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Ultimate Music Theory

Teacher’s Guide
Proven Teaching Techniques
The Way to Score Success!

By Glory St. Germain ARCT RMT MYCC UMTC

Edited by Shelagh McKibbon-U’Ren RMT UMTC

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach,

maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
~ Ignacio Estrada

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Ultimate Music Theory Teacher’s Guide
Theory is an approach, a philosophy, a coherent group of general propositions used as
principles of explanation, providing the foundation and understanding of the subject.
Music Theory is the universal language that studies how music works. Through studying
notation and the language of music, we learn how written music is created in order to generate
sound through voice or instruments. Music is a method of communication through sound and
the expression of the soul.

Table of Contents

Theory - What, Where, Why, Who and When ..........................................................................3

Learning Styles - Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic - See, Hear, Do ...............................................4

The Step-Stone Method - Building Inspired Successful Musicians ..........................................5

The Circle of Fifths - Pentascales to Enharmonic Keys ...........................................................6

HEAR what you SEE - SEE what you HEAR ...........................................................................8

Rhythm - Basic Beat and Pulse - Feel the Beat, Feel the Pulse ..............................................9

The Plus + Sign and the Tilde ~ Sign - Makes Adding Rests Easy .........................................10

Tie it All Together - Musicianship ..........…...............................................................................11

Getting over 90% on Theory Exams - The Way to Score Success! ........................................12

Teacher Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course ..............................................................14

Ultimate Music Theory creating Successful Inspired Musicians ..............................................16

Ultimate Music Theory Exclusive Teacher Training…..............................................................17

Ultimate Music Theory

The Way to Score Success!
Glory St. Germain ARCT RMT MYCC UMTC
Shelagh McKibbon-U’Ren RMT UMTC

Shelagh and Glory


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Theory - What, Where, Why, Who and When

What is Theory? Theory is Musical Notation that includes rhythm, pitch and musical symbols.
In order to read musical notation, we need to understand the elements of music. These
elements give us direction in interpreting performance of music and tools for composition.

Where did Theory come from? Music Notation’s first attempt came in the 7th Century but did
not become truly effective until the 11th Century. Monks and nuns began by chanting in
“plainsong” and taught by rote. Music that was taught by rote was usually very simple to
remember. Monks began by using the voice with only one line of sound (called monophonic
music). As 2 or more different voices (called homophonic and polyphonic music) were added
it was difficult to remember and people began to attempt to write it down.

Monks developed the early system of notation, creating lines with rising and falling “neumes”
(now called notes) indicating pitch. In the 14 th Century, black note values of time were
indicated by different shapes. The 15 th Century introduced notes without the center black (half
notes and whole notes). Modern notation developed between 1550 –1900 is known as the
common practice period. Music notation (five line staff) indicates pitch, note time value, Time
Signature, Key Signature, articulation, dynamics, tempo, style and expression.

Why do we need to learn music Theory? Why do we need to learn our native language, be
it English, French, Italian, German etc.? So we can communicate our thoughts, ideas and
emotions with others. The more we learn and expand our knowledge in our native language,
and in the universal language of music, the greater the opportunity is for creativity in
composition, expression in performance, appreciation and understanding in music. If early
composers had not known how to notate music, the preservation of music would be lost.

Who needs Theory? Music is the universal language of expression. All musicians, vocalist
and even “just music lovers”, develop a greater appreciation of music by understanding the
fundamental principles of music theory. Performers, composers and conductors often explain
several elements of a composition before performing, so the audience has a greater
enjoyment in listening more closely for the interpretation and details described.

When should we start Theory? Like learning any language, the earlier we begin the better.
We begin teaching children from birth. All children are capable of a high level of achievement,
but we must begin on the day they are born. Babies feel the rhythm as parents rock them to
sleep, recognize familiar sounds of voices, begin to imitate sounds and respond to music.

Learning begins with repetition, patience, understanding, encouragement and providing an

environment for learning. So when should we start theory? With the very first music lesson.

