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Task 1

The graph gives information about fluctuation in population in four ethnic communities
in New Zealand over a period of 12 years. Overall, these sources of data clearly
communicate that the population of the European were higher than the other three groups
throughout the whole time frame.
With regard to the Europeans, they volitated over the period given and reached its peak in
1996. Besides, the Asian were followed by a period of stability from 1990 to 1996. After
that, they saw a modest growth in two years’ time, and they abruptly surged in 2002 with
population of roughly one thousand people.
On the other hand, the Maori and the Pacific were in a similar fashion. The Maori
continued a stable climb with slight acceleration between 1990 and 1998. They hit the
highest point in 2000 and experienced a slight lull over the next two years. Likewise, the
Pacific remained stable during 12 years and their population was lower than the Maori.

Task 2
It is true that in the present day, an inactive way of life is gaining momentum in spite of
an eclectic mix of gymnasia. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative
consequences of this trend, people can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.
It is possibly said that this issue may be caused by some main factors. One of the
prominent reasons concerning this complication is that people are unaware of risks of
being lazy. Quite a few tenagers use the internet but they have a prospensity to ignore
health-related news or studies. Another cause leading to this situation is the features of
work. Blue-collar work has decreased in the past decade, and instead, white-collar work
is incrasing and it will also continue to rise into the foreseeable future. Because office job
requires the use of grey matter, office workers often feel stressed after work. As a result,
they only want to go home to have a nap and they donot spare a little time to excrcise.
In truth, some imperative measures should be taken to tackle these prospective issues.
Firstly, we should develop a multidimensional perspective of our welfare. The best way
to do this is to read more about health articles. Besides, we need to spend time going
jogging or going to the gyms, which is proven to reap great benefits in reducung the
stress level and staying fit.
In conclusion, the major cause of this issue is our unawareness of the potential risks of
having a sedentary lifestyle. However, it can be alleviated by edifying people about
upcoming threats of being inactive.

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