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Unidad Educativa Fiscal “San Francisco de Quito” Punctuation

Week: #15
Name: Emily Delgado Grade: 1° BGU “E” Date: 26/06/20
Theme: Global citizenship
Subtopic: What does a global citizen mean?
 Activities
1. Vocabulary activity. Look for the meaning of the following words and draw or paste a
Word Meaning Picture
Global It is that referring to the planet or the globe.
This adjective also allows us to name
something that is taken together. The phrase
"The global economy is in crisis," for example,
indicates that the economies of all countries
in the world are in a troubled stage.
Rights Law is a set of principles and norms, generally
inspired by ideas of justice and order, which
regulate human relations in all societies,
allowing an individual to be free and have a
decent life
Responsibilities Responsibility is a value that is in the
conscience of the person who studies Ethics
on the basis of morality. Put into practice, it
establishes the magnitude of these actions
and how to face them in the most positive
and comprehensive way to help in the future.
Planet Every celestial body that meets at least three
main characteristics to be considered as such:
it rotates or orbits a star, its mass (weight) is
sufficient to maintain hydrostatic balance
(gravity in the air), and it has some
dominance over its orbit, that is, it prevents
other bodies from occupying it or invading its
Diversity Diversity (from Latin diversities) is a notion
that refers to difference, variety, the
abundance of different things or dissimilarity.
Cultural diversity refers to the coexistence
and interaction between different cultures.
2. Read the following text, then complete the exercises below.
- Be a Global Citizen!
Everyone is a citizen of a country and other places on a map. There's also local and state
citizenship. Did you know that you're a citizen of your school community, as well? So, what
exactly does it mean to be a citizen, anyway? A citizen is a member of a community with
rights and responsibilities. In school you receive an education (a right) and you must obey
school rules (a responsibility). Can you name other rights and responsibilities that come
with citizenship? There's a community that's even bigger than your country that you can be
a citizen of, no matter where you live. It's our planet. We're connected to people like never
before, from where you buy and sell, to the air we breathe, to the technology that makes
anyone's ideas just a click away. Through the United Nations, you have rights common to all
people globally. You also have a responsibility to respect all people's rights. National
citizenship reminds important, but our common bonds and challenges are bigger than any
national borders. Embrace the world-be a global citizen!
What’s the word?
- Use the clues to unscramble the following words relating to global citizenship
a. C R O O A L B T E A L (To work together)
b. Y E T D I S R V I (Inclusion from different types o people)
c. L A L B G O (Opposite of local)
d. L N T P A E (Earth is one, Mars is another)
e. L E R I O S S I Y N P I T B (“Do you like____ for your actions?”)
f. S I R H G T (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for civil____)
g. K A S T E A O I C N T (A global citizen____ to improve the world)

a. __________ Responsibility
b. __________ Rights
c. __________ Stake action
d. __________

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