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Learning Styles - Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic

Learning Styles - Students may have various approaches or learning styles: Visual,
Auditory, Kinesthetic (Tactile), or a combination of more than one. Learning Styles are
educating methods that work best for individual learning. Just as you have your own teaching
style, your students have their own learning style. When you teach your students in a learning
style that is best suited to their individual needs, you will see their ability and talent grow more
quickly. Every student is capable of learning. Desire, determination and dedication develop a
successful musician.

Visual Learners learn through images. They learn best through books, graphs, sight
reading and visual presentations such as Flashcards. A Picture Learner benefits from charts
such as the Circle of Fifths. The Print Learner benefits from words, such as remembering the
order of sharps using the sentence: Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle.

Auditory Learners learn through sound. They learn best through discussions, hearing
a presentation and they like to talk. A Listening Learner benefits from hearing music
(identifying intervals) or listening to teachers speak (explaining concepts or pronouncing Italian
terms). A Verbal Learner benefits from replying and responding, either answering the question
out loud, or singing.

Kinesthetic Learners (also referred to as Tactile Learners) learn through “hands on”
experience. They learn best through touching, creating, movement and experiencing things.
A Kinesthetic Learner benefits from whole body movement such as dance, performance,
clapping a rhythm and copying or writing things out for complete comprehension. A Tactile
Learner benefits from touch such as when they point as they are reading or using their fingers
to count.

See, Hear, Do
Students need to learn concepts with easy to
understand explanations. See an example of
how to complete an exercise. Hear the sound
in their head. Do the exercise. See, Hear and
Do - all on the same page. When we write
things down, we retain 30% - 40% more than
just through reading. When learning and
studying, children and adults alike will take
notes and write things down to build knowledge,
comprehension and retention of concepts
learned in class.

This format makes it EASY to understand, and

when it’s easy, it’s fun! Hit the EASY Button!

VAK Learning Styles - Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic - See, Hear, Do

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The Step-Stone Method

The Step-Stone Method is building knowledge step by step, from the known to the unknown,
one step at a time. “Simplifying Concepts”, using the “Write on Every Page Technique” and
our “How We Make Things Easy” explanations are proven approaches to successful learning.

Simplifying Concepts - Step by Step

As students move from one lesson to the next, each concept is built upon from the previous
lesson. As your students begin in Prep 1 Rudiments, the foundation is laid for successful
learning. Each concept is introduced with easy to understand explanations, examples, simple
instructions and exercises. Just as your students move from Prep 1 Rudiments through to the
Advanced Rudiments workbook, each concept is built on from the previous level.
For example: Beginning with Prep 1 Rudiments when steps and skips are first introduced,
building to melodic and harmonic intervals in Prep 2 Rudiments. Perfect, Major and minor
intervals are added in Basic Rudiments. Augmented and diminished intervals and inversions
in Intermediate Rudiments, and compound intervals and inversions in Advanced Rudiments.

Simplifying concepts and introducing new ones, step by step, makes learning new things easy.

Write on Every Page Technique - Success breeds Success

When you plant the seeds of knowledge, natural ability is brought out by studying and learning.
In order to develop ability and retain knowledge it is important to read, understand, and write
on every page for complete comprehension. It is necessary to repeat work over and over
again to see the results of success for your students. As your students write on every page of
their workbook, they have a deeper understanding and therefore appreciation of the
knowledge. As each page is marked and corrected (Happy Faces or Stickers are always a
great reward), students feel successful and therefore ARE successful.

How We Make Things Easy - Review Tests and Flashcards

Repetition, Reinforcement and Review - that’s how we make things easy. When learning a
language, learning an instrument, learning to dance or even learning to talk or walk, how many
times do we repeat the exercise before we have mastered it? Once, twice, twenty times? The
answer of course is as many times as necessary in order to become successful at the task at
hand. The same exercise applies to learning the language of music theory. By preparing and
completing all the review tests, through repetition and constant review, understanding and
retaining all the concepts becomes easy. Each review test builds from all the previous lessons
and therefore gradually adds knowledge and reviews concepts at the same time. Using the
Flashcards also reinforces the terms and definitions, and makes it fun to study in a different
way using verbal communication.

