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Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

A subtle warning of the passage of Planet X

was placed neatly within a scene in the
movie: “Harry Potter and the Chamber of
secrets”. Although disaster movies have been
used against the public - “Deep Impact”,
many have been beneficial as well -
Harry Potter's owl - “Yellowstone Supervolcano” and “Day after
Hedwig Tomorrow”. The Zetas have often said that
many movie directors are contactees and are “used” to
unconsciously warn the public in the content of the movies they
direct. In Harry Potter and Planet X I explain what I found and
what the Zetas confirmed.
Of course the most important story is: The 7-out-of-10 has
Arrived. Poleshift.ning.com is fortunate to have a large world-wide
Above, we see an image of an anonymous woodcarving depicting membership speaking many different languages and able to
a pilgrim discovering the workings of the Universe. This picture translate local news stories for us. News coverage is not quite as
goes a long way in illustrating the duplicity of the Planet X cover- controlled in countries other than the U.S., Canada and Britain it
up and the hard denial of the cultural status quo consciousness. The seems. Yet the cover-up is alive and well but cannot be held
very purpose of this NewsLetter is to dissolve that adamantine shell indefinitely. The Zetas: “Too many details allow the establishment
created by the desire to remain Unconscious of anything that is to formulate a cover-up, as is happening in Indonesia and Australia
contrary to established conventions. To this end, I have an right now where rain is being blamed for flooding when the real
interesting story for you about establishment cover-up tactics in The cause is plate adjustments.”
Republic of Vanuatu over earthquake and tsunami detection to hide
the sinking of Indonesia: The Cover-up.
In my ramblings, there
was an interesting
unintentional choice of
two recent stories I
independently of each
other, but are directly
related. The themes were
of the early and
unexpected appearance
of sunlight in the high
Arctic: High Arctic
Darkness: Not so dark
anymore and: Sun
Returns to Greenland 2
days early.

January 3 2011 - Brazil, Colony of Paraná, Paranaguá. At least 100 tons

of fish (sardine, croaker and catfish) have turned up dead in a manner of
days. The mountains of Greenland

Another story covered in this NewsLetter, is the mass In my estimation, we are now entering a short lull between the 7-
blackbird die-off seen in the U.S. State of Arkansas on out-of-10 events as of January 13th 2011. The lull at the moment is
New Year's Eve 2010. Most readers are probably aware between the sinking of the Southern tongue of the Eurasian plate
of many bird and sea-life deaths events around the world and the Eastward roll of the African plate that will slowly drive the
since about the first of the year (2011). The case of mass boot of the Arabian Peninsula into Iran splitting the oil fields there.
bird deaths in Arkansas is just the start of this story, it Also, the 7 includes other events that have not been included in
segways into a combination of a discovery of a documented ground Zetatalk, but have only been alluded to. We know that Africa is
methane release, an accidental news leak and a nervous attempt to most likely next, but this is not certain. This means we will see or
obfuscate it by a representative of the National Weather Service. experience broader Earth Changes growing in intensity this year. As

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

we move toward the 8, keep in mind the Zetas have said the 8-size the cover-up.”
events include sociological strife as well, such as food shortages. Our society is controlled top-down, although made to appear that
The 8 is also more dynamic involving continuous continental plate democracies are dominant. A glance at the news reports of high-
movements. society scandal, corporate and big business gouging will
superficially confirm this.

