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~'1998 Br;ld ~ Publishing

All rigtm, rE5~rvcd. rndudfng tn~ right of rt!pnodLl!:tion 11'1 whole or ~Il p;trt 1M :iny form.

Final Fanms?'Vjl © 1997. 1995 S~U;1;n! C~ .. Ltd.AH righ~ ~5er ... t!d. Final hnITL5Y'" and Sqllaresoft/O am rcgi51:e~d rradernarks of :Sqlr.lno! Cc... Lill.


Brady PLlbll5,nil1g An Imprint of

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Libnry Df Conll:l"es.'5c 'It: 98-070836

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00 99 98 ]

llmiu. af LiiLbil~ i1I1rl D~.lidilim[>r or WI!oI't'~~ T dE AlfTl-lO i'\ A~~ D PUaUSHER. MAKE NO WARR.ANT'1' 0 r .AN'" II; IND. EX!'R ESS'ED OR !HPUED. WITH REGAfl..D 10 T~E~E PROGRAMS OR n·tE DOClIMEr-ITA.TiON CONT .... ~NED ~N THI~ ElDOK. THE AUTHOjl. AND PUElU5l-fER. Sf'ECJF~C M lY DISC:: LA.1M .ll.N), WAfI,"'ANHES OF HERCHANTI\.81!,.lrt' OR FITN"ES~ rOR. A PARTLCU L..AR I'UfI,f'OSf; THE'; A.l..fTl-lO FI. AN [) I'UElIJSHER SHALL. NOT ~£ llAl-l..E ~N AN Y' sv ENT f'Ol\ IN LJ. DENTA~ Ort CQNSEQUf;NTIAl DAMAGCS IN CONN ret ION WITH. OR. A,R.I~lN.G au, Qfll i ~ RJFl.NISHING P11:Rf-OA,11ANCE. OR U~ OFTHtSE PROGMMs'


Lynll Zll'llgrOlr

Edito r- 1 n -C h i ef H. leigh Davls

T.t lelL i ce n sing M.a.nage.r Dd~ld WaybrlgtJ(

Marketing Ma.nagBr

Jan et Cad off

Ac.quis.itions Editor DebrLl McBride

DBvelopment Editor David COIssady

Project Edltor


Sc:reenshot Editor' Michael Owell

C re.ative D irecto r 5.::01:.[ We.t:an abe

Book Designers

Carol Starnile

Scott Wa J::'l nabe

Production Designers Dal1 CapMO

Max Adamson


You'd rhin k the se con d drnc wou I d be ea ,,1 er; buc in reajity lr may have <Icrua1ly be.el'l rougher.] owe my lffe to both Rid.;: n,ompsoll. Ferl1:mdo BU:5Glll1<lIlte. and tha rest of Square's

00 p 11 otrh Quall!}'.A5s IJr.UH::e Departrrtern:, who hil.V€ ne!ped me in cou ntless way~. YQU guys are th e best, ill th e indu st.rf. 01'1 behalf of the entire BrndyGAMES te;!m I'd also like to thank Kl!.l"lji Mlmura, Kyckc Yamashita, Kiomi MurazekL and jun IVI{3;5;:oIki for their dedicadon and asS~SJ:(!rll:~.Thanks gOE':; ro Frank Hom and Gary Kei[h at Eldos for helping us get up and run l1ing. '(our inflllite pari CIlCE was m ueh appreciated. Th i s book would not ha .... e bacn possible wlthoul:. me assistance of the world's gre<ltest edl~or.Tlm Cox.Thank you so much for :all cl'1e h~lp you· ..... e given rne over the pase couple: of months. Let.' 5 not r01·ge.t the rest of me Bf<ld~ team. Debra McBride (w he nad me wi sdorn to gLYe me me book in th e firsl:. place), Micn~e' "Gordon' Owefl (who gripes 3. lee, but ~1'Ni!.)l5 comes shreugh in [he End), SCOtt \l'll-aGlJ'l<tb~ (who is the only person I know who just might be more of LI. fanatic man me), Carole Stamlle (who did an exce~krnr job taklng FFVil from console to PC). and Dan Capa.ro (wh 0 kept. his cool down m the wire). l.1.!;[, bur. not least. I'd like to thank He~mer Mosem-an and Caro!e Cassady for beTng both m)' supperc mechanlsms and scrnenrrres my alarm clock I jove you both.Thanks r.c e\leryone fc r [rying thei r hardest (0 make m is bee k even bette r than th ~ fi rst,

This book 15 dedicated to my gra n dfa ther, Rev. Donald C4SS~dy. who passed <W'r.!'f during the wrn:.illg of this book, WE'jl miss you. gr.;Im::lpa.


Ga me Bas i cs • - . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ + • _ .5

[unon Harbor 98

Junon ..... , .. " ..••....... ~ 0 I Shinra Boa~ .. _ .. __ .. _ ..... , .102.

Character Information .... + .• _ + • _ .8

Making Sense of Materia ... _ .. _ ... 28 Chaco BiI'l's Complete Guide w Chocobos . . . . . . . . .. ." _ .. , ... 36

CO~t<I deJ Sol .. _ , __ ..•...... 106

Mt. Corel • . _ ..... , ..... , 107

WOllk[hrough Assault on Mal(.o

R'eactor No. J _ + + •• , ••• , •••• 52

Nor"th Corel •.• _ •........... i 09

Go!d Saucer _ , + • 109

Core'] Prison . . . . . . ., . . . • •• + _, r 2.

The Getaway ., , + "55

Sector 7 Slums , __ 56

Th e Chocobo Race . . . . ... + • • • I I 4 G ongaga: Vi 1I00ge .. . . . . . • . , • + • • I J 7

Cosmo Canyon , . _ •• __ .... 120

G i Cave .. , _ + • , • • • •• t 11

Nibelheirn ........• __ ..•.... 115

R.aid on Sactor 5 R.e:actor .. _ , + __ 58

Sector 5 Slums , •.. , & I

Aerls' Hause ............•.•.. 62.

Sector 6 , , _ . _ . __ .. 63

Wall MarkeL , .. ,' _ . + ••••••• , .64

Shlnra MansIon _ •. _ •.......... 126

The Sewers and the

Train GrnveY3rd _ + •••••••••• 70

The Pillar Assault •........... ,72 Ah:ermath ." + • _ • , •••••••• _ •. 14 Going Up? • + _ • _ , ••••••••• _ , ,7S Shlnra's HeadguO!rters ...•.•. _ .. 76 Caught! - , .•...........• , + ••• 85 The Chase ... , .. ". _ ••. _ •... 88

Kalrn .•.......... + _ •••••••• ,90

Mt. Nrbel ....• + " • _ , ••••••••• 129

Rocket Town _ . + ••••••••••• _ .131

Wutaf .. ' + •• ~ ••••• , •••••• , + I H

Chocobo Ranch . _ .• + + ~ •••••• ,In Mythril Mine .. + • _ •• + •• , ••• , .95 Fon Condor .... ~ _ . + ••••••••• 96

The C;U and the Keystone .•. + .142 Temple of the Am::iern:s .. _ •• _ + .145 Bone Vil!;:tg-e ...•....•. + , •.•• 150 The Sleeprng Forese . _ , . + ••••• 15 l City of the Anclerrts __ .• _ .•... 15 I COrr<L1 Valley Cav,e_ •.• , ...•..• t 53

lc fde Inn . . , + •• ...,...,.... ~ S4

Grea~ Glader ..•..... , . . .. .156


---f" n~-IIIU·I!~I,:III alTII..II 1K.!l11IJiij;'"·-----------,.."...,..,... .• ,._.. __,.. __ ~ __

Gaea Cliffs , , 1 58

The Crater , .......•. _160

The tl'lecution .•... , .. + • " •. + .16] The Seoarch for Cloud ...•...•. 165

Mideel • ••..•..• ,166

Runa.vva.y Train " .. , I 67

ReturnUl Fon. Condor ." •.. _ . i 69 Destroyed Midll:el .... _ + •••••• 171

The Underwater Re.acmr , , .172

The Subrnart n e Bartle , ,175

The First Man in Space . , . , _ .. ,'~ 77

The Ancient Mac.hlne __ • . __ 179

Ratu rn to M i dgat" , • _ _ + • _ _ • • _ I 84 A Few Mor~ Th~ng:s To Do .. ,' .190

Gold Saucer 20 I

Th e Fi n:3JJ Confronta tio n .. 107

The Right Path , , .. 209

The Left Paith ., " . __ 2.10

I terns _ _ + _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ " _ • _ • _ • _ • • • .2.,1 5 Weapons +. __ •••••••••••••• " .1 is

Armor ,,, 228

Accessories .. , , , .. _l:m

Mllteria " _ , .231

El1emy Skills .". _ •. " _ _ .. _ 1S0

Be.s:riary " . .. , 154

Leve'l M :IpS ...,......,...,.. .. 273

Qu~ck Reference Map Guide 272

Make ReaC::Lor No. I ... , •..... 27,~ The GetaWil)' .,.... _ _ . + • • , _ .174 Secrar 7 Slums + + ". • •• , ••••• HS

Sector 5 Reacror , .. ,,, 216-

Siec.mr 5 Slums 277

Wall Market ." , .. ,. _ 278

The Sewers and the Tratn

Gr.:l'/eyard " _ . _ _ _ __ . _ ..... 179

Senor 7 Wreckage , . - ., .. 280

Shlnra's Headquarters __ " .. _2.8 Ii

Kalm .. , .. , ... + • _ • + _ ••••••• 282

The Cha~ohQ Randi .. , 293

MyrhrU Mrne ., , , .. " 284

Fort Condor , + , _285

[unen Harbor .. _ .• __ . _ •. " ... 18S

Shinra Boat . ....•..... 286-

J u n on _,. _ _ • . . . . . " , . . . , . . . .287

Cos ta del .50 I .188

Mr.. Corel •... , ......•• _ •• _ .2.89 Norm Corel ..• , .. + • __ + •• + .• 290 Core1 Prison , _. • _ + + _ ••••••• 291

Gong<lg<lo Vi~la.ge .. , .292

Cosmo Canyo n . . . . . . • . . . . . . .293

Gi Cave , , , .. 294

Nibelheim , .. + • _ •• + .295

r-n, Nrbel , ....• __ . _ .. _ ... 196

RocketTawn + , • _ •• _ •••••••• ,297

WutaT _ _ , , .. , 199

Temple of the Anci.ents ., , .. 300

Beme Vlllage/S~eeping Forest .30 ~

City of the Anclerrts .... .. 302

Corra] V<l~'ey L",ve _" + _ • __ •• , ,303

!'eide lnn .. _ + .•••••••••• ,]04

Grea.t: Glacier " , 305

The G::l;e!<I Cliffs " , .. 301

The Crate r ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . :me

Uppe,f" JUIlO" " _ . " __ _309

Mldeel _ _ _ •. _ 3 10

U nd erwater Reacror . . • • . ., . . .3, I ~

C1d~s. Rocket . , , , , .. 312

Crashed Galnika ......•...... 3 n Re.'l:urn ~o Midgar .. __ . __ .. _ .. 314, The Fillal Confrorttation _ .. _ ... J i'



This sec~iOf1 provides 11 few tips on explorfng, battles, mlll'llagTng your inven~ory. and equipping your characters, For more spedflc information, I urge yell m check OUt the trarning rooms located in the Sector 7 S~ums and Junon. In these OIre;u, you'll find complete tutorials for all [he basics In 11 graphTc derncnseration.


G Save often-you never know wh:tit; lies around me next eum.

B Talk. to ever)'CIne--several urnes. Some charactars won't spultheir gutS the flrst time you speeak co them; however, they'll tell you everything the second and third times ;:'jrollnd_

I'll Majer event.S in the game ofl:en change what some characters say and do. [f somediing earehsharterlng occurs. reVisit nearby villages to see if anything has chilinged,

I!lI After iI.~q'ujrjng a vehtde,leavll1 1[ ln a plat:e where you cat'! eOl5il, reQ"i~ve it. Otherwise" you GIn easily ge[ completely cut off from your transporeanon.

RI Riding Chocebns lsa fun Wdc'f CO' gee around quickly. bur: it's not always dle best. chnlce, The random bartles that occur while t:raveling berween towns are crftiml for raising )'oor levels :3.1,d fattening )IOUI'" walle~_


D Carry lots of Potions, Ethers, and Phoenix Downs.Thes.e items help me mDS~ during barrles when your magic runs dr)"

ID! Keep your Inv.emory organized. rf things. aren'li. to your liking, group them so that: they're easy rn find and USE:. 'You don't wam [0 waste time during a battle searching for an X-PeltOn t:h3t you despera[eJy ne.ed.

D Man status effect5'---eh:her goed or bad---only 1a.S[ until the end of a brtl:tle.'i"ou should carry i! few of d'U~ 1l:~m5 char cure such ef'fects (four or five mps) [ust to be safe. Howeve.-. don't wasta Gil loading yourself down with lots. of useless supphes,

B. Look for speclal items like Power Source and Guard Source tagl'>i'e your characters a baOSL Each "Source" permanently increases one or your characrar's stacist.h:::s by a point.

fl There are several items In the gilme that na""e 110 use and just as many that appear useless, but in fact aren't.Think about where you might be able to use the odd items that appear. As your levels increase, some lcerns will become tess offe.ctive. Podam, for example, will no longer he.l.i enough tc be worth I::il.rrying.



Ell AhvilYS equrp new armor and weapons when you obrain them. You should oC(.J.sionaUy check your inventor), to ensurl! you didn't mi!>s me addltion of <I new Item [0 your inventory.

El The srronges« weapon i5 not alwa)'5 d1e besc choice.A~w3)'S take. rn~o account he ..... much Materia a weapon can srore and what kind of effect it: has on the M"J.terla..'s groVlf[h rate.

You don't need to purchase each new weapon and piece of armor you find. YOlil should keep your main party eurfltced in t.he latest gear. but only buy I[ems for Inat'tlve eharaecers if you have an !!verabundarn:e of Gil.

Your armor and accessories can seriously affect the outcome of a baerle. For example. an enemy thar uses nothlng but water-bas.ed attacks will have trouble lnjurtngsorneone equjpp~d with the Water Ring

• I~ems llke [he Water R.illg enable your pJrty to usc normally harmful speUs for heaHng purposes.

91 Choose weapons and armor that best fit [he roles you've chosen for a character; Fighters. need rewer Materia slots than magiC: usars. 'if you have a lelt: of empty Materi:l sloes, you may not be urllrzlng the best armor Of' weapon,


D Througout your adventure, you II hnve [he oppor'CUI11Fqf to buy lots of M.nerla. Although you carl find mOSI of it lUst lying around. you may want co buy a second Materia crystal for

es 5E!n [[<Ii spells Hke Cur-e and Ufe.

III "All" Is one of the most valuable Materia in rerrns of elimll1atlng rnuhiple enemies. In addl~ !;IOn, It can also be reamed up With a. M,J[eria chat gi v es ~he andre palL)' bonuses, ri'ke "Restore" or "Time,"

Each Materia gives me equipped ch<lrnCU!F certain bonuses and penaldes.Avoid ClVE!riaadlng characters with Matena th3' hllYe heaVy penalties Dr ·Y£lu may seriously decrease the character's effectfvene5s.

Summon Materia IS sometimes difficult to nnd. You should 'Search e'¥"erything and everywhere as- you explore If you can't enter all area at one point ln the game, return h'lte.r and me path may have opened,

G Some of the most V<I!uilble "Spells- cause no damage at all and <Ire commonly overlooked. If you want ta master Final Fanmsy VlI. YOI) must learn how to effectively use Materia. like "'Time" and "Myst"ify"

• Characters equipped wTth short-range weapens (swords.5tilffs, erc.] infliCt less dam<lg~ while srandlng in the bade rank. Even iftney're in me front ranks. thet roll muse hess damage if they're forced 00 attack an opponent's back ranks .

.. Characters equipped wlt:h long-range weapons can arrack from the Iront Elr back rank without weakenjr:'lg thelr artacles. They can also attack ao opponer'lts back rank without a loss of power.

• You can onty hit some enemies (mOJinly BosSies) with iong.r<lI1gC! weap-ons, Even If your character's best weapon is hcsc suited for close-range aetacks, make sure you keep a long-range weapon in your Inventory just [0 be safe.

• Eilch player wlll progre.s$. through the g<lme <II. a different 'Speed. Deperlding upon how quick.

Iy you find your way around. you may occa.sionally need to "build" your levels or fill your pockets wlth Gil, To accomplish chis, roam around a town and fight the local hordes of enemies, resn n g at an Inn when n ecess ~ r)'_

II After hec.oming familiar- with the enemies In an area, take a few moments to re-equip your team. For example, If you're facing ice beasts. equip lots of "Fire" Mate .. ia and accessories ttl <lli. P rotea 10 u Fro m ice a nacks,

• Try to focus your PilFl;Y'S attention em :a single ~nemy until it's destroyad.Thts will enable you to quickly eUminare YOlll- foes whHe absorbing me leasr, amount of damage,

• If the enemy <l character was assigned to attack dies before the charad:~r can attack. he or she will randornlyattark one of the remaIning oppcnenrs, It's best to measure your aeeaeks and to assign characters to a dlffen:mt monster ff It looks llka the chosen beast is about ce be dastruyed. Th,is allows you more control over the situation.

• Be sure to use plenty of defensive magic: to make up for weak armor. A solid barrier Is sometimes better than a strong piece of armor.

II Most creatures have distinct strengths and weaknesses, Pay attention to thes-e thing'S. and do your best to caplrallza an them.

• When being attacked from behind. you may waf'll: t05witch ranks b'i!tween characters becausa your front figh~crs will be in the back. and your back fighters will be in the front. Th I s Is n m a [ways worth the ~ffo re, bu e In lange r fights ,t will payoff.

D When beIng attacked from behind or When surrounded, you'll take rnore damage than usual 7f your opponents hlt you In the back. To avold this sttuacion (attacks from behind), press

[J} + [9] OJS If (0 run from the f~ght.. In [his scenario. your characters will turn 00 face [he! enemy.


At ilge 21. CltZlud Stl"lfe leads th1,e lif£! of a mercenary for hire, As ~n i1,l:~-mernber 0,' Shinra's ellilt@ squ3Id known as SOLDIIER.lhis flghting skills are ill high demand. Cloud joins the rebel ,group AVALANCHE for their first. strike ,against one of Shinr~l's huge Maim R:ea<::mrs tl'ia,t surround the city of M,j'c!gar-

The story line of Fin'al FClntasy VI{ revolvl!s around Cloud. lnfaet, most of the time you're

required to hav@' him in ),our pa,rty because he play'S a key mlie in most .of the events 11'1 the gam'e. Over time Cloud pro,ves to be a great asset, because his p-owe!lful swerd technique ~s l'Il,early unmatched. You 'III want 00 keep Cloud in your frens Illfle mOISt of the time 1>0 take fUll I advantage of his sword technique. His magic skills eresohd, but don't overload him w~th Materia.




Cloud p-eI"fCl'rms a leap I ng chop that -splli.ts a s,ill1lg1,e enemy in two, Unless you're facing a really ~trong enemy t.ha:t rsn'e a BQ~s. this is usualliy your best LBVl1iI ~ U mi't Brear.<, Tire arrack is strolf'kg'er~hO\n the Cr~ss-Sladl" seO it: us u<I,lly kill!> w€!,ake r e,fIemies.

C ros,s·SJa-sh

Wim S'e, ..... eral powerfu~ slasl1e~. Cleud bl~s .. es massr'le; dama,glil to a singke opponent. If the! Bnemy survives the, a:ttack. tbere i,s, a ,"-anee I:hart it mEly cause paral,Ysis. It c_an'1!. p'al-aIyze; e n~mi'@;!> Who are !'iO l"maUy imm une 'to paralys i s, ~ ike m cst Bosses,.


Blade Beam

W'if'I'iJ'S of en€: rgy rush fro mCloud's ,sWD rhl and CQm de with a singJe ,en,emy. The rernalntng energy then <!i!pliits, ill1(iCO smaHe;r; weaks r waves, hitting any rem,ainiflg enemies. This a t.rack i s g;n~at again se a large ~r-01.!1P of weaker enern T es, Allways tOlllt'!;@t the strongest en emr in th@lgrolUp, becOI:u,s,e th e iin i dal W~ causes about three times 'as much damage as the smi)lIcir secondary wav~l>.

8 Ci!.:oUD STllifS

ro;;----:-;::~~~-.,.....- .--..._ ....... -."..-~___, Clilmha%z:ard

Cloud skew.ers a ~irngl,e en,emy and then 'eaps hi~ "m~o ~h~ sky t,O 'C-ause glce~t.e r da mage. Ttds, ,i<s best used ag,ains,1:; :1 single 'Opponent or any really srr'ongopponerllt$ YQu

'i!~(!lnc'Ount.e:Ii. ,event1lLlally the Bla.d:e Beam illJbmck wUl become

U in,effectiVe, but the, Climhaz:z:anj aeeack should be useful mnu.I_g.l1out most of roe game.



Whi'l e lelfLpff'lg into tJ1~ e !i I r, C ~c'L.Id unleash ~s' a b;l,rrage ,Qf m~ceo,rs; upon a group orro~ causing up to four separate ~its. Tni~ hl: a;~tuaIJ)' b~g)j; used' a,g:;Iinst <Ii singl,e enemy, unless the tar,geted gre,up IS fairly weak. Used agains,t one opponent. this: attac;k can 'C3.LlS'e as mudl a'S i 2;000 'P0i.,U of damage'.

Fin.shing TOL.!ch Cl'cud I:l"ea~es a large Wh,'ri:wind !iIlOK sJUCks ~ grou of opF!onents into, .,. ....... ..11 wI<! lch eau S ~ es them 100 I!iither mmmedia,1)ely Iperish or. suffer ex~e.l1~,I""'e dOilm~ from mIlling baek to tnJll ground. Most opponents will'l simply perh:'I'I. but large'li'" cre'MUrtls li~ Elosses will always fall back to Ole greun d, Save thiS: Urn it Bi"e<Ik fQ I> groUP!>"-ll1::'ll cO mp~ere4y 'w,as;~d on a 5 ngle ene.my;



CII~ud assau I'ts fillis [) ppone nt with a long serie! of powerlu r ~word attall:~.This call be: ~scd apinst a sil'l~l~ OppOflref'U:

O,'.a groUp; either way, this ,is an ~trell"l'lely powerfur

attack. 'Wiltihthe (:011- raee swo'id in nand. this at;t."bck can actual II)' G\'lJse I'ust 3S much, if

"IIm' ....... r--1 .!lO,t mere, da.mage than ttrClf.tJb~,ed ., KJniSJ;!u of the RCIIJlnd'" Mater"ia.

B<lrr.Bt is: the 3S-year-o:ld leade,;:; M the rebel team known .. s AVALANCHE. He. leads the team in the quest to stop Shinra's Mako Reacto'lr,s and S-aVEi: m·e life of the Fl,j,ane·trAitlioutgh he ts r;rlJly devoted to the tearn, Barr~1:. often n3Igre,t,s havi ng to Ileave 11:1 s .you ng daughter, M.ar.l~Flie, alone 0 r ~I'! the care 'Of others." [Barret's m Q,thles are 1II!ld@;,M'r ow t mast be,1 iel!,!le that strJ~ nra W'aSsom ehow res ponsl ble far the death of his wife,

AlrdlOUgh he may not I aolK j,t; Barret is one of the most vers.ati Ie. charactecs ij n the pm'e. U nl i ke mOlilt. he has weapons for close- and IOl1g-ra.n,ge combat, whtehenebles him to perforrn well in either rcank. You'll want '~o keep Ba,rret fn the bad, mnk most of the tirll.e, because ehls enables him to cause he<wy damage without taking an equal amount. in return. Avoid Iloading Barret up with M<ll;eria that reduces his hit points and strength. You may want to use him as a dmllag€! m.a.gnet llatel", and irf so he'lil need 1:Q be as strung as possible.



Big Shot

B!lrr1!!t fire's a large balll of energy from his g)L.ln. which COl U1Se!S masslve damage ce his epponerrt. For r;he first. pertte n ef the game the Big Sho·t: sh au Id comejn 'r'ea.!!y h~1'I dy.

however, i·t q'ulickly becomles cbsolereas V'OUIi" enemies increase in stRn:gth" -=:l~~ M'indbt[ow

iiiIi.Oi~""':.:.lI Ibrret fi res a 1!8J I"ge ball of blue en ergy fl"tl m his gu n, whf c: h depletes his appon-ent's m<lgic points. :Such atltaci(s often go unappreciated, but the Mil'ldblow cam turn a. fierce m:a,gic user into a helpl1es.s w,imp"


Grenade: Bo,mb

Targ'e'ting an e niti re gr'ou Pc of en ermes, B_arnt lau I"Iches a d~acjli:rgrelilade into dhe enemy ranks, This irs 'typaqlly the Le¥el 2 limit Br~a.k of ehelee, It causes a decent srncune of damage to entire groups of enemies,


,Bar,ret's powerful punch sends an enemy lrrto oro,j't. Barn;:t can comphrtely rem eve an enemy from corn bat wirh ehe Ham m e r blow, but theattack is b@s,t used against individui;lJ non-Boss monsters. The Hammer-blow doesn'e cause any direct damage. so it's

wOlrthless <!-gainst Bos!> creatures.


r---~'!'I!!!!!"------';:--"""" 1!'"""1_'~--:-:-----;:'::-:l'lr:'7"""""" 'Satemte B,eam

Provrng he has fd,9Ilds- in h:lgh places, Sa rret ca [Is for tn,e ultimate air strike against;) grollp of enemies, The beams hit for ab out 3000-4000 po i nts of damage 011 each creeture, i~~~ AlthouUJ this attack IS great Ilgainst a gll"oup of enernles, it's

:II! consid'en.lbly less effectJ1ve against a IOl1e attacker.


Lock and load! Barret dumps a larg,e amount of ammunltton into a group of enemies causing massive damcage. The Ungarmax: hits more times than the Sat~lli,te Beam,. bur: tJhe hles are weaker.





Barret uses his gun arm 'ro hover aver a group of enem,h~s, an d cl;,en burns tlhem to 11. crisp wi'tl1 a super~heated plasma blast.As yol..l mfght exp~ct. this is the best of Balnlet'~ Urn it Breaks. It we rks weil against \l group 011" a! singl:e enemy. It dOJ~'5 1101Ye one downside: Because 'the arrack isn't focus:ed. iii singLe ~n erny won't fuel: the fuU fa ree of the blow.

Ti~a <lJnd Cloud were dni lid hood f1ri}erM:J~. blLJlE ~ ... md ~ls whian CIQud letit: his; homiecowm ('.if Nibelhe:rm «> m03r! SOLJDllEJt When her p<tl'\elllts Idij,e'dI.l".irn "~SCi left Nibe1h<eim :ill.f'ld headed rO,f' Mlidlgar; Soon after opening her bil.l':,Tlfa's Se'iIe'l'It.h H!ll<l¥'eln. sh~ m,et Biarr>eit 0l.I'I~ joined ~i~ .rag~g g,rouPQf reb~J,s known :;IS AVALANC1FlIl!. 111:'8 h~r g'(liEl~ 't:o m~ke 5U~. Cloud flem'\ll~ns witlr! AVALAN'C:HIEamer hii$lfiYlSiIl; mission witlh the Denm,"

Whel'll flgt'ft~l,.g. Tffa lets her fists' do .. hetalr,dt),g.lHer atmc::lr.s are gene:rany weal(ef' than Cloud~$ ~ncl Barr'Eil:~. bu't: from ~adv orl h@lr chaJfiI of Umit Breail.J!$ i$ by fa.1I' the best fh r rig gp ing. In:fiteil:C of &()Iecting a single li ml~t Br-eali;, each IlI1eW !atrnfck :a-dds [-orne ""ha~n foli" iii t:omil of seven de~atj ng hits. Ilf 'She ca.ln score "¥ea:h!" '01'1, the MTrI~n:g sll,ots:.~!hec~!JS!lliS extra d~rna,g\e. If ~hle stops O! s:J ee

On "Pliss," she mi:s:5ElS with th<lt p~rt of till€! oombo. Ti,fil s,!'io~,.d!d always be a frO!'ild~ne fighter, but m~:y hiilllve ~I'iQub~e cOflll~ r ibubing d !1J~iflg. ~m.E! BQs~ fights ..



Be~t IRush

Tifa Ih.UlI~~'OI~h es 3. qUick cOll:l1bQ :!lg;,dn~t a si ogle eru~'nTl)" f;o r ~he first p@ll'~ 6f her liirnit Brea.1!: combo,

5~~e~~11 S·l,)mersalld-e

l'ifa putni:shclS 13. :silll'lgleorpponem: alliid :sl'iiO¥tlS oelfiF <I. little 'wilJi'! dIH •. ~ i IPp~ng kick The Somersau It "taicks 01'1 an o1jf'le'" hit to hel" L1mi't!; ierrg<!11il: co mbo.


The: thiird pa.n afTifn's combo is -a qu~c'li{ elel(l1!l'l1n11<l:1 ~ of Waiter' d1l-'Olt wa:shes. OYer .. 1IIl ,oppornent.

M~teod ... ive

Tifa s1h ows off he,r brute force by plckl ng up her e pponen i; ,and ~ellf'v.ering a qui:c,k backdrop"


Dolphin Blow

Tlfa c311s on he r fishy fri~nd for this watery u ppercut and tacks on hit nu rnbel:"' five~

M'eteor Stlnlke

After grabbing her opponent, Tifll jumps lneo the heavens hE!fu re slam m fng dow!1I he r opponent hard,


Fin al Heave,"

foc:uslng her §n€!rgies into her fiset, Tim hits '~he emllmy Wlith the force of a nuclear ,explloskm.



i': .~""'~.~,! .... ~::-_::."';.. _ .


A bea'lI!Jijfll.!1 ll-¥ea .... old.Atr~$ il$: a l!J .. igh~ ~pOt j:n the mmd:dk! of aJ d!ark and drwvy towill. While $le~lnlll'lg ,nowens near AVALAN CH E'S filr,S.1!: t3,rget. Aerijs' I'ife was f,Olr~v'e .. zl~l"~dI after <I e !'lanGe meeting with Cloud. Be,C<lu.s1e! ·of her Imys;tlj!;ri~lJe bjl~,[~rt(lund, StJ,inra h:<ls p4lrsue:d her for most of her ~iW~c Nlow ~h:ll1! ffll,J1S;t fight l!Ig~illrlsit;thoS"e who WOU M1 e nsr_~ lleer <lfilid de!Stroy wh<lit sh'ec hClld~ most d,e1l.f'.

Aerij,$ i:s au::! cloSE:St ch:arac'ter Fin(jlFanf~~y WI hatw <I. d c::ldh;:::a1teid m~gic user, Her ph'y<5fc;:,d .;1I,t.tack$ are fuil"~ wtlak, but sn~1 pO'$se$~es- gfl)~,t skiU witllri M~md3, and its VilWiiOU!O "o,rm::; .. DI;I,el1Q thli~ 'Odd b81a nee, >,Ol,jl should PUt her ~n YlOur ~31clk i ine ana r,oad he!" dlcwn, wIi,l;h t1atariill. L~tAeris duolle her energ~,es 'Ilospei:l c;,ilistiFlg Whill,e her t:~"[lflrn,a:teJ ~Qru;jf!f~~~'atei OJl'l fr:rl\licting p~Mcal dillrrlage'. Tfiis alse takes ,Sidvalnt:ag~ o,i' her a,e,f,en.ll,i'i,lJ1l,..b3,$led L.iml~ ,B.feal~s,.


