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Division of City of Bogo
Buac, Cayang, Bogo City, Cebu
Quarter 1 : Week 1-2

Personal Health:
An Enhanced Understanding

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Quarter 1: Week 1-2
Personal Health:
An Enhanced Understanding

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by educators from public schools. We encourage teachers and other
education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education at _City of Bogo
Division,Bogo City, Cebu_.
We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


1 Personal Health

What I Need to Know?

Identify health issues and concerns that affect young people.
Explain how these health issues and concerns affect the life of a

Demonstrates understanding of personal health issues, concerns and

practice self management skills to prevent and control personal health
issues and concerns.

Learning Competency:
Describes personal health issues and concerns.
What happened?

• Look at the picture of a girl and a boy.

Answer the following questions:

• Do they have similarities and differences? Describe.

• What are the physical and emotional changes for girls and boys as
they grow old?

• How could these changes affect their health as they grow?

• What are the personal health issues and concerns of girls and boys
as they grow?
What I Need to Know?

Today we will learn the personal health issues and concerns that
affect the lives of young people.

As you continue to grow up, you must have felt that there are changes
taking place in your body. What are these changes? How these
changes affects our health ?

Physical Changes

Between the ages of eight and fifteen years old, many physical
changes are taking place in the life of girls. They are mostly affected
by heredity, diet, health status and health habits. Girls should try
to be comfortable with their body at this stage in their life.

Physical Changes for Girls

Some of these changes are height and weight increase, breast

develop, hips and waists become more defined, menstruation
begins, mood changes may occur, body hair grows in the public
area such as under arms and becomes thicker on the arms and
legs, fat tissues normally increases, sweat and oil glands become
more active and body odor changes, acne may develop and
reproductive system matures.


Physical Changes in boys are also affected by heredity, diet, health

status and health habits. These changes took place when boys are
between twelve and fifteen years of age. They should avoid
comparing their bodies with other boys. Boys should also try to be
comfortable with their body at this stage in their life.

Physical Changes for Boys

1.Height and weight increase ( Height can gain an average of

4.1 inches and weight increases due to increased muscle
2. Body hair grows in the public area, under arms and on the face
and becomes thicker on the legs.
3. Muscles become stronger.
4. Vocal cords get thicker and longer------- the voices deepen.
5. The body develops an increased number of red blood cells.
6. Sweat and oil glands become more active and body odor changes.
7. Acne can develop.
8. Some boys develop small and temporary breast tissue.
9. Sudden emotional changes and sexual feelings due to changes in
testosterone level.

How could these physical changes affect the lives of teenagers?

1. They frequently sleep longer.

2. They are more clumsy because of growth spurts.
3. Teenage girls may become overly sensitive about their weight.
4. Some of them are worried because they are not physically
developing at the same rate as their peers.
5. Many feel awkward in showing loving feelings.
6. Some may ask more direct questions about sex. At this stage,
adolescents are trying to figure out their values around sex.

What about the emotional changes? How does it affect?

1. They begin to spend more time with their friends than their
2. They may have more questions about sexuality.
3. Some of them may begin to keep a diary or a journal.
4. When they are in their rooms, they may begin to lock their

How do these physical and emotional changes affect the health

concerns of many teenagers or young adults?

1. Poor eating habits

2. Lack of sleep
3. Dental Problems
4. Body odor
5. Postural problem
What are the health issues and concerns that young people should
attend to at this stage of their life?

1. Height and weight- This is due to malnutrition in early childhood.

It is learned that when the vital organs are not fully developed
during childhood, premature death in later life can result.

2. Hearing-related problems

a. Cerumen or earwax when pushed against the eardrum by

cotton buds by hairpins blocks the ear canal and causes
hearing problems.
b. When water is trapped in the ears, bacteria or fungal organisms
in the water will most likely spread in the inner ear area.
c. Otitis media is common in children because the tube that
allows fresh air in the middle ear is not yet fully developed
compared with adults.

3. Vision

Astigmatism is a common eye condition experienced by many

young people. This condition can be corrected by eyeglasses. The
exact cause is not full known.
Nearsighted or myopia has become common lately. Nearsighted
person can see objects that are close but have problems seeing
objects that are far.
Farsightedness or hyperopia also a common vision problem.
People with hyperopia can see objects that are far, but have
difficulty focusing on objects that are close. People sometimes have
headaches or eye strain and may feel tired when reading at close

4. Skin, hair and nail

Sunburn is caused when the skin is exposed to the sun for a
period of time.

