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How much does money corrupt exactly: To Isolate or to carry on regardless

by Yvonne S Bender on Saturday, 30 October 2010 at 19:21

The virus was never isolated. And Koch's Postulates were never fulfilled. This is a checklist used to determine that a

certain pathogen causes a certain disease. It involves isolating a pathogen from animal 1, sick with given symptoms.

The pathogen is then injected in well animal 2. If well animal 2 becomes sick with the same symptoms as the sick

animal 1 then the pathogen must be present in the now sick animal 2 right? The pathogen is then isolated from sick

animal 2 and compared with that discovered in original sick animal 1. All animals with the disease must contain the

same pathogen, usually in great abundance; otherwise symptoms do not generally occur. Unfortunately none of the first

AIDS patients at the NIH 25yrs ago contained any 'virus'. So HIV was never isolated. That’s a big deal. It means: All

positives are false positives.

So how did they calibrate a test? They had no virus seen or had. They decided to use antibodies instead. They decided

that although there was no HIV in the AIDS patients there must be an anti-body specifically made against it!? Then they

used not whole antibodies, just shards – or proteins. A group of (10 in Western Blot) proteins. They soon found that the

proteins were occurring in everyone, even those without AIDS and those outside the 'risk groups'. Yes. Everyone is

positive at that point! But don’t worry, it’s ok! It’s positive for a never-seen-virus (we gonna be ok!). The first HIV anti-

body test they developed tested 30pc of non risk group persons positive. To this day a questionnaire still accompanies

every HIV test performed, to be sure about risk group status, ethnicity and behaviour issues before handing out a

verdict. How else do you know is a person is in a risk group? Just ask them! All very thorough and scientific. Thankfully

the first prototype was rejected by the US blood bank management system as a bunch of crock.

So they went back to the lab to ‘re-calibrate’ ie they simply moved the line: the limit or level of proteins (that occur in

everyone) well up, much higher than before and decided beyond this point it was HIV and below not so much or

perhaps ‘indeterminate’. So now it caught no one in the non-risk groups too often. Patent: K’ching!

But by agitating their early samples with cortisones, the human stress hormone, in the human lymphoma cancer cell

culture/ growth medium, what they had effectively created was a measuring device for the relative levels of physiological

stress in people. This group of proteins increase in the body as a response to stressors. Physiological stress occurs as

a result of poor lifestyle, stressful situations such as jail, war etc, lingering hunger and malnutrition (Band Aid 1984, We

Are the World 1985), and pre-existing (tropical) disease. Its all fight or flight.

Oh, yes, and pregnancy. Ladies who are having a tough life, a tough pregnancy etc are more likely to test positive the

more children they have. The impact of pregnancy compounds it seems. Of course testing positive at this time is

tantamount to an allegation of infidelity. And so whose baby is this anyway? Disaster. No more happy family. Over time

a list of 70+ diseases have emerged as ‘cross-reacting’ with the test ie sickness will cause a spike in stress levels

(incidentally so will vaccines). This long list includes TB- the original African killer disease. Remember TB? I didn’t think

so. All positives are false positives.

Hooray. So the test means you might need to relax a bit, eat more food, sanitation etc, treat your TB and change your

lifestyle to moderation(everybody knows that poppers/amyl nitrite inhalant practices caused the KS and PCP 'gay AIDS'

mistaken for HIV infection in the first place, right?). Lol tongue in cheek a bit. You would think treatment options would

be self-evident. Food security, improved trading relations to improve standards of living. Nothing funny about 60pc of

children of Uganda being under-nourished and then that same poverty being called a pathogen. It’s so Pellagra (severe

vitamin B deficiency treated with ARSENIC because the altruistic believed it was a pathogen and may spread to them)

all over again, 1915-1935 in the Deep South. So what is the recommended treatment for the phantom? AZT: unilaterally

declared a carcinogen by the state of California in 2009. Still kingpin of AIDS treatment. Package insert says side

effects include death. I like to call side-effects the (un)desired known direct effects of a drug. AZT began life as a

possible cancer chemo therapy drug but never made it because it was killing the human rather quite effectively. There is

no safe dosage of this drug. Neverapine destroys the stomach so food cannot be absorbed or digested: outcome- a

spectacular death thin as pen and out of the way of any help because it’s too late even if you stop drinking it. Side

effects on the package insert: death. Favourite two drugs for treatment in Africa! All ARVs read the same. New and old,

all killers costing upto US$600 a month in countries whose per capita income (PPP) is $300. In cash money its $10 a

month in Uganda. The test is no declaration as it is made out to be. The drugs are the disease. Fear-mongering led

people to take the drugs. Is it any wonder the only gay men alive today who were diagnosed during the original outbreak

of testing are the ones who didn’t take the drugs? Or that total organ failure is the main cause of death amoung the HIV

positive and medicated in the USA where they are getting the best care we suppose? The AIDS diagnosis would be

outlawed and the anti-body tests recalled in a just world. It’s all been going to pot for a while it seems.

