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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


This project is developed as a part of the mini project for the vth semester
curriculum demand in Siddaganga Institute of Technology using Swings as Front-End
and Oracle 8i as Back-End. The project is to distribute items (sugar, rice ) to common
people .
System For Consumer Co-operative Society aims to distribute the items
like rice, sugar, dal, kerosene to people based on the ration card. Dealer can distributed
items to people based on the number of members in a family. Here dealer can manage the
incoming quantity and outgoing quantity also.

The project contains mainly about four sections:

 Login Section
This is the login section for the dealer. After login in he can access
the three options. They are creation of new dealer id, new Id
create, exit

Dis_id option for to create new dealer id .

Id create option to create a new id for a ration card.
Exit options for logout.

 Purchase
Here three options are there .
They are order, total customer, order details.

Order option is used for taking orders.

Total customer option for display the customer information.
Order details option for display the all orders.

 Stock details
It contains three options.
Quantity entry, show stock , stock details.

Quantity entry option for to enter the stock quantity.

Show stock option for to display stock information.
Stock details for to display the how much stock entry each time.

 Help
Help option is useful to dealer to know quantity, entry details etc.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


Only Specified dealer is allowed to enter, update stock information. Here Dealer is only
the person can create id of user. Also the advantage of this project is that he can
distribute the Ration based on the ration card easily. Security is high and unauthorized
persons will not have access to this project. Only the concerned dealer can send the data
to Database. All data are stored in respective tables in Database.

Scope of the Project:

 It helps in generating reports pertaining to customer orders details.

 The dealer can maintain the stock information.

 The dealer gives the Ration to the customer based on the family members.

 The dealer can update the stock information.

 He can easily distribute the Ration to the customers and update the stock
information etc.

 We can print the information of all customers, order details and finally make a

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

Objectives of the Project

1. Minimizing Redundancy:
Redundancy must be minimized when the system is developing.

2. Increasing Efficiency:
Software should not make wasteful use of system resources such as memory and
processor cycle.

3. Making the system User friendly:

Software should have an appropriate user interface and adequate documentation.

4. Saving Time:
The system should be efficient and less time consuming.

5. Having Greater Maintenance and Effectiveness:

It should be possible to evolve the software to meet the changing needs of the customers.

6. Making the system Automatic:

The system should be automatic as it is made computerized rather than manual.

7. Reliability:
It is the process designed in such a way that process errors are avoided or tapped before they
result in product error.

8. Robustness:
The system should continue to run inspite of unexpected error and problems.

9. Rapidity:
The system can deliver the objectives from a given specification and it must be completed.

10. Visibility:
The system activities should culminate in clear results so that the progress of system is
externally visible.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


 This project intends to reduce the work of dealer .This project can be improved upon
enlarged to store the details of every customer .

 At a large scale the distributor may adopt this project in order to access
the detail of the dealer and guide them for how to use this software for common

 At present this is a stand alone project. It can be made online so that the authorized
persons can access it.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


A system development environment is a set of hardware and software tools that act
in an integrated way to provide support for the whole of the software process from the
specification through the testing and delivery.

 Software Specification:

Operating System: Window 2000/XP

Front End: Java using Swings

Back End: Oracle 8i

JAVA Compiler

 Hardware Specification:

Processor: Preferable Pentium III or above

Memory: 128 MB RAM

Hard Disk: 1GB (min)

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society



What is Swings?
Swing is set of class that provides more powerful and flexible GUI components. Swing
provides the look and feel of the modern java GUI.

Two key Swing Features

1. Swing components are Lightweight

2. Swing supports a Pluggable Look and Feel

 Swing components are Lightweight

This means that they are written entirely in java and do not map directly to platform-specific

 Swing supports a Pluggable Look and Feel

Because each swing component is rendered by java code, the look and feel of a component is
under the control of swing. The look and feel of a component can be separated from the logic
of the component. It is possible to “plug in” a new look and feel for any given component.

 A swing GUI consists of two key items:

Components and Containers

A component is an independent visual control, such as push button, text etc. A container holds
a group of components. To display a component, it must be held within a container. Thus, all
swing GUIs will have at least one container. A container can hold other containers. This
enables swing to define what is called a containment hierarchy, at the top of which must be a
top-level container.


Swing components are derived from the JComponent class. Jcomponent provides the
functionality that is common to all components. Jcomponent inherits the AWT classes
Container and Component..All of swing’s components are represented by classes defined
within package javax.swing. All the component classes begin with the letter J.For e.g. the class
for a label is JLabel, the class for a push button is JButton.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


Swing defines two types of containers.The first are top-level containers:

JFrame,JApplet,JWindow and JDialog.These containers do not inherit JComponent. The
second type of containers are lightweight containers.it inherits JComponent. An example of a
lightweight container is JPanel, it’s a general purpose container.

