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Cell, Vol. 33, 115-123, May 1983, Copyright 0 1983 by MIT 0092-8674/83/050115-09 $02.


Transcripts of the Six Drosophila

Actin Genes Accumulate in a
Stage- and Tissue-Specific Manner
Eric A. Fyrberg,+ James W. Mahaffey,* changes in a particular multigene family with phylogenetic
Beverley J. Bond,* and Norman Davidson* changes in metazoan body plans and developmental path-
* Department of Biology ways, and thus to comprehend more fully the relationship
The Johns Hopkins University of genotype to phenotype.
Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Actin genes are well suited for such functional and
* Division of Biology, evolutionary studies because of their evolutionary conser-
and Department of Chemistry vation (Firtel, 1981) and their developmentally regulated
California Institute of Technology expression, which has been investigated primarily by mon-
Pasadena, California 91125 itoring accumulation of protein isoforms (Garrels and Gib-
son, 1976; Whalen et al., 1976). The isolation and char-
acterization of the six actin genes of Drosophila melano-
Summary gaster have already been reported (Tobin et al., 1980;
Fyrberg, et al., 1980, 1981). We report the temporal and
We have surveyed expression of the six Drosophila anatomical distribution of actin mRNAs during normal Dro-
actin genes during ontogeny. Unique portions of sophila development. Our results establish that two of the
cloned actin genes were used to monitor levels of genes encode cytoplasmic actins, since complementary
respective mRNAs in developmentally staged whole mRNAs are found during all stages of development and in
organisms and dissected body parts. We find that dividing Drosophila cultured cells as well. Messenger RNAs
each gene is transcribed to form functional mRNA, transcribed from the remaining four genes accumulate
which accumulates with a distinct pattern. Two of only during the differentiation of particular types of muscle
the genes, act5C and act42A, are expressed in un- cells. We discuss these results in the contexts of Dro-
differentiated cells and probably encode cyto- sophila development and eucaryotic gene regulation.
plasmic actins. Act57A and act87E are expressed
predominantly in larval, pupal, and adult interseg- Results
mental muscles; act88f in muscles of the adult
thorax; and act79B in the thorax and leg muscles. Construction of Gene-Specific Hybridization Probes
These composite data define three main patterns of We have previously isolated and characterized in some
actin gene expression which are correlated with detail the six Drosophila actin genes. The protein coding
changing Drosophila morphology, particularly mus- regions are approximately 85% homologous, and cross-
cle differentiation and reorganization. hybridize efficiently even under moderately stringent con-
ditions. As shown below, mRNAs transcribed from these
Introduction genes range in length from 1.6 to 2.2 kb, considerably
larger than the 1131 nucleotide protein coding region.
A substantial fraction of a metazoan genome is comprised Nucleotide sequencing data (E. Fyrberg and N. D. Her-
of small families of imperfectly repeated genes. Such shey, unpublished data; F. Sanchez et al., 1983) have
multigene families typically encode a series of protein revealed that most of this additional length comprises the
isoforms whose distributions are temporally and spatially respective 3’ untranslated regions, which have lengths of
regulated during development. The list of proteins known 300 to 700 nucleotides. Sequences of these regions are
to be encoded by multigene families has grown consider- different for each gene. Therefore we subcloned fragments
ably in recent years, now including structural, enzymatic, from each 3’ untranslated region to use as probes for
and storage polypeptides. determining levels of homologous mRNAs.
Multigene families represent useful paradigms for study- The positions and lengths of the several subclones thus
ing the function and evolution of eucaryotic genes. Com- prepared are illustrated in Figure 1. We have adopted the
parisons of 5’ and 3’ untranslated and flanking regions of convention of Zulauf et al. (1981) and denote these
various gene family members have revealed conserved subclones and the parental clones from which they are
sequences which may be required for their regulated derived by their chromosomal locations, in preference to
transcription and processing. Additionally, comparisons of our previous notation (Fyrberg et al., 1981; see also legend
the nucleotide sequence and intron-exon arrangement of to Figure 1). Sequences of several of these subclones
related genes facilitate tracing their evolutionary histories, begin at the Hae Ill or Ava II site which spans codons 365
thereby elucidating the mechanisms by which genetic and 366. These probes include approximately 30 nucleo-
information is preserved and changed. tides of the protein coding region. One probe, probe B of
In order to utilize fully such structural information, it is act88F, includes 131 nucleotides of the protein coding
important to determine in vivo expression patterns of region. Additionally, each probe contains a substantial
members of multigene families. Such knowledge is nec- length of the 3’ untranslated region and, in some cases,
essary for identification of regulatory regions in these 3’ flanking sequences as well.
genes. Furthermore, it allows one to correlate evolutionary The specificity of each probe was tested by hybridization
to DNAs of the parental actin clones. Each of the eight
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. gene-specific probes was labeled with 32P and hybridized

