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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Econometric modeling of CO2 emissions abatement: Comparing alternative T


Tiago Oliveira , Celeste Varum, Anabela Botelho
GOVCOPP and DEGEIT, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal


Keywords: As investments and policies that promote renewable energy (RE) projects in electricity systems are most often
Greenhouse gases grounded on the goal of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, and actual investment and policy decisions are
CO2 abatement shaped by the estimates of the accrued emissions savings, it is crucial that these estimates are as accurate as
Wind generation possible. In this paper we compare different econometric models that estimate the amount of carbon abated due
Solar generation
to RE in terms of their results and their inherent methodological benefits and drawbacks. Specifically, we use the
Electricity markets
British, French and Spanish grids as case studies for the application of a selection of econometric models and
compare the resulting CO2 abatement estimates. We find that, across the three markets, estimates can vary
substantially across the different models – this can lead to an over or underestimation of the emissions abated by
RE. Overall, our results highlight the need for choosing econometric specifications that lead to results that are
congruent with the operational framework of the examined power systems.

1. Introduction funds, effort, and political capital) between different alternative in-
vestments it is crucial that the associated environmental externalities be
The continued and sustained drive to reduce emissions of properly evaluated. This, in turn, requires accurate measurements of
Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in order to mitigate climate change leads ef- emissions savings which signal which investments are the most efficient
forts to decarbonise electricity systems. Taking the example of the UK, or effective for climate change mitigation.
the Government has set ambitious targets to reduce the average emis- The typically used metric to account for emissions savings of a
sions from power generation to around 0.05 tonnes of CO2 per MWh project is the grid's average carbon intensity. However, this metric as-
generated by 2030 [1]. At the same time, it is expected that the heating sumes that an equal proportion of output from each existing generation
and transportation sectors become more integrated with the electricity technology is offset by RE generation while in practice it is the tech-
sector (e.g., through high penetration of heat pumps and electric ve- nologies that are on the margin that respond. Thus, quantifying re-
hicles) which would imply increases in demand for electricity as it re- ductions in emissions is not an easy task as interventions act on the
places current fossil fuel consumption in those sectors. margin of the electricity system, instead of having an equal effect on all
This context and future perspectives for the decarbonization of the generators – this makes the magnitude of carbon abated by different RE
electricity sector to meet national emissions targets have led to a sub- generation technologies depend on how the rest of the system responds
stantial increase in investments in low-carbon energy sources. Such to their temporal pattern of generation output. Consequently, in order
investments are very capital intensive and remain expensive relatively to accurately attribute reductions in emissions to specific RE technol-
to traditional fossil fuel based energy, and in the face of resource con- ogies, the corresponding marginal emissions factor must be estimated.
straints (including financial) there is some controversy surrounding Even though this fact is increasingly acknowledged in the literature,
large investments in renewable energy (RE) in terms of whether the with many articles examining marginal emissions factors, the fact is
beneficial environmental impact compensates for the high costs. Thus, that the particular specifications chosen (and implied assumptions) can
for policy makers, investors and the general public to be better in- make results vary substantially which may lead to inaccurate assess-
formed it is necessary to address these controversies and provide fur- ments.
ther information on the environmental benefits of such investments. In The existing literature on this topic encompasses several papers that
order to properly allocate both public and private resources (such as estimate the marginal emissions saved by interventions on the demand

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: oliveiratfm@gmail.com (T. Oliveira).

Received 14 May 2018; Received in revised form 31 January 2019; Accepted 2 February 2019
1364-0321/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

side – such as energy efficiency (EE) solutions involving reductions in reviews the existing related literature. In Section 3 we characterize the
electricity load – and the supply side – such as wind and solar gen- models on which we focus our analysis. Section 4 describes the data and
eration – in several markets using various methods, from power system the markets used in this paper, while Section 5 compares the results of
optimization models to empirical methods which use historical data. using the proposed specifications in the context of the British, French
We focus on the latter, and more specifically on the use of econometric and Spanish markets. Section 6 concludes our work.
models as these constitute a methodology that provides reliable results
while requiring commonly available data on most power systems,
2. Review of the literature
namely technology or aggregate fuel level hourly (or higher frequency)
electricity generation, CO2 factors on technology level, and net imports.
Our paper relates broadly to other papers which show that, overall,
We review thirteen articles which use econometric models to estimate
renewable energy reduces CO2 emissions associated with electricity
marginal emissions factors and verify that the econometric specifica-
generation and that this effect on emissions should be accounted for in
tions used vary widely. The primary motivation for our paper is to show
investment decisions related to renewable energy sources (e.g.,
how different econometric specifications applied to the same data can
[15–22]). The present paper has a more specific aim, focusing on the
produce substantially different results, which could thus lead to dif-
methodologies used for estimating emissions reductions due to elec-
ferent conclusions and possibly policy or investment decisions based on
tricity produced by renewable energy sources.1
inaccurate information. In particular, this paper contributes to the lit-
Methods for quantifying emissions savings due to renewable energy
erature by comparing three models based on those used by published
can be broadly divided into two categories: those based on empirical
articles to estimate the marginal effects of RE generation on CO2
data and simulations primarily based on power system optimization
emissions. We compare these three models in terms of their estimates
models. Power system optimization models establish a representation of
for reductions in CO2 emissions due to increases in wind or solar
the operation of the electricity system by making use of detailed in-
generation using the British, French and Spanish markets as case stu-
formation regarding the system's components and can be categorized
between unit-commitment and economic-dispatch models, as well as
The three econometric specifications we compare employ an iden-
capacity planning models, although we should note that more complex
tification strategy relying on high frequency data (at least hourly data
models overlap some or all three categories. The first two types of
points) exploiting the exogeneity in the short-run of demand for elec-
models project the expected (optimal) operations of electricity gen-
tricity – assuming demand response is non-substantial – and of non-
erators given the grid's infrastructure, operational physical and eco-
dispatchable renewable generation, i.e., variation in hourly wind or
nomical constraints and market conditions, while capacity planning
solar generation depends almost entirely on natural factors (e.g., wind
models are more forward looking by determining optimal investments
speed and direction; solar irradiance) and the exceptions amounts to
in the grid over time both in terms of investments and divestments in
curtailment, which is currently limited in most electricity markets.
power plants, as well as in transmission capacity.
In our comparison we apply the three distinct econometric specifi-
Power system optimization models present the benefit of offering
cations to estimate the marginal abatement of CO2 emissions by re-
simulations which allow to predict the effect of RE generation on the
newable electricity in three different markets. Our main results suggest
system, including on emissions of GHGs, under conditions different
that controlling for time fixed effects to account for correlation patterns
from those historically present in the market using, for example, sce-
between emissions, demand, wind and solar generation may present
nario based analysis. However, the complexity associated with power
advantages in the identification of the effects of RE generation on
system optimization models is much higher when compared with em-
emissions. As electricity demand and wind and solar generation tend to
pirical models due to the requirements of numerous inputs that are
depend heavily on weather conditions, which have a strong time of day
grid-specific which often represents a significant hurdle as they may be
and seasonality component, time fixed effects may capture trends in
difficult to obtain. These data include detailed data on individual power
these variables that may be correlated and dependent on the hour of the
plants such as fuel, unit efficiency factors (mainly for economic-dis-
day, season of the year, while varying across years. Further, hourly
patch models) as well as data on physical constraints such as ramp rates
fixed effects that can vary across time together with day-of-sample fixed
and unit-specific flexibility (mainly for unit-commitment models), the
effects may proxy for operational and market constraints that are not
market structure, the system's infrastructure, as well as transmission
otherwise accounted for. As a simplified illustrative example, solar PV
and distribution data. Examples of papers that use power system opti-
generates disproportionately more energy during the day when demand
mization models to quantify emissions savings in power systems due to
is higher and is thus likely to displace gas-based generation, while wind
renewable energy are Gutirrez-Martn et al. [23], Weigt et al. [24] and
generation may have higher output at night thus being more likely to
Clancy et al. [25] who, respectively, examine the Spanish, German and
displace coal based generation which is more carbon intensive.
Irish markets, while Van den Bergh et al. [26] address the case of
The accuracy of estimates of the reduction in the amount of CO2
several European power systems and Hitaj [27] performs a simulation
emissions due to RE generation in electricity systems is of great im-
of hypothetical markets based on US data. For a more detailed review
portance, as such estimates signal which investments are the most ef-
on these types of models we refer the reader to Holttinen et al. [28] and
ficient or effective for climate change mitigation. Such estimates are
Ryan et al. [29].
widely used by government departments, for example for carbon ac-
The high level of detailed data requirements for power system op-
counting and GHG reporting by the British Government and for
timization models, together with their increased complexity (which is
Renewable Energy Certificates in the US, and for carbon payback and
also reflected in greater use of computational resources) may represent
net emissions reduction calculations by RE developers, planners and
a barrier to the use of such models in comparison to empirical models
policymakers. Such estimates are used for assessing the carbon impact
which merely require historical hourly (or higher frequency) demand
of RE and EE investments as well as policies that support them (e.g.,
and generation profiles aggregated by technology and the corre-
[2–11,1,12–14]). Therefore, when estimating marginal emission factors
sponding emissions factors. Another significant drawback associated
it is crucial to choose a specification which gives results that align with
with power system optimization models is that their results are heavily
the operational practices of power systems, which makes the resulting
dependent on the input data and the explicit and implicit assumptions
estimates more likely to be accurate and reliable and consequent in-
vestment or policy making decisions more efficient. Inaccurate carbon
accounting is likely to lead to higher carbon emissions at a higher social 1
In order to find relevant studies we relied on Scopus and Google Scholar,
cost. and used the keywords: “marginal emissions factors”, “emissions savings”,
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 “CO2 savings”, “emissions displacement”.