Data Access Option in java


JDBC is a Java API for executing SQL statements. It consists of a set of
classes and interfaces written in the Java programming language. JDBC provides a
standard API for tool/database developers and makes it possible to write database
applications using a pure Java API.


Simply put, JDBC makes it possible to do three things:
1. Establish a connection with the database
2. Send SQL statements
3. Process the results
The following code fragment gives a basic example of these three steps:
Connection con = DriverManeger.getConnection( “Jdbc: odbc: omega”, “mc19”,
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery (“select a, b, c from Table1”);
while (rs.next ())
int x = getInt (“a”);
String s = getString(“b”);
Float f = getFloat(“c”); }

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


Oracle is a RDBMS package to store and manage large volumes of data, as well as
ensure security of the data. It also functions as client-server based systems.
Data storage and retrieval features of RDBMS are highly advanced as compared to
DBMS. A RDBMS package ensures that the data stored in the database is accurate and
relevant. It also reduces redundancy of data and maintains consistency of data. These
system offer excellent security features.

RDBMS package are widely used in medium to large-scale organization, especially

those in which data needs to be made available on distributed networks. This is because
these system are capable of storing large volumes of data and have quick data retrieval
system. They also have elaborate database administration facilities for handling multiple
users, keeping back-ups and restoring from failures.
Data is accessed from database using Structured Query Language (SQL) of
RDBMS. SQL is used for the following operation.

 Querying of database.
 Defining the data structure.
 Modification of the database.
 Specifying security constraints.
 Handling concurrency problems.

Oracle uses the word database to mean the physical and logical structure that we
use to store information. We can recognize many different collections of information and
store them in this one database. When we install Personal oracle, we are given the choice
of installing the database (known as the starter database). This database consists of
physical and logical structure that allows us to create, modify and access data.

Oracle provides tools for ad-hoc query, report generation and data analysis.
including OLAP. Oracle Discover is a web-based, ad-hoc query, reporting, analysis and
web publishing tool for end users and data analysis. It allow users to drill-up and down
on results sets, pivot data and store calculations as reports that can be published in a
variety of formats such as spreadsheets or HTML.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society




NAME VARCHAR2(20) Identification of the user

PASSWORD VARCHAR2(6) Password of the valid user

GOVT_ID VARCHAR2(10) Governament id



RATION_CARD_NO VARCHAR2(10) Ration card no
Name of the card
Number of family



RICE NUMBER(2) Rice quantity in kg’s

SUGAR NUMBER(2) Sugar quantity in kg’s

DAL NUMBER(2) Dal quantity in kg’s

KEROSENE NUMBER(2) Kerosene quantity in kg’s

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society



ID VARCHAR2(10) Ration card number

RICE NUMBER(2) Rice Quantity in kg’s

SUGAR NUMBER(2) Sugar quantity in kg’s

DAL NUMBER(2) Dal quantity in kg’s

KEROSENE NUMBER(2) Kerosene quantity in kg’s



RICE NUMBER(2) Available Rice quantity in kg’s

SUGAR NUMBER(2) Available Sugar quantity in kg’s

DAL NUMBER(2) Available Dal quantity in kg’s

Available Kerosene quantity in


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System For Consumer Co-operative Society



UserNam Passwor
e d





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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


o Owner_nam



Id Rice


Kerosene Sugar


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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

Stock Entry :

Rice Sugar


kerosene dal

Stock Availability :

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

Rice Sugar


kerosene dal


Stock_update Login

Available stock Id create


Total customer display Order

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


1. Login Page

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This form accepts the username and password from the dealer and searches in the
table if user name and password are matched then it opens the home page otherwise
it displays the appropriate message.

2. Home Page

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This is the home page that is the main form of our project where we can login to the
menu bar such as Login, Order, Displayall and so on.

3. New user Dealer Creation Form

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This form is for creating a new dealer id with new password.

3. New user Id Creation Form

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This form is to create new id for each ration card.

4. Order making.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This form is to make an order the items like rice , sugar, kerosene and dal from
customer choice.

5. Dealer help .

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This form is used to help the dealer .


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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

1. Report Generation for order details

This report is for displaying of order details.

2. Report Generation for total customers.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This report is for displaying all customer information.

3. Report Generation for quantity details

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This report is for displaying stock information

4. Report Generation for quantity entry details

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

This report is for displaying stock entry information

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society


A lot of effort went into the design and development of mini project named System For
Consumer Co-operative Society. In step of its development a lot of things were to be
learnt in order to obtain the desired features.

The software developed is validated and checked for its accuracy so that there will not be
any error. Login is provided to the dealer.

Only dealer is allowed to update the database, and update the stock details. Other users
are not having the permission to update the database.

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society



 Complete Reference Java 7th edition Herbert Schildt.

 The complete reference for Oracle-Ivan Bayross

 Fundamentals of database system- Silberschatz Korth Sudarshan..

Web Links:

 www.java.sun.com

 www.google.com

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

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System For Consumer Co-operative Society

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