50% FA.42”C 30 % FA. 42-c ?JO%FL!.3O~C

70°C Woah 50°C Wash RT Wash

ACT-798 I 4”(in-H\nd*, 770 ““cleaflder Frgure 2. Dot Blot Analysrs of Gene-Specific Probes

Frgure 1. Actin Gene-Specific Probes To test the specifrctty of the 3’ untranslated regron probes, DNA of each
was Isolated free of vector sequences, labeled by nick-translation rn the
The top schematrc diagram represents the transcribed region of an actin
presence of four “P nucleotides, and hybrrdized to nitrocellulose strips
gene. The solid line represents the protein coding region, which measures
contarnrng 50 pg dots of each of the parental actrn genes, which were also
1131 nucleotides. Posrtions of codons 333 and 365, which form the 5’
Isolated free of vector sequences. Probes are arranged rn the venrcal
border of particular subclones, are indicated. Open blocks represent gene
drmensron, whrle clones parental DNAs are arranged in the horizontal a~.
regions encoding the 5’ and 3’ untranslated regions, which are of variable
Hybndrzations and washes were carried out under condrtrons listed below
length. Immediately below we show the fragments subcloned from each
each panel. (FA) formamrde.
gene. Lengths of fragments and identities of restrictron enzymes used to
generate them are indicated. All fragments were cloned in pBR322 (or its
derivatives) as described in Experrmental Procedures.
It should be noted that we follow Zulauf et al. (1981) In denotrng the
probes. In each case a major translation product having
actrn genes by therr chromosomal locatrons, rn preference to our prevrous the correct molecular weight and an isoelectric point of
notation (Fyrberg et al., 1981) whrch is given in parentheses: act88F 5.77 is seen along with a minor form of isoelectric point
(DmAI), act5C (DmA2), act42A (DmA3), ack57A (DmA4). act87E (DmA5), 5.84. Figure 3B shows results obtained using the act57A
and act79B (DmA6). probe. The major translation product is more acidic (pl
5.70), as is the minor form (pl 5.77). In all of these
to a nitrocellulose strip containing “dots” of each of the experiments, the major translation products correspond to
six parental actin gene DNAs. As seen in Figure 2A, at stable actin isoforms seen in vivo (Storti et al., 1978;
moderately stringent conditions each probe hybridizes only Fyrberg and Donady, 1979; Horovitch et al., 1979). The
to the parental actin gene DNA. Since all of the experimen- minor translation forms probably represent a small per-
tal hybridizations described below were performed under centage of actin molecules not acetylated in vitro (see
conditions of equal or greater stringency, we are confident Berger and Cox, 1979; Garrels and Hunter, 1979). These
that none of our results is due to cross-hybridization of composite hybrid-selection data strongly indicate that each
specific probes with heterologous transcripts. of the six Drosophila actin genes is transcribed to form
As illustrated by Figures 2A and 2B, when hybridization stable functional messenger RNA in vivo, and that none is
stringency is dropped sufficiently, several of these probes a “pseudogene.”
will hybridize weakly with nonhomologous genes, but only Figure 3C illustrates results obtained using a non-actin
probe A of act87E will cross-hybridize significantly. To gene probe for the selection. Here a clone encoding a
avoid erroneous results due to cross-hybridization of this presumed tropomyosin gene (a gift from S. Falkenthal)
probe, we have in every case performed a second hybrid- was used to select mRNA. Even when this autoradiograph
ization using act87E probe B, which does not cross- is greatly overexposed, no actin protein can be detected,
hybridize at any stringency. indicating the specificity of the hybrid-selection protocol.