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

made in the model. This contrasts with the advantage provided by using Table 1
empirical models based on historical data, as historical relationships Overview of the literature that uses econometric models to estimate marginal
between generation and load as well as other complexities of the grid emission factors of power systems.
which can be difficult to explicitly model in power system optimization Reference Region Period Model
models (e.g., electricity trading, transmission constraints, generators’
costs as well as operational limitations and characteristics such as start- Hawkes [3] Great Britain 2002–09 First-Differences (TG)
Siler-Evans et al. [36] US (multiple) 2006–11 First-Differences (FG)
up costs and minimum up and downtime) are implicitly accounted for
Cullen [2] ERCOT 2005–07 Dynamic model
as a reflection of the historical operation of the grid.2 However, this Kaffine et al. [4] ERCOT 2007–09 Fixed Effects
advantage of empirical models comes with the drawback that the re- Wheatley [5] Ireland (ROI) 2011 First-Differences (D,
sults are less useful for decisions that involve scenarios where the grid W);
ARMA (1,1); Net Imp.
operations greatly differ from the past. As empirical models are based
Amor et al. [6] Ontario 2006–11 Fixed Effects
on historical data, by their very nature they are not designed to respond Zivin et al. [37] US (multiple) 2007–09 Fixed Effects
to structural changes in the electricity grid (e.g., large scale generation Novan [7] ERCOT 2007–11 Fixed Effects
or transmission capacity additions). Di Cosmo and Valeri Ireland (All- 2008–12 Fixed Effects + AR(1);
Empirical data methods broadly consist of three subcategories. First, [10] Island) Net Imp.
Li et al. [11] MISO 2014 First-Differences (TG)
historical data on emissions and generation or load can be used to
Staffell [1] Great Britain 2009–12 First-Differences (D, W)
calculate average emissions factors as in, e.g., Holdway et al. [30] and 2013–16 First-Differences (D, W,
Colett et al. [31]. Second, these data can be used by models that predict S)
the marginal generator on a probability assessment basis or other sta- Thomson et al. [13] Great Britain 2009–14 First-Differences (TG,
tistical models as in Jansen et al. [32], Moreau et al. [33] and Arch-
Thind et al. [12] MISO 2007–16 First-Differences (TG)
smith et al. [34].3 And finally, the mentioned data can be used in
econometric models (mainly based on regression analysis) which is the Notes:
focus of our paper. 1) D, W, S - Demand, Wind and Solar generation, respectively.
To the best of our knowledge only one article, Ryan et al. [29], 2) Net Imp. - the model includes net imports of electricity (imports-exports) as a
performs a comparison between different methods and models for regressor.
quantifying changes in emissions due to changes in electricity load. 3) FG and TG - aggregate Fossil-fuel based and Total Generation, respectively.
These authors first identify and review 32 methods and models and 4) First-Differences (X1 , …, Xi ) - the model includes the variables ΔXi as re-
then compare a subset of these using a case study based on electric gressors.
5) For a given variable X. ΔXt = Xt − Xt − 1
vehicles (EV) and show that the resulting estimates of avoided emis-
sions vary widely depending on the method used. The subset of models
included in the comparative analysis includes average emission factors almost entirely on weather conditions with curtailment being limited.
(as in, e.g., Holdway et al. [30], Colett et al. [31]), marginal emission As electricity demand and wind and solar generation do depend heavily
factors provided by a unit-commitment and economic dispatch model on weather conditions – which have a strong time of day and season-
ality component - the inclusion of time fixed effects may present ad-
(PLEXOS) and one model based on statistical relationships (AVoided
Emissions and geneRation Tool - AVERT).4 Thus, although the authors vantages in the identification of the effects of RE generation on emis-
sions by controlling for underlying factors that are correlated with these
include methods based on econometric models in their review of the
literature they do not include them in the comparative analysis. variables (e.g., temperature).
Two other articles in Table 1 focus on capturing the effects on
We present in Table 1 an overview of the literature that makes use
of econometric models to estimate marginal emissions factors in power emissions from changes in electricity load, namely Hawkes [3] who
aims to estimate the effects on CO2 emissions of demand-side inter-
systems either due to renewable electricity generation or changes in
electricity load. ventions, and Zivin et al. [37] who estimate hourly marginal emission
factors to estimate the environmental benefits of charging electric ve-
As Table 1 shows, the British and ERCOT electricity systems are the
most studied followed by the Irish and the MISO systems - out of the hicles in different time windows. Finally, Siler-Evans et al. [36], Li et al.
[11], Thind et al. [12] and Thomson et al. [13] use linear regressions of
thirteen papers included in the table, only three correspond to other
electricity systems. Most of the articles included in Table 1 focus on the emissions on aggregate fossil-fuel based and total generation in order to
estimate a system wide marginal emission factor. These estimates may
effects of renewable generation on emissions, with Cullen [2], Kaffine
et al. [4], Wheatley [5], Amor et al. [6] and Di Cosmo and Valeri [10] then serve as an approximation to the effects of supply side interven-
tions in the system (such as further investments in RE generation) or
focusing on wind power exclusively while Novan [7] and Staffell [1]
account also for solar generation. demand side interventions (such as EE measures) - as used for example
by Siler-Evans et al. [36], who compare the effects on emissions of EE
These papers rely on an identification strategy that exploits the
exogeneity of short-run electricity demand and non-dispatchable re- improvements in interior lighting (e.g., in offices) and in exterior
lighting by exploiting the heterogeneity of the hourly estimates of the
newable generation, implicitly assuming that demand response is non-
substantial and that variation in wind or solar generation depends marginal emission factors.
We also observe that there is a wide variety in the types of models
employed in the analyses, with seven papers relying on linear regres-
Furthermore, dispatch models are based on a merit-order or least-cost op- sion models based on first-differencing the data while five use linear
timization which may not accurately model dispatching decisions of private regressions with data in levels and include time-fixed effects as re-
firms operating in liberalized electricity markets. The use of empirical gen- gressors. First difference models essentially estimate the change in
eration data overcomes this issue. Moreover, some of the most widely used emissions between one period (usually an hour) and the previous one
models of this type (e.g., PLEXOS) are proprietary. (ΔCO2t = CO2t − CO2t − 1) as a function of the analogous change in the
As these methods lie outside the scope of our paper, for more information on explanatory variable(s) (ΔXi ) included in the particular model. The
them we refer the reader to Ryan et al. [29]. reviewed articles that use data in levels and rely on Fixed Effects models
The AVERT model uses statistical relationships present in historical data on do so with the reasoning of capturing trends in wind generation, de-
unit-level generation and load, by calculating the operational probability
mand and emissions that may be correlated and dependent on the hour
(based on a Monte Carlo method) of each unit's operation which is then used to
of the day, the day itself (in particular weekdays against weekends),
determine the fossil fuel based generation units that are likely to be offset by
additional renewable energy or demand reductions EPA [35].
month and years. For example, in the case of electricity demand there

