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Mechanics Cooking Competition:

1. The contest is open for all grade level. Each participating team should be composed of 10-15 members only.
2. The participants must provide a Title Card which contains the title and the brief description of each of the dishes on display. The title cards must be
placed on the display area of the participant’s dishes prior to judging.
3. All contestant are requested to wear proper cooking attire.
4. All preparation and cooking of dishes, including garnishes, must be entirely made and crafted on the spot. A team who brings in any cooked item will be
disqualified. Before the competition starts, each working area will be checked by the committee to ensure that no item (e.g., food and beverage) has
Been brought in.
5. Every team should prepare two plates for each dish – one for display and another one to be served to the judges for tasting.

Taste 25%
Visual appeal/Contrast of plating and design 15%
Originality and Creativity of the Recipe 20%
Appetizer 10%
Main dish 10%
Beverage 10%
Dessert 10%
Total 100%
Mechanics Table Skirting Competition:
1. The contest is open for all grade level. Each participating team should be composed of 5 members only.
2. Competition will be held at the ____________________________________________.
3. Competitors may bring materials of their own (Cloth for Table Skirting and Table).
4. Competition proper will start at 9:00am to 10:00. Judging will start exactly at 10:00am.


Table Skirting Techniques 40%
Accuracy and Correctness 15%
Sturdiness/Durability/Stability 20%
Originality/ Relevance to the Theme 15%
Neatness 10%
Total 100%

Mechanics Table Setting Competition:

1. Contestant will bring a written plan listing menu and planned occasion. This should be based on the member’s age and skill level. Type or print
menu on menu card that is appropriate in size and style for the setting.
2. Using their own dishes, utensils, glassware, linens, and centerpiece, contestant will demonstrate the correct place setting.
3. Paper and plastic may be used where appropriate to carry out some themes.
4. All participants will set up at the same time and remain in place until all judging is complete. 5. Participants will have 30 minutes to complete this activity,
which includes set up, judging and clean up.


Idea 20%
General Appearance 20%
Proper use of all tableware 30%
Harmony 30%
Total 100%

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