The Six Drosophila Actin Genes Are Functional Drosophila Actin Gene Expression Is Temporally
To determine whether each Drosophila actin gene is func- Modulated
tional, we performed hybrid-selection experiments using We performed two types of experiments to study variation
the technique of Ricciardi et al., 1979. (See also Fyrberg in steady state levels of actin gene transcripts during the
et al., 1980.) Specific probe DNAs were hybridized to Drosophila life cycle. Poly(A)+ RNA was prepared from
poly(A)+ RNA isolated from the appropriate stage of Dro- several developmental stages, ranging from early embryo
sophila development (as determined by the experiments to adult, and also from several permanent Drosophila cell
described below). Messenger RNA complementary to lines. In one set of experiments, equal amounts of RNA
each probe was translated in vitro, and protein products from different developmental stages were subjected to gel
were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, transferred to
These experiments demonstrate that each gene-specific nitrocellulose filters, and hybridized to nick-translated gene-
probe hybrid-selects mRNA, which translates to form one specific probes (RNA gel blots) under conditions that are
of the known Drosophila actin isoforms. Figure 3A shows sufficiently stringent for specificity (see Experimental Pro-
results obtained using the a&C probe. Identical results cedures).
were seen with the act42A, act87E, act88F, and act795 In a second set of experiments, denatured DNA from
Drosophrla Actin Gene Expression

within a particular developmental stage.

A typical set of results using the RNA gel blot-hybridi-
zation technique is illustrated in Figure 4, and the integrated
intensities of the mRNA bands are plotted as a function of
developmental time in Figure 5.
The main conclusions of the RNA gel blot experiments
are as follows. First, RNA complementary to act5C and
act42A is present during all developmental stages exam-
ined. Levels of both mRNAs peak during early-to-mid
embryogenesis, decrease during late embryogenesis and
the larval instars, and rise again during early pupal devel-
opment This pattern of expression is not correlated with
Drosophila muscle differentiation, which occurs during late
embryogenesis and late in pupal development as well
(Poulson, 1950; Bodenstein, 1950). Furthermore, using
either RNA gel blots or dot blots (described below), we
find that in several undifferentiated permanent Drosophila
cell lines all actin mRNA is transcribed from either act5C
or act42A. Both of the aforementioned observations lead
us to propose that act.!32 and act42A encode cytoplasmic
or cytoskeletal actins. Finally, it is of interest to note that
the act!32 probe is complementary to three different size
classes of mRNA, and that the relative levels of these three
classes change somewhat during development.
Second, transcripts from genes act57A and act87E are
most abundant during late embryogenesis. Both tran-
scripts are present at reduced levels throughout larval
growth, although the reduction is more marked for act87E.
Rather low levels of both transcripts are found during the
later larval to early pupal transition, and these subsequently
rise to moderate levels during late pupal development,
Periods during which these two mRNAs are abundant are
correlated with the differentiation of larval musculature and
its subsequent restructuring during late pupation to form
adult muscles (see Poulson, 1950; Crossley, 1978).
Frgure 3. Selectron and In Vitro Translation of mRNA Homologous to Actrn Third, messenger RNAs encoded by the final two genes,
Gene-Specific Probes
act79B and act88F, occur at maximal levels during mid-
3A shows a fluorograph of 32S-labeled proteins whose syntheses is drrected
by mRNA homologous to the act5C-specrfic probe. Identical results were
to-late pupal development, and remain high in newly
obtained using the act42A, act87E, act88F, and acr79B probes. 38 shows eclosed adults. Additionally, we detect very low levels of
results of an identical experiment ustng the act57A probe for the selectron. act79B transcripts during late embryogenesis and through-
An asynchronous embryo RNA preparatron (2-24 hr) was used for hybrrd out larval growth (not visible in the exposure in Figure 4).
selectrons wrth the 5C, 42A. 57A, and 87t probes. A mrxed pupal RNA
sample (containrng RNA from early, middle, and late pupae) was used for
As we show in more detail below, the timing and location
the hybrid selections to the 88F and 798 probes. 3C shows an overexposed
of act798 and act88F mRNA accumulation during pupal
fluorograph of proterns translated from RNA selected by a cloned Drosoph- development is precisely correlated with differentiation of
rla gene believed to be tropomyosrn. “E” IS a protean synthestzed by the adult leg and thoracic musculature (Crossley, 1978).
translation system In the absence of exogenously added mRNA. All gels To examine further the accumulation of actin mRNAs
contarned 50,000 cpm. Exposures were for 72-96 hr. Arrows indicate the
directions of SDS gel electrophoresis and isoelectrrc focusrng.
during Drosophila development, we have used the dot blot
technique described by Kafatos et al. (1979). We empha-
size that we have used these experiments to assess the
each gene-specific probe was applied as a series of relative abundance of actin mRNAs within a particular
“dots” onto nitrocellulose strips (Kafatos et al., 1979). developmental stage. Since exposures of the dot blots
Identical dot series were individually hybridized to 3*P- were not standardized, they cannot be reliably compared
labeled cDNA representing poly(A)+ RNA isolated from a between developmental stages.
particular developmental stage (DNA dot blots). The former Results of temporal dot blot experiments are shown in
set of experiments provides the lengths of transcripts as Figure 6. As illustrated, during early embryogenesis and
well as variations in their steady state levels during devel- early pupal development, when no major Drosophila mus-
opment. The latter experiments conveniently demonstrate cle types differentiate, act.32 and act42A mRNAs predom-
relative levels of transcripts from the six different genes inate. These two transcripts are also among the most