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

are clear patterns that emerge which depend on each of the mentioned this variable in every specification while the models in the papers on
timeframes, as well as on the season of the year. which they are based do not with the exception of Staffell [1]. Fur-
Some articles, namely Wheatley [5] and Di Cosmo and Valeri [10], thermore, while Kaffine et al. [4] and Novan [7] examine the response
attempt to correct for serial correlation in the data by including auto- of emissions other than CO2, such as NOx, and SO2, we concentrate on
regressive processes as regressors in their models, while the other ar- CO2 as we are focused not on air quality but on climate change impacts
ticles instead account for serial correlation by reporting Newey-West of RE investments in electricity systems. We compare the following
standard errors. These two articles also differ in that they include net econometric specifications:
imports of electricity as an explanatory variable in the analysis, unlike As shown in Table 2, each of the three specifications we compare is
the other reviewed articles. based on an existing article and broadly corresponds to the specification
Our paper aims to compare models that can be used with data of used in it except for the addition of the solar generation variable and in
hourly or higher frequency that is commonly available for most power some cases on the exclusion of regression terms that are not pertinent to
systems, specifically technology or fuel level electricity generation, CO2 our analysis. Similarly, Novan [7] includes squared and cubed demand
factors on technology level, and net imports of electricity.5 Based on terms in his model which we exclude as we found the addition of these
this condition, we compare three different econometric models which variables not substantially affecting results. In the case of Staffell [1],
are based on the specifications used in some of the articles presented in our corresponding specification M1is similar to the original one.
Table 1 that align with the characteristics described above. We note As Table 2 indicates, Model 1is based on first differencing, meaning
that there are other articles that perform similar econometric analyses that the difference in emissions between a given period t (an half-hour
but which we choose to exclude from our comparison – e.g., Zivin et al. or an hour depending on the dataset) and the previous one
[37] who regress hourly emissions on hourly demand controlling for (ΔCO2t = CO2t − CO2t − 1) is modeled as a function of the difference in
hour-month-year fixed effects. Applying a similar model while con- the explanatory variable(s) (ΔXi ) included in that particular model. In
trolling for hourly wind and solar generation would result in a model the case of M1 the explanatory variables are demand, wind and solar
similar to the specification used in Kaffine et al. [4]. generation.
Besides the modeling differences mentioned above and in Table 1, Models 2 and 3 model CO2 emissions as a function of demand for
some models present quite unique approaches which we deem less re- electricity, wind and solar generation and differ from the remaining
levant with respect to the other reviewed articles and for this reason are specifications first by considering data in levels, instead of first differ-
not included in our comparison. With respect specifically to the British ences, and second by controlling for time fixed effects to account for
system, Thomson et al. [13] use a similar specification as Hawkes [3] correlation patterns between emissions, demand, wind and solar gen-
except that, besides modeling hourly CO2 emissions as a function of eration. The reasoning for the inclusion of time fixed effects is to cap-
total generation, the authors include also the first differences in wind ture trends in wind and solar generation, as well as demand and
generation as an explanatory variable. As total generation includes emissions that may be correlated and dependent on the hour of the day,
exported electricity, which can be affected by wind generation, the months and years, or even the day itself as these variables tend to de-
estimates on the effect of wind on emissions may be biased. With re- pend heavily on weather conditions which have a strong time of day
spect to the ERCOT, Cullen [2] concentrates on the dynamic effects of and seasonality component. Furthermore, these models differ from the
wind generation on the generating firms' operational and bidding de- others by accounting for serial correlation, reporting Newey West
cisions using a more complex dynamic model which makes use of in- standard errors.
dividual generator data, unlike the remaining articles. The model used More specifically, Model 2 controls for possible trends in demand,
by Amor et al. [6] also presents some differences with respect to the wind and solar PV generation associated with the hour of the day and
remaining articles as these authors focus on the impact of network the month in the sample, which consequently addresses daily trends in
constraints on emissions. demand and renewable generation as well as seasonality issues.
Furthermore, we exclude other articles from our comparison on However, as Novan [7] argues, if daily demand, wind and solar gen-
methodological grounds. Specifically, Wheatley [5] and Di Cosmo and eration patterns do not simply shift across seasons but, instead, the
Valeri [10] include net imports as an explanatory variable in their shape of the daily demand and generation profiles change substantially,
econometric specifications, but this approach implicitly assumes that a this approach may not be sufficient to control for this variation. Thus, in
change by 1 MWh in demand or wind or solar generation results in a Model 3, based on Novan [7], the set of hourly fixed effects is allowed
corresponding compensation from domestic generation exclusively. to vary across each month in the sample, as well as by day of the week,
This is not what happens in reality, as we show below in our analysis which we represent as αh, m, y, dow . Furthermore, this specification goes
that net imports respond to changes in demand, solar and wind gen- beyond time of day and seasonal trends by controlling for other factors
eration. This leads us to exclude these specifications from our com- that can affect emissions for several hours during a day, such as outages
parison. Further, we also exclude from our comparison Hawkes [3], of conventional generation plants, changes in fuel and CO2 prices, as
Siler-Evans et al. [36] and Thind et al. [12] as these authors focus on EE well as effects from forward contract positions of electricity generators,
interventions, and as the models used are conceptually different – ra- through the inclusion of fixed effects corresponding to each day in the
ther than estimating the marginal emissions factor of a specific variable sample δd .
(demand, wind or solar generation), they estimate changes in CO2 as a The employed identification strategies exploit the fact that both
function of changes in aggregate fossil fuel based generation or total demand for electricity and non-dispatchable renewable generation are
generation. exogenous in the short-run. For example, variation in hourly wind or
solar generation is determined almost entirely by exogenous natural
factors (e.g., wind speed, wind direction, solar irradiance) - the ex-
3. Characterization of the compared models
ceptions to this are rare and amount to intentional curtailment, which is
currently quite limited in most electricity markets. With respect to
In this section we characterize the five models that we compare in
demand for electricity, its exogeneity in the short-term relies on the
Table 2. We note that as the power systems we examine (British, French
degree of short-term demand response being non-substantial, a cir-
and Spanish) have a high degree of solar generation penetration than
cumstance which may also change in the future.
some of those examined in the articles presented in Table 1, we include
Before exploring the results of our analyses, we point out some
possible flaws in terms of methodology of some of the compared
We also use demand data, however demand can be derived from total models. In the British case, the paper that examines it Staffell [1]relies
system generation and net imports. on first differencing, a methodology commonly used to address issues

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

Table 2
Specifications compared in this paper matched with the corresponding paper(s) on which they are based.
Specification Based on Fixed effects

M1: ΔCO2t = β1 ΔDt + β2 ΔWt + β3 ΔSt + εt Staffell [1] None

M2: CO2t = β1 Dt + β2 Wt + β3 St + αh + δm, y + εt Kaffine et al. [4] Hourly and
M3: CO2t = β1 Dt + β2 Wt + β3 St + αh, m, y, dow + δd + εt Novan [7] Hour-month-year-dow
and day-of-sample

1) For a given variable X. ΔXt = Xt − Xt − 1
2) D, W, S - Demand, Wind and Solar generation, respectively.
3) α and δ - fixed effects (dummies) with the subscripts corresponding to hours (h), months (m), years (y).
day-of-week (dow) and day-of-sample (d).

