the whole story in a literary works. He is often presented whether as

the doer of an action or the one who is affected in the action. Main character in a

novel can be more than one; however its superiority values are not always to be

the same. Its superiority is determined by its domination, and its influence to the

development of plot as a whole.

Peripheral character is a character which is presented only once or a

couple of times in a story and it may be in a portion of narration which is

relatively short. The appearance of peripheral character in a story is less, not

important, and its appearance only if there is a relation with the main character

directly or indirectly.

b. Protagonist Character and Antagonist Character

Based on the function of appearance, characters are distinguished into

protagonist character and antagonist character.

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Protagonist character is the most favorite character by the readers and

popularly called hero. Readers often identified themselves with certain characters,

giving sympathy and empathy to protagonist character. Because it presents

something which is conform to the readers’ point of view, norms manifestation,

and value. In short, all the things that the character felt, thought, and done, it all

represents the readers.

Antagonist character is stated to be the opposite of protagonist character

directly or indirectly, physically or psychologically. In other words, this character

gives a conflict to story.

c. Simple Character and Complex Character

Based on the characterization, character can be distinguished into simple

character and complex character.

Simple character is a character that has only a certain individual quality

and one certain character. As a character of human being, any possibility of his

life is not revealed. He does not have any characteristics and behavior that can

give any surprising effect to the readers. This kind of character is monotone, his

behavior and characteristics is flat and reflect a certain character only.

Complex character is a character which is different to simple character; the

character has a life side and personality that is revealed. He could have certain

characteristics that can be formulated, but he can present various characteristics

and behavior, even may be has a contradiction and hard to be guessed. In

comparison with simple character, complex character is more resemble to the real

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human life besides having some possibility of behavior and actions, he often gives

a surprise.

d. Static Character and Developing Character

Based on the criteria whether the character is developed or not, character

can be distinguished into static character and developing character.

Static character is a character that essentially does not experience any

change and development as the result of events. This kind of character seems not

really involved and influenced by any environment changing that happened

because of a relationship among human being. Static character has a constant and

undeveloped behavior and characteristic, since the beginning to the end of the


Developing character is a character that experiences a change of

characterization in accordance with the developing and changing of event and plot

narrated. The character interacts with his environment, whether it is social, nature,

or even others, and all of it will influence his behavior and characteristic. Thus,

the character will experience to be change and developed from the beginning, in

the middle, and until the end of the story according to the coherence of the story

as the whole.

e. Typical Character and Neutral Character

Based on the reflection of the character to the group of human, character

can be distinguished into typical character and neutral character.

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Typical character is a character which is individually less presented, but

more of its works or nationality is presented, or some other things that possibly

more represent. It is a description and reflection or reference of one or group of

people as a part of one institute which exist in the real life.

Neutral character is a character that exists only for the story itself. It is an

imaginary that lives and exists only in fiction. He presents or presented for the

story or even as the storyteller, or the main character. His existence does not to

represent or to describe something outside him, someone outside of his real life.

In presenting the characters, the author uses five ways to present theirs,

According to Robert and Jacob (1995: 135), they are:

a. Actions.

What characters do is our best way to understand what they are. As with

ordinary human beings, fictional characters do not necessarily understand

how they may be changing or why do the things they do. Nevertheless,

their actions express their characters. Action may also signal qualities such

as naive, weakness, deceit, a scheming personality, strong inner conflicts,

or a realization or growth of some sort.

b. Descriptions, both personal and environmental.

Appearance and environment reveal much about a character’s social and

economic status, of course, but they also tell us more about a character


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c. Dramatic statements and thoughts.

Although the speeches of most characters are functional—essential to keep

the story moving along—they provide material from which you can draw

conclusions. Often, characters use speech to hide their motives, though we

as readers should see through such ploy.

d. Statements by other characters.

By studying what characters say about each other, one can enhance his or

her understanding of the character being discussed. Ironically, the

characters doing the talking often indicate something other than what they

intend perhaps because of prejudice, stupidity, or foolishness.

e. Statements by the author speaking as storyteller or observer.

What the author, speaking with the authorial voice, says about a character

is usually accurate, and the authorial voice can be accepted factually.

However, when the authorial voice interprets actions and characteristics,

the author himself or herself assumes the role of a reader or critic, and any

opinions may be questioned. For this reason, authors frequently avoid

interpretations and devote their skill or arranging events and speeches so

that readers may draw their own conclusions.