1.95 1, ”
1.7 1.75 1.6

Figure 4. Developmental Patterns of Transcrrpts for the SIX Actin Genes

1 pg of poly(A)+ RNA from different developmental stages was subtected to electrophoresis on formaldehyde-agarose gels and blotted to nrtrocellulose. Six
filters, identrcally prepared, were hybridized to the six nick-translated actin gene specific probes. The lengths of the transcripts from each gene are indicated
to the left of each panel. The early (E). mid (M), and late (L) embryo RNAs were made from embryos which had been aged for O-4, 8-12, and 6-20 hr,
respectively, after egg laying. The 1st 2nd, and 3rd instar larval RNAs were made from animals aged 32-37, 48-51, and 89-99 hr, respectively, after egg
layrng. The pupae were selected 21-27 hr (early) and 48-58 hr (mid) after flotation on water. The late pupal RNA sample was made from animals that had
been synchronized by flotatron on water to a 9 hr perrod. After a few animals had eclosed, RNA was made from the rest. The adult RNA was made from both
males and females <5 days old. Act88F and act87E here refer to probe A only.
E. co11 16s and 235 rrbosomal RNAs were used as a standard to determine the length of the actrn transcripts. Nick-translated pKK2361 (a gift from Harry
Noller and Mary Alrce Raker) that contains the entire E. co11 rrnB ribosomal RNA operon was hybridized to the lanes containing the standard.

abundant in 5-day adult flies, which have completed mus- and during pupal development. This large transcript is
cle development and would have presumably reduced probably not related to any of the actin genes, since it
levels of muscle-specific actin gene transcripts. Taken does not hybridize to an actin protein coding region probe
together, these results strengthen our conclusion that (data not shown). Since act87E probe B was used in the
act5C and act42A encode cytoplasmic actins. dot blot experiments, the low level of hybridization seen
During late embryogenesis and throughout larval growth, during early embryogenesis is likely due to this same non-
act57A transcripts are very abundant, overshadowing actin-related transcript.
act87E, act798, and the cytoplasmic actin gene tran- During mid and late pupal stages, act88F and act79B
scripts, all of which are known to be present from the RNA transcripts are very abundant, Act57A and act87E tran-
blots displayed in Figure 4. We conclude that act57A scripts are also present, but during this phase of devel-
encodes the major actin isoform of larval skeletal muscle. opment act87E transcripts are more abundant than those
Hybridization of cDNA to the act87E probe is much less of act57A. These results indicate that each of these four
intense, and we conclude that this gene encodes a minor genes is expressed in developing adult muscle. In the
actin isoform of larval muscle. Unexpectedly, act87E hy- following section, we confirm these results by examining
bridizes detectably to early embryo cDNA. However, we the anatomical distributions of the transcripts in developing
have noted in the RNA blots that act87E probe B hybridizes pupae.
to an approximately 4 kb RNA during early embryogenesis In summary, the DNA dot blots reveal the same overall
Drosophrla Actin Gene Expressron


42A 87E

Frgure 5. Relative Levels of Actin mRNA rn Total Poly(A) RNA as a Functron of Developmental Time
Tracrngs of optrcal density vs. posrtron were made of the autoradrograms shown rn Figure 4 wrth a Joyce Loebl double beam microdensitometer. Relative
areas under the peaks were determrned with a Tektronix graphic computing system. The relatrve level of actin in poly(A) RNA IS plotted on a logartthmrc scale,
Closed circles are used to denote measured pornts. Open circles represent pornts for which there was no detectable signal. Different krnds of lines rn the
acBC panel are used to represent the different length transcripts Refer to Figure 4 legend for the exact times at whrch anrmals were collected for RNA
preparatron. The above analysis was carrred out on autoradiograms of blots washed at 55°C and 75°C (see Experimental Procedures), and the average of
the two was plotted.