related to non-stationarity of the series used in an econometric model. with both Spain and France where it reaches around 11% of total
According to the data we were able to obtain for the British grid, we generation. Furthermore, France exports a large proportion of its total
argue that first differencing is not appropriate in the British case for the generation (more than 10%) while both Britain and Spain are net im-
2013–16 period (which is examined by Staffell [1]) as we found no unit porters of electricity, with net imports corresponding to 6% and 1.5% of
roots in the series included in the model (i.e., there is no evidence that their domestic generation respectively.
the series are non-stationary). Furthermore, first differencing may likely For the British market we obtained data for the period between
not be appropriate even in general, as we found no unit roots in the January 2013 and December 2017 while for the French and Spanish
series used in the case of the French and Spanish grids. Despite the markets our analysis covers the period starting in January 2013 and
British market being the most studied European market, the models January 2014, respectively for each market, until October 2017.
used in the existing literature may not produce reliable results as dis- We obtained data on the British grid from the same data sources as
cussed above, with Hawkes [3], Staffell [1] and Thomson et al. [13] all Staffell [1] (the National Grid and Elexon websites), and use a similar
relying on first differencing.6 dataset construction and data treatment as this author.7 Our dataset is
The following section describes the markets and the datasets used to composed of half-hourly data on electricity generation decomposed by
conduct the comparisons across the different specifications. In Section 5 technology (CCGT, coal, hydro, nuclear, net pumped storage genera-
we compare these three specifications for the estimation of the effect of tion, wind and solar PV as well as a category for other types of gen-
changes in demand, wind and solar generation on CO2 emissions in the eration where we aggregate the remaining generation types that are less
British, French and Spanish markets. We present results for different represented in overall generation8), demand and net imports which are
markets in order to show how the models compare in structurally dif- defined as imports minus exports of electricity. These data are available
ferent electricity systems. from the National Grid [40] (demand data, electricity trade as well as
embedded solar and wind generation) and Elexon [41] (output per
technology) official websites.
4. Data and markets description As data on actual half-hourly CO2 emissions are not available, we
multiply the electricity generated by a given source in each period by its
This section addresses data description and the selection of the carbon intensity using the same emission factors as Staffell [1] (esti-
markets used to conduct the comparisons between different specifica- mated using data from DUKES emissions factors for fuels).9 A similar
tions. We compare the mainland British, French and Spanish grids due procedure is conducted for net imports, using carbon intensities for
to the structural differences across them. In the Appendix, in Table A1, electricity imported or exported to the French, Irish and Dutch grids
we provide statistics that reflect some structural differences between (estimated using data on electricity generation by technology from
these markets. In particular, the generation mix of the three countries is ENTSO-E [42] and EuroStat [43], together with the technology carbon
significantly different. France has a very high share of nuclear gen- intensities used for the British grid). In order to have a more concise
eration, amounting to over 75% of total generation over our sample presentation we discuss the details regarding our data construction and
period, over 3 times larger relative to Britain and Spain. Together with treatment, which includes the carbon intensities used for each tech-
a very low share of coal and gas based generation, this leads French nology and interconnected market, in the Appendix.
generation to be relatively clean as reflected on its average CO2 in- In the case of the French and Spanish markets our dataset is com-
tensity (total emissions divided by total load) of 0.037 tonnes per MWh, posed of hourly data on electricity generation, demand and net imports.
compared with the Spanish figure which is over 6 times higher standing We obtained these data from the official websites of the transmission
at 0.242 t/MWh and to the British figure which is even larger at system operator (TSO) of each market, REE [44] in the case of Spain
0.350 t/MWh. This occurs despite both Britain and especially Spain and RTE [45] in the case of France. As in the British dataset, we
having significantly higher levels of renewable energy penetration.
In Britain almost 14% of total generation is based on renewables
(2.5% corresponding to solar, with the remaining being wind based) 7
Staffell [1] focuses on the time frame 2009–2016 but accounts for solar
while in Spain wind and solar correspond to nearly 20% and 5% of total generation in the analysis only between January 2013 – June 2016.
generation, respectively, for a total of approximately 25%. In contrast, 8
This category includes the output of Oil and OCGT facilities given their
France has a relatively low penetration of both types of generation with relative low generation relative to load.
their total aggregate amounting to around 5% of total generation. This procedure has the undesirable property of not accounting for the effect
Regarding hydro based generation, Britain differs from the other of reduced efficiency of thermal plants under part load, which may affect es-
countries by presenting a reduced penetration (nearly 1.5%) compared timates of marginal emissions avoided. However, due to the unavailability of
detailed data (at an hourly or higher frequency level) on CO2 emissions for
these grids, it was necessary to adopt a procedure to construct the emissions
Unless there is a clear reason for differencing stationary time series, some dataset. Further, using average carbon emission factor per technology instead of
authors argue that these should not be differenced as doing so may produce heat curves per plant implies that the analysis for generation and emissions is
undesirable results (e.g., Chang and Dickey [38]; Cochrane [39]). equivalent – this is also the result of limited access to detailed data.

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

decompose the data on electricity generation by type of generator with Table 3

the addition of the category solar thermal in the case of Spain. Fur- Total CO2 emissions offset per MWh change in RE generation or electricity
thermore, in the category “others” we also group cogeneration with the demand according to each model.
remaining generation types that are less represented in overall gen- Great Britain
Data on hourly CO2 emissions are not available for either country so M1 M2 M3
we calculate them by multiplying the hourly output of each type of
Demand 0.421*** 0.564*** 0.475***
generation as well as electricity imported or exported to each inter- (0.0005) (0.0037) (0.0074)
connected market by the corresponding CO2 emissions factor as in the Wind − 0.416*** − 0.526*** − 0.487***
case of the British dataset. Further details regarding data construction (0.0041) (0.0061) (0.0057)
Solar − 0.432*** − 0.531*** − 0.444***
and treatment, which includes the carbon intensities used, are con-
(0.0029) (0.0092) (0.0078)
tained in the Appendix. The Spanish and French TSO report CO2 R2 0.87 0.88 0.73
emissions on an annual basis. Our calculated emissions aggregated
annually are relatively close to those reported by each TSO, presenting France
an error ranging between 1% and 2%. CO2
Demand 0.117*** 0.209*** 0.177***
(0.0007) (0.0037) (0.0050)
Wind − 0.063*** − 0.273*** − 0.198***
5. Results and discussion
(0.0087) (0.0115) (0.0085)
Solar 0.006 − 0.074*** − 0.069***
This section compares the resulting estimates of the three models we (0.0047) (0.0162) (0.0186)
compare, described in Section 3, applied to the mainland British, R2 0.38 0.622 0.26
French and Spanish grids. Table 3 presents the results of the estimates
obtained with each of the three econometric specifications we compare CO2
applied to each of the three markets we use as case studies. This table Demand 0.223*** 0.421*** 0.268***
shows that the estimates of the effect of demand, wind and solar gen- (0.0009) (0.0064) (0.0087)
eration vary substantially depending on the specification used, as well Wind − 0.251*** − 0.394*** − 0.263***
(0.0031) (0.0077) (0.0052)
as on the market.11 Comparing the three specifications focusing on each
Solar PV − 0.279*** − 0.327*** − 0.209***
market separately, we observe a wide range of variation of the effects of (0.0041) (0.0307) (0.0209)
each independent variable on CO2 emissions.12 The different results Solar Thermal − 0.182*** − 0.294*** − 0.295***
should relate to differences between the specifications, as we explain (0.0064) (0.0406) (0.0206)
below. R2 0.69 0.78 0.57