Healling Wind

Af,il rls re!$tOU'tl~ the p<lrty~ I o~t Hit ""oi r'lts V'(UI;I9 tl1~$ h~-e'ni:1 b~e:re"

5,e.a1 myi I

AQ!'il;; C<I!Stlli :!J. mystic :!Ip-ell @rn :it gf()UP !.?f ellem~es. C3.lUsilfig [tihem al'~rJa5tdP <lI)IC bec(:lme si'l!elll,c'Wli,

L,E.VEL 2::

Bl'leath of the Illareh

;M11I:gkal b~m~ of Iligh ~ cure ~e P\'llrtf of :'I n:y ~iiSdll,g l1Leg~tlve smwse's"


Sac r~fl!::~fiI'g, her own Illmit Atb.ck" Aeris b~j1s~ dM~ party wi'tlh Hq~ power wh1:cJh im!i;l;:iIln~)" fins ~:l!Jeh m h e,allles' Um~t &~uges"

P'~<lfllet Pll'otecto t"

Ae:li'(j,s:fc,rrns ~ pmtectI¥e barrier aro.und 'm,@ Iparty that m1llkeiS ehern tempor<lrlly Tnv\i!~fIl,el'<!lbi'i2.

P'U~se !lJf Ute

Wh;h a qu ~~k WQr-d of p~ye r, ACll]S co/rn· pte:ceiy curesthe part.y of an:til1~ments;

an d r eS'~o roe s any JOiSt Hit P>!i)i !"Its 01'" M'i!gic Poilll~.


Or-eDt Go,spell

Aeri:s: ~~ ll'U'I'ltH1S ·th!11 rte~¥eJllly nO@t and eh e part¥ is full{y flecover:ed and m'ilde ~:e.mpoiraJri Uy illlV,lIIi nerable.


~~~_J:' .II'.!'~:'-": r ,

Altho~h hls 'fiery red fur may make hlm I.oc,~ ~ike a wi;ld ilnimall, R€ld X~:JI's il1l:ielilec;t Is weHabove: th-a;t of most humans, No,t Illucb lis 1li;IilOWIlI ~~eoUJ1:i Red X,JU's ,origin. He's. currently' beil1,g held C«Ip" ti'Ye Ii n Shrn m:s headquarters wh~re b e'$ t:~U"cegi to parden pate in the rrtw~sted 'exp erlmencs,

Reel Xlll ls S[:FCll!1g at bod1 p~i'cal and rnagteal c~omb:aL. His sharp teeth and claws work well wlith his close-range 'fighting. szylle, however .. this limits his cernbac options and forces him to take a spot '01'1 the front line. There is a lo:~ r:;Jnlge weapon for Red XIII, burt. It lacks Mateda slots and forces him to <let ,!S a fighter. Red XIII lTIr'a,k:es a solid m<agic user wheJ1 loa,d,e(:i down wl,h Materia, but pedo rrns b est With a ImO'Fe bah'U'Icedi ap~roi3:ah, It'~ best. to ;l!way,s take <ldvant"8E' 0'1' hi.s physical strength 3S weI.! as his starthng il1ltelit1!ct.



Sled Pang

R~d .xm eha rges th rc ugh an opp-on ent caus i ng a large amount of phys.ical darmage. For a wnil.e this m~y be the only Jong-range attack l\@ciI XU! has, so it's sure 00 com e in handy. However, it willi become olhi:.oil ate by the ttm e you r,ec@iv~ Blood Fang.

L'Una.ti,e; High

A '~~wing I'jght covers the party and Haste is- cast on ~ery~ one, Until 'YO,u've. pl,lr'cnasJ4lid the "Time" Materia, .,he LUIl,<\tic. H rgh shou Idee me 111 handy du dng major battles,


Blood F'ang

Red Xlll e harges tihirough <li.l'i' op PQnl0nt COIUlSiti'g me r.€-' ph:rsica~ darna,ge than 'the S.led Fang attack He also g~ins a small arnm.lnt· of Hit IPoints and Mag1c: Points. This ateack isn't mucl1 different fr-om the Sled Fang attack, but it's nice for eHminatlP1g an opponent and boo5t~ng Re d .xUl's M P.

S'Ii:Brd ust Ra:y

Red XII's how II summol'l..!>, a cl useer of fa iii ~ s~a,rs. whk:h ,t;:<I.'use<s sev,eme dam.,.ge IiQ g,I'OUpS .of ene:mlies,

U r'll~s:s you nef!d 'th e M po boost, stick w~th eh IilSt<ll'du5't R.ay dluri;ngflghtlii.l1t infUc:ts oonsiderably more dtlmage 00 a group or ill singl:e enemy 'tihandle, Blood fang.

H,o:wUng M,oon

Th e ,full. moen dil'~",es Re,d )iCm into a ~e" ca$ting Bersen:: and HasEie on, him for the rem~inder ,of the Ibattle.1'hi's attack has sam@; obvious a.dvantolges and diiSad""1ilJnu~e$. !..lsTn:g thli's ;tn,u:k, R,ed :xm can attack quicldy, but he c~n no ikmgeraid th e party with ma8JlC 0'1;" any, kind of special attack.

EaJ'th Ray'e

Red xm, ~cks, a 'groul" of E!I"Iit'lmies, wkh -a s~'de~ @£ filve el emenmm aua,ob. mfli dle end. the Eallith Rai,lle will prG'v,e te be mQre qe'netlh:f<l~ than the HowJi[ng Mo,on. It causes 11 Ia.rge amount of diFeet damage 'VI!i1thO,Ui; com mJltdng Re.d Xliii lO 3i s,tngle a~ pitueFht.


Red X.ldll 5Uri"lm,QI'IS a huge baU 0'£ fir·e wnlich expk)des, ell;gulfJJlg Iris epponents in a hu,ge my of supe."-heated IPh'lsm,lOI.

Cid is al'l e.xper-t pI1llC)'~ and mechalilic who dl'~ams of one day be!:'omil1g the first man in space. His dream would nave been fulifililed, Dut he aborr.ed a Immd1 in erder to savethe Ilife of one of hi's crew. Now he spends his tilme tryirTg to repair his inoperable rQc'kell: in the hopes that Shlnra. may 0 rse day rel nsta.'te its" space progra rn •. g~"'li ng hi rn another c:h"flll:::,e a e fuH'lI!1 ~ng hi s dream.

With his lance lin hand, Cid is always prepared fo.· bat-de. His fighti~g sklilis are top-noltchOind come in lundy tlhrougihout most of die germe. HIS' limit Breab are very helpful wheh fighting the ,ev'H hordes that threaten to c:onSli m e the I <lII"I,d .yo u' II no!.:i1(;e .ha.tii they aU ¢.I.LJse din~1:t dam~ rather than affecting status or heaHl1Ig the part,Y. Cid's !;(atis.tics are prettya:vem,ge ail t!1e Way around, whi,ch can help Or htnder his penOrtlllarlCe depenclh'lg I::.IpOIl how he is equipped.



Boost JUlmp

Cldvaules into the air and crashes clOWIll on a single oppon ene's head, Tilll s I s a strnighuQ.f'\oY-j! rd a ttae [(; that's you r best bet for' I~ill ing a IOn nglie ene!Tl)l early 0111.

~~~~~~~f1Ii"~~!I"W~iLili"';;-;;~ Dynam,j;t,e [;!d!~e~~M:~~~ Od produces a: lat'ge stidt:: (Df dyn;tfl1iitce tI,art he ilu rls into a giFOUp of enBl'Ilies. Once Cid learns the Dynamite. Umi'l:

B'l"eaJk, it's u nU ke'l)' ;y,ou 'II ~r use the BOQSt Jurnljp :agai,n .. '8~ Dyt'l3Jfl1iIW causes a far. 3:mtl'l.uiI1': of damO!g~ to ea,c'h mo.ns~er

~ in <l group, but w,e effect isn't cumullative lil<@ Big BI~awl or Dragori Dive.


Hypelr Jump

Cid leaps into the alr and driws his weapon deep into the gro un d. cOtl;Jsing a huge blu e explosion tha.t darnages an entl re grQup of en em ies" Th is is bas~cail ~y a more i:IOwenul -Vlersion of the Dynam ite Lilnit BFeaki it's ,grea.t agllinst a glmup, but leses someth.ing ~ga'inst individua~ opponnents:.

is em IiIGHWm[\lD


C.cd summons a dragon t,c ateack one of his enemies.The dragon injure-s the victim and transfers the Hit: iPoilnrts and Magic Po i nts back into G d. This is eil€' 'best leve I 2 atta.c~ ag,l!;nn a singl@ creature. It's .. lso @!f{ective when Cid needs a smaH boost to his M P; til c;! H P boost is i Ilsigfl ificant,


D ra.gon Div,e

Cid repeeted I.y peu nces on a groulp of oppon ebii1:S. Each attack creates <\ large explo,!ri'on that causes heavy dOl !l1age ro a s.-ingk!opponent, The D ragOIli D1iv'e is the stronger of the two Level 3 Lirnit Breaik:;, but it' co nn ects a.g<:Ii'nst the 'enemy fewe,F times.

Big et"'awE Cid s,tloWs' olff his fj'gl1tiing skiJlls by i,eapil'lg into a

'§~llil~9 ~;;;r~~;i'Bilirir~-r~1 gf10up of eniemir:'s,

W and crushing 'chem

wlth a s,(3I'ie;s of blaZil ng-fust attacks. The B~g Brawl him fo r less each time, but it nits more times. than the Dragon Dive.


Highwind Cid calls 'on the Hiighwilnd for assistance .. T'hrE: ship's c::rew -answers by ull'ileadilng a. hl,l,ge salve a gainn the opposition. This is a grea.t attack agp,irut a single en1emy or a huge gro,up., Each mis'sq I e eau ses SiI;;lve nil eh ou s'<Ind poitttS of damage ..---~-,--.,,----. ,------------,

to most en ernies " plus the total damage is curnula:tive,

This, 16-)"ear--old Ilinj.<l ,s,pell~ most of' her tiMe preying on helples!S, tn;;r,IilI@l':s until she met up with Cloud's ~ny.Altihou,gh she is reluctaflt to jOiin AVALANCHE, her !i:l1~e r ier nloti'V.~5 ,giv.e her reasen t'ota:ga.'l'ong. If ,only t,'E!mlperarily. Her clev·er wit;. and ninja sldlls coupled with ner :selfi:sl, wa.ys, willi e'~ther make he,- a powerfllll!. ~llltt ora SI! ri,01Js ,pain ,un the nedl::,

Yuffie ~sn't one of me strongest team membelr'S" but her Umh: IBrealks an;1 powerliUl. He,r weaPOI1'S, enable her to attack from a disU!nce without pena~tr. 'Kep~ her in, the back rank. <II'1d c,utfiit h~r with plerlty of Ma,teria.Althougih thi's taG[ic. wltllllOWer her Hi,t Poifllts. her position in the b",ck rnnlk shouWd ~,p her ~£e.



Greased Lightning

Yuffia hits iI. s:ingf!e oppOnl;!nt. wi~h a quick itttac!1I€ drat c",uses masS!iv,e 'Phrsi~ld dam8Jg;E!" Gr:eaSJed Lighfl1i ~ dQ0S e nough d::l'fllage to 'eli mi nate weal:<er op penenss, but it'S; we!111 oYltdrated by the ~Ime' you rBcei'l!'e - he first ofYuffi,e's Level 2 Umit IBr,ealks:.

r::~~~!:'~~~ CI,eOU:TraJnq1.1IIi1

A 01 Ue arb Sl,Jltrnulild!s E'3ch p3 rty membew O!lnd res-tonS:l small' pO,1rdon ot eaoh dhal~c:er'~ Hit. Poiinrs,. E-arlyoltli.1illiis Umit ~reak. is helpfJ.l11 for ell ring youI' aUlras. but the a.rnoul'l't of *,m:age enemies cause phJcs: ti1~ P<lrty"s increased HP will S:Qon be 000 mll:clh for 'Clear T~n1:iliuil~o be ,eff&aive.

LE--V- ~E-L 2,·'

,'-, i - - , ,~.


'YlI!ffi'eC;lUS~·S. ~ large ~remo If" Ui'il;~ €C1l'trCes the gr:puH'Id beneadll ill gf'CI!!JP of oppone;ntste, ri'se an.dexplodc, whkh eauses rnassive damagfl to her enemies. Use '~his Urni'!: B';l;lak s,olely agail'1lst groups of enemj,es. The damage isn't cumula!tiv,e.5o its 'effect j;.s drar!;[i(:llIID~ reduted apKnst a lene ,e_nemy;


Yuma attacks a ,g;roup O'f ,cnemle s wid ... a series of 10 deadly blows. UI'1IUke dle landscaper. tlhis is. eiil'ecti¥e 19liNnslt a groL!,pOifi), sil'lt1e e!l'!~myc The in,d'ividll31 attacks are weilker than d,e landscaper's slngJ,e <ifttii.cl(, so it's wise to 1IIImit i es 1JIS,c to smal~ gmups.

LE'V' . E-'L 12:.

'" J.

. -


Summoning, a b~lIe VOrtex b~t1e9J2h her OPPQrJ ems, YUfflilil' esases OIl larg@ armQunr of dan13ge to ,an elITl'llire group of eoemies. G-atuntlet causes a·I;u'I~ amount of dOUTIiigll:. but it!: nQ't: cumu~ 'I~~~ iadve,. Keep it reserved lOr large gl"Oups cf lenemies or at le;}'s'~

;!l; weak ,roups.

D'oom of ,the Uving

Much like the Bloodfest llu<lck,Yuffi,e n'lOV~S ~bOUf: thesc'l"<len and hr~~ her

opponents wi th a 101'11 Sieries of detdl,y blows. Tine I diil'ffilF!ll:i'u::e

between tihe Me) is, die' 'lIl'1lQ1JliI~Qf' ,damage i nili,c[Cdi.' ll-lI'Itl!Malllli.I1.il:!e a-ttack is 'CLlrrUJ 131tiVe, Vlhij,ch iIll;lk;es it better ,3gail1c:~t " ·'!'i,illl~!Fl""ln,~ITIV_

Alii Crear-iion

'fuffle blasts hcrr epponenes wit.h .:II hug\(! 'b1~!f'I of iridescent Iligh~ .. This attack Ir--""!--.P.""----i

'C:auSC<$ a huge <I rneu 11'1: of dlarn:rgl!to a s ngle enemr or I'r'1lu!l,tiple ene'mlies.


AldlQUtJh C:ait Sith's fortune telling abHity. may nOI: impress you, his flghting skill:s·ar,e a si:ghtto be witnessed.The p~rty first bumps into t::his Iblk.er whHe! wandering <l!!roll.lAd the Go~d SauGe,n-. C<ijt Sith eag@rir:l" jbins t.ne group to 'see If his '_'rodietkms prove 'to

be true.

COI)it S,itll isn't much Dr a fighter:, bu,Uli,s Mpg r-ell,es on c1ase-range ,pnysis;al attacks, Hfls true strength lies in his 1;(-aruo'IJs limit B r eaks.Y~u'll notice mat he has Ol"liy, t¥IO,; !Dice and S!lolts. Dice gr0ws wi'i:h power 'over time and can ",'rev,a useful eV,E!1'1I ~<\;te in the gam,e.:Slots IS a,dLlally seveI'! ~e.parate Urmrit Breeks, The: Qut'c.ome depen ds en dlecombir!'lD.tlo t'I c~e d wh en all o:hree slots alOe Stop ped, AI though these limit BI"'E~aks may se em uri p rediC'cable. they cat! c..ause $erio'us d amage even at th,e I owest U~vals. Ciiit Sith's stuffed body can tak:@ qll i,tEl 3. bit .of di<l!rnage" so keep this hullk up front url'llle!.>," you .decide to loa.d him up with Mat;€lria.


. - - .



Cait $,i:I:I'1 throws .s,eve-ra,1 dip'~ DllIt,O th.e ground. The resulting SC0.f'"e determines how mu ch damage is irhiflict~d to a 5:i ngle e;nenrf. Til is Ll mft IJr~ak grows: over time, making it Ipo~sibll,e: to c.aus,e larger amounts of dam~.



6Ir.~~~~~1iJ The g;lmbling Gat pilays his luck against nis 'own .sl.ot machine. There can be· many d iilfer~., aliKO mes, 3,~d as ')"O'u rn.,ight: guess. eh e More ~ff:ec:,d~ '0utoom'es are !;ougne.r to get; Occasll,on:~IIy. yOy II actually have <I parE1.culalr outccrna fGlrt'ced on ~S;f*f$~~~~ yPU. Fo r example, t.h~e slott Often, stop on ttI,e M og Dance and Toy Solldier with~ ::t:t:$;~~ out the pllayera,et'Ulally ha,ving to time al"lything. Tl'i"e various effects are:

.~Io;>II" A ti rty Mog appears and rescores the

~~..,..- party's HF: MP, :and status ..

22 CruT SlTH

Six 'toy soidii.e't"s appear and .u:ta.ck any e~:eli1fli~s ~t:ba,t :l!r-e jflli'e'Seilllll".

C<tlt SJd, uses it mnd~mlly determlloed !Slumrm,01'il1 speJ L

emil: Sllth l;W<lIn!$~()r,mi!l inllO agiilint. ~i"~lQn 0". h~!'lm~elf. Hli51 ,I;;;:::~:::;;:;:;:::::l'E: ~mllill1a(;esdli$ilpp'ealrfQ:r ~hf!! n1:Qn1Ili!l'1I't. Illuit ,ret_UIM at me , ..... "'" .. ,._'=:::.I'

en d ¢If the b,axtle" Only 'Cait Sitih pi!'! So GlXp,el'l~l:I~e n:~m ~~ baiil5l1ll@. andl tnm ~ntke part.y'S' H P ls redu:cecl ~.o' 3333 w&ii ~e dlei r MP IS redu.oedro 331.

IPart¥'$ hit ~ercen1lage ils I 00. En~~l!i\es ,pllilr~c;t :atltaick. lZaillle l3:~'i!1!5't aU erH,lmiLes,

Th~s ~s ~1're lm~ucky ml~.'1'ine EII'ltJ1m ~<lf'~r ;~~ .. ";;~~~ .. ~ is I !1Ist;;J,l'Idy IC:Q r'jsu n1i~d 1;1)" dead'!". ~'~rme

ever. Glen't wo"')!_ 1;hrisc ii,s, ~treme'~ F'U"'e.I::===~:=i::;:::;! ","=,=''_,'"''

AJI ~f1emiles pr~s~nt ;<1 re ins1taody kHIGdI .Tbls IS diiffictll:(1:I;.o' get a-liiYd 1Il€!~1Ol'" $ieelm¥ te .b e fCirced o.h~"e pllif'ity:

Talk about a dOlI/I<. presence, Vmcent s'el1ds chills down the t:Qugli(;lsr persol'i'S' spine,Altho~;gh he may lodk evlil at first, there's :01 good soul trapp@d beneath his dark e'Xterior:Vincent's "'Iight is )"et another example of Shmras warped experilTlEfntation; ilQweve'r, tlhere~s rrliOni!OO chis story than ,jUst bUf1\gl,ed .SCrlilrrl;ific research. . ,

Vincent is a stlung fighter. much 'iiike Bar r ec.He's alsoqulte competent with Materia and makes good use of it. from the back row. His Limit Attacks are powerful, tll"U~ Sionlll:t!im,~s, uJlPi"~dicta.bte Ol"lce he transforms; you'll 110 longer be able to control Vlrseerrt. Make sure you're familiar with you!" ~nemy's .strength sand weaknec.sse.s beforE'! Vilfllce:nt u-jn sform s, dr you may eruil up h,elping your en em ies m O!r-e til 3111 hurtl ng 'tIT~m.Viri cerre wHI I"i,ot j()~f'! yJUi!J r pan,), on his· own. ~ele'r to the section en how to find Vincent Va:lendri'e for more unformadon.



Galian B,east

Vlncerre transforms into a purp:le beast, wirh horns that atta(c:ks with·f1I"!1l:-b0.seda:.t.tad,cs .

•• ~;_ '~~IIR-.L • .,a,u .. ll,m-.Ghes several orbs that explede and CRUS e dam age I:q a grou p of

!'1 i,es. """'...".....,..,...._-:::-::..,.,.,-...."....,.".,

Be,rse r!k C:<lrl c@ Performs a combo attack ~inst iI singl.e enemy.



Death Gigas

Vinc'@l1t transforms il[ilto a Frnn~nst·ein creature with powerfull ph:ysi,cal, -a;ttacks and a ]igntl''1iQ,g elemental attack

~~;:a[!!§!!!1 Gigadllrnk

H i,ts a singjleenemy witi'l a pewerful puncn.


Atta~b 3m entlire gI'QUiP wim anclectriical chllJl-g"'e.

L.EVEL ],:


Vi n,Ce'll.t tl":''''"1 s,fQrm:s iln~ a G~;l,n~aw~bearil,g mri'fFli:ac who. rn~ look very fami liar. He can abtac;k

wil.h his wellpcmo:r M '~rn ealUs,e~I!V,ena~ n~g3Jtjilijl\i! \S~tut5 e.feCts, .

Sp l:attel&CJCJJmlbo

'Hlts a is iJ)gle enemr' fi'll@~iffle~ witih h ns (;ha~n:;:~w.



.O,ni;lene~ J s hit Wl~h 'l!: ~V'e ral ~t;fIW5 erffiec~ mnlCl !lldililll Mini"

P" rog, $rlee;pel~, MUtE!, and

CO!1f,w 51~b n,



~11"I~eIF'llt ·tran$f;orms ~nltlo;a huge'. wingllld d!.!!man", LJ nlil ke his o1i:l'I'e,r fo.rms, C haes IJS!.l!~ ';JffiI,cks th~1\l 0I1r(i:!'I't elem.e n'lt<fl oo.&erl. Thef\efoll€l. )'OuWQllI'tfjlod him s.lI,ddtlflly n-e;iilTlng ¥Cl Ur' G",P'OMi!Jlits.

C~iN~!01!!i Salb.er:-

A«$. Hire Slas.h4\IJIJ. btu cloelSiln't iflcly 00 V~n:cef1lt's W"e:1lpcn tp dmerm'~ne dama~.

,g3~~;11 :5iillbn Slaim

I A ~~t'l!igskUlIi is c.r-.ea!~d Ulndert:h~ £)!ppa~i ..

tien. Any ene'!'Ilil,es, 1I:h.a't· :are!'l'f; lli1starniily k;lUed are l'!Iil' h~ 1iIalll'l'li ng S~I;!Us:.


The (1) n e qua S'trtJrl! I've r'el=ei'll'ed the 11110:5:( is "How doy:ou use M!at:e ria?" I iii hopes of answering hu nd reds oiF err es 'fulr help, ~Vll: c~Med th is Ghapte r. It contailr)c!5 eve""!¥th~ Ilg y'ou ne~cl to kn f:lW abo'ut Mate ria, bew hti growSJ, w~MliOe>C:Jlu:i!p, why to equ ip it, and h©wtCl make game wi:nnirilg Mater'i:a combir:1:a.,ti.otJDs.


Ti'n ere -are five WIP es of Ma~~ pia: ! ndependent:, SUPPOIFt, Comman d, Sple M, and SUl1':! Inon. Each of these~ypes works ~ n ilJ:n 'endreily dlifferent man ner, For some pe¢lPle~flg.uFi rig 0 Ult how to ma,ikechese five type;s oJ Mat~'ria ¥\I')cH'"k together is the biggest., :sfuJ:l1fllb~i(llg block Hlowever. you'll rH~v'~r b~~b~'e 'to pJFe'perlly C,OllilbUI1l€! Mlateria i,f yP~ don't {wHy underSJQnd howeachtype is used ..


Th~!; "tfp G: of M<l:terrn rs u:S~~ 00. .. eriha:~~rce a\f;:ha.ra.!t{er'fs s'tatli S!;i('S O1l!i'1I d oft~neo giVe. a ch~rg· aC1lle,r at"! eK.1:ra alllllLty, Typ~':;'hn)\. Ind~pen~,em r1I<1!.·t:eriia ctlJ'flt ~e com,li$i:ned wfft&1 oti"ler 'types, wh kh makes them ldeal for those 'unattra:(Qt;iIYe" si n~~ Ii:! M aeeria s IQts.There ~,!ie <t:fef\,l\l t2xC:12FJtions, but we'll deal wi t!i t&;, Q~H~ I~ter-

Srnfis(k raisiJ11g Mi:3lteria, are (SIbvieJl.Js.ry· the mes;tc~mmon r~, d,lcs ca$~g~ry: MQs.t giive yo~r eba racter a SUI bU;iinlia.1 percerr~a~~ .. basad b O.QSt. tlO on e still::ijs:tk 0 Ii'! ce,the M~tE:lr[a has;

had a ehaaes to g;r{:l'\!'I{.The rnsst us,efu~ type$. are HP Plius and HI' i"luS; because they can rai'Sfl a ,ch~racter'$ Hut PGlim:~ and Ma~Uc POin'tsr.u.r 'abo'll',e whe~ they acc::tuaHy fihb.b1id be. They alse hClllpcou[Jtle,r -the nega1lii'Ve effects of Mil3:g;i,c; and $ummon Mat~rra, whu(;;~ (~I'II oneill cut 11 c:h~lract:er:S H P dowt1 ('0 rll::rth'i og.

The rerrw,inir1\g li"Id:elllend,en~t M<l,Ul!ria ape. .~ust,.a;s CI:;;.~ftlL Some,. such as ChoC::.olbo Lure

an d U 111 de,rwateJr. hav'e very :s~edfic uses thatt o/GU may ol:)~y nie~:d a. f<ew;times dIU r'u rllg: yO!J r <l!d'ventu re OrJrrel"$.bel!:o me more and !l'Ioire Uls,efultill FOughout -the ,gprne. Fa r e*3['f11.p ~e. CQunter At'tac k ena;ble'S t:f< e ruIJ!U ip ped character to ,c;ount'et' attack any (,re~r;~ re thac ca..uses da~na,g~ to 11~m/hreJr. LoAig Ral1g-e r~mp:y·~:s: Lh~ penalty a eharacter's attad< suffers for attaLckirrqg With a s!hoFt-nmge weapon from the' bad<: row" It: aiso en<l'bles the

r to attack flying creatures or ,t~ strri:ke an eni~myacro$,s a gorge.


Unlik.e the ether WJl,Jr types" SUIP'PQ,rt f'1ater,la only works when paired With a Spell', Ct!)mman,d.o:r Summon M,tltleria.iEClUi,p it 'by itself and it ,g3Jins e)(p:erience, howeV'e,rj it we,l'l't, a id your' c:h:at<KJt.e:r in a1ny way. SUIPpo:rt M~iIIli:erma .. e the true bui,ldr!ilg b.locks Q'f 'eltl'ery Mate ria combi ~ atle rr,

By m,r the most useful Support 'Ma:teri<ll is the AI"'W:I~"'m i'I: iI:. c:ombined with Magi,e, the li!:quulPP ed chaJl"atter- can hit ,an qnrtire gratlp of eli'em les or allieswiitlh a, Sip!!11 at nQ additional COS1!:. Thls Is espepiaUy usefu,1 when dealJ,ng wniilh htr.:-g,e gro'ups o~ ene~mies With 1)" w,eQllainess to one type Of ma:gjc. For eX:3.'n'ilpl'e. when m£inga. I"u~ group ,of weak mechanical crea.tut"e~, a spel!ic:as'l:,er can taike ,out the .entir:~ group wilitn a $i~gle B,QI·t-.AU (a Lightning Mat(!rla cGmbili,edwit:h an All Materia)..

Some ,od,erIJseful Support Ma.te,"ia include the rare Final Atfack and Quadra Magic M'3Ite~rias. Fim'lJi Attac;k enables a. fallen ,camrade 1:0 perbrm one last aC!i:ia'l'il whe:n his/her H P ru 11'1 S 0 Lilt. Whe n combin ed w ieh a, Revive Ma.t:e ria (Which revi"les; f~,thm c f1:itF<l.ctce rs) I it ,~rants near invulnef;ab:ility as I,ong a's the equipped €:liaJracte'r's MP doesfl't rUin aut. Q'uadra Magic e.nables ,:iii chi3Jr:actet '1:'0 cast a sf ellill fulur- 'Eimes hill a raw. but onlY uses

the M'P n,ee,ess1l!ry to, Cast the spell onca, .


ChnractEllFS begil'll t~e game wk:!i only two commands: Attack iIInd ,It,Ellm. By equwPIfl'ing Commalnd IMatelr'i<iI,. characters ga~inl"l ew aUa4l:kis il),r ~ommi1lln ds, So,me in'creas e t'l1 e number of times 1;h ,ehar<li.c,t.elf' can at~c;:k Qrgive the Ch01fti.cter a silngJle powerlu~ bil~w; Others ,give li:he character a ulnLque skll'l thett el'la.bl'es him/her- to perform two aettcns in a rum (!II'" to' 3cquir;e items by' steaJ'lilrn!S'~fiCWI11i'l of" I!il'iGl'r,hi~a!l1l enert¥f~

It'S diflkult 1iQ single ouea parth:ull3JJf Command Mat'el'lia; elIIchQr{e is vailluabl'il: in its ;:;JWI" wa:y . .Peth<lpiS.t:he ones yo i.II' Ii U:S'El' the most are Stealr" ,Dea'thblow. and M,at'ill iii UlI,ate .. Steal 'enables; t'he equlpped eharaeeer to seeal val1Jlab1e 'rooms wcm YO\4I"" enernles .. This is of'ten tfie QeiSt wa'l to I!Jp'lIi3de~ your pi!rty's eqlllipiment. because enemies often carrx we~~ons and armor better tn,an those you can purehase, ID'each bl GW el'l~ihl,les a t.haracte r to [perform a crleleal hit Gill oommaJ'l1id., h:ow!!Wt~ iit ICi~rs the cilill3in(ilmr'~s hit pelrQenltag_e. M\anilpulate is valuable for learning enemy sldls" because some s:l8llls mus;t be forrc:-ed out of alfil op'ponent .. Also, a c,ontroUed en@imy can't attack tlrle party unllle$s :YQU whl:eh hri:!i ~b1iii'l,mJs <l.d~antag.@'s.


The most unique Comman,d Miltel"'ia is the E,neMry SkU' Mater~a. Tnlis crystal has no powers of its G:fWn j but it en~bI'es the eq uilpped characee r to learn powerlul skills fl'"O 1'111 Y'QUIIi enemi es~ The.se s:kmSi allre: ,oftEIi!I be;~'I" than, tbe Siple U,s prO'l,llijded by ,SIP elill IM<IIter'i<l. There us a down side thcH.Jign:The only war t.o laarnthe $,kil'l is (0' get hit w~th j't while wearing the Enemy Sikill Materia. ¥c)I . .f111 fill"ld hines about I,earning Enemy Skiliis seaeeered tlhr:oughout. the wa~kthrolUgh., plus you'lll find a: dedicated $,Il!ctlon on Enemy SkJlil:sat.the f1:nd Q'f thds cha.pte,·.