When things are made easy, learning becomes more fun and therefore more successful. As
we become more successful, we are anxious to learn more about the subject.

The Step-Stone Method - Building Inspired Successful Musicians

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The Circle of Fifths - Pentascales

The Circle of Fifths - When teaching, we want to simplify concepts and make things easy for
students to understand. When learning the Circle of Fifths, it is important for your students to
first understand “how the Circle of Fifths is formed”.

The Circle of Fifths is formed by pentascales. The Major pentascale pattern of whole steps
(whole tones), and a half step (semitone) builds the Major keys around the Circle of Fifths:
whole step, whole step, half step, whole step. Major keys are three half steps (semitones) and
three letter names apart from their relative minor keys. Once your students understand how
the Circle of Fifths is formed, they can continue to build the Circle of Fifths to see all the Major
keys and their relative minor keys.

Why do we need to learn the Circle of Fifths? So we can determine a Key Signature, its
relative Major key or relative minor key. So we can understand a Tonic key moving to the
Dominant key. So we can see the relationship between Tonic Major and Tonic minor keys.
And finally, so we can see the enharmonic equivalent Major and minor keys.

Using the Step-Stone Method - students build from Pentascales (Prep 1); to the Circle of
Fifths with 2 sharps and 2 flats (Prep 2); to the Circle of Fifths with 4 sharps and 4 flats (Basic
Rudiments); to the Circle of Fifths with 7 sharps and 7 flats; to understanding enharmonic
equivalent keys (Intermediate and Advanced Rudiments).

Key Signature Circle of Fifths Key Signature

Flats: B E Sharps: F C
Major Keys

B 2
a e
relative minor keys

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The Circle of Fifths - Enharmonic Keys


F 1 1 G
d e
B 2 2 D
g b

E 3 c f 3 A

A 4 f minor keys c 4 E

b g 5 B
D 5
e # d
G 6 a a 6 F

C 7 7 C

0 0
F1 1G 1 1
d e
2 2
B 2 2D g b

E 3 3A 3 c f 3

f enharmonic c
A 4 Enharmonic 4E 4 minor keys 4
Major Keys
b 5 a 7
e 6
7C 5B 7a 5g
D 5 6F C 7 6d
G 6

The Circle of Fifths - Major keys, relative minor keys, enharmonic Major and minor keys

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HEAR what you SEE - SEE what you HEAR

HEAR what you SEE - SEE what you HEAR Music Theory is the written universal language
of music that comes alive when we HEAR what we SEE. Through USE (Ultimate Sight and
Ear training) exercises, students learn to hear what they see and see what they hear. The
UMT series focuses on teaching theory, understanding concepts, applying these concepts
with practical applications and learning to hear the music that we see using exercises within
each workbook. Use the exercises in the workbook for sight reading and ear training as part
of each theory lesson so that students fully understand and remember each concept.

Using the Step-Stone Method - As in learning any language, when learning music theory,
students learn one step at a time. The first step in learning how to sight read is to recognize
steps and skips. Begin with looking at an exercise and identifying the stepping up or stepping
down pattern. Ask your students to sing or hum the pattern of stepping up or stepping down.
Then do the same with skipping up and skipping down patterns. This leads to interval reading,
the foundation of sight reading. Give students a starting pitch and ask them to sing or hum the
interval while reading their workbook. Then play the interval back so they can hear it. This
leads to ear training.

Beethoven was amazing at sight reading and also at composing. He could HEAR the music
in his head and would write it down (sometimes even on a napkin as he was out for dinner) so
he could SEE what he could HEAR..... the music that consumed his life. If Beethoven would
not have known musical notation, we would not be able to enjoy playing his music today.
(Good thing Beethoven studied theory!) Even as Beethoven’s hearing began to decline, he
could always hear the music in his head and would write it down so that we could see his
music, play it, and enjoy the beauty of the sound that he heard in his head.

When you are using the Ultimate Music Theory workbooks with your students, practice Sight
Reading and Ear Training with EVERY music theory lesson.

Learning music theory helps us to see

the music and hear it in our head.