Starting by a brief overview of all specifications, regarding Models 1

Standard errors in parentheses.
we performed the Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests for unit roots * p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01 *** p < 0.001.
on all the series and we are able to reject the null hypothesis of the
presence of a unit root at the 1% level of confidence. Further, KPSS impact results despite not providing any additional benefit to the ana-
testing leads to the null hypothesis (the series being stationary) failing lysis.
to be rejected at the 1% level. Thus, econometric theory does not offer Table 3 shows that Model 1 presents estimates that differ sub-
any plausible reason for first differencing the series. Consequently, this stantially from Models 2 and 3. In particular, the effect of wind and
transformation may remove or alter variation that would be useful for solar generation on emissions tends to be lower compared with the
the identification of the effects of each variable on emissions and thus estimates obtained with M2 and M3 and, moreover, in the case of
France the effect of solar generation on emissions is close to zero and
For Spain, the category “others” comprises cogeneration as well as gen- not statistically significant. In the case of Spain, Model 1 presents es-
eration based on biogas, biomass, geothermal and ocean energy, fuel, fossil oil, timates that differ less substantially from the other models. Still, there is
non renewable waste (general waste, household waste and mining sub- an important difference in the fact that the effect of solar thermal
products), as well as the measured Balearic consumption (classified as gen- generation on emissions is estimated to be around 53% lower than that
eration in REE [44]). In the case of France, “others” comprises cogeneration as of solar PV while in Model 2 this difference is around 11% and in Model
well as generation based on biogas, biomass, bio waste, oil, as well as other 3 the difference is reversed with solar thermal abating substantially
small amounts of generation based on natural gas that is not from CCGT gen- more emissions than solar PV generation.
erators. Furthermore, for both countries, the data on generation and con- If wind or solar-based generation and CO2 emissions follow regular
sumption related to pumped storage facilities is provided separately. We ag-
daily (e.g., day-time and night-time) and seasonal patterns that may be
gregate these data to obtain net pumped storage generation. In the case of
correlated, it is crucial to control for these patterns as without such
hydro generation we aggregate the output from hydro based generators ex-
cluding pumped storage units. controls the resulting estimates may be biased by spurious correlations
Using the same specification as Staffell [1] (Model 1) and restricting our between daily and seasonal patterns in renewable electricity generation
sample to the time frame January 2013 - June 2016, which is the period for and CO2 emissions. Thus, the differences in estimates derived from
which Staffell [1] includes solar generation in the analysis, we obtain very si- Model 1 may be the result of not controlling for each type of renewable
milar estimates. The author reports estimates of CO2 abated at 0.440 tCO2/ generation and load patterns (e.g., seasonality) as well as for correla-
MWh for demand, and 0.435 for wind and solar output, while we obtain esti- tions between each type of renewable generation and load (as well as
mates of 0.439 for demand, 0.441 for wind and 0.440 for solar output. We note the grid's CO2 intensity) associated with the time-of-day and the season
that this occurs in spite of our definition of Demand differing substantially. of the year - these patterns can be observed in Figs. A1 to A3 in the
We note that the coefficient on demand could serve as an illustrative ex-
Appendix, which report the intra-daily profiles of load, CO2 intensity
ample of an abstract EE solution that reduces demand for electricity on a uni-
and each type of renewable electricity generation for all markets across
form basis across all temporal dimensions. We abstain from exploring this as-
pect in this paper as in practice EE solutions differ substantially timewise (e.g.,
the different seasons of the year.13 As described in Section 3, Model 2
improvements in lighting efficiency or in heating and cooling electrical appli-
ances), which means that they are most likely to lead to substantially different
estimates of abated CO2 emissions due to temporal heterogeneity in emissions We note that we use the term seasonality to refer to any periodic, re-
factors. petitive, and generally regular patterns in the levels of a time series. The reason

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

addresses this issue by controlling for hourly and month-of-sample fixed approaching the late afternoon hours. Considering these observations,
effects. Model 3 goes beyond by including hourly fixed effects that are overall, Figs. A1 to A3 show that the magnitude and shape of the hourly
allowed to vary across each month of the sample as well as across each correlation patterns may depend on the seasons of the year, which
day of the week (which may be important due to patterns in electricity suggests that the coefficient for the hourly fixed effects should be al-
consumption that vary across each day, in particular weekdays against lowed to vary across seasons. On a broader view, these figures suggest
weekends). As mentioned in Section 3, this specification also includes that accounting for temporal patterns that affect demand and genera-
day-of-sample fixed effects as, in addition to seasonality within a week tion through fixed effects may be essential for the identification of the
(e.g., weekdays vs weekends), there may be other factors to control for effects of changes in demand, wind or solar generation on CO2 emis-
that can affect emissions for several hours during specific days, such as sions which would thus be based on within-month variation on an
outages of conventional generation plants, changes in fuel and CO2 hourly level.
prices, as well as effects from forward contract positions of electricity Using the specification M2 as an example, including only hourly
generators. For the reasons stated in this paragraph, and supported by fixed effects that are constant throughout the seasons and month-year
the observations which can be drawn from Figs. A1 to A3 in the Ap- fixed effects (which act as group dummies) controls for the average
pendix, we believe that Model 3 may provide a better identification of differences across each month in the sample in any observable or un-
the effect of demand, solar and wind generation on CO2 emissions and observable variable (such as level of rainfall which affects the output of
use its results as the benchmark for comparison with the other hydro generators) which consequently greatly reduces the potential for
models.14 Comparing Models 2 and 3 we observe that the estimates for omitted variable bias.15 However, in practice the observations that can
the effect of electricity demand (D), wind generation (W), and solar be drawn from Figs. A1 to A3 affect the ideal econometric specification
generation (S) on emissions are generally higher in the case of Model 2. by suggesting that instead of including hourly fixed effects that are
Figs. A1 to A3 in the Appendix plot the average hourly demand, constant throughout the seasons and accounting for seasonality with
wind and solar generation as well as the CO2 intensity of each grid per month-year fixed effects (as in M2), it may be more appropriate to go
hour of the sample in each season. Taking a broader perspective these beyond this approach and allow the hourly fixed affects to flexibly vary
figures show that there are hourly patterns across the sample that apply across each month in the sample, i.e., hour-month-year fixed effects (as
to the three markets in our analysis. In particular, although wind gen- in M3).
eration tends to remain relatively stable across the day when compared In the following tables we examine whether the estimates resulting
to demand and solar generation (except during the summer), there is from each of the specifications we compare (M1 to M3) are in line with
positive correlation between demand and solar generation, as both tend the operational framework of power systems. Specifically, we regress
be higher in the middle of the day, while CO2 intensity presents ne- hourly net imports and the hourly generation of each type of tech-
gative correlation with solar generation. Consequently, accounting for nology on the same set of regressors for each specification as detailed in
hourly fixed effects may be necessary to obtain accurate estimates. Figs. Table 2.
A1 to A3 also show that there are seasonal patterns across the sample Tables 4 to 6 to 6 show the estimates according to each specification
that apply to the three markets. As an example, CO2 intensity, demand of the effect of changes in demand, wind and solar generation on the
and wind generation tend to be substantially higher in the winter while, output of each type of generator and on net imports. As total system
in contrast, during the summer these variables are substantially lower load equals domestic generation plus net imports, a reduction in de-
but solar generation is substantially higher (the exception is Spanish mand by 1MWh or an increase in wind or solar generation by the same
CO2 intensity during the summer being high, which is related to the amount must correspond to a reduction in the sum of domestic gen-
substantially higher cooling related demand for electricity during this eration with net imports. We verify that, when compared with Models 1
season when compared to both Britain and France). These observations and 3, this equality is (approximately) verified less often for Model 2.
suggest that accounting for seasonality through (for example) month- This is particularly striking in the case of Spain where deviations can
year fixed effects may be necessary for an accurate identification of the reach 3% and 5% in the case of solar PV and solar thermal generation.
effect of changes in demand, wind or solar generation on emissions. Comparing the three models we observe that Model 2 also presents a
Furthermore, Figs. A1 to A3 show that across all the seasons, few results that are not congruent with the operations of power systems,
average wind generation tends to peak in the late afternoon and fall to while the same does not occur in the case of Model 3. For example, in
its lowest in the morning hours, with the difference between the peak the case of France both Models 1 and 2 estimate that an increase in solar
and through being most pronounced in the summer which is also PV generation by 1 MWh is associated with an increase in net imports
characterized by a less steady average generation across the day. We of, respectively, 0.17 MWh and 0.25 MWh (both results are statistically
also observe a substantial seasonal difference in peak demand, in that significant at the 1% level). In the case of Spain, Model 2 presents a
average hourly electricity demand tends to have its highest peak in the similar incongruent result as it does not present a statistically sig-
middle of the day during summer while during the winter the second nificant effect for an association between solar PV generation and net
peak, which occurs in the late afternoon or early evening, tends to be imports while also not presenting a statistically significant effect for an
higher than the first. The generation profile of solar generation varies association between solar thermal generation and CCGT generation..
substantially across seasons, mostly in terms of the hours and level of These estimates that are not congruent with the operations of electricity
generation as expected. While peak solar generation tends to roughly markets may be a result of the fact that Models 1 and 2 do not control
match peak demand during the spring and summer, this is not the case for daily fixed effects, while Model 3 does.
during the autumn and winter when the second demand peak during Regarding the case of the Spanish market specifically, Figure A3
the late afternoon tends to be higher than the first peak while solar shows the average intra-daily profile of total solar generation (solar PV
generation peaks during the midday and reaches very low levels plus solar thermal) for each season. Comparing this generation profile
with that of Solar PV in Great Britain and France (Figs. A1 and A2,
respectively) it is noteworthy that, excluding during the winter, solar
thermal units tend produce electricity well past day-time hours (espe-
(footnote continued)
cially during the summer). This contrasts heavily with solar PV gen-
is that there are underlying factors affecting both demand for electricity as well
as solar generation (and, to a lesser degree, wind generation) – such as tem- erators who do not generate electricity outside of day-time hours and is
perature and length of day – that are correlated with both and which, being
influenced by weather conditions, tend to display slightly repetitive patterns.
We must note that a drawback of including a large number of fixed effects 15
In this case what is used for identification is the within-group variation,
is that the within-group variation may be substantially reduced. which would be the within-month variation.