New Reader Section

The approximate 3,656 year cyclic appearance of Planet X (named
by Percival Lowell, a well-known 20th century
astronomer who initiated the search for Planet X) is
the greatest threat against humanity of all time. It re-
shapes Earth's entire continental environment within
an hour during it's passage. Today, almost nobody
knows of Planet X due an amazingly long and
massive cover-up on it's existence. The Planet X
Percival novice needs to understand an essential
Lowell overshadowing reality of civilization today: that
one's awareness of this subject is prevented, enforced and
maintained by cultural forces outside of the cycle of Life of the
average person. What are these forces?:
The extremely rich and powerful
wishing to retain their wealth is one,
but the dirty work is done by those who
hold the reins of Power. Additionally, The Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
the continuity of the Planet X coverup
is maintained by the persistent The Case of mass bird deaths in Arkansas
governmental system that is always in
place. U.S. Agencies such as the Some readers may be aware of the latest buzz about the sudden
Central Intelligence Agency, the bird and sea life mass deaths since the first of the year. Kicking off
Defense Intelligence Agency, and more Rothschild Coat of Arms the news, was a mass kill of 5,000 blackbirds near Little Rock
recently, the Department of Homeland Security. Others are the likes Arkansas. They fell from the sky near the town of Beebe just before
of the United Nations, the World Meteorological Organization and midnight on New Year's Eve (2011).
NASA , these are examples of the participants in this covert, long- While reading the news web site: "Before It's News" on January 8,
standing executive decree. The details and evidence of the latter is I noticed an item named: "Weather radar shows something unusual
far and above too broad and detailed to include here, and ultimately around time birds fell". Following the link takes us to an internet
falls outside the scope of the Planet X NewsLetter. news broadcast by “Today's THV” (Central Arkansas’ local news, weather).
These families are extremely wealthy and In this video publication, we see a weather radar video of what they
they are stratospheric compared to the believe was a flock of birds caught on radar. A quote from the text
economic position of the visible rich, yet they of the news item: "There are some indications that we're picking up
hide in plain site of the business activities of a non-precipitation target. It has some similarities to say, like a
the banking system. For example, “The collection of birds."
Rothschilds” have operated banks and I am watching this video and thinking that this so-called capture of
financial houses dating back to the latter half birds on radar looks much more like looking down on a smoke
of the 1700's. Generally, the footprint of such stack emitting an
fabulously wealthy families influence extends enormous amount of
over the familial existence of generations and Mayer Amschel smoke. The clouds are
therefore so well established, that a certain Rothschild - born whizzing by but the
“understood silence” and invisibility is woven 1744, the originator of billowing shapes
into our “well-to-do” societies over many the House of (associated with the
decades even centuries. The Zetas: “A very Rothschild. supposed flock of birds)
few individuals control the wealth of the world, install politicians to seems to be originating
their pleasing, create global conflicts and create or destroy the from a still point on the
fortunes of countries as well as individuals in the chess games they ground, in fact, it only
A screen snapshot of the radar video: a
play with their control, and thus operate as Puppet Masters during looks like that. My ground release of methane

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

“emission point” seen on radar does not actually move at all, it just (normal temperature) to minus 5 (now) seems a little drastic for
changes shape. Look for yourself and here is another video to such a small amount of additional Sunlight. I asked the Zetas via
compare it with. Nancy Leider of Zetatalk to comment on this story and they
There is an important unexplained aspect to the story: the locals responded saying that this “report is documenting the (Earth)
say that the birds were flying low that night, which reduces the wobble!”.
possibility of the birds being caught on radar. A little research on This again is evidence of Earth tipping it's North pole at the Sun
birds says that most fly at about 500 feet unless migrating. These due to the daily wobble where the Magnetic North and the Mid-
were red-winged blackbirds, but were they migrating? Some Atlantic Rift are pushing Earth's North pole away (back over the
species do and some don't, however it is winter now so I think it is horizon) from Planet X's magnetic field . This happens every day at
safe to assume that the blackbirds were not migrating most-likely 8:00 UTC and overcompensates with a “bounce back” later in the
eliminating the possibility that they were flying higher than 500 day, exposing the Arctic to more light from the Sun. The dramatic
feet. This puts them out of range of the mysterious form seen (at change in air temperature in Resolute Bay is most definitely a result
1,300 to 1,400 feet) on radar that night but over the rising methane of the tipping of Earth exposing the high arctic to air of the
gas. My personal opinion is that this news channel discovered this somewhat more Southern latitudes.
event on radar, couldn't explain it and therefore innocently deemed
it news worthy and thereby made it public in the belief that they
simply caught this flock of blackbirds prior to the kill. In the video
as Today's THV interviews Science and Operations Officer Chris
Buonanno at the National Weather Service in North Little Rock
Arkansas, notice how nervous he is, I think he knows what this was.
The Zetas have confirmed in the January 8th ZetaTalk that the
proliferation of mass kills of bird and sea-life is caused by the
increased emission of methane gas from Earth's mantel due to the
vastly increased tectonic adjustments due to the effect of the nearby
presence of Planet X.
Since these birds died near and under a documented and
mysterious radar form, it is reasonable to assume that the attached
screen-shot I took from the video is a formal observation of the
methane release that killed these birds.

