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Dear Prospective Board Member,

We would love to get to know you better! Please respond to the following questions*:

Your name: Arthur Castleton

Why are you interested in PSCS? Please be as specific and detailed as you can.
Prior to learning about PSCS I concluded that two of the most important traits a human can cultivate are
empathy, disipline, and altruism. I strongly identified with the school's mission to teach students about … And
because, let's be honest, this is really freaking cool.

What area(s) of expertise do you have, and what contribution(s) do you feel you can make as a member
of our Board?
I hesitate to call myself an expert, though I have a strong knack and enthusiasm for working with numbers,
data analysis, and marketing. See committee question for things I could hopefully contribute to.

What other volunteer commitments do you currently have? Do (or might) they conflict with a board
commitment at PSCS?
I am on the board for the Concern for Neighbors Food Bank; this shouldn't conflict since meetings are
occasional and held on Monday afternoons. I also serve at the University Christian Church's food bank,
though that is a volunteer as desired situation.

Do you have prior experience working on a Board, with a non‐profit, or in administering an

Most of my non-profit experience has been at an entry level; stocking food bank shelves, preparing and
serving meals at a soup kitchen, and "managing" the teen lounge for a children's hospital. Though I also
helped start BYU's Biomedical Engineering Society in a public relations/marketing position and recently joined
a food bank board.

While a board member, you may have to work on sensitive information that requires you to exercise
independent judgment. Do you have any relationships with members of the staff, community, or
vendors used by PSCS that would present a conflict of interest?
None that I know of or can foresee.

Participation in at least one committee is a requirement of board membership. To what type of activity
do you see yourself best suited? (Marketing, Board Development, Finance, etc.) Why?
Development + Marketing because I genuinely enjoy public relations and marketing work. I'd also be
interested in the program evaluation committee since knowing where alumni are at and their review of the
school is invaluable from a marketing perspective. Or the site committee, because while I understand that is
mostly wrapping up righti now, I have had a few year experience as a handyman and working with
contractors; I am on the safety committee and am kinda the acting facilities manager for the company I work
for. In the future, if I am deemed worthy, I think working on the strategic plan would be exciting. And of course
I am interested in serving wherever I can most effectively benefit the community.

Board membership at PSCS requires a high level of engaged, active commitment, including attendance
at monthly meetings and committee participation. How much time are you willing and able to commit
to PSCS if you join our Board?
5-15 hours per month, or more as needed.
It might seem like I'm pretty busy, though I don't have kids, so relatively speaking, I have a lot of time.

Puget Sound Community School –Prospective Board Member Questionnaire 1 of 2

* = None of these are disqualifiers, just a way to learn about how you see yourself participating in our community

Puget Sound Community School –Prospective Board Member Questionnaire 2 of 2

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