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Celular = 09 - 318 54 97


FECHA DE NACIMIENTO : 6 de agosto de 1933
RESIDENCIA : Manuel Montt 2170, Depto. 64
FONO : 56 - 2 - 7521162, Santiago de Chile.
CELULAR : 09 318 54 97
DIRECCION OFICINA : General del Canto 181 - Providencia
FONO : 56 - 2 - 496 0000
MAIL : jorge.israel@iede.cl

ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES: Ingeniero Comercial

Contador Auditor
Especialización En Universidades En Estados Unidos En Gestión
Publica. Certificate Of Achievement

IDIOMAS: Español

PERTENECE: Miembro del Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile
y de la Asociación Internacional de Presupuesto Público.

1955 - 1962 Asesor de la Corporación de Inversiones
y de la Dirección del Presupuesto del Ministerio de Hacienda
1962 – 1965 Asesor de los Gobiernos Centroamericanos, Colombia
y Perú en Gestión del Sector Público (ONU-BID-CEPAL)
1966 – 1979 Experto en Gestión Pública Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de
Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES), Naciones Unidas
1979 – 1982 Director del Programa de Asesoría del ILPES, Naciones Unidas
1982 – 1990 Co-Director del Proyecto ILPES/PNUD
(Fortalecimiento de la Gestión Pública), Naciones Unidas
1990 a la fecha Asesor Especial en la Dirección del ILPES
(Gestión Estratégica del Estado), Naciones Unidas
(Nota: En las funciones realizadas en Naciones Unidas, se ha trabajado
en veinticinco (25) países de América Latina y el Caribe). En las
misiones de asesoría se han ejecutado numerosos proyectos
financiados por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y se ha
participado en evaluación de proyectos con esta Institución.

1990 a la fecha Actividades como Consultor en empresas privadas y en organismos

públicos en Gestión y Planificación Estratégica, Rediseño Organizacional,
Planes y Programas de Inversiones Públicas, y en Mecanismos de
Control y Regulación. Gestión del Conocimiento. Estrategias
Educacionales. Formación de Comunidades del Conocimiento.
Formación de Universidades Corporativas. En mi calidad de Director
Académico de la ACHAFT hemos realizado cursos y asesorías en
presupuesto e instituciones contraloras. Con la Contraloría General de la
Republica hemos organizado las Escuelas de Temporada Max Vildosola.

1955 - 1962 Profesor de las Escuelas de Economía de las Universidades de Chile,
Católica y de Concepción - CHILE (Finanzas Públicas, Política y
Organización Económica).
1990 – 1992 Decano de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Academia de
Humanismo Cristiano - CHILE
1994 – 1995 Catedrático de Desarrollo Organizacional
Universidad Internacional SEK-CHILE
1995 Académico del Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Chile
en la Cátedra de Técnicas de Gestión Pública, del Magíster en Ciencia
1996 Coordinador del Diplomado en Gestión Estratégica y Toma de Decisiones
en el Instituto de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Chile
2002- 2004 Vicerrector de Desarrollo Universidad Central de Chile. Durante su
periodo se instalo en la Universidad el Sistema de Gestión Curricular
2005-03-16 Director MBA Internacional IEDE
Jefe Carrera Economía Universidad Europea
Director Magíster en Gerencia Publica Universidad Europea
Vicerrector Académico Universidad Europea de Negocios
2006 Director Master en Gestión Educacional, IEDE
Director de Gestión del Conocimiento, TRANSTEL

Director Académico de la Asociación Chilena de Gestión Financiera y
Presupuesto Publico
Vicepresidente de la Corporación Chile Todos (actividades con los
chilenos de la llamada Región XIV).

Santiago, noviembre 2006.

Title: Coordinator, Programme on Cooperation among Planning Bodies.

Under the supervision of the Director of ILPES, I have the responsibility of coordinating the
tasks related to the Programme, which was established in compliance with the
recommendations of the Caracas Conference, held in April 1977, and ECLAC's Resolution
371 (XVIII).

The following tasks have been undertaken:

- Preparation of the work programme for the development of its activities.

- Implementation of the recommendations adopted at the Conference of Ministers and

Heads of Planning and those of ILPES' Committee and Technical Subcommittee.

- Provides support to the meetings attended by technical experts from planning bodies of
the region that deal with the exchange of experiences on different issues related to
economic and social planning.

- Promote the participation of technical experts in ILPES' planning activities.

- Provide assistance in the organization of Conferences of Ministers and Heads of Planning

and other technical meetings.

- Collaborate in the preparation of various studies on Latin American planning (advisory

services to various Latin American countries).

- Maintain close links with planning bodies of other regions.

- Coordinate ILPES' Publications Programme and the issue of its Planning Bulletin.

- Participate in advisory, research and training activities of the Institute.

Advisory Services to Latin American Governments

Under the supervision of the Programme Director:

- Acts as Principal Adviser in the Advisory Programme of the Institute.