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

Table 4
Model 1 - Domestic generation and net imports offset per MWh change in RE generation and electricity demand.
Model 1

CCGT Coal Hydro Nuclear Other Net Pump Net Imp. Total
Great Britain
Demand 0.61*** 0.19*** 0.02*** 0.00 0.00*** 0.14*** 0.01*** 0.98
(0.001) (0.001) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.001)
Wind − 0.63*** − 0.16*** − 0.02*** 0.00** − 0.01*** − 0.12*** − 0.05*** − 0.99
(0.007) (0.005) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.005) (0.006)
Solar − 0.58*** − 0.19*** − 0.03*** − 0.00*** − 0.00** − 0.11*** − 0.08*** −1
(0.005) (0.004) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.003) (0.004)

Demand 0.06*** 0.03*** 0.21*** 0.13*** 0.01*** 0.31*** 0.24*** 1
(0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000) (0.001) (0.001)
Wind − 0.07*** − 0.04*** − 0.22*** − 0.21*** − 0.01** − 0.31*** − 0.14*** −1
(0.005) (0.003) (0.008) (0.012) (0.002) (0.011) (0.016)
Solar − 0.07*** − −0.04*** − 0.41*** − 0.22*** − 0.02*** − 0.42*** 0.17*** −1
(0.003) (0.002) (0.004) (0.006) (0.001) (0.006) (0.009)

Demand 0.19*** 0.10*** 0.23*** 0.00 0.02*** 0.30*** 0.16*** 1.01
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.002)
Wind − 0.21*** −0.14*** − 0.26*** − 0.00* − 0.01*** − 0.26*** − 0.16*** − 1.03
(0.005) (0.003) (0.004) (0.000) (0.001) (0.004) (0.006)
Solar PV − 0.28*** − 0.06*** − 0.20*** 0.00* − 0.02*** − 0.25*** − 0.20*** −1
(0.006) (0.004) (0.005) (0.000) (0.001) (0.006) (0.008)
Solar Th. − 0.10*** − 0.05*** − 0.18*** − 0.00*** − 0.02*** − 0.22*** − 0.45*** − 1.03
(0.010) (0.006) (0.008) (0.001) (0.002) (0.009) (0.013)

Standard errors in parentheses.

* p < 0.05 * * p < 0.01 * ** p < 0.001.

Table 5
Model 2 - Domestic generation and net imports offset per MWh change in RE generation and electricity demand.
Model 2

CCGT Coal Hydro Nuclear Other Net Pump Net Imp. Total
Great Britain
Demand 0.71*** 0.32*** 0.00 − 0.01** 0.00** 0.03*** − 0.07*** 0.98
(0.006) (0.006) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.001) (0.003)
Wind − 0.75*** − 0.25*** 0.00*** − 0.01* − 0.00 − 0.01*** − 0.02** − 1.03
(0.009) (0.009) (0.001) (0.004) (0.003) (0.001) (0.005)
Solar − 0.57*** − 0.31*** − 0.02*** − 0.00 0.00 − 0.04*** − 0.04*** − 0.98
(0.016) (0.013) (0.002) (0.006) (0.005) (0.002) (0.010)

Demand 0.13*** 0.09*** 0.13*** 0.29*** 0.03*** 0.13*** 0.21*** 1
(0.003) (0.003) (0.003) (0.007) (0.001) (0.002) (0.008)
Wind − 0.17*** − 0.10*** − 0.08*** − 0.18*** − 0.02*** − 0.07*** − 0.37*** −1
(0.011) (0.007) (0.011) (0.024) (0.004) (0.008) (0.028)
Solar − 0.16*** − 0.10*** − 0.34*** − 0.30*** − 0.04*** − 0.30*** 0.25*** −1
(0.018) (0.010) (0.015) (0.034) (0.005) (0.015) (0.041)

Demand 0.27*** 0.28*** 0.15*** 0.00 0.06*** 0.19*** 0.04*** 1
(0.008) (0.007) (0.004) (0.004) (0.002) (0.004) (0.007)
Wind − 0.23*** − 0.30*** − 0.12*** − 0.00 − 0.03*** − 0.16*** − 0.17*** − 1.01
(0.006) (0.009) (0.005) (0.003) (0.002) (0.004) (0.008)
Solar PV − 0.35*** − 0.11*** − 0.15*** 0.01 − 0.05*** − 0.33*** − 0.06 − 1.03
(0.040) (0.032) (0.023) (0.015) (0.007) (0.024) (0.042)
Solar Th. − 0.07 − 0.22*** − 0.10*** 0.03 0.00 − 0.20*** − 0.39*** − 0.95
(0.040) (0.043) (0.026) (0.023) (0.010) (0.026) (0.046)

Standard errors in parentheses.

* p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01 *** p < 0.001.

a natural consequence of the technical differences between solar PV and are in line with this observation.
solar thermal generators. However, the fact that solar thermal units Overall, the results regarding the effect of changes in demand, wind
produce electricity during the night-time which, especially during the and solar generation on each type of generator and on net imports,
summer, is a time when the CO2 intensity of the Spanish grid is higher suggest that the results of Model 3 tend to be the most consistent with
during the night-time relative to the day-time due to the large amounts the operations of electricity systems in practice. In contrast, some re-
of solar generation during the day, intuitively should imply that the sults of Model 1 fail to be consistent with operational practices in the
marginal CO2 abatement of solar thermal generation may be higher case of the French market and in the case of Model 2 this is true in both
than that of solar PV generation. In effect, only the results of Model 3 the French and Spanish markets. Model 3 may present advantages in

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

Table 6
Model 3 - Domestic generation and net imports offset per MWh change in RE generation and electricity demand.
Model 3

CCGT Coal Hydro Nuclear Other Net Pump Net Imp. Total
Great Britain
Demand 0.70*** 0.22*** 0.01 *** 0.00 − 0.00 0.05*** − 0.01 0.98
(0.013) (0.012) (0.001) (0.001) (0.004) (0.003) (0.008)
Wind − 0.70*** − 0.22*** − 0.02*** 0.00 − 0.01*** − 0.03*** − 0.05*** − 1.03
(0.010) (0.009) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.006)
Solar − 0.71*** − 0.17*** − 0.01*** − 0.00 − 0.01 − 0.05*** − 0.05*** − 0.99
(0.015) (0.012) (0.002) (0.002) (0.003) (0.003) (0.011)