patterns of actin mRNA accumulation as do the RNA gel When the head, thorax, or abdomen blots are exposed
blots. The minor quantitative differences between the re- for longer periods, we detect low to moderate levels of
sults obtained by the two methods are probably due either act5C and act42A transcripts, indicating they are not
to differences inherent in the techniques, or to the una- associated with any particular organ or muscle type. In
voidable fact that slightly different RNA preparations were fact, these transcripts predominate only in adult ovaries
used for the respective types of experiments. and in the several permanent Drosophila cell lines exam-
ined. Since act5C and act42A RNAs are present very early
Spatial Distribution of Actin Messenger RNAs in embryogenesis, they are probably components of ma-
The experiments presented above allowed us to group the ternal mRNA (Anderson and Lengyel, 1979). We suggest
six Drosophila actin genes into three pairs, with members that these ovarian transcripts are transcribed in polyploid
of each pair similarly regulated and possibly functionally nurse cells and transported to the oocyte for use during
related. For independent tests of some of these assign- early embryogenesis.
ments, we hybridized dot blot strips containing specific
probe DNAs to 32P-labeled cDNAs representing poly(A)+ Discussion
RNA of particular body parts. RNA was prepared from
heads, thoraces, legs, and abdomens of late pupae, and We have described several major features of Drosophila
from ovaries of newly eclosed adults. Results of these actin gene expression. Specific probes for each of the six
experiments are presented in Figure 7. genes have been constructed and used to monitor the
Once again, we observe similar patterns of mRNA steady state levels of the respective gene transcripts
expression for particular pairs of actin genes. Act57A and during Drosophila development. These experiments reveal
act87E transcripts are present primarily in the head and that each of the actin genes directs the synthesis of stable
abdomen. This observation strengthens our conclusion messenger RNA having a length sufficient to encode the
that act57A and act87E are expressed during the differ- 42,000 MW actin protein, and that messenger RNA from
entiation and restructuring of larval muscle, since much of each gene can be translated in vitro to form a known
the cephalic and abdominal musculature of Drosophila is Drosophila actin isoform. Qualitative analyses of the ac-
comprised of restructured larval muscle (Crossley, 1978). cumulation of actin gene transcripts show that no two
Low but significant amounts of act87E are also found in genes display precisely identical patterns of RNA accu-
legs and ovaries. The significance of this observation is mulation. However, as regards the main features of the
unknown, In the thorax, where the indirect flight muscle is temporal pattern of expression for the whole organism, the
the largest structure, we detect only act88F and act79B genes can be grouped into three sets of two each.
transcripts, Act79B transcripts are also abundant in legs. Our interpretations of the three patterns of RNA accu-
Since thoracic and leg musculature both are derived pri- mulation take into account the potential roles of actin as
marily from imaginal discs (Crossley, 1978; Lawrence, well as the timing of histogenesis during Drosophila devel-
1982) this observation supports the notion that both genes opment. The actin proteins of any metazoan are likely to
are activated during the differentiation of imaginal myo- be utilized either as cytoplasmic/cytoskeletal components
blasts. in various tissues or as the backbone of thin filaments of




Figure 7. Dot Blots of Actrn Gene-Specific Probes to Spatially Localized

Figure 6. Dot Blots of Actrn Gene-Specrfrc Probes to Developmentally “P-Labeled cDNAs
Staged “P-labeled cDNAs
PosItIons of specific probe DNAs are indicated. In all cases, act88F and
In all cases, act88F and act87E refer to probe B. Early and late embryos
act87E refer to probe B. Heads, thoraces, legs, and abdomens were
were aged O-2 hr and 18-24 hr after fertilization, respectively. Early, mid,
Isolated from late (191 hr) pupae. Abdominal wall RNA was prepared from
and late pupae were aged 153 hr, 174, hr, and 202 hr from trme of egg
abdomens which were emptred of organs using pressure from a small
rolling pm. Ovaries were dissected from newly eclosed adult females.

muscle cells (Wolosewick and Porter, 1979; Huxley, 1969).

