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12, DECEMBER 1979

A Comparison of Modulation Techniquesfor Digital Radio


Absmct-This paper describes and summarizes the characteristics of The modulation schemes are comparedwith respect to ideal
the modulation techniques most applicable to digitalradio. The modulation performance, spectral properties, signaling speed, complexity
(OOK) with
coherent and
and theeffectson performance of interference, fadingand
noncoherentdetection. quadratureamplitude
modulation (QAM),
quadrature partial response(QPR), frequency-shift-keying (FsK) with delay distortion.
noncoherent detection, continuous phase FSK (CP-FSK)with coherent and
minimum-shift-keying (MSK), binary and
quaternaryphase-shift-keying (BPSK, QPSK)
differentially coherent detection, offset-keyed QpSK (OK-QpSK), M-ary MODULATION SCHEMES
PSK withcoherentdetection (M = 8, 16),and16-aryamplitudeand
phase-shift-keying (APK). Functional descriptions of these schemes are There are. three basic modulation techniques: amplitude
providedandtheirperformance iscompared in aseriesof tables modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), and phase
summarizingtheresultsof theliterature of thepast20 years. The
modulation (Ph4). Each of these basic techniques has a large
modulation schemes are compared with respect to ideal (white Gaussian
noise) performance, spectral properties,signaling speed, complexity, and number of variants, the most relevant of which will be dis-
the effectson performance of interference, fading and delaydistortion. cussed briefly in this section. In recent years hybrid schemes
(e.g., amplitude-and-phase-shift-keying-APK)have received
increased attention because of their inherent economical use
I. INTRODUCTION of bandwidth. Therefore, 16-ary APK is included as being rep-
resentative of this large class of modulation techniques [ 1771 .
T HE crowded conditions prevailing in many regions of the
radio spectrum combined with the increased emphasis on
digital transmission have created a need for improved spectrum
The primary components of a system for transmitting digital
data over a radio channel are illustrated in Figure 1. All of the
utilization techniques. The intelligent application of efficient digital modulation schemes discussed in this paper can be con-
digital modulation techniques provides one means of achieving ceptualized in terms of radio frequency sinusoids (carriers)
improved spectral efficiency at a reasonable cost. This survey modulatedby low frequency (baseband modulation) signals
identifies and describes some of the more important modula- that convey the digital information. These baseband modula-
tion schemesapplicable to digital radio, includingsome that tion signals may be filtered, weighted, or otherwiseshaped
have been developed in recent years and are not discussed in prior to modulating the carrier in order to achieve desirable
the classic textbooks. This paper should be of interest to any- results. At the receiver, the baseband information is recovered
one involved in communications planning and communications by a detectionprocess. Coherent detection requires a sinusoidal
system engineering. reference signal perfectlymatched in both frequencyand
Much previously publishedmaterialhasbeendevoted to phase to the received carrier. This phase reference may be ob-
comparing the performance of digital modulation methods. In tained either from a transmitted pilot tone or from the modu-
many cases, comparisons were limited to one performance cri- lated signal itself. Noncoherent detection, being based on
terion (e.g., performance in a restricted band [26], spectral waveform characteristics independent of phase (e.g., energy or
occupancy [76] , effects of phase distortion [ 1161 , or cross- frequency) does not require a phase reference:
talk [118, 1151). In other cases [77,98, 165, 1921 ,relatively Usually, detection is followed by a decision process that
few modulation schemes were considered. This paper presents converts the recovered baseband modulation signal into a se-
an up-to-date comparison of the modulation methods of par- quence of digital bits. This process requires bit synchroniza-
ticular applicability to digital radio channels, and provides an tion, which is generally extracted from the received waveform.
indexed bibliography for readers interested in greater depth. With most modulation schemes, decisions can be made on a
Section I1 provides functional descriptions of the modula- bit-by-bit basis with no loss in performance,but withsome
tion schemes considered to be representative of the techniques schemes an advantage can be gained by examining the signal
appropriate for digital radio applications. Section 111 summar- over several bit intervals prior to making eachbitdecision.
izes the performance characteristics of the representative The portion of the received waveform examined bythe de-
modulation schemes by means of a series of tables together cision device in making a single bit decision is called the ob-
withsourcereferenceswhere complete detaiirmn be found. servation interval.

ManuscriptreceivedJanuary 16, 1979; revised July 17, 1979. This Amplitude Modulation (AM) Techniques
work was supported in part by the Naval Research Laboratory under
Contract N00173-76-C-0253.
The author is with the Communications and Information Technology
The simplest digital AM technique is double sideband (DSB)
Division.Booz.Allen & Hamilton,Inc.,Bethesda, MD 20014. AM [79,pp.173ff]modulated by a binary signal. The double