This is by far the most common, type of M"n;erici.lS,y equip'piqg at Spelll Ma!l:eri'a. a eharactel" gains one of moresp,d's whicl1 C<I'fJ be 'used in ba,'trle.As these Ma.'terias grow, so do the spells, whh:jh i ncreases the :IOpe'Il's a.ttacklhe:a iing powers. Sp'el~ Mlat.E!ni<l OJ 1'1 b ~ broken int.o tWo, gll"OW!ps: attack and support.

Attack spells ~tJt .. ~ classified as any sl~eJ'ls th~t cause physical damage [0 a tall'"ge:t. They can usually be pa~l"i!1!d wltlh 'SUPFu:wt IMateri.<I. 1l.0 mnC:Feas'e uhe oSpeU's effec'II:, burt a: few are so piQwerfu..1II that '~hey WO.ll1I't comb~ne wl~tn ilIn,thuMg. Sp'l!l~s al"e aha, t'flpirnlly ,element3il~

ba.s ed.For exarnp ha, a BOWlb sp !aliT i s ~ Lighti ng elell1lG!lntaJ actack, Thl sis impo,rtant to know, because most ,enemi,e.s; tln~' immune to lor wealk against at lease one ty:pe of el'em.ent. Take ·an i£e C::1'"ea'l:UIN2,. for example, Such al1 en~m:y is weak te Fire-based spellls., but can aC'i:uau,y absi\)rb 'the povie'n" f,r-0m an 'Ice-based spe'll~ tL..Url"lliDI it Into HP iii the process. NQFlem Itil1lele<ss. ),ou'li ftind mat m,u:eh of the Str.ltreU' in this bQck relles 01"1 !!Ising a,WI"ck spells to defeat rnon stars, jlus:t pay spaela II a,t~e nnen to the creatures in an area and c:us,tomi,;::e

you pOllf"t.y~$ eqlUilpment to ul~e advantage of ,any weaknesses,

SUP:POf'll: sp'eilis are s'pel~!i tlhat In :s,ome way nref'!gth en 0'1" l"Iejuvenat:.e the party. The most com rnon ~s ,the ~'·R,e!!i,mre" MI<!It.er'ia. wbic:h eom,e~ packed wid .. :S:e'Verru H P' r~torjng Cure spells, This IS ofoorlehe most overlooked category and perhapatha most vleal, By Jearning UJ use $UP'pOl"'t splelllS;. :rouean :strengthen an ,ot!hel"W'is,i'!!- wimpy parl;Y into a lean, mean. fi.ghdng IT1!iliChine. Pay .special <lLt:l1:entionto speRs Ut<:e Banri'fH':; MBari"~er. i!JJld Walll tl'l'it Cut damage i'f'! half:. Combiner these 'wiitfu Haste and Regen, and yo~jl!1 take the worry out ,of major batde.s .•


These are the rare$t types of Materia :and ~Iso, the coolest, Each ,one summons, .a, mystic creaeure ~ii;I 3!~d the party in battle. SlUml'l'l¢J'I spells are o.f~enthe nn}ngest: 'type of a;tt<\ck mag;ic,lrcJweve:r; ttI!!;y grtll,w slowly and are Gflien djffi,cullt to' acq,uir'e. SdJl. you slhoulld do your- best to ce l1.e't! th~m ail before the e nd ,o.fthe g<lJme.

JUSt like Magic;: MatEII-ia. Summops are ofl:E!11 eliernen~l .. based, Therefore, you need to l.<e,e~, a wil~~h'LIII ey.E!' ,~r'1 the ene'mmes' ~til'le J'I,gths and weakn esses 0 r try to ~ i'mit Y'OlU' usage to, thos~ without an eleme!ilt<ll base.

Byth.e w.3iy.[he SI>.I"ClngE!U attack s,peillilil the pme i:s ill Summa!r11 Mare,ri:a. ~it;s known as knights of thE! Round and tan only be acquired by gamers w'ith a whol,e lot of Clime and piuience;This .sfU!II~ sum mons rf! ilrilleen kn Igbt'StI~at eaeh ,tab turns d'e,alingS,OOO- 6000 points of damage ~a one or more ene1miies. This means, tOlJ Call Inflk'c cll,os.e to' 80,00'0 points 0" dama.ge to a single charactelr" with just one ~asting! That's mere damage Ibha n mos,tBossecs can take ..


Each time your party wins a ,ba;ttle, theygairn EXP' and AR, O",Cle a. eharactee has accurmUl~ lated lefl!o.urg'h 11EX!P,. 'he/she g4.i)e~ up it ~e'l1'!!!'I,. wlhich incr,&:;l!;e~ ~el'yt'liinig frernartack strength to HR,AP works basically the same w •• but {or Ma~elria; equrilPpedi Mareria gain AP after every balttle. The amount of AP gained depends on the w~apQn or armor dley,re ,e,qJLlllplped in.. but we'lll ta1rk abDut tMt Ia,rer. Onee a Ma~eria cryseal 'has accuM'lUlated ,enough AP, it goes up a level.whidn often untacks a ne.w spell. a«ack, 0.1' irncr~es the rnJmber of times, t.'he sp.e~1 can be used in a sJngle ba.tth1!, If tlHi2: Materia reaches its rnexlmum amount of AP (know,1l as Mastel',in,g a: Mia~,erfili), it diiy,ides afld a new ,c::rysta' is born. T&1J e.se n ewcr)!:s.'t.<l.~s are used ttl e S:3ime w~ ~heiir p<lin;! n,ts; al'Te. howeve r. they start. off at ,Z'e:l"oA~

Eall"lier I mentioned that Ma!::i!!nria gJrowsat diff'eil"e~t rates, ThiSl dep,e!ndJs sole'l)' on the w,ealPl.'ln 0'1' armQr 3. cry"Stall is equipped in .. Each we~ponillnd piece i/r>farmor has a g;l"Qwth ~<J.l:ie' th,i.\t j:s shown un doe ji" the ~tJ9ms;' Maootia stecs, nl1E,H'e are fa til,,. possi til e gll'lOwth rates: Normal, Double, TrlFpl'e. and Nothing.


:. .~ ~ ,.::; .... - - I

The most common ts normal, which is a one-re-one ra.tio. The amount of AP ,~jned at th e en d of battl e is exa,cd:y w hat the Materia race lves, Th else weapon s 'typ it:alily hold 'chi!! most Materia, but It makes for an extremely slow growth cyele.

Items sporting a double growth Fate give equipped Mat,(mia twic~ the A,P' Th~s.e it'ems Dnly Ilold ill ~ew crystals. hOWe'll'eF; they're typic;:aUy the best cbolce if you're trying to lnerease you Materia's growth rate without taking ii bre.a.k from the adventure.


Triple growth rate it)ems are extremely rare <lind usually only hold two or thl:-ee Ma.terla

at a dme, Howaver, if you're lust 'interested in leveling lip your Materfa, YOti must make use of these items. In faet, using these ~oonu; is about the on,ly way to earn the speciali Mast~r MaterilQ., which requires you to max out or master almost every Ma-teria ln a parti<;uJ.aF group.

There are very 'few items that don't allow Materia to grow, but th~y do, exist. For example,the "wacky" waapons y'Ou'll find for each character (Cloud's Nail Bat, for eX<l!mple) den) ~t: even have MaOOrf<l. slots, sa t:~ ey have a growtil ra tie of zero, Ailsa, the ultirnate weapons keep Mate ria from collectl ng A P. however; til ey have eight linked slots each, Just make sure that if you equip an 'lJrtim~te weaponthatyou only place ma-ste:red Materia in it.

Now let's say you have' an Ice Mareda equipped in the Apo'calypse sword. which is ene of Cloud's many weapons, After :<I. battle. your party l"(lce,iVes, a total of 100 AP. Because the Apm:a.lypse has a trlpr.€! ,groV{th rate, the Ice Materia actuailly gains 300 AP. Fortnis example, l'et::S ,say this puts the Materia at a total or 2.000 AP. which Js ,enough AP to cause Ice to level up, Now Cloud can UBe both the Ice tliJr1d k:e2 spells while having the l,eve'l~upped Ice Materia equipped.

Also, keep in mind that MatJeria equipped or! a character- will ofeen grow at different rates, because the eqlulpped weapon and at'l11o'r may nav'e dift;erent growth rates, Keep this in mind whenl equipp'ing a character, You'I,1 proba,bly want to PUt Mater1a, that t'lllquire a lot of AP in double and trip.!e i1i,ems, but: sImp,!,/! M!a.,gh:: crystals wlll [level up Gl.iliddy even In a weapon with a normal growth rate,


When ~quippfng Matili!lf'ia you meed to keep se:ver.al d'li.l'18cS ~n mind. IMa:terfa growth i~ obviously a large factor, bl1t you'll alsO' nl3ed 001, keep in mind wha:t cornblnatlons you want, what: c:ombinatJons you need, and whether the Materia will work where you're placing them, It's al~ pretty easy, but we'rltouch on lc just for good measure.

There are some cornefnaticns you'll probabJy want to have equipped cQhstantly. For ~ns~1'11 ce, it's always a good idea to have two o,r th ree characters eq u i pp~d with the "'RestQ're~AU" Mat€:l"iacomhina.tiol) So t:ha1: you Can heal everyon'lle in a single Sf'HCIt,

Yo,u ShCH,Ild aliso hav,e a drlaracte'r equiJl1Ped w(ththe ,uTilme@A.I.I'~ combinartjon so' th:ilt you ean eas,Ry C:oIS,t Haste on your elnth-e pllrty. This: liI'Ie~fl>$ you'illl always: need to ha:ve a few slots resarvedfor necessary combinations,Whene,quipP]l1g ¥pU'r Mate'rla. be s,ufe to equip, these cornbina:dom; fir'SC: and ,tben filii ~n the Il'\e main ing ,1dot'S 'Wirth whatever you


Since :linked sloes are va.luiiilbl@. t y tG place Materia. that don't need to be Ii~ked in .singjl,e sl'ots. For tnseance, 111'I,d'c'pend'em:: Mat-eria dml'l't rieed to be I~nked with anyth~ng else, so, they work extll'eroely well in shnlgle ~Iot$. EaJf'll on thiis, wo:n'[ be mUlch of a problem

b eca!J se yo u' n h<lve I,ess Matelria thin s Ic)'l:s ..

Also, be sure te chedk that the combinations you've created ar'e actually ,doing what you thought 'they WG lid d. 'Yw c~n c~ eek rhis by lookifl,g llI,iI: )'1'01,.111" cll'ar<l:ct~'r's status ~n the g:<IfIf'I'e menu. Combinacl::r0li15 with E.le:mental and ,A,dded Effect in them wor;k c,ornpleteIy differemly depen dij ng on Whe re you ~ut en em.

'lmst b'I!..rt not! lease, try not ·t;Q~'I1'er'l'oadanyQ1I1'e with Materia. M,c>s'l: M,a:~erhl.alteryour ciharactli!r-'s sta'[~ and no,f. a!ways in a IPOs'itive way.1Il1 y0lUl Iload someOil"l,e up with natbing but Su rnmort Mar:.e ria, yow' J,I e In d lip wi:th 'I powerfu ~ ma_8Ji e user 'tihat has twe,I'IIe H P. Needle's:s 'to say, the c'llara,ctoer woulldn~'E survive lon,g-in I'!lter area's of th,e game.


So nOW you knew all abol,n: your ,Materia!. blJlt y.ouore wondering hC)w they int,er:acI:.IMost people can gi"1l.Sp the baslcldea th11'1: two MiUeria in linked .slees C'fItIY have aa increas,ed ,effect, bu~ they don t rE!aJtize that '1O'l.Ir Cl:311'l link tDg,ether as many as sixtieen IMa.II:.eni'a. SUI:: before we.gei irntlo t:ha1I:.le:t~s, 1:i:like a Itoerk at some sirmpl,e li:ombinadons.

The lTIost bask Ma;oo,da ...t:Glmbil'latian is c:omb~n~ng 3n uAu''' Mla.'l:eFita wU:h ~ Spe~,1 'Marter1ia. This makes it 5'0 o:hat the combined spellrsc~n bie used against: an entire gmup inst:eaQ of just a. stil"lfJe mrgeit.,'i<IiLIII'I~ pr-obalbly 'Use' the'SiecQmbilflatiions cJn;e most, Be carefurl when making these eornbtaattons, because some Materia c;tn't be linked to an "AII.'I For iASOOIn(;e, Co{met all'e3idytargeu a grnulp, so "AW' B'fIIl't l'I:eces:sary. IFIUU Cure wo.umd wo,rk great with an "Ail;' but ilt can't be 11if1~ed Wriith one .. Why! &t juS't: doesn'e,

Support Materia. like the "AU,"a.re used fororeating alii kinds of s,imp,ie cQ,mbos .. , MOiSfii of them work w.e'U with SpeU, S'I.'In'lmont and C.c.mmand rMIa.t~l·ia., I me'l1tjoned e~f'I'ier how to use Added ,Effect and Etem,€!'nul" These t;ViI(I' (31li1 3,ctuaWly draw out. specia:1 powers ')fou dijdli1't even know exlsted, For lnsrance, there'~ no way te know ·that C,ontain combhed with Add'ed Efliecf cancause 0111" d€!le,1Il,d against Gonrusj·on. Stop, and' Pe~I'ify,; The It! est

tI'1I i t'n,gro do is. try co m bi ni rig thi rr'hg,s with Adde.d Effeci!: and Elem IH'I/W i~ 'l:hen ,chec k olJ!t tih ill! effects by 'Using' the Statu;!> option.


jt;L_~'_',- .-:O::"li.:;.:

You can also use simple combinations tc take the risk OUt of some aetlons. Combine a De,ath b I ow <lJI d an. Added c.ut andyou make LIP' tor De<l,thblow-'s low hl'e percentage. Even if it m lsses, yo IJ' II sta II do ne rm al damage. YO)J can comb in~ D~ea:th b.,ow and Steal As We,ll to Cr-eate a. stronger Mug attack. Thereare tats of $,iml'le c:ombinp:tJons. you can make'. ,Experiment a bit and se,e what you come up with.

INo.w ~,et's look at hew you cal' combil'1e'two pairs of combined Mawda.1 know it doesn'L sound possible. but the c,ol1G:ept is n~aHy ,sirnplisti;~. The only thing you"1I need Is multl-

pita eopies of one SpeH, SUH1Iml:lI1, or Command M~terial,. .

This works best by example, so try to ful'k>'W along. Tr'y equipping these two eornblnatlons .em one character. Bolt-HP Absorb and Bolt-Added Cut.Jf you check your

equ ip pad :spe II,s;, you'll n'Ot;ice 'that the Boh: spells only a.ppear on ce eve,n though y:o u ha.ve two Bolt M'aterfa equipped, Becaus,e of' thls, the game t10W sees the two Bolt Materia as one, but it also still recognizes tli1at HPAb;soro and Added Cut: are combined with Bolt. Now try it: OUt i n battle, You r character wIll absorb some H P fro m the! Bo~t spell ,m,e rI wHIr ,immedi,at'el'y fo·llow up with tHe .Added Cut. Get the idea y,et~

Now you can use the same p,r'lh~ipje to, combine sixteen Materia. The catch irs you"111 need eight of one Mate ria and a b'lll" c h of-Sup pOlrt Mate ria. H on estly, these typeS" of combos are more for 'show than ~ny.thing else, because they completely tile up one characte r's abilities,

One hast .thing about combilnilng Mat,erp,i1I. Summon Spells have s-omewhat lriidd,en elemental stats, Look at the area next: 1:0 the Materia's name in your ,e<jluip screen arrd you"11 see the Summon's el ern ental class listed iin wh ite. Pay sp eclal atrentio n'1 to tn ese an d trf eornblnlng them W1itln Elemental Materia for seme CO'G~ combos.


The foHewing are some CO(l! and useful cGmb~nati'¢'ns" EquiplOinlg aeny one Qfchem wHI

improve yolUl~ abilities in batde. . .



- .

These combinations are few Added Effect combined with another MOlter'la. When placed in a Wlliapon, the 'effect: is ~alnst aH opponent,. bue the c:oli"hbina:tliorf pirQvrd,~s pro'tectkm when placed In arrnor;

,Adided Eff~~o,ntailn

Causes Or blocks Confi.jfSloM, Stop, and ;Petri,f)t.

Add,ed Effed-Po,isoll'!

'CBin.!lsesor blocks P,'Ois;on.

Added Et1ect.......'Seal

Causes: mr bl0Cb Sleepel and Silence.

Ad'tled 'Effe'C'b--,Mystify

C3!I,Js,es G),I" blocks Csnfuslon ,and Belrs,erk.

Added Etfece- Ti'Rl.,e:

Ca::J ses ~r bleeks 'S'low and 511.'0 p.

Added Effeot ....... Destruct Causes ,our bJ~OCik$ D,~th.

,Adided EWe1E'~ Tr-.an,sf'or,,m Causes or blocks Firog and Sma n.

Add"ed Effecil-Hades'

C~uses 01" bi,od~ SI'eep, Poison, C.onfusion; Silence; F,rog. 8tla 5mnU.

Added ,Eflect--ChocQJMQg .c;:,u.!ls,e;s Olft" bk~cb Ste,.

Ad'ded E,fff'ed-Odlin

CiIIlISi!:S er b,laclal D'eath.


Thefolilowing cQmbinations rel,y on comljlnil1g a Materia, Willtn an e,llem.eta~ base When placed ill1i ir'weapelll1, it ~'e$ th~ a:1f.tac::k an elementa~ b;i!/se; wherr placed in a weapof'l. h: provides Ipr-O'te¢,tio IJII a.ga~nst:the e lernent.

,EJemlen;taJl~Poj;s,o,n/Glra.vitylL:~Rhtni ntJE,arth/llcl'l'JF~te

Prqtecu against: Or alters )ttac::k with the equipped elemen,t,

E.'emel'!tal- Typ()cm/PhoenixiAleiander/Leviathal'llTi,tan/:Rarnlulhl ~"'itfSh ivalCh o,eOo/Hog'

Pil'701feCU, ag~ii"llst oral,ter.s ~.tltac:k with etqu,ip;ped summans elemental base.


Hlultipllre:, Co'Ulliltell!' ,A~ksi

Eq ui pped ~h<'frncte,1' e@LUIl1ltet"S ence tor each equli Pill ~d Counte r At:tacl<.

Co'mma.ll1l:d' C'iIJi'li.IlII1li!:e........,;Mimer

CQunters; 'w.itt. the last action yse~ bYllihe PP:II"ey: unpredkwble Ibut powenul,.

Command COil"mter:--(alli,y C,ommallld Mlateria:)

CO"QJ'fiI'~ers with eemblned CG,mmmd IMauna.

Magic C:;oun'ter-(any Spell! or SummOlnl Materia) c,ountellFs wttih combi",&! IM:ilteriaJ.

HP Ab:s:O,l'b/'MP A'bsOlr-b...._D,eathblow R.estores more HP/lMiP than a l'Io.-maJ attack.

IHIP' AlbsoriblMP ,Albsonb-:S'teal~ [Mug]

Enables you ee steal some .HP/MP a.leng, with iil'\ item.

HIP Ab51o'Ii'~MoiSlt: :Spe'U Materita)

l\edl~,ItI;:;es 'MIP fO.ll1lSUrnlpt;'ion b)' r,e$otorTng a small pon::'ion aft,e,!' the, spell hits successfully.


final ,Attad~-I.:e'ill'ilye

Ins CIJIIi'l dy h e3!1$ 11 fanl111iH'I 'W2.iI"r,j or.

Fillii,.d Att:ac:k--PblO e:ulbl:

Instantl, helIDs a fial~e'l'l wall"liiQr and h i'-'Iher '~umrades ..

tQuad iMa:gi~C'-:(mo'Sft H;a,gic.)

Ca.sts tJh,~ attached ~pe! IfQ'UF tii mas fn ~. flOW.

Q~ad Hagjil~('mQ~,t SQmmlloIilH.)

Casu the a(J!:.a€:h~d stl;i!mmol'l knw tilil1e<s in a. row.

Me'g.AII, De:athblow ........ H PJMP Ab$or"b

Recs~ol"es, a large' dmrOlll(U: 01 HIPiMf' wl1li'le· Olusing dalmege: w, aU o,po:neril'~.

Meg.a-AUJ" S:teall [Mugl~HP ,Ab,sorbJMP Absow

DOlim~:. 3:Ad !!1I;ealcs from 31 i 0 ~po !rn,entli whi!ire Il"E!s.m.riing; H P/MiP;

'Cover', C Ill'unfle-I"" .AftOOClkt Coutli'll/ell'" Attack: [C:Olmmalf"! d] Coul'il'te,r-DeathllllGW

Co,vers fOF" odlll! r cho"'r$Jcoors {tl"ld iIMmedia.teli)i" ,~un~~rs Illhree(imesl,:fi l1Iishtin:gwith Dtea~hb~i()w;

Kntighu of'th,e; RQul:iI:d-W.,s;ummQfillt Miime

Cam infilrtlliwJ,y 'ca~t the' ImOSt [p.oweriul summon for 1011;)1 soe, IMIP: Withth'ree M'irme. eVl1:!ryoln'~ can "ep'E!at 1l;1'1 e S UJ rn mdh fro r ~n il~~r-~di'ble chain' e,ffet;;1':.

SRe~k. Att~.c;:,k----Kmjgh1:=, Q.1i tJiilIle: R!1IIlI,IlIiiIldl

'E'lilabril~s %u ~o b~i~in ba'!!:Ci1e by 'Gast~ "IS Kn;i~u o'f'th@ 'l\olIJ1II'1Gi.

Sneak .i..Ua"i~De.a"thblrOw, M·ega,.AU

Be,g;in:s; battle ~ hrntt~:n,g aU Op;pOI!1'l:!if!lW with Deatthb!l~w.

SnTeak :At,t;aC;:II~'--Steaj lMug], [Mega-AU

BegiintS banie bY' ~Oli.IIi.I!Sing tiIr;[imag'e t1ezl! ~i.ch enemy whiite st~iIIlimlg 31"1 li!1i~m from eOlidi"lI ~rlemy.

P re-Emptiive t Snea.k Attaci~Kltnli£Ii1'f$ 01 tl1:e R,o ILIIII:d't H P'<---.>MP

'Grv,~s tthe partydil,e ju mp on opponen'ts and en~~les w:em .~. begin oo.mbam: with K:night-s ofd~e Rouli'ld. Clham.ct-er wit!h HP.::->MF can y:se ~"kl f'ep)~at~dlJy wi~th~lUl'. a nE!~dfQr rest.


r: -:-iff .... ~_. . : ..


C- HO·· c 0····· .... B··I·L- ·'S-

_ ,~ . _ ..,1 . ~I -,L" ,-_-I


I~--:"!Ir------~---, 0,0. 'tOU love Chocobos'? Ha:v,e y,ou ever V!(,antedw race Chocobos fit tn e Go lid Sm_u:::il!Ii"? Or wou~ d yo t.! Uke:t.o see the ----------~ ,~orlldl tl1,e: way it was me3.!lfti; 00, be s;e,e~'1 from [he badk of :your wry oWtII Cho'oobol Wel'l" 'Cbeco BiUI'is, ChOCGbo Ral!i:li:h lSi here to. halp you make your drearns cometrue. W;[FI our help, you'll ~Qon be brllieding, your very awn world-class Choc:obos"


Checobos are fun I:Qv~ng creatures w1th gentle demeano,rsWhen prolperly trained, they can become pets, h@:llp with induoStrlDaJl pro'ject.s;, or act as vanspolitadon..'Wou Olfl <)Kefl find them in the wi'ld, normally around gras's>" plains. JUS,t look for their tracks.


c···· -- .... -7' HOCOBO.,

SHORT O'N CASH.? CI:fOCO Rll_"'-V HM liE-EN KNO\~~ t'e 'H:):Mlk TIMM ~(:)p A M .... ~·I:R .. ~ oJ\. -i'"WG. ll' ~ILJ ~'-OWlll'" WALl<: ~{)UTR I'IC;OJ'j,'~ TH£ U~ll (liP '1rHJE; 0 oc-<ru-<" I'.I!N" 'tOJlJ' ",-e~C- l~lIlE.·~ I!. WH'Q~,':"cr:1' qJlI'I AJU!A ¥t')lJ NO'RNiAIL.liY lOaD"!"')- SI!Q' • .1 U~T llli!;~)~E IT il-f)(:),K;5 Ho:E Y'U[l>j',ru;:. 'GONlIIl\ 1.(' .... Vll ';ll-JI( "UtANCJ:.J, l,m.:'l:D 11lIC'1l1' II.N~' ¥OUJ" LJ_ F1!;N'P A. U'lNlWGil<.m C1II«1)COII§J' 1!.uru;; liIIn~~, IN <HI!. ()~"''''lls_ YOIUJ ot:.i\N PiOC r THIll- ~, ... ANI> KIl.!{f' l!iOUK GIII._ tr MIGHT FYElN 'fW';;ClFt BlU.'"i' l( I asON W~~ I _;A ICe: TJ'W 1J.0I:>-'1"' G:u. 'O'LIT 'Oi'

36 CHaco BlU!S GUI!Il)rE TO CHOCOB05

Because of thelr fdendly dl~meaH:~Glrj. you caneastily captyre them ~n the willd. However, yo i;JI' III need some speciall ba it~t~ hel p ~IUN thiE!;m Ol!lf!t ,of h kHllilg, Cho,"ol em~ ChQCQbo Ranch is pi eased w ;;1:nnounOe~lwiilj; we"V>e purehased a limit.edqualnl~i~r ()t ChocoibQ WI~e' Mat.e~·i<l, that we'lll be s,eJrin.g at ~ spec~al prk,e,With this M~teriai~ haJnd" you shOUlldn't. ha.ve treu 0,1 e locating n Choc~b~. jius;t ~eml@r1I1 ber to 'be nke to YOUlf tbi rd 0'1" ~,t mra;y rUin, off O:rturl1l 'YrnO~lent. 'fe:lJ'~n 81&0' OI::QI)( ChTC!lIcobos ~noo stlkkru'1g a r·Qund ~,on~er .by fi!:edlin.g 'them Green:s.


A C·· .•. c-~·-,O. ·.·.·C r. ' •• 0·'"BO'1' '. H ... -' •

I 'fOIll 'C;(!I1ll Filch;! YOlllr Olilocobo :aJR~helle· you Sle~ fit. ChG ~obOi$ can tJia'velac::ross 'brlld but can't. cross deelp Watf!l' orr moUrrOil1s Wlh;hout the ~ijcl of 11 m:an~made path. Wl'nilie tnLllyeJiU1g ~I'I ¥()J!,Jlr

I ChQ I;obo. JiCl'llI ~<lIlrli .oidl enrouli1,t@f'Sw'ii~ ,anr son: of nat;y,' crea:tufoes. ~ha't millgiht be IlUrle:ing Fl1ear'by. juStremembel' thrs! Once you diSlnoU If'lt. yOUlII"

I ?hll'!J ll:eJb1o. wi IIII hUghU!~1 it bock 'to 'litlS horrtelafl ds

Lookln,g W.E" S(lll'llethin.ga. IlittJe more fH~iFm3illflre'na? ChQco IBUI"s 'Qh'l;!r~c!b Q 1P,;il!I~,ch ~n lfo'·elilt you up ti~ ~ ix C ~ ocebo sG3in~ rOlf the ~0V,!l, 1 etW price '01i'

~ 0,000 Gi I ea..en. AIIII ')'"Ou needfo dip j, aptl,llff~ ~h~ a~lo~Dbos,3Jndl felt!dttl>l!!nr1 U¥QiU! S~ie fiL

My children .u'!lcI farmhands,. Ch·oc(;1 Bilily and Chole. hande tine diJ(Y~'[O~ da:r c.nclZ)II'e'oli i Filvit;)llved in iU<lJiSi1og: thesl!! fun~liovilng 'birds;, Bill ~y h~ndle::s tiJ~.e ~~ ies;m .e.ur'ne Iline Qf I1IUts afild:gr~ens., whi:ct'l are essentlal i~em$ when, bfeedfl"lg a top-~mil!ss =~=---=-...., ... ....,......"---.....,...,, ....... ~~~~~ Chl4lcob:o, He also h~~p~ managg.

It. he feedil!1l~l *~d tr:!lc kil1.g_m YQ:IlI,r Cho~obGJ>s. Chelle Ihell"~ ~e:p tFalck €If ;ln~ additional fnf.o.rma'!i:iCln you m ignt: pick up r~g('il:rd-

wf'l.g Ch.oc:o!ll~ bf'~edwng. She ha;s iI. k.nac'l~for jllu:ilg~ni an d .eem pa rj ng 'the abi lTJt:ies of a.llithe, Clin'll:obc\S ~n dlle sulbll!! areQ].,


After renting a stable or two, ies time to go Checobe hunting.

EqlJip the "Chccobo Lure" Mater'i;a and find some Chocobo

I tracks. A,tterc:aptUiring a Chccobo, you're given the optdtm teo send it b3!Cl:k to the' stables. If you choose to do so, Choce Billy wfrl keep your new bird in the pen outside the stables until you have a e ih.a.IYceto barte~' i m.WJ eet it. The pen can hold up ttl four Cbecohos at a time, so make sure you capture your limit befor,e returntng to, the ranch.


- -


After moving: y,OUir Chocobes from the pen to the stables, CMoce Bill)' will give yOly an assessment of the birds.There <lire ,sever,a.itypeoS of C~ocobos. some of which )"Ou"1r want to avoid. Here. are the types:


very good!'

A Chcecbo's initial "type" determ ines its futu re speed, it'lt~lllig,err'lce. and stamina limitations. Because breeding Chocebos lsn'eeheep, you'll II1,ew F want to start with an:r~ thing less than a "Great" Chccobo,

OH~DBO 'rvm Wonderiul

UThis •. ,. irs a wonderlu I Choc,obo!'~


'IMmm,thi$ 5'ee~s Ilike. a gum:! Chocobo.~"



UThis is at Ipretty av.erage Chocobo.;'



Pay elias eatterrtion to you r Choeobo's top speed, Even a

L========o:h:-@=,,=u============--JWonderful Checobo can some-

times get still ck wi'd, an awrl.ll

tep speed. In such a case, you should dump the Chocobo and capture anotner until you find one With 3 top speed over IOOkm and perhaps closer to. 120km.

~"I realily can't recommend this

38 CHiODO B~':s Gimn,E to CUOCOIJOS


Cj"oco'bos 'pop up in ,aliI' kililds ofpla>ees .. They 'llIlre. ma'inl}' found in g;ras~y 'Pla~ns when:! they can find lou of Grta(!l!r1IS, but they do cecaslonally wa,nder into more rum;,tiiie envilronm ellilitS. As a genera! ~ rute of thumb. you'H find b~~r ChQ cobos iin I~es:$ hC!iSpirta,ble ar:e<!ls. It's [halt wheote "survival ef thefltte~t" thmn,g. y'know.