Our data suggest that two Drosophila actin genes encode culature breaks down while new sets of adult muscles
cytoplasmic actins, while four encode muscle-specific ac- differentiate. A portion of the adult musculature is fashioned
tin isoforms. Expression of the four muscle-specific genes from reorganized larval muscle, while many muscles dif-
can be further subdivided into two biologically meaningful ferentiate de novo from myoblasts arising from imaginal
patterns. discs (refer to Crossley, 1978, for a description of the
Early embryogenesis and early pupation in Drosophila Drosophila muscle system). We would therefore expect to
are characterized by elevated mitotic activity and by wide- find high levels of muscle-specific actin mRNAs during
spread reorganization of cells and tissues (Poulson, 1950; both of these phases of development.
Bodenstein, 1950). These activities would require large Act57A and act87E transcripts are most abundant dur-
amounts of cytoplasmic/cytoskeletal actins, and presum- ing late embryogenesis, and are present at reduced levels
ably high levels of the corresponding actin mRNAs would throughout larval growth and during late pupal develop-
also be present during these periods. Accordingly, act.% ment. These observations lead us to propose that both of
and act42A transcripts are abundant during embryogene- these genes are expressed during the differentiation of
sis, during early pupal development, and in the ovaries of larval musculature and again during its reorganization, or
the adult female, but are relatively less abundant in the redifferentiation, to form adult muscle. From the actin
whole organism during periods when Drosophila muscles isoform data discussed below, it is clear that act57A
differentiate. In addition, we find that transcripts from these encodes the majority of actin present in larval skeletal
genes, and only these genes, are found in undifferentiated muscle. The role of act87E during larval development and
permanent Drosophila cell lines, including K, cells (Echalier growth is less clear. During this phase of Drosophila
and Ohanessian, 1969) D’ cells (Schneider and Blumen- development, act87E transcripts are not nearly as abun-
thal, 1978) and a cell line derived from Shibire’” embryos dant as those of act57A. It is probable that act87E encodes
(A. Simcox and J. H. Sang, personal communication). a minor actin species of larval muscle, but this assignment
These observations are consistent with the proposal that is tentative. However, Act87E transcripts are also abundant
both transcripts encode cytoplasmic actins. in the abdominal wall and abdomen of late pupae.
Muscle differentiation in Drosophila occurs during two The final two transcripts, act88F and act79B, are abun-
distinct phases. During mid-to-late embryogenesis and dant only when the adult musculature develops. These
throughout larval growth, the musculature of the larva transcripts almost certainly specify the actins found in the
differentiates. During metamorphosis, existing larval mus- fibrillar and tubular muscles of the adult that differentiate
Drosophila Actln Gene Expression