0090-6778/79/1200-1752$00.75 0 1979 IEEE


When m ~ ( tis) the Hilbert transform of mI(t),QAM reduces to
SSB. When mI(t) and m Q ( t )are independent binary data sig-
L ---_-___ J
nals, QAM is as efficient in required power and bandwidth as
ideal SSB without the stringent filtering requirements. If mI(t)
Figure I : Primary Components of a Digital Radio System
and m s ( t ) are three-level duobinary signals (+l, -1 or 0 )
coded in such a way as to minimize intersymbol interference
sideband waveform is represented as: caused by filtering, the result is quadrature partial response
(QPR),whichhasbeenproposed for use in the Canadian 8
A GHz frequency band [ 1781 . All of these techniques require
fDsB(t) = - [ l + m(t)]COS o,t (1)
coherent detection. Any phase tracking errors that occur result
in interference between theIand Q channels, thereby degrading
where m(t) is the modulating signal and w, is the carrier fre- performance.
quency (in radians per second). For the case of 100 percent When m,(t) and m Q ( t )take on the values * I , QAM is iden-
modulation by a non-return-to-zero (NRZ) binary data wave- tical to quaternary phase-shift-keying (QPSK) discussed in the
form (m(t) = k l ) , we have on-off-keying (OOK) modulation. section on phase modulation techniques. These two techniques
Such an OOK waveform can be detected either coherently or will differ, hqwever, when mI(t)and mQ(t)are not rectangular
noncoherently,butthe difference in performance is slight pulses.2
compared to the required increase in complexity so that co-
herent detection of OOK is not employed over radio channels. Frequency Modulation (FM) Techniques
The properties of the DSB waveform can be modified by re- The simplest FM technique is frequency-shift-keying (FSK)
placing the NRZ m(t) by some other type of binary baseband involving binary signaling by the use of two frequencies separ-
signall (e.g., the “partial response” signal [18, 20, 341). ated by Af Hz, where Af, the frequencydeviation, is small
Since the carrier conveys no information, efficiency can be compared to the carrier frequency, f , . With FSK schemes, it is
improved by the use of double sideband suppressed carrier common practice to specify the frequency spacing in terms of
(DSB-SC) AM. The general form of the DSB-SC signal is: the modulation index,d , defined as:

f s c ( t ) = A m(t) COS a c t . (2) d= AfT (5)

where T is the symbol duration (equal to the inverse of the
For the case where m(t) takes on the values 0 and 1, we have
data rate for binary schemes).
the OOK situation described in the previous paragraph. When
As with other modulation schemes, FSK can be detected
m(t) takes on the values -1 and 1, we have the case of binary
either coherently or noncoherently. Noncoherent detection
phase-shift-keying (PSK), which will be discussed under PM
can be effected by two bandpass filters followed by envelope
detectorsand a decision device [79,p.2971. With this ap-
Both DSB techniques involve the transmission of a redun-
proach, the frequency spacing must be at least l / T ( d > 1)to
dant sideband. For applications in which spectral efficiency is
prevent significant overlap of the passbands of the two filters.
important, the occupied bandwidth can be reduced by a factor
Alternately, adiscriminator can be used to convert the fre-
of two by the use of single sideband (SSB) modulation. The
quency variations to amplitude variations, so that AM enve-
SSB signal can be written as:
lope detection can be employed [82]. Thisapproach elimi-
nates the above constraint on d.
) A [ m ( t ) cos w,t + m( t ) sin oct]
f S S B ( t= (3 )
Recently, considerable interest has arisen in modified ver-
sions of FSK, including some coherent schemes. These schemes
where i ( t ) is the Hilbert transform [79, p. 311 of m(t). In
are based on the idea of continuous phase FSK (CP-FSK), in
practice, SSB signals are usually generated bythe use of a
which the abrupt phase changes at the bit transition instants
bandpass filter to suppress the upper or lower sideband. The
characteristic of other FSK implementations are avoided. This
sharp cutoff characteristic required for the bandpass filter pre-
implementation of FSK results in rapid spectral roll-off and
sents implementation problems. Thus, abandpassfilter with
improved efficiency. The improvement is attained by the use
smooth roll-off is often used. This procedure results in a vestig-
of observation intervals greater than one bit [ 1,401 . This fea-
ial sideband (VSB) signal [79, p. 1921.
ture enables narrower filter bandwidths than would otherwise
QuadratureAmplitudeModulation (QAM) is yetanother
be feasible. With coherent detection, values of d in the neigh-
AM alternative. This technique involves summing two DSB-SC
borhood of 0.7 have been shown to provide optimal perform-
signals 90” apart in phase as follows:
ance for any observation interval [ 1231 .
fQAM(t) = A [ m I ( t )cos a c t + m&) sin a c t ] . (4) Another FM technique that has received considerable in-
terest in recent years is minimum-shift-keying (MSK), also
1 Radios designed for analog AM transmission are sometimes used to
called fastfrequency-shift-keying. MSK is a special caseof
transmit digital signals. These radios distort the digital signal through in-
efficient high frequency or low frequency signal response. Occasionally, 2 Nonrectangular pulses can be employed t o eliminate abrupt transi-
otherdistortionsaredeliberatelyintroducedtoimprovespectralper- tions in the modulated waveform, thereby improving spectral character-
formance at the expense of communications efficiency. istics and easing transmitter implementation.
ON VOL. COM-27, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1979

