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Prepared By:

Richa Gupta
Piyush Jain
Dhiraj Gupta
The inner psychological characteristics that both determine
and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.


“Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual
of those psychological systems the determine his unique
adjustment to environment.”
 Personality reflects individual differences
 Personality is consistent and enduring
 Personality can change
 Freudian theory
 Unconscious needs or drives are at the heart of human
 Neo-Freudian personality theory
 Social relationships are fundamental to the formation
and development of personality
 Trait theory
 Quantitative approach to personality as a set of
psychological traits
 Id
 Warehouse of primitive or instinctual needs for which
individual seeks immediate satisfaction
 Superego
 Individual’s internal expression of society’s moral and
ethical codes of conduct
 Ego
 Individual’s conscious control that balances the
demands of the id and superego
Figure 5.2 A Representation of the
Interrelationships Among
the Id, Ego, and Superego
 Consumer researchers using Freud’s personality theory
see consumer purchases as a reflection and extension
of the consumer’s own personality
 We seek goals to overcome feelings of inferiority
 We continually attempt to establish relationships
with others to reduce tensions
 Karen Horney was interested in child-parent
relationships and desires to conquer feelings of
anxiety. Proposed three personality groups
 Compliant move toward others, they desire to be loved,
wanted, and appreciated
 Aggressive move against others
 Detached move away from others
 Personality theory with a focus on psychological
 Trait - any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in
which one individual differs from another
 Personality is linked to how consumers make their
choices or to consumption of a broad product category
- not a specific brand
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
 Innovativeness  The degree to which
 Dogmatism consumers are receptive
 Social character
to new products, new
services, or new
 Need for uniqueness
 Optimum stimulation
 Variety-novelty seeking
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
 Innovativeness  A personality trait that
 Dogmatism reflects the degree of
 Social character
rigidity a person displays
toward the unfamiliar and
 Need for uniqueness
toward information that is
 Optimum stimulation contrary to his or her own
level established beliefs
 Variety-novelty seeking
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
 Innovativeness  Ranges on a continuum for
 Dogmatism inner-directedness to other-
 Social character
 Inner-directedness
 Need for uniqueness
 rely on own values when
 Optimum stimulation level evaluating products
 Variety-novelty seeking  Innovators
 Other-directedness
 look to others
 less likely to be innovators
Consumer Innovators
And Noninnovators
 Innovativeness
 Dogmatism  Consumers who avoid
 Social character appearing to conform to
expectations or
 Need for uniqueness
standards of others
 Optimum stimulation
 Variety-novelty seeking
Brand Personality has been described as a set of
human characteristics that consumer associate
with a brand. It has following importance:
Enriches understanding
Contributes to differentiating Identity
Creates Brand Equity
A Brand Personality Framework
Patrick Jordan defined product personality as
"the set of human personality characteristics used
describe a specific product”
 Gender
 Often used for brand personalities
 Some product perceived as masculine (coffee and toothpaste)
while others as feminine (bath soap and shampoo)
 Geography
 Actual locations like Philadelphia cream cheese and Arizona
iced tea
 Fictitious names also used such as Hidden Valley
 Color
 Color combinations in packaging and products denotes
The Personality-like Associations of Colors
• America’s favored color
• IBM holds the title to blue
• Associated with club soda
• Men seek products packaged in blue
BLUE Commands • Houses painted blue are avoided
• Low-calorie, skim milk
respect, authority • Coffee in a blue can perceived as “mild”

Caution, novelty, • Eyes register it faster

• Coffee in yellow can perceived as “weak”
temporary, • Stops traffic
warmth • Sells a house

Secure, natural, • Good work environment

• Associated with vegetables and chewing gum
relaxed or easy- • Canada Dry ginger ale sales increased when it
GREEN going, living changed sugar-free package from red to green and
things white
Human, exciting, •Makes food “smell” better
hot, passionate, •Coffee in a red can perceived as “rich”
RED strong •Women have a preference for bluish red
•Men have a preference for yellowish red
•Coca-Cola “owns” red

Powerful, •Draws attention quickly
affordable, informal
Informal and •Coffee in a dark-brown can was “too
relaxed, masculine, strong”
Goodness, purity, •Men seekreduced
•Suggests productscalories
packaged in brown
chastity, cleanliness, •Pure and wholesome food
delicacy, •Clean, bath products, feminine
Sophistication, •Powerful clothing
BLACK power, authority, •High-tech electronics
SILVER, Regal, wealthy, Copyright•Suggests premium price
2007 by Prentice Hall
GOLD stately
 Consumers have a variety of enduring images of
 These images are associated with personality in that
individuals consumption relates to self-image
This product
appeals to a
man’s self-
Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image
 One or multiple  A single consumer will act
selves differently in different
 Makeup of the self-
situations or with different
image people
 We have a variety of social
 Extended self
 Altering the self-  Marketers can target
image products to a particular
Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image
 One or multiple selves  Contains traits, skills, habits,
possessions, relationships and
 Makeup of the self -
image way of behavior
 Developed through background,
 Extended self
experience,and interaction with
 Altering the self- others
image  Consumers select products
congruent with this image
Actual Self-
Ideal Self-Image

Ideal Social
Social Self-Image

Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image
 One or multiple  Possessions can extend self in
selves a number of ways:
 Actually
 Makeup of the self-
 Symbolically
image  Conferring status or rank
 Extended self  Bestowing feelings of
 Altering the self- immortality
image  Endowing with magical
Issues Related to
Self and Self-Image
 One or multiple  Consumers use self-altering
selves products to express
 Makeup of the self-
individualism by
 Creating new self
 Maintaining the existing
 Extended self self
 Altering the self -  Extending the self
image  Conforming
 Physical Vanity  Achievement Vanity

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