The 7-out-of-10 has Arrived

A quick re-cap. The 7-out-of-10 is a point on an intensity scale of

Earth changes due to the presence of Planet X in the solar system.
This does not mean an actual linear progression point however. For
example, a pole-shift date (10 on the scale) cannot be computed
from the 6 point we had at the end of 2008 to about August 2009. In
fact, the Zetas say we were at a 2 or a 3 at the beginning of 2008.
The 7 is a set of events predicted by the Zetas to begin by the end of
2010 and it most definitely has. Some of these events are: the
dropping of the southern tongue of the Eurasian plate flooding
many Island nations in the South Pacific, the South American
continental roll (left orange arrow) decimating most Caribbean
Countries, most especially those in the area of Panama and
High Arctic Darkness: Not so dark anymore
Honduras and the roll (right orange arrow) of the African Continent
greatly affecting the sea floor of the Mediterranean and Arabia
There is a December 27th 2010 story at the CBC website entitled: somewhat. More details on the arrival of the 7-out-of-10 in 2010
"Light shines in High Arctic darkness" which is saying that there is are available on my Planet X NewsLetter facebook page.
more light during the winter now compared to 20 years ago.
Additionally, members of the public in Resolute Bay are calling the
To understand what is happening, imagine a pond covered with
very think ice, but broken so that the floating pieces are in the form
current air temperature of minus five "wild", inferring a warmer
of the Earth continents. The water beneath the ice is magma and the
climate as well. Of course this is being amazingly blamed on Global
ice is the ground we walk on. If one stands near the edge of a piece
Warming by a "weather researcher" claiming "Refraction makes
of ice, the water/magma responds to a change in pressure and
light travel" (author rolls eyes). Also, the change from minus 31
moves around underneath to compensate for the change in angle or

