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Principles of Biochemistry &

Physiology for Nutrition (PBPN)

Credit Units: 5CUs

Level 2 / Apr Semester

AY 2018/19


Diploma in Applied Food Science & Nutrition

School of Applied Science

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This Study Guide describes the content, teaching plan, assessment scheme & regulations of the subject
Principles of Biochemistry & Physiology for Nutrition offered by the Diploma in Applied Food Science
& Nutrition at Temasek Polytechnic.


1. Subject Aims

2. Subject Syllabus

3. Teaching Plan

4. Reference Books

5. Assessment Scheme & Ground Rules

1. Aims of the Subject

The aims of this subject are to equip students with the basic knowledge & skills to:

1.1 relate biochemistry & physiology concepts with nutrition

1.2. relate disorders of metabolism to their nutritional consequences

2. Subject Syllabus

Topic 1: Transport across Cell Membrane

1.1 Structure, function & characteristics of the biological membrane
1.2 Modes of movement across the biological membrane
1.3 Trans-epithelial transport of nutrients

Topic 2: Introduction to Metabolism & Enzyme Kinetics

2.1 Pathways of metabolism
2.2 Redox reactions
2.3 Coupling between the ATP-ADP Cycle & the creatine-phosphocreatine system
2.4 Role of ATP, NAD, NADP, FAD & coenzyme A in metabolism
2.5 Structure, function & characteristics of enzymes
2.6 Factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions
2.7 Major metabolic pathways in metabolic organs
2.8 Enzyme abnormalities & organ system pathology

Topic 3: Carbohydrate & Alcohol Metabolism

3.1 Central role of glucose in carbohydrate metabolism
3.2 Roles, regulation & inter-relationships of key metabolic pathways: glycolysis, citric acid cycle,
glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis & the Cori Cycle, pentose phosphate shunt
3.3 Energetics of glycolysis & citric acid cycle

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3.4 Selected metabolic disorder – glucose 6-phosphate deficiency (G6PD)

3.5 Metabolic pathways of alcohol in the liver
3.6 Consequences of excessive alcohol intake

Topic 4: Electron Transport Chain & Oxidative Phosphorylation

4.1 The electron transport chain
4.2 The chemiosmotic theory of oxidative phosphorylation
4.3 Substrate level & oxidative phosphorylation
4.4 ATP yield from NADH & FADH2
4.5 Inhibition of ATP generation

Topic 5: Lipid Metabolism

5.1 Digestion, absorption & trans-epithelial transportation of lipids
5.2 Lipoproteins
5.3 Roles, regulation & inter-relationships of key metabolic pathways: triglyceride hydrolysis, beta-
oxidation, lipogenesis, triglyceride synthesis, ketogenesis
5.4 Central role of acetyl CoA
5.5 Energetics of beta-oxidation
5.6 Inter-relationship between pathways of lipid & carbohydrate metabolism
5.7 Cholesterol metabolism

Topic 6: Protein Metabolism

6.1 Digestion, absorption & trans-epithelial transportation of proteins
6.2 Essential & non-essential, glucogenic & ketogenic amino acids
6.3 Roles, regulation & inter-relationships of key metabolic pathways: amino acid catabolism,
transamination, deamination, urea cycle, protein biosynthesis
6.4 Importance of correct amino acid sequencing
6.5 Inter-relationship between pathways of protein & carbohydrate metabolism
6.6 Inborn error of metabolism - phenylketonuria
6.7 Metabolism of purine & pyrimidine nucleotides
6.8 Selected metabolic disorder – gout
6.9 Nutrigenomics

Topic 7: Integrative Metabolism

7.1 Respiratory quotient
7.2 Utilization of major metabolic pathways in different metabolic states
7.3 Metabolic derangement associated with diabetes
7.4 Role of micronutrients in metabolism

Topic 8: Fundamentals of Immunology

8.1 Body’s immune system
8.2 Specific & non-specific defences, active & passive immunity, cell-mediated & humoral mediated
8.3 Immune system response in Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
8.4 Dietary factors & immune system response

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3. Teaching Plan
Lecture @ LT43 Tutorial Practical
Week No. Mon 10-11, Tue 2-3, Topic T02 Mon 3-5, T03 Thur P03 Tue 3-6, P01 Wed 1- Pls take note
Thur 8-9 9-11, T01 Fri 9-11 4, P02 Thur 1-4
1 1 Transport across CM T1 Transport P1 Met
16 Apr 2 Transport across CM
3 Transport across CM
2 4e/5e/6e Intro to metabolism T2 Met Formative consult with
23 Apr lab tutor
3 7 CHO & alcohol met 1May Tue - Labour Day
30 Apr - - 3May Thur - Graduation
8 CHO & alcohol met
4 Q Quiz 1 (Topics 1&2) T3 CHO & Alcohol
7 May 9 CHO & alcohol met
10 CHO & alcohol met
5 11 CHO & alcohol met T4 CHO & Alcohol P2 CHO & Alcohol
14 May 12 CHO & alcohol met
13 CHO & alcohol met
6 14 CHO & alcohol met P3 CHO & Alcohol
21 May 15e/16e/17e ETC
7 R Revision for term test T5 ETC 29May Tue - Vesak
28 May 18e Lipid metabolism Submit Prac 1-3 Report
19 Lipid metabolism 1Jun Fri 3 pm

