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WEBER CARBURADORES e sididi Sidi3l dididl disid" ) CARBURADORES didi} 1313 SIdi> COMPONENTES JOGOS DE REPARO JOGOS DE JUNTAS IdId131313131 [dSIdIFIdIF131 IdIdISISIFI>1 Saar eaninE LINHA 4=ggav wer Catélogo Geral General Carburadores Componentes Jogos de Reparo Jogos de Juntas A WEIER BO BRASIL Si, empress to grupo Weber der minal em cata io presenta seu noo catalog, tual tines de Matra nko modelos novos ‘tc abrang urburaorese pete senior ti es da 16 gu formation represen obiayan por pane da Wehr Noss cailogo ea suits pr febicates A penetrnto ti intma n0 Tile n0 én eu nga compe nodes proces dade 20 el mae aaa hay comes Catalog Carburetors Components Repair Kits Gasket Sets WEBER DO BRASH. 8/4, «company Of ber Grou wort sde ead an carbonation presets trnew and pond y/86 ‘ating ining new ind covering crburors and pote The purpose of ‘cnt ene Some pares are not avaiable for sae “owched Homes ae ‘arn even demand or Shoat btigaton onthe por of er Que catalo sci pr car manure ‘reer can gh ino te ‘thr nformaton eganing Weber carburetors exp ca alone the wort hd bilan dtr ao ave USA, ‘Europe Entan, Swedon Fino, Denna, Norwey. Crewe Lanner Argentine, Urugua Colombia, Pera. Heese ‘tii sce geri, Sh Aol Mle Fs Beye rg. S Arabi, oat train. The inte pnetation of Weber moc Inti ant aoa isons efi oa dager rn ‘danced el known tc ae Malo sayse wW indice aye ao - Modelos Carburador Paginas MONZA ‘Substitul 08 No 1.8 (g220tIna) 190,001.02 12 1.6 (coo!) 190,003.02 4 5 18 (eo!) 6 08/1085 OPALA, DIPLOMATA, COMODORO, COUPE E SEDAN os — 1972 4 1974 8) — & parr do 1973 6 clindros SS (gacoine) — & parte de 1900 6 ciingros SS (gasoina) — & partir de 1978 6 clindros, Caravan (gasoline) — 4 partir de 1975 CHEVETTE 14 — 1973 0 1974 14 — 1975 0 1976 14 (gasolinay — 1977 3 1981 14 @ 16 (gasotna) — ae 1982 0 1985 14 © 16 (gasoline) — & partir de 1006 1.4 (gasolina) — & partir do 1990 114 (alcool) — & partir de 1990 16 (gosotina) — & parr ¢e 1980 1.65 (alcool) — a parti de 02/1907 2an.oane2 ‘as.st.02 496 088.02 zeae “46.05202 sas.05402 zaaoes.a2 2asoerca 22aoss.02 220,084.02 ‘90,002.02 (20/34 D¥vPG 400) 480,400.02 4165 (leoo!) — a partir do 00/9987 e/ T.A, (90/34 OMPG 401) 480,401.02 +168 (gasolina) — & partir de 09/1987 10/34 OMPG 02) 460,402.02 1.68 (acting) — & parte de 09/1067 e/ T.A. (30/34 OMPG 403) ae0.soa.02 UTILITARIOS Peruse, PeUps ¢, Caio Spare eae? 8 claro (goon) — som roo hiruien 8 clinton (geotion) — com desdo drdlcn z2n.23.02 pancasce 22a 00802 pom o40ce 226 052.02 sso.onac2 ra 228 sat nt 220 ave wa 0-20 p22 z28 25.26 35-06 3040 ara ana a4 ara

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