CP-FSK for which d = 0.5 and coherent detection is used. This

technique achieves performance identical to coherent PSK and
exhibits the superior spectral properties of CP-FSK. MSK has
0 0 0 0
the additional advantage of the possibility of a relatively sim-
ple self-synchronizing implementation [59] ,an advantage that LOCATION OF I th SIGNAL
coherent CP-FSK with d = 0.7 does not share.
0 0
Phase Modulation (PM) Techniques
Almost by definition, digital PM schemes require coherent
detection. There are three basic variations of binary phase-shift- 0 0 0 0
keying (BPSK). The most straightforward approach is coherent
BPSK, in which the carrier phase is shifted by 0 or 180 degrees.
Detection requires a precise phase reference, which is normally
0 0 0 0
obtained by performing a nonlinear operation on the received
waveform. Since some phase reference extractiontechniques
exhibit 180" phase ambigbities, a modified form of PSK called S i ( d = a i cos Iwt + E i l It = 1, . ., 161
Differentially Encoded PSk (DE-PSK) is often used. With DE-
PSK, information is conveyed via transitions in carrier phase Figure 2: Location of 16-ary APK Waveforms in Phase-Amplitude Space
(e.g., notransition may correspondtoa space anda 180"
transition may correspond t o a mark). Since a bit decision er-
amplitude and phase-shift-keying (APK) [ 1771 . The resulting
ror on the current bit will induce another error on the sub-
information signals are best visualized by a representation in a
sequent bit, the performance of DE-PSK is slightly inferior t o
phase-amplitude signal space. Figure 2 shows the signal space
that of coherentPSK.
location of each of the 16 possible transmitted signals for 16-
The third version of binary PSK is Differential PSK (DPSK),
ary APK. Because this scheme conveys four bits of informa-
in which, as with DE-PSK, the information is differentially en-
tion duringeach signaling interval, it hasbeenproposed for
coded. The difference between DPSK and DE-PSK lies in the use over digital radio channels [ 1761 .
detector. With DPSK, no attemptis made to extract a coherent
phase reference. Rather, the signal from the previous bit inter- 111. COMPARISON OF REPRESENTATIVE MODULATION
valis used as a phase reference forthecurrentbit interval. SCHEMES
Since the phase reference signal is not smoothed over many bit In this section, the modulation schemes described in Sec-
intervals, the performance of DPSKis somewhat worse than tion I1 are compared with respect to their performance under
that of DE-PSK. a variety of conditions characteristic of digital radio channels.
Quaternary PSK (QPSK) schemes will also be considered. A performance measure utilized throughout this section is the
Coherent QPSK involves encoding two bits at a time into one basebandequivalent EB/No (defined as theratio of average
of four possible carrier phases spaced 90" apart. As in the bi- signal energy per bit to noise power spectral density, as meas-
narycase, the data can be differentially encoded and differ- ured at the input to the receiver) required t o achieve a bit er-
entially detected with a concomitant loss in performance (this ror rate of lop4. This error rate is adequate for most general
scheme will be denoted DQPSIC). In recent years, a modified purpose digital radio applications.
version ofQPSK, called offset-keyed QPSK (OK-QPSK) or
staggered QPSK (SQPSK), has comeinto use. This scheme Ideal Performance
offers advantages over conventional QPSK with regard to spec- In order to establish a baseline for comparison, Table 1 pr.e-
tral efficiency, sideband regeneration and synchronization [45, sents the ideal performance of the representative modulation
50,94, 1441. techniques in the presence ofadditivewhite Gaussian noise.
OK-QPSK can be visualized by considering the QPSK sig- References are included with each entry to facilitate obtain-
nal t o consist of in-phase and quadrature components (as with ing values ofrequired EB/No for other error rates3 Of par-
QAM). With normal QPSK, during each 2 bit time interval of T ticular interest is the fact that CP-FSK with coherent detec-
seconds, theI carrier is binary PSK modulated by one bit and tion over a3-bit observationinterval can outperform BPSK
the Q carrier is modulated by the other bit. The resulting sig- and other equivalent techniques (which are optimal only when
nal can take on any one of four possible phases, and abrupt the observation interval is confined to one bit). The identical
phase transitionsof 0", 90", or 180" can occur. With OK- ideal performance of QAM, MSK, and QPSK attests to their
QPSK, the Q channel is shifted by T/2 seconds with respect t o underlyingsimilarities, often discussed in the literature [ 17,
the I channel. The transition rules are designed so that when 601.Indeed,offset-keyed QAM [45], MSK, and OK-QPSK
the I and Q channels are added together, the resulting signal differ only in the weighting functions applied to the I and Q
can shift abruptly by 90" at most (but shifts can occur every channels.
T / 2 seconds, compared to every T seconds for standard QPSK).

Hybrid AM/PM Techniques 3 Care must he exercised to convertvarious S N R measures to E,/No

and to convert symbol error rates to bit error rates. Also, since average
The ever increasing need forbandwidth conservationhas EB/No is used throughout, the values shown for theOOK schemes are
led to the use of a class of hybrid AM/PM techniques called always 3 dB helow the peak values given in many references.




