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Individualist: Higher value placed on
Collectivist: Higher value placed on self-reliance. Self-promotion is more
Conception Of the
group cooperation and individual accepted. High value placed on
modesty. "freedom" from externally imposed
Formal, hierarchical. People most
Informal, egalitarian. People most
comfortable in the presence of a
Social comfortable with their social equals;
hierarchy in which they know their
Relationships importance of social rankings
position and the customs/rules for
behavior in the situation.
Small number of close, lifelong friends Large collection of "friends" and
who feel deeply obligated to give each acquaintances which changes over time
other whatever help might seem and involves only limited mutual
required. obligations.
People avoid interdependent
Relationships with other people involve
Obligation relationships and situations that might
reciprocal obligations.
entail long-term obligations.
Task vs. Relationship-oriented: Maintaining a
Task-oriented. Relationships are less
Relationship harmonious relationship has priority
important than getting the work done.
Orientation over accomplishing tasks.
Willing to confront directly, criticize,
Avoid direct confrontation, open
discuss controversial topics, press
Harmony vs. criticism, and controversial topics.
personal opinions about what they
"Truth" Concern maintaining harmony and with
consider "the truth. Little concern with
Written rules presumably apply to
Role of laws, More faith in personal relationships
everyone and are assumed to produce
rules, and than in written rules and procedures
fair, reasonable procedures and
regulations for structuring interactions.
Time Relatively more attention to the past Less interested in the past; eye on
Consciousness and to the longer-term future. near-term future.
Traditionally, a person's status in the People's status is based mainly on their
Ascribed vs. society was based importantly on own achievements, including education
Achieved Status inherited characteristics such as age, obtained and level of success realized in
gender, and family. This is changing. their line of work.

Adapted from "Bridging US-China" Cross-Cultural Differences Using Internet and Groupware Technologies", Zhouying Jin, Robert
M. Mason, and Peter P. Yum

Societal and Institutional Differences


China United States

c Culture • Centered around "relationships" • Centered around "individuals"
• "Reclusive", each minding his/her own business (especially • "Messianic": "let's save the world"
with "strangers" and people outside of the relationship
e of Trust Trust those around you; don't "lose face" and credibility by failing Trust the contract; don't get into legal hassles by not fulfi
to live up to written or oral agreements the agreement

ess Culture Quiet and reserved; clumsy communicators Outspoken; eloquent; effective communicators

iation Style Group decision; final say by the "boss" More individual authority and distributed decision makin

ng with Business Counterparts Indirect; courteous; take things personally; long memory for both Direct; more matter-of-factly; memory for conflict superc
favors and humiliations by business objective

y to Make Immediate Response Weak Strong

Value Differences


China United States

personal "Relationship" comes first "Economics" comes first

Humility" "Humility" viewed as a virtue "Humility" is a sign of weakness; there is every reason fo
abled to be proud

Horizon Accountable by the generation (~30 years) Accountable by the quarter (~3 months)

Commands Respect Respect for seniority, wisdom, ability Respect for success, achievement, wealth

Family" Children should learn to respect the elder, love the young, and rely Children should learn to be independent
on the "extended family"

he Strong" and "the Weak" It is not righteous to bully It is an honor to win; business is all a competition; it is on
natural that the weak is preyed on by the strong

pline (in following procedures Strong Depends on the individual


ance of Diversity / Openness to Openly - very receptive; but actually, less so More open
native (possibly opposing) Ideas

e or Humiliation Long memory; need and urge to exonerate Tends to be superceded by business priorities

ities Mixed: business, individual, factional, nationalistic, and political Almost strictly business

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