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Rheumatology 2002;41:1095–1100


Long-term complications of systemic lupus

C. Gordon
University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is still a disease whether they are due to effects of the disease itself,
with significant mortality. Although 5 yr after diagnosis the therapies used, or co-morbid disease (perhaps with
92% of patients are alive, the prognosis falls to 82% associated underlying disease mechanisms or linked
survival at 10 yr, 76% at 15 yr and only 68% at 20 yr genetic predisposition).

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in Toronto w1x. There has been improvement in sur-
vival, with the standardized mortality ratio in patients
recruited to the Toronto cohort in 1970–1977 being 10.1 Chronic damage
(95% CI 6.5–15.0), compared with 3.3 (95% CI 1.8–5.7)
Chronic damage in lupus patients is defined as non-
for those recruited between 1986 and 1994 w2x. Data
reversible change, present clinically, that has developed
from other centres in the USA and Europe has been
since the onset of lupus. The assessment of damage has
similar. Studies published around 1980 found that about been facilitated by the development of the Systemic
80% of patients survived 5 yr and about 60% of patients
Lupus International Co-operating Clinics and American
survived 10 yr. More recent studies have shown that
College of Rheumatology (SLICCuACR) damage index
5-yr survival is now nearer 90–95% and that 70–85% (DI) w7, 8x. This SLICCuACR DI covers 39 items that are
of patients survive 10 yr w3x. In most studies, patients
divided between 12 systems. It has been shown to have
with renal involvement have had a poorer prognosis
construct validity and reliability, and is distinct from
than those without renal disease. Nevertheless, survival
disease activity. However, the DI score increases more
has shown improvement in those with renal disease
in patients with active disease at two time points 5 yr
presenting to a UK centre between 1976 and 1986 (81%
apart, than it does in those with less active disease w7, 8x.
10-yr survival), compared with those presenting between
Renal or pulmonary damage within 1 yr of diagnosis
1963 and 1975 (56% 10-yr survival) w4x.
has been shown to predict patients at risk of dialysis
The commonest cause of death has been infection,
or death within 10 yr of diagnosis w9x. The increased risk
both in early and late deaths w1, 3x. Active SLE
of death in those with early damage (within 2 yr of
contributes to about a third of early deaths but less diagnosis) was also demonstrated in further studies from
commonly to late deaths. However, deaths related to
the SLICC group and the Toronto group w10, 11x.
acute and chronic vascular disease including sudden
About 40% of the Birmingham lupus cohort patients
death are more common in those dying more than 5 yr
have developed at least one item of damage. The most
after diagnosis. However, there is more to prognosis
often involved systems are musculoskeletal (15%
than just death. There is considerable morbidity asso-
patients), neuropsychiatric (11% patients) and cardio-
ciated with more prolonged survival after the diagnosis
vascular (9% patients). The least commonly affected
of SLE. Most physicians caring for lupus patients will
systems are malignancy (3% patients), diabetes mel-
be familiar with patients in whom active disease has
litus (3% patients) and premature gonadal failure (2%
resolved but the patients have suffered from symp-
patients) (unpublished observations). The remainder
toms related to the accumulation of chronic damage w5x. of this review will address just three of these long-term
Both active disease and damage can be associated with
complications of lupus: vascular disease (the major
impaired quality of life and reduced functional ability,
cause of neuropsychiatric and cardiovascular damage),
although other factors such as the psycho-social back- osteoporosis (potentially the most avoidable item of
ground of the patient will affect a patient’s perception of
musculoskeletal damage) and malignancy (an item of
their disease as well w6x. Having improved therapy for
damage of debatable association with lupus disease and
active lupus disease, the challenge is now to understand
its treatment).
and prevent the long-term complications of this disease,

Submitted 28 November 2001; revised version accepted 5 April Coronary artery disease in SLE patients
Correspondence to: C. Gordon, Department of Rheumatology, The commonest form of cardiovascular damage is
Division of Immunity and Infection, The Medical School, University coronary artery disease. Urowitz et al. w12x first drew
of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. attention to this when he reported a bimodal pattern of