- Undertakes missions in the capacity of Chief or member of the mission in the fields of
general, public and operational planning.

- Undertakes UNDP advisory missions for the preparation of Background papers and
Country programmes.

- Undertakes research and prepares manuals which deal with operational and public sector
planning programme budget.

- Teaches subjects such as Operational and Public Sector Planning and Programme Budget
in ILPES' courses in Santiago as well as in other countries.

- Coordination of advisory services in conjunction with United Nations agencies and other
international cooperating bodies.

I have cooperated in most of the Latin American countries in the development of these activities.

Title: Adviser on Public Sector Planning

Member of the OAS/IDB/ECLAC Planning Advisory Group.

Advisory assistance to the Government of Perú in the public sector, planning and
programme budget. Participation in the medium term plan and the public sector budget. I
participated in several training courses. Activities were held at the Instituto Nacional de
Administración Pública, at the Ministry of Finance and at the Escuela Superior de
Administración Pública.

Employer: OAS/IDB/ECLAC (IDB team)

Title of post and nature of duties:

Adviser on Public Sector Programming. Member of the Joint Programming Mission for
Central America. Advisory assistance to all Central American countries in public sector,
planning, programme budget and development administration in order to promote Central
American integration. Participation in the formulation of several development plans and
budget implementation and planning programmes.

Participation in several training courses held in different countries.

Employer: ECLAC and Technical Assistance Board, United Nations

Title of post and nature of duties:

Adviser on Public Sector Planning and Professor of Public Finance and National Income.
Adviser to the Government of Colombia (Departamento Administrativo de Planeación y
Servicios Técnicos y Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público) on Public Sector Planning
and Programme Budget. Professor of Public Finance and National Income at the Escuela
Superior de Administración Pública, Bogotá, Colombia.

Employer: Dirección de Presupuesto, Ministerio de Hacienda, Santiago, Chile.

Title of post and nature of duties:

Budgeting Engineer in charge of the social sector. Adviser to several institutions in their
budget implementation as a means of planning. Participation in several training
programmes, such as public sector planning, programme budget and investment

Number and kind of employees supervised: Five economists.

Corporación de Inversiones, Santiago, Chile

Title and Post and Nature of Duties:

Technical investment planning in the study department. Advisory assistance to social

security services with the aim to obtaining better investments.

Number and kind of employees supervised: Three.

1. Universidad de Chile
Escuela de Economía
Profesor de Política y Organización Económica

2. Universidad Católica de Chile

Escuela de Economía
Profesor de Finanzas Públicas y de Administración Pública

3. Universidad de Concepción
Escuela de Economía
Profesor de Administración Pública y Organización Económica

4. Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano

Design Programme Post-Graduate Economy Programme and Management

Other relevant facts

In the accomplishment of my activities in most of the Latin American countries, I have obtained
valuable experience in the field of development planning, especially as regards linking long-
medium and short-term plans. Entailment of great knowledge in organizational systems for the
formulation and implementation of plans and development programmes.

In my post as Chief of the United Nations Advisory Team for the development of Central America,
Panama, Haiti and Dominican Republic, I have obtained additional experience on economic
integration programmes and projects, besides strengthening planning experiences.

Experience in advisory, training and research activities has enabled me to participate in the
organization and functioning of the Cooperation and Coordination System of Planning Bodies in
Latin America.

In synthesis, the opportunity of having collaborated in almost 25 countries has broadened my

experience in programming and management of the public sector and its relationship with the
private sector and the community.

I have also developed an important activity in the fields of training and human resources and
institutional building.




Advisory services have been rendered to Haiti on many occasions.

- As Chief of the Advisory Group for Central America, Haiti and Dominican Republic: I
participated in Haiti in the formulation of development programmes and projects, in the
programming of the public sector and in the training of projects and budget.

- As Director of the Advisory Programme of ILPES: I cooperated in several missions with the
Organismo Central de Programación of Haiti in the formulation of public investment plans
and improvement to the budgetary system.

- I participated in an official mission to Haiti with the former Executive Secretary of ECLAC,
Mr. Enrique V. Iglesias.

International Development Bank (IDB)

I have participated as Special IDB Economist in the OAS/IDB/ECLAC missions in Central

America and Perú. I worked in close contact with the former IDB President, Mr.Enrique


I would like to add the following information to the Curriculum vitae:

Universidad of Chile
School of Public Administration. Professor of Administration Science and (since 1994)

University of Chile
Institute of Political Science. Academic Professor of Public Management of the Magister
on Political Science (since 1995).


Deputy Director and Coordinator of the Programme on Intelligence Development, Strategic
Management and Informatics (please see annex).


- State Strategic Management (State Redesign)

- Budget and Financial Management

- Decentralization and Local and Regional Management

- Human Resources Development

- Technical Cooperation

- Organization of Postgraduate Programmes in Economics and Administration at

the Universities.


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