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

level of the ice on the surface. Add to the pond and ice a external of this writing (January 11th 2011). However, the East coast of
pressure slowly squeezing the whole mass of surface ice Australia has experienced massively long waves from sea floor
horizontally to one side causing the pieces/continents on the ice adjustments in the West Pacific and that is in the news.
surface to tip, rise and slide over the edges of it's neighboring ice- More Zeta detail on the effects of Planet X's magnetic field on the
partner. This pushes some edges downward and some upward and Mid-Atlantic Ridge is seen in the crop circle image below. The
water flows onto the top of the ice. Higher the number, the stronger the influence of Planet X's
The constituents involved in the accelerated continental movement magnetic field. Each small straight line show points of influence
in the years since about 2003 are Planet X (positioned in front of during the daily revolution of Earth. (4.) Face is the perpetual “day
the Sun), the magnetic Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Earth's Magnetic North side” of Earth having the Sun overhead with the strongest affect, (3)
and all of Earth's continents fitted snugly next to each other. To being dusk and next in the order of influence, (2.) Dark, the next
explain this horizontal force in an analogy, I will use hand-held and (1) the last at the weakest.
magnets. If you hold 2 magnets one in each hand, then pass them
close together without touching you feel the tug or pull between
them, this is essentially the same force that is involved, only on a
planetary scale. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is accumulated hardened
iron-rich magma, as it cooled, it formed into a magnetic sea
mountain range almost extending between Earth's Physical Poles
(two green dots). As the Mid-Atlantic Ridge passes under the Sun
every day with Earth's daily revolution, the powerful magnetic field
of Planet X aligns to it and prevents the free revolving of Earth (a
temporary but monumental push or jerk on the Mid-Atlantic ridge)
for a hour or so causing Earth's continental mass to “pile up”
against each other in a domino effect, then it is released as Earth's
rotation progresses. Additionally, this causes a “daily wobble” at the
same time. The North pole is pushed back, away from the Sun as
part of the push. Although the latter has more to do with the crazy
weather, causing Earth to move under the atmospheric blanket
exposing most communities to different climes, also adding to the Crop circle Everleigh, near Pewsey, Wiltshire. England 8th August, 2003
stress applied to worldwide continental plates. Additionally, Earth is
receiving intermittent repulsion force bumps from Earth's Dead The Cover-up
Twin and Venus who are also being buffeted about by swirling
particle flows in unimaginable orders of magnitude. Vanuatu, is an an island nation
located in the South Pacific, just
Speaking of Earth's Dark East of Northern Australia. These
Twin (EDT), in the image to Islands were named by the British
the right (from Stereo explorer Captain Cook as the New
behind satellite “H1” Hebrides and populated by the
January 9th 2011 at 22:09) Melanesian people. Independence
you can clearly see it. Please was achieved in 1980 and the
ignore the vertical glare islands were thereafter known officially as The Republic of
lines. From the extreme left Vanuatu.
we have the glare of the Vanuatu is a hot spot of Earth
corona of the Sun, Saturn changes, particularly for the 7-out-
(right of Sun), Earth's Dead of-10. The image to the right
Twin (middle) and Venus shows heavy earthquake activity in
(right-middle). This is the the very same area that caused the
best picture we have of EDT Brisbane flood in late December
at the moment, and a good one at that. 2010, in this case the Vanuatu
The Zetas have said that the sinking of the Great Eurasian tongue Islands in the Western Pacific on
under Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines will take two to three the border of the Pacific plate and
weeks, that puts us at about the 12th of January. We see much the Indo-Australian plate. You can plainly see the heavy activity
evidence of the establishment repressing the truth of this, but outlining the plate boundaries (yellow and red circles) from the
Australia's east coast has experienced massive flooding that is being west of Malaysia curving down to the Southern-most point of the
blamed on rain from la Nina (a falsehood). As far as Indonesia and tongue of the Eurasian plate (Indonesia) and around and down to
the Philippines are concerned, there is no news available at the time the Eastern side of the Indo-Australian plate, where the Western
Pacific plate is intersecting there.