1095 ß 2002 British Society for Rheumatology

1096 C. Gordon

mortality in SLE, with early deaths due to lupus and late are most likely to develop coronary artery disease.
deaths due to myocardial infarction in the Toronto Sustained hypercholesterolaemia is associated with
cohort. Subsequently, Petri et al. w13x reported that 30% cumulative steroid dose, absence of anti-malarial therapy
of the deaths in the Hopkins lupus cohort were due to and onset of lupus at greater than 35 yr old in the
coronary artery disease. In 1997, Manzi et al. w14x Toronto cohort w21x. In an attempt to identify sub-
showed that the relative risk for a myocardial infarction clinical disease, Manzi et al. w22x has studied the
in women with lupus aged 35–44 yr was 52.3 times the prevalence of carotid plaque in SLE patients. Out of
risk for women without lupus. Most surprisingly, two 175 women of whom 15% had had a previous arterial
thirds of all coronary events in this cohort were in event, 40% were found to have focal plaque on B mode
women under the age of 55 yr w14x. Recently, Bruce et al. ultrasound. Even in those under 35 yr, 19% had carotid
w15x confirmed a low age of onset of coronary artery plaque. Logistic regression analysis showed that the
disease in the Toronto cohort. They found that the mean presence of plaque was independently associated with a
age for myocardial infarction in the lupus patients was previous coronary event, prolonged steroid use, older
49 yr whereas the peak incidence in the local general age, higher systolic blood pressure readings and higher
population was in the group aged 65–74 yr w15x. LDL levels. A previous coronary event, older age and
However, there is some variation between cohorts. In high systolic blood pressure were associated with more
a recent review, Petri w16x discussed 13 studies showing severe plaque formation. Other methods of identifying

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that the prevalence of coronary artery disease in lupus sub-clinical disease include myocardial SPECT scans,
patients varied from 6 to 54% and the mortality from thallium myocardial scans and endothelial function by
this condition varied 3–45%. This is likely to reflect the brachial artery ultrasound. Studies using these modal-
different patient populations reported in these studies. ities have suggested that 20–40% of SLE patients have
In California, the risk of hospitalization of lupus pati- sub-clinical ischaemic heart disease. Methods more
ents aged 18–44 yr due to acute myocardial infarction, related to clinical disease such as exercise-induced
congestive cardiac failure and stroke is over seven times ischaemia and segmental wall movement by echocardio-
that of women without lupus in California w17, 18x. graphy showed only 4–12% of patients were abnormal
Unfortunately, this risk of premature vascular disease is w15, 16, 23, 24x.
still not widely appreciated. I am aware of casualty staff At the present time the focus of therapy should be to
in the UK who have sent home women with lupus and get optimal lupus disease control with the minimum
chest pain without full assessment, on the grounds that of steroids, through the judicious use of anti-malarial
they are too young to have ischaemic heart disease, agents and other immunosuppressive agents. Advice
when they were actually suffering from acute myocardial about not smoking, appropriate exercise, low choles-
infarction in their late 30s. This problem is not restricted terol diets, lipid lowering therapy, control of blood
to lupus patients in the UK however, as women with pressure and screening for diabetes mellitus should be
ischaemic heart disease without lupus have been turned reviewed regularly. The role of folate, B group vitamins
away from emergency rooms in the USA as well w19x. and anti-oxidants such as vitamins E and C remain
The above studies have shown that risk factors uncertain but worthy of further study.
for coronary artery disease in SLE include older age
at diagnosis, longer disease duration, longer steroid use Osteoporosis in SLE patients
(especially higher cumulative dose), hypercholesterol-
aemia, hypertension, post-menopausal status, obesity, Osteoporotic fractures are probably the most pre-
diabetes mellitus. In some studies additional risk factors ventable form of musculoskeletal damage. The most
include pericarditis, myocarditis, raised homocysteine comprehensive study was published by Ramsey-
levels, anti-phospholipid antibodies (lupus anticoagu- Goldman et al. w25x in 1999. They found that 86 (12%)
lant), male sex and renal insufficiency. However, there is of 702 women with lupus had suffered at least one
still something about lupus disease itself which seems to self-reported fracture since the onset of SLE. The stan-
confer the greatest risk for coronary artery disease and dardized morbidity ratio was 4.7 (3.8–5.8). Associations
the underlying cause for this remains uncertain. It is with time from lupus diagnosis to fracture are very
quite possible that the additional risk conferred by lupus reminiscent of the risk factors for cardiovascular
is related to specific effects of this inflammatory and disease: older age at diagnosis, longer disease duration,
immune complex mediated disease on blood vessels. But longer duration of steroid use, post-menopausal status
it is hard to disentangle effects of severe disease from the and, in this case, less use of oral contraceptives w26x.
effects of high dose steroids as the same patients are Furthermore, Ramsey-Goldman and Manzi w27x have
affected by both. recently shown an association between decreased bone
We have demonstrated significantly increased levels of mineral density (BMD) and both an increased carotid
total cholesterol and triglycerides, and increased small, plaque index and the presence of coronary artery
more atherogenic, LDL subfractions in SLE patients calcification in a pilot study of 65 women with lupus.
compared with controls. There is also a higher level of This supports the concept that inflammatory and
lipid hydroperoxides consistent with oxidative stress immune-mediated mechanisms involved in lupus may
in the SLE patients w20x. Bruce et al. w15x have shown also contribute to the development of atheroma and
that SLE patients with sustained increase in cholesterol osteoporosis.
Late complications of SLE 1097

