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12 Glossary

We thought we'd add a glossary covering off some

of the buzz-words in SEO these days…

Link Juice - Used to describe the PageRank/vote

which can pass from one trusted page, through the
link, to another page

Googlebowling - Attempting to knock sites with newly

registered domains down the SERPS by deliberately
pointing too many low quality links too quickly at them
Stemming - A process incorporated in algorithms to
deliver results based on a word's root spelling
Link spam - Links between pages whose purpose is to
artificially raise rank in link-based ranking algorithms
Pagejacking - An unethical technique which uses
redirects to trick search engines into associating
content from one page to a web address owned by
someone else
Scraper sites - Designed to 'scrape' content to create
more content for a website. Theft is theft. A big no-no
SERPS - Search engine result pages
Share of Voice - Frequency of exposure of a site
within a specific set of keywords
Spamglish - Keyword-spam rubbish used to attract high
SERPs. A usability nightmare and not the brightest move An insider’s dossier on
Search Engine Optimisation

File No.1 of big

media’s exposé series
h e m i s sion
t accept it
… is
yo u ch oose to En gi ne
sion, sh
ould is Search
Your mis e mi ne fi eld that t he mal igned
tand th ngs as
to unders s beginni arketing
mi sa tion . From it ti ng, search m
Opti ine ma r ke
of onl
underdog of ROI.
is n o w t he king
ed a s
it e, you ne s n e eds
o u have a g n, a nd thi 1) Find
if y mpai gital
Fact: ing ca her di age
ing the
gi ne market t h y our ot in g mess 2) Warn
right SEO
e n ned w i m ar ke t ings
ali g obust
to be or a r
3) Thei
r expert
ties f ise
activi 4) Inte
unts for g your S
now acco 5) Ethic EO agenc
ng SEO and PPC) it 's a can of s y
Search (i
ti ng s pend… bu e e s, 6) Prot
ecting y
rke nt
nline ma zy guara nd our bran
57% of o cts, cra geting a 7) Keyw d
s; do dg y contra f- th e- mark tar make
worm qu e s, of do yo u 8) Keyw
s techni ow
dangerou gs. So h ets) burn
t? ords and
y dealin (and pock
No1 posit
m e fra nkly shad fi ng er s 9) Repo
rting an ion
so your
don’t get dossier
to 10) Age d results
sure you g et her this nt relat
s pu t t o ionships
media ha dustry.
11) Lea
Bigmouth f the in
ked by…
take th e li d of ed by SEO 12) Glo
es offer ssary
t h e op portuniti tf al ls to be
tlined pi
We've ou al l- im portant o u get a
e ensure y
ged thos
and flag s d os si er will
t r e s ul ts.
aware of
. Thi ellen
with exc
e service
reputabl on…
our missi
k with y
Good luc
1 finding THE
right SEO agency
So you need to find an SEO agency… where do you start?
Check out the agency's own search position. They'll
be competing with the best in their field for terms GS
like 'search engine optimisation'. So how do they
rank? If they can't do it for their own site, how An SEO agen
cy should
can they do it for yours? your behalf never own
; no doorwa anything on
domains. In y pages, an
Check the longevity of their clients - are they any case, bo d no shadow
of Google's th are in co
happy, long-term clients? Ask for references SEO guidel ntravention
being held in es and mean
to ransom you risk
by your ag
Are they a one-trick pony or can they integrate Beware of ency
search with PPC, Display and Affiliates for a sticky cont
as good as racts. If
they say th the agency
seamless online message? need to ti ey are, wh is
e you in fo y would th
r a year? ey
Check if the agency is involved in shaping the industry, Make sure
the agency
beta-testing platforms for the engines and driving shift the ca is flexible
mpaign to a enough to
professionalism through partnership with bodies like level if yo training an
u decide to d consultanc
E-consultancy, Search Engine Watch, and the IAB take the SE y
Remember th O in-house
at good SE
Do they have a firm grip of this fast-moving industry? and bad SE O works wi
O works ag th usabilit
Can they handle personalised search and video ainst it y
search? Things change at stellar speed, so you're
looking for an agency with its finger on the pulse,
constantly monitoring the changes in -house and
issuing authoritative comments and reactions There are
1.7bn sear
Look out for signs of front men and one-man back-bedroom out in the ch queries
UK monthly carried
bandit operations. Make sure your agent doesn't (PWC)
subcontract the work. You need to know exactly who
you are dealing with. Who is taking responsibility?
er nc
ov ul n
pr ons s a
id ta
3 their expertise

ng E-c ia i
OP! It's
SEO… but ST professional
rush into

ai al ed
ea sy to requ es t a
It's and g
al to sh op around abou t th e followin
critic osal. Ask

tr fici uthm
il ed pr op
and deta
must-haves with your
grate SEO
ow how to inte C campaigns?

