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Penugasan II

Nama : Sri Nopida Pertiwi/2018720099/3C

Judul Artikel : Quality of Life People Living with HIV/AIDS and Its Characteristic from a
VCT Centre in Indonesia.

Author : Sri Handayani,1 Nita Yunianti Ratnasari,1 Putri Halimu Husna,1 Marni,1 and Tantut Susanto 2

Background : The quality of life (QoL) construct has also contributed to understanding the
comprehension of factors involved in the existence of people infected by the HIV/AIDS. Health refers to
physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity . Therefore,
measuring health and health care impacts must include not only improvements in disease frequency and
severity, but also a well-being estimate. This can be done by evaluating the health care- related
improvement in quality of life

Purpose: The objective of this study is to assess the quality of life (QoL) of people with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA) in Wonogiri District, Indonesia.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from September to November 2017. Convenience
sampling method was employed to recruit 39 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) at Voluntary
Counselling and Testing (VCT) of Wonogiri, Indonesia. Research data were collected using a self-
administered questionnaire of WHOQOL-HIV BREF. The data were further analysed using a t-test and a
Chi-square test, while linear regression was used to evaluate factors that correlate with the PLWHAs'
quality of life..

Result and conclusion:

Result: he results showed that the gross mean score of social relationships domain is 13.59;
psychological domain is 13.31; environment domain is 13.28; spiritual/personal beliefs domainis 13.15;
physical domain is 13.10; and level of independence domain is 13.77. The symptom of HIV is associated
with quality of life (B = 7.611, β = 0.362, t = 2,046, p value = 0.049). Conclusion: Healthcare provider
should increase providerinitiated testing and counselling (PITC) to contracting group, high risk group,
susceptible group, and the community. The PLWHA are recommended to actively participate in peer
support groups (PSGs) so that they can improve their quality of life.

Opini :

In my opinion, VCT is very important because If this VCT is successful, it means that
many PLWHA do VCT, more PLHIV will start ARV therapy, the quality of life of PLWHA will
increase, decrease mordibity and mortality and can reduce HIV transmission.

This result from this study, The PLWHA are recommended to actively participate in peer
support groups (PSGs) so that they can improve their quality of life. This means that VCT is very
influential in improving the quality of life of PLWHA. Because, HIV PLWHA's responses to
finding out that they were positively infected with HIV/AIDS can be classified into four stages.
The first stage was the stage of loss marked by the feeling of not having a life passion, losing
social status, losing independence, and fearing the future. The third stage is the rejection stage
that is manifested by the depression / stress feeling because they cannot accept the reality.
Anxiety is the fourth phase.

Recent study conducted in Brazil conclude that the quality of life of people living with
HIV/AIDS presents losses, mainly in the financial and confidentiality areas, followed by general
function of the body and satisfaction with life. Therefore, do not let their burden added again.
The burden is heavy enough to bear the fact that they become PLWHA, not coupled with the
burden of stigma and discrimination against them. When people living with HIV follow VCT, it
is not certain that their quality of life will improve if during VCT operations they still experience
stigma and discrimination. The impact is if officials discriminate and stigmatize, one of which is
the inconsistency of PLWHA in VCT.

Then what about the Indonesian government itself against VCT? HIV-AIDS prevention
and control efforts aim to realize the Three Zero target in 2030, including no more new HIV
infections, no more deaths from AIDS, and no more stigma and discrimination in people with
HIV / AIDS (PLWHA). itself recognizes the effectiveness of ARVs in suppressing the HIV virus
In the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Decree No. 823 / Menkes / SK / X / 2006
regarding Penetapan Rumah Sakit Rujukan Bagi Orang HIV/AIDS (ODHA) Dan Standar
Pelayanan Rumah Sakit Rujukan ODHA dan Satelitnya, there attached a list of hospitals for
PLHIV, there are 75 hospitals from various provinces, only the lack of equal facilities means that
PLHIV have difficulty reaching health facilities.

Not only that, there is news that makes me very happy and answered that the hospital is
not evenly distributed namely the Provincial Government of DKI in early 2019 launched the Jak-
Track application to tackle HIV / AIDS in DKI Jakarta. Jak-Track application is made to obtain
integrated information related to HIV / AIDS in Jakarta. The information system was created by
the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to be able to increase HIV / AIDS sufferers so that the
handling can be optimized. this is related to people with HIV / AIDS is still often improved and
negative stigma is obtained. Therefore, the Jak-Track application is expected to provide a safer
feeling for sufferers to access care. My advice to all of us especially to nursing students to
eliminate stigma and discrimination so that PLWHA want to do VCT. Do not let the compilation
of being stigmatized nurses for PLWHA still exist within us, because we have the inability of
PLWHA, one of which is getting stigma and discrimination from health workers.

References :

 Handayani, S., Ratnasari, N. Y., Husna, P. H., & Susanto, T. (2019). Quality of Life People
Living with HIV/AIDS and Its Characteristic from a VCT Centre in Indonesia. Ethiopian journal
of health sciences, 29(6).
 keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. 823/Menkes/SK/X/2006
 https://www.kemenkopmk.go.id/menuju-indonesia-bebas-aids-2030
Pak, maaf ini diluar dari penugasan 2. Kemarin saya mendapatkan artikel tentang stigma mahasiswa
keperawatan terhadap ODHA. Saran saya ketika selesai makul keperawan HIV-AIDS ini bapak juga
memuat semacam kuesioner untuk mengukur apakah kita masih ada stigma atau tidak. Soalnya yang
rasakan ketika pertemuan pertama, dalam pikiran saya ODHA itu hanya orang-orang yang “nakal”
padahal tidak semua ODHA nakal contohnya seorang istri yang setia pada suaminya. Tapi ini hanya saran
saja pak. Terimakasih sudah membaca saran dari saya.

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