de novo from imaginal myoblasts. The largest of these are from thoraces is translated in vitro we fail to detect this
the indirect flight muscles and the leg muscles. The role isoform (E. Fyrberg and J. Mahaffey, unpublished data).
of the low level of act79B transcripts during late embry- We interpret this result to mean that the final overall charge
ogenesis and larval instars has not yet been determined. of actin Ill is the result of a posttranscriptional modification
By localizing particular actin mRNAs within late pupae, reaction which the reficulocyte lysate cannot perform.
we have confirmed these proposed roles, although several Further biochemical work will be needed to identify the
questions regarding the functions of particular Drosophila nature of this modification.
actin genes remain unanswered. For example, the timing We note that the molecular lengths of the transcripts of
and location of act88F and act79i3 RNA accumulation the various genes differ somewhat. The transcripts of
strongly imply that they encode actins of the adult thoracic acf5C have lengths of 2.2, 1.95, and 1.7 kb, with the 1.95
and leg musculature. Act79B is essentially the only actin kb molecule being the most abundant. The transcripts for
transcript in developing legs, and undoubtedly encodes acf42A, act87E, and acf88F are 1.7 kb for each in length,
the major actin species in leg muscles. Both act88F and while those of acf57A and act79B are 1.75 kb and 1.6 kb,
act798 transcripts are present in the thorax, however, respectively. Actin transcripts of different molecular lengths
which is comprised of approximately 80 muscles (Law- have been observed in other organisms as well (Hunter
rence, 1982), including the large indirect flight muscles. It and Garrels, 1977; Kindle and Firtel, 1978; Ordahl et al.,
would be of interest to learn how these transcripts are 1980; Minty et al., 1981; Shani et al., 1981; Scheller et al.,
partitioned between the various muscle lineages of the 1981; Schwartz and Rothblum, 1981; and Crain et al.,
thorax; our present data do not allow resolution of this 1981). There is a general trend that within a particular
issue. In situ localization of transcripts will be required for species cytoplasmic actin transcripts are longer than those
definitive answers to these questions. A similar methodol- which encode actins of skeletal muscle. Our observations
ogy will be required to determine the specific role of acf57A for Drosophila are in only partial agreement.
and acf87E during larval development, and to assess the A final topic to consider is the selective value of the six
relative levels of the two cytoskeletal actin transcripts in Drosophila actin genes. We have shown that Drosophila
different kinds of nonmuscle cells. actin gene transcripts display three distinct patterns of
Our conclusion that acf57A encodes actin present in accumulation during development. Presumably, the re-
larval and adult muscle fibers is confirmed by considering spective actin genes are being transcribed in response to
available Drosophila actin isoform data. As shown in our rather different regulatory cues. AcfSC and act42A may
hybrid-selection experiments, acf57A encodes the most respond primarily to levels of mitogenic compounds. The
acidic Drosophila actin isoform, termed actin I. This isoform remaining four genes probably respond to regulatory mol-
is known to be the principal actin of both larval and adult ecules which are synthesized early during muscle cell
body wall musculature (Storti et al., 1978; Fyrberg and differentiation. It may be advantageous for metazoans to
Donady, 1979; Horovitch et al., 1979). These composite have several copies of genes that encode proteins synthe-
results clearly demonstrate the role of the acf57A gene sized in a variety of cell types, as are contractile proteins.
during larval development. It should be mentioned, how- Each related gene could then be regulated independently
ever, that a contrary result has been reported by Zulauf et and, presumably, more precisely. In this model the primary
al. (1981), who found an actin I isoform to be encoded by selective value of multiple actin genes would be to ensure
the act795 gene. These authors imply that acf79B en- more precise regulation of actin synthesis during metazoan
codes the major actin isoform of larval skeletal muscle. ontogeny. An alternative, and by no means exclusive,
While we can detect low levels of acf79B transcripts during hypothesis is that multigene families facilitate the accu-
larval development and growth, it is obvious that these mulation of particular amino acid replacements in the
transcripts could encode only a minor component of larval encoded protein isoforms, which concurrently become
skeletal muscle. The cause of the discrepancy between specialized for particular developmental roles. Further res-
our results and those of Zulauf et al. is unknown. From our olution of this issue will come only when individual actin
data, we estimate that more than 95% of act79B tran- protein isoforms can be tested in new in vivo contexts.
scripts which accumulate during Drosophila development Gene transplantation techniques have recently made such
are localized within muscles of the adult thorax and leg. experiments possible (Spradling and Rubin, 1982; Rubin
We therefore believe that act57A encodes the major actin and Spradling, 1982).
isoform of larval skeletal muscle, while act79B encodes a
major species of thoracic and leg muscle and possibly a
minor component of larval skeletal muscle. Drosophila Culture
None of the RNAs selected by specific probes encoded Synchronously developing cultures of the Canton~Special Drosophila strain
were prepared by placlng eggs on standard cornmeal-agar medium in
a major translation product having an isoelectric point of plastic boxes and incubating at 25°C. In some cases cultures were further
5.84, which is characteristic of actin Ill. A stable actin synchronized by floating puparla on water just prior to pupation.
isoform of this charge is found in adult thoracic muscle
Construction of Plasmids Containing Unique Regions of
(Horovitch et al., 1979; Mogami, Fujita, and Hotta, 1982), Drosophila Actin Genes
and we expected either (or both) acf79B and act88F to We have previously cloned the SIX Drosophila actin genes in pBR322 and
encode this isoform. However, when poly(A)+ RNA isolated characterized each in some detatl (Fyrberg et al., 1981). The region of each

