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Per the given case study, ABC is an old organization running with highest employee turnover
and in the event of bringing new labour contracts leads individuals to think in different
perspectives within the organization which either improves/destroys the business in long-run.
Hence, the management in advance should think in an effective and efficient manner on how
to overcome or minimize the level of misunderstandings (which becomes as conflicts at the
end) within the organization.
Let us look at the possibility of few conflicts that arise during the above situation:
1. Feeling new contract law as a strict practice with less or no benefits towards
employees that company is targeting to run the business by cutting costs will result
employees to move out of the organization. – Misunderstanding of employees
towards the management
2. Signs of behaviors (such as not bothering to participate in any activity, non-friendly
atmosphere within the employees, not coping with the team’s activities) will down
trend the business. - conflicts within the individuals who exist in the company
3. Symptoms seen when one team is being left out during decision making or in any
events, usage of aggressive slogans or signs to reflect that their group is the best and
others are the worst. – conflicts that might arise if staffs were made in groups
4. Though the idea of new contract law is to bring out the best in each employee to build
the organization, there can be ambiguity on the roles & responsibilities of the
individuals to perform well and the path to reach– due to poor communication of the
management to the staffs
5. Introduction of competitions schemes within the staffs leading to conflicts when they
are misused or biased by few personnel - leading to unfriendly environment within
the affected individuals
6. Inconsistency idea about the purpose of new law, needs & expectations of the
employees towards it and the goals to be achieved – lack of supervision within a
multi-cultural environment
In the event of above symptoms, certain actions to be taken to overcome or eliminate conflict
situation before it becomes serious where leadership comes into practice and they are given
• Involvement of collective discussions by management with groups of personnel (who
were elected within teams as an agent to attend the discussion) and act proactively to
resolve issues persisting within them – named as Collaborative bargaining
• Giving opportunities for groups who had conflict and failed to perform during their 1 st
attempt and to perform again – named as Reunion process
• If in case above processes fail, employees come up with union strike. Hence,
management as a final act should have a formal arbitration process with a final
settlement and try to convince each of them by being flexible
Based on above findings, management can implement the following strategies in advance to
succeed in business in long run:
1. Equal distribution of different skill sets (well performer to poor performer) into teams
that make all the groups to perform equally well with the help of an enthusiastic
leader appointed for each group.
This can be successful when individuals in teams are invited to participate in “banquet style
meeting room layouts during team discussions where equal opportunity to each and every
personnel to come up with their concerns, and new ideas” Conference Coordinator Spain
2. Having evaluation session with individuals in 1-2-1 basis and discussion on where
they were before, and how they are now and how the expectations have arisen
towards him or her.
Spending some time with the staffs and having concerns on their improvement at work for a
manager leads to good Manager-Employee relationship
3. Having team building activities with certain targets to be achieved would increase the
bond of friendship within the team members towards the leader of the group
These kinds of entertainment concepts in between the work pressure give a relief and also a
motivating factor for employees to build up as a good team player
4. Announcement of best performer in a formal manner and reward the personnel by the
heads of the organization and make them feel special.
Constant meet-ups with the staffs and explain them about the company’s objectives towards
the mission which should be renewed every six months to cope up with changing external
environment. Also staffs need to be informed that career advancement is possible for
individuals who bring out initiatives per the new change announced by placing a mind
statement “Most look up and admire the stars in the sky and only A CHAMPION CLIMBS

1. Conference Coordinator Spain 2003, [On-line], viewed January 08th 2011,
2. ETU, [On-line], viewed January 02nd 2011,

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