Anot:her tf'n i rilgy:orushoulld know 'i:s t~cat Chocobos are ve r'")"selecr:;ive a bout tlhe: beliliSt!i th e.y hang QUit wi·ttl. I n(act, they're so $~meC'[ive d1a;t: ~n Cine ~rea y,ou"U And Chooob9$

hm t'lging 'Out wilth on'I:.)I' thtrereor fOYIl" dfiliere'r"It 'Com bi nations of m ensee rs. I know this dO~:f>n't sound veq' important, but by usjnlg this il1lfo.rmatuon you can determine 11. Chom.bo\ t¥pe n the start oil a~atde. That W<I¥. you dGlll1''t \!!!!'3Soe. time' nl.Jrlln~lng oockto fi!hesta.b~e$ o;f1I,ly tQ. filnd milt YOiJIr whoh! eaeeh wa's n,othii~' bUill; unl!1ealthy b:irds.

C,hOCQ'DO Ra.nch Area

Th1is is ob\i'IO'usll:)! the eas ~est pl:;lce W hu nt for ChoclObos. The1re ;};J!"Ie Ch ot(!Jibotrocks all ove r the pl~e out" s~~de my l"aJnch,. b.liIJt h~,fiIeoStJy m'e biirdls ~n this: area ar'e IkInd ef pu ny,~ The~lr n,f~sct~El: lIS il.ll$t~€:lo r~l~d h'el!fi~,sa me wUld ChOf;Q/bQS t.end ~o ge1,ilil. ! ittle J uy and StU bb'OrrI. Of cou rs!'!" th i'5~S t~ie .an Iy plaee where you'll find a Leve~ 1. ChOClOliu:II' and y.ou ,can't get tlflatra:ncy

uC'hocro'bfu ellde'~ Enemy Slldl'l\¥llt~ out alevei 116 Cho,e:obo.

"This Ofl~ !Ill oeso'!t see 11'1, t~ li:!e 'il'er-y gODd~l~

MaJiildrBgo.ra &L~l"lkJ!)ITI


once d'oe:5'n~i:: ;Sle;E!m to _I:le V'!llry' go-od.,r~

1 Levriik<m

UI rRlily call1't R!!O!lIImlll'Ulilil dtih is

"'I Ii'~allirt 'gJI~t.c re~om me:n dfhi!l

junon Ar-e3

Th is I~de pedl:"isl.dia ic$ :3c lot I i~IDe 81'"Q 3.rou:rntd my ranch, The ori Iy reil;~ d~Kelr'e'nce ~s t.hiEl ~tl'lQnger class of menste reS ru n n~ n,g ai"QUI'II d. AhchcUlg!1 yo u'Il fi nd a :d~ghtly higihe:r q usl ity of C hOCQbo here.di~s. ]!i~I'nI·twhe.,.e the "S" C~'3,SS Ch oco!lbo} come filiOm.

,CHqu!:OBO TYP£s

UThis, one t!loes:n~t ~ee:m. ttj, be ver.y good."


Z C3lPparwire (kant: V'iew)

Mmm~thlsDn~'s nne bad!.

:2 CapparwllM (s]de Viiew}

D 1LI e 't¢' the nearby desf: rt and sem~ pi"'et.ty nasty enemies, ¥O u' 1111 find some deee!'llt C h 0,(10 b~$ ill1 tIM is a~a.. Jus r 'dt::llil't'cGlunt Qfl d'ef~atjing Jo~'s BI~ck CfI ecebo, Tei ~h. w~th ene of 'these bird~.


CHOCOBO 1"YPEs ~~This: ~s a p.retty avera~e: Cboco:bC!l! I

~'Thi sis a pt"f!:~t:y a¥e1rage c:: hocolu:tP

UMmm, thrs seems lib ill .good C:hocobo.~'

phis area mal{ look nk,e. but it'~ swarmirng with

pr.eda:tors.Although flnere's p~enty elf fO€ld" spl'ne Cho~ob:of> may go d'~1{S with~ult ..---------------. a: good OlIElaJ h~L1H,J:!re: \taken·s al"ld Vel€:her TasKs t~nd to St.a:ke aut tl9 e J 'lelai wate.rhg ho'l es, A ChoCQbJO's either Vast,Qr it's lu ~Gih ..


V.ele,t\er TaSk Ii: I(fu,vi'lduns, "tThiiiS, Chocoli:lQ'$ 50-S0.~~

2; vel c'h,e'r Task ~(This Chcu::obo"S 'S'O-l!io.:'~

2: V:dron "This lis a great Chaco bo.'"

2. iCyu"¥iil:d:l!Il1I,s ,j·This lis a, ,11'Ie1\\t Choco,b,o.~I'

One II,ear< at tihe rneunealns soufh ofWumi and ,lOU wol,dldn'l: ,expect tofindl ,Qhoco!bos,there:Yet SC)iJ1i1e! howt'h eys'e em to th li"iV:e. ~Hiow'eve'r.

due to tbe lack ,01 food. Chm:obos Ir-----~~':'"'I!!"!!!....,. __

,i!JIsr. dQ,nlt se'em to do S01 welilihere PI~$, it d'Gll!sn'i'I; Ihellp! when one of 'd~e IP,oor, hu nw"y creatU'r'es mris:c:ak~s a Fla-z:or Weed fa,.. its mvo.rite food •.• 'Sun~ dees make those Uttlre ,crittelrs rnad!

CHOtOBO CQMllOS 1 Talil Vau:lt

CHOCO'JalCl' ''I'YPIs ul"hi's i s a pre,tty <WElr3!gE!i 'Chooobo,'·'

MH:leel Area

This ttopi cal! ~$lland is a. paradi se to mo~t peoplle. bue its ]Uil'lgl,e landscape can be plret~ W fnr:(05pitab~et1Q ChDCbboiS. Sure there's art abu f1 dan ce of fQorl, but anyone who's

e:xip lot~d th e areacan attes):: to the numbe rof v:idou:$ bea;-s,ts )1'00"11 find there.

CHKOBO COMQOs £'1:-1:00080 TyPES

.3 H eadliunter!>

"M mrn, this Of'le';s, n.nt bad!'

I ci,c:le Inn Arrea

This i($; where Gl':ioco Billy and I do our huntIng.

We tend to fin d the best c: heeebes around he re.an¢l Cham, EMI iy I~ kes t9 talKil in a litHe s IJ'I C!wI:)0ard~ng du ri ng ouroff 'time. There'S velry Htde f~od in this area due t:GiIl:he' abundance. of sncw.Wh at Htt!I e 'f'God Cai-11 be f¢ y rrd is le,urght uYe'r by ChocoJI;H;:;!Si at:'ld those rll:as~ wild dogs known as:

B;indersRiltch~'S. So aoy Choc:obQ$ you b"",_-----~~~~.-I find hEl:I'e 'Will either be slick amJ pU1ny, ot" 'tau:g!i as. naii:ls.


UM,rAn" thi:s one'S: net bad,"

"Thi:5> i,~a gt"eat C hOCQl:u;l"'~'

HThi:s is a gre'at ChDcobo.~·

B:<lindel"sna:.tch 81 Jumping

"] Teall'y (;:I;l'n't recbmmend thirs one}1

"Thls .•• is a wonderlid C:ho£ob.olt~

2 Jlumping

.iThi~ •. .is a wO:l1Iderfw~ C ho.cobo:!n


W' . 'D··· -I D- .. 7 HAT-O _ -0.

Nlaw you 'I i Wail!ilrt wfeed and trat~n your Chaco boro maJke it the best rhat ire am be., If.eedin,g Green's iOG yOUl!" Cho~ol1)o willi raise its :stat!isti,G:S. plus II: im:reISe:!.1 the Choc:obo's fondness fol" you.Yeu can also -rrain )IO,ur Chocobo by racling il: at the Gold Saucer, wh,ilciJrl hel,ps Eill!l1sut·et!hat YO'!;u" C Ileoobo's off$p,ring wUI W,Fn out 'to, be cham,pi'ons.


You can find Greens tint are left by some monsters, but: ies; much e:asjei" to pu,rchllls:e chem from IQJlS. We. carry a wi de val"iiety of 'G,reens a,( re3S-(lInalbl,~ Ipr~oe!S. Remembelr. 'the hi,gihrer the qruality of c:ne'Gr-een, the stl"O:nge,r the effect. Gre'ens have the full'Qwing effects;

GMEN IlocAnaN ~IOE '+SftED' +bqrOIKT ,+STAMrNA
'C;ysahl Ranch faO NQ N Yes
Ktakka RaJllellir :Z50 No Yes; N~o
Tan'tail Rar!uih 400 Yes '1es Yes
Pahsama Rilililch 800 No Yes: No
ICunniel1 RaJI1Ich ;1'0,1110 Yes N,o )'ies
Mhnett Raneh 15.00 Yes No Yes
RI!i:.~alfll S~~s 31011110 Yes No 'Yes
Sy.Wk!is Sqe~51 5100:0 Yes 'Ve':i ¥'es Wlh.en ;you arrirve ali: ttl e Gold :Saucer. sjp'e3Jk wirth EQr •. wltJo n'iI'il.M<l:ges the Cho eebo jo c:k'eys. ¥QU can u:suaUy find her hanging, oue just inside the Ch'Ococo Radng forum. You earn register the ChocoDo of you.r choicE!: for the next .race lin the ehesen Chocobo,'s eless,

There 3f',e f:aur Cheeebo classes, Class Cis, tihe sllc;w,est class; trf YO'IJI hoo.'e a ·~G'reati" a'r "WQf1lderf\,l~" Chocobe, YO'1Ji won't hav'e any problem dominating this €I'ass. Class B is a litt.le 'rast.>er" than Class C, but is still eiliSY to defeat ~f you, have a. Cho,cobo, with chilimpilon


potential ... Class A is tJh,e toughest of the normal classes, but a "Great" Chocobo can e<l!:SliI)' trounce the co;mpeti1t~o1n"The finai~ class is the S Class, Only world-class ChocobQS

m ake it: eh is, fa r:, Th e. payoff 1 s high er in til is class, but you'll need a really well- bred Chocobc to even scandia chance of winning.


JJ!I "YOU'R' I"l?T TOO BID QN_IJ-RE. "l;:!t]-(Qt/I;. MO!it:>\ ~ Tl"'UND, )"~l~ j:.;AI">.' ~ T:H..I;:<S·r,ocMiINA CJ;iIt{L: ",,'0 SLOWLY'

:R£~,,jn.D YOUR 'cND=l:'\,Q'S STAMINA DURINC ...

RACE. Too 1;>'0 S('i>, Hi3.J;..D W A=GE Ql'] JI'N'J:;t_ LP,~G~ OQ"W::N-J w&o;1!

lu.6.r-.~d.·B DIl",).I»'G!;pIs. '>lOti .~ PUs.i':1 YOU¥ CHOCOBO l"IIMm

TIl!ROllG~~ 'THE EpnTIt:G IM,C;£ \Ii..o."IP ~TI]LL HAV.l! 1>GJJ<\tF. i\'crA.r;;flN" A '-En- FOR S$'IUNTINC; r:o C'HE :tm:oas.H I LINl}.

How D········· I W"IN'l ,w_ 0, '.

ExperienGed Chocobo jockeys know that speed isn't every thing. A Choeobo with a hi.gh amourrt of stamina can ~sHy OU:tI-I.ln one with bet'ter top speed. The ChoCQ'bo wi;t:h sumillla can be pushed harcle!lr for a longer period of time, which easily nllakas up (elll" the ditTe1renc:e iR speed. Also, it's not a good Idea to let: your Chocobos race fOr themselves, Sure, you can g'et away With ;it in the, Idw€w classes, bl.Jt not i Ii:I an S Class race. Loo lie: out: for special Chocob as, ones that can b reeze th rough the ce urse with,out p<lnk.king at the sighr c;Jl water C)r twistin.g hills"

One of the t®p riders goes by the name of Joe. Hls rare Black Chocobe, Teloh, lis extlremeiy fasc and has an incredible amount of stamina .. Don't be: surpr:ised iif he grinds tOU to a pulp the ,fir.st few times you race him. I'm o'nly rnerrelenlng him becausa of 'his rlde. Black Chcccbos are the product 0" years of breeding. The secret to 'breeding a Blac'k Cho,coiho was lost y'ears ago, but 'I'm sure the Chccobe Sage might be able co telll you now 00 breed sp eelal Chocobos,

Sll!,>E,CIAlL P R1ZE: 11' YI;J'I! CAN wn'l 10 Cl.ASS S ll- ... c'P.$, EtJ,-£R W~L'_ GlTVE YOOU A Sl'JSOl'<I. n'l~:r;t£. TlLffi

~~~q:.<UDES S;r~.I.iN"T <;HQE$.. f"R1!.CIO'US WATCI", CAT's Br,;M., CJ,l,QC0I1RACBLET.

AND A "COUNTRR A~I~tAC:Kv MATERIA. NOT TOO.5Jf.IA",·HV ~I!!:~ 'YOU CONSID~ loiCl"W 'TO'~(;!H ~':t' .IS TO CG>~CT TFffiSIO: l'Rl22!; I.lY ~CING.

JUSt to, help eut alii YQu wou'ld~be jockeys, helr,a's a list of allthe items you can win by racil ng or betti Ilg .. Tha hlghe,r you r Chocobo's c:,IOlIS$. or the mlO re money yQ u bet, the bea:,er the i'terns you (a.ln win.


Alibrdi:;::, Wind 20 )(





















F~re Fa_wE:



Fire 'Veil




Her-o Drink












IPhoenix Down














Swift: Bolt



Tranquil iZltlr'




1'i.lJrbo IEth e r





Now that YOll have several ehamplonshlp quality Chocobos, it's time to stan: breeding them to <lcquir~ an even be1!:rer Chocolbo.When you're inlt'erested in doing so, Chaco Billy will glJide y"ou thrQugfol the steps. First, make sure you have <1,1"1 empty stall in the stable because the little one needs a phl.ce to sleep, yo,u know.Also, make sure you have two eiligible Chocobos, which means a male and a femaje that have both had time to mature and haven't mated recently. Choee' Biilly Willi checkeo make sure everything is in order, and then he'll ask you te choose 3. nut. If yo,u don't.own <lin)' nuts. he has a salection that can be purchased for breeding purposes. The available nuts indude:

N. UT .--~, -. NutS help determine what kind of

~T10N .rruce

Chocobo the baby wiH resemble,

Pepio Nut Ra!lich 100 Obvioll,sly. the better the, nut.fhe more

luc:::hUe Nut Ran eh 200 likely th'e baby wi II be stronger than res:

SaJraba Nut Ran eh 400 parents, Some nuts can even produce a

Lasan Nut Ranch 600 completely unique type of Chocobe, U nfo rtunate Iy, Choc,o BlUy and I den "t

Pram Nut Sa~e's 1500 h h h' h

ave eno ug' d m e to go, U biting ehase

Porov Nut Sage~s 2:000 . h' ''':; d

_"~' __ ' ......;::;,__ ~~ ~ ,rare nuts, but t err re easy enough to 1~ln •

Steal (rom Monsrer N/A

The Carob Nlut is a 1)E;i of the most val u ~ able nuts you ''II ever find, It: can be used

to he lp create several types of Chocobos, To get one, you should head for Bone VHlage on the northern (;;ominef1rt:. Wander the area around Bane Village until yelil encountera monster called Vmakorados. ObYiolc,lsly thi;s beast isn't just gonna give yau'the nur, so )!Iotl'll need to steal it during t:l1e battle. 1iry to g~t follfOr five .of them in one, visit cr )'01./1'11 have co come 'back again later.

Stealfirom Monster


:FOi~ THE LESS -ADVl!!':>i'I'U'iROOS, Wi'HLE 'vQu'.:R'" JlACIl"I'G CH.,O(Wll()£ ~OU'LL PR01lABLY ACQU""l, Ii. Lt.l'l" df' cri> P~M ,"itA;t)~l'."tl iN ~ YOU DOl"'<r "1:'11.1:"17_ IF Mo:-l5'.rm J.lUt.."TJNG ]!rN'~1' YOtm Sr¥L'E, YOU CAN PUkClclASIO! A CAROB' NUT AT WONDEJ,? SGtrAru;;;':5 ~w.;e¥t"',I~[QN C~ l'OR 5o'nqT'.

The Zei,o Nut is a littJIe harderre find. First, ');'ou:'11 need an airship because these nuts can emly be fb'ILH1'd on OJ small is 1<11:1 d to the north of the ranch. Yo 1;,1' III know the is land when you see it, because ft's the only one wi,th a forest. lnside the forest you'lllflnd a LJl1iIQU'l3 creature called 11 Gobliln.Just Ilike the Vlakorados, the Goblin is holding the Zeio Nut and isn't willing to hand It over" so you'll have to steal Tt.Althougjh you'll need fucw€!Ir Zeio Nuts than Carob Nu~, you should stlll c,oHect several while YOll ha.veAthe chance.


Checcb 0 Sage LS the u litimate authority on Chocob os, He I-j\!edl around here at one time. but one day he hopped on his Mounta~n-Choc:obo and hightailed it fer' the meunralns, We '(ltd ri! 't see h im aga,in fer yea,rs.

But last slimmer whlle Billy and I we:re hunting Chocobos near lcicle lnn, we stumbled upon a lone shack, The shack was stu ek in the mi dd Ie of a large valley that was totally inaccessible witnout ehe aid of plane, airship, or Mountian-Chocobo. That's when we saw him.

He'd aged a lot since we last saw i"1im and from his actions w.e could teH he- wasn't quite as sharp as he used to be. Still, l'm sure if you can reach him he ceu Id probably de~rawa'Y the G,obw~bs and tell )l'QIJ adll about breeding special Ch0cobos. He may ey.en s'olll sel.! hard-to-find nuts

and i!reen,~.

CH0S:Olm SAC£,;, SAY L~LL() -1'i;lI 'fff.5

J\1.O\JN'11:.~J:NGnocoJJ.d. h' M,WA .... S~.Al"l Nl':~if' .... ~LL " MA. '1"iUA TO


Now wh-at kiRd of guy would I be if II forced YOll tb viisit Choc.obQ Sa,ge? Br'seding spe~ dar Chocobos is easy, but rt:'s also very time consuming andexeremelyexpensive.Te finance )'qu.t!r ChOCQDO br:eediif.'lg, you may want t:Qo pick up the ~~GiII Phls~' Mate,ria. at Wonder Sq uare in th e Go Id Sau eer; Aft~.r doing this. flight it 0 ut -arou r1I d M ide e L The

monsters iin that a rea are worth a fair am 00 nt of Gi I and tl1 ey give you a n ice am au ne of AP. Eq u i PI yo,!.! r c:h araeters with ~~ Alii' ~ M a:bel"i a, and once tl1 ey max 0 IilIt yeu can se ~i them fo r enough Gil to flnan ce anew en oco bo a rtwo,

FirSt, make sure you're reMjng all six stables ... You'll, need them. Then heid for the Chocobo tracks near the G'tiJld Saucer. where 1"Ol1 should be able to traclk d\awn and captllre a. GO'O'D Cho€obo. They're a!lways painlid with two Spencers, so don't was'te rou r ti me with any eth er combi nation,

Now head for either the tracks near M~d'ee'l or the 'tracks near Rocket Town. In either place. yoolr goal is to' capture a GREATChocoba.TheGrea:t Checebos near Mideel tend to hang out wftih Spi r~ls" wh il G! the G reat Cho cobos near Ro c::ket Town typkal:ly show up with two Valrons or 'two KyuvHdlins.

Once )'0u have co m patibl;e G real:: and G aod Chocobos, you'1I n eed to strengl:h,e,rn them at the Gold Saucer, Feed both Chocobos lJinti.l drleir stats .are maxad out, and then race them unell t:1'HW are eithet" Class A or S . Now yotl're ready to begin!

Al.w,n:s CA';I'Cil R_:n)n€iJ;;JQCOI!OS H;'I!iI;'q:~F.;-.'1lIlOTllR'l\J. ...IN'!;~ 'H;c THI': l!l:.t,NCA. By Ji;j,Oll'>iilG

TIllS) :."01..1"'1.', ,"'Err .:A MIX ~ , M,,,,L£ .iU'lD FEMA;t'~ CHOCOlllQit.

Retu rn to the ranc nand tallk. to Cho co BiHy abo ut mati rilg. a n d then choose' your two Chocobos. When Billy asia you which nut yOUi wal1t to give them, select the Carob Nut and see what hap'pens.lf you're lucky

you'll get either the Mol.mti.an (a..k.a. Gf"e,en Choe'obo) or River~Cho-"obQ' (a.k.a, Blue Chocobo). Pl-iew!

UR.E.EDER'.s~, You CAN GE:T :m:n'H Tltt iVJ:6ur'n",UN A;Nl'" RWQ·OIqCOI!IOS FR.@M ..... STL'>lOLB ~~"'T 01.' Gl't':!(COl'lOS, JiI OT

'l:'FIEY"L1. l'lAVE, 'cO l~'F.r.;~· "'F1,"liR E:-AQ1 1I.'1I"'lT;JVIIl"J: f'OR THIS RE:40$ON YO-t;.l M~fr W4.NT TO I:TAYE "'I'V>'O eOl .... 1PKl"llBL,J;; Sl;;~ AND yqP';!,I DEi'U'-1ITBL~ WAN r TO ~AV1:i

B\ll'>Q.ltE. Y'O'L.J no J\NY El!lEEDIJ""I'G. Tl';Jiffi W,",-"I:: '1;'O'LJ C" fi',I ny 1'Oi1' ''''OTH CMCP0'BGS

AT "'HE SA!>; 'Tl1>-tr;; AI'<J;:" YOU CAN

RELOAb !Ii' Y(\)UCH,~N'T GIlT T1;1E C'FloCan0S YO'lJ~J;l1{ i"('jQl(JJ"r,~ '!'ion,

RJ;;MEMBER UTA (:,)U NI8.~1;I (:IN,," :MAW!

>\:ND THE O'Yl";I$ l'1!.l...1,"LE._

Now th<!Jt 'rtll!;l haye a, M,~untail'l .and a. Ri?;i'~Ir--.Chooobo. you can a;toempt to breed <I

M 0101 rlitain~1u .. d 5 Ri V'el- G n ece ~~that ,i s; wnen yem r til ewbon'1' b iird's are 011 d e no~grn to mai.,"!!:. To pass, ,the 'time. sttr-e 1'nJ8~~ren YOllir newilQilrns: with greens and th(!'rlI ra.,e:etnlem, aJt me ~D~d Sa~,c:er untill ther IlI'Ie3lch ,eras'$: S,.

Wh e Filth eyh! reiOlcl~. have the tw'o bi'i'ds mate. With each other and use anGlthe r Carob Nut. If thilllsg@ weU,. )!9w'li~t d1l.E! MQuf1lui~il-!,!!nd~R.iver ChloCQbQ (a.Ik.;'lI. Black Crnocobo) )'f>u :!jIO r'i(;ihIl~ de-SE!ll" va.

t'iI.~ so me 't! me to care re r youlr I'lewb or-rilJ. Feed ~,tgreen:il ~nd race jt I.! r1I1t11 i£ rn~ches elMS S. Then stoln leez>ki!1!g mr a €hooobo to mate ~It w,ith.

Till is[~ me you'll need '[0 J Glea,t€: a WO N DE RF'U L ,e hQGO boo Y.o U 'a,r;'! on Iy fin d the$~ bii~<iI!S n,e,ar k::idl!! Infl, and th:er'on~i)' hang "€I:li.ilt w~th jlurflpjn~. ~f the:r:e'~ a,I1JY (;)1!:hier ~~Wf~ "'Wirch,the Cho,co,b~ ~ou s;!1oulld ke~p IO,Oiki1Ii1g. Of1lCI~ yo'ufiruj :acomjp:atibl~e Wondeliul ChClt.l:OSO, you'll nle~d to s.t:rangt~etlt .hl:: the same way¥oudld the !:la,by:

Whell'l bath Cl1(H:obos: are Class: S raCE!lfs and 3i re read;Y WI ITII!3:~e:. tan~. ~o Cho,ae 8:11 11' and Ilet, 1:1'1 e magic begin. To get the .ocean en ec:abo (a .. k.<3i, G,old ChOIClSibe 1 f XSn.i'1I f1 e-ed te ,Use the Z~iQ INut <lnd say a: smaH p~'eF. W~t:n any l,uck • .you·U get the beSet oir;ciI iin '!;h~ g¥lme.

W'ow! 'W'HERE no r cc FROM HERE!?

~¢ I b~t you're: loolid:ng for the bi~ payoff,. ;i"'lghd Those spediai en Clcnbos you'V!1!' s,pel1t :li~! mu~h dme b~eding C.1\l!1il get y~'liIiIIO areO'llsyou flOm"mllUy can't r~aJClh. Each 'of the'$e d~~rcuU;-~O-;n'lhCh areas coneal ns aene -O'f~a'-kind M;a.~e'li'ia ~~;~t ma'r:oo~ Gh'G>eqbo bree di ng w~U wcrththeeffert;

Mideell Area Cave

Thn s cave i s a~most d ue e~t of tn e Ranch ,0 I'l it StC!li1y islarJ d, You can't: reach eh e cave with an

airship due to the terrain, but if you load <I Mo'untain-Cho,eolbo. MOQJ'ntain~and~Riv1l!r Chccobo, or Ocean ChOCiObo onto an airship and land on the grassy pan: of the isiand. tI'1e Checobe should be able to take you to the cave.lnsid.e, this area. you'lll find the '~'Qu a.dlt"a Mag1ic" Mlaterila; th is tMil:3J.u1!rita alion e is, worth the triilub le of brved ing Chocebos,

Wl.itai Area. Cave

You'U find this cave south ofWutai on the east side of the mOuiltain range. Tl'a,nsport B MOlH'lJtajn~Chocobo",MQut)Qln-al1d-River Cheeobe •. 'OF O.cean Chocobo 1:0 the ,awea. near Wuta.i, <'IndJ;hen rtde

into the mountains. Iln$id~ the cave you'll find the '1Mimen IMateria.

Corel AreaCa:ve

No,t far north fro m the errtrance to Mt. Co rel, yo ~'II fi nd a .cMl'e su rro u nd ed by desere sands .. yG)U1 can reach this cave by any type: of special Chocobo, altho,ugh you'll have to land in different areas depending on which Chocebe you take. This cave contains the HHP'<_>MP'~ ,Ma't'eria.

Klilighu Cave

This: i.s the toughest cave to reach, If'S orr ail uncha.ned iisliand northeast of theisland where y,oUl find Ze,io Nu~ts.The only 'way to reach it is on the back of an Ocean Choc>obo, because there's no place to land an airship on the island .. The c<we contains the ull\[m,a;.t:e summon Mate(r~a, :Knigh:ts of the RQund. Now there isn't anel'11emy in the world that can sto p you!


Checobuckle isjust one Citt the JlliOliny Enemy Skiliis you can learn wnile equipped wi'th an "Enerr'lY Skill" Materia. It juSt so happens that the only place Choccbuckle can be learned is riignt next to my ranch. I had norhln' to do witn it .... really!

50 CHOOO Bu .. l!s Gl)~rr~ TO CHOC080S.

To get Chocobukcle, you first need '1;0 have aJready IIGarned the Level 4 Death skim from <I. local MIU. (Mu,s aJ.soonlly ream the plalns around my ranch.) Then ycnl need 00, loc3Itce a lILev,e. I" Ckocobo. whi,ch is!n~t ,easy. These Chooobo$ are m.irly rare, 510 you'lli ha,ve to flight you r ~thro ugh a herde of Level I 3 Cho,cobos just to lind ,one Leve I' r 6. To dete~rmine a ChOC,Oibo''S I ev.e I" you can either use ~ ·~Sen.se'~ Materia. or you can jiu$t Ilook fo'r at ChQcobo wi 1:111 't¥ro ILeviri 1<0111 s, Tbese Choc,obQIS are a lways Level 116. o,l'I:ce )\ou've identifiedl a L-evel 16 Chocqbo, ~eed :it either a IMi.mett or a SyUds Green ('We. sell Mimett 'Greens at the ranQh" but you'll have '160 find Sylk.is Greens elsewl-.ere.) and then hit the Choco:bo Wirth level 4 Death. This wiU cause the Chocobo to re~:;,di3i~e with 'Chocdbudlde. 'flhis unique skill cauSfes an amount of dam~e equal to the number of times you've escaped from combat. SQ the more chiclken you'Wi b~iE!n, the rno~ d'amage C:ho coill!.llckl:e iI;<lIJI.I,ses,!


AflS yQU kiddnng!?'What more do wal1rt:!?'You now know as mue:h about Cbocebes as Choc~, em himse!lf.Jus1t rememrbeiit:o' ha~ fun and don'c get irus,tnted iif Ct;uocobo,

b .... eradilni:@! doesn't. g:o ,exactly 8;& 1~lanned. Everything; 1C!n.! Irf'eed us :right iln TF!l:lnt o,f you, ~o ta,ke your time and double-check yourself if thln~ aren't ,going well, Oh ... and remember to d1illw~rs com,!;! to Chaco BiH's Chocobo Ranch Jor all your Cho'cobo relatedl needs. Ufllt!il next time ... W8Jrl(l! Wark!'



Po:tion (X3) Phoenix DoWn "Restore" Mla:tel'ia As.sau ~t; GII..i n (Boss]


'Gu<!iI'd Hound Grunt

list, Ra:y

l Mono Drive Swe.~per

Gu ard S Lorp~ On {Bo$s}

BA '1' 'r l. E ')1'[ l?~ IN ,"10ST o~ ·.n·H F. EJA1U.-:r 1lA1rTL'll.S' ~f"Q'W·Ll. O[';1l.Y ui;~ 1< 8'r.;r1l <'H"':f! 40I'ElRG' N>()!R, .IMA.L i":TTACI(S. "Y"ou CAI"1 ¢'LJT DJ1)W~'

r.wu~ ,~",T'''G"JI"rON TIME H¥H.OLD1NG TI':m tE.N't·i·:r~ ~m' j"'~ '" Oi."'I.."R.il.$':rI;~·S TIME BAr,; k~n,n;,I;r.: .. iSI'1F,;$.'l')m: l!'<1L''T'QMI\i'!I"nC1!tJ:)l.¥ S,l!!\lY. :'J'":.~

y,Ou" ~l'@Hi>-1,,:L l!i·r-fYH.~~ AND "I'Pl:11 CLOS<l:iIirr~~~ 'WN$.N J:HE TIMI1

~.AII. rs !;,u LI ..

CJ oud's f rli! t job witih the. re bel gr-ou'l'l known as AVALANCH IE is tel dest'rny MaRo R:ea(;:W .. N~. l , Tile piant is. 'h~avily gu~r-rfed .• bur: Cloud and BalTe<t sihou M be more than a match fur mQU ef the ene m i es they'l] en ceu note r,

Foillovv ti~el:)eam iii1,sjde the r~~ctQ'r' and $p€:alk. b} CJ©Uit::!'S cernpanlons, Biggs and [essie, wap,eA the se(!urltY dQ0r'S. Then hit. the bu"tton jnsJde the ,e~eva1totto move th~ t.eillni de'epE1:~- intsh1e d'JJ~ react:nr; The p<.tth to tbe reactor's core is fairly strafghffor~ ward. Jessie w~U lead you partdrf the W'Xf. which :make~ tbe tasJi( e¥(:!J"l s~mpJe;r. just k1eep Ck;l'ud and Barret f1ealthy arnddOfl't fr(Jr~· g~t t@ save -wh~ n you reac hthe fit·S't sa",,~ pel nt, the sp~ nn in,g crysta~ qu:est~on mark,

As Cloud ,app roaches the Me rro Re~t:0 r, illei lii nds a

'" R.estore'; Mia,telt:'ia. en the f)oor-i;l nfQ rtUt.l3te~~, he ean't do anyth~nlg With it right !lOW. Condnu~ forwa:h1

ITlEM TIt>: Ifill. ~'A~~ n:- W!LL l'u,,-p M,&N.Y 't:'SBI'~JLI;mi'M$ LYING AI&GIt¥ND OIDl'1lR.I!.C'>!T ARIj:Ak{~)F "I'IE ~""M~. :FCE1'.I> )'0liR ElrJ!S O~'-I1¥ Ou~. Cr.@Ul") MAY .R.'~Jl'I n.K:J:-1T /?",",S"l' QIf.;rE. IN U .. ,[I~I!IF""" ~~p :t!OI.JRI;.-YJ;.$

oPEN" FOR A BU["I'~N AJND ':O<0U);r. FUltS;; i.\-1 #TE_lUA;, 'l'l J.I! ., R"F.;.:5'![!Q'l'!..E ~ Mi\'i;I'.J.~~i't.

and Cloud willi plant the explosiv.as, which triggers an abnn thuaJerB Shinra's fOI-,ces. to the §roup's

p re'seJ'lc:e.

Hi!. "I" T L :1/ '1". p~ SOM1.', E-NF ~~ HAy!! Ii. 'Iil'l" .• ' .... K I S 01<' 1j'!..'!..I''1utiu'~ TO "\T lL.I.1A1iT ·ON<F. T''f!''F, ~~' ,E'f.I',~ MI~-I·. kE-IMS' "..cJYl.A:n,;ljl:~s'~A!.TJlI~ "",GI"',eNS~' t"IWI. II~jU J< ""litl~ tiI,""",,!,.!E;D ll'lr' .\N"I' l-!iJI'Il'P. 01' IC& lliA~E r} A'l '."CJ.I. iN 'J-IIS .linE)\. ~j;' '1 H CA.".II V~~U"LL IlUN l!'<fil'·O SEV!~I~L MEGUi\NJCA1, BN!~/!o:U1l5.

UJCJi:n-o !lOw !'PER. ,G ~ ~~ .okT-CIJteuIT rl'!E:S~ MO· ORI"D



Allthau,gh the GU,1l.r'<J Sca;pi:a1n ~'a'S, 'Some d-lMl.d~li' attacks" '_"-,6;-U-.a-fl-dO'", -~~~-'I~-, ~-I~Sl-C-,IR-~IITI-"-:K-l<'!i--'

Cl'oud '<In,d 'Ba.l7ret's, combined strtl!ngeh should be more Scorpion rl/~ NJ~ '~.,;.~~r.~'"

thalli enou:gM to punch iIt:s ~iclket.

filL 12 liP 800 MI' (I

StalFt the. batJtle by hay +ng

I CIC')ud pummel the Guard

,~~~~~~!p'lij~"Rl Sc.:orpiQJrD ~~npther mechanical ~ Cre1l!tufe) with oonstant Bolt;

speUs wh ll Ii! Ba rren IU ses hi 5

i!'ll arm a I at'taidc

l!.}o/J' '100


GIt 1~~ :__;::;: N.~

@ uo... II

I No rm

(; FflI:' Hfl :1I~,i~l:1

liP 10

=::11 Afte,1I" Sle~f<ll 'attac:ks,th e Guard Sc.Q,rp,ion, raisie's iu taU and begins to shake vIolently, at wilil(;h point Cloud warns Bar,nat to be ca.rE!ful. When thi~ oeeurs, STOP YOUiR. ATTACKS! A't:ta,d:;:ill1,g

K.El;'I' "'''()~liI, EYI' QN CLC)I1JD Al',"U

R ... 1Il.ftd"S H;![1' POIN H ). r" "" I1'IIiR


'III "'t.

the B~o£s d~rung,tl1h, time p'edmJ ~.u.se!S ~1;: '1:.'0 coli nt!e t:attack with its .$:IJper weo'3)pon, tn e Tail Laser. This move C(t1U ses cl ose to 75 points of damage 1:0 both eharacters. When theB¢~s returnste its no.rmil.! stanee, centlnee yQur r~,gular atttH~k pat,te rn,

The ,GuarCl Scorpion is;.easn~y d!!$t~~yed, bur the fight costs tM -team precioUl.s tlme, Cloud nO'W has on~ I 0 mnnu~es to evaeuat~ rhe Ma:k~ Reactor beforethe bOO'lb explodes,

B,do re ~un i"1I ir!lg for dl e e;:.{:it, qukkJ)'eqlllp Bal'"r~ witn the Assault Gun that the Bass

'I eaves beh ~nd. You mar wam to save ~n your:" way out just in ease s,om faith ing unexpec,t.edoccLJ rs,


~n"lE TJJ>.ii:ER ttu't';s OPl'lT.I1'Rt0'~~sr,">;, ~) , YOt.l MV~'lr Q1l1i:C~ I.:V

:rIN1~i~' "..,,)t) L"- 'BA~""I""l .. E~. J~ "I.;~!¥1.'.1i!. ~s "'H'OJ:R'~* l"QI!..J .~A.cr;l .Kufl ER0M 'f~~ IZNIt.MWS B" ]-[=0-

,JNG (3"1 AN(> [9J ON nm MUytJ;"B,~C .kb:'1''IP.

A~ Cliou d makes h is way th rough the pipes and support structures, ne fifldi$. ~e'$-Sje stuck: where f; eo had I,eft rUlw. H el p Jlessj,e

~:;=~ roe I ease her foocand th en fo lI~w her to th e

" ex r t, If ),'0 U fail to resc u e j ass ile:. you won't btl! a.ble: to open the seclJ rit? do ~r.g, abG'¢I~\"

When yOIJ teach the seeuri ty door:::;, speak wit:!l J essie ~rlf'l d Biggs agai t'lI~hey'H rei ease .......... _,,.......... ~iiiiY~mr::~~~ the I:O'eks f'Orr-au. Jf :you make It to 't:h~ s I oe:atii'CInqlui ckly-and 'tn epearty is $tW i ngmc d hea.h:h-use this time te fig~lt: some ene m iiljfS iln thii""af'¢:J .• This is '8. great oppor~ tu rTI it1 fo'r the ell aracters t'Cl eas i II'

