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Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport (2006) 9, 135—142


Acute neuromuscular responses to resistance

training performed at different loads
C. Benson a, D. Docherty b,∗, J. Brandenburg c

a ARC Performance Training Systems, Surrey, BC, Canada

b School of Physical Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada V8W 3P1
c Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education, Northern Illinois University, IL, USA

Accepted 15 July 2005

KEYWORDS Summary The aim of this study was to compare the acute neuromuscular responses
Training volume; during resistance exercise performed with different loading protocols. Thirteen
Electromyography; (N = 13) college-aged male subjects experienced in weight training completed two
Fatigue different weight training protocols involving a single elbow flexion exercise. Dur-
ing both protocols subjects performed three sets of the exercise with a 3-min rest
between each set. One protocol required the subjects to perform each set to failure
using 100% 10 repetition maximum (RM) load whereas the second protocol required
the subjects to perform 10 repetitions for the first two sets using 90% 10 RM load and
only go to failure on the third set. Maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC),
integrated EMG recording (iEMG) of the biceps brachii, and blood lactate were mea-
sured before and upon completion of the two training protocols. Subjects were able
to perform a significantly greater volume of work (total repetitions × load) in the
90% 10 RM protocol compared to the 100% 10 RM protocol. Both protocols elicited
similar cumulative levels of fatigue as reflected by a decrease in MVIC and iEMGmax
and an increase in blood lactate (p ≤ 0.05). As a result of the drop in repetitions
performed in successive sets, it was concluded that training with 100% 10 RM while
exercising to failure in each set may not optimise the training volume, which may
have implications for chronic muscle adaptation.
© 2006 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction and hypertrophy, primarily as a result of the

increased resistance training volume,2,3 When per-
Although there is some debate,1 it is generally forming multiple sets it is usually recommended
accepted that multiple sets of exercises are supe- that each set be performed to muscular failure,
rior to a single set in developing muscular strength often defined as an inability to perform any fur-
ther repetitions in a given exercise against a spe-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 250 721 8375 cific dynamic constant external resistance (DCER).4
E-mail address: docherty@uvic.ca (D. Docherty). The inability to complete another repetition is the

1440-2440/$ — see front matter © 2006 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
136 C. Benson et al.

result of an acute decrease in the force generating therefore, increase the training stimulus. The rate
capability of a muscle which in turn is attributed to of gain in strength has been associated with an
the accumulation of neuromuscular fatigue.5,6 The increase in training volume.16
number of repetitions an individual can complete However, it is possible that by not going to failure
until failure is dependent on the magnitude of the on each set the degree of fatigue will be compro-
external load, referred to as the repetition max- mised that may offset the potential advantage of a
imum (RM).7 The training load is often described higher volume of work. In order to test the postu-
as a specific repetition maximum; e.g., 10 RM indi- late of Baker,15 the acute neuromuscular responses
cates a load that can be lifted a maximum of 10 resulting from training at 100% 10 RM to failure
times. on each set or 90% 10 RM with failure only on the
Muscular failure, and the associated muscle last set were compared. It was hypothesised that
metabolites and hormonal responses, are con- both protocols would induce similar acute neuro-
sidered to provide stimuli for neuromuscular muscular responses at the completion of three sets
adaptations.8—10 Rooney et al.11 found that pro- but the volume of work completed during train-
tocols that produced greater levels of volitional ing would be greater in the 90% 10 RM protocol.
fatigue were more effective in improving strength Such results would support training at 90% RM which
than protocols that produced less fatigue with may optimise the stimulus by maximising the vol-
the same time under tension. It was specu- ume of work performed during training while pro-
lated that during resistance training to failure or ducing similar acute neuromuscular responses. It
substantial levels of fatigue, active motor units is also possible that training compliance would be
fatigue and their contribution to the generation enhanced because there would be less discomfort
of force is reduced. Consequently, motor units during training in only going to failure on the last
that were previously inactive are now recruited set.
to assist in maintaining the necessary force out-
put. As a muscle group approaches temporary
volitional fatigue, additional motor units are Methods and procedures
recruited, placing greater metabolic and neurolog-
ical demands on an increasingly larger amount of Subjects
muscle when compared to training that does not
induce failure. Potentially the increased disruption Thirteen college-aged males with at least 1 year
to homeostasis would lead to greater neuromuscu- of experience in weight training volunteered as
lar adaptations.11,12 subjects for the study. Mean (±S.D.) age, height,
A consequence of performing each set to fail- weight and single-arm elbow flexion 1 RM of the
ure is a decrease in the number of repetitions in participants were 25.5 ± 0.3 years, 176.5 ± 5.8 cm,
subsequent sets when the initial RM load remains 84.5 ± 3.3 kg, 22.3 ± 3.5 kg, respectively. The sub-
constant, which is common practice in most train- jects had primarily utilised training loads of
ing regimens, regardless of the recovery time that 8—12 RM and, therefore, were accustomed to the
is used.4,13 Even when a 3-min rest was provided, loads used in the present study. All procedures
the number of repetitions in subsequent sets using were approved by the institution’s ethics commit-
a 12 RM load was reported to decrease to 11.7, 9.2 tee and informed consent was obtained for each
and 7.2 over three consecutive sets.4 participant.
It has been postulated that training to failure
in repetitive sets prevents optimisation of the Experimental design
total volume of work accomplished during train-
ing (reps × sets × load) and thus decreasing the All participants attended two familiarisation ses-
acute neuromuscular training response and the sions in which the experimental protocols of the
subsequent chronic adaptations.13 In addition, if study and expectations were explained, consent
adaptations are based on the load and number of forms were completed, and 1 and 10 RM loads were
repetitions performed,14 it is plausible that by the identified. Participants attended two more experi-
second or third set an individual may no longer be mental sessions in which they randomly performed
training in the desired repetition range. Baker15 one of two resistance training protocols. One pro-
has suggested that training at 90% of an RM load tocol involved performing three sets to failure
and not going to failure until the final set would with the pre-determined 10 RM load (100% 10 RM)
allow the retention of the number of repetitions whereas the second protocol involved performing
at a constant load and optimise the total volume two sets of 10 repetitions and a third set of rep-
of work over the multiple sets of a workout and, etitions until failure at 90% of the pre-determined
Acute neuromuscular responses to resistance training performed at different loads 137