Read the music, listening to the direction

of the sound (up or down) and the
distance of each interval as you play.

We can then develop the next step,

which is understanding harmony and
building chords.

Analyzing music gives us a deeper

appreciation and understanding of the
piece, so we can hear what we see and
see what we hear.

Learn to HEAR what you SEE and SEE what you HEAR

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Rhythm - Basic Beat and Pulse

How do we FEEL the music? We FEEL the music through its beat. The beat is what moves
us to sway back and forth, tap our toes, clap our hands or dance. How can we teach rhythm?
Rhythm - Basic Beat and Pulse is identified by its Time Signature. The top number is the
number of beats per measure. Each beat has a pulse. Pulse is where the rhythmic emphasis
falls. The pulses are Strong (S), weak (w) or Medium (M). The bottom number is the kind of
note that equals one Basic Beat. The Time Signature determines how we feel the music.
FEEL it? Music has a pulse. The single most successful system when teaching rhythm to
your students is to clap the rhythmic exercises and count out loud. When we FEEL the rhythm
and engage our bodies we retain 80% more than just through reading. Play a piece of music,
ask them to clap a steady beat. That is the Basic Beat. Then ask them to find the Pulse.
Example: Play a Waltz. Do you feel the pulse of Strong weak weak? Can you identify the
Time Signature? Then play a March, Jig or a Jazz piece. Feel the Basic Beat and feel the
pulse. All musicians, singers and dancers need to feel the Basic Beat and the Pulse.
Simple, Compound or Hybrid Time? Each Time Signature has its own Basic Beat and
Pulse. Each different Time Signature creates a different FEEL for the music that gives the
performer or listener the pulse that creates the mood or style in which the composer wants you
to feel the music.

Top Number:

2 6 Sww Mww 5 Groups of 2 and 3 pulses.

Simple Time Compound Time Hybrid Time (Mixed Meters)

S. w.
7 Simple
S w

3 9 Sww Mww Mww 9 dotted and undotted.

and Compound:
undotted and dotted, or

S. w. w . 10 Sww Mw Mww Mw
S w w

4 12 Sww Mww Mww Mww S. w M. w

S . w . M. w . 11 Sw Mww Mww Mww
S w M w

Bottom Number: S w . M. w .
Basic Beat = one beat Basic Beat (group of 3) = one Compound Basic Beat

(undotted note) (dotted note)
4 � 4 � ( ���) �.
8 8 �.

� � ( ���)
16 16 �.

� � ( ���) =

Rhythm - Basic Beat and Pulse - Feel the Beat, Feel the Pulse

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The Plus + Sign and the Tilde ~ Sign

The Plus + Sign and the Tilde ~ Sign make the challenge of adding rests to rhythm
questions easy. How do we use these symbols to help us know which beat can be combined
with which beat? First, add the Basic Beat and Pulse below each measure. Then add the
Plus + Sign to join the S+w and M+w (Strong + weak and Medium + weak) beats.

Then add the Tilde ~ Sign which indicates to NOT join the w~w or w~M (weak ~ weak or
weak ~ Medium) beats. This will make adding rests to rhythm questions VERY easy for your
students. They should easily be able to complete each question with 100% accuracy and full
comprehension or rest placement.

Note: A SCOOP ( ) is a symbol representing one beat. Scoops are a visual aid in
grouping notes and/or rests into one beat.


q q q q q q q q q q q q
Basic B: ________________________________________ q q q q q q
Pulse: S+ w M w S w~ M + w S w~ M w S+w w S w~ w

Ultimate Whiteboards are easy

to use and make it fun to write
note values, use the plus + and
tilde ~ signs and add rests.

The circle can be used for

understanding rhythm division or
used for writing the Circle of

The Plus + Sign and the Tilde ~ Sign - Makes Adding Rests Easy

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Tie it All Together - Musicianship

Tie it All Together - Helping musicians

understand the universal language of music
and learning music theory builds strong
Musicianship. Some people acquire
musical skills more rapidly than others;
however, all talent involves dedicated
practice, determination and desire.