of gmo
Do th ey kn
and PP
, Display

Affiliates o search,
way in vide optimisation
ading the

e th ey le al medi a
Ar soci
ed search,
and mobile analysis?
rs ta nd user journey
Do they un
de e service
of what th
gi ve fu ll details em en ts?
Do they t requir
d your inpu they 'get'
process an brief? - Do
ac cura te
ke an
Do they ta
your brand? r you?
sed copy fo
ea te qu ality optimi
Can they cr technical
de mo nstrate mark
Do they
expertise? their risk
nd paid links and
Do they un
ders tracking?
fer tr ansparent, mu
Do they of
of ag
ie nc e do yo
u and 5
Name exper ?
a rs of amage
m a ny ye
v e ? n d from d Be wary
w ha bra
1) Ho ur team fy my act? reeks of
of 'guara
nteed po
yo n demni contr ve? three th sitions'.
l y ou i
o a l ng
you ha you PPC ings - ei This appr
Wi l e d t do ign? listings ther they
2) be ti ienc campa be guaran disguise 're sellin
) W i ll I c al exper e f or my teeing ac
d as SEO,
or they
3 chni u b really ob t of list might
at te an yo ? scure ke in
4) Wh t ive c ports tancy
? just be ta yword ph
rases. Or gs for
w i nn o va
p le o re
c onsul until th
lking bull
in the ho they migh
) H o s am a n d gn ? eir purs pe t
5 ee a ing mpai es are fu you don’t
) C an I s p ly train i n g my ca m y We reckon ll. realise
6 su p tract rk on it's best
n you b-con ll wo mouth. He to get it
7) Ca u b e s u
tha t wi re's what from the
ll yo team s? Google ha horse's
8) Wi t the ur office th my s to say
on the su
n I m e e
n y o my SEO wi bject…
9) C mpaign i ate
ca ntegr digit
i ll you i es? other
o w w i vi t i h m y
10) H ther act wit
o iaise
i l l you l
ow w Nuff said
11) H gencies? tent? ancy
? .
a u p p ly con c o nsult of
u s buil d part
an yo site every
12) C of f er
ign o ff
o you and s
13) D I a gree progress
W il l a ig n
14) he camp

cy to
ng an SEO agen
ca n be pretty scary allowi reco mm en ding
It ght be
online. They mi
represent you
technical, cont
ent or aesthe tic ch an ge s to your
target keywords
domain na me changes or off-
site , Make sure you
and the agency
sider agree on keywor
Would you still con from the beginn ds
Ask yourself this: s to you r site keywords that
ing. Are they co
mpelling, compet
cal change itive
making those techni end of the day, keywords mid-ca
will convert?
Can you change the
? At the
if it wasn't for SEO ence of
mpaign? Are yo
u limited to a
to the user experi specific number
good SEO should add ffi c thr ough of keywords?
attracting tra
your site whilst
the search engine 8
Single ke
ywords AN
go to
l your SEO agency
To what extent wil
r com pet ito rs?
y from you
steal traffic awa h som e agencies
Number 1 positions
iss ue, wit
This is a huge close to
ents dangerously
putting their cli
trademark litigatio
erience It's a tricky on
the necessary exp e this; the re
Ask if they have ? Is this an SEO than 86% of al
l searches are
ality is that
ued bra nds
working with val e of words. Maybe yo for two or more
tands the importanc u'd get better
agency who unders 2+ keyword phra
ses? The bottom
traffic and RO
I from
your brand? the agency shou
ld discuss this
line here is th
ncy has Professio both clear abou with you, so yo
Insist that the age but realistic
t the marketplac
e an
d have ambitiou
Indemnity Cov er expectations. s,
n d r e s ults
ng a
9 Reporti
art to
u should st
snow ba ll effect so yo of co ntent
It's a in 6 weeks
ovement with
see an impr
optimisation crucial
(KPI's) are
rfor ma nce Indicators nc hm ark
Key Pe u need a be
campaign. Yo as well as
for any SEO e yo u bega n,
u know wher ports. Exte
report so yo up dates and re
og ress ange s wi ll
regular pr algorithm ch
particular sure your ag
issues, in gn so make
camp ai
affect your l times
ahead at al
is one step i-channel
way in mult
th e ag en cy lead the si on s down to
Can they break conver y played
reporting? O and Displa
you wh at part PPC, SE
in the acqu ics
osen analyt
en cy wo rk with your ch
Can the ag
tand and comp
agency unders
Does your SEO g ac tivi ties ? Even
ur othe r di gital marketin lv es ?
yo e themse
ey offer thes
better, can th l,
your technica
your SE O ag ency aware of in ts?
Is ng restra
gal or brandi
budgetary, le d
ness needs an
ey se ns it ive to your busi en ci es
Are th ware of ag
ey change? Be
flexible if th all' solution

Leaked by...
'one size fits
that offer a fit?
ity… do they
: the personal them,
And of course os el y wi th
al l yo u' ll be working cl
After !
you like them
so it helps if Bigmouthmedia
Bigmouthmedia has been involved in digital
not self dest marketing since the dawn of the industry,
will probably
This document ou t mo re hints, pioneering results-focussed, ethically
s but to find
in 15 second register for
our integrated digital marketing and winning
d un de rcover news,
tips an numerous awards along the way.
tter at:
weekly newsle te
tt r
a. om
co /n
m/ ws
ne et
sl Now with over 200 staff in 10 countries, we
hme ia
www.bigmouthm work with more than 300 major brands
globally across 24 languages.

Want to know more about integrating SEO?

Pick up the phone and speak to one of our
mouthy experts on 0845 130 0055 or email

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