~~~I(I gain a iev·el. ~n additijoo. t:hey willi 1l.6:=~=ii!!~~E!!!~_:_~:::J be fl1Jll~y healied when they i~ ci,ltsicle.When y,OI"l're real2ly, run ~~~~~~~~f4Il.:::;_.:J C 10».1 d Q. ut 'Of th e, ~r~a aol wattl, iM aka Rea.c'tofr No. I bu rl1.

I ' -l After ese .. pi ~~i fr~m the, by rntng r~~tor, fa~ ~

fTIMS E,NEMI,ES, i:ow larrn~ b~,ck t~the, mOlin Hl"eet. It's heJre

PQd~n ~I~ard' He l:I rid whe;lr~ 1ou'I,1 ~ail: a~IO'welrgjfr-1 'win'e) has b~en

I L kho<':::Red dewn In~n e. c:b~iliO'S creal:ied b¥ 'the

re<l-ctali's ~p~oslan.As Cloud ~IflPJ"O.aches. ~he !imps him in hop e'S 6f obain,iJl1Ig S(1lme ilJ'lfol',mat~an aib€lllt the 11!)!i!p-lii;l,j,c,I'l. (Pilus. she may e'ven sell arr~ther fla~r~) Take .'lome time to tall~t-b her. You don~t rH!~~d te bur any f1€!we'f'S. but" co,r'ne on. iit's only one Gi I!! Penorm~lng th¥$ sfflroJiH dee'CI mar even b eE':lefire ro 1lI1

,r------ .............. ~'=-_....."..._____. bl,ler in the gam!!. AftEI'r excl'ilii!lFlgilng p~eaSil'm:rje~.,iFa~!k)w ti~ e oPL;-.......,~.1 flower girl off-screen a~l'Id i!'ltot:hie COlUrtyal"'d,

....,_.,.1o~1...1 There's, n,et mu:ch te diG he~e ex.oept u~k w a cOlJllplle 0# folb :and fi1~ht ill few Gluard Howlnds.. MiiI.kle sUr'El' 'tOiU ~rnb the f"oti,otll

,)gIl~~~~ as yoU mov"e !'iOIl.JI:~ t.oward the flef>li:t:area.

As ClQud hits clIle streea:. he lhJas III ruin -h'l w~tn tb e law: Ye;u hwe 1I.II!l~tjJ two eptlons fin J:his seenarlo: ·F'igfiit -or :Run. ~if you !l'H1l;e:U the

exper~enCle, XQl.Q shou~ d f.,h'~, beo.u$'E! no n e QJf tM,~ MP.s pl"'e:S:e!nt I!':ilWch of:a. thFe'at.,

The first and seOOr'ld gn:.t'IiJ ps im1 this; blliJtde cQn:sh~tof M,Ps! n i!l r:l orrnal tlgf'1t, In the dlilrd fJight, ,h~wevelr, th ree M:Ps ge1J: 'tn-e dl'op _.Qn Cloudl.rnlrCifl.'g him 00< n~ht 'l!rnemi as am beth sides., Whe:thel" ~O!) choose to fight Qr I" un, Cloud ilSi, e:Ven'tLJIaHy ;sutn,?}ul'lldea ~nd chiin~.s ElElJiFl to i,ook b.rle:ak Howeyer:-. Clo'ud~s SOlUllE'R S!kiU~ jimY ®'W' as he tops O¥'eT a brid!g-e<lind hU1d1s- Gm, a iltl'<lin

!~ eade dfoJf tile S ectGl" 7ShJJmlS'.

v~u KI:oW TO MAI{I. YQlIJIR Dr!" L~~'ON QW~L'I"" Jllia(;A,",!;;E TAXI~r.

TOo \\1i1.t~i'll T{.'>1 L! rs WiRTHALU_Y TT~~ SAMl:J .Vi; a~{-lQ~IN'£;;

~,~ c~~k f~ both 1J;:j es 1

~_ --


... ~-:', '.:-,=':- ..

Cafch up Witi"'! the rest of 1:l1e tt;am at. Trfa's Mr, Tlfa's S~entj, Hemerl. After Sipeakir~g withev.erypne andl ~~art'ling abcut your next ass.ignmeillt (bDrt'1bing. Sh:inr:a's

No_5 Make Rea.c.wF), you'll _ge( the ,oppor'CI,JI1~:ty"to do a Ilt.tie "slll!lmming;' F~n1:.1;;ake Cloud '$ pa:ymem f~H" his filr'!;.-"t m r $:s.rQ [I. a paltry I 500 Gil. an d ,dlsh: the local shops,

I!!!E~±:~~==:F::-::-~::::;II As your first order of bUEiltHl'.sS, visit the Weapon Shop, lnstde, :tOlU can pu rchasa new weapons, ta,ke a qu tck rest, ail d even br:us:h up on yout' <I.~vemtlring skills. For FlOW, pick up serne

I n1fl Bangl,es and s ell all of r:he iiea:m's Brotl ze B~ngle;s to the shop owner.

When th<ILt task. Is f n ished! ".gGl upseal rsand vns~t the Begi rIne r 's Ha.ll. If dl~ si s you r fi rst Fi na.~

_""""'~"""''''_''':'''''':;',----"'---''",---,''-=L____''',,='-'-.-! Farlbsy adve ntu re, yo l,I

srrould :s:p.end some tlrne he(~ talk!ng; 11;$ eve ry.one. W riot, i ust grabthJe ~~AW' M,ater~a s vttrng insi de

the door and then g.e.t mit,

"AU'! Materia Ether

- -

., 'e'O'J [.an': IU'!;: w.fll~ D""J.:t.:!l h~r~

WitI'Jlim booJ"!-.ollil surne thn;' ~.

NCY["E: [1'1 THE, 'I-Y. ... M "'T":.R1;~ <'q :!l.~-X:, ~.~"0::P''''!'>.u::> 'r'A ['~K -n.,)"TH E;. K[D PN Tf([>

ih1R1S'l.' .f!L'B01ol,. ]<'(::>1':. 1 0 (lu~ Y81 f ('1'''l>! t.)S.E;; [oIlS ,il.DO£<.l1 POlk '.r:J'-TI!: l';I!bl~·!·. D~,N '-J:' OIJ;VF.;

Re-(I!:II;'~d a ~II a Mit [(~IIIJI ~

- -- - -

Now you shr~lJild step by the litem Snop for some Haw ~ate1ria and Potions vf you need sh em. B~ef up ,yo ur ~arty's offense with ,e;i'tner a ··Fire''" or a second

~~ Light" ilngH Ma,b'!riIOll., a rrd rrrake su re you get a secon d .~~ RestoteH M at~ ria·,. Outfit C10'IJ ~1;. B'l.Ml1:er

SW0 rd with '!the •• AlP' M aoori Oil and eithe r ~he '~Restore"or "Ughtning'~ Matet'ia. so t:h1it: JQU have a C 11I1'e...AU olr BoJt..AU :!jj,peil, 11"1 ase pl:aye:'ts who rely

h ea:vi I)' 0 n YOI1 r pa rty's p hysical strength will prefer the C:ure~AII ccnjbinatton, because i't makes it e;~uIJe r to h eaJ :t0l,! r party. Bl1t for all you magic users, you'll be happy to know that a lee of the monsters you'ri face 1 n the No.5 Mako Reactcw ar:e mecha rrleal an d therefore weak a.g~ih:s,lt Lightning spells, In some cases, you can actually wipe OUt an entire group of mechanical enemies wlth a single Boit~AH spell,

NOTE: E:Xf'l...tJR~ "rJ5& UST OF TI-I!Jd.

TC}WN AT .... OtJR UIiSVRm; ... t.Jn )::IMD TO 'I"H.E ST,'lITION W':tmN Y-CU'RE coon AND ZJ1Alln". DA:"lN''T FORa£T 1io .S,\VF. '>:"01")11:





Poaon 50 '~FIr';er 600' ~Mn BcaRgle 1,60 Botts; R.oom 10
Plloenil( Down 300 hloeu 600 Assault Gun 350
Antldotce 8.0 600 Grenade 80
t. Rest(n~e~~ 7SO Congrat:uiadol'ls on your first successful mission! However. the 'fight against Shinn has only just begun .. There are nu rnerous M~koi"\E:lacto,rs and .AVALANCHE's forces are sparse. This will be a batt I e not easify won,

- --

( e , _ • ~~;-!_ .. ,.. , .1.J:":"'-::':' ......


In the first car; talk 1:61 tne, b~ m iy'fhg on the 6 eat at the baek of the


Phcralf! Ix. Down Hi Potion !Ether (X2) Pction


Titan Bangle (Bp$$)

Inside thre traln, talk t.Q Tnfu and an alarm win sound. It" looks lik.e Shinm mov:ed the ~D eheckpol rrt. The te<l:m new has 1firt:een :secornd$ to run from ear 1:0 car to a'V:oi d geuing IOCMld in.

r-;rRM TI!l~~ ):':01:) M"",Y NOlI- ~Il'.NT .,,() ,,11"0):)'" ,,!<Ntr TAc1.& ~.(.) "1"1H1,- ex "H;I'L~ L'A~S£."'<I't;Ef~ [}:).XR ~ iNC I!'l!-.I!E. .L.0C,&tThO'IWN. lrfU"l .ol""JGiN<::; ~Q~LL=''!L0U ~ FEW G~')t!o"'ml>.,

1):':6\.,' ¥UST BE Q1:)lr;:; K~ "S9 MAKIil ~,L) I~,F_ ·Xi;,-YJn. 'M B5- SA.(';;J.~ 1I"Ef.x.1r" !,ilFf.:1;.l.) m S1!,"l" AS I'AS', Ai;


ENEMn~s Sn"Ilo,gger

Pro~o Ma;.cihineg!Yt1! Blood Taste

Air Buster (B.o~s) l Gras htrul~~

I Rockel!: l<l:1IJ neil er.

Special Com batant Blug:u

Chu:se Tank

car a:nd he'll giive you a:

IPhueni-x Dowl'l.ln the ~e~oti1d car; rall{ to the guy c;lose!St to dH~l fmnt of tli e car a n d he'll giV-e you a Hi - Potion. In the th i r'd !i:tir. a guy walk.[ ng tIh,eoppo'!!l~t'e dii reetic n will :somet:i rn es steaJ IOLO Gil from you. l.f you nJO a~er him, )''QI.!I can j:on::~ him to gllVe it back, however, tn is takes qu ilrea b tt of ti me. Th eflfth car, YOYlr fi nal

d esf::irrati on, C0TIta.im; no h idtle t"! Items,

,.-,:;:----_"""T"---::-----~~., To ex i t cl.'~ tra:i 11., tal k: to Tim. ~n the J ast qF an d enter th e tu 1)nell ~s" If you g~ trapped j n one of th e earl i ell" cars. Barr·Ett. b ~ow:s up the door iilnrdthe team jumps eady. The pau m i r:J trrru:!:r;hat th e t'e,?m exits the train determ ~nes how fu.r north they must walk: to ~ __ ....... .....:,--,- __ ~ __ -----",""",,_ I-__;;_'~:"""____';;~"'-:'':':';':'::;'_ __ ~___J n~adl the rea-ctor.

58 1lhID ON SEaiOR .5 REi'l.CIDR

"rrCVl:E-W'A$",rEB,_.: ~p 'i@u (,~'''r 'mAJ'I'~~) IN T.n!: l'mST C.AJiI,. ~:u"u. I(,lb"'" I)QJOl'l'~Ci 0J!F NJItX J" n'l, ~ 5'1 AJ1QI't:. GL1/\Jn~D.J:I'!f.

S~~P-IE;rlU. CC-;)MnATANT":',. Y01U CI\.I><::""[" ('::1'- I'~"T -n<lli"r..~. ~U'" "I0OI ( ,,~ FIr.r","",1 il!:M O,"Qll. AI'<II, c;I~'I!"l Ul>,"TI." '[oI;)!! G,I!'l~ u ~ml1:[.' -j.~l;'Iil) UnClnlZ '[ D 1111,,8 ,Ic>-t I'!>.m O"'I'('l~':I,_ l,)!RIlGl'ld:"-!,"

Shinr,il: ~e.(:u!"ky s"Insors bJ!i)c;k your p<1!.th at the end of the (JUnnet Chte'ck 1l:he h@tdl te tJne· l'ErFc: Qf the sensors and jump nl'l:siidie [GI Dyp~ss them. The chutel:eacls to a large area 'th8i~ reslembles. ~ wareho~!le-

.'!l(A. VI:': NU~1V:'! l\~kJ' lIVRE: TOll 5Nll "'~w.r~ E;AMf~ BIlr'Ol!.Jl EN'nlREN<:l

:rtm\ l<IIIeFU<}iL

"'('all h~ve two P~lit.h:ll, [,Ct choose froml hiere', b rnlth 'of which I,ead ooth~ same place, Taill~ to. the team ancl U~e:)"11 guide you h11 the = __ .::::....,;........:...wL-_;.....cL-........, ~pp-ropria~ olirec1i:iQIIlI.

O~things look famijlii~d W~. they shedd. U~e the sllide ~Q get down M d th!311 headffi:l t"h e l:eot€'tCIir ee ra (the path is ch e :sam e .a~~he fllJr5t re1.ll.Qt~,1·"). The: ,*3 m .sets Q'ff tiIl~ bomb wii,dleuit iII'U'.::iide:fil It 311'1d there-'s no time '!i m it t;i'I i!S time. 'bull ~hre team 5tH! neecil:o 'to ""WI ickly h e!:i:!.c! for ·t~·Ul! 81"t. YOU' can ~t go U,IP (hie 5~ilde ttl is t~me." ~nsteacl. you. m,ust fe:UQwcm,e lSalme I~~h )'DIU used ~€1 e:!€ilt the first r.eact<.:U:

P!l!!!!!IiI~;;:;=~~ii~~~1IJ1 A:fte r~he el eva:oo,r, erl,tEl'F the CQJn~ I 'tf"e,~ mem t:o [he $i da, To Q;pen ttm. :sreCIWlrity dnG r, the' t..e~m must press all six sWij'tci1es at. once. This is <I.ctua.lly an easy ta.s,k.AII )!01l!J need t.G' do IS CQunlt to three a I"Jid the I'll CJp l:1h.e [Emitter] key. IM',;!!l:cie su re )ICilU Sii.v·e~OUlr prole. all"! d [~:Fi1 '~p ilm d same rilme buildnng WI' Cloud's l.e~1 b;eteremovl,ng (lin"

The tea m i $LIiJ~ illff !by ShJ n ra SO I..D 1:E:I~..s. :c'n t:he neext ::>\i;;'f'e,~1l'1! .• Before Id1:~ C~ n. react. the team i>s 'roll"ioedoo ba~de S!h llI1lo1'S lia:~es~ irq'\i'\~n l'irol'l~Ai r Buster. a technoso~dier!'


- - -




Ail' Buster

l't]OIU'J~ 5:li.E£i.'l

rJ1'A ~fA

i.JJ£ 15 HP 12.80 Mil (I li-XP 1~!1i

AltrGlugl1 Air BU.5'te,r is sUlI'TQunded. it's still a formidable ~p,p.t!n~;fli't;" luar;tack$ arg ext. remelf lPoweri. u~,bu,t Ak Illr~I~I!~J:'~r'·~l~i>~~~i~~

Buster-'ll atsacles build up the ~ I;: I :1 ~;-I ::, 1~n'!2r;~

pa1rty~s Limlt B,rea,k_s fast-er than - - ---- --

rh,ey chew away at.~he par'ty's H P; Usi n,'§

I ~irnir B:re:ak attacks 'a!ain16t its ba~1( results

--';~~~!I In a quick fighr:~ In fu.c;r:. the COmbII'lEN~ ~""T-'r-:~~ri~c...::e:~~ ptlwer,of Cloud and Barr~'s Unlit Breaks cantake d~w!:'!l Air Buster in <I ~iFl~le 'tYITIi.

If y~ ~ r ciharacters' Li m it Blre<l:lt;. meters :!:::==:!Il~tlh b~ih: up, U$El! normal ;;:ttad~ againslt

Air :Buster.":S back and use Bolot 3.!:i mut?;H :as possible, Air Bustoer's attacks are strong;. but not: strong ~,no!..!glh ~cr bl!.Jry any o,T yQUII" fnghter~ if yoU' keep thek health up. In the ~flldTAir Sust:er d~gs lts own grave because ~ts jilQweriul blrows qUickly filii YiOur parzy's Um~t

Break meters. .

lilA: T"TJ .. E. ..T,":(('; '¥t)'f;lR "'··lrTA(.;Ks WllCi- l~, MlliG!,!!

MURIE: j,-!)C~;'[·W.l! W~.'wN YOU l!ll:'l' Am JJ tJ8lrEl't n'i

Tl'I".Il r~A'GK, ~Aii;CEl u~ &MY J3J'..pA.'Us.6 rr ':I""END~ 'r0 TURI'>l ."'NI~ l;'Ifi,¢E~ T.li·l; I '~05<'" I>E~lit;!jON T~ A'rO.:<'tc"".

W'h en Y0U clefeort 'tn ls 90S,S., you're rew<t~~d e'd with a Titan Baflgile.

W~N'<J.! \V.'i,TClC'I Qi~fl- Ii'OU~ Ant R-t§~;·TllJi·~ fuG nc':.~~~~[;! .... Nl~ CQ[JNT~R .. n,",,,(~; 1J::=.l~ GUN A'l""r"",c.£,(.S. _Il\o'r1'-1 ~,R H. ~t)J"Rl!!.i:\lIN"; LY" l'·(I)"'/~d.ll(.'O L..

Clloud aw--akeIlTS to find Ael-]s, the flower girll from 'earUer:; being hounded by S:hitua's security fQ~es, which giv;E!'$. CIQIJ~ dlfa,e €hmln:c:e 'ta become> a herO'. ,As t!hle chase begJt:ls, exrt througl1 'tine bad:. of the church iLnd race up the: smirs, Aewis, willi wornlow Ctcl'lu:d, but is sOO1n curt off by t:Jne S:ninra sCl~dielf's and m~ilr rc:ruszy m.it:chiinegul"ls,. She fa"s lIDO' ~hel1l!ooJ" below 81l1d the s,ol,clUel's, Inove to ilnt,el"\c~pt.




Hedgehog Pi~ Guard Hound MP

'Whole Eater Vice

When t'h ils oCC:,W'S, you're - gIy-en rhe chance to have A,e.-is "fJ,giht,"' "run," or "hold on 11 minute." Chaos e to have h er ~4 h'D Id pn ,iii.

I m iIA,U~:' fa nd tben run u p eo the next Ile:ve II UII1 t'ul ')i!;ou £lee ~ulr ba rrels, r;;h ree of whh::h yo U COlli "I'o\~;,.II!i:·;;:'''" use to help, Aeri'S. She will ~ get .....;;;;=::;._='!C.......,._.:;;,;..:.:""'--'-""~ atta€:k.ed three times, 'push th e

barrels in the order shown on "the map (see map sectisn) to elfn;iflate the threat and A.eris won't be forr.:ed to fight nlone.

Once Clollid and Aens l\a:ve suc,ces:sful'y, eluded Shinrn's fon:es, y<llllre rn&il:I"ucted to head for Aeris' hou.se in the Se~ror 5

51 UIiI'I~ whk: h ts at sho,rt walk ~:S.t frol1l"l" the (:l HUlIr'Ch. Yo ~ 1i.:<'I1If1'

en Iy go_ e:he s,ectrol" 5. S,lums '~¢lr new. be (;i1use I:W'e men hillve blocked the paJth 'to Sector €I. Talk to, everyone in the town

I be.{or,e p"()I:';t.iledirn:g 'to AerieS' hCl:llfi;€:.

;...._ _JJ'


'Do "~'">-. _J.J..~_-, I


TU1::t T[.E·S P.AH_","'UJ>S.E P:L ¥ Elt 4t1l 'l0'(1i:1iI..""E W~U'R6 IN"" SJ~i~'I5. l'OIiJ _ ~~'1t;CK onvr '11'1:[1;; <FJI'Ii,~1" 'l."JJII'~' ·;r:'~R';ru_J!'>~

(!#j.;~.:"I:)Ihl'. 1FI:>Y!l!Bi'>. UINpJNC': ""';~ ~[x lJlI\1;!NS "zl)'LJ; .0\. l'JlJ~1: Wl~ ~i;;:Jiu V!i>U Tlorn 'itl~"~ 011 Vhn:A~ M"'-Q!-iI r~rui{ IN..T'U~ tM.MI!:. j\ll,; 1':IRS:r' H."I.'\tl;R rs I!MC.!fJ'ED ~ nTh. SOCO'pUil t'l_cYGR Of' TH;j;l 1.J.it3t)SJ;; or

TN ~ l!AScT S;rD& OF ::t·C"l'I'l>,l:.