OAM , 1.7 9.5 145

OPR 2.25 11.7 178


I d = 11


Id = .71
FM -
Id = .71

MSK I d = .5l 1.9 I 9.4 44

MSK - DIFFERENTIAL ENCODING I d = .51 1.9 10.4 44


DE-BPSK 9.9 0.8 26 t

I DPSK II 0.8 1I 10.6 II R7 I

QPSK 1.9 9.9 57
DOPSK 11.8 1.6 165

8-ary PSK ~ COHERENT DETECTION 57 12.8 2.6

16-ary PSK -COHERENT DETECTION 2.9 17.2 176

MiPM I 16-ary APK 12.4 I 189
AMIPM l 6 ~ a r yAPK 3.1 13.4 176
BIT lo4


Spectral Characteristics R is the data rate and W is the IF bandwidth) is an important

The spectral characteristics of the modulation schemes can figure of merit.In Table 2, we list the speeds for each technique,
be compared in many ways. Of particular interest is the extent togetherwiththe EB/No required fora BER when the
to which a signal will interfere withsignals in adjacent channels. signal is filtered at the indicated bandwidth(i.e., the degrading
Onemeasureofthis quality is the attenuation of a signal’s effects of finite bandwidth are included). The results presented
power spectrum a specified distance from the center frequency. in Table 2 were derived from many different sources, so that
If, for example, we examhe the attenuation at an arbitrary slightly differentfilters5 wereused in obtainingthe results,
distance of 8 / T Hz from the center frequency(Tis the symbol but these figures are indicative of the results to be expected. It
duration), we findthatwith AM schemes the sidelobesare should also be noted that, in most cases, no rigorous attempt
downbyabout 25 dB,with PM schemes the sidelobesare was made to achieve the optimum combination of speed and
down by about 33 dB, and with continuousphase FM the side- efficiency.
lobes are down by 60 dB or more.4 In general, for frequencies
far from the center frequency (large ( f - f,.)T), the spectrum Effects of Interference
of AM and PM signals falls off a s p 2 while that of CP-FM sig- Another factor in evaluating potential modulation schemes
nals falls off as f-4 .. for digital radio is the effects of co-channel and adjacent chan-
While these numbers appear to indicate a significant advan- nel interference. We have already discussed one aspect of adja-
tage for FM schemes, they should be put in the proper per- cent channel interference-the out-of-band attenuation of the
spective. First, the figures quoted for PM systems assume that various schemes. It was pointed out that MSK and the other
abrupt phase transitionsoccur. If phasetransitions can be CP-FSK scheines enjoy a large advantage over the AM and PM
made to occur more smoothly, improved spectral characteris- schemes,when no post-modulationfiltering is employed.
tics can beachieved. Second,modificationscanbemade to Another aspect of adjacent channel interference is the amount
AM schemes. Forexample,Shehadehand Chiu [I051 show of performance degradation caused by a specified level of in-
that a type of continuous phase AM exhibits a spectrum that terference. Table 3 illustrates the effect of an in-band CW in-
falls off as f P 4 . Finally, sidelobes can always be reduced by terferer (10 dB or 15 dB down in power from the desired sig-
suitable. post modulation filtering, although a penalty in per- nal) on the EB/No required for a lop4 BER.Thissituation
formance is incurred. Thus, the spectral merits of the various can be a model either for interfering sidelobes from adjacent
schemes can only be judged on the basis of a detaiied study of channels or for the main lobe from a co-channel interferer. Of
the tradeoffs between cost and performance. the schemes for which data are available, noncoherent FSK
Another spectral property of interest is the bandwidth re- and BPSK show the least degradation from ideal performance,
quired to transmitata specified informationrate.The so- while the 8-ary and 16-ary schemes exhibit the most degrada-
called “speed” of a modulation technique (equalto R/W, where tion(compare to Table1). Unfortunately,noanalyticalor

4 A modified version of MSK knownassinusoidalFSK(SFSK) 5 In most cases, a simple three-pole filter or a Gaussian filter was
achieves an attenuation of 95 dB I15 I . used.
ON VOL. COM-27, NO. 1 2 , DECEMBER 1979



DETECTION I 17' 1 79 I
OA M 14



i d =11 1 2 0 1 f f 1 1
- = .71 rd

Id = .71
I I . I
Id = .71
18". 174

MSK Id = .5l


BPSK - COHERENT DETECTION 10.5 9.2 147, 191

DE-BPSK 11.0 9.7 147

DPSK 12.0 10.3 147 PM

OPSK 12.2 9.8 147. 191

DOPSK > 20 14 0 147


8-ary PSK - COHERENT DETECTION - 20 15.8 191

l 6 a r y PSK - COHERENT DETECTION > 24 191


AMIPM l 6 a r y APK -A MIPM




simulation results are available for any of the CP-FSK schemes TABLE 5
Effects o f Fading
Fading is another problem oftenencountered on digital
radiolinks. If the fading is caused by two resolvable multi-
path components, then the results of .Table 3 can be utilized
(the CW interferer can represent the signal from the secondary
path). If the fading is caused by a large, number .of equal ampli-
tude components, the Rayleigh fading model [79, p. 3481 is
more appropriate.6 Table 4 presents the performanceresults
for a Rayleigh fading channel. Because of the severe effects of
Rayleigh fading, a requiredbiterror rate of is assumed
in this table (although this error rate is rather high for digital
radioapplications,error control coding could be used to
achieve the desired ;ate). Because thk values of Table 4 repre-
sent simply a weighted average of the ideal performance curves,
the'relative performance of the schemes does not differ
markedly fromthat indicated by Table 1. Itshould be em- 1
phasized that for the AM and AM/PM schemes, the fading is OK-OPSK 98 15 8 116

