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A simplified procedure to estimate the shear

strength envelope of unsaturated soils
Orencio Monje Vilar

Abstract: Procedures that allow the prediction of some properties of unsaturated soils or the minimization of the num-
ber of tests needed to measure them are advantageous because the control of suction during testing is a formidable task
that is time consuming and involves a great degree of expertise. A simplified procedure is proposed in this paper to es-
timate the shear strength of an unsaturated soil. The procedure is based on an empirical hyperbolic function that has
been successfully used to fit experimental data. The function requires two input values, namely the shear strength of a
saturated sample and the shear strength of an air-dried sample tested without the need for suction control. Samples
tested under a controlled suction larger than the maximum suction expected in the problem can, alternatively, replace
the air-dried samples. Both alternatives were tested against results for various soils reported in the literature. The good
agreement between the estimates and the experimental data indicates that the proposed procedure is promising and reli-
able for estimating preliminary unsaturated shear strength parameters.
Key words: unsaturated soil, suction, shear strength, prediction, laboratory tests.
Résumé : Les procédures qui permettent de prédire des propriétés de sols non saturés ou de minimiser le nombre
d’essais requis pour les mesurer sont avantageuses parce que le contrôle de la succion durant les essais représente une
tâche importante qui prend du temps et implique un haut niveau d’expertise. Dans cet article, on propose une procé-
dure simplifiée pour estimer la résistance au cisaillement d’un sol non saturé. La procédure est basée sur une fonction
hyperbolique empirique qui a été utilisée avec succès pour lisser des données expérimentales. La fonction requiert deux
valeurs d’entrée : la résistance au cisaillement d’un échantillon saturé et celle d’un échantillon séché à l’air et testé
sans besoin de contrôler la succion. Les échantillons testés sous une succion contrôlée plus grande que la succion
maximale escomptée dans le problème peut alternativement remplacer les échantillons séchés à l’air. Les deux options
ont été testées et comparées aux résultats pour divers sols mentionnés dans la littérature. La bonne concordance entre
les estimations et les données expérimentales indiquent que la procédure proposée est prometteuse et fiable pour
l’estimation préliminaire des paramètres de résistance au cisaillement non saturée.
Mots clés : sol non saturé, succion, résistance au cisaillement, prédiction, essais de laboratoire.
[Traduit par la Rédaction] Vilar 1095

Introduction 2002). The methods of estimating the shear strength of un-

saturated soils have usually been based on the effective
The experimental techniques to characterize unsaturated shear strength parameters for saturated soils and on the soil
soils in the laboratory are time consuming and complex and water characteristic curve (SWCC). However, Khalili and
require specialized expertise. It is not surprising therefore Khabbaz (1998) determined the shear strength using the ef-
that there has been a significant research effort directed to- fective stress parameters of saturated soils and only a sin-
wards the development of methods to predict the basic soil gle stress variable, and Rassam and Cook (2002) used
properties, such as the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity information from a saturated sample, the SWCC, and the
(van Genutchen 1980, among others) and shear strength test results from an unsaturated specimen at the residual
(Fredlund et al. 1996; Vanapalli et al. 1996; Oberg and water content.
Salfors 1997; Khalili and Khabbaz 1998; Rassam and Cook
A simplified procedure is proposed in this paper to esti-
mate the shear strength of unsaturated soils. This procedure
Received 14 February 2005. Accepted 21 April 2006. takes advantage of an empirical equation that has been suc-
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at cessfully used to fit experimental data relating the shear
http://cgj.nrc.ca on 18 October 2006. strength to suction and uses data from saturated and air-dried
O.M. Vilar. University of São Paulo, 1465 Av. Dr. Carlos samples or, alternatively, from samples tested at a known
Botelho, 13560-250 São Carlos SP, Brazil (e-mail: suction that is larger than the maximum expected suction in
orencio@sc.usp.br). the problem under analysis.