The joy of music is presented in learning

and implementing these new found musical
ideas into their practical performance. Your
students will develop excellence and talent
through earnest repetition. Each time a
musical passage is practiced, strive to
improve each repetition.

Goal setting is the greatest motivation for

achievement. Goal setting without
accountability results in good intentions.
Communication between the triad of teacher,
student and parent builds self confidence and
successful inspired musicians.

Ultimate Music Theory Club

UMT Club Classes where you:
Create Music
Learn New Things
Understand Theory
Believe in Yourself

Ultimate Music Theory Club - Tie it All Together - Musicianship

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Getting Over 90% on Theory Exams

Getting Over 90% on Theory Exams is easy when you have the right tools for learning.
Successful learning comes from attitude, willingness to learn, and the tools to help you get
there. Ultimate Music Theory Workbooks are designed to help students achieve their goals
by providing easy to understand instructions and exercises; Flashcards and Review Tests.

Piano & Theory Student Dominique Gagne is sitting on her bed in her room, about to open
the results of her Grade 1 (Intermediate) Theory exam. She rips open the envelope and
screams of joy can be heard around the house. Her mark - 95%. Her mom and family are
very proud of her as they know the struggle it took her to get there. All the work has paid off.
But she did not get here easily. Here is Dominique’s story.

Dominique is a very bright 14 year old girl, an athlete, and has a great passion for music.
She has just started studying for her Grade 1 Theory exam. “I remember being confused by
the book but I didn’t say anything because we were doing everything it said,” Dom remembers.
Her mark: 52%. “I was heartbroken” Dom said. Her Teacher had said that it was the same
theory program she had been using for years and maybe it was Dom and not the Theory
books that was the problem. Her mom was now furious. Dom wanted to quit. But along came
Grandma to the rescue!

Grandma heard of a Teacher in the area that was

teaching a new music theory system. “You need to
take the Grade 1 exam over again” explained
Dom’s teacher to be. “I am using the Ultimate
Music Theory workbooks and all of my students
get VERY high marks”. A still concerned Dom
reluctantly agreed and the new relationship began.

Working through the Ultimate Music Theory book,

she felt a new confidence growing. “The book just
walked me through everything so easily” Dom
remembers. And in 3 short months it was time to
re-write the dreaded Grade 1 exam. Walking up
the stairs to the same building that had almost
crushed her dream months before, she had a new
serge of energy within. “Thanks to Ultimate Music
Theory, I knew exactly what I was doing…this was
my time” Dominique remembers thinking. And it
was her time indeed. Her mark: 95%.

Dom went on to score 98% in her Advanced Rudiments. Dominique’s dream now is to
become a Music Teacher and to make sure that other kids have the same chance she did –
the chance to follow their dreams.

Getting over 90% on Theory Examinations - First Class Honors with Distinction - EASY

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Ultimate Music Theory - The Way to Score Success!

Music Teachers make a difference in the lives of their students as mentors, coaches,
educators and friends. A little word of kindness can go a long way to encourage and motivate
your students. Greatness comes to those who develop a burning desire to achieve high goals.

Teaching music is the greatest gift of all. When you understand the perspective of your
students - see through their eyes - you can build strong relationships and the path to success.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep on trying with a Positive
Mental Attitude. Your attitude shapes your future.

Teacher Recommended - Student Preferred!

Linda Gilchrist with music theory students Tia and Alyssa.

“I like the way you teach dividing the beats and putting in the
pulse…which helps so much in the chapter on rests. I am
pleased to tell you that my Advanced theory students got
marks of 92% and 95%. I am very happy with that.
Thanks Glory…for making our Theory Experience more fun
this year!” Linda Gilchrist
Tia said, “Ultimate Music Theory is really well written and easy
to understand. It was good preparation for the exam.”
Alyssa said, “I loved it and I actually enjoyed it way more than
my old theory book. You really explained everything well in
the book.”

"My students love UMT Club classes as they get to

experience theory with their classmates. UMT Club
classes are ways for friends to continue and learn
together through group settings, and inspire one
another to accomplish homework goals and
expectations. Having support from other classmates
encourages students in discussions, question and
answer, theme days, and students have a more
thorough understanding of theory concepts.