TERM TEST WEEK (Topics 3&4)
4 Jun
9/10 15Jun Fri - HRayaPuasa
11-24 Jun
11 D Term test debrief T6 Lipid P1-P3 Debrief
25 Jun 20 Lipid metabolism
21 Lipid metabolism
12 22 Lipid metabolism T7 Lipid **P4 Lipid
2 Jul 23e Lipid metabolism
24e Protein metabolism
13 25 Protein metabolism T8 Protein P5 Protein
9 Jul 26 Protein metabolism
SDL Revision for quiz
14 Q Quiz 2 (Topic 5)
16 Jul 27 Protein metabolism
28 Protein metabolism
15 29 Protein metabolism T9 Protein
23 Jul 30 Protein metabolism
31 Integration of met
16 32 Integration of met T10 Integration
30 Jul 33 Integration of met
34 Immunology
17 35 Immunology T11 Immunology TA3 replacement on 9Aug Thur - Nat Day
6 Aug 36 Immunology 7Aug Tues 3-5
- -
18 STUDY WEEK (Revision)
13 Aug
SEMESTRAL EXAMINATION (Topics 3, 5-8) 22Aug Wed - HRHaji
20/27 Aug

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4. Reference Books
A single textbook will not meet the requirements of all 8 topics related to this subject, hence
comprehensive lecture notes will be given. In addition, students are expected to refer to the texts below.
This is not an exhaustive list - refer to relevant journals & other nutrition related books.

Abbas, A. K., Lichtman, A. H. , & Pillai, S. (2012). Basic immunology: Functions and disorders of the immune
system (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier.

Bender, D. A. (2014). Introduction to nutrition and metabolism (5th ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Campbell, M. K., & Farrell, S. O. (2015). Biochemistry (8th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Gropper, S. S., & Smith, J. L. (2012). Advanced nutrition and human metabolism (6th ed.). Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Harvey, R. A., Ferrier, D. R., & Champe, P. C. (2010). Lippincott’s illustrated reviews: Biochemistry (5th ed.).
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott WiIliams & Wilkins.

Lim, M. Y., Benyon, S., & Roach, J. O. (2007). Metabolism and nutrition (3rd ed.). Edinburgh, NY: Mosby.

Nelson, D. L., & Cox, M. M. (2013). Lehninger principles of biochemistry (6th ed.). New York, NY: W. H.

Shier, D., Butler, J., & Lewis, R. (2009). Hole’s essentials of human anatomy and physiology (12th ed.). New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Stipanuk, M. H., & Caudill, M.A. (Eds.). (2012). Biochemical, physiological and molecular aspects of human
nutrition (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders.

Voet, D., Voet, J. G., & Pratt, C. W. (2013). Principles of biochemistry (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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5. Assessment Scheme & Ground Rules

5.1 Learning Mode

Students will learn through lectures, tutorial & practical sessions. During the lectures, activities like mind-
quests & spot quizzes may be conducted.

5.2 Assessment Scheme & Grading System

Letter Grade
Descriptors (Percentage
Assessment Scheme: Grades Points

Class Participation: 5% A Excellent 4.0 = or > 80

B+ Very Good 3.5 75 to< 80

Tutorial Assignments: 10%
B Very Good 3.0 70 to <75

Practical Assignments: 10% C+ Good 2.5 65 to <70

C Good 2.0 60 to <65

Term Test/Quizzes: 35%
D+ Credit 1.5 55 to <60

Semestral Examination: 40% D Credit 1.0 50 to <55

P Non-Graded Pass 1.0 = or > 50
Total 100%
---------------------------------------- F Fail 0 < 50

5.3 Ground Rules

5.3.1 Attendance in lectures, tutorial & practical sessions

Students are encouraged to attend all the lectures. A minimum class attendance of 85% must be
attained, calculated from tutorial and practical sessions. There will be no rerun of any of the classes.

Maximum non-attendance sessions allowed for this subject:

(100% - 85%) x 16 sessions = 2.4 sessions

Students who were absent for 1 session (either tutorial or practical) will be issued a warning letter.
Students who exceed the maximum number of non-attendance sessions will be given a
Pass/Fail grade only.