10 RM load (90% 10 RM). Maximal isometric strength, repetitions were completed, a second trial was per-
EMG and blood lactate were assessed pre- and post- formed with the load adjusted accordingly. 10 RM
protocols. Each subject performed both protocols. was determined to serve as a reference point in
A random and balanced crossover design was used, setting the loads used in the 100% 10 RM and 90%
ensuring that each subject had an equal opportu- 10 RM protocols.
nity to begin testing with either the 100% 10 RM or
90% 10 RM protocol. Resistance training protocols
At least 72 h was allowed between each testing
session. Between sessions subjects were encour- A supported, dumbbell elbow flexion exercise,
aged to avoid all resistance training primarily tar- identical to that used in strength testing, was per-
geting the elbow flexors for 72 h and all resistance formed using the subject’s left arm on a preacher
exercises in which the elbow flexors acted as a sec- curl bench. A metronome was set to 40 beats per
ondary mover (i.e., back exercises) for 48 h prior to min to assist in the timing of elbow flexion. The
the next testing session. All subjects were asked to eccentric and concentric components of the exer-
refrain from alcohol and caffeine consumption for cise were both performed on a 1.5 s count.
a period of 8 h prior to testing. Subjects reported Supported elbow flexion involved a muscle mass
to the laboratory following at least 2 h of fasting. which has been previously shown to induce reliable
Upon reporting to the laboratory, each subject was increases in muscle and blood lactate.4 The exer-
permitted to drink 500 ml of water prior to exercise cise was structured so that the angle at the elbow
in order to standardise the level of hydration. and range of motion were noted and kept constant
for each set of the prescribed exercise sessions.
Strength testing During the concentric and eccentric components of
the exercise, the elbows of both arms were placed
All subjects were assessed for initial strength (1 on the angled pad, such that the posterior upper
and 10 RM) while performing a seated unilateral arm rested flat against the pad; the back was held
elbow flexion exercise on a preacher curl bench. in an upright position; the feet remained flat and
Testing for all participants was performed with the stable and the axillary region was not permitted to
left upper limb. The testing session occurred at rest over the edge of the bench. The latter proce-
least 72 h prior to any experimental trials. Upon dure minimised axillary artery occlusion. No grip-
arrival, subjects were required to progress through ping with the inactive arm occurred as the arm hung
a warm-up, involving one set of 10 repetitions at freely over the front of the bench with the palm in a
approximately 30—40% of their predicted 1 RM, and supinated position. This seating position minimised
two sets of two repetitions representing approxi- trunk rotation and maximised the contribution of
mately 60 and 80% of 1 RM. Each warm-up set was the biceps brachii in the action.
followed by at least 2 min rest. Additional sets of For the 100% 10 RM protocol, subjects were
two repetitions were used if subjects did not feel instructed to perform as many repetitions as pos-
sufficiently prepared to perform a 1 RM test. Test- sible until no further muscle actions could be per-
ing always involved determining the 1 RM prior to formed during each of the three sets at the 10 RM
10 RM, and 4-min rest intervals were used between load. If the number of repetitions completed in
all testing sets. If the weight selected for 1 RM test- the first set was not within two repetitions of 10,
ing could be lifted more than once, subjects were then the session was terminated, weight charts of
encouraged to perform repetitions to failure in an Bompa17 were used to adjust the resistance settings
attempt to estimate better the 10 RM on the subse- for future testing, and the subject was asked to
quent trials. Following 4 mins of rest the load was return to repeat this condition after a minimum of
increased and the 1 RM trial was repeated. In the 72 h. If subjects performed no fewer than eight and
case of a failed repetition, the weight was removed no more than 12 repetitions, the tester recorded
from the subject’s hand, a 4-min rest allowed, and the number of repetitions at muscle failure and
resistance reduced according to the researcher’s continued the session. Participants used this initial
best estimate. To determine the 10 RM, approxi- 10 RM load for sets 2 and 3. When performing the
mately 75% of the measured 1 RM was used in the 90% 10 RM protocol subjects were instructed, in the
first attempt If subjects were able to perform more first two sets, to perform 10 consecutive repetitions
or less than the desired repetitions (10), but were at 90% of the predetermined 10 RM load. If failure
within one repetition of the goal, the predictive to complete all 10 repetitions occurred during this
charts of Bompa17 were used to best-estimate the protocol, the tester followed the procedure out-
resistance needed to perform 10 repetitions maxi- lined for the 100% 10 RM protocol (i.e., terminated
mum. If fewer than nine repetitions or more than 11 the session and adjusted the weight for another ses-
138 C. Benson et al.