gene which adjoins and Includes the 3’ untranslated regron of the comple- Hybridizations were performed at 42°C in 50% formamrde, 5x SSC, 5x
mentary messenger RNA was mapped in finer detail using restrictron Denhardt’s solution, 50 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.8), which contained
endonucleases, and partially sequenced using the technique of Maxam 40 rg/ml of denatured calf thymus DNA. Filters were washed 2 times at
and Gilbert (1980). Once identified, the appropriate restriction fragment room temperature and 3 times at 68°C in 2x SSC, 0.1% sodrum pyrophos-
was isolated from a preparative agarose gel by the technique of Tabak and phate, 0.1% SDS. To ensure that filters contained equimolar amounts of
Flavell(1978). Ends of the isolated fragments were made flush by incubation each DNA, a representative set was hybridized to nick-translated pBR322
with nucleotide triphosphates and the Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA DNA.
polymerase (Klenow and Henningsen, 1970) and molecular linkers contain-
ing the sequence cleaved by Hind Ill were added to the ends by blunt-end Synthesis of cDNA and Nick-Translated DNA Probes
ligatron. In several cases, fragments were cloned by using alternative Syntheses of “P-labeled cDNA probes using d(T) primers was performed
strategres. AcrBBF probe B was inserted drrectly into pBR322 which had by the technrque of Efstratiadis et al. (1975). Double-stranded DNA frag-
been cleaved with Ava I; act87E probe B was inserted into the Bgl II and ments were labeled using the technique of nick-translation (Schachat and
Eco RI sites of plasmid pKC7 (Rao and Rogers, 1979); and act57A was Hogness, 1973; Manratrs, Jeffrey, and Kleid, 1975).
cloned directly into the Cla I site of pBR322.
Chrmeric plasmids produced rn this fashion were used to transform E. Drosophila Permanent Cell Lines
coli strarn HB101 to ampicillin resistance. Plasmid DNA was prepared by K, cells (Echalier and Ohanessran, 1969), D’ cells (Schneider and Blumen-
centrifugation in ethidium bromide-cesium chlorrde gradients (Radloff, thal, 1978) and a cell lkne derived from Shibre’” embryos (A. Simcox and J.
Bauer, and Vinograd, 1968). H. Sang, personal communication) were used as sources of RNA. These
lanes were independently derived from embryos of particular genotypes by
Preparation of Poly(A)* RNA growing primary explants either in vitro or viva.
Poly(A)+ was prepared by either of two methodologies. RNA to be used
for blot-hybridization experiments was extracted using the technique of Acknowledgments
Chirgwin et al. (1979). as previously described (Fyrberg et al., 1980). RNA
to be used as template for cDNA synthesis was extracted using the SDS- We thank Drs. Charles Ordahl and Sara Tobin for communrcating results
phenol technique (Spradling and Mahowold, 1979). of therr actin gene studies prior to publication; Drs. Robert Dottin, Gerry
Drosophila trssues and body parts were dissected in the saline solution Rubrn, Allen Shearn and Allan Spradling for provrdrng technical advice and
descrrbed by Ephrussr and Beadle (1936). After dissection, they were laboratory reagents; and Dr. Amada Simcox for providing cultured Drop
transferred to buffer containing 0.5% w/v SDS and homogenized. sophila cells. We are grateful to Dr. S. Falkenthal for the tropomyosin gene
DNA, to Drs David Prrce and Carl Parker for the K, cell RNA, and to Drs.
RNA Electrophoresis and Blotting Harry Noller and Mary Alrce Raker for the clone of the E. co11 rrnB 16s +
The RNA electrophoresis and blotting protocol was a composite of an 235 rRNA operon. This work was supported by grants from the National
unpublrshed procedure of D. Goldberg and B. Seed, and Thomas (1980). lnstrtutes of Health and Muscular Dystrophy Association to E. A. F. and N.
RNAs to be separated were denatured by heating for 15 min at 65°C in an D. J. W. M. and B. J. B. were supported by NIH Predoctoral Training Grants.
electrophoresis buffer which contained 50% formamrde, 17% formalde- The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the
hyde. One mrcrogram/lane was loaded on 4 mm 1.5% agarose gels payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked
containing 2.2 M formaldehyde. Electrophoresis was performed for approx- “advertisement” In accordance with 18 USC. Section 1734 solely to
imately 600 volt-hr. The electrophoresis buffer consisted of 20 mM Na- rndrcate this fact.
MOPS (Sigma), 5 mM NaOAc, 1 mM EDTA.
After electrophoresrs the gel was soaked for 30 min In 50 mM NaOH, Received August 26, 1982; revrsed February 2, 1983
100 mM NaCI; neutralized for 40 mm in 100 mM Tris (pH 7.5); and blotted
to nitrocellulose in 20x SSC. After blotting for 12-24 hr, filters were air References
dried, then baked for 2 hr in a vacuum oven.
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