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Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray

A self-healing energy system by Elizabeth Ami

Manual by Elizabeth Ami and Alasdair Bothwell Gordon (2010)

Jesus of Nazareth also known as Jesus Christ, is the central figure
of Christianity, which views him as the Messiah foretold in the Old
Testament, and within which most Christian traditions recognize him
as the Son of God and as God incarnate.

The principal sources of information regarding Jesus' life and

teachings are the four New Testament Gospels, especially the
Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) though some scholars
argue that other texts, such as the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas,
are every bit as relevant to our knowing the historical Jesus.

Probably no one person has been more studied discussed and

disputed over in the entire history of the world than Jesus of
Nazareth. Some two thousand years after his birth, he is as
enigmatic, inspiring and controversial a figure as he was at the time
of his ministry.

Most scholars will agree that he was a Jew who was regarded as a
teacher and healer that he was baptized by John the Baptist and
was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect of
Judaea, Pontius Pilate, on the charge of sedition against the Roman

Academic studies remain divided about the chronology, the central

message of Jesus' preaching, his social class, cultural environment,
and his precise religious orientation. Scholars offer competing
descriptions of Jesus as the awaited Messiah, as a self-described
Messiah, as the leader of an apocalyptic movement, as an itinerant
sage, as a charismatic healer, and as the founder of an independent
religious movement.

Christian views of Jesus centre on the belief that Jesus is divine, is

the Messiah whose coming was prophesied in the Old Testament, and
that he was resurrected after his crucifixion. Mainstream Christian
teaching also includes his ascension into Heaven, and a future
Second Coming.
Christians predominantly believe that Jesus is the "Son of God" who
came to provide salvation and reconciliation with God by his death
for their sins. Many Christians believe that the ancient healing
power of Jesus is available today whilst others believe that this
power died with the death of last Apostle.

Each Gospel portrays Jesus' life and its meaning differently. The
Gospel of John is not a biography of Jesus but more of a theological
presentation of him as the divine Logos or Word that formed the
universe. Mark presents Jesus as a heroic, charismatic man of action
and mighty deeds. Matthew portrays him especially as the fulfilment
of Hebrew prophecy and as a greater Moses. Luke emphasizes
Jesus' miraculous powers and his support for poor people, women,
Gentiles and outcasts.

In the Synoptic Gospels as well as in John, Jesus has a ministry of

teaching and miracles, much of which is in Galilee. In the Synoptic
Gospels, Jesus speaks in parables and aphorisms (such as the Parable
of the Prodigal Son and the Parable of the Sower), exorcises
demons, champions the poor and oppressed, and teaches mainly about
the Kingdom of God. In John, Jesus speaks in long discourses, with
himself as the theme of his teaching.

At the height of his ministry, Jesus is said to have attracted huge

crowds numbering in the thousands.

Some of Jesus' most famous teachings come from the Sermon on

the Mount, which contains the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer.
During his sermons, he preached about service and humility, the
forgiveness of sin, faith, turning the other cheek, love for one's
enemies as well as friends, and the need to follow the spirit of God’s
law in addition to the letter.

Jesus taught in pithy parables and with striking images. He likened

the Kingdom of Heaven to small and lowly things, such as yeast or a
mustard seed that have great effects. He used his sayings to elicit
responses from the audience, engaging them in discussion. Jesus
placed a special emphasis on God as our heavenly father.

Mainstream Islam denies that Jesus was God or the son of God,
stating that he was an ordinary man who, like other prophets, had
been divinely chosen to spread God's message. Jesus is referred to
in the Holy Qur'an frequently as the "son of Mary”. Jesus is seen in
Islam as a precursor to Mohammad, and is believed by Muslims to
have foretold the latter's coming. According to the Qur'an, Jesus
was given the ability to perform miracles. However Islam rejects the
tradition that Jesus was crucified by the Romans, instead claiming
that he was raised up alive into heaven. Islamic traditions narrate
that he will return to earth near the day of judgement to restore
justice and defeat "the false Messiah" (also known as the
Antichrist) and the enemies of Islam.

Judaism holds the idea of Jesus being God, or a person of a Trinity,

or a mediator to God, to be untrue. Judaism also holds that Jesus is
not the Messiah, arguing that he had not fulfilled the Messianic
prophecies nor embodied the personal qualifications of the Messiah.
According to Jewish tradition, there were no more prophets after
Malachi, who lived centuries before Jesus and delivered his
prophesies about 420 BC.

The Bahá'í Faith, founded in 19th-century Persia, considers Jesus,

along with Mohammad, the Buddha, Krishna, and Zoroaster, and
other messengers of the great religions of the world to be
Manifestations of God (or prophets), with both human and divine

Ramakrishna, a Hindu mystic of the 19th century, believed that

Jesus was an Incarnation of God and reportedly had a vision of
Jesus. Swami Vivekananda praised Jesus and cited him as a source
of strength and the height of perfection. Though Vivekananda
became one of the prominent Hindu missionaries, he would often
exhort his disciples "to become like Jesus Christ, and to aid in the
redemption of the world." Paramahansa Yogananda taught that Jesus
was the reincarnation of Elisha and a student of John the Baptist,
the reincarnation of Elijah. Gandhi is known to have had a profound
respect for Jesus.

Buddhist views of Jesus differ. Some Buddhists regard Jesus as a

bodhisattva who dedicated his life to the welfare of human beings.
The 14th century Zen Master Gasan Jōseki indicated that the
sayings of Jesus in the Gospels were written by an enlightened man.

Sikhism has no direct connection to Jesus but there is respect for

him in that tradition. Jesus is mentioned in the Sikh Holy Book.
Jesus is not believed to be a God, as Sikhism does not think God
comes in the form of a man. Sikhism specifically says that salvation
can be reached through either the path of the Sikh Religion or
through any other religion including Christianity.