Can. Geotech. J. 43: 1088–1095 (2006) doi:10.1139/T06-055 © 2006 NRC Canada

Vilar 1089

Fundamentals The air-entry value is related to a matric suction above

which air recedes into the soil pores. It defines, then, the
The interpretation of the shear strength test results of un- transition between saturated and unsaturated states, since the
saturated soils is usually performed considering the equation soil is considered saturated for matric suctions lower than
proposed by Fredlund et al. (1978). This equation is based the air-entry value. It can be shown from eq. [1] that in the
on stress state variables, namely the net normal stress (σ – saturated state φb = φ′. The air-entry value depends on many
ua) and the matric suction (ua – uw), where σ is the total aspects, such as the void ratio and confining stress, and it is
stress, ua is the pore-air pressure, and uw is the pore-water not a straightforward parameter to evaluate, particularly for
pressure. The Fredlund et al. approach can be expressed as plastic soils. These features are considered in the model, as-
follows: suming that the slope of the relationship between c and ψ
(eq. [2]), as ψ approaches zero, is tan φ′, that is,
[1] τ = c′ + (ua − uw) tan φb + (σ − ua ) tan φ′
dc 1
where τ is the shear strength of the unsaturated soil, c′ is the [3] = = tan φ′
dψ a
effective cohesion intercept, φ′ is the effective angle of inter- ψ →0
nal friction of the saturated soil, and φb is the angle of inter-
nal friction with respect to matric suction. The condition represented by the residual water content or
The model considers that an increase in matric suction residual degree of saturation has been described in a number
contributes to an increase in shear strength by increasing co- of ways. Usually it is accepted as being the water content at
hesion. Ho and Fredlund (1982) have presented experimental which drainage ceases and beyond which water moves pri-
techniques and a method of interpretation of test results to marily in vapor form. The residual water content for sand
obtain the parameter φb. It has been shown, however, that the and silty soils is well defined and occurs at relatively low
influence of suction on shear strength is not linear as pre- values of suction. For clayey soils, the residual condition
sented in many datasets reported in the literature (Satija may be difficult to define, especially for highly plastic clays.
1978 as cited in Fredlund et al. 1988; Escario and Saez Usually the asymptote of the SWCC, for low values of satu-
1986; Röhm and Vilar 1995). Although not strictly valid for ration, is assumed as the point determining the residual wa-
the entire range of suction, the Fredlund et al. (1978) model ter content. It is common in soil science to associate this
is an interesting approach for its simplicity and usefulness to state with the wilting point of plants, which is often taken to
deal with limited ranges of soil suction, where the influence be 1500 kPa (van Genutchen 1980).
of suction on shear strength can be considered linear. Alter- Considering the typical conditions at the residual water
native ways of dealing with the nonlinearity of the shear content, it is reasonable to expect that in a specimen under
strength envelope for practical purposes have been suggested these conditions the variation in matric suction during shear-
by Fredlund and Rahardjo (1993), and the prediction of non- ing will not produce any significant change in mechanical
linear envelopes is embodied in the previous models of properties, such as the shear strength. In fact, many test re-
Fredlund et al. (1996) and Vanapalli et al. (1996). sults show an increase in shear strength with an increase in
Since 1992, the author has been successfully using an em- suction up to a maximum, and thereafter the shear strength
pirical hyperbolic equation to represent the influence of remains almost constant as suction is increased (Escario
matric suction on the unsaturated shear strength of some 1988; de Campos and Carrillo 1995; Machado and Vilar
Brazilian soils (Röhm and Vilar 1995; Teixeira and Vilar 1998). Some particular soils, however, have shown that shear
1997; Machado and Vilar 1998). This form of equation was strength drops off to a lower value for low confining pres-
also successfully used by Miao et al. (2001) to fit their ex- sures (Gan and Fredlund 1996). Considering the experimen-
perimental results. The following mathematical expression is tal errors inevitably present and for the sake of simplicity, it
used: is assumed that shear strength reaches an ultimate value at
the residual moisture content in both cases. Therefore, as ψ
[2] c = c′ + ψ /(a + bψ) approaches infinity, it is assumed that the shear strength ap-
proaches an ultimate value, cult or τult, depending on how
where c is the cohesion intercept, ψ is the soil suction, and a shear strength is represented. Thus, the following equations
and b are curve-fitting parameters. can be written:
The soil parameters a and b can be obtained from best-fit
[4] lim c = cult = c′ + 1/ b
analysis or carefully chosen to reproduce experimental data. ψ →∞
Considering that eq. [2] has provided results that closely or
matched the experimental data of many soils, it is consid-
ered as the basis of the new procedure to estimate the unsat- [5] b = 1/(cult − c′ )
urated shear strength of soils. Thus, if the effective shear strength parameters at saturation
and the ultimate shear strength at the residual moisture con-
Proposed procedure tent are measured, both parameters a and b can be obtained
and the unsaturated shear strength can then be predicted based
The air-entry value and the saturation degree or water on the assumption that the relationship between suction and
content associated with the residual suction are two notable shear strength follows the general form of eq. [2].
points of the SWCC and are used to qualitatively substanti- Since the procedure can be implemented considering only
ate the hypothesis of the proposed procedure. the ultimate value of cohesion (through eq. [5]) without ref-