'F!I-j!il;I)l1 ·S ,Jl('SMIIH1'U>:'G I)~ IN '1j"-II: l'JOI~ -l"~'N -n !l::

.EA~f :'>fi{)JE. OJ) ']llilb ';;;3'-"'1\1:1] •. Hn ;:.tBt-l~ TI~~ASE~' I<)~W'ER IN J-n.<; l~~£~ TlFCA'I'

~~~;5d'.IL. I WMlrl1!iW:..:; "i!o0 U "DO. &O~'

1}f}cEB1<S MSNEYf FIiIm 'Gu. ~ f..:-OC(]I[)"M,G ~,.,. WAltlUOR


IIFll$i:de the ~UJblS1e ;)''OI,i'111 1me~t AeriiS' stepmstnel', who Uki Cloud t~ leiillll\eiln~h e m iddll e of the night willthallJt Ael'j&. Go lJ P'5tairs tt) the empty be:d~ room i3Lnt:l re:s.t qJ ntlli 1i:hact time.

l'TEIM5 Ethel'"

'"~Co\i'ler"' ,Materia Rbl~,an

Phoeni~ Dow!"!

~ '1'i!:RJjl!, rll~',: 'I;IF.;E!(}~ ~ei!) ~t<!'rJ"lt A:1l[l:]S' NDIlI!Sa1. cr<ll!~k' ~[HiO OcJi,.:R~~:N I~ AN ~lIHl!1!I, ~ A •• yQiVIi!Q.·· l~A~.J'E:tl:ri"" "lfla15i' I~, A.!lSO ." ('~)ob ':!'1M!! ';k::> :lIil.1.fllc

When C la'liid w~ kell:UJlIp'. iI's ti me to ~~ve. AJ;),rl s hasn ''t ~I~en a~le'e;py;ei, sa ~ IJI must be' 'qu ~@t. Gmb the care padkage ne::«. to thlEl: door 3I1l€i sj,owly wallk-- - d<ZMI'~I~ rurt-tow3irds the O'I.:I1::si de edge of the room., stil~ki'lg ,~IQse to: ~he railnng. When 10'UI ge.t@I;.I'tsidce. Ii~iltd llli.. ,.;;."",""":;";;.Kil.IL.-_::;'_.:..lIIIc:...:JL",--,,""""",,--,-_

'!for" Se~;oolr O.

"C()v;er" Mat@ria fuiSon

P,hOE:l1Iix IDown

ENEIMIE,S Hell HOU$le WI'! ah:'l. Ea:ter

Sec'i:Cilr 6 is ill wreek, so r~r to the accompanyIflg map (see ma'p saetlen] urrllil y,o:u reach a small pJaygroulnd. Clcw'l:! 3101d Aerls take a break here. but before lo~ t:be gate t~ $ect.Gr 7 6pens and 3, Choc'o,bD-dm;aw'!i1c:~n-'C <lppe~rs~ 1'5 th<llt Tifa in the back of that calrt? E'oillow it t,O' the fabled town Q,fWall Market,


Titan Bangle

'foR' 2810

I Gtena.de



11UI PODon

II'EII SR'.P CtiT so



11'£t!lt ifC&ST
Fi.-e 61(110
lice. 600
Ughtnin,g 600
Restore 750 Antldo'~




WCJw,~ Now THIS is a 't'OWn~ But: where's Ti:f'a? Loo ks Jil<e j'G u_''''t''i! gOil: serne explerl ng to d(l).A I'ittle investiga_tiion near th~ southern portion of Walll ,M arket i~el:s :that Ti,fa's be-en ta:ke til ne r;,th

ENEH~ES Catrn.e:o '$ L,a."J(ey Scotch

ITEM$ Phoenj~ Down HypeJr (Xl)

~}l item "bre~s" Key ~tem

• 'Co:logne " Key Item

"L1ng;eri e"

Key ,I tern "Tli.ara·! Key !t~m "Wi'g' I<:er It~m

"Member's Canf' Ed'J,eF

to DOll COI:"!1,eo"S' Mam~(!>1"! for an "f:nterview" witlh the bru~1. Why wculd I~fa want a jab at tJhe H Qrley Bee I nln~ Wen, there's only one W<rf to find out.

Hetlel north to COtl'"f"le'O"S MI<¥FiIs~an and spea.k t? the ;guanl Gl,Jt;s;ioe.'rou'll need to get fm" the maosjon and i,,; ~F!'t be easy because he-has a: strtet poJlIt)!' Gf gir1~ anly. What to do? If Cloud dr:e~$es up as a wGlman. 11 e rn igM be ab lie to r-~r--------..,..-------, sneak into Corned's MaIIlsjQh

un noti cad" But: if

Cloud is, really gOI ng to try to foo I D'~n COIrneo, he'll lfIeed

rn ore than j UI 5t a d ress <lAd wig 00 disguise his manly physi'g ue.

CROSS-DEIliS'8rnG Tll~ T'Hlltlt I! _-\R;i!!. S];,VBRlU I"I"IlM:S ·QOUIl! CAN l'iEi:: lJIl. ~

:.}LTEl\I. I-[lS Al'I'l!lAR..-'INCIl. HOWE"llllt. :HE ONL'Ji"·,~lIJ)S:I'0 c@Lmg "- J:)ll:ESS ~ Vk,,]!:; TO ACTJ.J .... -!i"Y <WIT ·INTO CORN 6>

MJ'O.NStbN-. IF ,,(OJJ W~;:r TI'lE' J"f j~iJ.. "Wl",f ll-f. M'''1',1!:'P"!fl1:l'''-R.lJlNC!p. '1(0U ,'iH0~~~ ~@<~,LI;CIr A.A'':' 'Q!I!" -n-i F. AV:ll>n::.t'flU;: r:rttM~_



Cliti):uo's first stop is the: Dres$ Slibp. which doesn't ~t;a.rfi: out well. til: appear.> that the o'Wne r ca.rit make any dresses bec<I.u&e he's i:n a bit of a sJump. N ow he spe n ds hi s d 'W!> d ri nk:i ng in \iii. local bar. I f you can M:.<i.lk him into retu rn~ rig to W'O rk, he may be wfWng to m~j(e CllDUd a dress, Go ro the tavern and speak to the own er '01 ti'l e D ress Shop- He'~11 be halPI?Y to make the die's:'>" but you ri1Iw:st dec~de ~n the typ_e of dress, Here areY0I;Jt" cholees:

Something {.nm feefs deaf)' or soft

S om ethir:lg shiny or something that shimm ers

Choose "soft" and "shlmmers" to get the best dress, which ls the Sillk Dress. Ch'oaslng "dean" and '''shlny!snimrners' ge,!;s you the Coifton Dress and choosing "soft" and "shiny" gets yOl! the Satin Oren. Now. that: yOI) have ~he dress, its time to fine:! ;;l wig. The shep owner thi nks yo u can get one" from the gym. Huh?


It iooks lilre Big Bro, the gym's owner, is into cros,s=dressing and must spend a: lot of time at die! Dress Shop. He says he'" give you a wig,. bll'l: first Cloud must de:feat one ()f the musde~heaGls· in Q "squat" contest.To perform the squats, just tap the [Dei] .. [lns], ~~~~~ca~ •• and [El'1ter] keys in erder, Don't press the next key u nti I th e pr-evic w s movemen t has bee n co mpleted, With a litde practice, you can eas lly fJ nd the pro per til m ing. If you mess up during the <;:01"1- test, Cloud will SCl'att"d'l his head and you'll' have to star-t over by prossing the [Ins] k,ey.You·U rec.eive a Blunde Wig when you win the contest, ho-wever, ehere's no need to worry If you doni: win, You get a Dyed Wig for a tile and a 'pla~n Wig that'S been stored in a slightly unsanitary spot should you i'iappentp lose.

Now it's deerskin tlrne.Yeu ha¥e t"\!'If.O cpelcnsrYou can simpl,y, proceed to Cerneo's M'an:s:Uclin. or )lOu can spend some more time coJl.e·dlng items to make Cloud's dlsguise more convincing. Why should 't0U continue to collect items? Cloud may look somewhat like a woman wlth his disguise on~ but he'~ nlot the most attractive woman. Clo~Uld w.etJld look much more appealing to Cornee and his cronies tf he had some ttem.s like Cologne. Uogerie', Ma.keup, and a Tiara.

II' yoU "it'A;, • '·0 C:OUI!9- 'nU!

ax<'litA .rnl"MS, KIO:IW l!!:EJ' JNG,. lP r-'O'O:' ~'IIlTUJl::< IO TI'-n. D'R.II' .. 'i. StiorAND CU-Ul"Q 1.'I:'IU. TRY eN H Q~. N~W

Otri 1'"1'1'. TH E;N vou CAN SK F AI"DlAD tu COlil'N'EO'S MANSION.



F~nt. C£0ud nee:~$ som:e C€ll~,gne. ~emembeF the g.U)! 1m the bar doing the "'~'eNf!-pee d,an(;;~r! T]I,lik~b hinll <lina dl,Eiln tall~ tc the h.d, who seem~tD b e hs~ing the i:>3Ithil"Qom. LO:.co~ 1~I'ke iihe need,. some medT,c'lJ're, but I'IQt <ltii)/, medk:in,e will do, She n~~rl!> a ll!pedal m!2di£ine t'ha1: can omly be

I 0 bt<l.~l'Ied wiitin a Pihallrnr:Ntu:::,

Coupon. Yo~rre ill'1 ]uclhit just

I S!Q hap,pens, [J~I(n; the !~ocal re}:~u~ rant is ha!n,d ung O,lJlt CQU pton.s: wirth the pu n::h:ase ofa m eal, Go 'to (he rest,OlIUn;tilnit and tCIn;J:er ~I!ly meal. but just maiOiEl sure you have t!h e m €Ihi~y to pia)" 101' it.

A&ler l(Q U r'eceive1!:he cou pon, go 00 the IOG:a1 ph{i:rm~ey a!'l~ '~ou'lI I~'e

glYe10 a choi~El: af the ~f'a]- I

~oMiil"l\g rnedicjr"!e~:

D'isi~fec;taf1!t. DeQ(l:itl rant, I

0'1" D~ges1!;ive. S.el~t the Dig~~!ive: ~.I"I dretlH'fIltD the bar. Hand O'¥er~he Di:g:!il1stjwe cp the iady in 'tn.e ba:thro€lID and YOJl:]"I! re€lti!:h~e the'Sexy Cologne. Tf you ch®0se the Dli!>,infu~'tllnt, yo~~'I:J rcec.ei7ll'e 'COhjJg]lilfe~and iif )!ou(lhoose the ID:BOd@ri!m1[. :feu '[1[1 rec~i'\l\e th'e F~l.ow,er Colrogne.


,tilJo,w n.~'<ld fp 1i:M Materia. Shop and speak t© t;l<e m<lfl ~<e:h:rililcl the Jl:.eunter. H~e n1eleds a f:a~\I" llIiWd 'nf rdl!J~ w:ilmng,tO s,penGi ~~le l'Iiight ar!t;

I~~~~iiiil. til e hl'F! an~' r.nake a sm~11 ~:u"H·C';h;l'l!5e:

-----..... f~IOil their vending m13,chiine, he"I,1

.gempelrl,S;'lee- yow ror yow-ltime. Hea:doo t,he Inn, but make sure 'tCJiU haw Qt iet:l~t 2110 GU. Fa~ the 1>0 G ii[ fall '3;: n,~'t~ sta~ and Cigud wi~llg@< ~Q' '~f1reyel"l~ ing ma~hmn,e in the middkl at ~rre night. l:n~ttle the VEll1diln,g maJc!:irif1le aee thre.~ items br sale. f\un:::h~;se the mOiSt expen~i""~ item ~at lUO G~l) and then ret~.H':f'I tot he t.1at:er-ia $ ~ op !n th~ mor!'li ng. The ownelr ,app,l:"le(liialte:s ~:he he:~[p alf!ld ~ives ~IJ a, Dliam,()qdL Tliiara f'Of ~u r tr¢IUIbI'E:'S.

'(Oll '.II redeli'y£!! a G ~a,s$ Ti.a,f"<I! if Y@<u s'iileni!Ol SO G~I antd a Ruby T i atrOl llf yuu sJ).eLn\d I 00 tili l, Now the'r~s of."l)' one more item 1:0 g€l'!


It's time to' check out the Honey Bee ku) .JUSt west of the Honey Bee Inn.th,e're~ a g~y w,al1ldng a..-o'lmdl inl cl~rdes wf'1 Q [ust, happens to have a Member's Card. If you want til) ge~ insr.de.

y,ou'll need that: ,e:an!!. Fortunatel)!; he turns ever his card. Now chat )'Obi have the card, s~eak: t.o the: man irr r:he entraniZ:El of the Honey Bee rnl1 and 11e!~11 let you i.ry~ide,

I nSlide tfl e Inn. )"ou Iml,!st choose a MOm' for yqlJr "'adivitfe!>,'" but only the two rooms on the lett De OP'e'I:1.

Dlih (,CHT= 1'0:.:11, GAo'" ~r''i ON '}-"1iI! 'I"VII' }, OCC~JlI'il!LJ) 1{0<)1,"~". W'loIll r

, ~KIN<; '-1~1'!.'LlGfI '( JFlr~ KI~"'] 11£)1.1,:" yOU r. j)! CH.\1'o' IJ. 'l'OUR VI~W Wi m~S\INI<:.1 [.41 O~t

1.61 ON nu

, U,"ll'ltIlC KEYI· ... O. Tlin!i It~LI!~'(( U '1"0 ... ~I(I· 1_'1' .... "'n·.,. '''1. "'I'i1j,; ~,G]"I(lI.N

Whe I'iI 'y>ou're t'\eady, enter the roem ef your ehotce, [Regardless of the zocrn )!IOIU select. yt'IlIill watk awq widl an ullIlclelrgarrnem:Qf stome sort.. {8likil!rd IBriefs if )'lou cheese t;h~ Group Room; Li,.get"ie jf you cheese the &$#% Room). Before ,Iej;l'l,'ing the €::Iub, visit the He.ney:Bees· d:res-Erng room and ,they'H be giad to ¥'ply some' mal<elJlp to, CI'oud's face,

That's id ChlUd shoulld haille ,everything he needs ro QQr'np!etle hi$ d;i:s;glJise. So re'turn to the DI"Eis s Shop, lndtry an eve ryth'ing. It:'s r; ow r:jme '(0' m:ake I a I"QtlL,l rn visi t ~GI DOll Co rneo 's Mans irOn.

Upo,n entering the mansion, ysu're ,given a chanee te search for Tifu .. lIo And her. en te r the 0 fll'en door QI'I the s:eeond iiweL¥iDu'[1I fblt1 her allQne at the bottom of the stalrs. When IDon COl!'neo'~ gUiJird yells down the stairs .. head bati:k up in~Q the DOA~S chambers. It's IIIlt:hese (;;hi'ambets th<l1,t';he IDo;n decides who gets a '~f:un~fjlled" everting and wllQg~ts thrown to the dogs.

- - ---

aw~,,~"~,,:;: •. s,

If )'QU cDlllecmcithe SUlk Dr~ss. Blonde Wirg. Sexy Co!ogn,e:, D'i<l)'J'I~n1:d TiaJilra, an ~l"Id~r§l.r~ me~t" M d ron l!l!.eup, ea rn~o wri! Flick CiQ u dash is lu city ~t..rest_

When CIGIlild is. chosen. he goes. :straiigj'1t to 1iih._e Dtlrn's bed mom. 'lif he's nlO'I: chosen, you"U have to

deal with COl""neo':s Il.nugs first. .

MOC1"E~ 01."];~ C':OJ1<f9l::..'f( iI<, tAr-.~ Oil' IT!l.W Mu.:."'ll']'~.:nH .a.'RE"lJO'lJ ::(~'~y M)I\" !!;t~.lJ:>J( O~JN GO!lilNJ/Ii~;1 TO C:r"OUS~1r.l:FNI'toI At>H.ffi" ()ll 'l"tFN.

" -, .,


W'hen Cloud !e~ rejlet:t;ed, ~\U:!, i~ >taken to a sid~ fO om as a reward t,o. CCWt'l eo's va ithi"ulf'e:W. Y.ou can ru n a no u nGi as ml..u::h as '10.1.1 i~ke. lirut the guy guardiing the d~or' w~n't let }!i0:,1dI leave. 'l'ou'U flI@ed t!:l' spieli3ilk t:o Seor.c h aJordli I"'ello'eal it0ulr~ru:e g,el'ld:er iF you ever wanlt:W I,eave thh, pla~~. Of course', rev'ellliing th~s bi~ af irM'fo irrstlga.tes a Ilirawr th~i C leu d mU~1: win en hi is own .. Scet¢ h is a bh, t.(llJ~le r than tn,!! @ther'gpons. but bGrth fights <If''e. 1"15lly El<lsy.Aftl2Ir"1au eSl;:ilip,e" eitherT~f3!,. ~a~ns you ir'lthe nal! or' yot!l'l'l ha'YE! to retr~$V~ .A.e~is fn---om the basement betore hea;din.g: ro'l" Corne<::l's be.dlF'oom. (Th is. scenario d~p!l! n d:!!l up O'n whQ Wi! S chGllJenJ


W!hen CI~'l,:.!1d Seu ch~.sen as Ce:rneo's ·'friend'· 'brlLl1ie nigW'l("you' starr: in hi:9 be,d~"~om and get to dedde war yeur~elf whether or not y,nu Fcl'lay iI~Olllg with his misgulid,ed fCQme-m'i':Si. E'V~ntlJI!ilIII,,, Tif<l <I nd Aeris breal" rnt0[he ro'orn and tiQgetf'ller the t:e~m rot~es dle. Don t.o spHI In is ~ts.

It seem s Ke~d e:gger ~ Shi nra hi red th e De FI to i f!,'O,(estigit.e Baill"re'1: and IO€aoe AVAL..A.NCH,E~ hideout. Shinra plarmed on extermrill1aidllg AVAI...A.N:G::H'E <lftelF i rFilrfiiltr.atirl"ig the hlidleOUI!:: b)' de.stroying thliii: Sector'" :Supp0,,",t. Doing so would lflae uJ.lSoa;d !the p,la,te ab alJ'Ii'\em C::1"IIJsi>1 the: 'EH1(lCilre se,l;;,tQr, whlrc.h wOLd d cause some $!eve'J'~ trot! Me! 11~;fum.;!: the team IW!tl lefl'"Ye, Dron ,Cornea, tiIJ rrrs the l:abh,~s <11"1 d

In?.M TEP~ ":II:"HIEJ;IY-":;: _'I. '>vnu..·HlHl)nl'r.t N'YT"I"<fR 1m~]J::--"'I1') ctfi,tR~'~ 8p.a~ A~LiI !II ll'Mt;~r~NLX J):0~ Il>r S1C~~~i,.J;S ~. :ll' Cr.uliJD .{";,,-r~ f1J.JOSEN ,"r C6.n.NIlQ,. YOUJ'11 Ciil'i.L"l": l!:1! MlI'iJ3; 1:'0 1'~'CiK VI' l'lilL HT'1'"¥.I~; aDWl'Vl!R, ~o1h_L ~'" .... iUTi:n Fo a:)l~LI!C: r 'n-I f!. ~J;l0.e.'lI)l be-WON l."":l·mt W"tllm'<l ~ P.'.F.'-I<J~Ng' T'Q Wi'l.L!L .il'>'lAru):'fn·.

c<lsts'them €Iut af his mans iQ rJ by using 'Ill tl'"lljp



68 Ww... MI!.BHE'E


INN Rest.


AU'IO"MED .'Elt sao.

liTEM ",ttlril Rod

Con no

flire 600
Ice 60B
Lightn~l'iIlg 600
IRes:mre 750
Cwer I oem Nothing




WEAPiDIl 'S ... IP



Me,tal Knuckle


Phoenix Down


A5~aulrt: Gun


Echo Screen,


Eye Drop


t1yth .. ill Arm let


- -

I . .

--- - -_-- -_--

Comeo~s trap door depo<sits the team di€E'P wl'tniln the sewer system be10w his mansion. Take a moment 00 equip Tim with any new weapons and ~rm,ol" you may have purchased, af'id give Cloud a M'aferia crystal 'On'" two.Allso, consider equipping Aeris with the "'Fire'" Materi'a before proc:eed'fng. However. before theteam C:iM, 'fLllly recover, tn12 100 n 's hero di sp osa I sys ~em. th e ~iant creature known as .. A,ipS:' attacks them.


ENEMIES AI's (Boss) Sahagirn Ceasar Ghost Deeogl,ow Ellgo,ir

"Steal" Materia Hi-PotiQ,!'1I (X3) Ech 01 Screen Patio n1 (X:3) Ether

Boss 'FIGHT:


A,~s ls a strange c reatu re .. Its ,li,tmnf'!'St a,ttack i s the SeweTTslAIMami. a water-based attack that causes damage to lOLl!"' e:ntfre party. What'sinterestfng about

this attack is that it also causes c!amage to Aps. You'll I '~I~~~~~~~i~~ notice that the wa~e cames from two, directimUil. When L!

com iln1g fro m behind A~.s. 1 t 'causes more darmage to Aps than i t do~s ee the team. If it starts behind the team, it inflk,tsc:ons,iderablr mora damag-e to' the team than to Aps, ~,,",~~:-::-::::::;o;::"':~ Regardless. you may find dh"3!t Aps ~1iII:u:ses more daJl'rlage to' itseff than you can €ilUSe 1:0 it.

Ap& has a defin ire wea kness- ~o Fire, so have your character's equipped with ~""e "Filre"

~i;~i~iill~~~ Man!ria. h:'s best to equip' it with

li~~I~~~~ Aerisl because you (COIn concen ..

U trataon casting the rFire spell

rr~~:i~~iii~ and h'eaJilig th€') pattY- The other

two par ty membe rs sheu I d IJ se

no rrnal {lttacks. magk, and Umi't Bre<l.b to knock A,ps i rite submission. If Cksud has hls CrossS las ~ Il1m it, :Break, you'lli fI ned Aps mneh easi er to defeat" Th is li m rt

11'IIIEi~ BJreak' wiJl ,often paralyze Aps for

~ most 01f the fight.

With Aps defe<t'~ed~ the f:Klrty is

ready t.o rna.l<::.e en e long tre lc thrcQll.l;gn the sewers to the Seeter 7 Sllums. With anY' IlL! cle, d"ley can ger 'bt)-et"e in tl me t,o, prevent SIl i n Fa from destrO¥~ i ng the suppa rt: co I urnn.

MATERIA TIT', THElRF_ AR i!. '" PEW !TP,..¥~ TO 1,~~(_;Eij;, LJ. &I L. rHE!. ~lO'W£H ... S. J.'t-1JO

TrIB "!)'Tll.JU-" MJl>Tlill'.lA. EQiUJ;r 1'T &1MW~T'lf:LY, '~PsL IK.F.(Y \l7ITH Til''''. AI>.'Je) 1>'rA'll;-r 'Fn,J: :1."1 c:

YOUR INV £':NTOJ,t y WlTlC1 Lt") l-S 61l


f-TO\Y'S YOI.Ili HEAL "'FR,~ "I-Jolt! '~I;:A~Vl M;1,.y IlCF. ,wl!t-,~K AFJ,-J!.R f1IeH'I1NG An. YOLJ ~,H~UJ"L~ Hl~II..L .uv£.R'Ji'lC'N'I! Il.J!;;L'GVRll. rn~'j'I.NUI""c; ",c."\J1Ji, 1l'?I'L01IHI'JON at'Ttilll ~WEIl.S;.

When you ext.: the sewers, yoyTII appear deep inside die Train Grweyard_There <Ire S'on-te parti cu I a rly r'i ~sty beasts rearrri ng <Ira u nd hen!,. ~o &W~ 'befcite yQJ.1 attempt to venL:!uFe thl""OUglh the rl!sreril wr:eclQge_

There are baskally twa way.s 'Co geL around the 'train c:ars~You o]lneitne,"_ go through the cars or cr~wl' over ~n~m. L:o~k fOrr grrders and gratings., because tn~y serve as steps ili'lm or -onto the cars, It' ')fOU car'!'t geL: down frern a. train car" backtrack and look foran entrance. ~f )l'QU carr't gothrGugh, look fer a W<rf ever';

F."'(~l TTPiM EN'T l:.J['GRiADIE~ KitJ~l' 't\"0UR, <c' :.':1'-.<; (~t·~.N '~,61'!. A =l:A'1'l.lcftJ!, N I!i1iilE:D ELtUU!!;t. YOr(, CA:N S'T&,\L A S"EIUKlNG S~,:Al'I' FROM rr, WJiJ:Cl'll lS AEJUS'

~"I 'lilOfu~c,,[,;s';r W!;:"'lE'I:)~ AT T):11~ 1'01N'T IN

I I'm GA""t:a. You wo;"Wr GE'T i\ CRANCETO rURcr-l':ASE Tl-:J]5 WJlI.lWONl'INTI,T. ,VI,l;.JCH T..A"'!":ER A.NTCl :n: y.qv C"OJ',TJ,.qr S,,",VERA4 Y{"'HJ CAN )lI'T ,! "n;! F.M. EON:, A. "-lDY LI'l~ ~'IL£ I'Rc.:U'H'"


A large pile of dirt blocks the exit, preventing ClolJd from going over it or

th ro ugh 1t, I nstaad, you'll need to c reate a new path t.o reach the exlt. HoppIng into the first train engine causes it to push one of the boxcars to' the s~de. Now hop Into the second engine and Cloud will move. it between two more boxcar-s. In effet;~, this creates a bridge to the Sector 7 Station.

rn!.M. TW: T IE,lU!:

AilE L0'l S "':))'1" IT~"'IMi 4WAITJN • 'l'HD!)J;: wn Lt:'f!.G T.Q ~1;:"""1\(":r-l 'rH!I:";'~ GUT. uur N.o'T III."'OF Tt:r1!lVI ANI; QflVlOUS.

MAl;{Jl SUR~ ""OU COLI.ECT -':-H~ lTE,l.ts OO.N(:ll.A.L.J!D 'n-r THE OR :BARRru.,:; L'Oc.:A,T-

1;.;' TI-IRO'lJGibU,)UT THETiUUN C<l~ uVi5Y.-\AD,

The team teaches the pillar just in time ro fight Sninrn. However, the artack rs already wt':fI under way and Barret is hurting.Aer1s briefly leaves the party and goes to mak!! sura

Madene is safe. With Aeris occupied, Tlfa an d Cloud m u s t qu k k fy seal e th e towelr befo re Baf"ret suceurnbs to Shinn's forces. Make sure you save your' game b~li;:)re you head QUe.


CUmbing rh~ tower- isn't very difficult, but: during this adventure y,ou'li find Biggs and [essle seriously wounded and completely removed fromth e fight. When you reach the top. talk to Barret and you'll get a chance to equip him before taking on Shinra's forces. Give Barret any new

a rm or you may have p Icked up, and give him sorn e of th E! Mate ria

Aeris was usi n,g beta re she. I eft "the party. Wh en yo u 'a-e ready, back 0 ut of 1:1'1 e M enu a~d get ready to ru m ble!

It's elrne again to meat Reno of the Turks. Wfti1 a. press of a key, Reno actiyate s th e p rllars' seJf-dest run system. The team might J"~~ ~~~SJJ have a ch,mce to stop the bomb, but l'l.enQ's not about to Jet that: happ en"



As IOl'lg as you kn ow what 1Q lfte doi fl:g, this fight shouldn't be too difflclilt. Reno's best 1itmcks are hiis Ele ctt"Q"rnag RQd and! Pyram ~d. The Electro-mag Rod i nfl icts a falr arne u nt of dlamage '3]; d can tern porart- At1!a- ~I~)f Iy stun a vh:;;t:tm. rf on~~f your characters gets sturmed, ,tl1ere is.n~t: much you can do ex:tept healthat person until he/sf'1e recovers,

Reno (Midgar)


mit .tJI~

"',TT,o,:;~S I"",""'l\;k . ~~~f!.:oi!

1J)[ ~n HI.' 26,1l~~ ~~=--

The Pyram.id eFII:::-I'l!S,eS ften@'s vic-

_"' __ ''-'' ti m ~n a g(Ol den pyramid that ,keeps the affected player from parti cl pad ng i n t~ e battle, It'$ very slmllar to the "stone" effect, bu t. }'b u can destroy. th e pyram fa by hav~ng onE: of you r

unaffected ci1a .. acters targefi: it.

UIlH~ YOUI- limit Breaks when they'(-e available and Iwep YDU r H Ps !.J p .. If a c!1 aracte r gets uappkd i n <I Pyrahlid, fl<'ee h~m/her immediately, Frr-e and lee are also eff-eGtive agarn'St Reno and rypi:cany cause tWice as much dam~e as a normal attack. Reno will hold .;,r;:-'>II!'!!!!I!~~@ffi~5:J out; for quite a whHe, hut he',!! ball when his HP are

neaf"llY >deplet-ed.


Afue r a daring eSC3Jp;e, the team eo mes to Fest in t~e !')ow ru~ned playground adjacentm what was. previa WI sJy known as Se~'Lor 'J" Once the team P IJ Ills ltself back 1;o.gethe.r, retu rn to Ae.r~s' house in Se'tor 5 all'1 dcbeskon MOl rI eri,e 's safety.


Zi n c Batteries Ether

"Sensa" Mat:e ria


A~ Aeri s' house, 1QlU ,I earn m ore abou t Ae'f"is an d the Anclents, Elmyra, Aeds' stepraoeher; has plenty~to tell tile team. Before you leave Ae rls' house, t-.ake a m oment to r-est u pstai r 5. Wli~ n 1'-011.-1 're ready to !e3ive, ehe rese of'L::he team will join you in you r v1pl to tne Wall M<trket. M''1Jte sU're you save b elfa'Fe you go.

THE-I'r:~\y9RO'lU:l'fl), Arc f,'JI;! ST '(0 U ~AN'~~" c.q:u r,..cT IT, flq'T' 'V.ov (; .... N 1U~·['U,IU,g.1f? 4 r. ,,$ .~"O:"'l ",:-. TH'''' AN U BAIl.lt"'T lljOlN

iTI::'J'y\ -.HIi':

A,s 'iOU ",Ass ]l;\CK TI·lR0!..iGiI1 TI''1 E; g'ECTUOll. S ST .II""'!S, S'I'01!' 4;T -n.,E HCiIoi~F. ON 'THE '~w:;; H r: SI DE '0.1" TOWN. T!'u~ ao ...

L"iI'S~r,".ll.{.S rw 1.£0;\-1

I :rpu ;:;..m.:;r I!.AJ?;.Lmr.} I<'; ~"I:Ow A:w."Ulq> A.NJ;) I ~ILl" GI'\I'E YoDU A

TtJuo ETIIFlj:-

T!'I,}:,T is, ~F '(,Ot J

I DIDN'T ~TI'_"'l I1J~ 5 I (_';n. ntJ:l'!!f'H~ 'Y,OUlt E," RiL.I'I-~R VI$['1·,

Wall' M~rket has: change g a !bit since you \(~:sited D01l1 Corn ~o's !l1ahS h~ n, The Materia ShalP is n oW ope r'I, 'en e Weapon Shop owner's piih.ll Qf ga,rba:ge i:g larger. :and

you now have a reputarlon tha~nks to your stunt-at Corneo's, You can toll!' C0.rrU.iliO's manslon flOW jf you want, hut he is

n owhrell'"e to b ~ lOU n d. Kotch. one 'Of COr"F!!en '$ henchmen. is tj·e d up j n t:I-Ul: basement. Yo'u tan rel~~s:e him l'f you want.

NOirE: m~ YOU 1)1;)N"'l!" U"''''l~ Tm;l ~Ju. RRTURl'-l 1'0 S""C'n.)Ho 6. 1l'!J;) n~KT TI!) G'P,T s/6iY"'" ~Q yoU C'.A.iN-"UIU;al'<!i1i. TI-l I

IE'I"li'T'"F.iIlIP:~. Y~:;IIJ ~~i"" Pf.>5,c1 id~l; ~.~:.r 1J';;1 GunlU:1t J"o l~J<A'dcli SJHIJS,"it,M'8; H!Q'l

t n~M T.lJP': 'II you ."U$SED' nil" PI101.lN1I"X: ~<:JWN (~ "THI' H"'1'1;'r( V\.)l~.!NG

"'~"'\R &>!iu·;"I'JO.I,Js ~-~'nT TO CQH~!;l, 'I'<:lU CA". ~~ U!Cr 11-1 HWI J30 11-1 ~Ow~

When )I\?>!J first enter' the nereh pllrt of Wain Market.. YQI,I "I ~ S'i1l,e some l,dds il"UI'I ()iff to me' ri@hr. Foiliew them 8!1~d ye'~'nfil1d Y:OLJr' way up to Sh ~n ra's Head quarters. But befo;re ¥OIU begin d imbing the' 'Golden

Sh iny Wi re Of HQPEl," you "II In eed oom e ~up plies from the Weap.cm Shop,

The 0Wf'I!E! r has i s:et ofZ ~nc:

Batter'ies ya:I:J'U rre-elll ilr1i ,o~dler to malea it up to eh e rep IOf ehe pJalCl!J. He's wHiIi ng t,O part. 'WlblJ:h themfo r a mere

3,00 Gill.

, -. -. -, - ~ Now if.S timefo'r s,~n~e !i:Hmbing. H~a~.. up, the wire and .. 10U>1! find a

I TE M S I huge mazCi! of broke n J U Ilk. Th a maze I~ cr icky, So Fefe r tc the' maps fbr

• Ethel'" _gui dance, There iilrr-e sockets ~iIIUill! re-d

thiri;H:J'glhouli: the l"I'!raz:e.Y~u need to place a Zinc: Batferyin eillZh sac:k,~,t e'r yOUI WG111't be <lble to get pnst: the varleus o:bslUad,es alliOfl£ the parh,

,~Iacea batt:El'ryi n the 11 rst sock'et to activatr.;! the pro peUel" jUll:Ji: :!lJhead. The battery IGtes its RllG'Wte'!' quickly, but tl-u'! pmpellew becomes a bri"dge to tih e next pi~e of ju ok.

~_. ..J..~.:..... _'

Yo'u must placethe second battel ry in tbe socket tna t'seennested to the bar'rleade. Doing sa moves th e barFlcade and creates )!'!ilt an oeh er br! dge,.

Plad n~ the thi rd barte ry OpIEH"lS a: chest tnalL contams an Ether. Placi r'ig the ~ ast battery i$il'l't nec:e.sury, but yoO U have 1t. so

yo lJ m igh"4 as weU use it. N~xt stop, Sh~nra's HQt


I Vargid Pollic:a \l\'arning Board G~'I,maJde ComlClItant

M,~hty Gru n:r. Moth Sl~~her

1 Hilm mer BI'ilsteJ'

I Swor.d Dance


Saml'l~e H05 ~ 2 (BQ.~$) SllImpie HlO!), i<l·OPT (Boss)

ITEMS Efii'{ir

KeY' lcern A CaUipon iCe)! Frtern B (:OJ:JlpOiFi Key leam C Coulpon StaJr f''e ndanr.

Four Slots

"Ail" M<a:I[~l'ia Phot¥nrl!!1 DoVi"!'J {Xl)

I "clem enta]" M,atei'i·it Megi1p~hQne


~'IPoI$.onlt t1a'teria Por.ion (X4)

"IEnemy Ski II" Marer'i.a.

The ffllngirJg bar can be tricky. Press the [Ell'!!!?!"] kf'l)f Just before, th e bali reaches the left sid e- Don '1: worry-~ YOll miss, you can try it a_ga!l n.

Save you I- -gam e befo re yo.u d () anytn i r'lIg: A!;. you start au 1:, you 're givllln a choiee 3S to wh i:ch path to take, "(au can eithe r take the easy, i I'Id i Feat patil up the stairs to the

si de. Dr YCl'l.) can use the from:. dom a,ra d blast through wh:h

glJ ns blazl n'lg,

ITE?vl TJI"; IT f'i}'YS To '1:A1<~; RnTl-i 1<iA:'I~-l~. G~·~ II!" THE Pa.,ONt' W1:1.1 nF.T CU:)OL~ A~n ·"'DrlP. n£ST Of' TIn;: ·ulAA1 EXT'R .... J'.Xl'I"JUr~c;.F A.:>ID IT 1!J',(AI$U!:i!l Y<.H1 TO LOL'>.I"I!: I-HE ·!,;F.t;;O'ND 1'1; l'l>f'lJ!'S P"'JlAD1SlS }o'L'i l2.R~ Y(,:'1l ~ CA Nr"[{,.l.< UP A IV'i.R'F ELL'laR IN JUI! MU;)Dh.J;: eft; n-m

~O'l~£~ 'THi£. P;\'Ui.5 A.R.~ j..'El't~ J6;lHI,'!i:K-


a :E .... D TO TIlJ! S.\1\.'11,:

I'L~I;:Ei" C!:-JEcK OUT ..... Hl!. W.~LlS-"T<fJlUUGJ-I FOk YOL~l~·CHOS~

PJ""J J-L C'Tf-J1i, Snu1!.s" OR. '~IN TH"F .FB.Q;"''f''')~ A.ND WJl"LL <SEE YOU ON TKF, 5 jill"B PL00R.



I Pre pare fc r tha wa Ik of your life. There are no enernles on the stairs; h,ow~ver, til ere


TIl>, TI-~I1'!> _.u... EL1XIK ON TFll' FTF>H

Ef~T '0.1" 5TAll1!S, YOL·n_ ('.:ll:"'u: l'IUl7..lO F-'cR I

T .... I<TNG THE l.iO!'<IG WAY.

are nine sets of stairs

to climb. It's worth exploring each set of stairs at. least once just to see the team's comments.


You war'lL a fight. you got at figrnt! Using the front entrance eauseseveryone te go running-everyone except a smal'l group of Gr,en~de Combatants. Unlike the rather uneventful stairs path. you'll have to deal with ra.nd om encou nters as )l01.l expJ 0 re th i s area.

There's an Item Shop On the second tier where you call pick. up some supplies an d watc h a video of the latlJl!st in the Shfnra Motors line. The two chests in the back of the store can't: be opened .. _ yet:! When you're ready. hop on the elevator at the back and head for the 59th floor.


The e levator ,"id e

isn''t 3 SIDOc:n:.h

one.An alarm sounds during the! trip. which forces til e team 00 figh,t a se ries of b,~tt~ es befor,e acw-ally reach ing the ill desti naeie 11. Do n 't Wo rry, though: none of the battles are '!/EW'Y diffic:u It.

II. ~TliD NJ"AK 'Th • It! P_V, ... ,-t)I~" N THJI 1~!)l.S1I' A.()QR.. You·, I I>IN[)- ~.~ II '>(CONI)


There is:r"'t much tel dOl Q:I'I tlhis. f1leo ... exoe pc collee ting the Keycardl ro r the 60Ihfloo,r.. To get the KeYIC3rd, y-ou must: defeat the group of guards near the glass elevators (the ~~"" Key,c<lrd appean 3fter rh.e battle is: wen). This :Keyca rd grants you access 1:0 1i:he glass. elevator, which you can use t.o reach tlile 60th floor.

NO 1.:;: ~~~ I'HiS .,·(;>I"4T FO:lit'>VJ\Il'O. \'0'1) I:;AN U!',i' rHE GL,\l~ KU~"qA"J ()'II "'11"0 RI'IAt.:liIi 'l HI!!: Nll!!c;'r Fl.J;;H~ll I~ YOU' 1'11"'''"''_

Tilts floor is heil'Vily gUiwded and there's no way ,pas['l:ne goons IHI.! "'ltol'[l1l

blod<ing yQur path. Well. almost ,1"10 way. If )foil.! run tnto me room to K,:'i'CAlID. YtJU

••••••••••• ~ Ck"l >\U>O lJSR rr TO

,. the lett, '1'oU 'II brea k out on your own,)b,u I ru roW" Tn TJ I~

.1 need to access-the St,ljrs on the oppOSlte side, LCI.l,IIl ......... ND 1\~1'. but there are four gU3iJf\ds ready m stop you.

Va ... rnnget pase ch.e rn, but you must be 5 1"i1eaky;

Using the statues as cover, move from statue to stat~e whenever the guards turn 10 walk. The gU81f\'dS; follow a deflinrtE! P8littel"n .. uld there are C!li:fuhl times when it:'s best to move.

THE. 60Tl1 P'WOR

After cro£sing a seezlon, call over Tifa ann Barret, Tney «a.n't gee tl"le<guards., so ym/~I need to tell them when the coast is d~r'. If you mess up, you are forced to fight and trren start all ave r ;3,ga i n, When you reach the ethe r s nci e, lJ se the stai rs to reach the n ext flo or;

NQ7'E; I" vqu'll.£ 'i'l4pN.q T.IlOt!IJ.[ E,.

FF.A~ J:>l"GT_ AFTER F!(l \J'i!; ~"'n .I'D i\'rrEMP'"]-!-:-, irH'E C';;U-A~1:':;; '~ZJ!:I!!iX·IU'F.),\·~ ,1.i.1 .. 1- I 'O~:~1~' H.l~l,,{<_


Your first task is ro rind a guy wandernt"l'g flooulrId near the statrs. This ,guy gives you the chance t'ota~k about: Aeri:s. 'rou can j:iry for more i!ilfQfmatlan if YOl4 want, but h:'s b-et:· ter to keep yo u r cool. Doi rng so gets :tau the Key·,c.ard for the 62_nd floor. There's noth~ng dSB tci do nere. so move onW:a.rd_


The f~rst thing you :should do is vi:S.it Mayoli"Domino~ who presents you with the, challenge of fr~r'ing out 3. password. Tell i .... -"'""'1 f"rim the password and he'Il ~ive you his Keycard fur "he 63rd, ,64r:~. and 65't:h fI oors. Hart, Domi na's assl stant, is will ~ ntg~o :sd

"'--.1 you hints. bur each one is offered at a more eurrageeus price than the last, lt's a rip-off', but f'C's the !?:~sie~ wa't to ensure you get t:1I'I e password on ttl e fi ~st ,gue,ss, pllJ S yc l! get; to collect the hElemeJlt3Ll'~ M:a,teria. Of course, you could sk;fp payjng Hart: _.....I!~'-----' anclf'~ar;l t~ e t:i P$ be ~ow att no ext:rachra.,r~e:_


Til ere are four re,ear;~h nbn.ries en thi s floor fCif f<D U r d~f~ fer€l"It secr;iClnsDf Shinra, Inc. Parts of the password an hidden In 'each of the, ljbrartes, Pay dose atterrtiorr to the fH~s i n eac h room. Th e name of eac h libra i}' is wri"tte 11 on t~ e pi aqu a outs h'le the do.G,r; There Is one frI e i III each

Irb rary mixed! in fro m an otherr IIbrar¥. La ek carsftlUy a.t the hrumb(2lPS on each fiih~-the·t:'e's a number at the be;ginrnitllg of eac h f I en arne. Of course, tlh en]! are even numbers on the me!> t1hat. don't betong it'! tna;t: Iii b rary. 'You need OO!



!'"QR R ',ij; "'"\'IL>J.,:~ 1:<1 TI::IE ,\oc.;~"A ~y rNoI[, OCII I'N~H~~·.f'. oj III.;; O!'1l.U,qISI'ID.'C: Mo'II'I;o ~'EiI(OY M~ Vf.J\NT 1\ .. u)\I' J-I.\mN""n. i'VL'i ~Mf~F.I;I. ~Q "m F; rNI1.;I.~mCR

AT. -n-rn:: HF,C;INNlltlllG IS ". Cl[)ON.r,.

OFF :iH"'R."l 1...I!'"nJ\ ~kS 7'(»"~""(" 'nDj v:'1"lj::.!). "S.'·

match the number wlth the letters in one titl e of the 'ilce. ~f the rUe starts wtth a 4, (hen check the fourth lette'F.

F illd aU feu!'" 1'111 lsplaced fi las ;mdl you'll get the kUJlr 1 etters th <t t ~cl'm,r,ise thu p3:~S~ word. Now it's just ar slmlple word scram bh! te f:igu re aut !l::hi'e CGH'f'ect: <'llillswe'r. The pascsw'O.rdi for ~ch pme is always rElndo.m, So yOUl'11 need to fl,g~ re tMs one cu'!: On JOUI"" cY""\I\n!

THE 63!to FLoOR

TMs floor ~iS optional. but you COlt") c:eHo€ict s.ome nke ~tems if YOL(re wi I~intg to work: few the'lTl'I. Visi t the CDm puter te pin itcc:e:<ss tD three' seciIIJ'rilty doors, Howl2'v,e'r, there's a prQblem:"(olJ can't coHeat tne t!iree I~eh:l C(nlpof!$ by [ust opening three doors .. To get rhe coup,o'f'!s. YOLl need w ope ill' a w:uip~le '0£ >!:!Ioo rs .. rndtl'le.n uS"e[he dU,(:t\IVO.:rk tl!> move between reoms. If yau mess WI p. you can reset th'l1! doors at, the compUtel- onjy if, youve already traded a COUPOJ1l.

He re's wh at you ne e d to do! F,ir'st, ope.n Securit¥ DQors, I and 2 (see miil!pJ. This enil bl,es you t'O errcer a roem <In d grab yOJl.Jr' ilrst Item Coupon, Now enter the ductwork \ind c:rnw I to th e m,~ddle roam where tile second Jtem CO:!IIpoJ'li$ IGCiII~ed, ~itif.he room and

Q~ en Sec:u ri ty DOG r J to fi n d the ~as~ of the ltern Co'upo'r'!s, With al'l cim1!.e eeupens in 'OUIIi PGss'esSJ~on. rGtTIJ rn cath'e QOmlpiUtef' a mdtradE: dlem ~In for a S,tar fie nd!aRt:. FOLH' 51 ots. an d an ~t AW' M ater'i.a.

0001" #2


The 64th Floor is <I huge recreatie n 301 area. If you want, you can rest anti save yourgarne before moving on. Vtdt the 10' kef" I'C;)Om and you can steal a couple of item s from so me unjoc:ked I eekers, There's, a Megaphone in the: back row of 10 ekars, but Cle u d wo n '{ take so rnetbl ng he can't use, Oh we ll , .. maybe ~ater"

"ITI'~DON>:-r l""mDI£T 1I:\t:.." 'TRy cnTT Tl'fJ.:: ')I;ltEADMn,.LS AN!!> "l'HF.' 'V II':ND. n>.:.G .!I4ACHl~S ]M }:~H, MA!J'f R:(");OM.. A.lTH~(j"GFi YOW" t::A~"r CTI?T >0>;-..,. ITt': M5 JJOK UsiiNG 1"! mM, IT~·S· s'ru, ... ~'B'ETT~ CClQI: TO I"L'1'I.:Y \v'1~}'~ THPM.

There'sa huge model of Midgar lrr the center of this room. but several pie:ces are missing. The locked cfies,u located ~tl the 5urroundlng rooms each cOFlitain a p-uec~ofene model; ho'wev.~w, youca.n only collect one pie,~ at a tlrne, P~<l.Cing a p~ece ~n <the model un~ockS! a(I,othe:r chest, thus ena:bHl1g yo~ t;Q g.et the n ext place,

Chesc B

F~nt. grab the pi'e ce i rl Chest A and place it in the spot cles est to th Ii! dconwhlch unlocks Chest B. (See map for demBs.) Co~lec1l: that p iec,e and place it ln the

I ";'"

WARNINGi 'T'E-'lFU::F. An"f" cnEA.TUJ.U:;:s IlOA),'.HNG "'"H:[~ rrA:lOR T~6T


!. -- ~~':'.-':'.~" '; --' .-.

to the right to unlock. th~ nex,t ehest. CQ!1ti(lue, p~ ... elng rhe n~W pi~ces; rl'l order In a

COY rree rcle ckw:ise patter n unti i ad II five spets hav~ been f I ~ e d. Akii! r P tadng til e fifth pi.e{:e. the chest in the ~ita.~rw~ll.unk}cb. Inside it ~~ the ~ycardforthe 66~ Flo 01".


NoW it's rme for a, little ~py work. Find the barhmtom, ent:cer the opetl s:ca,II" and then d imb jr1l1::aI the ductwork that runs cl'<ver the me~ti rlig roo m in the middle of the fLoor. From this choice locatlorr, you callrli$l!Brl in

.i2~L_J on the executive meeting 1b~low-

'(QU'!! learn aeoui Shinra's ia:teS't evil doill®J an~ ,the circumstances concerning A~rl$:! fate,. W&l en the rneetl ng i~ ever; back eut efch e d UI ctwo rk <In d fe ~~ Ow th e execs to' the stairs-it's on to the 67tJ' floor.


Fo,llow Hejo around [he floQlr llno into t.11 e stock room"Afrer cliec.king our Ierne "Jenova" c<loik, ne~d toward the back ol tfl-e warehou se w~ ere )(0 UI Cia" ~v~ and! collect a "PoiS'Dn?~ Materia. Wlnen

you're ready, hoop

on the ~ ift to the

EASY 'UPGQ: A nF.S~ [F YO!! c:'~~N !,lli'fD .... M,DTH &1 ,>~I>HI,1l 8R TW( ~ ., '{) FI:!. ~HT, It',)tlJ I CAN ~'r.E!.A~ __ ~""'M"_ 'Cnl£.E~ fo.; BA_o..rC'l.L!t>~ WU-JIO-'i IS A ML'{,.'''I S"1'RQN(:;;l!R' -t ''''L~E!. 0l' AIil.MDl'l. AI~<)l. W!\TCI'f 1'P~'l A 50L.!'l!IlliR:

3RD. 'nfl:.""i c.>Uu~'I:' TIII! l"lARbWGI!"

Wl"ilo;;;I:i JS TIm E';EST WEI'<PON rctn CLOUD


Hojo is abeut to begrn h~s; next experim~nt and A~ri$ is one of the specimens, The ream ,·onf'ron;rs Ho]o and frees Ae.-is, but not b~·fQre HO'lO calls for l'eirlfor'Cem~ntl>. The '"'Uontype" specimen. Red XIU, offeJrs his help in defeating HOIO'S creation, noweve'r; :l:h~:;j

means riOl! must. s'9odone ~f ~CilI!J r ci1a:r&!.cce rs te the side With Aeris. For now; let B0.rret :stay and se n d T!rfa witfl Ae ris. Ais o, tal(~ a momellt :1;0 equ ip C.!o u cl '0 r Barret's armor w]t:h tne uEI,€!:m ental- Pais o n" MatE!: r-iae;C!II:n blna tion, Th is wW help a great deal ch.!fingtne u~eomjng Bm:ss fight:~




This. Boss comes EH;rulpped wjth its awn :scet of henchmen .. Norma!'!}' they wOLlk:ltll't. be

much ofa problem, but Hi0512. can reatlim;;J.'ce {loy of its Sample

fallen buddj es, ~ n effecc§;ch i s means that rega .. d I e ss of H0512

your actlons, H0512 wiil alw1\ys be in the back rank. Tnerefot'ii1!~ lnyeI'le equipped wf1:h a shore-range weapOr! wH I' have trou blecaust n,g damage co it. Att'PI s pOi!"l t j n the game. B.wret ~s the Dnly eharaetsr witn an approprla't~ 10 ng~ range We <liP on. so h~ 's the 0 n Iy one wi eh a elear shot <It HOSll. leave the little .guys a~ene and fecus allof your attention on HOS ~ 2.lf it dies, UU friends go with it.

M0J<¥.! ~IT.!LL

NlA Nfl!.

ATrACKS; I;.mIl,CuI.iSi'.~ IlIIIIIL[!II.Z,:II!lI!J

Sample M.08~d 6TEU H0512 ... 0PT N~A ·NfA

,\TTAC'IIS ~·~hlD'i.SWHL 0.'1.1., ~J.l:;;[]Ir.II]

1.YL -, .. Norm * Nnrm

'I" Nurlll-

.a r.!.ior.m

:II; Nnr,,"_

G fl.hmlT!

~ ffo!)lll @ Nlomo t· N't<nII


Keep an eye on }"o<u r he'llith-respedally those affected by HOS I '2's PO'!!> on attacks, De!feat th is Boss an d you' II receive a Talisman.

It's time 1':0 get: out of her~. Select your new ptarty:and grab the '~Enemy SkiW' M,ateria that popped in,m the spaclmen tank,

I~i§ Hojo's lab asslstanc is sti lion the c:atw3.~k, s 0

stop an d harass hi m to get the Keycar<l, fo r th e

68th flcfor. Now head ,for the sUitt'S and walk

~h1:!:)I • .r~o< U~M ~l'W.L.S 121:p:L'.I!:>oIG TI'IF- Fl,Gf-TT, U'U"l" NO.1I"'£ 'l1IAT POISON 1VON'T ',"'!;'C!JR KIN THIS '~ATTI. E-


I ... E .. SHDP

11'lM eCl"

Potj'ofl s 0

Phoenix Down 100

Antidote 80

Eye Drop 50


Inspect the downed guard and !then wake up Tlfa, After getting [he cen key from the downed guard, Cloud frees the rest of the team. But: sornerhi ng',.. S'1i! rd ously wrong her-e~ Air the lab tech ni clans are d ead and J e I'll nv'a is nowhere to be fo'liInd. To, fi nd OLll"li: whar in tlh.e wor~d is go.i ng on. follow th,e, blood t mil to the President's office.

After meet.ing with President Shiruta, AVAIu\NCHE is takenm tiI1,e hQ~ding 'felli on the 67th noo r. Whae ln th e cell, approach the door so you can speak to the other charaster.s. When you're finished. t3Jke a IlfJiOIp. When you ~ake from your slaep, y:o:u'li notice the cell door is wide open. What the ... ?

Cloud will send 3i"N3.'f the rest of the party wh e:1'I this occurs.

When Ttfa leaves. t'ediS:triblJt~ y<lHJIf" Materia.

I Give Aeris :die ULigh-tnilng'''' and ~'·'Rest:ore"·

Mate'tias al1d m~kE sure Red XIII has ot feast one SpeU Materia (prefernbly another '''Ughtni ng'· Materia.).


As SOOIi as you're frnished, head for the elevator'S. As seen as Bart'et.Aerist and Red Xliii

entef thEl: elevator, Shinra security ambushes them,

ENEIMIIES Vargid I?o~ic:e Zenene Bl"'3il'l Pod Rufus {Boss) Dirk Nati'cm (Bo,s5)

ITEMS Guard Source (Boss.)

Protect Vest '('Boss)

This ~eads YCilU co the silte of Preside nit S'hinra's body stumped over h~s desk. It looks nk~ Sephirot.h ts the culprit; but he's nowh ere to be to unci. S i'l ortly the rE!afte'l" Ruf,us. President Shinra's sen, lands his heHc:oiptelr on the roof, Take this opportunity to meet the t1.ew Ie.a,del" of Shlnra ~,r'IC:.

~- .-~-,---. . ~" ..




The team must fight

Hundred at long~rang,~ against Gunner

an enemy specially equipped £01- junsu,c,h !l.iIi!9.- !hi,,« tl:I"h~f a fight~ 8ar'l"'et ~ s rhe only character who can damage th e Bosses with his normal attack, Everyone else must use magic or Umit Br@ak attnc:ks" The Hundred Gunner is especially weak against Lightning, so cast the Bolt spell as much as pOSs.i bl e. Afte r s u bstantially damaging the Boss, it transforms and begifl~ charging its supe:r weapon"


Heli Gunner ~IOI~I'!! 5~~.\1. IIITiL=

I!D flRINn telll"" n-(l'II [ii:1

u.rmuN UNE

~"a;I"Tl~CKS ji.lelit'!"llIi"l Y/jN !'!i!~i!Ft

AAI~ diifi1iEN

AFf1IU~m.' ARinLEAr

.. NorilJ1

ill Nnrm J ~bWj

... il1l1Ji

lJ'L 16 HI-' 160~

1~l/l Ui UP 100(1

!ill Nimll
j Ncrm
... ~hl F~
~ No""
Q ~ ....
~ In~1I1
@ MQ ...
t ~Drm
i!$ NOTE: h""lAJ.:.Es THE BoS~ '1 'va ,-u R.N~ . ["'0 AA~An:E j'rs CAx<lNON.

WICUCL-I SHdl>"l n t"ifVl2.- \"010 I'L1iiit<I'T"f uf' Tt.,,!IE TO FlNI!'iH QI1T' TfIlC "B'O)iS \1fIIT1'-j;(n 1T 'l'Al1:,.,,'" G A HI'l.

When the Hundred Gunner ls desereyed, a Hell Gunner descends upon the party . .Thls batde IS stmtlar to the previous battle, 50 focus on !ong-ra.ng,e attacks, Bolt: spells, and LimLt Breaks. Don't; forget to keep a close eye en your HP'!

r~ijiiiii~~~~l As the Heli

Gunner nears

death, It tJ"aflliferrns and

begins unleashing scrooge r attacks. Keep up your pace and iliefight;