assumed to be slow. enough that tde decision threshold can be 8-ary PSK - COHERENT DETECTION -25 <25 175

continuously adjusted to the optimaivalue. 16-ary PSK - COHERENT DETECTION

\MlPM l 6 a r y APK

Effects ofDelay Distortion * FOR BIT E R R O R R A T E OF 104


Yet another factor that should be considered in selecting a

modulation scheme for digital radio applications is the effect
line-of-sight radio links is introduced by theradios and not the
of delay d i s t ~ r t i o n Most
. ~ of the delay distortion observed on
channel. Table 5 presents some results derived primarily from
Sunde's comprehensive treatment of' the effects of delay dis-
6 Neither of these models takes into account the fade rate of the tortion on pulse transmission [ 1 161 . The performance of the
signal.Adiscussionoftheeffectsoffaderate on the probability of
error is beyond the scope of this paper, but these effects are discussed representative systems is shown for quadratic and linear delay
in some of the references [ 14, 28, 3 5 ; 3 7 , 4 7 , 6 5 , 79, 1611. distortion for the case in which the maximum differential de-
7 If the distortion observed on the received signal can be modeled lay (relative tothe mid-banddelay) is equal to the symbol
by passage of the transmitted signal through a linear filter, the delay
distortion is the derivative of the phase-frequency characteristic of the duration. Note that some modulation schemes are severely af-
filter [77, p. 851. fected by one type of distortion or the other. Notably,DQPSK

The author wishes to acknowledge Mr. D. I. Himes of the
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., for suggesting
1 1 1 11 1 the study that eventually led to this paper.

tt t t t DOPSK
FEK N O N C O H E R E N T O E T l C T l O N
OOK ENVELOPE O L T t C T l O N Amplitude Modulation
Fisure 3 : Relative Complexity ot'Representative Modulation Schemes AM-FSK:30
Binary Coherent
suffers severe degradation fromquadratic delay distortion, general: 32,70,77,80, 119,192
while the coherent biorthogonal schemes (QAM, MSK, and the spectrum: 75,105
variations of QPSK) are degraded significantly by linear delay filtering: 26
distortion. Thus, delay distortion can be an important criterion synchronization: 90
in the selection of a modulation scheme for digital radio. delay distortion: 1 16
fading: 109
Cost and Complexity
Binary Noncoherent: 70,192
Finally,some mention should be made of the costand
complexity of the modulation schemes discussed in this paper. M-ary: 52, 192
In general, it is difficult to evaluate the cost of a particular
OK-QASK: 4 5 , 6 2
scheme withoutconductinga full-scale investigation of the
cost and complexity tradeoffs involved with the many alterna- OOK: 3 5 , 7 0
tive implementationoptions. Nevertheless, themodulation
methods can be ranked according to their inherent complexity,
and the results of such a ranking are presented in Figure 3. general: 67, 80
spectrum: 98, 145
Application of the Results filtering: 9 8
experimental: 98, 145
The results presented in this section in conjunction with the synchronization: 89
referenced source material can be used to solve systems engi- delay distortion: 116
neering problems. In many applications, most of the alterna- interference: 9 8
tives can be eliminated simply bydetermining and applying
the physical and economic constraints. QASK: See Amplitude and Phase Modulation,
Suppose, for example, that it is desired to determine the QPR: 188
best modulation scheme fortransmitting90 Mbits/s over a
40 MHz radio channel. A quick glance at Table 2 shows that Partial Response: 1 8 , 2 0 , 3 4 , 9 0
only QPR, 8-ary or 16-ary PSK, and 16-ary APK can achieve Radios (digital transmission over): 67
the necessary signaling speed (2.25 bits/s/Hz). Oftheseschemes,
QPR is the most efficient (smallest required E,/N,,) and the Frequency Modulation
least complex. These considerations have promptedat least Chirp modulation: 55
one proposal to employ QPR in the Canadian 8 GHz frequency
band [ 1781 . CP-FSK
general: 1,40, 71 157
IV. CONCLUSIONS spectrum: 2 1 , 7 6
This paper has treated some of the more important consid- filtering: 71,72, 165
erations relevant to the selection of modulation schemes for experimental: 66,71, 165
digital radio applications. In the process, we have summarized demodulation: 123, 157, 164
a portion of the vast body of digital modulation literature of delay distortion: 165
the past 20 years. Hopefullythis work will prove useful to interference: 73, 118, 155, 165
communication engineers both as a summary of modulation frequency stability: 165
characteristics and as a guide to the available literature. M-ary: 1, 118, 165
Clearly,this paper does not cover every aspect of digital
modulation. Many factors(e.g., the effects of frequency offset, Digital FM
imprecise carrler phase recovery andlimiting)are omitted spectrum: 2 1 , 7 5
from the discussion. Many of these topics are covered in detail. filtering: 2 5 , 7 4 , 8 2
in the references at the end'of this paper. As an aid to using experimental: 63,113,122
these references,Appendix A presents acomplete subject demodulation: 126, 133
index. interference: 104, 113