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

A story originally emerged on the human gives permission by way of non-resistance or submissive
November 15th 2010 as another in posture from fear of attack.
a series of thefts of earthquake The COW is a broad collection of STO beings existing in many
monitoring equipment known as different dimensions, that provide loving guidance and assistance to
seismic monitoring devices. The all Souls in these lower worlds, but rule with an iron hand.
very same equipment shown in the
right image. This equipment is not
easily converted to cash putting the
motives of the thieves on a far Valuable Earthquake monitoring
different scale than that of a equipment.
common thief.
The Zetas explain that this is pure “harassment, not theft.” that
“Many such station owners have been asked to cooperate with the
cover-up, shutting their station down or tuning it down to reduce
the significance of earthquakes in the vicinity. Those who have
refused cooperation in the past are being harassed! “.
Not only does this leave Vanuatu with no means to monitor Israeli Land Grab Before the Pole-shift
earthquakes and tsunami, but this is perfect example of some of the
cover-up tactics by the establishment on the effects of Planet X. On January the 6th 2011, I heard on CBC
radio that Israel wants a peace agreement
The Chupacabra with the Palestinians within a year. The
following quote is from the story at the CBC
What most people do news website: “This week, Netanyahu offered
not know, is that there nonstop negotiations with Palestinian
is a battle for President Mahmoud Abbas until peace is
dominance of certain reached.” This time frame is remarkably like
areas of the world the Dalai Lama's and Hugo Chavez, a year.
between two basic Watching Israel all these years I suspected
factions: “Service To that this government is trying a land grab prior to the pole-shift. I
Self” (STS) aliens and put this question via Nancy of ZetaTalk.
the “Service To Other” The Zetas said: “Absolutely. The plan was to do a land grab as
(STO) aliens. Currently long as possible, and then at the last minute declare a truce with all
this is the continent of EXISTING lands under Israeli control remaining as such. A type of
Africa, the last This chupacabra Found at Runaway Bay, fraudulent squatter’s rights, where they break all agreements up
remaining location with Texas- January 19 2010. Click for news video. until the final peace agreement.”
the exception of some parts of Mexico. The STS aliens are using
this pre-poleshift time to set up bonds with humans based on fear
Despite the nefarious activities of the Israeli Government,
Palestinians and the Israelis will become friends (Zeta prediction).
and intimidation (via emotional body threads). Their purpose is to
The Zetas go on to say that the Israeli people, frustrated and
have control over those who die during the pole-shift and spirit
horrified by the actions of their leaders, will likely kill those of the
them off to be part of societies elsewhere in the Universe under
government who have acted so brutally against the Palestinian
their control. South America has been lost to the STS aliens now,
but there are remnants left from the battle: Chupacabras.
The Zetas have said that these animals began to be found Last Weeks? Have a Land Line Close by
occasionally in Texas and Maryland in 2004 as the STS aliens were
not careful in the clean-up of operations after the war and left some
young ones behind that began to breed. The Zetas explain that these The model 302 was made by AT & T since
animals, not being native to Earth, are usually found sick, hurt, 1936. In 1949 the common black phone was
starving or already dead. These animals are blood suckers of low updated and by 1953 they were produced in a
intelligence and are expected to die-off in the after-time. The animal limited number of colors. This phone is an icon
in this picture is indeed a Chupacabra (Spanish word meaning “goat of the early land line for many of the “baby
sucker”). boomers” alive today. The Zetas say that cell The Model 302
A very interesting thing about these animals is that they are under phones will not be reliable in the last weeks and only frustrating to
a set of very strict rules laid down by the Council of Worlds, known use, suggesting that a land-line telephone connection will be more
as the COW. This rule prevents them from attacking a human unless reliable to stay in contact with your loved ones.

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

unmistakable Sun and Moon, with a SECOND SUN, registers, and

when the Sun and Moon begin to appear outside of where expected
in the skies, the mind connects the dots.”