sion performed at least 72 h later). Repetitions to and post-protocol MVIC. Following raw data collec-
failure were performed in the third set. In both pro- tion, all data were stored and later analysed using
tocols each of the sets was separated with 3 min the AcqKnowledge III EMG software package. A 1-
of rest. Three minutes was selected as the dura- s segment of the recorded EMG signal, beginning
tion of the rest interval as this rest interval has 0.25 s after the onset of the MVIC, was processed.
been used in previous research4,13 and is consistent For analysis the raw EMG signals were rectified
with strength training guidelines published by both and integrated. From the integrated EMG record-
the American College of Sports Medicine18 and the ing, peak amplitude (iEMGmax ) and mean amplitude
National Strength and Conditioning Association.19 (iEMGmean ) were determined.
Repetitions completed in each set as well as volume
of work in the three sets (total repetitions × load) Lactate measurement
were recorded for comparative purposes.13 Prior to
completing each protocol participants performed a Finger prick blood samples were taken (<5 ␮l/
standardised warm-up consisting of two sets of 10 sample) from the middle digit of the non-exercising
repetitions of the training exercise using 50—60% of arm for determination of peripheral lactate con-
the 10 RM load. centrations. Blood samples were obtained following
the procedures of MacDougall et al.4 A total of three
Maximum voluntary isometric contractions blood samples were drawn and placed into a YSI lac-
tate Analyzer (Yellow Springs, OH). Upon arriving
at the laboratory subjects rested for 10 min prior
All isometric actions involved the left elbow flex- to the actual data collection in order to minimise
ors and were performed on a Cybex II isoki- hormonal and blood lactate fluctuations related to
netic dynamometer (Lumex Inc., Ronkonkoma, New prior activity and anticipatory responses.20 Follow-
York) at an elbow angle of 90◦ . The position ing the 10 min of rest blood lactate was sampled. In
of the body was similar to that assumed during order to ensure that the warm-up and MVIC did not
the dynamic elbow flexion task. Isometric testing affect pre-protocol blood lactate, a second sample
was performed before (pre-protocol) and immedi- was obtained 2 min following the initial MVIC. Blood
ately after (post-protocol) each resistance train- lactate samples were also taken 2 min following the
ing protocol. Subjects were directed to contract completion of one of the training protocols (100%
as fast and as forcefully as possible and hold all 10 RM or 90% 10 RM) and the final MVIC.
contractions for 2—3 s. Maximal force and EMG
were simultaneously measured. Force outputs were Data treatment and statistical analysis
stored on a computer interfaced with the isokinetic
dynamometer. Paired sample t-tests were performed to deter-
mine if there were differences in the number of
repetitions performed as well as the amount of
training volume completed between the two resis-
Silver chloride electrode leads were applied to tance exercise protocols. To determine if there
the belly of the left bicep brachii muscle of each were differences in MVIC, blood lactate and EMG
subject. A 20-mm distance and a bipolar config- measures as a result of performing the two proto-
uration between the centres of electrodes were cols, a 2 × 2 (protocol by time: pre-protocol and
used to help minimise cross-talk among synergis- post-protocol) repeated measures ANOVA was per-
tic and antagonistic muscle groups. Prior to posi- formed for each dependent variable. Paired sample
tioning the recording electrodes, the placement t-tests were performed to ensure there were no
areas were abraded and then scrubbed of dead pre-protocol differences in the dependent variables
skin cells with an alcohol-soaked pad prior to elec- between the resistance exercise protocols. Repeti-
trode application. Electrodes were attached with tions completed per set, volume of work, blood lac-
double adhesive bands and conductive gel placed tate, iEMG and MVIC were the dependent measures
in the centre region of the electrode. A ground and are presented in Fig. 1 and Table 1. Statistical
electrode was then placed on the styloid process significance was set at the p < 0.05 level.
of the wrist. Following electrode placement, each
electrode was traced with a permanent marker
to ensure consistent placement for each session. Results
The EMG signal was recorded at 1000 Hz (Biopac
Systems, AcqKnowledge III). Electrical activity of Thirteen subjects performed the single-arm elbow
the biceps brachii was measured during the pre- flexion task using two different resistance exer-
Acute neuromuscular responses to resistance training performed at different loads 139