Demand 0.08*** 0.05*** 0.16*** 0.16*** 0.02*** 0.22*** 0.33*** 1
(0.005) (0.003) (0.005) (0.010) (0.002) (0.006) (0.015)
Wind − 0.09*** − 0.04*** − 0.12*** − 0.16*** − 0.01*** − 0.17*** − 0.40*** −1
(0.009) (0.005) (0.008) (0.017) (0.003) (0.008) (0.020)
Solar − 0.04** − 0.03*** − 0.25*** − 0.21*** − 0.01 − 0.33*** − 0.13*** −1
(0.015) (0.008) (0.016) (0.030) (0.006) (0.021) (0.045)

Demand 0.31*** 0.11*** 0.21*** − 0.00 0.02*** 0.22*** 0.12*** 0.99
(0.017) (0.009) (0.007) (0.002) (0.003) (0.011) (0.016)
Wind − 0.20*** − 0.17*** − 0.17*** − 0.00 − 0.02*** − 0.24*** − 0.20*** −1
(0.007) (0.005) (0.004) (0.001) (0.001) (0.005) (0.009)
Solar PV − 0.17*** − 0.08*** − 0.16*** − 0.00 − 0.03*** − 0.29*** − 0.28*** − 1.02
(0.032) (0.021) (0.022) (0.005) (0.005) (0.027) (0.041)
Solar Th. − 0.14*** − 0.18*** − 0.13*** 0.01 0.00 − 0.26*** − 0.29*** − 0.98
(0.028) (0.021) (0.020) (0.005) (0.005) (0.026) (0.040)

Standard errors in parentheses.

* p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01 *** p < 0.001.

the identification of the effects of RE generation on emissions due to the uncommon, in this framework, policy decisions that are based on es-
inclusion of several fixed effects which control for trends possibly timates for emissions factors would be flexible and adaptable so as to
correlated in various timeframes. Specifically, hourly fixed effects that continuously be optimized at each point in time.
vary by month are theoretically sound to control for hourly patterns While our conclusions are the result from analyzing the British,
that may change with season, together with other seasonal trends. The French and Spanish electricity markets, it is likely that some of our
inclusion of a fixed effect for each day in the sample also makes sense insights for each market may be relevant to other European markets. A
theoretically as it controls for related factors that can affect emissions notable example is the German market, which presents some simila-
for several hours during a period of time, which include outages of rities to the Spanish market in that both countries adopted very ag-
conventional generation plants, as well as changes in fuel and CO2 gressive policies to support investment in renewable energy. These
prices. policies resulted in the mean cumulative penetration of wind and solar
Our paper focuses on econometric models which present advantages generation in Germany in 2017 being over 20% of total generation
when compared to power system optimization models, as discussed in which is similar to the corresponding figure for Spain BMWi [46]. To
Section 2. However, it should not be understated that environmental the best of our knowledge, there is currently no publication examining
impact assessments based on econometric models, being based on his- the marginal displacement of CO2 emissions by renewable electricity
torical data, imply that these impacts are determined by the past and using econometric models. Based on a unit commitment mode, Weigt
current fuel prices, grid infrastructure and operational systems (which, et al. [24] perform an analysis over the period between 2006 and 2010
in turn, are impacted by the policies that were and are in place as well). and show that renewable energy reduced CO2 emissions in Germany by
As an electricity system undergoes structural changes, such as large around 33 and 60 Mtons – which the authors estimate to be 10–18%
scale investments or divestments in generation capacity or in trans- relative to a counterfactual scenario of no additional renewable energy
mission and distribution grids, changes in fuel or emissions costs or in capacity being added to the grid.
policies that affect the behavior of firms or consumers, its past opera- The main conclusion of the present paper, specifically that assessing
tions are less relevant predictor of future operations. the marginal abatement of CO2 emissions by renewable electricity
In this sense, Ryan et al. [29] are correct in affirming that unless using econometric specifications that rely on fixed effect models may
grid infrastructure, policies and fuel prices are expected to remain produce more reliable results compared with specifications that do not
largely unchanged over a long time period then the results of such control for fixed effects, may be applicable to the German market. In
models are likely to not be of great use for policy appraisals based on a particular, the similarities between Germany and Spain in terms of re-
long-run perspective. However, with respect to investments in RE newable electricity penetration, and between Germany and France in
generation, as these are made in an incremental way, we argue that the terms of a high degree of interconnection with neighboring markets,
ideal decision framework would be for an econometric analysis to be intuitively suggest that an application of the analysis conducted in the
performed to assess the environmental impacts regularly and sequen- present paper to the German grid may result in a similar conclusion. An
tially reconducted at various points in time in order to track the effects important related development in the German market has been the
of the investments and policies that support them. This would allow nuclear phase out. Had the penetration of renewable energy remained
decisions of a short and medium scope to be made based on more re- constant during the phase out, both the average and the marginal CO2
liable estimates that depend on less assumptions, and are less resource emissions should expectedly have increased substantially as a result of
intensive, than those provided by power system optimization models gas and coal-based plants having to substitute for the amount of elec-
which are very sensitive to input assumptions and therefore are more tricity previously produced by nuclear plants. The nuclear phase out
prone to offer less reliable short and medium run estimates. Although would thus be expected to increase the estimates for marginal emissions

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

abated by renewable electricity relative to a counterfactual scenario specifications that are congruent with the datasets and with the op-
without the nuclear plants phase out. erational framework of the power systems being examined. Third, our
results show that in all markets examined the different models had in
6. Conclusion common the effect of wind generation having a substantially different
effect from solar generation – according to Model 3, on a per MWh
Having access to accurate estimates of the amount of emissions basis, wind tends to offset substantially more CO2 emissions than solar
saved due to renewable energy (RE)generation is important for gov- PV generation across all countries and the magnitude of this difference
ernments, regulators, utilities and investors. The existing research varies from 10% in Great Britain and 26% in Spain to 187% in France.
shows that the commonly used average emission factors may in many Thus, support schemes for RE generation such as feed-in tariffs or
cases not be appropriate approximations for calculations of CO2 sav- market premiums should be differentiated by technology in a way that
ings, as the energy saved or displaced from conventional sources does reflects their heterogeneous level of emissions savings instead of being
not typically impact all generation sources in the same proportion as based on their investment costs, which is the most common approach to
their average market share. This fact means that estimates of marginal policy design.
emissions factors, rather than the average ones, are more appropriate.
However, even though this fact is increasingly acknowledged in the Acknowledgments
literature with many articles examining marginal emissions factors, in
particular those of wind generation, the fact is that the specifications This work was financially supported by the research unit on
chosen can make results vary substantially which may lead to in- Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy (project POCI-01-0145-
accuracies in assessments both for investment decisions and policy FEDER-006939), funded by FEDER funds (European Regional
appraisals. Development Fund) through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional
This paper contributes to the literature by comparing three models Competitividade e Internacionalizao (POCI) - and by national funds
based on those used by published articles that aimed to estimate the through FCT - Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia. The funding source
marginal effects of renewable energy (in particular wind) on CO2 had no involvement in study design, in the collection, analysis and
emissions. We compare these three models in terms of their estimates interpretation of data, in the writing of the report, and in the decision to
for reductions in CO2 emissions associated with wind or solar genera- submit the article for publication.
tion using the British, French and Spanish markets as case studies. We
find that, in each market, the three models give a wide range of results
Conflict of interest statement
meaning that the impact of using an inappropriate econometric speci-
fication may be quite substantial as it can lead to inaccuracies in in-
The authors of this paper certify that they have no affiliations with
vestment or policy decisions.
or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest
Taking together the results from each model for each of the three
or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in
markets regarding the effect of changes in demand, wind and solar
this manuscript.
generation on each type of generator and on net imports, we observe
that the model which tends to report the results that are most consistent
with the operation of electricity systems is the one based on Novan [7]. Financial disclosure statement
This model specifies emissions as a function of system demand and
renewable generation accounting for hourly fixed effects which are Besides the funds mentioned in the Funding acknowledgement, the
allowed to vary with each month in the sample and each day of the authors certify that they have no financial relationship or interest
week, together with a fixed effect for each day in the sample (Model 3 (currently or within the past 12 months) with any organization or entity
in Section 3). In contrast, other examined specifications are either un- with any financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed
sound for theoretical reasons or some of their results are not congruent in this manuscript.
with the operation of electricity systems in some of the examined
markets. This is a key point since policymaking aimed at supporting RE Data statement
investments is often guided by estimates of emissions savings, and
therefore the underpinning econometric specifications should not be The data used in this paper are publicly available from the following
inadequate for the expressed research question. As an example, our websites.
comparisons across the different specifications show that, in the pre- National Grid. Available from 〈https://www.nationalgrid.com/uk/
sence of hourly data (or half-hourly), robustness checks should include electricity/market-operations-and-data〉(accessed February 21, 2018)
hourly fixed effects that are allowed to vary over time (e.g., as in Model Elexon. Available from 〈https://www.elexonportal.co.uk〉(accessed
3). February 21, 2018)
Our findings have several implications. First, our results show that, ESIOS (2018) : Available from 〈https://www.esios.ree.es/es〉(ac-
in each market, the three models give a wide range of results meaning cessed January 2, 2018)
that the impact of using an inappropriate econometric specification for RTE (2018) : Available from 〈http://www.rte-france.com/en/
estimating the emissions abatement associated with a specific RE gen- eco2mix/eco2mix-co2-en〉(accessed January 2, 2018)
eration project may be quite substantial as even apparently small dif- ENTSO-E(2018): Available from 〈https://www.entsoe.eu/db-
ferences on the hourly level compound over the lifetime of the project. query/production/monthly-production-for-all-countries〉(accessed
Second, our results highlight the need for choosing econometric January 2, 2018)