No Help Coming. It’s a sequel. Testing procedure includes Rapid Tests, also known as screening tests. Blood or saliva.

Package inserts do more than suggest you follow this type of test with a more technical test. That is why it is called a

screening test, a crude catch-all instrument. In Africa more technical is not an option. The outbreak of testing is not very

sophisticated. A Rapid Test is all you will get. Sorry for you. Elisa, they say, is prone to false positives so if 'positive'

kindly consult the information supplied on the questionnaire by the patient, do another Elisa by a different manufacture

or get Western Blot. Some countries do not proceed beyond Elisa, some countries will tell you a positive Elisa does not

mean a person is HIV positive. Double-take!!(You might want to watch House of Numbers (2009) by Brent Leung

sometime soon) So Eliza is trigger-happy, no big deal really! Because the risk group status as you declared on your

questionnaire, should straighten out any confusion. Proceed and consult a Western Blot, HIV antibody testing at the top

of it’s game. Pretty thorough until you realise there are 11 combinations (of 1, 2, 3 or 4) of those 10 proteins that are

considered a positive- determined by test manufactures and UN guidelines and each national health institution picks

one or two as its favourite positive. So the same combination will vary by country whether it is positive or negative? Yes.

Don’t forget that questionnaire is also still in play. Some countries do not use WB ever at all by their own discretion. It's

prognostic, not diagnostic some say. Awesome. It will tell you if you will die/get ill or not but does not know what you will

die of! I see! Very simple. Straightforward? Well no, an antibody test is not necessary to give an AIDS diagnosis after all

that. In their wisdom the UN at Bangui in 1985 decided a checklist was enough, a score card of weighted (pretty

general) symptoms. Add up diarrhoea, fever, weigh loss of 10pc of body mass, coughing for a month or more and hey

presto: you got AIDS! Sounds like the ‘consumption’ of the Victorian age, how romantic, but that is just me perhaps.

It can’t be true? It is! It's an open secret. People have conferences to discuss the other side of the story all the time.

Know the history. Know the context.

* http://www.houseofnumbers.com/site/ House of Numbers 2009 by Brent Leung. Documentary winner of 24 Laurels on

the global film festival circuit.

* http://www.amazon.com/AIDS-Opium-Diamonds-Empire-International/dp/1450201717 The Geo-political economic

component of HIV=AIDS. Exploitation of the resource-rich to service 'debts'.


* Luc Montagnier in The House of Numbers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQoNW7lOnT4

* http://www.science-and-aids.org/e/index.html Alternative AIDS Conference Vienna 16-17 July 2010

* Joan Shenton of immunity.org.uk at alt-AIDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt4NzdVrwFs

* Christian Fiala MD at alt-AIDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kiNtz2LXhE

* http://reducetheburden.org/ Liam Scheff prominent producer of Guinea Pig Kids 2003 and investigative journalist

* http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=3983706668483511310#

Deconstructing The Myth Of AIDS by Gary Null Medical Maverick and Renaissance Man

* http://www.omsj.org/drugs/IRS.htm

Clark Baker Private Investigator's findings on the impact of ARVs and the Immune Recovery Syndrome that follows

shortly after people begin ARVs


Expose of Bactrim, the deleterious health impact of an antibiotic routinely prescribed to healthy persons, following an

HIV test, as a prophylactic. Brian Deer 1994


Matrix of all ARVs and the known direct effects of their use on persons who test HIV positive. 
* http://www.healtoronto.com/wbchart.pdf  The criteria that define a positive test in Africa are different
from those used in the rest of the world. An African who has antibodies which react with two of three
proteins, p41, p120 and p160, is said to be HIV infected. However as far back as 1983, Montagnier
accepted that p41 is a normal cellular protein, a view he has not subsequently altered. By 1989
evidence accrued which showed that p120 and p160 in the WB test are composed of subunits of p41.
In other words, an African is deemed infected with HIV when heor she has antibodies which react with
his or her own proteins.  

John F. Kennedy:  The enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived, and dishonest - but the myth-

persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.

'All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being

self-evident.' Arthur Schopenhauer German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

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