for elbow flexion at 90% of 10 RM and 100% of 10 RM

loads (Table 1).

Volume of work
The mean 10 RM for the subjects was 76.6%
(±4.2) 1 RM. There was a significant 14% difference
between the two protocols for the mean volume
of work performed across the three sets (p ≤ 0.01),
with the subjects following the 90% of 10 RM pro-
tocol achieving a greater volume of exercise over
three sets compared to the 100% of 10 RM protocol
(Table 1).
A significant decrease in the mean number
of repetitions performed per set was observed
between sets 1 and 2 of the 100% of 10 RM protocol
(p ≤ 0.01) (Fig. 1). In the third set significant mean
differences, in repetitions completed, (p ≤ 0.01)
were observed for subjects performing 100%10 RM
(6.07 ± 1.55) compared to 90% 10 RM (10.54 ± 1.66)
(Table 1). Significant between-protocol differences
were observed for sets 2 and 3, with the 100% 10 RM
Figure 1 Mean (S.D.) number of repetitions completed protocol producing a greater decrease in repeti-
for each set while performing single-arm elbow flexion at tions than the 90% 10 RM prototcol (Fig. 1).
90 or 100% of 10 RM. ** Represents significant differences
between the two protocols (p < 0.01).
Significant 19% and 18% decreases (p ≤ 0.01) were
cise protocols. During both sessions total volume observed from pre- to post-exercise for mean MVIC
of work, maximum voluntary isometric contraction in response to 100% 10 RM and 90% 10 RM, respec-
and mean (iEMGmean ) and peak (iEMGmax ) ampli- tively, but no statistical difference was observed
tude values were obtained pre- and post-protocol between the exercise protocols (Table 1).

Table 1 Mean (S.D.) volume of work, repetitions, MVIC, iEMGmean, iEMGmax and blood lactate in response to the
performance of three sets of elbow flexion at 100% of 10 RMand 90% of 10 RM.
Protocol: 100% 10 RM Protocol: 90% 10 RM
Total volume of work 901.72 (±115.58) 1028.61 (±147.74)**
MVIC (N m)
Pre 88.85 (±9.83) 89.20 (±9.40)
Post 71.80 (±10.39)* 73.52 (±11.66)*
iEMGmean (uV)
Pre 0.21 (± .130)*** 0.40 (±.27)
Post 0.19 (± .15) 0.27 (±.22)
iEMGmax (uV)
Pre 2.62 (± .94) 3.59 (±2.120
Post 2.18 (± 1.35)* 2.94 (±1.85)*
Blood lactate (mmol L−1 )
Pre 1.34 (± .40) 1.74 (±.63)
Post 2.92 (± .68)* 2.76 (±.76)*
Total volume of work = total number of repetitions completed × load.
* Represents significant within group differences from pre- to post-protocol (p ≤ 0.05).
** Represents significant between group differences (p ≤ 0.05).
*** Represents significant between group differences prior to experimental protocols (p ≤ 0.05).
140 C. Benson et al.