As might be expected, the modern New Age movement entertains a

wide variety of views on Jesus. The creators of “A Course in
Miracles” claimed to channel his spirit. The New Age movement
generally teaches that Christhood is something that all may attain.
Theosophists, from whom many New Age teachings originate, refer
to Jesus of Nazareth as the Master Jesus and believe that he had
previous incarnations. As an Ascended Master he is also known under
his galactic name, Sananda. During his incarnation as Jesus, he came
to teach us all that we have the power to create and heal.

Many writers emphasize Jesus' moral teachings. Thomas Jefferson,

one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a Unitarian,
created the Jefferson Bible entitled "The Life and Morals of Jesus
of Nazareth" that included only Jesus' ethical teachings because he
did not believe in Jesus' divinity or any of the other supernatural
aspects of the Bible.

Jesus has been a popular subject in drawing, painting, and sculpture.

He is popularly depicted as having long brown hair and a full beard,
wearing white or light-coloured robes. He is often portrayed as
crucified and wearing a crown of thorns, such as on a crucifix. The
resurrected Jesus is depicted as bearing the wounds he suffered on
the cross. The figure of Jesus features prominently in art and
literature. A number of popular novels, such as The Da Vinci Code,
have also portrayed various ideas about Jesus, such as a secret
marriage to Mary Magdalene. A number of films, such as The Passion
of the Christ, have portrayed his life, death, and resurrection in
ways that often vary from the conventional. Many of the sayings
attributed to Jesus have become part of the culture of Western
civilization. There are many items purported to be relics of Jesus, of
which the most famous is probably the Shroud of Turin, still the
subject of considerable debate and controversy.

Applying the Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray

This is a self-healing energy as opposed to one that would be used on

Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray

This system is not about religion, but about Jesus of Nazareth and
his well documented healing miracles. Anyone of any faith can use
this ray that encompasses the divinely guided passion to heal.

The Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray has its own intelligence and will
go where it is needed, always for the highest good of all concerned.
This system is used primarily for spiritual growth and development

The Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray attunement is also a healing and
works on several levels, corresponding with the functions of the
seven main chakras. As the energy goes through the individual
chakras, thoughts, feelings and memories may emerge as the
energetic debris is healed and released. Each individual will attune
to the Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray differently. The Chakras are
listed below in the order that I received the energy.
Heart Chakra: the Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray aligns the chakra
with heart centered healing, forgiveness and unconditional love.

Third Eye Chakra: healing is brought to intuitive processes and

allows the 3rd eye to open further to divine guidance.

Throat Chakra: healing is brought to the chakra associated with

communication and manifestation. The Jesus of Nazareth Healing
ray helps to align one’s words and actions with divine intent; to use
words to heal and not to harm others.

Solar Plexus Chakra: here, the healing bolsters the power of

personal integrity, self respect and authenticity.

Sacral Chakra: the Ray acts on the sacral chakra nurturing non-
judgment, respect of others and recognition of others as a Divine
Creation of God. It assists with emotional balance and bringing one
into alignment with the soul’s purpose.

Root Chakra: as the attunement energy flows through this Chakra,

it clears energetic debris that interferes with grounding to the
earth. The healing assists with releasing fears and facilitating one's
feeling of safety and security.

When the Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray is just above the crown
chakra, it may be visualized, or sensed as a white or clear light
flooding in through your crown, flowing down the central channel,
chakra by chakra (head, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral chakra,
root), then down your legs and feet. Visualize that Ray going deep
into the ground, all the way to the earth’s core. You are grounding
the energies. You are a channel, like a hollow straw. Healing Christ
energy is flowing through you. Let the energy flow for a few
If you are sensitive to energy, you will feel a shift when the
attunement is complete. Note that even if you sense nothing
whatsoever, the attunement has been successful; everyone receives
this energy in their own way.

To receive the Attunement: make sure you are comfortable and

undisturbed for a period of about 30 minutes.

Sit up straight, with your feet flat on the floor. If this is not a
position you can remain comfortable in, you may lie down and
visualize your feet flat on the ground.

Ask your guides, angels, higher self—whomever you usually work

with, to assist you with receiving the attunement.

State aloud or mentally, “I am now receiving the Jesus of Nazareth

Healing Ray Attunement sent to me by________ (Your teacher’s
name), for the highest good of all. Thank you.

For a stronger connection to the energy, recite the Lord's Prayer

(Our Father) before calling in the attunement, if you are
comfortable doing so. This is purely optional, it is not required.

To Receive a Healing:
Say out loud or mentally "Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray, please
give me a healing. Thank you." The healing energy will run for you as
long as you need it. Allow at least 15 minutes for a healing;
understanding it may take longer sometimes.

For a quicker, stronger connection to the healing energy, say the

Lord's Prayer at the start of the healing session (or immediately
preceding calling it in). Again, this is optional and not required.

The more regularly you call in the Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray,
the shorter amount of time the healing energy runs for.
Attunement of others:
Only Reiki or Seichim Masters can attune others to this system. It
is recommended that a healing is called in within the week before an
attunement is sent. The closer the healing is received to the time of
sending the attunement, the better.

Anyone can receive the Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray attunement

and run healing on themselves. There is no prerequisite and no need
to have ever even heard of Reiki or other energy modalities.

This system is NOT to be used in lieu of traditional medical or
psychological therapy. This is an integrative/complimentary system.
Do not stop taking any medication or treatments unless directed by
your doctor or therapist. The founder of this system and anyone
who shares the attunement with others cannot be held liable for
anything that may arise from its use or abuse.

Please share this manual freely, provided it remains intact. You may
charge a fair price for your time, but not for the actual attunement-
-that is a free gift from God.

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