fading: 65 DPSK
biphase FM: 148
capture effect: 9 1 general: 67, 71,77, 108, 164,192
threshold performance: 43 filtering: 38,71,87, 115, 165
experimental: 13,22,66,71, 112, 144, 165
FSK (coherent) frequency uncertainty: 178
general: 86, 192 demodulation: 16,61, 114, 163, 164
spectrum:141 phase reference: 100, 1 12
experimental:124 interference: 52, 73, 104, 142, 147, 165
demodulation: 102 fading: 14,38, 39
delay distortion: 116 nonlinearities: 144, 159, 172
phase reference: 1 10 DQPSK
fading: 39
M-ary:124 general: 71
spectrum: 98
FSK (noncoherent) filtering: 71,98, 165
general: 24,30,80, 192 experimental: 6 6 , 7 1 , 9 8 , 1 1 2 , 1 4 4 , 1 6 5
filtering: 26, 27, 30 phase reference: 100, 112, 172
demodulation: 82, 121, 164 interference: 98, 147, 165
delay distortion: 1 16 fading: 37
frequency uncertainty: 178 nonlinearities: 144, 172
interference: 41 frequency stability: I65
fading: 28, 39, 158 Ail-ary PSK (Coherent)
nonlinearities: 85
M-ary: 23, 165, 192 general: 179, 192
MSK (See also SFSK, TFM) filtering: 3,49, 57, 58, 175
general: 17,42, 59, 151, 160 experimental: 175
spectrum: 1 5 , 7 6 , 8 4 , 166 delay distortion: 175
filtering: 44, 71,72,84,97, 180 interference: 5'2,58, 175, 179, 191
experimental: 68,71,96, 144 fading: 161, 181
demodulation: 59, 156, 171 nonlinearities: 144, 186, 187
delay distortion: 96 OK-QPSK
phase reference: 169
interference: 118, 153, 155, 171, 182 general: 17, 60
nonlinearities: 144, 180, 186, 187 spectrum:17
M-ary: 155 filtering: 17,71, 180, 193
multiamplitude (MAMSK): 167 experimental: 71, 144
differential MSK: 17 1 demodulation:103
synchronization: 45, 184
SFSK (Sinusoidal FSK): 153, 156, 170, 171 phase reference: 50, 173
TFM (Tamed FM): 166 interference: 153, 155
fading: 1 81
Phase ModuZation nonlinearities: 94, 144, 17, 180, 186, 193
Binary PSK (BPSK) QPSK (coherent)
general: 67,77,80,86: 119, 192 general: 86
spectrum: 76,75, 150 spectrum: 144
filtering: 8, 10, 12, 26, 107,1 1 1 , 136, 143, 154, 162, filtering: 9 5 , 9 6
168 experimental: 144, 145
experimental: 22, 139, 144 phase reference: 101, 149, 152, 173
demodulation: 164 interference: 47, 161
delay distortion: 1 16 fading: '181
phase reference: 4 6 , 6 9 , 88, 101, 129, 149 nonlinearities: 31, 51, 93, 96,99, 144, 172, 187
interference: 33,48, 56, 118, 143, 147, 149, 162 equalization: 1 1
fading: 39,47, 161
nonlinearities: 2 , 4 , 6 , 9 3 , 9 9 , 144, 159, 168, 172, SQPSK (see OK-QPSK)
Amplitude and Phase Modulation (APK): 37,52, 167, 176,
DPEK: 98,164,165 189,190

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No. FAA-RD-75-134. Sept. 1975: nique.” IEEE Trans. on Comm., Vol. COM-25, April 1977. pp, 433-
I 26. J. L. Pearce, ”Optimum ReceptionofDigital FM Signals.” Queen‘s 441.
University Research Report. No. 71-1. March 1971. 152. D. P. Taylorand D. Cheung, “The Effect of Carrier Phase Error on the
117. T . R . Losson and D. D. McRae, “Broadband Digital Modem.” RADC Performance of a Duobinary Shaped QPSK Signal.” IEEE Trans. o n
Report. No. RADC-TR-76-1 17. May 1976. C O I ~ I I IVol.
I . . COM-25. July 1977. pp. 738-744.
I ’X. D. J . Torrieri and J . N. O’Conner.“An EvaluationofModulation 153. I . Kalet.”A Lookat Crosstalk in Quadrature-Carrier Moduiation
Systems.” DDC Report. No. AD-779-842. Sept. I I . 1973. Sy%tems.” IEEE Trans. o n Comm.. Vol.COM-25,Sept. 1977, pp,
129. D. J . Torrieri. “Carrier and Bit Synchronizatn MethodsforPSK X84-892.
Systems.“ NRL memorandum report 2689. Dec. 1973. 151. V. K. Prabhu.“PSK-Type Modulationwith Overlapping Baseband
130. P. A. Bello. C. J. Boardman. D. Chase. and J. K. de Rosa. “Line-of- Pulses.” IEEE Trans. on Comm.. Vol. COM-25,Sept. 1977. pp.
SightTechnique5Investigation.” RADC Report.No.RADC-TR-74- 9x0-990.
330. Jan. 1975. 155. B. E. White. ”A Worst-case Crosstalk ComparisonAmong Several
131 R . V . Ridings. C.R. Reeves. and J . P. Aasterud. “Modulation Modulation Schemes.” IEEE Trans. on Comm.. Vol. COM-25. Sept.
Waveform Study.” RADCTechnicalReport.No.RADC-TR-73-77. ,1977.pp. 1n32-1n37.
DDC number AD-761 522. March1973. I56 I . Kalet and B. E. White. ”Suboptimal Continous Shift Keyed (CSK)
137 J . T . Gamble. “An AnalysisofLinearandNonlinearCoherent Detection Demodulation for the Efficient Implementation of Low Crosstalk Data
in Atmospheric NoiseatVeryLow Frequency.” RADC Technical Communications.” IEEE Trans. onComm.. Vol. COM-25, Sept. 1977.
Report. No. RADC-TR-74-289. Nov. 1974. pp. 1037-1041.
I33 J . W. Martin. “The Optimum Receiver Structure and Performance of a I57 F. Tou and R. S . Simpson, “Optimum Deviation Ratio and Observation
Manchester-Coded FSK Data Link.” Air Force ESD Report. No. ESD- Interval for Continuous-Phase Binary Frequency-Shift Keying.” IEEE
TR-73-127. June 1973. Trans. onComm.. Vol. COM-21. Sept. 1973. pp. 1067-1069.
I 3 1 F. Haber. An Introdrcc~tionto Informution and Communication Theon. I 5 8 J . K. Cavers. “Variable-Rate Transmission for Rayleigh Fading
Vol. 4. Advances in Modern Enpineennf’ Readins. Massachusetts: Channels.” f E E E Trans. on Comm.. Vol.COM-20.Feb.1972,pp.
Addison-Wesley.1974. 15-22.
I35 P. J . Crepeau. ”Digital Troposcatter:
State-of-the-Art Modulation I59 A. Weinher?, “Effects of aHard Limiting Repeater onThe Performance
Techniques.” U . S . Army ElectronicsCommandTechnical Report. No. of a DPSK Data Transmission System.’’ IEEE Trans. on Comm.. Vol.
ECOM-432. June 1973. COM-25. Oct. 1977. pp. 1128-1 133.
12, COM-27,