iEMG in fatigue between the protocols during the initial

There was an initial significant difference in The MVIC decreased an average of 18 and 19% for
iEMGmean between 100% 10 RM and 90% 10 RM the 90% 10 RM and 100% 10 RM protocols, respec-
(p ≤ 0.05) with 100% 10 RM having a lower mean tively, indicating a similar level of fatigue when
value than 90% 10 RM (Table 1). There were no expressed as a loss in the force generating capabil-
significant differences observed within protocols ity of the muscle. Similar deficits in performance
although the reductions observed in response to 90% have been reported by other studies regardless of
10 RM approached significance (p = 0.051). the mode of contraction,24 the RM load,25 muscle
No initial difference was found between the group21 and even the number of sets.26 Accompa-
two exercise protocols for iEMGmax . Significant nying and perhaps accounting for the reduction in
decreases (p ≤0.05) were found from pre- to post- MVIC were decreases in iEMGmax and increases in
protocol for both protocols (Table 1). blood lactate.
Electrical activity of the muscle may be used to
Blood lactate reflect central activation or a neural component to
force production.26 The results of the current study
Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were observed in showed a 17 and 18% decrease in iEMGmax following
mean blood lactate from pre- to post-protocol protocols A and B respectively, which are compara-
within each protocol but not between protocols ble to the findings of Linnamo et al.26 and Behm et
(Table 1). al..25 Linnamo et al.26 used five sets of 10 RM leg
extension whereas Behm et al.25 used single sets of
either 5, 10 or 20 RM. The change in iEMGmax did
Discussion mimic changes in force production and may impli-
cate a decrease in neural activation as a contributor
The results of this study confirmed the postulate to a loss in force producing ability, but again it
of Baker et al.14 that performing each set of rep- is difficult to make this conclusion, especially as
etitions at the same 100% of 10 RM load and going others have found no change in EMG activity with
to failure on each set compromises the total vol- a decrease in force production.27 In fact, closer
ume of work that can be accomplished in a resis- examination of individual data in the present study
tance training workout. When training at 90% of indicated that, although all subjects demonstrated
the 10 RM load, the subjects were able to perform reduced force generation following both resistance
12.3% more volume of work. The difference in vol- exercise protocols, in some cases the loss was with-
ume of work performed was primarily due to the out a concomitant decrease in iEMGmax activity.
decreased number of repetitions that occurred in Individual differences such as training status, fibre
subsequent sets when retaining the initial 100% of type, activation patterns and genetic response to
10 RM load and is similar to the results reported training could account for the variability in the
by other investigators.4,13,21 The reduction in vol- iEMGmax . However, it is difficult, given the depen-
ume of work performed in the 100% 10 RM protocol, dent measures used in the study, to identify the
when compared to the 90% 10 RM protocol, may locus of fatigue clearly.23 It is possible that the
be indicative of greater levels of fatigue follow- reduced iEMGmax activity was related to a sensory
ing the first and second set. It would appear that feedback loop between ion or metabolite produc-
the fatigue that occurs from taking a muscle to tion and EMG output.6
failure during each set does not dissipate in the Examination of blood lactate levels revealed
rest time that is used in most resistance training similar but significant increases as a result of the
protocols. The inability of the muscle to recover two protocols. Training at 90% of 10 RM and 100%
within the 3-min rest period used in the present of 10 RM produced post-exercise values of 2.92
study may be due a number of factors, including the and 2.76 mmol L−1 , respectively, which are lower
accumulation of metabolites,22 depletion of muscle than other reported values using similar train-
substrates,4 impaired neural drive to the muscle5 or ing loads. However, such a discrepancy in results
a combination of these factors.6,23 between studies could be due to differences in
Despite the significant difference in volume of the lactate sample times, less time under tension
work performed between the two protocols, the (shorter exercise periods), subject background and
post-protocol markers of fatigue were very simi- the amount of muscle exercised.28 The results are
lar. This may be the result of taking the muscle only marginally different from those of MacDougall
to failure in the last set of the 90% 10 RM protocol et al.4 who also had well-trained subjects perform
and consequently may have masked any differences a single-arm elbow flexion task to failure. If blood
Acute neuromuscular responses to resistance training performed at different loads 141

