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A New Year And

By Brian Worley

5 WINTER 2009
rather than enjoying the stuff that they
4) Exercise: Not only will you avoid
temptation but the fresh air and exercise
ost of us would will make you happier, because the thing
like to be happy that an increasing number of scientists
and possibly, that agree on, is that we arc far too physically
is why we make so idle. On the face of it, running a mara-
many resolutions, thon is utter madness, yet thousands do
those to so, both for the sense of achievement and
lose weight, stop the rush of mood-enhancing cndorphins
smoking and make more money. We it releases.
hold belief that any one of them will 5) Take Pleasure In Simple Tasks:
make us happier. But will they? When you become frustrated with
Or is there more realistic ways to whatever you are trying to accomplish,
make the New Year better? Surprisingly, counterbalance that with completing a
it is possible to approach the question simpler task. In his book The Happiness
of happiness scientifically. It even has a Hypothesis Virginian University psychol-
name. Hedonics, the Study of Happiness ogist Dr. Jonathan Haidt points out the
And now amid all the psychology of huge sense of satisfaction nearly every-
self-help books, key points are emerging one gets from performing what may be a
that may actually make a difference. simple task extremely well.
Here are the top ten: 6) Set Realistic Goals: Setting realis-
1) Count Your Blessings; It may tic goals and achieving them is far better
sound glib, but we really should be than either having no goals, due to fear
more grateful for what we often take for of failure or shooting for the moon. This
granted. Take a few minutes a day to applies to our personal lives as much as
think about all the things we should be our careers.
grateful for, starting with our health and 7) Admit Mistakes: Admitting
that of OLir family and friends. you can be wrong is, Haidt argues, a
2) Simplify Your Life: Harvard bizarrely cathartic exercise. We are far to
University psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar obsessed with not losing face or status.
points out that many of us feel unhappy Admitting failure and error will not only
because our lives are so cluttered that make you happier it will also raise you in
we have no time to get on top of our the esteem of others.
commitments. If you want to be hap- 8) Avoid Commuting: We didn't
pier, turn off your mobile and resist the need a psychologist to tell us that!
need to check your e-mails every hour. Surveys consistently show that the length
Take time out to do very little; go for a of time people spend getting to and from
walk, enjoy your children. their workplace every day correlates
3) Avoid Greed: Avoiding material- strongly and negatively with their state
ism is a sure path to greater happiness of happiness. If you want a happier 2009
says the experts. It's surprising how move closer to your work, get a new job
many people spend every waking hour or work from home.
fretting about what they don't have. 9) Tradition: Haidt admits many

RTF revisions
of the more positive values— "hard work, too hard. Like love, it will turn up when
family, tradition, dress customs, even reli- you least expect it. If you stop looking
gious observance"— seem to make manv for happiness you never know, it may just
people happier than the anything goes come lot)kmg for you.
morality. People like freedom but they also
like structure. Brian Worley takes pleastire in the simple side of
10) Stop Trying: Don't try too hard iife. He finds happiness writing a variety of articles
for happiness in the end. Probably the best including home repair and science articles.
advice about happmess is not to look for it

Make A Plan
For The New Year
By Kim Knight

I victories and your successes one year fr(

eed a plan for the new year? You can create
now and imagine tliat you had a "big
he fir.iit draft ot the f<ill<)\siniî plan in thirty
break" that was pivotal to your success.
What would that "big break" be? Usuall
1. Focu.s on \<)ur goals. Answer the fol-
it would he st>me()ne you met, some ne
lowing questions: If I were sitting here next
perspective you entertained or speaking
year at this time and feding really satisfied
an expert in the task you want to move
with my life what would be different? What
ward in. Once you can identify those- to
kinds of new relationships would I have?
and strategies or certain someone, you h;
What would I have achieved? What's the
a new starting point from where to mov
accomplishment I would have reached?
ahead in reaching specific goals and piar
2. Determine all the resources you wilt
need. Who do you have to include and get on 5, Lastly, don't be discouraged wheti,.
hoard in your dreatn to achieve your goals? things do not turn out exactly as you !
^uiiy one person or one other form of planned them. Be flexible and be consistí
Bo'ce for each goal. in your efforts. If something does not wfij
.V What have you already done that was try something new. Think outside the bo;
a step forward In the right direction? Identify ask for help and support, and don't lei g¡^
steps you have taken in the past year for each of your dream for the sake of a minor or;i
goal and then expand on this. Be consistent major .setback. However, if something isj
and persistent with strategies that arc work- not working time and time again, take tH
ing to st(»p yourself from starting down a out to re-assess the situation and see whsj
path you want to take but then get distracted. you can do differently that will produce <
" " ^ l a t e all your little c)r big successes in the fcrent results. "
^ ^ e a r and then establish your fresh start- Freelance ii'riter Kim Knight is planrt
ing point. on a great 2(X}9. She writes lifestyle arti(^,
I 4. What would a big turning point he for a rirrict\' of weh and print puhlicatiot
>r you? Think of your accomplishments,


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