5.3.2 Punctuality
To inculcate the virtue of punctuality in students and to promote the efficient conduct of lessons:

Students will be marked as ‘LATE’ once they report after the stated start time of the lesson.
Both ‘LATE’ and ‘ABSENT’ records will be considered as non-attendance and will count towards
the computation of attendance requirement for non-graded pass penalty.

Students are encouraged to report 5 min before stated start time of lesson.

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5.3.3 Submission of assignments

All assignments should be submitted at the end of each lesson or by the specified dates. Marks will
be deducted for late submission.

Deduction of 20% of the total marks for submissions later than stipulated dateline.
Zero marks (0%) will be given for any submissions FIVE working days after stipulated dateline
/non-submission of assignments.

Note: students with valid medical certificates (MC)/ approved leave of absence (LOA) will be given
the same number of working days (excluding the MC/LOA) to complete & submit the assignment.

5.3.4 Academic Integrity in the Classroom

Academic integrity refers to doing academic activities in an honest & responsible manner. In the
classroom, this includes – but not limited to – cheating, plagiarism & facilitating acts of academic
dishonesty by others.

Disciplinary action taken against students caught for plagiarism includes failing the
subject, suspension & removal from course.
Maintain academic integrity at all times.

5.3.5 Announcements
Check OLIVE regularly for all updates/announcements related to the subject.

5.3.6 Absence From Coursework Assessment (CA)

If a student is absent from any CA (tutorial quiz, quiz, term test, etc) due to illness, or has an
approved LOA, he/she is permitted to sit/submit for the assessment provided that:

He/she has submitted a MC issued by a registered medical practitioner, who should not be a family
member, to the ASc General Office within 2 working days from the last effective date of the MC.

If he/she is permitted to sit/submit for the assessment, no further MC will be accepted. Hence,
students with minor ailments are strongly advised to sit for the CA the first time round.
Penalty: For assessments 10% or more in weighting, students’ marks will be downgraded by 5%
of the base mark.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to find out from the subject leader the date of
reassessment, failing which, no marks will be given to the student for that assessment.

5.4 Subject Assessment Components

5.4.1 Class participation (5%)

Students are encouraged to participate & contribute positively in lectures, tutorial & practical
sessions as marks will be given for attentiveness, cooperation and active participation.

5.4.2 Tutorial Assignments (10%)

Tutorial sessions are designed to consolidate students’ understanding of a topic. They also provide
an opportunity to clarify queries on the subject matter. Students may be given various tasks like

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group work, class discussions & presentations. Students will be assessed on individual
To enhance learning, students should come prepared. They must bring the required lecture notes
(correct topic) as well as their calculators. Please also bring along a pair of scissors for some tutorial

5.4.3 Practical Assignments (10%)

Students are expected to demonstrate competency & effectiveness in carrying out the practical
assignments. They will be assessed on the use of proper techniques, housekeeping & safety as well
as report writing & analysis. Please use the correct lab coat & comply with safety guidelines.
Students are expected to complete the experiments & submit the reports at the end of each session
unless otherwise stated by the lecturer.

5.4.4 Term Test / Quizzes (35%)

There is one Term test (week 8) & two quizzes (weeks 4 & 14) scheduled for the subject. These
assessments will provide feedback about students’ learning on the various topics. There will be a
combination of multiple choice, structured & essay type questions in the question papers.

Attendance during Term Test & Quizzes is compulsory. Students will be permitted to re-sit for a
test/quiz only if a valid MC/approved LOA is presented (refer to 5.3.6).

5.4.5 Semestral Examination (40%)

At the end of the semester, students are required to sit for a semestral examination. The paper will
be 2 hours in length & will contribute 40% of the marks for the subject. The exam will comprise of a
combination of multiple choice, structured & essay type questions.

To pass, students need to obtain at least 50% of the total subject mark (the combined marks from the
coursework & examination taken in the same semester).
Students who exceed the maximum number of non-attendance sessions will be given a
Pass/Fail grade only.

Students with valid MC/approved LOA can appeal to sit for Special Assessment which commences
immediately after the semestral examination. Penalty: students’ marks will be downgraded by
ONE grade.

6. Teaching Team

 Name  Mail Box No  Phone E-mail

Subject 109 (Blk 8 Level 6)
Mdm Ong Eng Gim 6780 6205 oengim@tp.edu.sg
Lab Ms Saihah M Salleh 98 (Blk 8 Level 6) 6780 1849 saihah@tp.edu.sg
Ms Ong Jing Ting 94 (Blk 8 Level 6) 6780 4152 jingting@tp.edu.sg
Ms Tan Teng Li 94 (Blk 8 Level 6) 6780 5394 tengli@tp.edu.sg

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