lactate concentrations are considered to reflect strength and muscle mass is uncertain and remains
muscle lactate concentrations, it is possible that to be investigated.
the muscle metabolites contributed to the decrease
in maximal isometric force generating capacity and
the number of repetitions in subsequent sets for
the 100% 10 RM group as well as the muscle failure
achieved in the last set for the 90% 10 RM group.
The results of the present study indicated that the
However, blood lactates were only collected at the
number of completed repetitions during successive
end of the last set and this conclusion can only be
sets, and therefore the volume of work performed,
was compromised when individuals trained with a
Lactate production and accumulation during
100% 10 RM training load compared to a 90% 10 RM
resistance training has been considered a stimulus
training load. The markers of fatigue after the com-
for the development of strength.8—10 The mecha-
pletion of the two protocols used in the study were
nism of action accounting for this may be an asso-
very similar. Such a training approach, if adopted
ciation between lactate-related changes in muscle
as a training programme, may also increase train-
pH and the release of growth hormone.11,29 Con-
ing compliance. Going to muscular failure is gener-
sidering the similar blood lactate responses fol-
ally unpleasant and compliance may be enhanced,
lowing both protocols, it is possible that the 90%
as well as training volume, when failure is only
10 RM protocol may be as effective as the 100%
required on the last set and not each of the preced-
10 RM protocol in providing an appropriate train-
ing sets. When completing sets using elbow flexion,
ing stimulus. However, the small lactate concen-
90% 10 RM is the appropriate load to induce failure
trations observed in the present study, as a result
on the 10th repetition of set 3. Although the effect
of the small mass of muscle exercised, may have
of training volume and fatigue on neuromuscular
been insufficient to produce differences in lactate
adaptation is still unclear,30 it is possible that a pro-
concentration between the two resistance exercise
tocol that increases training volume while produc-
protocols and the results should be interpreted with
ing similar fatigue characteristics may produce a
more effective training stimulus than one with less
If the volume of work performed during resis-
volume. However, the efficacy of both protocols
tance exercise is fundamental to the development
in producing chronic neuromuscular adaptations
of strength and muscle mass, as Baker15 suggests,
remains to be clarified through training studies.
the 90% 10 RM protocol would be an effective stim-
ulus for neuromuscular adaptation. Recognised as
a key component of the neuromuscular adapta- Practical implications
tion process is the acute hormone response (i.e.,
testosterone and growth hormone) accompanying • Assuming that training volume and the degree
regular resistance exercise.11 It appears that size of neuromuscular fatigue are related to the
of the hormone response is positively related not training response there would appear to be
only to the volume of work performed but also to several advantages in training at 90% of a 10RM
the magnitude of the load lifted during resistance load and only going to failure on the last set.
training.11 The greater volume of work performed • Training at 90% of a 10RM load for multiple sets
during the 90% 10 RM protocol was achieved at the and going to failure only on the last set, com-
expense of training load and production of muscle pared to training at a 100% of a 10RM load
fatigue following the first and second sets. Alterna- and going to failure on each set, optimizes
tively, resistance training protocols utilising a con- the training volume while maintaining similar
stant load across all sets (i.e., 100% 10 RM protocol) fatigue profiles which should produce better
will compromise the volume of work accomplished chronic neuromuscular adaptations.
due to a progressive reduction in the number of • Going to failure on every set of an exercise
repetition completed per set, thereby limiting the reduces overall training volume and is gen-
effectiveness of such a protocol. Perhaps a resis- erally not very pleasant which may impact
tance training protocol that progressively (set by training compliance. Training to failure only
set) reduces the training load while ensuring muscle on the last set of an exercise reduces the
failure on each set will optimise the volume of work unpleasantness of the training without com-
achieved, the magnitude of the load used and the promising the training effect which should in
amount of fatigue produced. However, the extent turn enhance compliance and subsequent neu-
to which volume of work, magnitude of the train- romuscular adaptations.
ing load and fatigue influence the development of
142 C. Benson et al.

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