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#RP Channel Guidelines: v1.

0 | Updated on January 18, 2011

Section 1: Authority
1.1: Respect the sops' authority and honor. Do not anger them, argue with them i
n an uncalled for matter nor try to provoke them with false claims.
1.11: 1st Infraction: Kick.
1.12: 2nd Infraction: Kick, then muted in the channel until the sops feel like
giving you voice.
1.13: 3rd Infraction: Kickban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
1.14: 4th Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
1.2: Do not use ignore commands on Sops (they will find out)
1.21: 1st Infraction: Kick and mute until you unignore the sops.
1.22: 2nd Infraction: Ban until the sops feel like unbanning you, and you unign
ore the sops.
1.23: 3rd Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
1.3: Do not abuse the service bot.
1.31: 1st Infraction: Warning.
1.32: 2nd Infraction: Bot will ignore you for a set time.
1.33: 3rd Infraction: Bot will permanently ignore you.
1.4: Do not conspire against the sops.
1.41: 1st Infraction: Ban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
1.42: 2nd Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
Section 2: User Channel Usage
2.1: Do not argue needlessly, or maliciously troll/harass, other users.
2.11: 1st Infraction: Kick.
2.12: 2nd Infraction: Kick, then muted in the channel until the sops feel like
giving you voice.
2.13: 3rd Infraction: Kickban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
2.14: 4th Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
2.2: Do not spam.
2.21: 1st Infraction: Kick.
2.22: 2nd Infraction: Kick, then muted in the channel until the sops feel like
giving you voice.
2.23: 3rd Infraction: Kickban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
2.24: 4th Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
2.3: Do not curse excessively.
2.31: 1st Infraction: Warning.
2.32: 2nd Infraction: Kick.
2.33: 3rd Infraction: Kick, then muted in the channel until the sops feel like
giving you voice.
2.34: 4th Infraction: Kickban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
2.35: 5th Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
2.4: Do not evade ban.
2.41: 1st Infraction: Kick.
2.42: 2nd Infraction: Kick, then muted in the channel until the sops feel like
giving you voice.
2.43: 3rd Infraction: Kickban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
2.44: 4th Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
2.5: Do not post NSFW links without stating they are NSFW.
2.51: 1st Infraction: Warning.
2.52: 2nd Infraction: Kick.
2.53: 3rd Infraction: Kick, then muted in the channel until the sops feel like
giving you voice.
2.54: 4th Infraction: Kickban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
2.55: 5th Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
2.6: Do not harass other users via Private Messages.
2.61: 1st Infraction: Ban until the sops feel like letting you back in.
2.62: 2nd Infraction: Permaban with chance to appeal.
Section 3: Administration Rights
-Owner (Bond84) is exempt from following any rule.
-Sops can ignore rules if they receive permission from the owner
-Sops can enact different punishment from the ones stated in the rules above if
they receive permission from the owner.
Section 4: User Courtesy
-Avoid taboo topics. These include which console is best, religion, etc.
-Do not bukkake Kaz.

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