I have been teaching UMT theory group classes for 9

years and my students have always achieved 90%
and higher on their RCM examinations. The books
and concepts have my students, and me, always We LOVE UMT Club theory class!
looking forward to the following week!"
–Sabrina Werbowski MYCC

Ultimate Music Theory - The Way to Score Success!

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Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course

Want to Learn More About

How You Can Become Certified Online?

What will you learn in the Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course?

♪ Exciting new techniques for teaching from the creator of the Ultimate Music Theory
series. How to create the successful habit of learning fundamental principles, not just merely
memorizing facts. This exclusive course that covers teaching Basic, Intermediate and
Advanced Rudiments and much more!

♪ How to introduce complex theory concepts to your students, with easy to understand
explanations, examples and exercises providing the foundation for solid pedagogical studies.
This comprehensive teaching program incorporates theory with ear training and sight
reading while encouraging creativity, expression and appreciation of music.

♪ How to teach theory in group classes or in private lessons that inspire your students to
learn and retain incredible amounts of information and apply these concepts to their practical
discipline. This exclusive course covers teaching Basic, Intermediate and Advanced
Rudiments and much more!

♪ Cutting edge teaching strategies that almost guarantee every student scores above 92%.
Plus how to INCREASE your income teaching UMT Club Classes. The result is a program
that provides you with key systems on how to make teaching theory easy, fun and engaging.

Glory and Shelagh Congratulate the

Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course Grads

Upon completion of the Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course, you are granted the
designation U.M.T.C. and receive your Ultimate Music Theory Certificate.

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17 Teaching Skills That Will Make Teaching Theory Easy... Guaranteed.

The Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course

provides you with specialized teacher training.

Ultimate Music Theory materials, mentoring and support will

EMPOWER you to provide a high quality program with amazing results!

Teachers Learn the UMT Method of

How To Karate Chop the Intervals

“The course was excellent! Your program not only sets up the student for success but it will
set me up as a teacher to carefully cover each concept with the same success.”
- Diana Fast UMTC

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Ultimate Music Theory creating Successful Inspired Musicians!

Ultimate Music Theory Teacher’s Guide

Ultimate Music Theory helps your students understand the universal language of music,
and how to use that knowledge for the enjoyment of music.

Learning styles of individual students vary. Building on each students ability develops
confident musicians as they learn to see, hear and do - understanding each concept.

The Step-Stone Method of building knowledge, one step at a time, blends the pleasure of
learning with sound instruction. Building Successful Inspired Musicians.

Inspire, motivate and accumulate education. When we educate our students, they become
inspired through knowledge and motivated to learn when they accumulate knowledge.

Music is rhythm and pitch. Understanding the Basic Beat, Pulse, music notation and the
Circle of Fifths, helps students to hear what they see and see what they hear.

Analysis of rest placement using the Plus + sign and Tilde ~ sign, makes adding rests to
rhythm questions easy to understand. Music Makes You Smarter!

Tie it All Together - As students see how the elements of music evolve, it gives them a
deeper understanding of how to interpret the composer’s music.

Excellence in musicianship is developed through study, learning, putting concepts into

practice and setting goals for achievement.

Ultimate Music Theory Empowering Music Teachers To Provide A High

Quality Music Theory Program With Amazing Results!

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Here’s the next step with Your Professional Development
in Teaching Music Theory!

If you don’t already have the Exclusive

Teacher Training Online Course ($200 Value),
you can purchase it right now for ONLY $49!

Click Here Yes I Want The

Exclusive Teacher Training
Online Course for ONLY $49

The Exclusive Teacher Training includes:

● Learning Styles - Understanding Visual, Auditory & Kinesthetic

● 7 Keys to Creation - The Essential Keys to Create Anything

● Connecting with Confidence - Look, Sound, Act & Feel Confident

● Marketing - UMT Club Classes to Make More Money

● Teach More Effectively - Proven Step-by-Step System

Your Professional Development in Teaching Music Theory Starts Here!

The Exclusive Teacher Training Online Course ($200 Value) for ONLY $49

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