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1090 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 43, 2006

Table 1. Characteristics of the soils tested by Futai (2002), Reis (2004), and Escario (1988).
Soila Soil type φ′ (°) c′ (kPa) cult (kPa) a b R2 Remarksb
1 Sandy clay 27.3 17.0 125.0 1.940 0.0093 0.99 wL = 57%; PI = 29%; γ = 15 kN/m3;
(undisturbed) w = 30%; e = 1.1–1.2; triaxial CD
tests of Futai (2002)
2 Sandy silt 26.4 33.5 77.5 2.016 0.0227 0.99 wL = 42%; PI = 19%; γ = 17 kN/m3;
(undisturbed) w = 25%; e = 0.8–0.9; triaxial CD
tests of Futai (2002)
3 Silty sand 28.0 24.0 115 1.88 0.011 0.98 wL = 38%; PI = 15%; γ = 18 kN/m3;
(undisturbed) w = 17.5%; e = 0.75; triaxial CD tests
of Reis (2004)
4 Madrid gray clay 25.20 170 580 2.126 0.0024 0.98 LL = 71%; PI = 35%; standard Proctor
(statically γdmax = 13.3 kN/m3; wopt = 33.7%; for
compacted) molded specimens, γ = 13.3 kN/m3
and w = 29%; CD direct shear tests
of Escario (1988)
5 Guadalix de la 32.50 93 650 1.570 0.0180 0.98 LL = 33%; PI = 14%; standard Proctor
Sierra red clay γdmax = 18 kN/m3; wopt = 17%; for
(statically molded specimens, γ = 18 kN/m3 and
compacted) w = 13.6%; CD direct shear tests of
Escario (1988)
Soil numbers as given in Figs. 1–3.
e, void ratio; LL, liquid limit; PI, plasticity index; R2, coefficient of determination; wL, liquid limit; wopt, optimum moisture content; γ, unit weight;

γ dmax, maximum dry unit weight.

Fig. 1. Shear strength envelopes and experimental and predicted shear strength considering results of tests with air-dried samples (data
from Futai 2002).

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Fig. 2. Shear strength envelopes and experimental and predicted Fig. 3. Experimental and predicted shear strength envelopes con-
variation of shear strength considering results of tests with air- sidering one set of tests with dry samples: (a) Madrid gray clay;
dried samples (data from Reis 2004). (b) Guadalix red clay (data from Escario 1988).

