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School Based

Names: Julia Alphonso,Stafon Paddy, Seion.O. Brammer, Poshandevi Singh

School: Charlestown Government Secondary School

Class: 5 Science/ 5 TVET

Centre Number:

Candidate number:

Teacher: Sir Roy Peters

Group members

 Stafon Paddy
 Seion.O. Brammer
 Julia Alphonso
 Poshandevi Singh


The successful completion of this SBA would not have been possible without the
assistance and cooperation of a number of persons. Consequently the researcher
would like to thank the form five students of Charlestown secondary school for
their massive support and valuable time spent on answering the questionnaires
given. Gratitude will also be given to the researcher’s family for their support; the
researchers would also like to thank all teachers involved in helping with the
completion of this SBA

Table of content

 Introduction 5
 Project title 6
 Limitations 7
 Method of data collection 8
 Instrument used to collect data 9
 Presentation of data 10-15
 Analysis of data 16
 Discussion of findings 17
 Conclusion 18


The researchers are grade eleven students of Charlestown secondary school. The
purpose of this SBA is to determine which canteen is mostly preferred by the grade
eleven students of Charlestown secondary, also the researchers would like to
discover which canteen makes the more profit during lunch. To complete this SBA
the researchers will conduct a survey using the questionnaire method to realize
which canteen is best preferred by the grade eleven students during lunch.

Project title

A comparative study between the two canteens in Charlestown Secondary School

to determine which canteen is more preferred by the students of Form 5.


Limitations of this study are:

 Students not wanting to participate in the survey (questionnaire)

 Canteen owners not wanting to share information on profit or income being

Method of data collection

The fifth form of Charlestown secondary school consists of 61 students. Every

student of the fifth form received a Questionnaire, Questionnaires were distributed
on the 11th November, 2019 and were returned on the next day. 51 students
returned their questionnaires and the remaining 10 did not.

The questionnaire method has a number of advantages as well as disadvantages


 It requires little time to be completed

 Can access large amount of persons easier


 Dishonest answers
 Skipped questions / unanswered

Instrument used to collect data

Please place an X in boxes provided and answer where necessary.

1. Gender: Male ☐ Female ☐

2. Age range: 15-16 ☐ 17-18 ☐

3. Ethnicity: African ☐ East Indian ☐ other ☐

4. Family type: Nuclear ☐ Sibling ☐ Single parent ☐ Extended ☐

5. Social status: Rich ☐ Poor ☐ Middle class ☐

6. Parent marital status: Married ☐ Divorced ☐ Other ☐

7. How long have you been attending Charlestown secondary: 1-2yrs ☐ 3-4yrs ☐

8. Which canteen do you prefer to purchase from? Blue ☐ Orange ☐ None ☐

9. How many years have you been purchasing from either of the canteens? 2-3yrs ☐
4-5yrs ☐

10. Which canteen is mostly occupied during the lunch period?

Blue ☐ Orange ☐

11. Which canteen has better customer service?

Blue ☐ Orange ☐

12. Which canteen has an average price rate that is affordable for students?
Blue ☐ Orange ☐ None ☐

Presentation of Data

A total of 61 questionnaires were distributed to the grade eleven students of which

51 were returned.

Table 1: showing which canteen is best preferred by the grade 11 students.

Canteens Percentage Tally Frequency

Blue canteen 71% |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| | 36
Orange canteen 29% |||| |||| |||| 15

Table 2: Showing which canteen has better customer service.

Canteens Percentage Tally Frequency

Blue canteen 39% |||| |||| |||| |||| 20
Orange canteen 61% |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| | 31

Table 3: Showing which canteen is mostly occupied during the lunch period.

Canteens Percentage Tally Frequency

Blue canteen 71% |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| | 36
Orange canteen 29% |||| |||| |||| 15


Pie Chart


Blue canteen

Orange canteen

Graph 1: showing which canteen is best preferred by the grade 11 students.

Horizontal Bar Graph



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
No. of Respondents

Blue canteen Orange canteen

Graph 2: Showing which canteen has better customer service.

Column Chart


% of Respondents

Blue canteen
40% Orange canteen




Graph 3: Showing which canteen is mostly occupied during the lunch period

Analysis of Data

The data from the research revealed that of the two canteens, Blue canteen
received more preference and the Orange canteen the least. Although the blue
canteen was more successful, both had positive feedback.

71% of the fifth formers prefer to purchase lunch from the blue canteen while 29%
preferred the orange canteen. (shown in Graph 1) 39 % of the fifth form students
think that the Blue canteen has better customer service, while 61% of the students
of the fifth form chose the Orange canteen. Overall, Majority of the fifth formers
chose the Orange canteen. (shown in Graph 2) Lastly, 71% of the students think
that the blue canteen is occupied more during the lunch, while 29% chose the
Orange canteen. (shown in Graph 3)

Discussion of Findings

The findings of this investigation are:

 The canteen that is more preferred by the Grade 11 students is the Blue
 The canteen that makes the most profit that was determined from the data
collected is the Blue canteen.


To conclude this School Based Assessment, the researchers have determined that
the Blue canteen is more successful because it is more desired by the students. It
has been obvious that the Blue canteen has been making more profit than the
Orange because of its popularity and preference by the student.


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