Appendix. Data construction and treatment

As mentioned in Section 4, as data on actual half-hourly or hourly CO2 emissions are not available for the British, French or Spanish grids, we
multiply the electricity generated by a given source in each period by its carbon intensity (emissions factor) as in Staffell [1] and a similar procedure
is conducted for net imports.
In the case of the British grid, given that we study the same market in a relatively similar timeframe, we use the same emission factors as Staffell
[1] for each type of generation as well as carbon intensites for electricity imported or exported to the French, Irish and Dutch grids (estimated using
data on electricity generation by technology from ENTSO-E [42] and EuroStat [43], together with the technology carbon intensities used for the

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

Fig. A1. Average hourly demand, CO2 intensity, wind and solar generation in the British grid per hour in each season of the year.

Fig. A2. Average hourly demand, CO2 intensity, wind and solar generation in the French grid per hour in each season of the year.

British grid). Thus, for the British grid the carbon intensities used for each technology and interconnected grid are as follows, in tCO2/MWh Coal
0.937, Oil 0.935, OCGT 0.651, CCGT 0.394, French grid 0.053, Irish grid 0.458 and Dutch grid 0.474.
Furthermore, as in Staffell [1] we consider that emissions related to pumped hydro storage are accounted for when the electricity was first
generated, and that biomass based generation should not be accounted for in line with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
carbon accounting guidelines. We adopt the same approach in the case of the French and Spanish grids.
In the case of France we use the emission factors that the French TSO reports [45]. These correspond to, in tCO2/MWh, 0.956 for coal based
generation, 0.359 for CCGT, 0.593 for gas combustion turbines, 0.552 for other types of gas based generation, 0.777 for oil combustion turbines and
0.783 for other oil based generation except for cogeneration. For cogeneration the reported emission factors are 0.350 tCO2/MWh for gas based
generation, and 0.459 for generation based on oil. As in the British dataset, we do to not account for emissions from generation based on biomass, as

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

Fig. A3. Average hourly demand, CO2 intensity, wind and solar generation (solar PV plus solar thermal) in the Spanish grid per hour in each season of the year.

Table A1
Comparison between the British, French and Spanish markets relative to their average hourly generation, net imports, demand and CO2 intensity over our sample.
GB % of TG FR % of TG ES % of TG

Total Generation 32671 60316 27866

Net Imports 1981 6.06% − 6238 − 10.34% 417 1.50%
Pumped Net − 52 − 0.16% − 127 − 0.21% 93 0.33%
Nuclear 7388 22.61% 45569 75.55% 6320 22.68%
Cogeneration − 1316 2.18% 2906 10.43%
Other 1173 3.59% 1115 1.85% 616 2.21%
Coal 7886 24.14% 1213 2.01% 4776 17.14%
CCGT 11363 34.78% 1650 2.74% 2925 10.50%
Hydro 417 1.28% 6575 10.90% 3270 11.73%
Wind 3663 11.21% 2197 3.64% 5460 19.59%
Solar PV 833 2.55% 809 1.34% 901 3.23%
Solar Thermal − −− 599 2.15%
Demand 34767 54078 28315
CO2 Intensity (t/ 0.350 0.037 0.242

1) % of TG refers to the proportion of each variable in the average hourly total generation over our sample in the relevant market.
2) Data denominated in MWh unless indicated otherwise.

well as biogas and bio waste.

For Spain we use the same average carbon emission factors as [23] given that we study the same market in a relatively similar timeframe. These
emissions factors correspond to 0.961 and 0.372 tCO2/MWh for coal and CCGT plants respectivelly. For cogeneration we use the CO2 intensity
implied by the total annual CO2 emissions from cogeneration as reported by the Spanish TSO divided by the corresponding annual generation,
yielding a factor of 0.370 tCO2/MWh (most of the Spanish cogeneration during our sample period is based on natural gas). We note that we don’t
include an emission factor for oil based generation as its amount during our sample period is negligible.
We use estimates for the CO2 intensity factors of each market that is interconnected with Spain or France. Spain is interconnected with Portugal,
France, Morocco and Andorra, while France has interconnections with Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Italy and Switzerland. The CO2
intensity factors we use for France, Spain and Britain correspond to the mean CO2 intensity calculated over our sample, respectivelly 0.037 t/MWh
and 0.242 t/MWh and 0.350 t/MWh. For Morocco there are few data available but according to the U.S. Department of Commerce's International
Trade Administration USDC [47], in 2015 Morocco's electricity generation mix was composed of coal (31%), natural gas (25.8%), fuel and diesel
(10%), hydro (22%) and wind generation (9.4%). Using the average CO2 coefficients that we use for French power plants this implies that the
Moroccon electricity grid has CO2 factor of 0.467 t/MWh. In the case of Andorra there are no available data to the best of our knowledge, but as most
generation from Andorra is based on hydro, with the remaining necessary electricity being imported, we assume its CO2 intensity is 0.
The CO2 intensity factors of the remaining markets are, as in Staffell [1], calculated based on the data available on the ENTSO-E [42] which
comprises total monthly generation in 2014 and 2015 for each market, decomposed by generation technology. We use these data to obtain the

T. Oliveira, et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 105 (2019) 310–322

proportion of total generation that is attributed to each fossil fuel based technology and multiply this value by the corresponding average CO2
coefficient we have used for French power plants. The resulting CO2 intensity factors are, in t/MWh, 0.309 for Portugal, 0.347 for Italy, 0.025 for
Switzerland and, for Belgium and Germany, 0.171 and 0.474 respectivelly. In the case of the French interconnections with Belgium and Germany,
the data available from the French TSO aggregates the net imports from both markets. Thus, in this case we use the average CO2 intensity from each
market weighted by the proportion of the 2014 and 2015 total generation from Belgium and Germany, resulting in the value of 0.443 in t/MWh.
In the particular case of the British datasets, there are periods in which the Elexon dataset contains errors where total supply (generation plus net
imports) is less than 95% of total demand. There are also periods in which nuclear generation (together with other types of generation) appear as
zero which is not consistent with also with the equality between supply and demand. We dropped the data from Elexon for the observations in which
either of the two mentioned conditions was verified, for a total of 137 observations (approximately 0.15% of total observations, 87648), and
interpolate these missing values by calculating the average of the existing preceding and subsequent half-hour periods weighted by their temporal
proximity to the missing observation. We then rescale the interpolated values to approximate supply to the demand values from the National Grid
dataset. This approach is similar to the one described in Staffell [1]. The datasets related to France and Spain do not contain such errors.

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