~~~ii~i;~1 should be over quicWt For defeat-

• iog both Bosses, you're r'8war-ded

with a Myth ril Arm lert~

After the Boss fight. the scene switches back, 1:0 Cloud and Rufus, You're then given a. chance to eq u ilP Clo'lJ d, which yo QJ shou I d accept. Give hi m a Resto re M,at~ ria and s pOl iii Materia combined with the "Allu Materia You may 311so want to place the "E'e,m,enta.l. Bolt'~ Mat:erhl cernbmanon in his arm 01". The battle beg~ns when you're ready.



~lolu'~ SrEi!.1. l''\rr,KI;;5
SIlOrGur .• N/A K ..
i'.V{_ 21 Y !Nrl~1II
!Il Nurlll
""J~ 500, ~ l'IJnrrn
11.'.'11 !)i ... NOm!
:.: rf,{l1l1l
i~·X{'} 240 Q III~ul
GIL .iOO :;::; rI!>Im
@ N!liiTTi
Ill' ~~ t ~ofm If you equipped Cloud with the

"E I em en tal-Lightn iog'~ Mlaferia combinatlon, you won't need 1:0 worry about Da'l"k Nal:ion's attacks. Rufus isn't a tough opponent either; keep your HPs up and lise your Limit BreQ.ks

whe 11 th ey becorn eavallable. Whe n


l Rufus can't take any more, he grabs !lis


I ehe ppe rand fH es away-li ke farhe r, like

son. Survive this battle and you'U receive a ProtectVest and a Guard 'Soun:e.

Dark Nation MO'JI?H 5l11'A1, Arrxcus


Your fh"st order of business is dis,p'ells,ing qf Dark Natjol"l. It5 Bo,lt atzacks are powe.rful and it casts lots of protec::ticm spells on itself and Rufus, which tends to make the fight mug,n,er tha t1I it has to be.

Wlth Rufu S 0 U1: of th e way~ f n d Tlfa

and then join the rest of the party in the llobby,

Cli:l,ud and th e rest of the gang b arrow some brand-new 5hinra vehides and hit the hignway, but Shtnra is in dose pursuit. Cloud must d.efend his frtends and their truck by swatting Shinn). soldiers off thetr rnctcrcycles.


a range Bi ke rs

i Red Bikers MOL,or' Ball (Boss)

Sur Pen dant

~ (Bo •• )

However, before you begin, take a moment to equip your pa.rty. Mak.e sure you have the ULightninif' Materia and several ~~Re5,tOll"e'· Materias.You should also equip one character's armor- with the ··E'lemental~Fire~t Materia com b 1 naelon, Set up you r party i 11 reverse order: Place front row characters in back, and back row characters in front.

During thechase, the Shima soldiers will attack thetruc:k an d ca u se, dam age t,o Cia u d and h is frl en ds, Yo Ll m u s'[ defend the team and thelr vehicle by knocking down t:he Shinra soldiers with Cloud's sword. Sounds ea:!lY. doesn't It?

Til ere are two types of Shi n ra B.tkers: R.ed an d Orange. The Orange Bikers, a~ decent riders, but th,ey tend to dive right in Without thinking, whi,c:h makes them rather easy to defeat. The Red Bike rs pose a mill ch 1<1 rgert th reat, I nstead of com i n.$ towards you ,eh ey avoid you when you approach them. Plus. they're always I,ooking for an open spot. The rEla~ danger here FS that the Red BJkers tend to draw Y'"'u away from the truck, which enables th!a other Bikers to cause some damage whHe your' attention is diverted.


111,ATTLE TIl': ~A~GAL1.Y,. YptJ WANT ToO ~, .... \~'" CLOSE TO OR 'H:!t,i:;tIS.o TEU, TR.UCK "N]:'> l-IIT Tl-I1!; P..~'l!J\.1.'~ JlUQiRS

... ~ T,Hil.Y APPRO"''Q~, I.E' 0.."-11;: GIlTS 1:'A5T.

I.){.},N'T ~Q AFT'E[( HtM UN'LES5 Hl" N'I"IACK5 TJ-IP. TRlJQil. IF lIE B,>.r.Ktl 01"1'" (N0R..\1AJ:il.Y ONI,., n-lli RED BWEK!> I)Q). lJON"T 'CH/."~ E!. H~1-MA!a:; erM C::OMg -ro YOU.

BUTTON [4]; [6] [De,l]


Moves bike to Right and left Attack to the Left


Attack to the Right

~'!:Ji;;y.~ It's pcsslbls to push over enemy Bikers with YOWlr hog, however, it

'.~~. causes 3.. lot of damage to YO'UF billo::.€ and rd. a much slower process.

HOWEve r, you ean also to'pp1 e en amy Bike rs using the" dpmi n 0 effeCt." If you knock over a Bikerirn front of another enemy, it causes them to collide. Thls makes both bikes wreck and rriakes fOF an ,easy kill.

After tcppling art enemy bike. push it around some as;

lLsBdes off-screen. Ta,i<;e thls opportunity to line up the wrecked bli<e ~nt~ the path of oncornlng enemy Bikli!:r'l'i,

EV,~t'ltually, the enerno/ catches up witn the par-t)', fore r tiE a fight. Any damage th is! S h i n ra mot:o rcyde:s catLi sed to th e party trail sfen~

"-- .l..:.a.=-_..,.;._""- _ ____~ over: to the begi n n i ng Qf th e next




~lOllJ'li S!r.I!.'LL

_OIJihI 1'I'l1N

~n~~~ BUR~E~~ ~="~

ATIiLGJ~ iiliil.~l!h

Motor BaH gets th e drop on th e pi! rt:y. so it; geu to Me3- SJrln .. TIll'"

atta>ek fi rst, DOl) 'r wo,rrYI the L,:Igh, beea usa til e a ttsck is weak and causes Illerie d:a.m8:_gEl.lmmedi!ltely start petting [he Boss with ey,erythili1g )"Qu have. Bolt is extremely effec1ilive in tt'l~s fight and c:anc:au:se around lSQ polnts of oa,mage with e-ach cast. If a character do,esrft have 80 It, he or she' sh ou J d use normal attacks IlI'l1 d act as the team's medic: whenever the I:"'!ee'd arises,

~ Ndlfi1

~ Na.-m

rtp 45 t Nall11

kL~:!~ I #.1 ~Wi,'-I~:: EJ.i1 ! I

B:A:JrTLiB 'Fil': lE' YOIJ S £ r\ YCUR ClV.!V..crnR~ Vi? !~ REV'lm.S'll O~DI!R AS SUGGESTED EAALU!R.

THE Ta"t\M 'oJ'IU' EM-n;;R THE. 1IA'r~ TLC IN THEIR NOJ:"CMU I'ORMATK!N. TF YOt. ~H'OSE' NOT TO. ~~IJ -~HOI.IlJq MOVP. TFl.{':l~'f; I"';;;

l.rll'I IW.~ IthNl<S TO -nil'- ~oJ'IiT

ANn ~r,"1t. V,E!Rll!A. I

S ~e.akj ng of rned i cs, be on the 1'00 !KOlut fe r M etor Sa Irs Roll i ng Fke attack Mote,r Ba~ I only performs this a1tack whUe il"l an upright. PQsition. This attad ... can ili1flict as much as 250 pelnrs 6f daJ'hage 10 each character; sa keep your ~i't paints up~

Whe n Motor Ball tran sforrns, rOoU really 0 n Iy need ts wo rry ab OU tits Twi Ii1 8 u me r attack ~t only causes about 80-90 points of di'lm<lge t.o each eharacter; but it's still a threat..A S,tar Pendant is your reward for winning l:ne ba.ttlE!.


- ....... -- .. When }f(lIU reaeh Ka~m, go lO the inn <lind meet

EN EM ~ ES u P w~d~ rn e rest of YOUr' tea m on the second

(M IDGAR floor- Cloud then "-=:;;~--=-~L~!!!!!!!!!

AREA). k L'

ta es trns

Devil Ride

opportunity to Custom Sweeper

Kalrn Fang relate his experi~

Prowle'r ences with the infamous S e phi roth.

It's tfm Ii!: 1:0 leave M ldga r and sear-e the search for S·ephir'Oth. You won't be ba:ck here fer quite iii! wnil'e, so take one I ast ~ oak around and th@1i'l (,ravel, to the nearest town. Ka'm. Kalm is a small village I'lorcti.im.st of Midgar <lind a good place to 'begin you,.search,


Megabk Peace ma.[ter Ether

NOTE~ ':rblJ r;,\Ma; 1r/i...:r>!O J'I .l .. r!d~'· IURN I ll'lJU'. Ui- I~' Till!. I'~'INT, TiU, QUJ7.5T ~LAJ. mZf!.r..l 11. ... 'llL¥ LtNF.AIil. FROJ<,I NClCW ON'. VOl.J'LIL.I ~AV" IAItGE AJU . ...,. .. T'O E.l!:.~,r~lllE .... 'n~-. LOTS 101' 1lI-]ING~· oro 11Ilii1Co v mt. 14AV.· FUN kKl> T,y{._vnl))l 11."'H' WilEN '-I~ "'''''1''' T 'INC a UOl>f I'L"~ 1< -n'> I'LI>CF. AI'n'.1't AU, ~1.\t.J n-iH rLN 01" 1\:-..1 RPG II> UI~r;OY!!IW!

