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Bureau of Indian Affairs, Interior § 117.

(f) Allowance funds means that in- liable for ad valorem taxes has no al-
come payable to or on behalf of a living lowance funds, or such funds are insuf-
adult Indian, the expenditure and dis- ficient for the payment thereof, surplus
bursement of which is not subject to funds may be used for such payment.
supervision unless authorized pursuant (b)(1) For the payment of income
to the procedure contained in § 117.5. taxes, one-half of the estimated
The term includes: amount of income taxes from each
(1) The quarterly payment in an semi-annual payment of interest on de-
amount not to exceed $1,000. posits, but if such interest payments
(2) The rentals and income from re- are insufficient to meet this obliga-
stricted lands owned by the Indian. tion, additional funds shall be retained
(3) The rentals and income from re- from interest on investments, rentals,
stricted lands owned by the minor chil- or other allowance funds.
dren of the Indian, as provided in (2) Whenever funds are withheld for
§ 117.3. the purpose of establishing a fund to
(4) Income from investments. meet the payment of taxes, the Indian
(5) Interest on deposits to the credit shall be notified of the action taken.
of the Indian.
(g) Segregated trust funds means those § 117.3 Payment of taxes of Indians
moneys held in the United States under 21 years of age.
Treasury at interest to the credit of an
All taxes assessed against the re-
Indian which represent pro rata shares
stricted lands of Indians less than 21
of the segregation of tribal trust funds
years of age shall be paid by the super-
and the proceeds of the partition of re-
intendent direct to the collector from
stricted lands.
the rents and income derived from such
§ 117.2 Payment of taxes of adult Indi- lands, and the balance, if any, of such
ans. rents and income shall be paid to the
The superintendent may cause to be living parents or parent. If the parents
paid out of any money heretofore ac- are separated, the balance shall be paid
crued or hereafter accruing to the cred- to the parent having custody of the In-
it of any adult Indian all taxes of every dian under 21 years of age. All other
kind and character for which such In- taxes for which an Indian under 21
dian is or may be liable before paying years of age may be liable shall be paid
to or for such person any funds as re- from his surplus funds.
quired by law. All checks in payment
§ 117.4 Disbursement of allowance
of taxes shall be made payable to the funds.
proper collector. For the purpose of es-
tablishing a fund with which to meet Except as provided in § 117.5, all al-
the payment of such taxes when due, lowance funds shall be disbursed to the
the Superintendent may cause the Indian owner unless the Indian owner
funds of an adult Indian to be hypoth- directs otherwise in writing. At the re-
ecated in the following manner: quest of the Indian owner, such funds
(a) For the payment of ad valorem may be retained by the superintendent
taxes, one-fourth of the estimated as voluntary deposits subject to with-
amount ad valorem taxes from each drawal or other disposition upon de-
quarterly payment unless this proce- mand or direction of the Indian owner.
dure would cause the obligation of The superintendent may recognize a
more than 25 percent of such quarterly power of attorney executed by the In-
payments, in which event the nec- dian and may disburse the allowance
essary additional funds shall be re- funds of the Indian in conformity
tained from other allowance funds pay- therewith so long as the power of at-
able to such person under the law. If torney remains in force and effect.
there be no other allowance funds
available, or if the funds from these § 117.5 Procedure for hearings to as-
sources are insufficient, one-fourth of sume supervision of expenditure of
the estimated amount of such ad valo- allowance funds.
rem taxes may be obligated from each (a) Whenever the superintendent has
quarterly payment. If an Indian who is reason to believe that an adult Indian


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§ 117.6 25 CFR Ch. I (4–1–03 Edition)

is wasting or squandering his allow- service, all testimony and evidence in-
ance funds the superintendent may troduced at the hearing, and all briefs
cause an investigation and written re- and letters filed by the Indian or his
port of the facts to be made. If the re- attorney shall be submitted to the
port indicates that the Indian is wast- Commissioner, together with a rec-
ing or squandering his allowance funds ommendation from the superintendent.
the following notice shall be served (d) Upon a finding by the Commis-
upon the Indian, in person or by reg- sioner that the Indian is wasting or
istered mail, and a copy thereof shall squandering his income, his allowance
likewise be served upon his guardian if funds shall thereafter be subject to the
the Indian is under guardianship:
supervision of the superintendent. No-
Section 1 of the act of February 27, 1925 (43 tice of the decision of the Commis-
Stat. 1008) provides in part as follows: sioner shall be furnished all interested
‘‘All payments to adults not having certifi-
cates of competency, including amounts paid
for each minor, shall, in case the Secretary
of the Interior finds that such adults are § 117.6 Allowance for minors.
wasting or squandering said income, be sub- The superintendent may disburse
ject to the supervision of the Superintendent from the surplus funds of an Indian
of the Osage Agency: . . .’’
Enclosed is a copy of a report which has under 21 years of age not to exceed $300
been made to me concerning your handling quarterly for the support and mainte-
and management of the income paid to you nance of the minor. Disbursement may
through the Osage Agency. This report indi- be made to the parent, guardian, or
cates that you have been wasting and squan- other person, school or institution hav-
dering your payments.
ing actual custody of the minor, or,
You are hereby notified that a hearing will
be held in the Osage Indian Agency, when the minor is 18 years of age or
Pawhuska, Oklahoma, at ll m., on the ll over, disbursement may be made direct
day of llll, 19ll, before the Super- to the minor.
intendent, for the purpose of taking testi-
mony and evidence to be submitted to the § 117.7 Disbursement or expenditure of
Commissioner of Indian Affairs for his con- surplus funds.
sideration in determining whether your pay-
ments shall be subject to the supervision of Except as provided in the regulations
the Superintendent. in this part, no disbursement or ex-
You are requested to be present at the penditure of surplus funds of Indians
hearing at the time and place designated shall be made without the consent of
above. You may introduce at the hearing
the Indian owner and until authoriza-
such testimony and evidence as you deem ap-
propriate to show that you are not wasting tion has been obtained from the Com-
or squandering your payments and that your missioner. Application by an Indian or
payments should continue to be made to you his legal guardian, or if he is a minor,
without supervision for your unrestricted by his parent or legal guardian, for the
use. expenditure of surplus funds shall be
You are entitled to employ an attorney to
assist you in this matter. Upon your request
presented to the Commissioner, fully
the employees of the Osage Agency will fur- justified with the appropriate attach-
nish you with any information you desire ments such as court orders, decrees or
concerning your accounts at the Osage Agen- other papers. Such application shall
cy or any of your transactions handled contain full information regarding the
through the Osage Agency. individual including his cash balance,
Superintendent. the sum invested, the number of shares
in the Osage mineral estate, total in-
(b) A hearing shall be held pursuant come from all sources including that
to the notice, the date of which shall paid on behalf of minors, the family
be not less than 30 days after the date status and the occupation or industry
of the notice. For good cause shown to
of the applicant. When request is made
exist the superintendent may continue
for payment to the individual without
the hearing to a later date.
(c) A record of the proceedings, con- supervision, the record of said indi-
sisting of the superintendent’s prelimi- vidual and his ability to handle such
nary report, the notice and proof of funds shall be shown.


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