The John Wheeler kill: a warning to those with integrity

On New Years eve 2010, John “Jack”
Wheeler's body was found in a Delaware
landfill. A defense consultant for 3 presidents,
including the Bush father and son presidents,
he was known as a great patriot. This death of
a high profile U.S. government worker had all
the hallmarks of a warning kill. This was not a
mugging, as the Zetas say: “A mugger does
not dispose of a body in a dumpster. They mug
Screen shot of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"
and run.” and certainly Jack Wheeler would John"Jack" Wheeler
not be traipsing through the Cherry Island Landfill on such an
Harry Potter and Planet X evening. Given what we know about the state of the establishment's
Planet X coverup right now, the Zetas say we can expect more and
I was a stunned to see the triple-headed Azoth more of such killings as Earth Changes ramp up.
used in the "Harry Potter and the Chamber of The Zetas have revealed that secret executive orders involving
Secrets" movie recently: “the polyjuice Secret bunkers, martial law allowing for mass murder of US
formula”. I first became familiar with this citizens by confinement in cities and plans for poisoning by water
wonderful drawing in a ZetaTalk blog archive or air borne pathogens are just some of the heinous intentions of
from August 1st 2005. There was a short past Republican presidents. Jack Wheeler was in the know of these
discussion of the alchemical dragon (the triple- things, as many others like him are. Considered a man with
headed Azoth) by medieval alchemists integrity and one who stood outside of direct control of those in
remembering Nibiru or Planet X. I touched on charge of the Planet X coverup, he was therefore considered a threat
this subject in Planet X NewsLetter Issue #8. and was among those in line for elimination.
I was fortunate to have Nancy provide
ZetaTalk on this. I was wondering, if at all Gulf of Aden magnetic vortex
possible, J. K. Rowling (creator of the Harry The medieval
Potter book series) or perhaps Chris Columbus drawing of the triple- There is a story
(director of this particular movie) had any headed Azoth surrounding a purported
specific purport in using this obvious icon of the passage of Planet “magnetic vortex”
X. discovered in the Gulf of
To add intensity to the visual of the Azoth Aden by U.S. Scientists
since it was discovered
on the page, Hermione Granger makes a bold
in November 2000.
statement in the previous scene as she unfolds
There is military intrigue
her latest plan to Harry Potter and Ron
and imaginative
Weasley. Before entering the library and
speculations about it's
opening the Hogwarts textbook of “Moste
Hermoine Granger - Potent Potions” she says her plan: “...will be cause, but that is off-
Chamber of Secrets. dangerous...very dangerous”. The Image here topic for this
NewsLetter. The main
is a snapshot right out of the movie. I couldn't help but wonder if
issue here is that the Gulf
this insertion was intentional.
of Aden is near the conjunction of 3 continental plates: the Indian,
The Zetas: “No small coincidence given the popularity of the Arabian and African.
Harry Potter series. Of course the director inserted this, as the
book was not filled with sketches. The design of the page was his
Besides the fact that Africa is slowly rolling Eastward and driving
the Arabian plate into Iraq, the plates are spreading and exposing
choice. We have often mentioned the subconscious influence that
the outer crust to the magnetic field of Earth's core. The Zetas say
authors, directors, artists, musicians, and actors can have when
that magnetic anomalies are reflective of local magma churning and
they are contactees and attempting to educate the public in subtle
swirling about in the rough areas on the bottom of plates. So it is
ways. It is known that only a short flash of an image or words on
true that there is a magnetic vortex in the Gulf of Aden and it is
the screen can be recorded by the subconscious – a subliminal
caused by the unprecedented tectonic shifts due to the presence of
suggestion. Where not recognized consciously, this registers. The
Planet X, simply more effects of the daily wobble.

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

Ilulissat, a high Arctic town that gets only a few hours of daylight during

Sun Returns to Greenland 2 days early Antarctica's Taylor Glacier.

Greenland is the largest island in the world and straddles the Arctic Blood Red Waterfall
Circle. In winter at the North-end (three fourths above the Arctic
Circle), the Sun remains below the horizon with the South-end only Scientists discovered this phenomena, a frozen blood-red
having daylight a few hours a day. waterfall in 1911. This five-story brilliant iron oxide laced ice flow
Ilulissat (means: “icebergs” in Greenlandic), a small town in ever so slowly pours into Lake Bonney out of the Taylor Glacier in
Greenland with just over 4500 people, is situated just above the Antarctica's McMurdo Dry Valleys.
Arctic Circle. It has modern history dating back to 1727. The locals Iron particles are readily collected by Planet X's magnetic field in
of this town were surprized to see the Sun 2 days early this year on space and iron is plentiful in the planets that make up our solar
January 11th 2011. More here, at the RSOE world-wide Emergency system. Over the eons that Planet X made it's way through our solar
and Disasters Information and monitoring service. Click on “Event system, it's moons pulverized a number of planets that has become
description”. what we know as the asteroid belt today. The color signature of
This now underlines a similar story in this issue: “High Arctic Planet X is red, an iron oxide red that is deposited world-wide by
Darkness: Not so Dark Anymore”. This is obvious evidence of our the arbitrary lick of Planet X's tail in some areas more than others,
tipping Earth. A slanting of the physical axis caused by the during its passage. The Zetas say this is one such example of a past
magnetic attraction to Planet X. pole-shift deposit of planetary iron oxide.