erence to associated matric suction, it is proposed that test-

ing of air-dried specimens could be used to establish this The same procedure was applied to the data of Reis
value of cohesion. Therefore, a simplified testing procedure (2004). Figure 2a presents the shear strength envelopes un-
could be followed, performing, for instance, constant mois- der different values of suction and shows an increase of the
ture tests drained to the air to approach the usual condition cohesion intercept as expected and no variation of the angle
of drained tests and avoiding the complex procedures to per- of internal friction with suction. The calculated shear
form a test with suction control. strength envelope considering the ultimate strength is shown
The data from Futai (2002) and Reis (2004) can be used in Fig. 2b. It can be seen that after a good agreement be-
to check the proposed approach. These authors performed tween experimental and calculated data for the lower suction
suction-controlled consolidated drained (CD) tests and con- values, the calculated values become lower than the experi-
stant water content (CW) tests with air-dried samples of mental values for higher suction values. The deviation
soils whose characteristics are summarized in Table 1. reaches a maximum of about 20%, and the prediction
Figures 1a and 1b show the shear strength envelopes for showed conservative values that are interesting for prelimi-
the samples tested by Futai (2002). The sample in Fig. 1a nary studies.
corresponds to sandy clay, and that in Fig. 1b to sandy silt. Another comparison can be obtained using the data of
One can see that the angle of internal friction varies with Escario (1988), who performed suction-controlled tests for
suction and that the cohesion intercept increases with an in- large values of suction. Escario presented results of direct
crease in suction. For the air-dried samples, the sandy clay shear tests on Madrid gray clay and Guadalix red clay taken
presented a cohesion intercept of 125.0 kPa, and the sandy to 15 000 and 8000 kPa of suction, respectively. These large
silt a cohesion intercept of 77.5 kPa. To calculate the shear values of suction are probably beyond the residual suction of
strength envelope, the cohesion intercepts were directly these soils and thus allow the proposed procedure to be ap-
taken from the envelopes without any consideration of the plied. The data for the soils tested by Escario are summa-
variation of the angle of internal friction with suction. rized in Table 1, together with parameters for the proposed
Taking the cohesion intercept of the air-dried soil and calcu- model. Figure 3 shows that the equation matches the experi-
lating b using eq. [5], the predicting envelope fits the experi- mental data and confirms the validity of the proposed proce-
mental results fairly well, as shown in Figs. 1c and 1d. dure.

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Table 2. Properties and characteristics of some unsaturated soils.

Soila Soil type φ′ (°) c′ (kPa) ψ b (kPa)b Remarksc
6 Sandy clay (compacted) 30 30 LL = 33%; PI = 10%; γ = 16 kN/m3; w =
15.5%; triaxial CD tests of Teixeira and
Vilar (1997)
7 Copper tailing dam 38.7–40.1 9.2 Sand (SM); γd = 18.4 kN/m3; nonplastic; w =
(compacted) 13%; CD and CW tests of Drumright and
Nelson (1995)
8 Expansive clayey silt 21.2 35 wL = 48%; PI = 25%; γd = 15 kN/m3; w =
(statically compacted) 17%; Miao et al. (2001)
9 Clayey silt (statically 29 7.8 PI = 23%; γ = 14.8 kN/m3; w = 22.2%
compacted) (Dhanauri clay); ψ b ≈ 40 kPa; Satija (1978,
as cited in Fredlund et al. 1988)
10 Glacial till (compacted 25.5 44.4 LL = 36%; PI = 19%; γdmax = 18 kN/m3;
clayey sandy silt) wopt = 16%; e = 0.51–0.77; multistage direct
shear tests; ψ b ≈ 70 kPa; Gan et al. (1988)
11 Glacial till (compacted)
σ – ua = 25 kPa 23 4–15 20 LL = 35.5%; PI = 18.7%; standard Proctor
γdmax = 18.8 kN/m3; wopt = 16.3%; speci-
mens with γd = 17.3 kN/m3; w = 13%; CD
direct shear tests of Vanapalli et al. (1996)
σ – ua = 100 kPa 23 4–15 30 LL = 35.5%; PI = 18.7%; standard Proctor
γdmax = 18.8 kN/m3; wopt = 16.3%; speci-
mens with γd = 17.3 kN/m3; w = 13%; CD
direct shear tests of Vanapalli et al. (1996)
σ – ua = 200 kPa 23 4–15 45 LL = 35.5%; PI = 18.7%; standard Proctor
γdmax = 18.8 kN/m3; wopt = 16.3%; speci-
mens with γd = 17.3 kN/m3; w = 13%; CD
direct shear tests of Vanapalli et al. (1996)
12 Decomposed fine ash tuff 40 0 Multistage CD direct shear; samples US-5 and
(silty coarse sand) US-3 of Gan and Fredlund (1996)
Soil numbers as given in Fig. 4.
Air-entry value.
CD, consolidated–drained; CW, constant water content; w, moisture content; γ d, dry unit weight.