Kipen et al. w28x studied 97 female lupus patients with are likely to require high-dose steroids for a prolonged
a mean age of 44.2 yr and found that there was low bone period despite the use of steroid sparing agents. They
mass (>1 S.D. below young adult mean) in the spine and should have completed their families or be con-
femoral neck in over 40% of the patients. There was sidered too unwell to be likely to become pregnant in
osteoporotic level BMD (>2.5 S.D. below the young the future (at least for several years) and they should
adult mean) in the spine of 13% of the patients and in be regularly counselled against becoming pregnant on
the femoral neck of 6% of the patients w28x. There was a bisphosphonates.
much clearer inverse relation between steroid use ever In post-menopausal women without renal impair-
and the spine BMD result than the femoral neck BMD. ment, bisphosphonates are often used as not all women
Even pre-menopausal lupus women have been found can tolerate or wish to try HRT. For many years it
to have reduced BMD. Sinigaglia et al. w29x studied 84 has been said that lupus improves after the meno-
pre-menopausal women (mean age 30.5 yr) and found pause and that HRT may exacerbate the disease or
that 22% were in the osteoporotic range in at least one prevent this improvement. Studies have shown that
site. Again there was a strong association with longer HRT can be used in post-menopausal women with
disease duration and higher steroid use, as well as lupus without increasing disease activity significantly
an association with higher SLICCuACR DI score and w33x. Nevertheless, many physicians (including myself)
low body mass index. Jardinet et al. w30x also found remain cautious about HRT in patients who have