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On the other hand, in understanding the character in order to analyze them,

the writer uses several ways which are in accordance to what Aminuddin (1995:

80-81) statements, such as:

Dalam upaya memahami upaya pelaku,

pembaca dapat menelusurinya lewat (1) tuturan
pengarang terhadap karakteristik pelakunya, (2)
gambaran yang diberikan pengarang lewat gambaran
lingkungan kehidupannya maupun cara berpakaian, (3)
menunjukkan bagaimana perilakunya, (4) melihat
bagaimana tokoh itu berbicara tentang dirinya sendiri,
(5) memahami bagaimana jalan pikirannya, (6) melihat
bagaimana tokoh lain berbicara tentangnya, (7) melihat
tokoh lain berbincang dengannya, (8) melihat
bagaimana tokoh-tokoh yang lain itu memberikan
reaksi terhadapnya, dan (9) melihat bagaimana tokoh
itu dalam mereaksi tokoh yang lainnya.

2.1.2 Personality

The word personality comes from Latin: persona, which referred to a

theatrical mask worn by Roman actors in Greek dramas to project a role or false


Personality as quoted by Mischel (2003: 3) is:

“Personality is the complex organization of

cognitions, affects, and behavior that gives direction
and pattern (coherence) to the person’s life. Like the
body, personality consists of both structures and process
and reflects both nature (genes) and nurture
(experience). In addition, personality includes the
effects of the past, including memories of the past, as
well as constructions of the present and future”

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Personality is all of individual’s behavior pattern and habit which

collected in his self and used to act and to adapt to all the stimulus even from the

inside or outside. Behavior pattern and habit is as the unity of functional which is

special in individual. The developing of personality is dynamic, means that during

the individual’s knowledge is still increasing and he still wants to learn and

increase his experience and skills, then his personality will be more stable.

It can also be said that the most distinctive feature of any individual is his

personality. This is the overall pattern, or integration, of his structures, modes of

behavior, interests, attitudes, intellectual abilities, aptitudes, and many other

distinguishable characteristics. Thus, the term personality refers to the whole


2.1.3 Abnormal Behavior

Abnormal behavior is some behaviors that against the normal or daily life.

According to Lahey (2007: 536) Abnormal behavior is defined as actions,

thoughts, and feelings that are harmful to the persons or to others. This harm may

take many forms, including experiencing discomfort (as in feeling anxious or

depressed), not being able to function in a job, disable to relate with people well

enough to have enduring friendships or family relationship and having physical

health problems that result from abnormal behavior.

According to Davison (1996: 6), there are several components that have

been proposed to define abnormal behavior, although each has merit and captures

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some part of what might be the full definition, which no single is adequate, they


a. Statistical Infrequency

One component of abnormal behavior is that it is infrequent. A behavior is

called abnormal when it is not common and it is very rare to be done by

people in a certain population.

b. Violation of Norms

Another view is that abnormal behavior is whatever violates social norms

and threatens or makes anxious those observing it.

c. Personal Distress

Abnormally invokes the notion of personal suffering. People’s behavior is

abnormal if it creates great distress and torment in them.

d. Disability or Dysfunction

Another component of abnormal behavior is disability, that is, the

individual is unable to pursue some goal because of the abnormality.

Substance use disorders, for example, are defined principally by how the

substance abuse creates social or occupational disability (e.g., poor work

performance, serious arguments with spouse. Similarly, a phobia could

indicate both distress and disability if, for example, a severe fear of flying

prevented someone taking a job promotion.

e. Unexpectedness

Another component of the definition of abnormality is that it is

unexpected. Someone who depressed and wanted to commit suicide

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actually he or she doe not expect to have sad feeling or to die, for what he

or she suffers and feels.

2.2 Data Collecting

In the process of collecting the data, the writer reads the novel several

times in order get full understanding about what the story is about and to find out

the intrinsic elements in the novel. In reading the novel, the writer underlined and

collected the important things from the novel such as the information about the

characteristics of the main character, the way of the main characters interacts with

others, and the ideas that the main characters posses in facing an event in the

novel which all of those matters are in sentences. Besides, the writer also collects

some other information and data related to the analysis; in this case the writer

consults not only literatures but also psychology books.

2.2 Data Analyzing

After the writer has collected the data needed to support the analysis, then

the writer analyzes the data. In analyzing the data, the writer uses a descriptive

method. Descriptive method is an analysis method used by describing and

analyzing the data and then giving interpretation and explanation. The data

selected are analyzed as a proof to what has been mentioned in the objective of

this thesis so the writer can finally makes a conclusion for this thesis.

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