160. H . C . Van den Elzen and P. Van der Wurf. "A SimpleMethod o f Ixo. L. J . Greenstein and V . K .Prabhu. "Analysis o f Multipath Outase with
Calculating the Characteristics o f FSK Signals with Modulation Index Applications to 9O-Mbit/s PSK Systems at 6 and I I GHz." / € € E Trcrns.
0.5."lEEETrar~s.onComrn..Vol.COM-20.April 1972.p~.139.147. on Comm.. Jan. 1979.pp. 68-75.
161. Y . Miyagaki. N . Morinaga. and T. Namekawa. "ErrorProbability 181. R. E. Eaves and S . M. Wheatley. "Optimization ofQuadrature-Carrier
Fading Modulation for Low Crosstalk and Close Packing o f Users.'' / € € E
Channel." IEEE Trans. on Comm.. Vol.COM-26. Jan. 1978. pp. Trans. on Comm., Jan. 1979,pp. 176-185.
88- 100. 182. D. P. McCreath and P. J . McLane. "Filter Parameter Optimization for
162. M. I. Celebiler and G. M . Coupe. "Effects o f Thermal Noise, Filtering Linear and Nonlinear BPSK Transmission." /.FEE Trans. on Comm..
and Co-channelInterferenceon the Probability o f Error in Binary Jan. 1979.pp. 191-197.
Coherent PSK Systems." IEEE Trans. on Comm.. Vol. COM-26. Feb. 183. D. P.Taylor and D. C.C. Cheung. "A Decision-DirectedCarrier
1978.pp. 257-267. Recovery Loop for Duobinary Encoded Offset QPSK S i p 4 s . " / E € €
163. J. H. Park. Jr.. "Binary DPSK Detection." IEEE Trans. on Comm.. Trons. on Comm.. Feb. 1979.pp, 461-468.
Vol. COM-26. April 1978.pp. 484-486. I84. N . Ekanayake and D . P. Taylor. "Binary CPSK Performance Analysis
164. R. Thompson and D. R. Clouting, "Digital Angle Modulation for Data for SaturatingBand-Limited Channels." I€€€ Trans.on Comm..
Transmission.'' Systems Technology, Vol. 19.Sept. 1974,pp. 14-18, March 1979.pp. 596-603.
165. -. "DieitalAngleModulationfor Data Transmission." Part 2: I 85. L . J . Greenstein and P. J . Fitzgerald. "Envelope Fluctuation Statistics of
Performance Characteristics. Systems Technology. Vol. 20. Feb. 1975. Filtered PSK and Other Digital Modulations." IEEE Trans. on Comm..
pp. 33-37. April 1979.pp. 750-760.
166. F . deJager and C . B .Dekker. "Tamed Frequency Modulation. A Novel I 86. D. H . Morais and K . Feher. "MSK and Offset QPSK Modulation in Line
Method to Achieve Spectrum Economy in Digital Transmission," l€EE o f Sight .Digital Radio Systems," in Proc. I€€€ Inrerncrriorral Conf. on
Truns. on Comm.. Vol. COM-26. May 1978.pp. 534-542. Cornr~~~rr~icutions. June 1977.Vol. 2. pp. 140-144.
167. W . J.Weber 111. P. H . Stanton. and J. T . Sumida. "A Bandwidth 187. J. Huang and K. Feher. "On Partial Response Transmission Systems,"
CompressiveModulation System UsingMulti-AmplitudeMinimum in Proc. IEEE I~rrer~fcrtionul Conf. on Cot?f117unicatiotrs.
June 1971.Vol.
Shift Keying (MAMSK)."/E€€Trans. onComm.. Vol. COM-26. May I. pp. 47-5I .
1978,pp. 543-5s I . I 8X. M . K .Simon and J . G. Smith. "Carrier Synchronization and Detection
168. M . F . Mesiya. P.J. McLane and L . L. Campbell. "Optimal Receiver ofQASKSignalSets."/EEETru,ls.otfCot?ltn.. Feb. 1974.pp. 98-106.
BPSKTransmission over
a Nonlinear I X9. C . M. Thomas. M. Y. Weidnerand S. H . Darrani. "Digital Amplitude-
Channel." l E € E Trans, on Comm.Vol.COM-26. Jan. 1978. pp. Phase Keying with M-ary Alphabets." IEEE Truns. on Comm.. Feb.
12-77, 1974.pp. 168.180.
169. R . Matyas. "Effort of Noisy Phase References on Coherent Detection o f I90. V . K . Prabhu. "Error Rate Considerations for Coherent Phase-Shift