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reduced BMD in the spine of pre-menopausal women had severe disease in the past, particularly if they
given daily doses of prednisolone of 7.5 mg or more in deteriorated on oestrogen-containing contraceptive pills
a longitudinal study. or in pregnancy, or have anti-phospholipid antibodies
In Birmingham we have studied 242 patients, median w34x. Oestrogen receptor modulators (for example
age 39.9 yr (range 18–80 yr) w31x. We found that 10% raloxifene) may be a useful alternative for patients
of our patients were osteoporotic and 41% were osteo- without pro-thrombotic tendencies. At present, unless
penic by BMD scanning. Fractures had occurred in patients with anti-phospholipid antibodies are on war-
9% of patients since the onset of lupus in the absence farin they should not be given HRT or oestrogen
of significant trauma; one in five of those who were receptor modulators due to the risk of thrombosis.
osteoporotic, one in seven of those who were osteopenic Calcitonin provides a useful therapy for patients with
and one in 22 of those with normal BMD at spine and recent fractures as it has some pain-killing properties.
femoral neck. As with Ramsey-Goldman et al.’s study Unfortunately, the intranasal preparation, which is the
w25x, we found that age was the strongest independent most convenient for patients, may be hard to obtain
predictor of fracture w31x. Ethnic group, steroid use compared with the subcutaneous form.
and disordered menstrual history were associated with
reduced BMD but not with fractures. Impaired mobility
was strongly associated with low BMD and fractures on
univariate analysis. Multiple logistic regression showed
Malignancy in SLE patients
that age was the best predictor of fractures with a The final topic for discussion, the risk of malignancy in
modified DI score (which excluded fractures as a SLE patients, is a less common problem than the issues
damage item) and osteoporotic BMD exerting less discussed above. But it is of considerable concern to
influence. Impaired mobility and menopausal status lupus patients and is a subject often raised by them or by
were not independent predictors of fractures in our other physicians. If lupus patients develop a cancer or
cohort w31x. lymphoma, oncologists often blame immunosuppressive
Genetic and environmental factors contribute to the therapy, even if the patient has only been exposed to the
determination of bone mass and the risk of fracture. The therapy for a few months. However, there is no data to
most relevant risk factors include oestrogen metabolismu support the concept that steroids or cytotoxic agents are
status, sun exposure, vitamin D polymorphismsulevels, predisposing factors for malignancy in SLE patients,
disease activity, levels of bone resorbing cytokines, although there is in rheumatoid arthritis w35x. In lupus
development of renal failure, steroid exposure, physical it is possible that disturbances in immune surveillance
activity and smoking history. To reduce the risk of are associated with the risk of developing malignancy,
fracture, keep steroid doses as low as possible while as it is a disease characterized by immune system dys-
controlling disease activity with the use of other immuno- function. Certainly, in Sjögren’s syndrome, which is
suppressive agents if necessary, encourage a good diet rarely treated with cytotoxic therapy, non-Hodgkin’s
with appropriate physical activity and strongly advise lymphoma is a well recognized complication w36x.
against smoking, as for the prevention of cardiovascular There have been a number of studies attempting to
disease. Pre-menopausal women should usually be given establish whether or not there is an increased risk of
high doses of vitamin D3 and calcium, as bisphospho- malignancy in SLE w37x. Eight cohort studies in which
nates are contraindicated in those planning pregnancy. the standardized incidence rate (SIR) or standardized
They are retained in the body for long periods even mortality rate (SMR) could be calculated are shown in
after therapy has ceased and, in animal studies, have Table 1 w37–44x. The SIR for malignancy in lupus
caused fetal abnormalities w32x. Thus, bisphosphonates patients is greater than 1.0 in all of these studies, but
should only be used in pre-menopausal women if they in only three studies are the SIRs 02.0 with 95%
1098 C. Gordon

TABLE 1. Standardized incidence rates for malignancies in SLE patients

Report No. of No. (%) of

Author type patients malignancies SIR (95% CI)

Pettersson et al. (1992) w38x Cohort 205 15 (7.3) 2.6 (1.5, 4.4)
Sweeney et al. (1995) w39x Cohort 412 20 (4.8) 1.4 (0.9, 2.2)
Abu-Shakra et al. (1996) w40x Cohort 724 24 (3.2) 1.1 (1.1, 1.6)
Mellemkjaer et al. (1997) w41x Cohort 1585 102 (6.4) 1.3 (1.1, 1.6)
Ramsey-Goldman et al. (1998) w42x Cohort 616 30 (4.9) 2.0 (1.4, 2.9)
Sultan et al. (2000) w43x Cohort 276 16 (5.8) 1.16 (0.55, 2.13)
Stahl-Hallengren et al. (2000) w44x Cohort 116 16 (13.8) SMR 1.52M,
SMR 1.12F
Nashi (2000) Cohort 312 22 (7.0) 2.4 (1.5, 3.7)

SIR, standardized incidence rate; SMR, standardized mortality rate.

confidence intervals >1.0 suggesting an increased risk of

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malignancy in SLE patients compared with controls.
Interestingly, these three studies used cancer registry The morbidity and mortality associated with SLE is
data, not just a review of medical notes and ques- still considerable despite improvements in initial immuno-
tionnaires. Overall, six studies have shown an increase suppressive therapy for active disease. There is still
in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, three have shown an much to learn about the long-term complications of
increase in lung carcinoma, one showed an increase in this disease and how best to manage lupus, without
breast cancer in Caucasian women only, one each have putting patients at risk of additional disease such as
shown an increase in ovarian, other female genital tract, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and possibly malignancy.
and hepatocellular cancer. Five studies have looked Patients require life-long follow-up by physicians aware
for a relationship to cytotoxic therapy and not found of the broad range of conditions that may ensue. The
any association. Not addressed in these studies, but lupus patients themselves need to understand why this
demonstrated separately, has been an increase in cervi- is important and their own role in modifying lifestyle
cal dysplasia, usually associated with viral infection factors that increase the risks of cardiovascular disease
and not necessarily related to previous cytotoxic therapy and osteoporosis in particular.
w45, 46x. It is important that women with lupus receive
regular cervical screening to ensure that they do not
develop cervical cancer. References
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