Dandruff is marked by flaking or drying of the skin on the scalp.

Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin on the
hands and fingers and especially on the toes and feet.

Ingrown toe nail results when a nail is curved and grows into the
skin usually at the sides of the nail.

5. Posture and spine disorders

Scoliosis is the sideways curving of the spine. Children who have a

mild case of scoliosis should be monitored closely.

Lordosis is a condition when the spine in the lower back has

curved excessively.

6. Oral/Dental problems

Cavities occur as a result of tooth decay. Tooth decays when the

tooth structure is destroyed. This can be prevented by proper
brushing of the teeth.

Gingivitis is a gum disease that causes destruction of the tissue

surrounding the teeth. Eventually, the result is tooth loss.

Malocclusion is another word for misalignment of the teeth. This

condition may cause health problems if not addressed properly.

Bad breath or halitosis is caused by certain foods and poor dental

and oral hygiene. Proper tooth brushing can prevent bad breath.

Did you know


The human body can provide places, like the skin and
the mouth, for disease –causing germs and parasites to
grow and multiply? If people have good personal hygiene
habits, then it is less likely that parasites and germs will
have a place in the body.
What more should I do?

Complete the graphic organizer.
Write down the similarities and differences of the changes between the
bodies of boys and girls using organizer below. At the sides you will write
their differences and at the center you will write their similarities.
Venn Diagram

Objective: List five physical changes in your body and how does it affect in
your personal health as teenagers or as adolescence.
Using the columns below. Write the changes in your body and the changes
affect the lives of being a teenagers.
Changes in your body Changes affect the teenager or as
Write B if the statement on physical change is true for boys and G if the
statement on physical change is true for girls.

___________ 1. Hips and waist become more defined.

____________2. Muscles become stronger.
____________3. Breasts develop.
____________4. Menstruation begins.
____________5. Vocal cords get thicker and longer and the voices deepen.
____________6. Body hair grows in the public area, under arms and on the
face and becomes thicker on the legs.
____________7. Sudden emotional changes and sexual feelings due to
changes in testosterone level.
____________8. Height and weight increase (height can gain an average of 3.5
inches and weight increases because of fat development.
____________9. Reproductive system matures
____________10. Acne can develop and develop small and temporary breast

What I Have Learned?

Answer the following questions.

•How does personal health relate to you as a child?


• Why does it matter to know about personal health?


What I Can Do?

Put a check (√) before each statement that describes your attitudes and
feelings during and after doing the activities.
______1. I can describe personal health issues and concerns.
______2. I can demonstrate self-management skills.
______3. I can discuss health appraisal procedures during puberty.
______4. I can explain the importance of undergoing health appraisal
______5. I can regularly undergo health appraisal procedures.
______6. I can identify community health resources and facilities that may
be utilized to address personal health concerns.
______7. I can understand a variety of personal health issues and concerns.
______8. I can avail of health services in the school and in the community.
______9. I can promote the use of health resources and facilities in the
school and in the community.
______10. I feel good after doing the activities.

Objective: Determine the personal health issues and concerns that young
people or adult person attend to at this stage of their life.
Encircle the word that makes each sentence correct.
1. Stunted growth means, the normal growth rate in a person has been
( increased, reduced )
2. Nearsighted person can see objects that ( close, near ) but have problems
seeing objects that are far.
3. Cavities occur as a result of ( nail, tooth ) decay.
4. Bad breath or halitosis is caused by certain foods and poor ( facial and
oral ) hygiene.
5. Proper ( tooth, nail ) brushing can prevent bad breath.
6. Astigmatism is a common ( eye, ear ) condition experience by young
7. Otitis media is common in children because the tube that allows fresh air
in the ( upper ear, middle ear ) is not yet fully developed compared with
8.People with hyperopia can see objects that are ( far, near ) but have
difficulty focusing on objects that are close.
9. Underweight is ( under nourished, well nourished ) for a child who doesn’t
like to eat nutritious foods.
10. Overweight is 15% to 20% ( above, below ) normal for the age and height


Education Program Supervisor in Mapeh


Officer in Charge
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


http://www.cdc.gov.ph/community+health worker
Department of Education (DepEd).2012. K to 12 Curriculum Guide: Health
Education. Pasig City, Philippines
Anspaugh, DavidJ.and Gene Ezel.2004.Teaching Today’s Health(7 th Ed.)San
Francisco,CA:Pearson Education,Inc.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of City of Bogo

Office Address: Buac, Cayang, Bogo City, Cebu
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