NOTE; ,,"'1..,01/.,'5 l'!II\SI-m,~Ct.;; IS< f._",sy oro ";;;'VIG,I.\" u h:«:n I:'U': t:.\N"T IIJ'JI" !>Q '-"';'K,E YU!J" TIM'!! .~ NU I'II'~ .\'Tn;'N'fi0~ '1'0 C;lOq'l)'!t ~T011;'I".


O'urilllg m,e flashback, make SIJII"e you v:is,it Tif.fs house on the e,a'S,t SIde of town. 111 her roem YO'l.! c<lfn I"etrliev,e.a pi! hI'" of Ortholpedk Ulilderwea:.'r from heH' dresser, 01'" y.au can playa tu ne on her piano. Pay close <l.tte'llbion 1:0 the notie:s. you"1I need to' play the tune again some day:


Do·,Re- M~ - TIL~ La

oe- ~e- M~-$o-FaRO,o- Re~Do

With the st.ory [pl~, tf'1e team prepares to Fejo~n the: flgf1t <I8~iJl1~tShililra. Go back dOWlnS'tQirs andlfou~1I recei'Ve the PHIS. With the PHS illl YOUIII" possessh'".llll, you carl klllrnRge your p3rty whUe wal1ting on the World Map-a ~'andy de,,,,i,ce to uy the I,erast. N'O'w go .and e)l pi:QFe Ka ~m.

Ka 1m is: <I ql"der Ii rrle t:awn sell on the outski rts of the

was t.e ~an ds su rrou r'! d ~nl M iclgar. The peop ~e h e,re 0\1r~ ma ~nI)" MytihrU min ers, btl t Ir .. ~ly '1'11:0 C fl.!! can

III in e because o.fth.e monsters.

1TF.l'<1 T1P~ ~N,,'!Iua.[

I"I-IF, INN ¥OtJ"i, I'n'oOJtl .~ Mnor,,,,uxlI~

._~~t.'ili': III~ T ""iLl I

(,"~~f' l' IJ~H!I~U

'1'I9:1l ~t'II~!j;:~. CL~LJ,I~ r..'\tr:"'Jl~ l>t .. ~ ... \t.:.:f.:"i 11t~ IHIT LI' 'l'OI"j TK1I' ~~IIt4.:WJ IN''~ 1":1"' i-J ~'I nMM HI'" L., «:'~H'I-

U~";l·t1L A~,n I'lNl> '" w,..,·.

_''''''''--::--===~ZI!:~~ Pick I.J!P some Sl.oIppUes ill'l tOwn and tl1l!iII<;: to e:Vl!'!f'yQWI e-ther-e 41 re p~cn ty of free I~re nilS m pick up. M'ak:e sUlre-1,au ~ea:n:hr.!~,e

h Ol!S~~ by looki r1g ~ n s ~de cab,inets ;},nd Sta'ill"'lN,eUS.l'hel'le's even a treas!Ur"e: chest witt. a Pea.c:em,aJIlrer inside; howeVierr:. Y9'LI' won't be able to U~~ i:u: iust yet.

. Se'VQI'a1 [Qwn~;fo~ k m.e'l'rc:io 11 thcatcheyve recently :!liSen a m,i:lifl dressed in b.~a.cik ,caf'rying O'!! ~'8!ii"ge sword. HlliiI1Im, sounds ~Ike Sephi rom! A m2l~ ne<lir t2h ~ 'iWW!11I

enera r1I ce $ay~ he saW him It! e adi ng ease (OO'W'aro ~he ,grassy leldGet you r team togsth er and g~ att~I' him.

I'IN:U 9S0 ~JL ON THr_ C;j'j.~O<'!IiU4I.1.~ U:XII'J.,; "~~R

rI n c.:1IJ~·~M SI'!;.V"EIW'oJ'Il:, A II.W,.,"; ttVI, (_O:~j MmO!. •• ~tl .~ S ...... mwER. O~re'~JI~)I=' RAI Fio~.

Y~'lU ~.l\iN 'I" ...... L '1'1111 It\ 'O:)irI~ It.: St;fS.SOk~. II

III ,,-nU,)N1:;;GI(, 'o>Ijf'~ l'.lO-"~ I I-II~ u;n>A·I·IJRl1· A.,-'<U ~.A;"'I; v':jlJoI)(~BI,"'l'l'lr '~4:N'o,[J,.. YoU CA~ AL~O GQI.I.m~ "'~OTH£R 11!.~,m_"·'" S~IU.,

,'\'1 ... ntA l!\.:1t\;(l!I!;;. J1J.'~'1' I~QU1'l.' o~'n ~F' YO'l)lt O&-"M"R.J\~·t'FIltS 'WI IH TI1L '. a .... I'"""Y 2l;1oi.U ..

M"'1fER1.o!I.. ,..:00:11), WAn ,·l/)lIt N'lH CU_'i ruM ~Wl< .. lU'liU TO II~I- 'fL"[F. 'NtATB,\ M ..... ;':,l~ "'11'1l1\C!"'-




j Levrikon

E~fadunk Mandragora Mu

ITEMS; "Chocobe Lure" Mate:ria

y .1

~ATERIA TIP~ '\VJ.-J.i!N yOU i'~KS·.r' RI1ACP "1'J ru R_"","-..rC~~> TALI.:. 'm T",:E! l1L.o.:;BST Cl:loocrIlO. TIm Cl-)OlX:mOS ,';'iLL E'£PsT PEllFlJ.IlM _"i. l.IT"l'l.E DA>O;·(.:l!. AND "J1'fEN YOU'! ,1. rt'EClITVE YOUR l'IFtST ~lMMON ilivf "'TllIlT_<!!.. TH'F "CI-:!o·cobV10G" M/~TI'_Ii!_rA.


Tb is is Choce Bin's Cho coho. Ranch, Cheeobes <l!.r-e bred and raised f,-ere for Chocobe ra.cing arid for tran sportatlon, Take so me ti me to taJI< to the fa,mlly.

There's only on!1l way t.'O l-each the 1M yth ri ~ Mine an d that's; by erosst ng; the marsh, Cho co Bi II in slats that yO!;jJ catch a Chocobc to accornpllah thi.s task .. Trying to cros.s the marsh! on

foot Cdin be dangerous. ,------ .........

bec.a.u se the re 's a Ii uge sEwpent known as the Midgar Z@h':lm that

hu nts down anyoll1 e who e nte rs the area,

Gt:i[Q the stahle,s and rail:.:. to Choca Bi~l!)(. He doasrr't have any Chocab 0$ fo r sale, but he can sell you the

• ~Ch p cob 0 Lu rEI" Materia; Witht!l is MI~teri<lT yo u carl attract-and capture a Chocobc by exploring' areas near

a set O'f ,Cho'Cobo 'tracks. There is ene catch.'The "ChQcobo LureH Materi'3 wW cost you 200'0 Gil If you n eed more G fl. you need tD fight some of the monsters around the ranch, You must have the Mat:er.iatlO continue.

C hocc bes are faste r than th e

M idgar Zo,lo m, so yOIU s heu ld be able to reach the other side unf;:,c:athed while rid~ng one. Chcee Bil~ alse rnenrtorrs tbUlt he saw a man in b lack enter the marsh a little earlle 1'".




MA"T I! lUA TIP: \VANNI!. SA\'" OM!; GI~.? 'I!;'!¥..u,K. U,),)c::J( Otl'r&~F.. 1I1'I·1F. :FTA·

u I.ES 11"0 w)<-~r1'lE.

YOU "11.'~' r r...r. I BI'1I~D Ttl F. C a,£~>ouno

R ... ! .. t~(I, W~IIL~. ~T'" N ~ I['oIG "'Q, .. .l1'J!>T "tH1': tTUNC[', ~""('.'WI.l' W,u.J{ SOIJ]'H U.,...rlil


CI.~!,'J) I~ A;iIOJ,,'

110 1;*-1"11 TIll", 1l.ANr:~ _ N(")'w ""J:",A ~,&;: 1"0 THlo: IfI;I~U'i'l' ·"'.NU ''OIJ ~!-I,OU~ D I'~V

'" I'1l~E~ uCHQ~.&U ["UlW" MA TJ:.tU!\ j;,"!\N TI 1.1 C:k~'" _""I P." C[~Qo:J

O~I ("Y'J!i i uSb IS 'O[J~ W\lNl

ateria jn your possession, YOJ)J ',itO buy GreEhs to aid you lnthe Chocobo~capturlng process. You Gain keep a Choco'bo from running during a bllitde by feedfog H:Glreens (1!.In'less of course yQU mi:stal!c.en!y attack t:he

I Cho(;obo, w't1ich eauses it to filee ne f'I"I';ttter

L- __ .....:.;:.....;.;___;;:.-..----_.:.------d how mwch

youl'lIl"efeC!l it). The Greens aren 't. re<!l~ly netessaw¥, but it's up to you I~f you decid,e 11;0 p IJIf(haSe °1i:hem. WIh,E:'1'I yn !:.I're ready. equ~,p the "Cn.ooobo LUlre" Materi~ and go t)ut:side.

Look for SCH'f1Iil1! Ch ocate track:s and walk 01'1 them (the$Bsho!JIld be: pl'"'etty obvious). Eveflw;allY. you'll €1I"Ite1l' a battle and a C'hoc:obl;! rn~ er may n~ 3!ppe0llf in the enemygn:m p, ! f the ChI) cabo is 1,,1 t'h!! ene1"rl'Y ,gro'iJ p, killthenlonst.er(s) withoul: h3iliflllin:g die ChacoDo. Whem dofl.';:! cO,'I"reerlry, theCh.oc.olbo is yc urs~ If you fan. c:ont:ill'!uel»' [JliY unrl] 'f'Iu ~re :S.u.cce:ss,f~l .

.-- __ ~--~------. ,------------..., Hop enthe Chccobo and ride it 1:1'1 rough the rna rsh ~oc:a:tII.2d to the :$couthwen. R.emember to avo rd th e ser pen't'sshado:w (W )!'Ou 'U be fQllFce:rl ~ nto a fight

agairl stt/he M idFrr ZoloJ'l'l.

CHO.OO'BO TIPl. Cf IO~;oIU~S Ii" ,\lIE TI I.E ABI Lnr¥ "jlo'Jit1iJ!'oI ~I'oV I'KG"',t ""''J;MII:lS (:liT I LE~ THA.N cit_II' MlDtl.-'iuI:. ZOLOM. l~ !'II.(~, /II.!; tONG ,\,~ "I'()i,l'lU' !timlNG " CHoObllO, ~O\T \rQN'T UAVH Ttl 1'1,,;1-I'T" AN ... ~>IA~DO~il I\Nof~Qblt'!IITII'Io!S •.


JylA li'F ~t f.,-, nps~ THe:t.E. A1\,~ ~""'i!..~ ~ E=1'.Ili1Ii' SKD:..U 1'U .tp, 1-tAl) IN THI; "'J!:n,,," SUIUt.OI :-.IiC!!U1'lG: ·I·HI C:UO<:OJlO RAN~I L. T):-rE1;I; INCI..~JUj~ -[,l~L 4- 5lJtc~rn~. CJ .-")J;;Q:I~t)CJ(IiJJ" AND 81'''--'1\.

A GOl"m~illH-1 1i<.""B CKLh-n,llll! 11. Kl'o'O:W~ ~ ,\ MiI.J U ~H" f.Bl,':EL .. SVICIIO:E. ~"'t ~ BI'. FOLINU IINYWHEmU:

AI\Utj'-:V "rH~', M,~CH. A MLI l\>cj,]'.S's"r tl"IlLF'~·1l1.- 4 l)bl'!.:TF-I VGwt L)~l'·:'-.r., so YOLl'I.I. NBEIli 1'0 ~t~FTt:(j~~L II< Lrrn .. I'Kn~CI' 'li'l-I'f_1'i! TRVING TO atLTAU~ nrs tlNIQUE iSIUU ••

Cf'IOS)Oj~tJ~I;:LE IS II, IlTTLE TUUt:;.I-l{iR T~) t-;I£j-- F'Tm:!'1' V",,'lJ r>l~':I~ "'-0 HAV.t: AI-IlEACY ~TL;_"'i!.Ni!t'I I'H~_ LE."V~I. oJ SU'ICIIC}i ,!;KILL 11Ilo;.~."'1 A .,0.:-- .... 1 ...... 1L .. -r~ ... ~ ~nnJ ,..--';:I!JI> n_) 1.Q(\:;'(m _, t-,;\,'1;l(. -. (, c.;HDumu, ""lIj_llG!'!' t'il":"''1' jil.'\,SI'I'. Tl-IF~~E C) l(lC~S ;"J~ l--,'lltl.'" J~~, ~o yokJ"u j-jAVE!. "ro I-J, .... -I-I·1 y<ntrt-t \'11""'1 L·h11l.0ITGl-"1 A ~IUfll:nF. 'o,~l-J'_'-'l-!l_ ,3 Ctb::)C.':\J'JljOl< _J~T 1'0 I~~ onl LI!'I'1F.1 ;I 6, To n1' rr j"{ .. u. ... J;. /I. CI'lOCOllO ".~ 1.1;"!l'.J_. yt)u {:AN .,1 I I-[llllt. U);ll' ... ··S~_5J.>" lv,lATEIl!A. un: "'OU

CAN J IJ ~ r l.o.Oh I'~'" A C:a l~ C01'IIO ,('"I I ~!. 1-...tO I.l>VRLKUN!>OR TWu Ei-I'""",P~. TH~.1j1"-' C!fOCOm;l!. ,,u'l;J;: A.LW"''lI'~ I-~"'EL lCj:. O·~CI:.- YOU· ... E IDJ'~.·,rnll-"il!n ,\ I mIl:lt.-"_6 Cl-iOCOll CI, li~F.I-:) rr go". J J.I!H ... M 'M:IZ I'"'I 0"-

.~ S'iLI!\!~ GR~:EN" {lVlIJ.,n,n- 0 ... .-\.LL ,",~l.. • t, i 1'I'""VI!.

AOC'~ ,-.tl, r;>~:!l~ ~ ON) ,~!!';m nllF~"f ~i~' 'frJ][ <~tl(_'II(""--Ol!O ,wn--t W'lT;;v1 I 4 SOIe.r.n:.RJIS 'MIl, CAlJ~lr l ,1.1 Ct'l"OC..:IUU 'ro Itlln .... o..1.'r.·i"I!. WlTI., C:ll~j~('l.lI-U!;;1eI.1 • "n·ll:!. Li, ... .u~l.'l! G:K.lLL f .I\US~:' ,\1>- ",Mou"n <DL- dA-_M .. .'I!~~E EQllA.J T0 Fbi'll "IU'/!.,mlJR (W "],I"'n~ ';'""IJ',...-< 6SC~'_W) I;P:@M CCUI/UI;.\:T.

1.11,511'. I:f!-z~' NGlT' r_IE.AST. vQ(t(!,J. l'ntS:~ TH>~-r -L1J& Mm6_ 7~hQM BO."lMINC-: T1c1L!. j;,,1iJIII.k. .. lI9I iJJl.-rf'l'i'lEE>,{ .~ IIH !tAN'Cl, I .... zq~ T1'ffiE ~vn'I.H_IL Mi."III;. l'~)~~,P;SSI!3S A l'll:nl;tERFU I~ St-t:ILL C'A LI 1'.I;> .DIn 11 .. Ti-t15 ~Jo:UTr 15 Tf';U,IQ'H, ["''' PW J'.TJ.:II,LY IN TI-lI£ (]AM~~ ~IP..:;JI U~I, "'QO~ C;::H<'I H ACl~!'o WlU. tL!r.Vl, '"

l CJ'IJ(,;H TIMt.: liUR;VIV1NG ~'{l1I.lI!""'-(;" E.l'lII!"JR I_UHLJRN 1---'l-1'IW_ FCm. n. 01l. Tn:'-'" lI'n-; "<r.lL-':'j~WINei n;!:I;~J>:<. E"QL:II' , .... CI.IAJ.~i\CTmIR wn 1<'-1'11' ··lej~'I'~ .. '><I1<" Sio:U,.lL" "'I.~' l·n~A AWD '-HE> ~~U' .. VIJ;_",--'·"'.I ~PI!I~"

M,\.'[ MJII 'IOM~Di /I.' r U; )1<.' (WB 1"c1~ MUS"I ~ II':

1~r.1\( F({\> IN" '1111~ ;;;:f-I" .... ~ot.A~-rgR>:;;_ '''I~MDR). B.c'(;,'>tJ;)E I\! ,- rA 1S A 'UIU-.-IItAS'I' n ",..!: ... .c~k, 'n9iIl rM.MA~F_ ";"\.Lll"1'lr.t TIZI I l-IlI! f;H.o\.l~C]"l~R Lil .... RNIl\1C 'I t"~

~ Io:U.I. "'''III -I. u~. I-iAL"'I'j~Ij)? WJ aOH :l.'JiIotJL1) (;I""'~

1-1'1 Mt ('J,l1-1'1. A 1··IGT"'i)'II·1;!G CI I/I.~;I'.

The m~ ne ~ 5 fai rly small. So iit's ,difficujt tn ge1t Ipsl: in. There ~nl.: pJenty pf items to pJ;ck up. ~o ;W~r refer tothe map fOI' ~Xi<t~t i,O'C;.il:~io n s,

ITE,M!h Ether Tent

"long Ra~,gej' M:<IJteria Mind Seuree Elixir

ENEMI~ES= I Castanet Adf.:. Dragon I Crawler

~ Madou:e

MA'rFUIA 'l'lP?- You U'lN I[;;UMib ~OMlb:. ('Jr· ·.-r,JI" "I'II'>lES fN P'PL ~lr"lT~. ONI; l.EAI>S 1"0 n-l:R: E,.,.~r:, ""'f'UL!; 'l-H!l ,~.n'll·lll LI;;.I'IOO ro '" H,ILlH·!;!:N Ll''IcI<;;;;1l ,,';4"'» , ,'"* .., JI..(:S':"<;(i

l"A.'>!.::a ... •• M tl. i·tJ.~ I.~. "II-IT.s MATI' R l.A WU.L )00N1UnOIl":"n 'Vrhj).. .. ' LJSJ:i~'I_;l,. s<)r~F{ J'r u L' iI'~."Q&1'i Y\Ou 1...F_...Vfl..

B~:fore eX~l!:ing th.e milfle.me 'tea·1lI r~,ms into N.6W F."NJUW Y

R}ude, Elena,a.nd "fs~!lg of the Turks. It ~n.L<:

",ppe:ar:s (be Tur'ksar-e ztloo pun,~.lIing " ...... I-\IIIU J!lOr\.VfJ~G '~IJII'; Mmr.; 'l'OU'UL

I S sph ilooth .. Elena, t:fle newest 17u riK. s:1,~p5, up, I.'JlOj~"'-L:!Ui.

and m en tic I"! s that SElph ur~th ls ~eade,-cl f~1!" I IjN<I;;Ui.lNnm AT

J~nQF! Harbor, wnkh isn't fm'fre,m th:e mine. II 1.;1h~",,1 ~1~f' AniI):' l}l~AGo.N. r.HI;'

I If yau ftll h3¥;1" Tseng 0 UJC of the milne, yo til '~~ !·mll.>t:1! ~;I'm."':J Ul~1!

l!;t,o..;..;.;,.:..... __ ..:....._ ......... _LI.,;~~~' ~.ee a large €;OIndo,r on a nearby h,m.YO~Ve '~~::I';::WI'I~

~ -- come 3CroiSS> Fort Cona:or;" home O'f .aJ. sll"l'lal'~ F.I"!lI'lM~' SIQL.I • ~I!

--"""""~--~~~--___", .---------------, band of rebels ~lJfl:E "1'0 ~.I;..O\IthO IT

• ~ h ., .m;; I'O~~I" V'DV r.~Q'II'1:

"l1I.g 1:1'Jig 3Jgill~n~[

G<N" 1\.1 ~O .. "L':,' 1"

Shili1iro. Take the YOUR K1V'1~ l'l'}!I.I:"[)"

OPt' arlJu nit)!' I.O i'QH rHil

I s,"op h)i' and gem: MiAOOU~i:, ~ICI·r

c;'Altru.l~ A. GRI\..ND

~~~ilii~~I~~~ some (eSt befare I GHlI"!'ll. 'IF "ll"OO t .... h'

:~;iI~~:;.= moOv! ng on [-01 Ju non I~r~ ... "" I J', Veil< CANl

~~~~~~ Harbor. IlbQI! r Tih"'~

=~i!::::::!::::!!;~!5i!!: ~ Arr/l..;:-: rUN'L~ ~'O'wm,t

SII lJl)lo1'A..'>j'I''IJ'U.,L'i,',


There's not much you can do here a.t"this point. However. you can visit the shops, rest. and learn a bit about. Fort Condor and the fight a.gaitlst: Shi~ra. You can even help out 9Y talking to the man at the top of Fort Candor. which is actuall'y a. strategy-based rnlnlgame in wh! ch you can t:.ake p ... Ft. This is comptet,e{y

opti ona I at en is pe i nt, bLl't it's good practice. tlf you want to kn ow more about the Fort Condo." rnirrlgame, refer to the d ed i cated section in 'tne back of the book

NOTE.~ YuU ~M,;r'T Ita."," ou' IlUV 1-t'JUI,tS U~TIL >¥o U ''''J':

AGl'!ll'-eO TO jOiN TI.,IE. F1F.HT TG5A,VL 'flCllf CONOO;RS.

I: SVD.Al\. \\I'M, - nm ~fAl.'-· IN '( I.c!~ ~UYm.~ OF PORT CONlJOI~ TO =-&0.

--.~ ............ When you'h~ done here, leave the fort and con tin LJ e no l"1::hwesii: to jllncH1 Harbor.


On your way to junen yol!.! should run across several small fereses, While roaming around a fOf>E!lS't, you may run 111'1tal' a: strange luttle gir,1 named YiJff~e Ki:saragi. Yuffi,e is a female ninja and a Materia hunter;

r;:::=::::::=:-:::;;:~=;;;;ii;;;;:::===' Ffnding Yuffie rsn't always easy. You have ttl walk OF drive around any fo r,e'.$t area U fI til you e f1 co LJ n ter h sr; "(Llffie appears just like any other enemy

b h h h DON'-r ~~. 'ro

C t:'sa'tL:l re, ,ut sr e as t e tern po ra ry name

LOG..,\TI.l YV\l-VIl', YET,

"Mystery Ninja." She's a tough fighter, but

you should be able 'to defeat her without

~a5~ much rrouele. Equip yourself so you're

g well p roc€!cwd agaA OS'! fi r€.

NOTE_; Ydv

RO'lli/[lVl2lil •. _"Hl':

.. OMEl rN RJ!iN.I:JY IN ,-~ :"!EXT RIG B,os~



Aft:er defeat]ng ¥uffht, you'll gEl to a small map that has a save po~nt.. Here you'" lind )'!uffi,e lying dow,l'llI. but. she'S line. ,Exam in ii!!, n er and YOilll start a long l:Il alogue.

R rst, don't use eh,e Save Po i nt, Deing $>0 rM<l1'! S you ml,ls,t takre lOur ~~l1!$. QffYufne and when yow return to tile maul'! $)Cl'"'een she'~11 be gane--aJ~ol'lg with seme of your G~ll. Second, don't insult Yuffie's abiHtJes. She's a nirQja and very proud of hersldlls. Third. den'e do <lll1Iyc1ilil"!lgt:h'Rl: might reslkliit i r'I yo u r I,o::;,i ng sil§J'U of'l'lJffie.

Tfi)~ 1'" VOloJ w:.!I'N I' !'O F:H3UJ>.:E '1l'J<1T5 {'!U',l"' 0:"" lI'OIIJR oWN. YCII'U (;:A..'\4'T TAKr. ¥OUR EYES l:'U-r '¥Wl',l'lP. Slll""':;' ~I HjE!:I",\\l'H;' CAt-r''1 11J'/llH1SM'JtI). JIll' TI'SAT M¢llS!I£L OF J;r<ilIL':P lSN"'j' (;Np1.J~~~ na,;N RE/IU 0'('00.

H""'WJ,3"i"lJ!il. ~OU M~'\s"I ~~~ ;_IU-;l'~' Tli'",,;! rHiE rr,;U-lr.o~"'l."'f= rN,~O~.r...mJ!i"t1UN Gt'l'~ ll~~F.'R:::rl"f I!fIl(7 AV11!,'I'1

Exam ine Yuffie and she'il eha U e:nge yo IJ, t~ ano£j1'er flgnt.

Yuffie. "Yb,~ spili:ey~neaded jerk! One more time" Tet~s go' one mo re t.~m,e~"

, AIili5Yiei!':~ Not i,nter"e<Si!:ed.

New SffU.!''$ fe,~I~ng a:;re,ky. s::o sbe mUrlt.s y¢;~I • .__ __ ....;....~ __ __....;.....j Talk to hf;!!Jr aJga1n.

:J"itl,}'SINtIflI" 1'- ~

~·rt·t--!~I" 'I~r" Itl'~ ~iJ:) 001;: f.'alll 11m. I ~ .. • ", .L~ r"I"~

II!!r ~LI·~ill~ i H4 _

I 17~ I~::..IH ":'E~

. ~'LII:~'~.~!.

.". -, _"I'lmU~[]

. '''(Jill'!l", ~~I:,..~~:,...n

YUffiie:""I"Giu're pretty :s:cari2d €If me. huh! t'

Answer. . petrified.

She'U start to leave, but turns 'tica[;k toyeH: 'YllIffi et"!' m go nna lea.vel' I m'~an It! '.

Ans.wen Wllit Of second'!

Sh,e seems 1:9' be se£ting '~,e pitr:~re.

'---- -.;.......01 Yyffie~'.,'fou w!.i.nt me to go. with you~~

AAswer~ ~ha1:$ right.

"flrifie:"'A:111 right! '1"11 g9 wi.th yO'lJ·~··


At'I~swer ~ •..... Let's ~urry.

1'ou"'fe dO'I'H:l: it! From this point rorrwall"d, YuAiie 'Kis~ra.gi wif! be Ull')delyQfl!.llr COfflmrand.

~-0tw.',L'~ •• ~J'.)IJ!II~~ tji!!!J['" i.-Il~(1 fJl;P~

"".:I ... ~r.~ .... t

J\~~~:.~, .'

, .......... .,"J;~)N !"."';".~p ... L.el.-:II ... ·I:JI



Power Wr'iist "Shiv,,," Mlateri&


Ut>nR .4..DI,zS: 1'>1 C.lW 'rJ-£.''''' 'i'~)U 1'1"(,1 UAB1:x II fl.VI; YL.;N1[; IN: YQIJl~ ~K<rY. YOU M .... II·

\>;.'_·U': 1 TO 1W("Hh\f)E IlIIl~ W'F.APQN,.

l< Rn.JN,'l.n LV.

THliIUt'!> ,\ _..rON>;;" !'B!R TN 'I'"I-II!> "'l\lI:JI

TlI-I,' .. '10. f:~R""INC A NFi'" "';'~ fOJ:! '\'t HIE •. J us"]: I-I~';:>.IT" lJ'oWN A. f'O:jlMUIA

["" 11-1;11:\ .U'tUIlo 1~1"1"\'I;11:'~ J1 :NOl'< .\l'oIoF@!l.1" CON tJ-r.}~. l\J';.f(!

Tli II1N ~-n:Al. !'I'U'!. fl.POMIJKA'NC IPI>!.ON. rr, A. • .so, -":0.11" yO I!. J;:YI!S ON - 1.'b'R tI. Zl'n.>11zm U.'"I-I' CHltATURE!. TIlls B"II~T .t£tW A N~"!II:' r:'N!:;M~ SI.{I I., \(fli.ll.'.Il W.ti-m. I,I·UT VOll \,VON"I )l.1! "'fll,1! .. GJo ~1t!'4 IT . JIl~T 'ild. WI~n'll WIt;lIJ is A IIll.AU{'ilC

~Kn,.L. so "n'l' ZIl,..'lr.I'LIDT W'OIN'y lJi'i~ U' ON" TN.~ [oAR. UN1.F~S ":t'(:lU "I'AK t:ONTIU':It.CI>

n U6h"'u~; 'nom

' •• MI\t.:~"'lJU\ ,..,,'~ MIl-llilU,\, ,.l,\i,..nOJ-l YUQ" .. U0UWN·'1" I-JNIiI£ JUST VET'.


Botto nls;well )1 (Bo~s)

At fint, Cihere's nee much to do, You can [alk co' th e vlillagers arid perhaps even vilsh: the WeapQn Shep, There's alcso <I bea:ch, but instead of tal<ing it: easy. u.I<e II moment W f',e--eqll.lip your characters"

"'Ii/! AkNINCI JU1'.~t)N HAR!IIOI~ Mi!l.Y HI'I)I!·'F~CUI.T '1"0 I'IXI) ON YOUR IJJ~'I" ~I'R0J'~ I"I-'~ 1_0(;.\1'1'\1,) z.."lZxT 'r&:" 'TT-TI< .;:'I1::1"tI"" ANU

8P.IHINU A ~MA.J._L I~I'F'_ IT'" 1'.11.10'1: ro I.UCA'I'J.!: ON "·HIE MA ... sO _I_K .. UU.::oUNU' LIN 1 e,Wf i\RbA UNTil. "'(),U :-;!;~', SOME'1"111N(": L 1 N1JS UAL

sA T"TL ~ TW~ .J.~m ~-r.' ~HlI NG)., r'lle.T:"~"Lrr

!3 .... 1kRli!1" ~ ""iUlP1'Il;: IN ~Q"Ulll J .. \IlTI" II 'nJillYlitf,N'T AIlRlVU)'i. (;1"'1.. CI..OllU THI' "'.(loNG R,\N'~I!'~.">'iA ".I~',:~ Az:..rO ~Jo.Vtn"~I" B ."'R lun 1'0 A rbNG-R """"Co ~ ""'''''''~i'ON IJ.' ~.!O (:'UiIIUUi.~ I,. V~~NG'

51-10R l-,It...,:,"~£ ~,AL.SQ. ~'I.d'l' ... t~H"RAC;'L'I1R \\IT''' J'f.1.F, '·CI'fOoC.;Ul!VlOI;i" l!!.{,',j;iHl;lh. NO'\;.v .... nl ,,'IU;: It'il:AI)"i' -ro Mil' TTi I*.~OH_

At the beach. you'll liieet a II<ttie gi,rl named Pris.cill~. who is good with ani mals and not \l"ery fond of Sh in ra, She asks yo u 1:0 leave. bur a monster attacks

the party Ie'a.v~n,g PrislCi 11131 mn the middle of everything .

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