Hugo Chavez knows

The Venezuela Congress

has given President Hugo
Chavez far-reaching powers
by empowering him with
rule by decree for the next
18 months. “Rule by decree
allows the ruler to
arbitrarily create law,
without approval by a
legislative assembly.”
(hispanicallyspeakingnews.com). Hugo Chavez
This apparently went into
The above image, taken in late 2010, was captured by a long time
law on the 24th of December, 2010. This move undermines “the
believer in Planet X 1 Km from his home village near Stuttgart Germany
about 30 minutes after sun rise. This is the real deal, notice the 4:00 clout of a new congress that takes office next month (January 5th
O'clock position, that's Planet X. Click on the image for a larger version. 2011) with a bigger opposition bloc” (Associated Press-Dec 17)

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #12 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield January 15h 2011

As part of the “7-out-of-

10” scenario that is playing
out now, imagine South
America as an upside down
pendulum. The Southern-
most tip of South America
(Southern chili) being a
pivot with the Northern
continental area (Venezuela
) free to move. This
pendulum is swinging
Westward, that means the The South American pendulum
South American plate under
Venezuela will grind whatever is before it. The Zetas: “Overall
S(outh) America now has 250 miles to roll, dragging the Caribbean
and pushing over the Cocos and Nazca plates before it”. Crop circle: Krasnodar Reg, Belorechensk District, Russia. June 16,
The Zetas have confirmed that indeed Venezuela's president Hugo 2010. Inset was necessary as crop circle photography is not as active in
Chavez indeed does know of the impending “South American Roll” Russia.
and what it means to his country: a likely immense influx of
refugees from the many small countries around the Caribbean Sea From left to right (inset) the Russian Crop Circle is saying that
when this happens in the months ahead. He wants this new power increased sky spiral events will signify the big-time Earth wobble
of ruler by decree in order to make swift and decisive moves in expected for a number of weeks prior to the pole-shift. We call this:
response to this impending crisis. “the last weeks” for surely they are. The Earth wobble is what
causes events like “the 3 days of darkness” and the “6 days of
sunrise west”.

Surely the message of Planet X is an unwelcome topic by those

who cannot handle the knowledge of it. We know for most of us it
means a sea change of lifestyle and for others it means certain death
due to infirmity or life-dependence on personal assistance of some
kind or a drug to stay alive. The fix for me is compassion and
reminding myself that Life is not the body.
Another facet we can rely on for the “telling” is divine guidance or
serendipity if you will. That we accept feeling compelled to drop a
hint or think it reasonable open a discussion with whom we meet. I
would not open the topic with a young child, a frail elderly person
or someone confined to wheelchair, for example. I keep my eyes
and ears open for the right moment with any other independently
functional person I meet, however.
The Norwegian sky spiral appeared in the night sky over Russia on
December 9 2009. It was visible from northern Norway and Sweden. I believe it is a priceless opportunity to offer those who will
listen a loving warning about Planet X and the pole-shift.
Imagine how you will feel knowing that you helped
them, and by default, their loved ones to survive the
Sky Spirals: a sure sign of the approaching pole-shift cataclysm?

Many of us remember the Norway Sky Spiral on December 9, I am 60 years old with 5 offspring and 4
2009. This was observed from Northern Norway and Sweden but grandchildren. I live in Victoria B.C. Canada on
occurred over Russia. I touched on this sky event in my Planet X Vancouver Island. I eke out a living fixing vacuums
NewLetter Issue #7. The Zetas say these spirals are generated by and computers with other skills besides. My main
the combination of at least two basic things: one, a wide-field passion is a capella singing. I am very much looking
electrical charge from the (highly charged) tail of Planet X which forward to established after-time living with friends
activates: two, a smudgy petrol-chemical mist (also from the tail) in and family, with the oppression of this consumer
the upper atmosphere. What we see is the light generated from this society lifted.
magnetic-electrochemical formation as it discharges to Earth.
Author Author: Chris Thomas Wakefield

To contact author: chrismwakefield@gmail.com

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