Most test results presented in the literature are from soils the proposed method make this procedure a practical and re-
that were tested under some limited values of soil suction at liable method of estimating the shear strength of unsaturated
which shear strength is increasing. Consequently, it is proba- soils. The simplicity of the procedure lies in the fact that it
ble that the ultimate shear strength was not reached. This requires only one set of tests on air-dried samples or at a
feature can be considered by changing the way parameter b known suction, together with the saturated effective shear
is determined. As the point corresponding to the maximum strength parameters.
test suction belongs to the curve that represents the shear Some peculiarities of the method rest with the equation
strength envelope, defining the maximum measured cohe- used to describe the influence of matric suction on unsatu-
sion cm (or τm , the maximum shear strength) at the maxi- rated shear strength. As shown, the proposed method does
mum value of matric suction, ψm, it can be shown that not take into account the air-entry value or any other quanti-
tative data from the SWCC, and thus it is different from
[6] b = 1/(cm − c′ ) − 1/(ψ m tan φ′ )
other methods such as those of Vanapalli et al. (1996) and
The use of eqs. [2], [3], and [6] is illustrated considering Fredlund et al. (1996).
the data shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows some additional The method of Fredlund et al. (1996) yields a linear rela-
data for soils listed in Table 2 together with the derived soil tionship between shear strength and suction up to the air-entry
parameters obtained and the coefficients of determination value. In eq. [2], as long as the product of the parameter b and
(R2) for the experimental and predicted data. matric suction is negligible when compared with a, the rela-
Figure 4 shows a comparison between the predicted and tionship is almost linear and represented by
experimental results. As can be seen, there is good agree-
ment, with R2 values greater than 0.95 for most of the data [7] c = c′ + ψ tan φ′
Under this circumstance, the contribution of matric suc-
Discussion tion to shear strength is equivalent to the contribution of net
normal stress, as must be expected in a saturated soil. Evalu-
The good agreements obtained between the calculated and ation of whether the proposed model yields such a linear re-
measured values and the simplicity of the two alternatives of lationship up to the air-entry value of the soil could not be
© 2006 NRC Canada
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Table 3. Parameters used to validate the alternative procedure of calculating unsaturated shear strength.
Input parameters Output parameters
Soil a
φ′ (°) c′ (kPa) cm (kPa) ψ m (kPa) a b R2
6 30.0 30.0 103.8 200 1.733 0.0049 0.97
7 38.7–40.1 9.2 62.0 150 1.218 0.0108 0.99
8 21.2 35.0 92.3 200 2.579 0.0045 0.99
9 29.0 7.8 104b 394 1.805 0.0058 0.96
10 25.5 44.4 173b 498 2.098 0.0035 0.94
σ – ua = 25 kPa 23.0 10.0 73.0 500 2.356 0.0112 0.97
σ – ua = 100 kPa 23.0 38.0 113.0 500 2.356 0.0086 0.99
σ – ua = 200 kPa 23.0 84.0 164.0 500 2.356 0.0078 0.90
σ – ua = 100 kPa 40.0 150.0 183.7 307 1.193 0.0258 0.94
σ – ua = 20 kPa 40.0 53.0 68.0 330 1.193 0.0630 0.83
Soil numbers as given in Fig. 4.
Average value near the maximum suction.
c′ and cm are the whole shear strength (cohesion intercept plus friction component).

Fig. 4. Experimental and predicted shear strength of soils from Table 1, considering the effective shear strength parameters of saturated
soil and the shear strength at the largest suction used in the tests.

completely assessed because information about the SWCC is 70 kPa for soil number 9, whose air-entry value is 70 kPa.
unavailable for many of the soils listed in Table 2. In Fig. 4b More precise evaluation of the air-entry value is available
a linear relationship is observed up to 15 kPa of suction for for soil number 11 (Fig. 4c). For the samples tested under
soil number 10, which presents an air-entry value of about 25 kPa of net normal stress, the air-entry value was 20 kPa,
40 kPa. Also in Fig. 4b, the linear relationship holds up to and for 100 and 200 kPa of net normal stress, the air-entry
© 2006 NRC Canada
1094 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 43, 2006

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