FFSK Signals," /€E€ Trans. on Comrn.. Vol. COM-26. June 197X.pp. Keyed Systems With Co-Channel Interference." BellSmtem Tec+7nicul
807-8IS. Jortrtrul. March 1969.pp. 743-767.
170. L. S. Metzger. "Performance of Phase Comparison Sinusoidal 191. J . R. Edwards. " A Comparison o f Modulation Schemes for Binary Data
Frequency Shift Keyins." lEEETratu. 011 Comm.. Vol. COM-76. Aug. Transmission." The Radio trnd Electronic En,yirreer. Sept. 1973. pp.
1978.pp. 1250-1253. 567-568.
171. B. E.White. I . Kalet. and H . M. Heggestad. "Offset Quadrature 192. R. K. Kwan. "The Effects o f Filterin: and Limiting a Double-Binary
PSK Signal.'' / € € E Trans. otf Aerospuce u r d Electronic S w o m s . July
Modulation Schemes Low-Crosstalk
Communication." in Proc. IEEE 1977 International Conference on
1969.pp. 589-594.
6.5- I33 to 6.5- I37
177. Y . S. Lee. "Simulation Analysis for DifferentiallyCoherent Quaternary
PSK Regenerative Repeater." COMSAT Technicul Review. Fall 1977.
pp. 447-474.
173. L . C . Palmer and S. Lebowitz. "Including Synchronization in Time-
Domain Channel Simulations." C O M S A T T r c h n i c u l R e ~ i e ~Fall
~ , . 1977. John D. Oetting (S'69-"73) was born in
pp. 475-525. Merchantville,New Jersey on July 3 I . 1947. H e
174. M . Ramadam. "Practical Considerations in the Design of Minimum- received the B.S.E.E. (summacum laude). the M.S.
Bandwidth. 90 M B . 8-PSK Digital
Microwave System." i n and the Ph.D. degrees from the University o f
Proc.eeditrps / € E € /nrernrrrionol Cmf: on C~~mmrrt~icoriotrs. June 1976. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. in 1969.
pp. 29-I to 29-6. 1971 and 1973,respectively.
175. H . Ishio. M . Washio. M . lnokuchi and S . Sekev, "A New Multilevel For the past five years. Dr. Oetting has been with
Modulation and Demodulation System Carrier forDigital Booz.Allen and Hamilton in Bethesda. Maryland.
Transmission." in Proc. / E € € /ntt~rtrationcrlConf: on Cotnmunictrtiorrs. workingin theareas o f coding and modulation
June 1976.pp. 29-7to 29-12. analysis. Low Probability o f Intercept (LPI) and
176. M. K . Simon and J . G . Smith."HexagonalMultiple Phase-and- Anti-jam
communication techniques. and
Amplitude-Shift-KeyedSignal Sets." /E€€ Trrrrrs. otr Cornm..Oct. digitalsignalprocessing.Priorto that. he worked in the field o fH F
1973.pp. I 108-1 I 1s. communications and over-the-horizon radar at I l T Electro-Physics
177. J . C . Henry. "DPSK Versus FSK With Frequency Uncertainty." / € € E Laboratories in Columbia. Maryland. While in graduate school. he spent two
Trtrns. on Comm.. Dec. 1970.pp. 8 11-8 16. summers as a research assistant at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in L n s
I7X. J . J . Spiker. Jr.. Di,qittr/Cf),,r,nu,ric.rrtinrrs b ~ S o t e l l i t eEnglewood
. Cliffs: Alamos.NewMexico. and one summer working on his dissertation topic
Prentice-Hall. Inc.. 1977. (formant extraction by linear prediction)at Philco-Ford Corporation inWillow
179. D. J. Gooding."ModulationStudy".FinalTechnical Report on Grove. Pennsylvania.
Contract N67269-76-M-2163. Oct. 28. 1975.DDC No. AD-AO17165. Dr. Oettingi s a member o f T a u Beta Piand Eta Kappa Nu.

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